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The Messiah- Pt. 5

Author - JD1
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The Messiah

By JD1

Rating: PG, Mystery, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Paramount. No profit was made


Part Five

**The California, Bridge**

For most, the feel of the bridge was normal. Everyone was bored but did their jobs as they were supposed to. But for Malcolm, T’Pol, and Hoshi, they were all nervous wrecks.

Admiral Archer was supposed to have called in an hour ago but it never came. All three of them were afraid that something happened. A beep went off at the communications station Hoshi was sitting at.

Hoshi looked up at T’Pol, who was looking at her with expectant eyes. “It’s Travis, he’s hailing from the surface.”

“Patch him through to my ready room and join me there.” Hoshi did as she was asked before joining Malcolm and T’Pol in her small office. “What is going on down there?”

“Something’s wrong. The Admiral and Trip never came back and they haven’t tried to communicate with me at all.”

“Are you all right?” Hoshi asked.

“Yea. No one’s found the Shuttle Pod. I don’t think they come into the forest we hind it in that often.”

Travis looked over at the console to his left before T’Pol could ask him something else. “What is it?”

“I’ve got an other communication coming in.”


“I’m not sure.”

**Shuttle Pod**

“Who?” He heard T’Pol say over the comm.

“I’m not sure. Hold on a sec. Travis here,” he said into his communicator and was relived to hear the voice.

“Travis, you ok?”

“Yea, I’m fine, sir,” Travis answered Archer’s question.

“Good, I’m going to need you to sit tight, our plans have just changed.”

“Where are you, sir?”

“That’s not important. Just remember, stay there for as long as you can. We’re going to try and get out of here soon.”

“Aye, sir.” The connection was broke. He turned back to the view screen and told T’Pol.

“Then do as he said. Stay there for as long as your rations last. But get out of there if someone finds you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The second connection was broken and Travis was left in the empty shuttle pod with nothing to do. He leaned back in his chair and hoped that they didn’t need much more time; he didn’t think his sanity would last that long.


Claude had come back and showed all four of them where Archer and Trip’s room was. It was only down the hall from Shiloh’s but slightly smaller. There were clothes lying on the two beds that the room possessed.

One was a leather gold pair of pants with a matching shirt. The other was a light blue leather pair of pants and gold vest. Each one grabbed a pair and put it on. Before they continued their conversation.

“What about Travis?”

“They won’t find the shuttle. And even if they did, I will put Travis under my protection like I did with you. They won’t hurt him then.”

“Why are you doing this?” Trip asked in earnest.

“Doing what?”

“We had a perfectly able plan, why did you do all this instead?”

Shiloh looked away but knew that all three wanted an answer. “I had a dream. A very vivid…very real dream. Part of it was that you, Admiral Archer, and I were running toward the forest at night. Then I was on Vulcan, it was destroyed. No one alive just…scorched earth. Earth was the same way.”

“They wouldn’t do that, would they?” Archer asked.

“They have been known to do many gruesome things to complete what a prophecy will say,” Deacon piped in.

“What prophecies?”

“Thousands of years ago, there were hundreds of prophets. They saw many prophecies, which are now in a sacred temple. They follow them completely and blindly.”

“Well, that needs to stop,” Trip muttered to himself.

Shiloh had over heard his remark and a light clicked. “Stop it?” ‘Don’t just make them hear, make them see,’ Deacon’s words echoed in his mind. He turned to Deacon who now had a smirk on his face; he knew where this was going. “But how?”

“I don’t know. That’s up to you.”

“We have to show them that not all prophecies come true. Make them understand what you taught me; about them only being a possible future. But how?”

“All I know is what I have seen,” Deacon remarked in his usual cryptic way.

The comment to Archer and Trip meant nothing but to Shiloh, it was a shock beyond explanation. “What did you say? You’re a prophet, aren’t you?”

“I did not say that.”

“But you implied it.” Again, they began their intense stare to see who would back down first. Finally Shiloh said, “I’ve got it. You said they make examples of prophets right?”


“Wait, I’m lost. Why would they kill someone that they treasure most?” Trip asked, his and Archer’s confusion evident.

“It’s to ensure that no one tries to challenge any of the prophecies made and to keep the power in the royal houses,” Deacon explained; he had already told all that to Shiloh earlier on.

