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Princess T'Pol - Part 2

Author - Kevin
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Princess T’Pol

by Kevin

Rating: PG-13 (language and adult situations)
Disclaimer: The characters mentioned within this text are the sole property of Paramount Studios, UPN, and Viacom. I intend no infringement.
Genre: Mirror Universe Challenge
Summary: Princess T’Pol commands an Imperial Vulcan Battle Group. An accident forces her and her servant into a parallel universe.

Part 2


Trip felt that familiar tingle in his head that told him T’Pol was near. He felt a similar tingle from Princess T’Pol, but that was more pronounced and demanded his attention. This was more like a tickle and an invitation. “I am glad you came down. I could use your help in figuring out how to get them back.”

“The Captain sent me down to assist you. I believe his exact order was ‘Help Trip figure out a way to get them the hell off my ship as soon as possible.’”

Trip chuckled at that. He could almost hear Archer’s voice when she said the words. “He must be pretty shook up about the whole mess, too.” Trip just shook his head.

“Does their presence cause you distress? I have noticed you have been distracted since their arrival.”

“Now why would you think a mute slave version of myself being owned by a Warrior Princess version of you cause me ‘distress’?”

“Indeed. It should not. It simply demonstrates he has recognized his proper place serving a naturally superior individual.”

At first her statement baffled him. Then he stood up and stared right at her. “You’re getting pretty good at that. I guess my bad habits are rubbing off on you. But if I catch you drinking with the Captain, so help me, we are heading back to Vulcan to get this bond removed.”

“Don’t worry Trip. If I feel the need to consume alcohol with the Captain, I will have a Vulcan transport sent here with a priest. Returning to Vulcan would require too much time.”

He smiled at her statement. Then it hit him. “You just said ‘don’t’.”

“I most certainly did not.”

“Yes you did.”

“No I didn’t.”

He chuckled again. Her skills are improving. “I guess I must have heard wrong. Anyway, can you help me with this? The anomaly emits different pulses at regular intervals. I think if we can send them through during an identical pulse to the one that brought them here, we can get them back to their universe. I am having trouble isolating which pulse is the correct one. I need help with the phase variance.”

She looked over the data he had gathered. “It appears they are 10 to the minus 8 microns out of phase with our universe.”

“Do you know the exact time when they first appeared on our scanners? We could use that to figure out which pulse caused them to arrive.”

“Yes, the one here.” She pointed to the third pulse they had detected when studying the anomaly. “It appears to repeat itself every 162.15 minutes.”

“Do you think we would be able to just send the shuttle back through? Did you detect any other activity at the same time?”

“There appears to be no particular event identifying that pulse as unique. Sending them through the anomaly during any identical pulse would seem our most logical course of action.”

The two spent the next half hour working out the details of the plan. They both agreed it was their best shot at getting their visitors back to their own universe.

Trip spoke up first, “Let’s present it to the Captain and Princess T’Pol. Hopefully they will agree with our plan.”

“Are you sure it would not be wise to also consult Charles?”

“Pretty funny. So far he doesn’t seem like he can handle anything more complicated than getting food and rubbing her thigh.”

“You never get me food.”

“You never let me to rub your thigh.” He waggled his eyebrows at her and picked up the PADD. They left engineering to make their proposal.


Lt. Hess watched as Princess T’Pol entered engineering. She immediately spotted Trip and walked directly to him. Great. He must be paying off some pretty bad karma to be under the thumb of two Vulcan women. She snorted to herself and tried to get as far away as possible.

This time Trip felt the pronounced tingle that indicated Princess T’Pol’s arrival.

Something prevented him from facing her. “How may I serve you Princess T’Pol?” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. Where the hell did that come from? I hope no one heard that. I’ll never hear the end of it if the Captain finds out.

She looked at him with great interest. Unlike the others, his mind was an open book. She could see him as she could see her own. But he possessed a level of complexity and intellect she never thought humans could. He was easily the equal of her own chief engineer. It’s too bad I cannot take him with me. I am sure Subcommander T’Pril would appreciate my gift.

She was even more fascinated when she discovered his feelings toward Commander T’Pol. He held a deep devotion toward Commander T’Pol, even though she had denied he was hers. She was even more fascinated to find out that Commander T’Pol had bonded with him but had not allowed him to show his affection by satisfying her physical needs. Princess T’Pol simply could not understand why Commander T’Pol had bonded with him. It made no sense to her. Why initiate the mating bond if she was not going to mate with him?

She was curious to see if she could communicate with him directly. He was not facing her so she made her attempt.

( You can understand me perfectly, can you not? )

“Of course I can. Sorry, I guess no one told you about the communicators. I can understand you and my voice is translated for you.”

“Fascinating.” He never realized she had not spoken the question. “Does this work for all languages?”

“Mostly after a bit. Since you speak Vulcan, it works immediately.”

“I require your assistance to show mine how to pilot the shuttle and perform any repairs you can teach him.”

“Of course Princess. I’m nearly finished here. Why haven’t you shown him how to pilot the shuttle?”

