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A Different Kind of Communication

A | Author - TLR | D | Genre - Angst | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG
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A Different Kind of Communication


Rated PG: mild language
Disclaimer: Enterprise is a property of UPN & Paramount Pictures.

Summary: This story is a different take on Communications 1 & 2. It is another possible way that Trip and T’Pol bridge the gap between them and start exploring their bond. Trip has been on Enterprise doing repair work now for about a week. The repairs are going slowly and secretly he is in no hurry to get them done. While here he has been catching up with old friends, but his relationship with T’Pol remains professional. Mostly she is avoiding him, keeping busy with her work and meditation efforts. Enjoy.

Warning: This story has a tremendous dream sequence as part of a shared bond thing. Hope this helps people not get so confused.

March 15th 2005


T’Pol moved through the passageways in her usually efficient manner. She was on her way to Cargo Bay 3 to retrieve parts for a subspace transceiver array that the captain had asked her and Hoshi to work on. This transceiver was to enhance the reception of the shuttle pods’ communications link especially in response to jamming or magnetic interference. The original specs were Tucker’s but the modifications were Hoshi’s. T’Pol had finished her shift and decided rather than sleep, she’d begin work on the equipment. Sleep didn’t come easy these days. Even with Trip back aboard for the repairs, their interactions were tense, his presence was disrupting and even his scent caused her mind to wonder.

Meditation hadn’t been all that helpful either. Mostly it was tenser than her awake periods. She would spend it arguing with him about his unauthorized presence in her mind. T’Pol knew they were experiencing a bond, but didn’t know how to break it to the argue-some engineer.

Turning down the last corridor, T’Pol punched the button to the cargo bay door. It swished open with ease and she stepped inside. Looking through the crates and barrels, T’Pol collected numerous parts from a list on a padd she was carrying. Finding all the components but one, T’Pol placed them by the doorway then turned her attentions to the upper level. She began climbing the ladder to the second tier. Once there she located the last piece with relative ease. This piece was cumbersome and large. She had trouble negotiating around the other boxes and along the railing. When she got to the steps, T’Pol readjusted her grip, assessed her destination and began her descent. Two steps down T’Pol lost her footing, dropped the component and twisted off the ladder.

Holding on with one hand, she dangled about 20 ft from the floor. She wobbled hanging to the side of the ladder, twisting and rocking from the force of her fall. T’Pol reached up and tried to grab at the steel railing with her free hand. It was just out of reach. She reached her hand back behind her than swung it forward trying to bring her body closer to the ladder. Again she fell short.

(This time I will do it) She thought as she again attempted. The commander swung herself back with as much force as
she could muster. This time however upon her forward motion, T’Pol lost her grip on the rail and went flying back first toward the floor. In mid air she righted herself a bit to protect her head. T’Pol came down hard on her left foot, feeling a sharp pain and it’s giving away beneath her. She put her left hand down to help break the fall, only to feel it too stabbed by pain and lessening in strength. Unable to control it, T’Pol let out a verbal wince as the rest of her body contacted the hard floor plating.

T’Pol lay half perched on the floor She was dazed and in quite a lot of pain. She checked out her aching limbs before attempting to right herself. As she tried to step down, though T’Pol realized quickly that something was definitely wrong. She made her way slowly over to the nearest com panel and placed a quick call to sickbay. Phlox and another attendant responded quickly with a gurney and a bag of emergency supplies.


***It was late. Second shift had just ended and Trip found himself heading for the mess hall. The repairs had run over tonight, right through dinner and now the young engineer was hungry. Determined that a piece of pecan pie would hit the spot right now, he relaxed a bit upon walking through the doors. Glancing around the dimly lit room, Trip thought he could get away with a bit of quiet time till he looked to the far end of the room. There sitting beneath a natural lighting fixture was T’Pol. She sat motionless, at the table facing him, her head tilted downward, her eyes stared straight ahead at the palm pad she held in her right hand. In front of her sat a steaming cup of herbal tea.

(Damn.....) He thought (Figures she’d be here.) Trip looked at her, noticing that she didn’t notice him.

(Oh goodie......) His thoughts grew more sarcastic. (And she brought her boyfriend too......Nice !!! )

Trip moved to the food dispenser and retrieved a large piece of pie. He then turned to the beverage machine and quietly ordered a tall glass of milk. While the milk was being dispensed, Trip looked back at the silent figure.