“Anyway, if I turn you in as a prophet, they’ll most likely make an example of you, right?”

“Most likely, especially if you tell them to. Why?”

“I need to stop it.” Was all that Shiloh said before he walked out the door.

Deacon was dragged into the palace hall, Taso guards holding each arm. Closely following them was Archer and Trip, both bewildered by what was happening.

“You now, I actually liked you. I don’t usually like servants. But for you I made an exception because the Mat’iah liked you. I’m truly ashamed,” the Emperor announced with a shake of his head.

Shiloh looked over at Deacon, his stare cold and unemotional; the Vulcan gaze his mother gave him. Deacon looked at him and gave him a hurt, betrayed glance.

“Take him to a holding cell. It’s too late for my liking. Tomorrow we’ll make an example of him.” The guards pulled him through another door and presumably went to do as the Emperor said.

“Oh, don’t feel bad, Shiloh. I know you liked the guy and he was your friend. But I promise, I’ll get you another one. On my honor.” Ti’en’s eyes were playful but serious. Shiloh just stared at him, his eyes hurt and guilty but still maintaining their coolness.

When Ti’en walked away, Trip and Archer walked away. “Why did you do that? I thought you said we could trust him?” Archer stated more than asked.

“God, and you were pretty cruel about that too,” Trip piped in.

“He understands. I know does.” Shiloh sighed and closed his eyes. He was afraid and thought this was too much for him to handle but he knew he had to for the sake of a lot of people.

**Deacon’s Cell**

He had an idea of what Shiloh was planning but he didn’t think it would work. Even if this meant that he would be killed, he would not point any fingers toward Shiloh nor would he let them think anything.

Because of that, he decided to try to sleep. As he did, he had another unwanted prophecy.

They dragged him up on a large landing that stood at least fifty feet high. He was pushed to his knees. The guard readied to shoot him before Shiloh came running up. He took the weapon from the guard.
Deacon looked up at him; the last thing he saw. Shiloh had fired the weapon at him. Fear and anger in his eyes.

Deacon opened his eyes. He was shocked, yes. But these were things he was used to. Walking up from a frightening dream. But this. He thought that Shiloh was his friend. He thought that it was just a plot to make everything better. But obviously all this power had gotten to him. Their last hope had just failed.

The next day, Shiloh had come to see him. Deacon was still a little shaken by the latest prophecy he had seen. He gave Shiloh a bit of the cold shoulder but listened to him anyway.
The guard left them alone at Shiloh’s order. When he tried to talk to him, Deacon ignored him and Shiloh asked in a loud manner. “What’s wrong with you! You act as if this is the end.”
“This is my destiny; to die with nothing, at your hand, during your reign.” Deacon said calmly.

“No, I wont allow it. Wait, my hand?”

“That is not your choice,” he answered ignoring the other question.

“And why not? Because you saw it almost a thousand years ago!?” Deacon looked up at him in shock. “Yea, I figured it out. You’re the prophet. The one who knew I was coming. That’s why you know so much. It’s the only thing that explains everything.”

“No, you’re mistaken.”

“I don’t think so. I know this culture believes in reincarnation. The soul, memories, everything of that prophet is in you. You saw that there would be a conspiracy like this. For some reason you knew that I must exist and come here at all costs. You had to ensure that they would create me. This was the only way. It doesn’t have to end in your death.”

“I saw all this all those years ago. My people, the A’j’ay, they survive too much on the prophecies we saw. A prophecy is only a prophecy if you believe it will be and make it happen. The minute you see it for what it is, an idea for a possible future, it serves its true purpose, to guide you to a better, safer future.”

Shiloh looked at him, understanding what was going on here for once. The dreams he had had, finally made sense. They were prophecies. What could happen, not what would come to be unless he allowed them to.

His third option was just revealed to him. He needed to help them out of this age and into another. He would lead them. He would show them.

The guards walked back in and took Deacon. Shiloh followed them, trying to understand what was going on. They walked outside and he saw that everyone was around them. All the villagers, all the merchants, all the palace workers and guards, even the Emperor and his staff themselves.

Deacon was brought up to the high landing. Shiloh had not understood its purpose until now. They were going to make an example of him. Shiloh’s eyes widened in horror and he ran up the steps with all the speed and strength he could muster at that moment.

