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Beyond Bound

Author - TLR | B | Genre - Angst | Genre - Romance | Genre - Songfic | Main Story | Rating - PG-13
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Beyond Bound


Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount Pictures and UPN.
Summary: This story represents what happened days after the end of the episode of Bound. Trip's back aboard Enterprise to stay, they both know about their bond, now let's see how they deal.

April 18, 2005


Trip awoke suddenly from the dream he'd been having. His body drenched with sweat, his mind still remembering every moment of what his thoughts had been doing. His bunk was soaked, his breathing hard and his mind even more frustrated by the lack asleep he'd been getting sense he finally made the decision to stay aboard Enterprise.

Trip was concerned. He thought after knowing of their bond, the dreams would lessen. But instead, the dreams only grew wilder. They haunted his every sleeping moment, not even yielding to his most exhausted times. Weary and a bit miffed, Trip got up and quickly through on some sweats. He made his way through the corridors, and finally came to stop outside of her quarters.

(She's in there I know. I can feel her presence in there. Why's she still doing this to me? If she knows how to control it, what's she trying to do make me go crazy?) Trip hesitated only a moment at the doorway, then pushed the button to the chimes. "Come in" came a weary response.

The door opened, and Trip stepped quickly inside. The lights came up as he entered and T'Pol moved to a sitting position on her bunk. "Trip?" She looked at him a bit puzzled.

"This has got to stop." His breath caught in his throat as he saw the silky material of her lounging clothes lay against the curves of her body. This site ignited memories of the dreams he'd been having and he fought hard to ignore the rising passions within him. He looked away and took a few more steps toward the opposite side of the room.

"What has to stop, I don't understand?" T'Pol's voice seemed worried, not for herself but for Trip's torment.

"These dreams....... I can't sleep....... I can't eat....... these dreams they keep haunting me. You gotta make 'em stop........ Gees, I thought now that we know about ‘em, they'd stop. Instead they are just getting more.........." Trip trailed off not willing to admit what his dreams entailed.

"They can be quite disturbing at times.... perhaps meditation would help you?" T'Pol offered her assistance.

"I don't need meditation...... I just need to get some rest........ You said your people know about this bond thing...... they must know how to stop these dreams." Trip wheeled around and looked T'Pol directly in the eyes. She turned hers from him and studied the floor. "You know what I'm talking about, don't you............Well"

T'Pol started uneasily, "it is believed that the energy force inside has some unfinished business." Her explanation was confusing Trip.

"What? I don't understand?" He took a few steps toward her.

"Humans believe that you dream about unsatisfied issues, thoughts on your mind that you have yet to resolve." Again T'Pol's voice seemed uneasy.

Trip's face twisted half in a smirk and half in disbelief. "Are you telling me, that I'm having these dreams because I........ I want....... that's insane." Trip circled away from the Vulcan. His mind was ranting at her unconsciously.

(you think that just because we've come to some understanding, that I can just........ Gees you Vulcans really are fully yourselves.....) Trip suddenly felt a soft sadness wash over him. It surprised him, took him off guard and he turned to face the young woman again.

"You're reading my thoughts?" He asked her blatantly.
"They are hard to miss when you're yelling at me." T'Pol returned softly.

"I wasn't yellin'...... I'm just tired and cranky that's all...... I need some rest." Trip started to feel ashamed for having hurt her feelings, and angered for not knowing how he'd done so.

"Agreed....... You are in need of rest Trip." T'Pol rose from her bunk and Trip stepped back a bit unsure of her intentions. She hesitated a moment, then moved to stand behind him.

"If you'll allow me, I can use neuropressure to help sedate your synaptic pathways, your dream center as it were. This may help you get some sleep tonight without dreaming. It is no guarantee but it could help." Trip looked at her unsure but felt desperate for some relief. He nodded.

T'Pol reached up her hands toward the back of his head. She spread her fingers to encompass equi-distant spots about his cranium. Before beginning she warned him. "This may cause an initial uneasy feeling, possibly disorientation but it will resolve quickly."

Trip nodded his understanding, and steeled himself for what was to come. He felt her electric touch as her fingers slipped beneath his golden blond strands. The pressure was not overwhelming, but the arousal he felt at her touch was very disturbing. He took several deep breaths in and out to stabilize his growing feelings.

After a brief few moments, Trip felt a heaviness in his mind. The tiredness he felt now mimicked his thoughts. Lessened was the arousal, but it was far from gone and he knew the longer he stayed with T'Pol, the harder it would be to leave. T'Pol removed her fingers and brought her hands to her sides. She made no further moves toward the Engineer, allowing him to initiate the next conversation.

"I'm feeling a bit tired, is that what it was supposed to do?" T'Pol simply nodded.

"Thanks." Trip replied sheepishly feeling a bit like he'd hurt the young woman and not knowing why.
"You're welcome" She returned and move back deeper into the room.

"Well good night then." Trip started for the door but turned just before it.
"I'm sorry for what I thought." he started needing now to solve the issue of the guilty was feeling.

