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Consequences-Part 37

Author - Samantha Quinn
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By Samantha Quinn

All disclaimers in part 1

Part 37

Sexual Healing *


ATTENTION: This chapter is hereby officially rated R. I could have possibly made it PG-13, but the UPN promos corrupted me.
A/N: There is considerable scene changing. We have a week to get through, after all.


**Day One**
T’Pol took a deep breath to steady herself. Trip’s state was causing her a considerable amount of discomfort. He was restrained and incapable of communicating a lack of desire to meld, if that were his choice. T’Pol did not seek to emulate Tolaris; however, she could see parallels in the event she was about to perform. In many ways, T’Pol would be invading Trip’s body in the same intimate fashion that Tolaris had violated her.

Still, she had little choice. If she did not initiate the meld, Trip would most certainly die. Indeed, he might still. T’Pol refused to think of the reasons for his current condition. Belaboring the nature of his illness would only cause extreme discomfort for T’Pol-perhaps culminating in her becoming unconscious again. That would not help Trip.

It was then with a great deal of hesitation that T’Pol placed her fingers alongside Trip’s face. “ Our minds, one and together,” she murmured gently.

At first, there were no coherent thoughts. Only emotions flooded through Trip’s thought pattern. The emotions were painful to T’Pol, and it took all of her emotional strength to prevent the discomfort from overcoming her resolve. Her Vulcan control was more powerful than she had believed, and it overcame the sensations of suffering and physical pain.

//Commander Tucker,// she mentally communicated, //It is all right. I am here. Let me absorb your pain.//

There was no change in the fluidity of the emotions as they continued to flow from Trip’s mental pathways and inundate T’Pol. Again, she tried, //Commander Tucker.//

T’Pol felt herself double over in pain as she felt a burst of clear sexual desire spring forth from the Commander. The desire had no target-it was pure carnal need to copulate.

“T’Pol?” Opening her eyes, she could see Skon looking at her with concern.

She shook her head, “I must try again.”

Placing her fingers back onto his face, she chanted lightly, “Our minds, one and together. . . "

Again she was hit with the force of Trip’s desire. T’Pol was prepared this time, and tried desperately not to think of her own desires. When Trip’s mind produced a figment of Triaxian silk, however, T’Pol’s own consciousness instantly connected the garment to a previous interaction with Commander Tucker. As a result, her own yearnings thrust their way to the surface. The ensuing discomfort again broke the connection between the two and T’Pol found herself cradling her head in pain.

“T’Pol?” Again Skon’s voice was beside her.

“Perhaps we should stop?” Sumarek asked.

“No,” T’Pol stated firmly. “His thoughts are making progress.”

Again T’Pol’s fingers found the correct points of contact. The pain behind T’Pol’s eyes was excruciating and it was with great difficulty that she found the concentration to repeat, “Our minds, one and together. . . "

Clear images were beginning to form in Trip’s thoughts. Mixed within the emotions of pain, lust, and anger were images of fire, chains, and needles. T’Pol supposed they were representatives of his pain. She lamented the necessity of the restraints. //As soon as the bond is completed, I will release you, Commander,// she promised mentally.

//T’Pol?!?// Trip’s mind yelled frantically.

//I am here, Commander. Concentrate on my thoughts.//

T’Pol could feel and see the pain Trip was experiencing through their meld. It was steadily increasing, which told T’Pol that they did not have much time.

//Hurts! Oh, God, T’Pol, why does it hurt so much?//

//I can help you, Commander. However, stopping the pain will require us to bond-we will be forever linked. //

Again, pain flooded through their connection. //Please make it stop, T’Pol.//

//You are comfortable with the bond?// It was essential this be of his own choice. T’Pol would not force an intimacy on another. Even if it cost both their lives.

//Ah! . . . I trust you. Make it stop, PLEASE.//

Trip’s plea broke her resolve to make certain he understood the consequences of their meld. He needed her help. She would provide it.

//I need you to concentrate, Commander.//

//Hard. . .//

//I realize the difficulty. Regardless, in order to help you, you must repeat after me aloud. Do you understand?//

//No. . . aloud?//

//We are currently communicating by thought. I will speak. You must repeat after me.//

//Okay. . . try.//

“Our minds, one and together . . .” T’Pol repeated.

