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Another Way Home

A | Author - TLR | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG
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Another Way Home


Rated PG: Mild situations
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of UPN and Paramount Productions.
Summary: This story is the episode of “Home” that should have been. I liked many aspects of that episode except for the obvious ending. I am probably the only one who appreciated the writer’s weak way of getting Trip to Vulcan in the first place, but sue me, I’m a hopeless romantic. So this is the real story. Enterprise is home from the Expanse.....Archer is stuck rock climbing and Trip is now getting ready to meet the mom...... I backed up and used some dialog from the show in spots to help you relate. Thoughts are as usual in parenthesis for easier reading. Enjoy.
Date: 3/20/05


Part I (Chapters 1-5)

Chapter 1

Trip made his way down the corridor having just argued with the Captain about the refit. He was feeling a bit depressed. Enterprise was sick, her crew were splitting up and heading their separate ways for the next 6 months, and most importantly T’Pol was on her way for an extended leave on Vulcan. Trip was determined to speak with her one more time before she left the ship. Rounding the corner to her quarters, he tried to think of a plausible reason to stop by.

He reached her cabin, still looking for a good opening topic, but pushed forward anyway. It had been easier talking with T’Pol since they blew up the weapon. She too had been stressed and now Trip felt a mutual need for them to be together, even though they hadn’t had any further neuropressure sessions since their night of sexual relations.

He stood at her door and inhaled deeply. Letting out a sullen sigh, he pressed the buzzer.

“Come in “a familiar voice came from within. The door swooshed open and Trip stepped through. T’Pol stood there packing some neatly folded clothing into her oversized duffel.

“Looks like you’re taking enough clothes to last a year.” Trip mentioned lightly, looking down at her. She looked up from her packing, offering him little response.

“You wanted something?” she asked and continued to pack her bag.

Trip took a deep breath. This wasn’t going to be easy. “I told the Cap’n I wanted to stay aboard and supervise the refit but.” T’Pol straightened and looked at him evenly.

“He suggested I take a break.... It was more like an order actually.” T’Pol gave him a look of understanding.

“Problem is I’m not sure where to go..... Lizzie’s gone; my hometown doesn’t exist anymore..... “Trip sighed at the memory. “Guess this is my home now.” He looked at the cold gray walls of her cabin.

T’Pol watched him with great empathy. She knew what it was like to be so far from home and alone from her time at the embassy. Even among other Vulcan’s she felt out of place and had no real family ties to return to there. She considered his need to be among friends at this time and also her desire to have him close by to offer assistance.

“You could come with me....” she stated plainly.

“To Vulcan?” He asked very surprised. He sat down slowly on the end of her bunk as she turned to collect more of her items on the counter.

“The transport leaves at 11 hundred hours.”

Trip considered it a moment. What a stroke of luck. He may not be able to be near his friends or his ship, but to be able to be with T’Pol was a goal higher than the other two combined.

“Where would I stay?” He asked wanting to know more of the details.

“There is a guest room in my mother’s house.” She returned plainly, not missing a beat and walked over to pack her toiletry box in the duffel.

“Your mom’s house.... huh?” Trip was feeling a bit amused. (Was this T’Pol’s way of getting him to go on vacation with her. Maybe she was reconsidering that exploration thing.)

Since Lorian, Trip wondered if the other Trip & T’Pol hadn’t gone through similar trials and tribulations before they got together. By all accounts from Lorian, they had a wonderfully happy and loving marriage for as long as the other Trip had lived. Why couldn’t it happen twice? Was that what T’Pol was thinking too?

“What have........ what does she know about me?..” he asked nervously.....”Bout us?”

T’Pol looked a bit uncomfortable at that statement, and chose to turn back to her packing. “I’ve never mentioned you.” She stated slightly under her breath.

Trip was intrigued, (T’Pol’s afraid of her mom.)
“So you’d introduce me as.......?”

“Commander Charles Tucker the third.” She stated plainly and swallowed hard. An awkward silence grew between them. T’Pol started somewhat nervous.

“You’ve told the Captain you don’t get to see as many alien cultures as you’d like,..... You’ve never been to Vulcan.” She used Human slang and was unaware of it. She swallowed hard again slightly more noticeable and made a face that seemed to punctuate her flawlessly logical response.

(This is getting interesting...... ) Trip thought...... (Translation.....I would really like you to go with me.)

“11 hundred hours huh....... I’d better get pack’n.......” And with that Trip donned a huge grin and jumped up to leave. He opened the door and glided out as if his feet didn’t touch the floor plates any more. T’Pol looked over her shoulder as he left wondering for a brief moment if she had made the right decision. Her mother would not be too pleased, nor would the Vulcan High Command, this being the real reason for her visit. She shrugged it off, seeing the illogic in uninviting him since he was already packing. Secretly though, she felt a bit stronger about her upcoming tribunal knowing that Trip would be there to lean on.