“I do not know how to pilot the shuttle.”

“You don’t? Why not?”

“I am a Warrior Princess. My training has concentrated on my ability to lead with a focus on strategy and tactics. I have many pilots under my command, so learning to pilot a shuttle would be a waste of time.”

“How would we communicate? He can’t talk to me.”

“You can communicate to him through me. I can ensure he understands you. I can relay any questions he may have.”

“I am nearly finished. It should take me no more than five minutes. Would you feel more comfortable waiting in my office?”

“No. I will wait here.”

“Yes, of course, Princess T’Pol.”

She saw him debate in his head why he was treating her this way. She saw his confusion. He could not figure out why he wanted to please her. She smiled to herself when she saw him wondering what it would be like to only serve Commander T’Pol’s needs. She heard him sigh and saw him wonder if he would miss his engines. She found him amusing. Yes, Subcommander T’Pril would appreciate my gift.

While waiting she decided to indulge herself with his scent. He had been working all day so his scent was stronger that normal. It was arousing. She sighed to herself as she realized hers would not be able to attend to her needs until at least tomorrow night.


Commander T’Pol found Princess T’Pol dining in the mess hall. She wanted to talk to her before she left. She found the two in a back corner eating by themselves. The crew kept as far away from the pair as possible.

T’Pol walked over and stood in front of her counter part. **“I would speak with you.”**

Princess T’Pol never bothered to look up. ** “Of course. I have been expecting you. Please sit. Can I have him get you anything?”**

T’Pol chose to ignore the question. **“What do you mean ‘you have been expecting me?’”**

** “I was curious about Vulcan’s history and how your life has unfolded. It was logical to assume you would have the same curiosity. Since you do not have a ship’s database to answer your queries, naturally you would have to come to me.”**


** “Based upon what I can gather from the history on this ship’s database, our worlds diverged just prior to the time when your Surak united Vulcan. Supreme Matriarch T’Mir united our world in a quest to find resources and end the wars. She focused all of Vulcan on the need to find other worlds that would provide for our needs. We first encountered the Andorians five centuries ago. We found it a simple matter to take what we needed from them. Once that had been accomplished, Vulcan began its conquest of the galaxy. So far, only the Klingons have escaped our complete control.” **

**Why have the Klingons been able to resist?”**

**“They are incredibly violent and provide little value. They are useless laborers, disloyal and their world has few resources of interest. They fight to the death. It is not worth the effort to subjugate them. We simply destroy them as we encounter them. They are an annoyance. Nothing more.”**

** “Our worlds are indeed very different. Vulcan is pacifist.”**

** “It seems we have almost nothing in common. I am a Warrior Princess, not a scientist. My mother is a Queen and after her passing, I will be forced to take her place on the Imperial Vulcan Ruling Council. My real wish is to continue to command my battle group and eventually a fleet of battle groups. I have no interest in politics. Being in command of a battle group assigned to the edge of our space affords me certain privileges that I cannot indulge on my home world. I am in absolute control.”** She looked down at her servant and began to stroke his hair.

**“I have noticed you often stroke his hair while he rubs his cheek against your thigh. Is there a purpose to this act?”**

**“It is the only permitted form of affection I am allowed…outside of my quarters. I can remind him how much I care for him and he for me. I have found he needs regular physical attention to better serve my needs.”**

Interesting, T’Pol though to herself. Lt. Sato has told me the same thing about human males.

**“If you care so much for him, why have you removed his vocal cords?”**

** “It is precisely because I care for him that I did this. While I am in absolute control of my battle group, I must adhere to our laws. Speaking out of turn is punishable by death. If he were to commit this offense, I would be forced to kill him myself. I was not sure I could adhere to this law, so I made sure to avoid it.”**

At that point, T’Pol realized just how single minded Princess T’Pol was. She damaged him for her needs alone. She thought back though to her time in the Expanse and realized maybe the two were not all that different though.

** “Have you bonded with Commander Tucker?”** The question shook T’Pol out of her musing.

**“Why do you ask such a question?”**

** “I am merely curious. We seem to have only two things in common. A mother named T’Les and Charles. Commander Tucker is not your servant but I have observed he has a high level of devotion to you. I am only attempting to ascertain the exact differences between you and I. Nothing more.”**

** “We have only recently become aware of the bond.”**

That explains why she cannot contact mine but I am able to hers. She must not yet have the skills to fully use the bond.

** “So you did not form it intentionally?”**

** “No.”**

** “Fascinating.”**

** “I will leave you now. Commander Tucker has asked that I assist him in returning you to your universe.”**

** “I appreciate your effort.”** Princess T’Pol leaned in to Commander T’Pol and lowered her voice. ** “Mine is very affectionate. You would do well to allow Commander Tucker to attend to your physical needs. I realize he is not your servant, but I believe he would be most cooperative.”**

Commander T’Pol raised her eyebrow to Princess T’Pol. She only smiled briefly and returned her attention to her servant. T’Pol used that as an excuse to leave and decided to head to engineering.