Trip’s pain was doubled by his frustrated as he mentally chanted, “Our minds, one and together. . . "

Sumarek and Koss sat up in attention. Vulcans in the plak tow state did not speak. This human thus far had been reacting even worse than most Vulcans had to pon far. Yet now he spoke? It was nothing short of amazing.

“Touching, yet not touching,” T’Pol said firmly.

Trip gasped in pain and T’Pol permitted a mental wave of understanding to deluge their meld. //You must try, Commander.//

Her encouragement was enough. “Touch-ing. . .yet not . . . touching,” he murmured, stumbling through the phrase.

“Apart, yet never parted,” T’Pol avowed.

//Can’t do it. . .T’Pol. . . too tired.//

//You are the most stubborn human I know, Commander Tucker. For once, use that stubbornness for a logical purpose.//

“Apart. . . never. . . parted,” Trip repeated.

“We are one,” T’Pol confirmed.

“We . . .are . . one,” Trip managed with difficulty.

T’Pol felt a sudden additional burst of pain accompanied by a blinding flash of light behind her eyes. When the flash ceased, T’Pol removed her hand from Commander Tucker’s face. Although she was no longer in physical contact, she could still clearly feel the emotions emanating from Trip. The pain, the anger, the confusion, the lust. T’Pol felt his lust and was determined to return it.

Through their bond, she felt his frustration at being unable to return her touch. //Want to touch you . . . NOW!// his mind shouted frantically. Vocally, he was only able to gasp out a strangled cry of frustration as he jerked frantically at his restraints.

With a fluidly savage motion, T’Pol jerked away the restraints that held his hands and ankles. Her hands worked fastidiously at Commander Tucker’s clothing. The Starfleet uniform was in her way and quite stubborn in its refusal to come off. Growing impatient with the zipper, T’Pol used both her hands to physically tear the offending article.

//Soon, Trip.// T’Pol promised. //Soon, you will no longer need to lust//.//

She wasn’t rewarded with a coherent thought, but she could feel the passion flow through his veins. With great irritation, she began to tug at the bottom of his uniform.

Skon cleared his throat. The noise did not gain a reaction from T’Pol, as she was too engrossed in her actions with Trip to pay him any heed. Indeed, it appeared that T’Pol had completely forgotten their presence altogether. However, Sumarek did turn to regard Skon.

“The bond is complete?” Sumarek inquired.

“Yes. She is sharing the symptoms of the condition,” Skon replied.

“Then I suggest we exit and give them their privacy,” Koss suggested.

The three of them, along with Dr. Phlox exited to allow them their due privacy. Neither Commander Tucker nor Sub-Commander T’Pol noticed.

T’Pol had freed him of his uniform and went to work on his regulation skivvies. He did not have enough strength to help her, nor to force himself into a sitting position. His hands reached in vain for her, but came back empty. Again through their bond she felt frustration-and ever increasing pain. As Trip lay naked and aroused beneath her, T’Pol stepped back to shed her own clothes.


//I am coming, Th’yla//

//Don’t . . . leave. . ..//

The desperation urged T’Pol back to Tucker’s bed. Knowing he was incapable of taking control, T’Pol easily and quickly straddled his prepared body. In an attempt to ease his frustration further, T’Pol leaned down and joined her lips to his. His hips thrust forward frantically and his hands roamed randomly, taking in as much of her body as possible, as they both sought to end the blood fever.


Both Trip and T’Pol were oblivious to the clamor taking place in Skon’s living room.

“Skon, I am glad for your arrival,” Soval stated. “Perhaps you can explain where my daughter is, why her traditional meal has been cancelled, and why your house is full of the Enterprise’s crew.”

“As you have come to my home, you will first share your reasoning for being here,” Skon stated calmly. Archer couldn’t help but feel a grudging bit of respect for the Vulcan captain. He had, after all, done the Vulcan equivalent of putting Soval in his place.

From the height of Soval’s eyebrows, Archer wasn’t the only one who realized Skon’s admonishment. “I have recently been. . . released. My daughter’s wedding has of course been announced. I assumed her meal would be taking place here following the ceremony, as is the custom.”

“You have been released? What of your punishment?” Skon inquired.

Soval glanced at Archer before returning his gaze to Skon. “I do not feel it appropriate to discuss in front of the humans.”

Archer, who had been sitting beside Malcolm as Phlox worked on his injuries, was on his feet at once to protest. Skon spoke before Archer could. “You deliberately told false information to the humans, injured a crewman, and jeopardized their mission by acting as an Ambassador in a function you were clearly not mentally fit to perform. It is not only appropriate for you to explain to them how your actions have been punished, it is essential.”