Chapter 2

The transport ship arrived at the docking port on time. Trip had been packed a full hour before, and went to say goodbye to Malcolm, Jon, Hoshi and Travis. Since he would be one of the first to leave, he didn’t want go without wishing them a good vacation. He stopped back by T’Pol’s quarters to indicate he was ready to go. They made their way to the airlock in record time and were there to greet the Vulcan Captain as the inner doors slide open.

There stood Captain Storn of the Vulcan transport vessel T’Mou. He was a tall slender man with whitened hair cut in the standard military fashion. He wore the common grey tunic and solid dark pants of the High Command, a lesser division. He raised a hand in V form greeting to T’Pol before noticing the very conspicuous blond humanoid standing behind her.

“We are honored to be of service Lady T’Pol.” He nodded cordially to the guest he was escorting.

“Your service honors us.” She uttered gracefully and returned a brief nod in kind.

Storn then turned his attention to Trip, standing sheepishly trying to pry his fingers into the appropriate position. He stood there staring a bit puzzled at his presence.

“Honored Sir...” Trip finally managed to keep his fingers still.

The older man returned the gesture hesitantly. T’Pol seeing the confusion, began.

“This is Commander Charles Tucker III of the Star Ship Enterprise. He will be accompanying me to Vulcan aboard your vessel. I sent a message that there would be another person joining the transport. Did you not receive it?”

T’Pol stood waiting to hear the Captain’s response. She saw him eyeing Trip’s face and wondered what the stoic older Vulcan was thinking. “Captain...” She started again breaking his trance.

“Yes I was aware that another was joining you, but I assumed it to be a Vulcan..... No matter, there are adequate accommodations on board. I will assign my attendant Stuval to see to your needs Lady T’Pol.” He flashed her a telling look which T’Pol choose to ignore.

“Most kind Captain, but fortunately my needs are few. I will assist Commander Tucker in getting settled and with anything he requires though.”
T’Pol knew that wouldn’t sit well, but she was determined not to turn this journey into a spectator sport.

“Not necessary..... I am sure that Stuval will be most able to assist Commander Tucker in your absence.” The Captain motioned them through the airlock and aboard his vessel. Trip got the feeling there was something going on between these two that they were not speaking aloud.

Once aboard, they would travel for the next 3 days at high warp. T’Pol offered to take Trip to his cabin but was cut off quickly by the chaperone the Captain had assigned him. Also his guest quarters were surreptitiously moved to the other end of the ship, at the last minute sighting a malfunctioning plumbing problem in Trip’s quarters. Trip offered to fix it for them as a thank you for the ride, but was told that the Vulcan engineers could fix the problem most readily.
T’Pol wondered if there was a problem....secretly she knew there wasn’t.

While aboard, Trip was kept very busy by the Captain and Stuvol, touring every part of the ship, short of the inside of the warp reactor. Trip thought it a nice change from the previously secretive behavior he and Captain Archer had received. T’Pol knew it was just to keep him from being alone with her. Meals were taken together, T’Pol, the captain, Trip and Stuvol. By the end of the voyage, no matter how nice this Stuvol had been, Trip was ready to ditch him. T’Pol expressed no emotions about the lack of time spent with Trip.


Chapter 3

Trip and T’Pol arrived at the central receiving terminal in the capital city of Vulcan, Shi’Kahr. Their identifications were checked thoroughly and Trip was even scan searched three times.

(Afraid I may bring in a parasite that might screw up that perfect logic of yours) he thought as the last Vulcan male ran the beam over his lower torso.

T’Pol waited patiently for him to get through the scans. She stood there with Stuvol from the transport vessel. He had been assigned to get them through customs check and secure her an escort home. That last part didn’t sit well with T’Pol.

“Stuvol... you have been most considerate to assist me through check in, but I assure you I can get to my home without further assistance.” T’Pol seemed a bit tired of this game after 3 days.

“Lady T’Pol, You know it is not customary for a Vulcan female to be in the presence of a Human without proper escort of a Vulcan male. You have lived aboard the earth ship for many years, and must have forgotten this custom.” He nodded his insistence, trying to be steadfast not rude.

“Stuvol, It is precisely the fact that I have been surrounded by Humans unescorted as you say for almost 4 yrs, that dictates the lack of need. I was assigned there without escort, so it is only logical that they expect me not to be escorted now. Commander Tucker and I have worked closely together for that time and never once has he been inappropriate to me. I am safe... I do not need further assistance.” T’Pol’s tone took on the formidable one of a Vulcan female, the true head of the household.

Trip walked up noticing the exchange. He hadn’t had the chance to ask T’Pol why Stuvol was sticking to her like a love sick puppy, but made a mental note to bring up the subject once he left.

