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To Have Learned Nothing At All-Ch 17

Author - Samantha Quinn
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To Have Learned Nothing At All

By Samantha Quinn

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: In Chapter 1
A/N: Filler, mostly. But necessary filler.

Chapter 17

A House Falls on Trip


“A security field?” Archer asked, perplexed.

“Yes, Sir. Since we received word about T’Pol’s arrest, I’ve been trying to figure out how exactly the colonists were able to monitor their activities. While I down there helping with their ‘security systems,’ I saw nothing that would have sustained such an arrangement.”

“I’d imagine that they’d want to keep such a structure known to only a few people,” Trip commented.

“It’s likely. From the information that T’Pol gathered, she and the Commander believe that there is an artificial structure in place right here.” Malcolm pointed to the on screen projection of the rock layers that Anders had brought back with him after the first run.

“Is this the structure she asked us to monitor impulses from during her check in?”

Malcolm nodded. When he pressed another button, a chart appeared on screen, demonstrating the said impulses. “The amount of power being generated from this structure makes it a conceivable power source for as detailed of a security system as the colonists must have.”

“Why do you believe they’d need something so elaborate just to monitor one room, or at maximum, two rooms?”

Malcolm fell quiet and turned an almost guilty gaze towards Trip.

“Because it wasn’t just in the bedrooms that we were being monitored,” Trip replied. As he spoke, his fingers rubbed massaged his temples. “The entire time T’Pol was working in the lab, they left the two of us alone. Given their dislike of other species, they’d almost certainly monitored us more closely, unless –“

“Unless they had some other means of watching them,” Malcolm finished.

Archer wanted to believe his men, but he wasn’t entirely convinced. “You’re absolutely sure the colonists aren’t using it for something else?”

“No, Sir, I’m not,” Malcolm answered. “However, it’s my best guess, given what we know.”

“Well, it’s something to keep in mind, Lieutenant. But most of the evidence seems pretty circumstantial to me.”

“It is, Captain. I should have done a more thorough job inspecting the rooms when we were there, but since I didn’t, I can’t say for certain.”

“You didn’t have any reason to suspect that they’d be spying, Malcolm.”

The look on Malcolm’s face said that the armory officer didn’t buy it, but he abandoned the argument by nodding his head slightly. “They are a hard bunch to figure out, Captain. Some of them claim to hate technology, some claim to hate aliens, yet their planet is full of advanced technology, and a good deal of it is alien.”

It was then that Archer had a glorious burst of hope. His optimism was tempered by the mood of the mission, but it was there, nonetheless. “Trip, T’Pol was certain this structure was what was causing the disturbances?”

“Yes,” Trip responded. Archer found it troublesome that his chief engineer was being so reticent, but he momentarily ignored it. They both had bigger concerns at the present.

The optimism gave way to a smile. Noticing Archer’s change in expression, Malcolm questioned, “Is that good news, Sir?”

“It could be, Malcolm. As you’ve already noticed, the APA colonists are very fractured. The geologist we’re on our way to pick up just happens to be a member of the group that is against technology. In fact, his reluctance to re-board a starship was why the Enterprise was sent straight there, instead of stopping to pick him up first. If we can prove that a piece of technology is what’s causing these seismic disturbances, maybe we can bring him to our advantage.”

“What about the engineer?” It was the longest group of words that Trip had strung together since Archer had arrived, and the Captain was surprised to notice how relieved he was to hear them.

“The engineer’s represents APA VIII. The Xindi attack apparently inspired them to retreat towards a more traditional lifestyle. She may be harder to persuade, given that her colony is the reason APA I has such strict anti-indecency laws in the first place. On the other hand, at least we aren’t going to APA VII. It’s where the most stringently anti-alien humans have settled.” Archer conceded. “Malcolm, I want you to keep studying the data we have. See if you can figure a way to manipulate the effect of the structure. Trip – Trip!” Archer abandoned his sentence and rushed to his friend’s side, feeling the weight of the wall between them once he got closer. “Are you okay?”

It was a stupid question, Archer realized immediately. Trip was as pale as chalk, his eyes were wide, and he was shaking. Of course he wasn’t okay.

Leaning against the bulkhead for support, Trip nodded in defiance of the truth. “I’m fine, Captain.”