When he got to the top, he realized that everyone was shocked at what he just did. This was the time, he was going to change things now, while he could.

“If you want to harm him, you will have to kill me first.” That got the guards attention and backed him off. Shiloh turned to Deacon and saw that even he was not expecting that.

Then he looked at the crowd and addressed them. “If he’s a prophet just as you all say, then you know that he can make prophecies just as well and important as those you have bordered around your most sacred temples.”

He looked back at Deacon. He seemed to understand where this was going and nodded his approval. “He had a prophecy that he would die in front of all of you. That I would be his killer. You must have seen his face; shocked that I protected rather than harmed him.”

“What’s your point?” Asked someone in the crowd, perhaps one of the Emperor’s staff.

“My point is that…not all prophesies must or do come true. If a prophet had seen the Emperor walk off a building and told him, the Emperor would simply do so because that was expected of him, not necessarily because it was fate. Your culture has survived off of these prophecies for so long, but…they’re only a possible future, not what must be.”

Shiloh looked back at Deacon as he said that. Be then, he was smiling at him, proud of what he had learned. Shiloh took a deep breath and continued with, “Your government was so convinced that they must be right, they must be followed and happen, that they made sure I was born. They plotted with the governments of my parents to make sure I was born and then captured me when I was ready. Forced me to come here, against my will.”

Shocked gasps went through the crowd. Muffled whispers and talking with their neighbors could be heard. “It is time you live your life based on what you want, not by want you see in prophecies, or are told have been seen.” He paused and looked at his parents and their friends, “And it’s time for me…to go home to be with my family. You will live without me, I promise.”

Slowly, Shiloh and Deacon made their way down the stairs. They headed for the Emperor and his staff and guards.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” warned Ti’en.

“It needed to be done,” Shiloh said, his tone remorseful yet unapologetic.

“Should we arrest them?” Asked a guard.

Shiloh looked at him. “No, strip them of all their accommodations and their positions. They will no longer have any high status on this or any A’j’ay controlled world.” He glared at Ti’en and said, “They will have to learn to live as beggars. The next highest house will take over. If that is will be the people.”

“You can’t leave us like this!” Declared T’poish.

“Oh, yes I can. I have a free will, something these people will learn to have.”

“And how do you know that?” Karu Gabi asked, defensively.

“I saw the prophecies. They end after this. For there is no mat’iah. The rest deal with me, and as long as there is no more mat’iah, there are no more prophecies. Prophets are frowned upon, not many exist. And those that do won’t come out with it that easily just as many won’t accept them,” Shiloh said slyly.

“Let’s go,” Trip said.

“Yea. Wait.” Shiloh turned to Deacon. “Come with us. You’ll love it on Earth. As you said, they won’t accept you any more.”

Deacon shook his head and replied, “My place is here. They may not accept me now, but later, they will need my help. I promise, no prophecies. They will live their lives like they were meant to.”

Shiloh nodded a solemn nod and walked over to Archer just as he flung opened his communicator and told the California to beam them up. The beautiful scene disappeared and the drab of the gray walls. Shiloh walked off the pad and was escorted to Sickbay.

Once there, he was instructed to lay down on the bio bed. He did so and waited for the to continue. He just wanted to see his mom and dad and get some rest. A shower wouldn’t be that bad either.

The doctor scanned him a few times to make sure he didn’t contract any viruses or that they didn’t harm him too much. Finally she deduced that they only thing that they had done was cut his stomach and cheek and burn his shoulder.

As the doctor went to get her things, a very worried T’Pol (not that she showed it) and an annoyed Darwin walked in. “Shiloh,” T’Pol said with a smile and gave him a huge hug.


“How are you?”

“I am just fine.” He saw that she was looking at the cuts he had and reassured her by saying, “They’re nothing. My friend, Deacon, looked after them to ensure they were not infected.”

“How did you get them?”

“On the planet, they showed me a form of Martial Arts, in the beginning I wasn’t fast enough to block some. They use knives.” He knew that his words were not something she wanted to hear but he told the truth because it was the only thing his mind could come up with.

“And that burn, there, on your shoulder?” Darwin asked from behind T’Pol.

“I don’t know what it’s about. But I think it’s a brand of some sort. It doesn’t hurt any more.”