“Everything okay....?” He asked lugging his duffel and a smaller carryon.

“Everything is well. I was just thanking Stuvol for all his assistance during our voyage.” T’Pol made it clear this was all she would tolerate.

“Yeah man.. Thank ya for your help. You were most kind...I ‘preciate it.” Trip held up his hand in the V formation, something he practiced long into the nights during their journey.

Stuvol looked back at the couple. He raised his hand in acknowledgement and returned their goodbyes. “Enjoy you stay on Vulcan....” He responded to Trip. Turning to T’Pol.

“Peace and long life Lady T’Pol.... Pleasant journeys to you both.” And with that the young man turned and went back to his transport. Trip exhaled a small sigh of relief as he finally moved out of range.

“Damn.... I thought he’d never leave.... What.... He sweet on you?” He asked playfully.

T’Pol flashed him an interested glance. “He was merely following our customs. A young Vulcan female should not be left unaccompanied in a public place.” She lifted her luggage strap over her shoulder with ease.

“Well what am I .... chopped soybeans....” Trip was chuckling at his alteration of the saying to fit the moment. It fell short on T’Pol however who turned to him to explain.

“You are human.... that doesn’t count.”

“What?..... How come....?” Trip questioned somewhat defensive as he followed T’Pol to the upper level of the complex.

“Vulcan females are protected.” She stated bluntly.

“From what.... Everything I’ve read says that they can kick the heck out of a Klingon.... hell... two Klingons without breakin’ a sweat. Why do they need to be protected from Humans.?” Trip followed behind her as they exited the covered area and out into the early morning sunshine. The two suns in the sky caused a blinding light at first, but after his eyes adjusted to it, Trip felt it comparable to a really nice day in Florida. It was a bit after 09:30AM, the temperature a balmy 89 degrees Fahrenheit and there were low winds that carried the warmth about the city.

The main part of the city had many large structures surrounded by small groups of living quarters. They were adjoined to the facilities by short pathways of cobble stone. The buildings themselves were of a sand or grey color brick or coral colored clay. This he presumed was to keep them cool in the day light, and to store heat for the night. But they ended up forming a pattern of incredibly beautiful contrasts with each other. Trip didn’t think the Vulcans capable of seeing the any logic in that observation.

“We will need to enlist a transport to take us to the far edges of the city. My mother’s home is just outside the city limits. I would normally walk the 10 miles, but it is unlikely that you could withstand the heat.” T’Pol was being polite, but to Trip she seemed a bit superior.

“Yeah, we weakling humans are just so scared of the heat.” He adjusted his bag and thought a moment. (Do I really want to walk 10 miles carrying all this luggage?)

He decided her way might be better and finished that statement with a shy smile.

The transports they used in the main city were of a hover craft design. Trip watched as they sped past him only 3 feet from the ground at amazing speeds and totally in silence. T’Pol stood beside a light post and pressed a button. The top of the pole lit up and within moments a steely grey hovercraft was stopped just before them. The driver exited the vehicle and clasped T’Pol’s bag from her quickly. She entered the craft and eased over to the far side. Trip waited a moment for the same curiosity, but when he saw the driver re-enter the vehicle, he decided to just get in himself.
(Damn right the females are protected..... and pampered too it would seem.)

T’Pol spoke a long line of Vulcan words in an elegant dialect and the craft was off. Even with the changing speeds, there were no discernable changes to the gravity in the vehicle. Up, down, left right....Still no sense of movement could be felt. Trip became immediately interested to see what kind of grav plating this baby had. T’Pol looked at him eyeing the insides of the vehicle and knew instantly his mind was in engineering again.

“You may take my mother’s vehicle apart while she is at work, but you must promise to put it back the way you found it.” She leaned in and whispered in his direction. That statement brought about a big smile to his face, seeing that T’Pol’s demeanor was lightening, now that she was home. During the voyage, she had been a bit reserved. Trip wondered if it was truly their chaperone, or if something else was bothering her. He just didn’t have the time or the privacy to ask before.

“Sweet...” was his reply and he turned his attentions out the window of the vehicle. The streets of the city remained rough, which made for an uneven ride. (Now I see the need for the grav plating) he mused imagining what this ride would be like without it.

As they passed the Vulcan Science Academy, T’Pol indicated to Trip that that was where her mother worked. He was duly impressed. It was a large facility spanning a good 20 city blocks, if the layout they had was considered in blocks. Tall pillars dotted the landscape at various parts of the complex.

“Did you go there?” he asked truly interested.

“Yes I graduated from there before I started my military service.”

“Oh when you worked for the Ministry of Security?” He remembered her ordeal with the two escapees on Risa.