“Okay Captain, we’re ready to go.”

“Good thing Trip. T’Pol, give them the word.”

** “Set your navigation to reach the anomaly in 3.8 minutes at my mark. That should return you.”**

Seconds later T’Pol said, ** “Mark.”**

** “Thank you for your assistance, Commander T’Pol. Please share my appreciation with Commander Tucker.”**

Malcolm watched the shuttle fly toward the anomaly. He wondered if the Captain was serious when he told him privately to destroy the shuttle if this didn’t work. He fingered the targeting button just in case.

He did not have a chance to find out. The shuttle passed through the anomaly and off their scanners.

“T’Pol, deploy the warning buoys to make sure no one approaches. Hopefully the scientists back home can figure a way to seal this.”

“Buoys deployed Captain.”

“Travis get us out of here.”


A couple of days after they were able to return Princess T’Pol and ‘her Trip’ to their universe, Trip stopped by T’Pol’s quarters to grab some breakfast. Something had been bothering him and he decided to broach the subject with her.

“I’m glad we could return the other you and me to their universe. I never pictured you as a warrior princess with a lust for power.” He would never admit that something about Princess T’Pol’s made him only want to serve her and make her happy. He was ashamed to realize that when she was near he even forgot about the beautiful woman right in front of him. Something about a powerful woman makes me stupid I guess.

“Yes. Finding out how her life progressed was quite unsettling.” She would never admit the cause of her distress was seeing how Princess T’Pol had learned to experience her primal urges and gain a clarity of purpose she had yet to find.

“Have you ever thought about letting your hair grow out? You look really good in long hair.” He smiled at her hoping to convince her to at least consider his request.

“Have you ever thought about getting your vocal cords removed?” She gave him her best stone face.

He smiled at her. “I’d expect the Captain’d object. Come on let’s get some breakfast.”

He decided to make another attempt.

“But seriously, have you ever thought about letting your hair grow out?”

She glared at him.

“Okay, I’ll drop it.”

She had considered it. It would be illogical to do it simply because it pleased him. I will have to determine a logical reason when he asks. Fortunately she would have at least a couple of weeks to discover that reason before he noticed.


A couple weeks later Lt. Hess and Hoshi were in the mess having breakfast when Trip and T’Pol came in. T’Pol found a secluded table and waited for Trip to return with their food. Hoshi noticed lately the two spent almost all their meals together.

Hoshi leaned into Lt. Hess, “well it looks like the Commander finally has seen the merit in keeping him on a short leash.”

Lt. Hess chuckled softly. “Yeah and it seems to suit him. He seems happier than now than I can remember. He always wears that stupid grin on his face.”

Lt. Hess stared at T’Pol was she watched Trip return to their table. “Do you think he’s noticed she’s growing her hair out?”

Hoshi snorted softly. “Of course not. Men never notice those things.”

The End

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

cute story
"But if I catch you drinking with the Captain, so help me, we are heading back to Vulcan to get this bond removed." LOL!

**"Have you ever thought about getting your vocal cords removed?” She gave him her best stone face.** ROTFL - Funniest thing I've read lately.

Nice, neat, tidy li'l story - interesting AU/MU. Enjoyed much.

Nice story. I really loved the funny dialog between Trip and Tpol...You really had me going with T'Pol's new sense of humor.

Thanks for the comments about the humor. After her success in Bound, I see T'Pol exploring it. In my mind, she would naturally explore it with Trip in an environment where it was just the two of them. She would be able to just his reaction more easily than others until she felt comfortable. She would use it as a tool in their verbal fencing.

Heh heh heh. No, men never do notice those things. Interesting story, I also liked T'Pol's humor. Especially the vocal chords comment! :)

I loved this story. It was very funny!!!
Could you write a sequel??? I'd like to read more
of MU Trip and MU T'Pol.

For a moment there I thought the Princess version was going to kidnap our Trip and take both Trips back to her own universe, or even take our T'Pol as well then use her to carry on the Vulcan royal line at home so she could continue commanding her warship. It would have been like having your Pecan pie and eating it. Good story, Ali D :~)

Everyone's quoting! Fun!
“You never get me food.”

“You never let me to rub your thigh.”

HA! I love it! Fantastic story!

I thought the same thing as Ali D. You had me worried for a few sentences.

Looks like ours took her counterpart's advice in the end. :devil:

This was great fun... I'm glad that Princess T'Pol didn't try to make off with our Trip! LOL!

There were so many funny moments in this story. Thanks for the laughs! :-)

good story, good humor, good everything, though it needs a sequal ( or 2 ) :)

Ahhhh, there were to many great moments to quote! Thanks for sharing. PLEASE write a sequal!

Great story. A very fun read. The adventures of Princess T'Pol would make a great series.

I'm with Alison M. DOBELL. I was sure that Princess T'Pol was going to kidnap Trip, forcing Commander T'Pol to follow them through to the other universe to get her man back.

After putting Trip to work on the princess's ship, perhaps Subcommander T'Pril would discover why the princess enjoys having her servent so close. ;-)