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Personal Logs: The Andorian Incident: ABC Challenge: A

Author - Myst123 | Genre - Challenge: ABC | Genre - Challenge: ME/WV | Genre - Episode Addition | Genre - General | P | Rating - G
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Trip and T'Pol's Alphabet Challenge: A
Men Are From Earth/Women Are From Vulcan

Personal Logs: The Andorian Incident

by myst123

Rating: G
Genre: General
Challenge: When Men are from Earth, and Women are from Vulcan Fic CHALLENGE (also fits the Alphabet Challenge: A)>

AN: I hope to explore through these personal logs the development of a subconscious understanding between Trip and T’Pol, and T’Pol’s isolation from both Vulcans and within the human society. I don’t know how successful these will be, but here goes!


Personal Log
Subcommander T’Pol
Earth date: June 21, 2151

I overheard the human crew discussing this private feature of the computer log system. Until recent events, I had no need to record my thoughts about this mission except in official terms. I find the human practice of cataloging their emotions verbally in face to face communication with colleagues-- as well as in these personal logs-- excessive and inexplicable. Even as I prepare this log, I question the logic of keeping an account of my 'personal impressions.' However, I will, as Phlox would say, “embrace” the latter model and determine its value as a means of assessing and quantifying events. The *pause* lies *pause* on the part of Vulcans, who deceived both the Andorians and the monks, have caused me to seek an outlet for my reflections. Meditation has not facilitated the disquiet I have felt since the events of this past week. The discovery of the long-range sensor array, that it was secretly tracking the movements of Andorians from P’Jem, was shocking. Even now I am…distressed…by such an unseemly use of the temple.

To begin…

My human colleagues cannot comprehend the meaning that P’Jem holds for me as a Vulcan. The monastery was a place of quiet contemplation, a place to achieve order and control through logic. When I witnessed the agitation of the monk as I entered the monastery with my human colleagues, I knew something unsettling had happened, but never considered that Andorians had invaded this spiritual sanctuary and accused my people of espionage.


I have embraced this new form of data gathering with undo energy. Let me rephrase my previous observances more scientifically. The facts of the situation are as follows:

1) Humans explorers exhibit the behavior of tourists rather than scientists. The humans of Enterprise explore the universe as sightseers and wished to visit P’Jem to satisfy their curiosity rather than to participate in an ancient form of Vulcan healing.
2) I instructed my colleagues on the proper protocols for behavior at P’Jem, which they found excessive. The exact words I overheard were, “And I thought Starfleet training was tough.” Humans apparently do not comprehend the excellence of Vulcan hearing.
3) Upon arrival at P’Jem, we found the monastery in disarray, and the monk in the atrium agitated. I alerted my colleagues to these unusual circumstances. They subsequently observed the situation with more care, and uncovered the presence of Andorians who had taken control of P’Jem.
4) I was treated with suspicion by the Andorians, as were my human colleagues. I was not allowed to leave the chamber which was used to contain us and the Vulcan monks.
5) Our communicators were destroyed, but Commander Tucker was able to communicate with Enterprise through an ancient radio the monks had preserved in the catacombs. As a result of his communication, a security crew was deployed to recover us.
6) The security crew destroyed the ancient mask of Surak located in the atrium. As a result of this action, the Andorians discovered the catacombs and made their way to the reliquary, where all involved found the long-range sensor array.

My analysis of the events.
1) Andorians are paranoid, but as Commander Tucker observed, “just because they think the Vulcans are out to get them, doesn’t mean the Vulcans aren’t.” Convoluted, but oddly logical.
2) My human colleagues used violence and destruction to expose the Andorians, and were captured in the process, but they did take action. As yet I am uncertain whether the "act-first-ask-questions-later" approach to unknown situations is the most effective means of discovery, but it is (apparently) the human way.
3) Humans value loyalty. Commander Tucker has informed me 58 times in the past nine weeks and six days that loyalty is necessary to human interactions. I have exhibited my loyalty by carefully obeying every command, but still I am treated with suspicion. Clearly the rules of loyalty encompass more than dutiful service. Or, perhaps, humans are as paranoid as Andorians.
4) Commander Tucker considers human films can be applied across cultures to understand images he calls universally symbolic. He has recommended a film titled Roman Holiday to understand how the mask of Surak can be equated to the “Mouth of Truth” found in Rome, an Earth city. If a liar puts his or her hand into the “Mouth of Truth,” according to the legend the hand will be hand bitten off. The destruction of the bas relief revealed the Vulcan lie for it revealed the path to the reliquary and to the core of the deception. Mr. Tucker maintains that Surak himself wanted the lies revealed. This explanation is highly illogical. I maintain that the explosive devices used were excessive and unnecessary since the security team was unable to contain the Andorians despite the element of surprise. I mourn the loss of the revered image of Surak.
5) Upon an Andorian “coming on to me” (as later described to me by Mr. Tucker), the Commander responded that “something sure smells.” The expressions Mr. Tucker uses are often puzzling, but sometimes they are most apt.
6) I cannot explain the actions of the Vulcans either to myself or my colleagues. However, there must be reasons for this situation at P’Jem. Humans do not comprehend the history between Vulcans and Andorians. I am not…sorry…I aided the Andorians, but I have determined that humans will not examine the situation from the Vulcan perspective and therefore I cannot discuss this with them.