(She knows I’m here.... She’s had to have heard me with those damn pointed ears of hers.) He started growing a bit red at the thought of her actively trying to ignore him.

(That damn Kir’Shara....must be pretty damn important to have all of Vulcan transfixed by it.)
He shook his head and retrieved his beverage. Moving to a nearby chair, he sat down and proceeded to enjoy his desert. Throughout his snack, Trip watched T’Pol sitting there. Her other hand never came up to touch the padd, showing she was not turning the pages. After about 15 minutes, Trip realized she wasn’t reading it at all, but just staring at it.

(What....Is she meditating....) He pondered still with a bit of attitude... (I thought she needed a candle for that...) He watched her a few minutes longer.... (Maybe that thing’s got a picture of a flickering candle playing on it.....) His thoughts were getting punchy, Trip was tired, but he knew that he would get no rest until he’d eased this growing tension between them.

Finally he decided to approach the young woman and ask about her new habit of dismissing him. He walked blatantly up to her not attempting to be silent.

“Fancy meet’n you here.” He opened, his words dripping with sarcasm.

T’Pol looked up at him unaware that he’d been there for several minutes. “Commander?”

(Oh it’s Commander is it...) Trip was really starting to get annoyed.

“What’r ya readin’..... must be pretty good considering I have only been here for 20 minutes and ya didn’t even hear me come in.” Trip took a chair, noticing her lack of asking him to join her.

“I am reviewing the Kir’Shara” She replied absently and allowed the padd to rest face up on the table.

“Big Surprise....” Trip looked over at the padd’s direction for once getting to see some of this ancient spiritual bombshell.

“Must be pretty amazing stuff considering it’s got all of Vulcan’s knickers in a twist.” Trip was trying to be funny and noticed only confusion on the slight female’s face.

(What is a knicker? and how would it’s being rotated be of importance to Vulcan?)

Frustrated Trip took the palm padd from her hand and righted it to his face. The elegant Vulcan script illuminated the screen in long rows of downward strands.

“I mean... gees.....you study this damn thing like it was cadet crib notes to a final or something.” He saw a moderate length strand highlighted...

“What’s this say?” He asked pointing to the highlighted area. He turned the padd back toward T’Pol to see.

Rubah -- gehnli tor-bosh t'ek'nam.” She replied blankly with a elegant Vulcan accent.

“Oh that was informative....” Trip smirked a mixture of frustration and amusement. “What does that mean.....you know..... in English..”

“Change is evident...Lead by example.” Again T’Pol only offered minimal information and Trip was starting to sense that her mood was far more sullen than he had ever seen in her before.

“That’s all that thing says...With the way you’ve been studying this thing for the last 3 months, I thought it held the secrets to the universe or something.”
T’Pol stared back at him blankly, and Trip tried baiting her as he was growing more worried about her mood.

“Hell, I had a Baptist minister tell me that in Sunday school once. What’s so all fired important bout leading by example. All that means is that you do something to behave a certain way in that you’re demonstrating the behavior yourself that others should follow. If you do it right, others will mimic your example.”

“I know what it means.... Commander... I am attempting to figure out what it means for me.” T’Pol held a bit of frustration in her voice although still not enough to make Trip feel more at ease.

“Well that’s simple. You’re a Commander in Star Fleet. You simply must demonstrate professional behavior to expect your subordinates to perform likewise.” Trip laid the padd back onto the table in front of her.

T’Pol sighed and picked the item up before she started. “That is not what it means for me... I am a surviving member of a high ranking family of Vulcan. I have been asked to leave my work here, return home and become head of the High Counsel.” She flashed him a weakly superior smirk and turned the padd over and over again in her fingers.

“What....... When’d this come about?” Trip asked almost too stunned to speak.

“Right after the Kir’Shara was discovered. When my mother died, I was naturally next in line to lead. Also my time aboard Enterprise has, in their opinion, expertly trained me for the task.” Her voice was soft, low and bitter as she spoke.

“Properly trained you......Properly trained you for what?” Trip was confused. He knew T’Pol was brilliant and very capable to lead, but to become the .......He didn’t even know what to call it. “Why do your people think you’re the only one for the job?”

“Because I am a direct descendent of Surak.”

“Of who?” Trip was stunned not knowing of her ancestry.


“And that makes you special in someway?”

“Yes.... Descendants of Surak are royalty of sorts... My mother was a queen until her death and then that title fell to me.”

