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Our Daughter is in Love

Author - John O. | Genre - Angst | Genre - Challenge: POV | Genre - Romance | Genre - Vignette | O | Rating - PG
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Our Daughter is in Love

Author: John O.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek characters/names/fans’ souls/etc. I call shenanigans.
Genre: Ficlet, Angst, Romance, POV challenge.

A/N: When I found out about this challenge I had to do a T’Les POV, especially since she’s a Syrannite and believes in katra and such. Takes place after Home. If she seems overly emotional, just remember that Vulcans typically are more emotional when it’s exclusively in private with their mate. You’ll have to forgive me if you think it’s crap, I got writer’s block on my Vulcan For… and I felt like I had to write something tonight.


T’Les moved through the archway towards the shrine. It was nearly midday and only a few hours since her daughter had departed Vulcan to return to Enterprise. Her human… companion, had of course departed as soon as the bonding ceremony was concluded. As she lit a host of candles and dimmed the lights, T’Les recalled the sick looking hue of Commander Tucker’s face as he kindly bid her farewell.

There was a gentle appreciation is his parting salutation. He forced a meager smile when he quickly left before T’Pol could return. T’Pol was still away meditating at Mt. Seleya when the human rose early from bed – far earlier than it had seemed to be his custom in the first few days of his stay at her home. He packed his things quickly, were it not for her Vulcan ears, she would not have missed his departure herself. He rushed to leave but she placed a thoughtful hand on his shoulder and he turned; a single streak across one cheek. She recalled how he forgot his Vulcan etiquette and offered his hand in farewell. She took it anyway.

She knelt before the shrine, filled with thoughts of her own lost mate, and all the years spent as his wife. The powerful memory of her husband’s affection was a clouding one indeed, requiring all the strength of Surak for her to see the path of logic in its wake. Even so, it was a weakness that drove her to give Tucker one last chance to confess his feelings for her daughter. His feelings... A chance he denied himself, for he knew T’Pol’s struggle…

He loved T’Pol. As T’Les had learned long ago, the Vulcan heart was itself capable of such powerful emotions even as stringently as they tried to stifle it. The first day of T’Pol’s arrival she suspected her daughter’s wayward feelings for her “colleague”. It was long before the chaste kiss she placed on his cheek at the ceremony that she became quite sure of it. She loved him.

She closed her eyes, seeking the long-dead katra of her mate, Stov.

My mind to your mind, t’hyla, my thoughts to your thoughts. Our daughter has been here, and with her came her chosen, not of Vulcan blood. He is a human and came no doubt in prelude to her intent to take him as her mate, although I suspect their katras are already bound. In the past she denied her childhood betrothed, but now she is compelled to wed him. It is for the life she has chosen to lead among humans that events forced marriage with her betrothed… and the denial of her true chosen. She chose this action of her own accord, but against her deepest desires. I could have stopped the wedding, defying logic and facing the consequences to our family and our daughter, but I left the choice to him. He is an honorable man, our daughter’s t’hyla, and you would approve, ashayam. He refused to declare his feelings for her, knowing her struggle and enduring the ceremony as he watched her wed Koss. Your daughter wept within, t’hyla, as her unwanted betrothed placed the bonding wreath atop her head. I fear a mother’s duty has broken a daughter’s heart, and perhaps denied her of happiness… because our daughter is in love.


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A whole mess of folks have made comments

Wow, John, absolutely beautiful piece - for me, it's your best, yet.


Awwwww... Poor, well, everybody in that episode! Nicely done, though, thanks! :)

Ooh, that was quite beautiful. It's good to know that there are romantic men out there. Very touching.

Ahh, another verra nice take on T'Les' thoughts. Well done!

Very beautiful, John! Well done, indeed.

Very heart-wrenching, John. It's sweet to think of T'Les talking to her dead husband.

That was excellent John. Simply amazing

wow! such pleasant feedback, it's very appreciated thank you. i found out about the pov challenge, decided to write it and wrote it, all in about 2hrs, so thanx, glad to have been a part of it!

This was really touching, and just the right length to make it so...without over-doing it. Well done!

Very sweet...


Lovely, John, really nice!

Hey, this was a beautiful vignette. Sometimes the the stories that just well up inside us and come out in one sitting, are the best. Nice imagery.

Excellent. More soon please !

Well done!

A lovely vignette. I'm glad that T'Les knows the truth.

Beautifully written. This is so sad...it made me want to cry. Please write a follow up .....