“No, I served out my military service aboard several star ships, the last one was the Seleya. After my time there, I was assigned to the Ministry of Security.”

Trip’s head began to swim..... (This lady’s had more careers than I’ve had years on the planet....)

The driver watched the exchange with great interest. They came to the drop off point and all three exited the craft. It hovered seamlessly in place. The driver started to carry T’Pol’s duffel toward the homes and she stopped him with a wave of her hand.

“This will be fine.”

The driver looked at them wearily, then handed her the duffel. Trip returned him a tightened smile and a nod.

(Does everyone here think Humans are uncontrolled animals?)

Trip looked around him. Gone were the tall buildings. Now there was nothing but rough uneven countryside of sand and rock. Small houses dotted the surface, mostly at the base of the higher regions. Amongst those houses were larger more elegant dwellings, which Trip assumed were some kind of community gathering sites. There were a maze of steps and walkways that lead through the well organized communities. The sky grew more orange and in the distance behind some of the dwellings, there was the upper half of a statue that loomed over the entire area.

“Which one’s your mom’s house?” Trip asked as they started climbing stairs.

“That one....” T’Pol pointed to one of the larger buildings, atop a small ridge.”

(Nice....not only has she got brains, but her family must be well off too.) Trip nodded and followed her lead. He was really getting excited about his vacation. From the hover craft as well as the transport, Trip saw a number of different areas which peaked his interest. He began to ask about them while they ascended the stairs. After walking for 10 minutes they finally came to the door of the large home. T’Pol opened the latch and stepped inside.

“How about that volcano we saw on the way down.... Mt Teranna?”

“Tar’Hanna” She corrected him looking around the courtyard.

“Is it still active?” Trip followed her and began looking around as well.

“There are frequent irruptions.... We can schedule a tour of the crater if you are interested.” T’Pol seemed a bit pensive, but Trip was too busy enjoying his surroundings.

He looked from side to side while he spoke. The area was covered with a white shielding that allowed natural light in but regulated a lesser temperature and allowed for some humidity to remain. It was beautifully decorated, clean not cluttered and Trip couldn’t help but feel he had been transported to a part of China, since most of the items had an Asian appearance.

“Volcanoes, ancient ruins, fire plans.... I’m not sure where to start.” Trip continued to enjoy the beauty of the space. The light that filtered in was white in some areas, yet orange in others depending on the angle of the roofing, an architectural marvel.

T’Pol stood staring briefly at the large urn fountain to her right. In looking at it, she seemed to let it relax her apprehensive feelings about Trip meeting her mother. His words brought her back to the here and now.

“So this is where you grew up......” She looked around to see what he was referring to.

“It’s not like I imagined..” T’Pol wondered what was so offensive to the young engineer. The area was immaculate and respectfully decorated.

“Meaning?” she asked a bit defensive.

“Well it’s... it’s beautiful...” Trip’s smile widened as he continued to look around.

“Vulcan’s appreciate beauty.” T’Pol seemed to be amused by his utterance.
Trip circled round the young Vulcan. He looked her up and down a few times as he started.

“Well I had not doubt bout that.... You always were a snazzy dresser.” He broke into a big smile, knowing he was about to get corrected for his gross breach of etiquette.

“Commander Tucker!” She started

(Here it comes.....) He thought and his smile grew wider to beaming. T’Pol wheeled around dropping her duffel in a heap onto the cool stone.

“I suggest you refrain from making comments like that in the presence of other Vulcans. Proper respect is a requirement from all walks of life and it would seriously hinder you ability to stay if it is deemed that you have been inappropriate to me.”

(Now this is gonna be a vacation. Great sights to see and T’Pol here anytime I want to tease her senseless.) Trip bit back his grin putting on a more mock serious expression.

Through the doorway came a young Vulcan girl with jet black hair. She was slight, like T’Pol but was of smaller stature. She came up to the two and stood before them in puzzled silence.

“V’lmir..... Greetings.....”T’Pol bowed her head slightly. She noticed the younger woman studying Trip apprehensively. “It is agreeable to see you.”

“V’lmir nodded in return, a deeper one. “T’Pol it is agreeable to see you. Your mother is still at the academy.” That last part seemed like a warning to Trip. Knowing what the Vulcans thought of an unrestrained Human on the premises, he wondered if he would ever have time alone with T’Pol.

“This is Commander Charles Tucker III...” T’Pol started and waited for him to wave the now familiar greeting gesture. He did so with ease.
“He is a colleague of mine from the earth ship. He has come to spend some time on Vulcan to learn more about our culture.” She tried to sooth the dark haired girl’s apprehension.

(Translation.....sightseeing) Trip found it comical how long the explanations were getting for his presence here,

She greeted him with a gesture and a nod in kind then turned back to T’Pol. “As I stated, you mother is still at the academy until the mid day meal. I was about to prepare it.”

