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Internal Communication

Author - Meding and Willett | Genre - Humor | I | Main Story | Rating - G
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Internal Communication
By Kelly Meding and Marion Willett
Contact: whitejazz98@yahoo.com
Rating: G
Summary: Post-ep for "Broken Bow." Trip and T'Pol have a conversation.
Standard disclaimers apply.

-Internal Communication: Commander Tucker-

In order to clear up any misunderstanding on your behalf or on that of the crew, I would like to affirm that the smearing of decontamination gel was a necessary procedure, undertaken under strict medical advice. I gained no pleasure or enjoyment from the procedure. I am sure that you are of the same opinion regarding this incident.

Live long and prosper,

Sub-Commander T'Pol


-Internal Communication: Sub-Commander T'Pol-

Being only human, I apologize if my thorough application of the decontamination gel alarmed your Vulcan sensibilities. To think that a human male could ever gain "pleasure or enjoyment from the procedure" is a concept my emotion-laden, illogical mind cannot comprehend. But I do appreciate your clearing up this misunderstanding.

Oh, Live Long and Prosper. (I haven't quite figured out the finger thing that goes along with that. Perhaps, if you have some free time...)



-Internal Communication: Commander Tucker-

Mr. Tucker - reference your message.

Alarm is not an emotion that I allow myself, so do not fear that you have alarmed me. I would be honored to teach you more about the Vulcan way of life, but as I never have "free time" I would not be able to give you the amount of attention that you would require. However, the correct response to "live long and prosper" is "peace and long life." I have noticed that humans have trouble placing their fingers in the correct position and I will absolve you from the necessity of performing that gesture. However humans are able to make other gestures that I do not always understand. I feel that a course of meditation would help your human impulsiveness, but I don't think that you could stay still long enough for it to have any lasting benefit.

Live long and prosper, Commander

Sub-Commander T'Pol


-Internal Communication: Sub-Commander T'Pol-

I certainly did not mean to infer you had any emotions left unrepressed, and certainly not alarm, of all things. I guess it was an expression. It's too bad you don't have any free time. Don't Vulcan's recreate? Or is that a personal question? Also, I have a feeling you may become acquainted with some of mankind's favorite hand gestures if you stick around long enough.
And about meditation, I'll have to beg out. Old buddy of mine tried meditation once, along with something called yoga. They kept him in Sickbay for three days.

Peace and Long Life



-Internal Communication: Commander Tucker-

With reference to your personal question - only every 7 years - however that is not something we talk about and you are far too young and impulsive to receive information of that sort. The human expression is, I believe, "that it would blow your mind." I am sure that the hand signals will eventually become clear to me. You have one that is very like our Vulcan one, but you only use 2 fingers and the hand is the other way round. I have seen this used when humans experience the emotion called "anger." It must be a very powerful gesture on your planet. I must go now and meditate. These communications are having an adverse effect on my composure and control.

Live long and prosper

Sub-Commander T'Pol


-Internal Communication: Sub-Commander T'Pol-

You're getting pretty good with your "human expressions." That sort of gives you the advantage, doesn't it? I'll have to look into learning some Vulcan expressions, although I think I'm doing good with the "live long and prosper" (even if the hand thing is taking time). And speaking of hand gestures, try the two-fingered one with just the middle finger sometime. You ought to get an eyeful of baser human emotions to study. Enjoy your meditation. I think I will seek out a punching bag of some sort--now that's therapy!



-Internal Communication: Commander Tucker-

I will arrange for some time in my schedule to teach you the finer points of the Vulcan language. You have increased my education regarding your human sign language, so I intend to reciprocate. What is a "punch bag?" What relevance does it have to meditation? One further query, I have heard some of the crew members call you "Trip." What is the significance of this? I understand that your given name is Charles. Is "Trip" the name of a revered ancestor? I am called for my great-great-grandmother who was a respected teacher of our race.

Sub-Commander T'Pol


-Internal Communication: Sub-Commander T'Pol-

I must warn you, I'm not very good at languages. Barely passed those classes at the Academy. But I suppose a little personal attention could be beneficial in my education in Vulcan culture. A "punch bag" is a nylon sack the size of a small person that is filled with sand and hung from the ceiling. You put on boxing gloves and punch it. To relieve stress. Kinda like meditating, but a little more physical. And "Trip" is just something my dad called me, since I'm the third Charles Tucker in our family. Three, triple, Trip.

That or I was just a clumsy kid.

Just kidding. See, it's hard to get humor to come across talking like this. Maybe we should keep chatting about this face to face, over dinner or something.

Trip Tucker


-Internal Communication: Commander Tucker-

Very well, Commander. I accept your invitation to continue our discussion over dinner. Will this be a private affair and shall I prepare a traditional Vulcan dish?

Sub-Commander T'Pol


-Internal Communication: Captain Archer-

I really put my foot in it this time….



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*snickers* I just noticed you'd finished this! Very funny.

hehehe. great story. i loved the end!

Mondo cool. 'Nuff said.

LOL. That was great. Right on. I could imagine them responding exactly like that. And I swear to God, if they take one more tiny step towards pursuing that dratted Archer/T'Pol crap, I'm writing a letter to point out Trip's finer qualities.

This is great! I laughed my butt off!

very cute, i liked it, and a diff. approach than I've seen before. It's sorta like seeing IMs between the two, hahaha.