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C’est pour nous deux, Pt. 3

Author - Aquila
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C’est pour nous deux, la lune qui danse

By Aquila

Part Three

(Loose translation of the title: It is for we two, the moon dances.
Note on title: Two lines from Se Ręver, full lyrics can be found at www.brunopelletier.com – once there, click on discographie.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the obsessive/compulsive behaviour.
Summary: A sequel to No More Blackened Catfish or Pecan Pie


“Doc, please tell me you have found a cure for what ever is ailin’ us?”

Three days had passed since the incident in his quarters, three very long days. Hayes and T’Pol had kept their word. Tucker had helped by assigning the two of them to decipher the data collected on the away mission. They collaborated using the Intranet. Trip would not allow them to meet face to face.

Trip suspected that in addition to discussions about their assignment they traded notes of an intimate nature. They were not the only amorous couple corresponding. Mayweather and his MACO sweetheart kept a continuous dialogue going. Tucker ignored the ship wide infractions. It was less harmful than the alternative, which would have led to chaos.

“How are ya feelin’, Captain?” Trip acknowledged the form stretched on the bio bed.

“I’m waiting for Phlox to tell me, Trip.”

The two men, each with his own thoughts, waited patiently for the results of Phlox’s test.

The impossible smile that stretched from ear to ear caused Tucker to jump in victory. Archer propelled himself off the bed to the nearest comm. unit.

“All hands,” he began, “This is the captain. Dr. Phlox has succeeded in producing an effective serum.”

Faint cheers could be heard from guards stationed at the entrance to sick bay.

“I am relieving Commander Tucker of command. It will take the doctor a few hours to manufacture enough serum to inoculate the entire crew. Please be patient for a little while longer. All orders issued by Commander Tucker while he was acting captain remain in force for another twenty-four hours.”

Archer dropped his head for a moment as he composed his next remark.

“Commander Tucker has told me of that he could not have done his job without the cooperation and effort of everyone on Enterprise. He has asked that I insert a commendation in your personnel files. I am proud to grant his request.”

Trip was speechless. He had mentioned the idea in passing two days before, when Archer needed reassurance that his crew was weathering the current crisis. He did not expect him to remember or act so quickly on the recommendation.

“Finally, all personnel who have manned their stations with such diligence will be given 48 hours of leave as soon as the Doctor assures me that you are no longer feeling the effects of the Expanse. However, there is one exception.”

Archer turned to face Trip, “I am ordering Commander Tucker confined to his quarters for the next 48 hours for a well earned rest. I thank him for his diligence, dedication and imagination, without his leadership, the consequences of the current crisis would have been far greater.”

“Thanks, Captain,” Trip was touched, “May I make one more suggestion, before I carry our your order?”

“Of course.”

“When the serum is ready, please give the first doses to Hayes and his crew, followed by Malcolm and his.” He refrained from explaining the reason behind his request.

Phlox’s wink could be seen only by the Chief Engineer.

“If you think that’s best, Trip.”


Archer walked Trip to his quarters. “I’m going to check on T’Pol.”

Trip regarded his superior for a long minute. “Be wary, Captain, she has experienced the greatest effect.”

“Should I continue to confine her?” Archer restrained Trip for a moment longer.

“Ask her. Then follow her recommendation. She has had trouble maintaining control, but she is aware that her behaviour has been…erratic.”

Archer released Trip’s arm. The engineer entered his access code and disappeared inside.


Archer stopped breathing at the sight of his second in command. He could not identify the change, but he was certain there had been. She had changed her hair and style of clothing before they had identified the problem, eliminating two possible variables. He took the direct approach as soon as he could breathe again.

“I have never seen you so,” he searched for an inoffensive adjective,”…blooming, T’Pol.”

She had met him at the door, when he requested permission to enter.

“Thank you, Captain,” she stepped aside to let him in, “I am pleased that Dr. Phlox was able to affect your recovery.”

“Are you really?” He regretted his question immediately. Her uncharacteristically open expression closed immediately.

“T’Pol, please don’t…” he held up his arms, “See no tricks up my sleeves.” He pulled on the left cuff with the right hand then reversed the procedure. “I got the message the last time we spoke about our personal dynamics.”

“But your feelings have not changed?” She gestured for him to sit.