“So you’re the Queen of Vulcan?” Trip almost couldn’t believe what she was saying.

“A queen...there are currently 73 direct descendants of Surak living on Vulcan”

“And out of the 73... You’re the only one who can do this job?” Trip’s tone was getting defensive

“I am the only one who’s existed with Humans closely for an extended period of time.”

(That’s true enough) He thought and continued to play the rest of this information out in his mind.
“I still don’t understand?”

“The Kir’Shara is about Logic, but it’s also about something bigger..... Federation.” T’Pol tried to explain to him but her tone was haggard and weak as if she’d made this explanation a thousand times before.

“If my planet is to honor the Kir’Shara, Vulcan needs to be a driving force in Federation... To do this as it is written, we are to utilize the cunning ways of another species.”

“Humans” Trip realized her reference.

“Exactly... That means that not only diplomats will have to spend long periods of time with Humans, but the general population must adopt a new understanding when dealing with Humans... and other species for that matter.” T’Pol’s voice reflected the monumental task that lay ahead of the strictly regulated society.

“Is that what you wanna do?” He asked a Human question.

“No.... I do not believe my returning to Vulcan to sit at the head of the counsel will accomplish Surak’s goal of leading by example.“ T’Pol absently sipped at her tea.

“Well then where’s the problem?”

“I do not know if I am correct in doing what I wish. Staying aboard Enterprise and helping Federation come about here. That to me is truly leading by example.” T’Pol’s head turned downward examining the light brown liquid in her cup.

“That seems logical.” Trip tried to ease her frustration.

“Not to them.... I have already received 6 communiqué’s debating my answer as not living up to the honor or the logic of my heritage.” T’Pol’s eyes turned downward further toward her lap, her head now hung in a very uncharacteristic manner.

“You’re just tired... We all are... Sleep on it again and you’ll see in the morning that things will be much clearer.” Trip moved his head within site of T’Pol. He favored her with a soft smile, his blue eyes were warm and friendly.

“Perhaps... I will say good night then.” T’Pol lifted her left hand from her lap and laid it gingerly onto the table for support. Trip saw the splint covering it and went instantly into protective mode.

“What’s this?” He went to touch the device and saw her wince at the thought.

Trip slowed his approach and picked her hand up gently. Turning it he could see the hints of green bruising spreading out from all sides and up the arm. “What happen.”

“I fell....” She responded softly a hint of child in her voice.

“Does Phlox know you fell?” Trip asked the obvious but was too worried about her health.

“Dr. Phlox was the one who splinted me. I am fine Trip, it is just a sprain.” T’Pol referred to him as Trip reflecting the caring she felt from him.

“Does it hurt much?” He asked still lightly massaging the adjacent arm area.

“A little, but it is under control.” T’Pol started to stand again. Trip came to her side and took her arm, helping her to her feet. To his surprise, as she turned to walk around him, he saw the large splint on her left foot as well.

“What the hell.....?” Trip came to stand in front of her again. He held onto her shoulders to stabilize her weight.

“Another Sprain?” He asked a bit miffed.

“Yes but...” The engineer cut her off before she could explain away her lack of information.

“You’ve got a sprained wrist and leg and you’re not in Sickbay?” Trip bent down to examined the lower extremity more closely. He could see the same vestiges of bruises from above her cast.

“Phlox released me 2 hours ago to my quarters.” She broke the tense silence.

“Then why aren’t you in your quarters?” Trip asked coming back to meet her gaze.

“I wanted some tea.” She replied turning her eyes downward to the padd on the table.

“You could have gotten someone to bring it to you.” Trip leaned down again, this time demanding her attention stay focused on him. Straightening again, T’Pol followed him with her eyes.

“I do not need anyone to get my tea for me.” She mustered up some defiance. Trip was encouraged as T’Pol took a couple of tentative steps to get around him. She winced with each wobbly motion and Trip watched her try to get away from his onslaught.

Turning to get in front of her again, Trip started “I’m sure Phlox told you to rest that foot.”

“I was resting it...... I was sitting and reading..”

“Well the hobbling down 50 feet of hallway, the three deck ride in the turbo lift and another 70feet to the mess hall isn’t my idea of resting it.” Trip bent down and scooped T’Pol into his arms gently, not wanting to cause her any more pain. She stiffened at the surprising move and Trip noticed the addition to her weight.