The success or relevance of my initial venture into the disclosure of information through the “personal log” is inconclusive. At present I see no pattern which reveals any pertinent data to provide a logical explanation for my actions or responses to the situation at P’Jem.


Personal Log
Commander Charles Tucker III
June 21, 2151

It’s summer solstice on Earth! Did I love those summer nights or what?! My buddies and I’d celebrate like pagans.

But I’m not on Earth, and there’s no partying tonight. We’re roughly nine or ten weeks into our mission, and already we’ve discovered Vulcan inaccuracies in their star charts and Vulcan lies. Yeah, those Vulcans are a piece of work. They lied to our faces, telling us they weren’t spying on the Andorians. And we believed them. Jeez. The Captain even got beat up several times during the incident, although why they beat him and not the Vulcans who actually were the ones hiding the array…doesn’t make a lot of sense (argh! I almost said “is highly illogical!”). I hope the Cap’n getting clobbered by aliens isn’t going to be the norm on our mission.

I can’t believe I feel bad for T’Pol. She had such…faith…in P’Jem. It was a sacred site to her. When she found the mask of Surak had been destroyed, I swear I saw a flicker of sorrow on her face. I tried to comfort her with an old Earth film to explain how the destruction wasn’t just human disregard for her culture, but that the destruction of the mask was necessary, and that Surak himself would understand. Although she listened politely, neither of us believed what I said.

However, despite the destruction, the Vulcans and Andorians both make humans look sane and balanced! Never thought I’d say that. And I’d love to see how the Vulcans’ll explain their actions. And they will, damn them. Shran is psycho and paranoid. But just because he’s paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get him! Those Vulcans are.

Oddly enough, although this incident shows how right humans are to distrust Vulcans, seeing T’Pol suffer because of these revelations makes her more…human…to me. I mean, she isn’t so alien. I keep remembering how she forgave me for my behavior on that uninhabited M-class planet a few weeks back – she’s not the typical rigid, narrow-minded Vulcan all the time. Sometimes she’s not so bad.

Well, gotta get back to Engineering. T’Pol’s spotted a comet on her radar, and the Cap’n wants to take a closer look.

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Seven people have made comments

I really liked T'Pol's log! It's great in character and adds a lot to the episode and what happened. I got the impression there are going to be more of these personal logs? Am I right, cause I'd love to see more.

Lovely contrast. I love T'Pol's analytical and well reasoned entry against the short, punchy and emotional Trip's. Great! Both very much in character. I'll echo Gammaent in hoping there's more logs to come.

What a treat - a story from Myst! Yes, very much in character and takes me back to an episode that I really enjoyed. It is great to see the use of human mythology. I love mythology. You give Trip the intellectual depth that has always been there, but rarely seen. And it is great to go back into T'Pol's opening up to human experience and the shock of learning the faults in her own society. Well done.

And I do believe Trip would have fun at a Pagan gathering - spirituality mixed with joy, celebration, humor, and bonding of like-minded people. T'Pol at this point would not, but T'Pol of later years might appreciate that too...

"Roman Holiday" is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE movies. The idea of the Vulcans using the Mask of Surak like the "Mouth of Truth" is used makes me giggle. I wonder if that might work in one of my fics. Hmmm... Maybe Vulcan children being cruel to a younger... maybe half-human... child as they play near a temple on Vulcan by scaring her into putting her hand in the mask's mouth, and the Vulcan priest behind the mask deciding to give the bullies a scare in return. Can I use it?

By using the logs, you really get a feel for how different Trip and T'Pol are in the way they think. It also provides a real chance to see the effect each has on the other. Very well done. I look forward to reading more.

I liked that very much. I liked both of the logs and the insight into both of their characters. Well done!

Very, very nice. Perfect characterization. Interesting perspectives. Something a little different.