The doctor came back with all of her things and prepared to heal his cuts. First she took a cylindrical object and ran it along his cheek. Next, she had him lie back down so she could get at the cut across his stomach.

When those were healed, she walked around the bed and tried to get a better look at the burn. “I can get rid of this scar for you.”

“No, that’s ok,” Shiloh said with a distant look.

“If you wish. He’s all done here, Captain. Just make sure he gets plenty of rest.” T’Pol nodded and the two of them walked out the door.

Shiloh was shown to his former room. By the time he got there, he was ready to faint. So, he asked T’Pol if she would leave him. The minute the door closed, he collapsed on the bed.

He wanted to cry but he wouldn’t let himself. He had been abducted, hurt, taught so many things from cultures to a new martial arts. He found out about things that made him sick and grateful all at the same time. But most importantly, he had grown so much over the short month.


Over the next month, the eight diplomats, including Admiral Forrest, Ambassador T’Rith, Ambassador White, Shiloh’s grandparents, T’Pela and Sevel, along with Ambassador Soval and the other three Human Ambassador were put in a penal colony for four years after what they did. The sentencing would have been more but Shiloh wouldn’t see to that.

T’Pol, Archer, Malcolm, Hoshi, and Travis were all put up for court marshals but received only a stern warning. The fact that they retrieved Shiloh and brought eight people to justice was enough to earn a lesser penalty.

The crew of the California was not court marshaled because they did not know what was going on and only following orders.

Shiloh took the tests during the summer and passed with flying colors. They allowed him in and, because of his excellent reports, grades, and conduct, he managed to get onto a Starship once he graduated.

Shiloh quickly excelled through the ranks and achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander in fourteen years. With his new promotion to that, he became the Chief Tactical Officer aboard the Mississippi.

**The Mississippi, Bridge**

Lieutenant Commander Shiloh stood at his position at tactical. He was supposed to be taking scans and preparing to write his report, but his eyes and mind were too busy and occupied by the site on the view screen.

A golden brown planet with crystal blue oceans and pure green land along with multicolored rings was just a few hundred kilometers away from him. He could still remember the people, the places, the sites, the sounds and smells, but most of all he remembered the events.

He never forgot the words that he and Deacon shared. He never forgot the lessons he learned or the things he saw. Nor would he forget the things that he did. He had even had Mandals made and constantly practiced with them in order not to forget Ubi Yiga that he learned there.

He had worked to make the Vulcan and Human relationship better and had done a lot of good. His diplomatic and leadership abilities had helped immensely with that. His status and reputation as a Starfleet officer also did a lot of good.

They were not allowed to go down to the planet, it being against the Prime Directive. But they were there to take scans and chart what remains pretty unknown to Starfleet.

The matter of what happened on the planet and Shiloh had remained mostly secret from many others. Which is why no one knew that it had ever been a technologically advanced race not that long ago.

He had wanted to go down to the planet but their orders were clear. He knew that there was really no changing their minds.

He also knew that the only reason he wanted to go was to see the person who had become his best friend, Deacon. He also knew that they had said their final good-bye over a decade before on the planet. Some other time, perhaps. Maybe in the future, when everyone was ready. But not now. Now was not the time.


A young man of twenty sat under a fruit tree and looked up at the skies. He thought of a boy that was forced to come to them. Who taught them as much as they taught him.

He thought of everything the boy put up with. Of everything he could have lots or gained. Everything that the boy did for the people of that world.

Then he wondered of what had become of the boy. The boy that was now a young man like himself. He began to wonder if his dreams had been fulfilled and if he was fulfilling them now. But most of all, he just thought of the boy he thought of as a friend, a good friend.

The star he had been looking at began to move a glow brighter than any other star. He knew that it was never a star. It was a ship and that made him smile. They had not seen a ship around for a very long time. Not since his friend had been there and left. Not since they were all destroyed.

He let himself just stare at his surroundings and admired the view. The view of a lovely planet. One with trees and mountains. One that he called home. And that others refer to as the home to the conquerors, A’j’ay.

~The End~


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One person has made comments

I did enjoy this and it was very well thought out and written. I would have liked to have seen more emotional connection between Shiloh and his parents but you did a really good job and tied everything up neatly by the end of the story. Well done and thanks! Ali D :~)