“Gees T’Pol... Would you relax... you weigh a ton when you’re stiff as a board.”
T’Pol relaxed her body and molded it more naturally into Trip’s arms.

“That’s better....” He turned back to face the table.

“Forget something?” He glanced whimsically at the palm padd. “Wouldn’t want to leave your precious......” He stopped himself before getting too rude.

T’Pol reached down with her right hand and retrieved the item. She shot him a stern glance that brought some happiness back into the lonely engineer’s soul.

Trip then started down the long row of tables, carrying T’Pol easily in his arms.

“Commander, I don’t believe this is necessary and I am sure it’s not appropriate.” T’Pol’s voice was even but forceful.

(Oh so we are back to Commander......Hum...) “Well you should have thought bout that when you took this little hike. The only way you’re gettin’ back to your quarters is if someone carries you and it’s lookin like I’m the only transportation around.” Trip shook her slightly to settle her body closer to his and into a more comfortable carrying position.

He started through the door and down the hallway. Along the way they came across the occasional crewmember giving odd looks and questioning stares. Trip tended to ignore it, although he clearly was amused by T’Pol’s predicament. T’Pol however, turned her eyes to the ground trying to shield out the whimsical musing of the others. The walk from the turbo lift to her quarters was equally silent. T’Pol touched in her security code to open the door when they arrived. Trip placed T’Pol down softly on her bunk, resting her back against the pillows there. He went over to her meditation cushions and retrieved a particularly large one. Returning he motioned for T’Pol, who was already trying to assume a sitting position, to lie back down. He lifted her leg gingerly and placed the swollen limb atop the pillow.

“There.... and I expect for it to stay there for several hours.” He said making sure she knew her rank was of no consequence to him.

Defeated, she lay back against her pillow and watched as he stood over her.

“Thank you for your assistance...” She stated sheepishly breaking the growing tension between them.

“Your welcome...” He returned... “ Do you need anything. Another pillow... a blanket...” Trip covered all the anticipated needs.

“No I am fine. If I need anything, I can retrieve it.” T’Pol noticed a change in his demeanor again.

“No you can’t.... What don’t you understand.... You are to stay off that foot....” Trip turned and paced the room feeling a bit hurt that his kind gesture was so easily dismissed by her. “Stubborn Vulcan....mmmmmmmm” his words trailed off as he mumbled some other comments under his breath.

Trip paced a few more seconds then went to her desk area. He turned the chair to face her and sat abruptly down in defiance.

“Is there anything else?” she added being careful not to use any incorrect wording.

“Nope.....I’m fine...” Trip sat back and closed his arms across his chest.

“Then I will say goodnight again.” T’Pol was unsure of his intentions.

“Goodnight..” He returned without budging.

T’Pol again began to wonder what the young engineer had on his mind. It made her somewhat uneasy, feeling she would be unable to rest while he sat so close by.

“You are not leaving...?” She asked after a few moments of silence.

“Nope....” Trip yawned, took a deep breath, stretched his neck a bit then went back to watching her.

“May I ask why?” She lifted a bit on her arm. This brought a forward movement and a warning glare from Trip so T’Pol eased back onto the bunk.

“You’re not gonna keep off that foot. The minute I leave you’ll probably start doing Vulcan yoga or something. So I have gotta stay here and make sure you keep off it. If you need anything, then I’ll be right here to get it for you.”

“That is not necessary.... I will stay off my foot. If I need anything I can simply call for a steward.” T’Pol stated the things she knew he wanted to hear.

“Then why didn’t you do that in the first place......Naaahh... you’re just telling me a bunch of baloney so I’ll leave. I know ya.... Now hush up and go to sleep.”

“Commander....” Her tone was annoyed at his lack of respect for her rank.

“The name is Trip.... and I suggest you start getting it straight or none of us will get any sleep tonight.”
He moved his neck again then cocked it to the side, closing his eyes.

After several minutes, Trip could feel her steely gaze upon him. He tried to ignore it, but eventually frustration set in and he had to address it.

“What is it....?” He stated sharply.

“I said nothing....” She replied just as annoyed.

“Yeah...well you’re saying nothing awfully loud.”

“I beg your pardon.” She wondered if he had been unconsciously trying to connect with her mind.

“So you’re not sleepy... Good I’ve been meaning to ask you something....” Trip decided now was as perfect a time as any to get to the bottom of these disturbing dreams he’d been having. By her occasional question of him, he suspected T’Pol knew something of the problem, but wasn’t giving up any information. Now she was a captive audience.