Archer’s jaw snapped shut in surprise. Had he been paying any attention to anything other than Soval’s face, the Captain of the Enterprise would have seen a ghost of a smile cross V’Lar’s face.

Soval was in no danger of smiling. “As you wish, Skon. Because of my condition, the majority of the charges were dismissed. However, my Ambassadorial privileges have been suspended.”

“That does not appear to be all,” Sumarek stated, looking up from a small computer terminal located close to the kitchen. “It appears there is a second clause to your release.”

Skon regarded Sumarek with interest. “Indeed?”

“Yes. A formal apology to the captain and crew of the Enterprise for disrupting their mission and nearly causing a diplomatic incident.” Sumarek stated.

A decided smirk graced Archer’s face and he crossed his arms to wait. “Well, since we’re all here, I suppose now would be as good a time as any,” he told Soval.

Soval placed his hands behind his back as he turned to look at Archer. “Your pleasure in my discomfort is proof of your immaturity as a species,” he stated.

Archer shrugged. “Maybe. But I didn’t give the order, Soval,” Archer rejoined.

Soval took a deep breath. “Very well. I wish to extend my formal apology for endangering your mission and for interrupting your attempts at diplomacy,” Soval said stiffly.

Archer smiled. “Why, thank you, Soval. I appreciate a being that can be sorry for being in error,” he answered, a bit too jovially.

“Being sorry is an emotion, Captain Archer,” Soval began.

Happily, T’Pau interrupted the conversation. “That shall be enough, Soval. You have inquired on the whereabouts of thy daughter. Does thee seek to have the question answered or not?”

“Of course,” Soval answered.

“Sopel cancelled the wedding meal-apparently he was in great haste to return to his station. Because of the prince’s haste, T’Pol chose the kalifee ritual and she is currently with her mate of choice,” Skon informed the former Ambassador.

“Wait a minute-T’Pol is your daughter?” Archer exclaimed.

Soval gave him a look of disdain. “Of course she is,” he answered. “It is in her personnel file, had you been efficient enough to check.”

“That explains why you are constantly trying to remove her from our ship,” Archer surmised. “No doubt afraid we’ll contaminate her with our emotions?”

“As I recall, your Commander Tucker was trying to do just that,” Soval remarked. “His lecherous attitude is something I still intend to bring to the attention of Vulcan High Command.”

“Considering the fact that Commander Tucker is currently near death, it is not appropriate for you to speak of him in such a fashion,” V’Lar spoke up.

“Further, I believe Vulcan High Command has more important issues to contend with than the sexual desires of either Commander Tucker or Sub-Commander T’Pol, regardless of the extent of their lecherousness,” Skon said firmly.

“It is doubtful that the High Command would consider the testimony of a suspended Ambassador important, as well,” Koss supplied.

Again, Archer couldn’t help but stare. These weren’t the type of Vulcans he was accustomed to. Where was the arrogance? The holier-than-thou attitude? Up to know, T’Pol had been the only exception to what Archer believed was the rule of Vulcan behavior. Regardless, Soval was clearly outnumbered by his peers.

“As for your second question,” Skon spoke, “The humans are awaiting word on Commander Tucker’s condition while he is in treatment. During their stay, they are welcome guests at my home. You are not.”

“Then I shall leave,” Soval answered.

After his exit, Skon turned to Captain Archer. “Captain, Commander Tucker will need to be treated for at least a week. In the meantime, if you wish for your crew to take shore leave, Shikar has excellent recreational activities.”

Archer rubbed his eyes tiredly. “I think they’d appreciate that.”

Travis spoke up, “I hear you have real nice mountains too.”

“Yes we do. I would be willing to assist you in finding them,” T’Lal spoke up.

Travis turned to look at Archer questionably. The Captain waved his arm. “Go on and go. Just be careful. I’ve already got three injured crewmembers. I don’t want anymore.”

“I will, Sir,” Travis promised before ducking out the door behind T’Lal.

“Tell me, Captain, do you play chess?” Skon inquired.

“I’m not very good at it, I’m afraid,” Archer replied. “Never really had the patience. Water polo’s more my thing.”

