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The Rest of the Story

Author - KMats | Genre - Drama | Genre - Finale Fix Challenge | R | Rating - G | T
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The Rest of the Story

By KMats

Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Star Trek except for some memorabilia.
Summary: Riker and Deanna visit the New Starfleet Museum sometime after Nemesis and learn that not all stories are in the history books
AN:See below


Starfleet’s new Orbital Museum

Deanna Riker’s eyes widened as she caught sight of a very familiar figure walking towards her. “Admiral!”

“Deanna!” Jean Luc Picard smiled as he caught sight of the counselor. “Where’s Will?”

“He went to check on some problem onboard the Titan.” Deanna replied, “I should have known you wouldn’t miss this.”

“The dedication of the first Orbital Museum to showcase every starship the Federation every designed?” Jean Luc smiled, “Of course not.”

“Captain!” William Riker shouted as he caught sight of Jean Luc, “I’m sorry, I mean Admiral. It’s good to see you, sir.”

“Good to see you too, Will.” Jean Luc nodded. “So where are you starting?”

“Where else?” Will grinned, “The NX-01, of course.”

“Of course,” Jean Luc nodded. “I believe it’s this way.”

The three friends followed the hall passing several of the other ships named ‘Enterprise’ on their way. They only paused briefly to examine the plaques next to each entrance hatch before moving on. The longest pause was at the second Starfleet ship to bear the name ‘Enterprise’, the much venerated NCC-1701-A.

Picard looked at the older ship, “I still get a slight chill when I see these ships.” He admitted. “I’m reminded of something a scientist in the Eighteenth Century once said, ‘If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of Giants’.”

“Archer and Kirk,” Will agreed, “They set the standards for Starfleet for generations to come.

They continued on to the entrance corridor for the NX-01. Along the corridor were pictures of the crew of the first warp 5 ship in Starfleet history. Standing near the end of the corridor was a Vulcan woman about 60 terran years in age. She was standing in front of the picture labeled, ‘T’Pol’. The Vulcan turned to face them as they approached.

“Sorry,” Will told the Vulcan, “We didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“You didn’t,” The Vulcan nodded, “I am T’Rel.”

“Will Riker,” Will introduced himself and the others, “My wife, Deanna and this is Admiral Jean Luc Picard.”

“I see.” T’Rel nodded, “Now I understand what brought you to this ship. Most people chose either Captain Kirk’s ship or one of the more unique vessels.”

“I wonder,” Deanna started.

“Yes?” T’Rel asked.

“Why does T’Pol’s picture contain both her and Commander Tucker?” Deanna asked. Noticing that the picture under T’Pol’s name was a shot of the two officers standing very close together. “All of the other pictures only contain...”

“Commander Tucker’s picture is the same one.” Riker interrupted her. “Interesting.”

“It was appropriate.” T’Rel told them, “They were only complete together.”

“I beg your pardon?” Jean Luc frowned, “I’m am well versed in the history of the first Enterprise and while there were some records indicating that Command Tucker and Sub-Commander T’Pol may have been engaged in a relationship at one time, they ended it shortly after the ‘Terra Prime’ incident.”

“Officially,” T’Rel nodded, “However, you of all people, Admiral Picard, should realize that not everything is entered into the official logs.”

“Do you know what the term T’hyla means?” She continued.

“It’s more of a concept than any one word.” Picard answered, “It means; lover, brother, family, the other half of me...”

“The Betazoid word is ‘Imzadi’.” Deanna nodded, glancing warmly over at Will.

“Correct.” T’Rel nodded, “The only word that could describe the relationship between Commander Tucker and the Sub-Commander is ‘T’hyla’.”

“I’m still not sure how they managed to keep it a secret.” Will told her.

“By being in the one place where everyone who did know, had no reason to report it.” T’Rel told them, a faint flicker of amusement flashed through her eyes.

“Enterprise,” Jean Luc whispered, “That’s why the Sub-Commander remained on Enterprise for the six years between the ‘Terra Prime’ incident and the signing of the articles of the Federation.”

“Precisely,” T’Rel nodded. “After the ‘Terra Prime’ incident, both Commanders realized that any open relationship they might have could cause divisiveness among the Humans and Vulcans. So they chose the one place and the one person they trusted beyond all others.”

“Archer.” Will remembered his ‘chat’ with the holo-deck Tucker. “He kept their secret.”

“Enterprise kept their secret.” T’Rel told him. “All of their secrets.”

“I can feel that you’re telling me the truth,” Deanna told her, “But how do you know this story?”

A faint smile flickered across T’Rel’s mouth, “Doctor Phlox developed a way to allow a Human and Vulcan to have a child safely. My grandmother was born on Vulcan one year, six month and fourteen days after the signing of the Articles.”

“Wait,” Will frowned, “A Vulcan’s gestation period is twelve months. How...?”

T’Rel turned and headed down the corridor. “As I said, Captain Riker. Enterprise kept all of my Great-Grandparents secrets.”


AN: This might seem a bit cheesy but I just couldn't stand the finale and had to write something to make it come out right in my head.

Yes, the implication at the end of Tucker still being alive and that Archer reported him dead so that T/T could go off and have a kid is a bit "Hollywood' but it also makes sense considering the really weird way the rest of the crew was acting at the end.

Kevin Matsumoto

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

You and I must be sharing a brain. I thought up something very similar.

one here, too. one of the three options i was thinking about, but seeing this i have decided not to write it, as it wouldnt be near as good. nice to know others will, though.

It's funny but I thought of the same theory as well. I thought BB just were playing with us fans. The clues were just too obvious. Trip who is one of the most resourceful crew of the ship and managed to save the ship so many times could just die senselessly, the crew acting like everything was fine in the end, the bond between Trip and T'pol wasn't even addressed, Shran acting out of character, etc....I thought they must have keeping his relationship with T'pol a secret and when they were about to be decommisioned they has to stage Trip's death. Then after the ceremony T'pol followed Trip to wherever planet they decided to live for the rest of their lives.

So now... who's gonna write the screenplay and sell it to Paramount?

Oh this totally just made me smile...which is a nice change from what the episode did to me.

Ditto on what Mia said!!

Beautiful idea. Never trust the holodeck. If Shran can fake it, so can Trip.

Great idea, make it so.

Ooh very neat and very sweet. Thank you for the smile. :)

Ummm... okay, where's the rest? More, I say! Loved it! :)


First, Thank you for trying to do something about that horrible episode. I don't think it can be salvged, personally, but anything's gotta be better than what they actually showed.

However. I don't think your attempt at a patch job works very well for one reason: Vulcans are extremely private people. Especially about family/racial secrets. So the idea that a Vulcan would just start giving out detailed family secrets to complete strangers completely threw me out of the reader's trance. It simply was not believable to me. :( And I wanted so hard to believe it!

I know, that was the one thing that bothered me when I finished the story. I worked out a long backstory to explain why she was willing to share the story. Maybe if I get the chance I'll actually write the backstory to this story.

I enjoyed this story very much and would love to read the backstory!

Thanks for giving us an explanation that doesn't leave Trip dead! I, too, would like to think that they ended up together, somewhere, somehow.