“I’ve been noticing that I’m having very strange day dreams..... You know anything about that?” He asked a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

“Strange in what way?” She returned which only made him more frustrated.

“I think you know..... You keep asking me about how I am sleeping.... You know something. Now dish...” That term puzzled T’Pol. She looked at him a moment until he clarified.

“Tell me what you know.”

“I assumed since you seemed so tired, that your sleep was being interrupted again.” T’Pol was not in the mood to get into telling him the real truth. Her arm and leg hurt, she too was tired and only wished to sleep, but knew she wouldn’t with him sitting there staring at her.

“All right.... Fine... Then don’t tell me.” Trip folded his arms tightly across his chest again and put his head back. “Go to sleep.”

“You... are going to sleep there.... Like that?” She asked wanting to have her quarters back.

“I am...... You got a problem with that?” He replied defiantly.

“You will fall.” She returned.

“So what do you care.” He quipped.

“I am responsible for the other officers on board this ship. I can not allow anyone to knowing get injured.” T’Pol was trying her best poker bluffs trying to get him mad enough to leave.

“All righty......You don’t want me to get hurt....” Trip got up and started to cross the room. Instead he dimmed the lights from the switch near the door and came over to the bunk.

“Move over....” He ordered.

“I beg your pardon?” T’Pol was astonished. Trip had never been this forward.

“I said move over..... You don’t want me to fall off the chair, and I'm not gonna leave you to walk on that foot of yours, so.... move over, unless you think I deserve to sleep on the floor after carrying you all the way back here.” Trip put his hands on his hips for a moment, then brushed a finger out and toward T’Pol.

“Move over...” He restated then started to sit on the side of the bunk. T’Pol instinctively moved to the back of the bunk. She watched as Commander Tucker lay down and turned to face away from her.

“Good Night...” He uttered then pulled the coverlet over his shoulder.

T’Pol lay back in angered frustration. She turned her back to him as well, but found it painful to sleep on her affected side. Later she would turn back to face him. They both eventually fell asleep, T’Pol into a deeper one than Trip.

*******Trip found himself once again in that large white space. He stood there in his sweats and saw the sleeping form of T'Pol laying about 10 meters away. He walked over to check on her. Trip knelt down and touched her skin. It was warm and her color radiated the normal green hue she always did. He sat down beside her and looked around.

( What is this place and why do I keep coming back here ?) He wondered and looked once more to her sleeping form
She looked peaceful at first then her body began to move, a low murmur came from within. Trip rubbed her back trying to sooth her and she instinctively rolled over, resting her head on his lap.

T'Pol moved her hands along the material of his thigh and found a comfortable spot there along its outer length.
Trip looked amazed at this move, since before in this place, she'd always told him to get lost.

The area around them went from bright white to gray to shadowed in nature. Trip noticed the change and wondered what was coming about. He looked down onto the sleeping form of T’Pol, and saw no change in her state.

A light came from the far corner of the area. That got Trip's attention and he watched as the changing colors took shape and form. There before him appeared a figure of a man and a small child. Trip couldn't help but feel as though he was seeing a play of some sorts and watched with great interest as the plot began to unfold.

**** The adult Vulcan male was tall with brown hair and dark features. The distinctive sloped eyebrows and pointed ears, told Trip immediately it was T'Pol's father. The little girl had similar features, but wore long hair pulled partially back in a knot with the remainder lying straight against her shoulders.

The little girl sat atop his lap watching with great interest as the man outlined his lessons to her. Even though his words were in Vulcan, Trip could understand the meaning just the same.

"When you’re being chased by a sehlat, go for high ground. Sehlats don't climb unlike you my little MenCh'yra ( monkey)"

This elicited a broad smile from the child that cause a soft upward turn on the man's face. The love between the two was palpable and Trip could understand where T’Pol got her sensitive side, having already met her mom.

The male then touched two fingers to little one's nose which caused another grin. This was followed by a strong hug by the child which wasn't dissuaded by the parent.

*** The scene then changed. Now the child sat in the patio, on the floor. A large furry creature lumbered up to her. For a moment Trip was concerned, the large snarling cat would harm the small T’Pol. But instead it lay down beside her and started brushing up against her arm.

It was persistent as the child looked not so happy this time, Trip wasn't sure but thought that this T’Pol was a little older the last one. Finally, T'Pol gave into the cat's persistence and began brushing a hand across its furry head. Within a moment, she twisted abruptly and hugged into the beast hard, lying against him fully. Tears streamed down her face as she held on for dear life.