“You will have a sufficient wait before we can check the progress of T’Pol and Commander Tucker. Perhaps we could increase your efficiency and extend my knowledge of this ‘water polo,’” Skon suggested.

Archer glanced at Phlox and asked, “Is Malcolm okay?”

The Denobulan nodded. “He pulled his hamstring,” he answered, “And of course, is experiencing considerable signs of exertion. But I’ve administered a potent pain killer for the hamstring. A little rest should cure his other malady.”

Malcolm looked up and gave Archer a grin. Raising his hand in an ‘ok’ gesture, the lieutenant assured him, “I’m doing A-O-K, Captain.”

In spite of the grim situation, Archer chuckled softly at the effect the pain killers were having on his normally prim armory officer. “I’ll take your word for it, Malcolm,” he said before following Skon to his den.

Once the two were safely out of sight, T’Pau remarked, “I was unaware the Captain and Ambassador Soval were on such antagonistic terms.”

“I found them to be rather similar, actually,” Koss mused.

“It was certainly an interesting display of emotion,” T’Lara agreed.

Malcolm raised his head from where it rested on Hoshi’s shoulder. “On Earth, we call such emotions ‘pissing contests.’”

The Vulcans looked at Hoshi questionably. The linguists patted Malcolm’s head. “Those must have been some type of pain killers,” she laughed before going on to translate to the best of her ability, what a “pissing contest” was in the Vulcans’ native language.


Three hours later, T’Pol lay beside Trip, both of them completely spent. T’Pol was relatively certain that the Commander would be well. While he was still experiencing the worst of pon far, he was no longer in constant pain. His skin was still warm to the touch, but no longer painful to touch. He still burned, but he was able to complete his thoughts.

//T’Lal?// The thought was very faint, but it was there. T’Pol could not deny its existence any more than she could deny the envy it caused to course through her veins when she realized how he had come to know T’Lal.

//No, Commander. It is T’Pol// she responded.

//Can’t be. T’Pol. . . didn’t matter enough,h// Trip’s mind responded.

T’Pol’s heart truly and fully ached. Commander Tucker had just stated that his relationship with T’Lal had been more important than their relationship. T’Pol did not matter to him. Involuntarily, a picture of another tall and blond human instantly came to mind.

//’Course T’Pol matters to me-and who’s this guy?// Trip wondered. //I didn’t matter to her! She wouldn’t come to me when I was sick. Sent some stranger in instead.//

T’Pol’s hope lifted on two accounts. One, Trip was thinking in complete thoughts. Two, he thought she did not care for him, and had plainly stated that she mattered to him. She did not dwell on the emotional response she was having.

//You are mistaken, Commander. I was not aboard the Enterprise when Dr. Phlox determined the nature of your illness. If I had been, I would not have permitted T’Lal to mate with you.//


//It is I, Commander.//

The brief elation he shared with her disappeared. //It can’t be. . . just another one of my fantasies.//

//I assure you, I am real.//

//Nope. . . I’ve had this scenario plenty of times since I first became sick. . . none of them were true.//

T’Pol allowed exasperation to flood the bond. //I am not ‘fantasy,’ Commander Tucker.//

//Prove it.//

//You are stubborn even while facing death. How do you suggest I ‘prove’ it?//

//Tell me something that only the ‘real’ you would know.//

//That is not possible. Anything I may say that you would believe as truth would be capable of being manipulated by your thought processes into a fantasy. If I were to share heretofore unknown information, you would have no way to verify its accuracy.//

Trip mentally chuckled. //Good to see ya, T’Pol. Have I gone crazy? Why doesn’t it feel like I’m talking, yet I can hear what I’m saying as well as what you’re saying?//

//You are still quite mentally sound, Commander. We are sharing a Vulcan mental link called a bond.//

//How come?//

//You are still suffering the effects of pon far-T’Lal was unable to cure you. In an attempt to remedy that situation, I bonded with you. We are now linked. We now communicating through your thoughts, as you are not quite coherent enough yet to speak. No doubt your thoughts are coming from the deepest corner of your mind.//

T’Pol again felt a wave of pain course through him, and she knew it was time to mate yet again. //It is time again, Commander.//

“Trip,” the man beside her managed.

//Very well, Trip,// T’Pol answered as she leaned forward to lightly caress his face. //We must mate.//

//Love it when you’re so demanding, darlin’.//


*Title comes from Marvin Gaye, whom I also do not own. Nor do I own the song “Sexual Healing.”

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