“No, T’Pol, my feelings have not changed,” he decided to set caution aside, “And I don’t expect they will for a very long time.”

“If I my interests lay elsewhere how would that affect our working relationship?” There were positive aspects of the reduced inhibitions, she decided.

“In your scenario, would this interest be toward someone on Enterprise?” He held up his hand to stop her from answering. “And would it be open?”

“I would think an interest that was directed toward someone off ship would be of little consequence to our relationship.”

That answered his first question. She was interested in someone on board. “Would you want the relationship acknowledged?”

“By your question I take it that if I were discreet in my interest you would choose to look the other way?” She waited for his nod, not knowing if it would be negative or positive.

“I suppose that is true, but that still doesn’t answer my question.” He hoped that his heartache did not show on his face.

“I would prefer an open relationship.” She moved to sit beside her Captain. “Since we are speaking hypothetically, I do not know what the object of my interest would want.”

Hypothetically my ass thought Archer. Someone on this ship had captured the Vulcan’s interest.

“Have you considered the possibility that when Phlox has devised a serum for you that your interest might disappear?” He could hope.

“You are right to caution me. Yes I have considered the possibility.” She turned to him. “It is just that possibility that keeps me from acting on my interest.”

“Am I going to have chain of command issues?” He was pleased that he had found a way in which to ask who it was without doing so directly.

“Perhaps,” was her unexpected reply.

“What aren’t you telling me, T’Pol?”

“Captain, I give you my word that if there is anything to tell, I will.”

Archer hoped that would never happen.


He awoke with a start, unaware of the time or his location. The disorientation that he currently experienced was similar to that which he experienced in the aftermath of an away mission. A quick glanced reassured him that he was in his quarters not sickbay.

Another glance at his chronometer told him it was 01:00. That opened the floodgate of his memory. He had been asleep for more than 12 hours. He put his hand to his jugular where Phlox had shot him with a hypo spray of serum.

He put his head back on the pillow and sifted through his feelings. The primal urge to possess T’Pol was gone, replaced by something he could not identify. He went through the baggage left strewn about in his brain as a result of the crisis. I do not want the fourth pip. He took comfort in the certainty. I am proud of the people with whom I serve. He felt a warm glow. Should I intervene in Travis’ infatuation? No, just let him know I am here if he needs some advice.

The grunt erupted unbidden. Who the hell am I to give the boy relationship advice? If failed relationships qualified ya for admiral stripes, I would have earned mine years ago. Bein’ in love with T’Pol….

He sat up. Panic making his heart race. Where did that insane idea come from? Maybe the serum has worn off? It’s too late to ask the Doc for another dose. I’ll ask him to make a house call tomorrow mornin’.

His stomach growled loudly. “Down boy. I know I’ve been neglecting ya.”

He moved to the comm. unit and paged the kitchen.

“Yes Commander?”

“I’m sorry to interrupt so late, but…”

“Think nothing of it,” said the Chef, “Would you like some roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, baked potatoes, vegetables, a pot of coffee and a carafe of wine?”

“Ya read ma mind.” Trip slumped against the bulkhead, his mouth salivating.

“I’ll have a steward deliver it your quarters shortly, Commander.”


Trip answered the door.

“Your order, Commander.”

The steward placed a tray, laden with covered plates and two carafes in his waiting arms.

“Thank you, Jones.” The steward turned to leave, revealing T’Pol standing in the doorway to her quarters.

Trip poked his head out into the corridor. Hayes back was disappearing into the elevator.

“Your visitor stayed late tonight.” He kept his tone neutral.

“I believe I owe you my thanks.” T’Pol walked across to him. “The Captain has lifted the confinement. He said it was at your recommendation.”

Trip grinned, “Not exactly, but I’ll take the credit.”

An awkward pause threatened to dissipate the easy camaraderie.

“Would you like to come in? You could sip some of ma wine, while I finish my dinner, then we could play a game of Go.” He was certain now that the serum was wearing off.

“That would be a welcome diversion,” she said stepping forward, forcing him to step backward to let her pass.

End of Part Three

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One person has made comments

Oh, my! I'm enjoying this very much. I love mysteries, and can't wait to discover what is really going on with Trip and T'Pol. Was it all the expanse? Of course, I hope not. Keep going!