The cat remained still and growled harder as it enjoyed her closeness ( I want my father) Trip could hear the little one's thoughts again in Vulcan but translated.

(They shouldn't have sent him to that dreaded place. He belongs here with us not on that water bound planet. . . . Earth) The little T’Pol rubbed her chin several times back-and-forth across the cat's neck. It growled steadily and even.

**** Once more the scene changed. This time there was a much older T’Pol, about preteen Trip guessed once more on the patio with the cat. She sat cross legged facing a large urn and practicing her meditation techniques. She wore a burgundy robe with darkened symbols along each lapel and sash.

The cat remained silent, its eyes closed as if trying to meditate along with her. Again Trip could hear her thoughts aloud.

( Concentrate. . . Clear your mind of negative thoughts. . . . Dammit. . . Concentrate) Clearly, the young one hadn't mastered it yet.

(Maybe I'll speak with Father ) She turned her thoughts to seeking out her parent. She started to hear his steady hum then her features grew frantic. Again Trip could hear his thoughts too.

( My beloved. . . . My Mhy'all. . . . I am with you always. . . . Remember)

Then there was a deafening sound and the link fell silent. T’Pol was wrenched with pain, her eyes flew open in horror, her breathing caught in her throat. . " Father!"

Within a moment another Vulcan female entered the garden and pulled T'Pol up to her feet.

"Come child your mother needs you." Was her hurried statement and T'Pol was whisked into the house followed by the cat. The scene followed them into the living quarters where T'Les was on the floor. She apparently collapsed there when the disturbing thoughts came to her. The young girl attendant pulled T'Pol to her side and encouraged the young child to touch her mother's face.

T’Pol desired to hug her parent, but found a cold stiff form in place of her beloved mother. The attendants yet again encouraged T’Pol to place your fingers to her parent’s temples and connect to her through their bond. The little girl did as she was told.

( Mother. . . . I am here!) She called out and found shock, grief, sadness and disbelief. All the same things she was feeling herself.

( Mother. . . !) Again she called needing to be soothed. Slowly T'Les' fingers found the little one's temples. They sat a long time in grief together, through their bond they cried openly.

****** And with that scene of grief the background faded. It changed to that of a heavily wooded area. It was a bright sunny day and there was apparently a foot chase in progress.

T'Pol, now a young adult of about 26, Trip estimated, was in pursuit of two felons. She had her weapon at the ready, thoughts sped through her mind as she ran.

(Get your prisoners. . . You are a good agent. . Just like your father was.) those were the words her superior Agent Ky'ler said to T’Pol as he handed her the names of the seven escapees. She felt a twinge of pride that she suppressed knowing she was following in her father's footsteps.

Back to the foot chase, T’Pol was gaining on the second prisoner. She caught up to Jauson and dropped kicked him to the ground. T’Pol drew her weapon and the prisoner kicked it from her hand. They scuffled, kicks and blows landing equally between both. Finally T’Pol regained her footing and grabbed for the prisoner’s phase pistol that had fallen at her feet. She took aim. The prisoner then reached into his back pocket and removed a knife. He threw it to strike T’Pol in the chest. She dodged it effectively but fired as a reflex.

Jauson of vaporized before her eyes, letting out the most horrendous screams as he dissolved into thin air. T'Pol stood shocked, her thoughts of catching the other prisoner gone. Manos circled back and saw the event. He hollered for him by name “Jauson!” then looked at the very horrified T'Pol.

"You didn't have to kill him!" He yelled, and was once more moving on the run. T'Pol remained in the area of the vaporized particles in silence.

*** Once more the scene changed to a dank stone floored monastery. Trip knew instantly it was P'Jem. There the same young adult T'Pol was being held down on the floor as several white cloaked monks performed some ritual ceremony on her. She squirmed, then began to cry out. . . eventually screaming at the top of her lungs. Trip over heard one of the monks talking to another.

“Yes, but her efforts in Kolinar were ineffective. It was essential she undergo the Fa’Lara. It is important she not remember her crimes against logic.”

Again the monks came at her with their mental probing. Her screaming continued as the scene faded once more.

****Now the scene was the Vulcan Embassy on Earth. T’Pol stood with Soval and Ky’Ler as they discussed her working for the Ministry of Security again.