“That will not be necessary... I will prepare the mid day meal. Please take the rest of the day to review your studies or meditate before your final exams tomorrow.” T’Pol turned to explain things to Trip.

“V’lmir, is one of our family’s attendants. She is also a promising student at the Vulcan Academy for Medical Advancements. She is currently studying to become a Healer.” T’Pol turned back to the young woman. “My mother has told me your studies are going well. You may graduate and start you internship earlier than expected.” Trip looked impressed. Not so much that the young woman was such a scholar, but that a Vulcan would gush so over a simple accomplishment. V’lmir took the compliment for what it was.

“Most kind..... But I am sure you are tired from your journey.... It would be most agreeable for me to stay and prepare the meal.”

T’Pol knew that her point was not to keep her from having to work so soon after returning home, but to keep Trip from being alone in the house with her. T’Pol moved toward the house and all three walked inside. Once there, she turned to Trip. The guest quarters are on the south side of the house. He knew that T’Pol wanted to speak with the young woman in private, so he nodded his goodbyes and headed in the direction indicated. He could hear T’Pol speaking in Vulcan with the young woman as he left the room.


Chapter 4

Trip sat in the chair by the desk. He had gone to the room at the end of the long corridor and entered it. The room was done up in a soothing antique blue color, sparsely decorated, but tasteful none the less. A bed that was merely two large mattresses on the floor covered the far wall. A foe headboard of ancient lattice design was connected to the wall accenting the other furnishings regally. In the desk area, there was a full functioning com with computer terminal and viewing library. To the left of the room was a door that led to a full bath with water shower and antique bottles with fine Vulcan script down the sides. He opened them, sniffing hesitantly. Some had flowery scents, others smelled of leather or fruit. One violet bottle held the distinct odor of citrus that he had smelled on T’Pol in decon a few times. The bed was done up with full fluffy comforters, the pillows and sheets were of the finest silks.

(Nice....better than a 5 star hotel) Trip thought as he sat looking about his surroundings. The entrance had a self closing door made of dark lumber that matched the other wood furnishings.

There came a soft knock on the door then it opened slowly. T’Pol eased her head around and found Trip sitting by the desk, his luggage laid at the foot of his bed.

“I hope you find your accommodations comfortable.” T’Pol eased her way in and stood before Commander Tucker.

“They’re wonderful... Thanks.” He smiled softly just happy to have a moment alone with her.

“You must be tired from your journey.... I will begin preparing the mid day meal.... Rest and I will call you when my mother has arrived.” T’Pol turned to go.

“Nah...I’m not that tired...I’ll help ya...” Trip got up and followed close behind her. They made their way into the kitchen and set about getting vegetables and fruits ready for preparation.

T’Pol gave Trip simple tasks.... Like preparing the greens for what he could only interpret as a leafy salad. When he started to pick through them with his bare hands, T’Pol stopped him. She handed him a pair of thin cotton like gloves and urged him to put them on. Trip wasn’t sure why Vulcan’s were so anal about not touching their food, but didn’t want to take the chance that her mother would go to take a bit of salad and smell human all over it. He donned the gloves and began ripping at the vegetables. T’Pol turned her attention to preparing some sort of rice dish... Well it looked like rice, but Trip wasn’t sure. She retrieved many items from the storage unit and began blending them together before placing them in the reconstitution machine for heating. She also handed Trip some fruit like berries. They resembled strawberries, but were blue green in nature and tasted conspicuously more like mango or peach. She instructed how she needed them sliced and Trip happily complied. To him, it was like helping in his mom’s kitchen again.

Trip finished his duties, and brought the food stuffs to T’Pol. He smelled the beginning aroma of the rice dish and felt compelled to taste it. Without thinking, he grabbed the spoon, and hoisted a small amount up to his lips. Tasting it, he was impressed that T’Pol could cook. It was then he noticed the rather aggravated expression she was wearing. He dropped the spoon and backed away from the pot.

(Damn....that was my mom’s face.... How’d she know.)

“Commander.....” she scorned him taking the dropped spoon over to the sink and washing it thoroughly.

“What... don’t you ever taste what you’re cookin'... to see if it needs more spice or somethin'?” Trip tried to wheedle his way out of this one.

“We make all our dishes the same way every time. There is no need to taste it before it is served.”

“Oh....well...it’s mighty good.... Kinda like Cajun rice down in New Orleans.... Ever been there?” He leaned his back against the counter and relaxed having charmed his way out of that one.

“No...” T’Pol took the berries and placed them into a bowl... She added fine powdery granules then folded in a foamy substance. The resulting mixture looked a bit unappealing and Trip wondered what it was going to become. T’Pol saw his unsure gaze and removed a small utensil from the drawer. She scooped up a bit of the goop and held it up for Commander Tucker’s scrutiny. He whiffed at it hesitantly, and tasted it.

