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Author - Evalyn A. | Genre - Finale Fix Challenge | Genre - Humor | P | Rating - G
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FIX the FINALE Challenge


By Evalyn A

Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not making a dime off of this, they belong to Paramount, they don’t belong to me, although finally they’re starting to act as if they did.
Genre: Finale Fix Fic., humor


Riker lay awake in his bunk, groggily mulling over the images rolling confusedly through his head.

Chef? Where had that come from? He squinted down the sheets at his waistline, which did seem to rise a bit further than it used to. Maybe his subconscious was telling him he needed to spend a little less time thinking about food.

As for the whole mixed-up thing with Tucker and T’Pol: crewmates who were former lovers, who really should have been together but were too pig-headed to see it. Well, it wasn’t hard to figure out the subconscious origins of that little bit of transference. As far as he could recall, they’d actually lived a long life together – hadn’t they been responsible for founding the Interspecies Engineering and Science Exchange after retiring from Enterprise? He grimaced. This was one dream he would not be bringing to Deanna for discussion.

And the end there, where Archer was supposed to give the great speech that helped form the seeds of the federation. He shuddered. He had studied all of Archer’s big speeches in his social history course in first year. It was pretty clear his subconscious had not wanted to relive any of that.

As he drifted back off to sleep, he thought vaguely – gazelles, really.

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A whole mess of folks have made comments

well, that is ONE explanation for TATV!!!

Well, that is one explanation for TATV!

Loved it! And I'm really amazed (awestruck actually!) at how much you managed to work into that wee little fic.



That is so what happened

Methinks I've found my favorite finale fix-fic. Thank you, Evalyn! I just wonder what sort of horrible thing Riker ate the night before to have such an awful dream. Now I can just pity the guy, instead of loathing him. ;)


Amazing! So perfect, so obviously true!

Excellent! I'm still laughing.

very nice! So few words, so much fixed :D

Short and sweet. Great way to dispose of the TATV and Riker. I used to like Riker and Troi in TNG. TATV kinda spoiled my interest in these characters and I am still hoping we get an Enterprise miniseries or movie to set things right. Until then, good old fan fic will fix it!

I love this! Simplest explanation, resolves everything without any convoluted time-travelling, Q interference, holodeck program malfunctions! It's all Riker's mixed up dream. LOL! Thank you.

Oooohh! It's a dream! I get it! (Sorry, a little slow today. I just finished exams, alright?) Nice, that was good! ...gazelles. *Shakes head* :)

I'm sorry. I'm either missing something, or I'm clueless and dense. Can somebody explain "gazelles" to me? I'd appreciate it, 'cause I really really want to get the joke!

You had to be there ... :-). In Shockwave Part II, Archer gives a rather confusing and tedious speech to the Vulcans who are trying to close down human space exploration, which attempts to draw analogies between humans and gazelles in order to convince the Vulcans to change their minds. Most fans were left scratching their heads.

Great explanation!!!!
It must have been just a dream for him, but for me has been (and still is unfortunately) an awful nightmare.

^^ahHAHAHAhahaha. Shades of Dallas ;-)

Love the gazelle line! Short, but fantastic;)

Cute! I'm surprised at how much you managed to work into this teeny fic, too. And the gazelles line was brilliant! LOL.

Emily : )


I just discovered this! What a gem. It's so perfect!

Yep, late, so what.
FanTASTIC! DEFINITELY my favourite finale-fix. Gazelles lmao.....