“The hell you are.” Archer had meant it to come out as concern. Instead, it sounded as tyrannical as the lecture he’d given Trip hours before, even to Archer’s own ears. “I want you to report directly to sickbay.”

“There’s nothing Phlox can do for me, Captain. I already know what’s wrong, and so do you, half of the colony, and all of Starfleet,” Trip retorted.

*All of Starfleet?* “Is it this. . . bond thing you have with T’Pol?”


Unfortunately, Malcolm wasn’t a member of either of the aforementioned groups. “Bond?”

“T’Pol and I apparently have developed some type of mental link from the neuropressure.”

“Mental link?”

“I’ll explain later.”

Trip’s promise seemed to be enough for Malcolm and for one brief moment, the surge of jealousy Archer felt threatened to overtake him as he realized the closeness of their relationship. His duty as Captain triumphed over the childish feeling, however, and he focused on the scene at hand. “I thought you could only feel her through the bond when you were asleep?”

Trip slowly pushed himself off of the bulkhead he’d been clutching to for support. “That’s how it used to be. But ever since I woke up from the nap. . . I don’t know how to explain it. There’s a sense of panic that isn’t my own.” He swallowed hard. “I’m pretty sure it’s T’Pol.”

Archer didn’t want to think about what it meant for T’Pol to be panicking. What they could be doing to her. . . But the expression on Trip’s face showed that he clearly was contemplating it.

“Is there anyway you can block it out?” Archer asked.

“With all due respect, Captain, I can’t. This bond is the only part of T’Pol I have left. It’s the only way I know she’s still. . . alive.”

It was then, watching the pained expression on Trip’s face and hating himself for not being able to find the words that would have come more naturally a year ago, that Archer knew that if they didn’t find a way to bring back T’Pol, not only would he be letting down the spirit of Jack O’Neill, he’d lose Trip. Maybe not in body, but he’d lose Trip all the same. *More so than I already have.*

“Sato to Archer.”

“This is Archer. Go ahead.”

“The Mayor of APA VIII has just notified us of a change in engineers.”

“Did they say why?”

“Apparently they wanted some better acquainted with civil engineering, and the APA VIII engineer didn’t qualify. After picking up Dr. Kehn on APA VI, we’re to proceed to APA VII to pick up William Tucker.”

“Thank you, Hoshi. Archer out.” Archer slowly turned to face Trip before asking quietly, “Isn’t your brother’s name –"

“NO! I . . No. .. I sure as hell hope not. Billy . . . he wouldn’t . . .couldn’t be a member of these people, especially not the most xenophobic ones. He’s the kindest, gentlest guy I know.”

“ But. . . he also has a civil engineering degree from Stanford,” Archer prodded gently, wondering when it had gotten so hard to do so.

“It could just be a coincidence,” Malcolm assured his friend.

Stepping behind Malcolm, Archer recalled the information Admiral Forrest had sent. Along with the treaties, there was a full list of all of the colonists, which colony they belonged to, and their basic biographical information. Given that there were over one thousand names on the list, Archer had not yet bothered to read through it completely. When he came to William Tucker’s name, he cursed quietly, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he allowed Trip to read the information himself.

Trip repeated the information aloud, as though the mere thought of seeing it wasn’t enough. “William Garth Tucker. . . February 1, 2126. . . Stanford. . . Jill and Robert. . . parents Catherine and Charles Tucker, Jr. . . siblings Elizabeth and Charles III.”

Archer knew there must be something appropriate to say. But as Trip stood staring at the computer screen with his head drooped in despair, neither he nor Reed could fathom what it might be.


Chapter 18

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Seven people have made comments

This just get's better and better... can't wait for those last four chapters!

Trip's gonna kick some family booty.

William, I'd like you to meet your brothers biting tongue and pummeling fists! How dare you be Xenophobic when you're the brother of the man slept with two alien women and got pretty intimate with several more! Grrrrrrr!

God chapter Sammantha!

This is why I should never type before drinking my morning coffee!

...brother of the man WHO HAS slept...

...GOOD chapter SAMANTHA!...

Would somebody just put me out of my misery now!?!

Aw, can't it be a "God" chapter, Clicks? ;)

...and the plot thickens. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Poor Trip, leave it to Archer to ask "Are you okay?" when his best friend's obviously about to pass out. Guess ole Billy isn't going to like T'Pol much, huh? Can we have all four chapters at once? :-)