“Eeemmmm... What is that.... It’s good.” He said with a relaxed smile on his face.

“Desert...It is my mother’s favorite.” T’Pol poured the mixture into small serving containers lined with what looked like cryo preserved pastry. She popped them into the reconstitution device and set the controls.

“Desert?” Trip looked at T’Pol in a teasing manner. “I thought that Vulcans didn’t eat sugar?”

“We don’t.... There is no sugar in this. It is a pure protein base with fresh fruit compote. It is very nutritious and allows for more protein in your diet.”

Trip smiled and continued to watch her work about the kitchen. There came a scratching sound at the side portal and T’Pol asked Trip to open it. He moved to the door and swung it open, then leaped back at what he saw.

In through the door came a ferocious looking feline creature. Long fangs dangled out the front of its lips. He bounded into the room and made a beeline for T’Pol. Softly growling, he swayed his tail back and forth slowly in the air.

“What the hell....?” Trip exclaimed worried, grabbing for a phase pistol that wasn’t there. (How am I gonna protect T’Pol from this angle.)

“Just stay still...... Maybe it’ll think you’re ....”Trip trailed off seeing T’Pol bend down and pet the head of the creature. She squatted down and it held still while she brought their foreheads together in a brief touch.

“You know it........?” he asked still a bit frightened by the appearance.

“He is our pet sehlat, Kelmouth. He’s been with our family since before I was born.” She addressed it again as it tangled his way about her ankles. T’Pol let out a soft growl in return and the catlike creature increased his rubbing of her skin.

“Ah ... I wouldn’t presume to tell ya how to treat your... Sal...t, but if that thing’s a growl’n... Maybe you should let it be.” Trip didn’t move, as he had his back pressed up hard against the far cabinets.

“Growl’n?” She asked unsure of what that word meant.

“That noise.....On earth when an animal makes that noise it means he’s... well it means he’s pissed.” Trip watched as the creature started looking over in his direction.

“His tail is moving.... Sehlats only attack when their tails are still.” T’Pol looked deep into the feline’s eyes. She concentrated her gaze and then looked in Tucker’s direction. Kelmouth looked at Trip again then began walking toward him. He stopped just short of the young engineer and began sniffing him interested.

“T’Pol...?” Trip started most uneasy.

“Kelmouth is merely committing your scent to memory. I have instructed him that you are an honored guest in our home and that he should protect you as he does all of us.” T’Pol watch the commander squirm uneasy as the creature started smelling at his neither regions. After a moment or so, although it seemed like an eternity to Trip, the feline withdrew and returned to T’Pol’s side of the room. It lazily lay in the corner and began licking its full furry paws.

“You can talk to that thing?” He asked his voice a bit hoarse from him holding his breath for so long.

“Yes.... They understand our thoughts fully when directed to them.” T’Pol wondered what puzzled Trip so. Many a time she saw Archer communicate with Porthos using hand gestures and stern looks. Clearly not as direct, but communication none the less.

“Didn’t you ever have a pet Commander?” She asked innocently.

“Yeah...a dog,.... not a saber toothed tiger...” Trip eased off the cabinets a bit and saw Kelmouth didn’t pay him any extra attention.

“What’s that thing eat anyway?” He continuing to watch it for any sudden moves.

“Domesticated Sehlats usually eat resequenced vegetable protein, however the larger wild variety are carnivores.” T’Pol went to set the table. Trip followed close behind, partly due to the fact that Kelmouth was now walking to follow the group.

“He’s a small one?” He asked amazed and a bit terrified.

“Yes.” She answered flatly placing the napkins and plates on the table. Trip stepped a side and allow the cat a large birth. It strode into the far side of the living area and lay down near the entrance way.

“In the dessert, Sehlats are wild.....It is one of the dangers you are prepared for before undergoing the Kahs-wan ritual.”

“I thought Archer said that was a camping trip.” Trip started helping her set the table.

“Hardly...It is a test of survival skills that children of 8 to 10 yrs of age endure as rite of passage into young adulthood.”

“Don’t you think that a bit dangerous for youngsters?” He asked wondering what parent would send their child out defenseless at such a young age.

“We are a dessert people. If you do not prepare your children to survive at an early age... then what would they do if they ever became lost or stranded out there. Training them gives them a chance at survival.” T’Pol stopped and looked him in the face.

“You parents didn’t teach you about the dangers of your world when you were little?”

Trip thought a moment. There was the time his dad taught him about water snakes and the long talks about gaters....coming from the alligator capital of America. He also learned extensively about poison this and that...

(I guess when you put it that way.... I did learn how to survive early)
“Actually, we went camp’n every weekend and come to think about it, my dad did teach me how to survive.”