“T’Pol, if you effectively complete this mission you will then be returned to active duty.’ Ky’Ler said.

“You’re assignment will be to make sure the Klingon is delivered successfully to Qonos. Your work with the embassy will provide you adequate cover with the Humans.”

“But the Humans. . .” She started “Are they expendable?” She asked with military efficiency.

“Absolutely not.” Soval returned a bit flustered by her disregard. He knew that the agents of the Ministry of Security were trained to kill but they still held a deep respect for life, even that of their prisoners.

“No humans are to be injured during this mission. I will hold you personally responsible .” Soval finished.

“What are they allowed to know?” She asked redirecting the conversation.

“As little as possible.” Ky’ler responded to this one.

“They clearly are unaware of the dangers that await them. . . . A foolish and childlike species.” Soval added.

“What if they impede my efforts to return the Klingon. . . ?” T’Pol asked clinically.

“Then remove them from your way.” Ky’Ler returned sternly.

“Without hurting them!” Soval added noting a violent tendency starting in this conversation.

T’Pol looked quite perturbed by the constriction in her practice. She seemed quite eager to resume her Ministry of Security position.

(These constrictions are definitely going to hinder my return of the Klingon and of making my father proud of me.) She thought.

“ What is the bottom-line. . . . Agent Ky’Ler?” she asked ignoring Soval’s warnings.

“Get the Klingon to Qonos any way necessary, understood Sub Commander.”

“Yes sir. . . !” and with that T’Pol went to change into her military garb.

( Humans. . . a quite illogical and inferior species.) she thought exiting the room and walking the secret passageways of the Vulcan Embassy.

Trip looked down at T’Pol, still sleeping in his lap. What had he been witnessing?
(T’Pol was really a spy?) a hurtful realization came and he turned away not wanting to see the rest of the show.

End Part 1

Part II

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A whole mess of folks have made comments

wow, that was good

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How can you do this to me?? I have been secretly hoping for ages that someone will write a story where we get to see TPol's memories and even more that she is some kind of badass secret agent kung fu superhero WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am loving this fic a lot, PLEASE turn it into a superfic like 12 chapters would be good. We could have superhero Trip and secret agent Tpol saving the universe (again) or something. Dang, I am ranting, but you've got me all a tingle!

Aaagghhhh! Evil cliffie - no more till Friday? Aaagghhhh! ;) Enjoyed part one immensely - too bad Trip didn't stick around to see the rest of her dream. Wonder if he'll confront her about what he saw - or just snipe at her from afar? Hmmm...

Thanks....This one is right now just a two parter, however I have often wondered if T'Pol could get the chance to go after the person who murdered her father and seek revenge. But first I have to get out Part 2 and "addendum" for the Another Way Home fans..... But don't worry, I will give that one a good think over....T.

I really like this delving into T'Pol's past through the 'white room' giving Trip glimpses he would otherwise never see. Pretty neat him hearing them talk in Vulcan but automatically knowing what they are saying. I am sure Hoshi would love a UT that good. Can't wait until the next part! Ali D :~)

Holy MOLY!! Wow... I can't wait for the next installment. This is very intriguing--*very*!

Oh thats just mean!
Cutin the first part off right there.
Real good,,So far. Im bettin Trip looks back and sees that a certin cheif engineer made spy T'pol rethink her ways. Cant wait for the next update.

I dont like you how could you do that!

I can't wait for the next chapter!
Write faster!!!!!!


I really enjoyed this story and I really like the explaination you gave for T'pols family line. Who's T'pol dad? I want to know

Wow. Yeah, wow. That was great! I can't wait for the next part, I'm sure it will be just as compelling. Nice add in about T'Pol's dad, that was cool. :)

double wow. I can't stand cliffhangers!!! I have to wait till FRIDAY??

forgot to add......no such word as 'tenser', unless you're talking about a Tensor bandage. You would said 'more intense', not tenser.;-)

forgot to add......no such word as 'tenser', unless you're talking about a Tensor bandage. You would say'more intense', not tenser.;-)

I did say "more tense", but when Bucky ran it through the analyzer....it got changed. I know, it sounded weird to me too. Am writing as fast as I can.....This story keeps growing. But the turns in it are really fascinating and I know how it ends.....LOL. I think it will now be about a 4 parter......I might get part 2 out a little sooner, maybe by Tues. Thanks for the feedback.....T.

Tuesday, that's better. I hate waiting.