“As did mine...” T’Pol’s face eased as she talked about her dad.

“Vulcan is a beautiful place, but it is also a hostile environment. Children learn from the time they can walk how to survive its dangers. It is the point of the Kahs-wan to determine if the child has successfully learned or if he needs more instruction.”

“Yeah...but has any kids died doing it?” He asked sheepishly.

“No.... not in over 12 thousand years of performing the ritual. There is always one or two that are hurt, but not badly. I myself failed my first Kahs-wan because I stopped to help an injured child.” T’Pol started to move past him into the kitchen and was stopped by an arm on her shoulder.

“You failed it because you helped another child that was hurt?” He asked a bit disturbed.

“Yes....You are not to collaborate with any other children, since if you were lost for real, there may not be anyone with you. It is not a true test of your abilities. My father didn’t seem concerned that I didn’t pass though. He said I was rather young to be attempting it anyway. I was only 7 yrs old.” She looked deep into his eyes and thought she saw disappointment, then she added.

“I took it again the following year and passed it in record time.”

Trip’s face lightened. “I don’t think that is the real reason he wasn’t upset.” This drew an interesting upsweep of her left eyebrow.


Chapter 5

The door to main living area opened, allowing some of the air from the courtyard to sweep in. In walked a slender Vulcan female a bit shorter than T’Pol.

She had the same color hair, cut in a longer version of her daughter’s but held the same warm brown eyes. Trip knew in an instant this was MOM.

He straightened, watching the woman wearing in a floor length dress of metallic blue with accenting violet sash and shawl walk directly toward the couple.

“T’Pol.... Mhy’all (my child)” she called out stopping short of the younger woman.

“It is agreeable to see you.... You look well.” T’Les eye’d Trip standing behind her daughter as he waited for an introduction. The senior female then broke into a long speech in Vulcan. Trip wasn’t quite sure, but he had a feeling they weren’t exchanging pleasantries. T’Pol answered her in kind, and Trip could hear her use the word Tucker every so often. ( There’s trouble a brew’n)

They stopped their conversation and Trip used this opportunity to try and get T’Pol out of hot water. He stepped forward wheeling the best V gesture he could and began. “My name is Charles Tucker ma’am.... Pleasure to meecha.”

T’Les returned the gesture half heartedly. She knew her daughter wasn’t going to allow her to make a further issue of Trip’s presence on Vulcan in front of the man. She would have to wait for moment alone with her.

“Did you have a pleasant journey?” She asked trying to imitate the Human’s practice of small talk.

“Real nice, Ma’am.” Trip added in. “The transport was a smooth one and those Hover craft, amazingly efficient vehicles. Sure would love ta get my hands on one of 'em.” Trip’s accent seemed to amuse T’Pol’s mother as her eye brows raised with every new twang she heard.

“You work with my daughter... You are a commander in star fleet?”

“Yes Ma’am....I’m chief engineer board the Enterprise.” He realized T’Pol hadn’t been kidding when she said she’d not mentioned him to her mom.

T’Pol could see her mother’s line of small talk was almost used up. She knew that Trip would become nervous if silence were to come all too soon. She studied them both a moment, then.

“I have prepared the mid day meal Mother.... It is ready for consumption.” With that T’Pol waved her mom and their guest toward the table. Kelmouth rose from where he was laying and came to T’Les to give her a formal sniff in greeting. Trip jumped a bit, much to mom’s notice. He just returned her a weary smile.

Lunch had come off without a hitch. They talked of light things. The flowers, the garden and even the unusually light rain fall for the season, but T’Pol knew her mother was eager to speak with her about her coming trial. Secretly she was happy Trip was there to run interference, but knew his dampening affect wouldn’t last forever.

“You got another communiqué’ from the High Command yesterday.” T’Les started not willing to put off the discussion any longer.

“I am aware...” T’Pol tried to cut off her parent before she broke the news to Trip.

“Then you are also aware daughter that the tribunal will be held in 3 days time... Have you begun to prepare for it.” Her words were blunt and to the point.

“Tribunal....What Tribunal.... T’Pol?” Trip put down his napkin and looked very concerned in her direction. Mom noticed this move and watched his reactions with great interest.

“It is a debriefing of sorts... Much like Captain Archer is at now. I must recount my actions over the time I have been on the earth vessel.”

“How come.... You’ve already filed all the necessary reports....” Trip didn’t buy it and neither did her mom.

“Yes....and if she is not prepared, it could mean segregation from her home world.” T’Pol winced, her mother’s bluntness was turning this nice afternoon into a real confrontation.

“They could kick you out?” Trip translated with a defensively harsh tone. “What for?”

“For being disrespectful of our customs.... for not always choosing the logical path..... For disobeying their orders and entering the expanse.” T’Pol began to list things that were known topics. Her mother added more.

“And for dishonoring Koss’s family by refusing to return home when ordered to.” T’Pol flashed her mother a stern stare. Trip realized the tension between the two women was more intense than any bar room brawl he’d ever seen.

“Well maybe you didn’t do what they wanted you to do, but look what you accomplished. Your work helped save Vulcan... Heck many other worlds too from destruction. Surely they can see the logic in that. So what if you didn’t follow their idea of logic..... There is more than one type of logic in the universe.” Trip was getting very protective, much to T’Les’ dismay.

T’Pol seemed both tired and disgusted all at the same time. She looked to the floor trying to find a way to run and hide from this attention. On one side of her she had her mother, who was taking great pleasure in pointing out T’Pol’s errors and on the other she had Trip, a human getting more human by the moment, as he ranted on about of all things logic. “We should not argue in front of our guest.” She stated evenly hoping that would end the subject for now.

Trip thought this a good time to bring out desert and offered to fetch it for the ladies. They allowed him, and sat shooting daggers at each other across the table.

After the meal was over, T’Les retired to the atrium to meditate before returning to the academy for afternoon classes. Trip and T’Pol cleaned up the lunch dishes and stayed as quiet as possible until T’Les left. Trip waited for mom departure before trying to discuss this Tribunal thing with T’Pol further.

End Part 1

Part II (Chapters 6-9)

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Wow! I'm hooked! This is an awesome alternate... a royal T'Pol, with family adherents? A tribunal? Oh, how cool! I can't wait for Thursday! :)

you are really a god send--always updating frequently. i really love how this is turning out and i CANNOT wait for the next part! your stories always make me love trip so much more. you give him a great voice.

forgot to add-- your stories are so juicy, without being a high rating, and i'm amazed by that. thanx

This is a 3 part story...... Part two will be out on Thursday and I hope to have Part 3 out by Sunday. Thanks for your patience. T.

aghhh! I'm hooked too! lol well I can be patient and wait for tomorrow, it's this whole April 15th thing that's bugging me! But reading great fanfic like this helps! ;)


hey.... I've read alot of your stories, and wanted to see if you were interested in doing a 'Demons' / 'Terra Prime' one based on the Trip/Tupol / tvguide pic storyline....

just a challenge... let me know, I'd love to read it and all.

Well, you've got me interested. I'm looking forward to the rest.

One tiny nitpick:
dessert = final course of a meal
desert = dry barren region

Well, you've got me interested. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it.

one tiny nitpick:
dessert = final course of a meal
desert = dry barren region

This is really, really good. I'm am looking forward to the next part. Those actual lines from Home are good touches. Overall, good job - question - have we ever seen a sehlat before - in any Star Trek shows?

I enjoy reading your interpretation of the Vulcan home trip. Nicely done and I am looking forward to the next installment.

This was really really good. glad your going to post on thursday.

I have only just seen the episode "Home" (being in the UK) and your story is actually a more sensible take so far on the Trip and T'Pol's visit to Vulcan. Can't wait to see where you take it from here. I did have to chuckle at the sehlat and Trip's reaction to it which made me wonder just how big it is - nice touch the animal being telepathic to Vulcans. Ali D :~)

Very interesting! I like your writing and want to see how this evolves; and pennyq is right about your spelling mistakes......in addition to the corrections she offers 'volcanic eruptions' not 'iruptions'....;-)

This was a great branch off from the episode "Home". I am sucked into the story and I can't wait for you to update :) Cheers!

Good story so far, with good emphasis on character development. One nitpick, as per Pennyq; Vulcan's = something belonging to one Vulcan. Vulcans = more than one Vulcan. And one more nitpick not per Pennyq; I'm assuming that for "foe headboard" you actually meant "faux (false) headboard". Homophones will get you if you don't watch out!

Sorry about the spelling guys, but unless it comes up in spell check, my eyes and fingers are too blurry to pick it up. As for the Sehlot, the episode "the forge" is where I saw the sehlot, but there are many references to it in some of Star Trek's original series stories in soft back. "The Vulcan Science Academy murders" is an excellent story if you are into (Vulcan)spock's life. Part two is finished and I am just about to turn it in. Glad you like it so far. T

Great story, can't wait for part two!!!!!!

Great story! Can't wait for the rest. About the typos: I make tons of them when I type. Just remember to proofread and use spellcheck. For me, they don't take away from the story. To Alison: You'll get to see a sehlat when "The Forge" airs in the UK.

We saw a sehlat in the animated series, too...

Very interesting... I like the alternative ideas here... I shall read on, now! :-)

Wow, that was excellent! I kept hoping somebody would write a Home fic like this! It's like a dream come true! lol