"This bond thing........ It's new to me....... It's gonna take some time for me to understand it." Trip's face reflected the feelings inside. He still wasn't sure of the Vulcan's intentions, even though he'd totally redirected his life again for her. T'Pol could feel his questions and doubts. She knew not how to help him understand the problems in her life, but she was determined to try. She nodded graciously and returned, "Sleep well"

Trip simply nodded in response and quietly exited the room. He returned to his cabin, exhausted by this ordeal or by her neuropressure he knew not. Trip slept the remainder of the night with only a few brief dreams to disrupt his otherwise restful time.

****Once again in engineering, Trip drifted off into a daydream. Where usually his daydreams were T'Pol in a white space, this one was of the woman he desired wrapped tightly in his arms. It was happening once more, only now those passion filled moments were coming to him while he was awake. A passing Crewman noted his distant look and shook the young man to get his attention. "Commander..... Are you all right?" Trip's eyes snapped back to the young woman standing before him. Crewman Hess, his youngest staff member was looking deeply into his face. Trip realized then he was sweating, his breathing was labored and his mind went immediately to worrying about any other outward signs of his arousal. He straightened and addressed the young woman.

"Yes I'm fine........ You needed something?" Trip resumed his composure for the moment.

"Here the schematics you asked for Sir." she handed him the palm pad and waited a moment for his approval. Trip reviewed the data and returned it to her. "They're fine Crewman. . . . go ahead with repairs as ordered."

Trip quickly exited engineering, heading for the bridge. He needed to speak with T'Pol, needed to find out how to control these dreams. On his way through the passageways, he ran into Archer coming from the gym. The captain appeared to have had a very good work out judging from the amount of sweat showing on his clothes.

"You seem in a hurry." the captain grabbed Trip's arm as he rushed by him.

"I'm on my way to the bridge. I need to speak with T'Pol. It's about some problems I'm having in engineering." Trip wasn't exactly lying but knew his old friend needed some reason for his being away from the engines.

"You're having a problem in engineering that you have to speak with Commander T'Pol about?" Archer found that a bit bizarre, but knew the two had been working very closely on the repairs to Enterprise.

"It's something we are working together on, I don't seem to be getting her specs on it." Trip felt uneasy admitting he needed T'Pol's help in anything.

"Well that's a first......... specs that Commander Charles Tucker the third can't understand....... I think I'm going to have to sit down." Archer replied in a whimsical tone.

"They're Vulcan okay....... I need her to help me understand ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘em." The young engineer was getting a bit miffed.

The captain put up his hands in surrender and replied, "Just kidding, what you and T'Pol have done with these engines is nothing short of a miracle. But if you want to find T'Pol, she is not on the bridge. She worked late last night and requested the change in shift to allow her to rest. She's still in her quarters."

"Thanks, I'll catch her there." Trip took off down the hallway before Archer could get out his objections.

"But she's sleeping Trip........" The captain's words were lost on the determined young man.

**** T'Pol lay sound asleep in her quarters. She too had been bothered by their shared dreams, but had come to accept them as part of her bonding with the Human. She realized the night before that to help Trip, she would just remain awake and control her thoughts. This was the reason for her change in shift request to the captain. If Trip was to sleep, one of them had to remain awake. T'Pol had to meditate long into the morning, trying to come to terms with the increasing arousal she felt for the young man. At least the feelings of loss were fading since his reassignment to Enterprise. These new feelings she would have to deal with as she had done so during their time in the Expanse. T'Pol still felt the doubt coming from Trip. She realized she hurt him deeply with her indifference and knew it would take some time for him to trust her again.

The door chime rang waking her from the light slumber she was in. "Come in." Again her words reflected her own tiredness.

Trip entered the room once more, and found T'Pol sitting on the edge of her bunk. He felt a bit guilty seeing her sleepy features, but needed to speak with her immediately. "You feelin all right?" he asked inquiring about her sleeping so late.

"I worked late last night. I was merely resting before my shift. May I help you?"

Trip was confused "You were sleep'n when I talked with you last night. You told the Captain you worked late?"

T'Pol relaxed her hands in her lap. "I didn't return to sleep after you left, so I decided to get some work done. I have only been resting for an hour."

Trip realized he caused her distress and felt a bit guilty for doing it again. Gees....... I'm sorry T'Pol........ I'll speak with you later."

T'Pol stopped him with a wave of her hand. "I'm already awake..... What is the problem?"

Trip looked at her unsure how the start. "I was in engineering and I had one of those daydreams." Trip came right over to her and sat down on the edge of her bunk. "I can't control ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘em..... they're makin' me crazy."
T'Pol turned her head to the floor. "Trip I can't control what my mind does when I'm asleep. I stayed up last night so you could rest, but I have to rest too." She let out a defeated sigh.

"You have issues you must address to get these dreams to stop. Meditation may help you. I would be glad to instruct you in such techniques." T'Pol felt a sudden twinge of fear coming from within the young man. When she confronted him about his feelings for her, she knew the doubts still tortured his mind.

"I thought us knowing about this..... It would help it.........but it just seems to be getting worse." Trip looked at her for assistance, not so much with the dreams, but with the doubts.

T'Pol focused for several moments, a thought coming to her mind. "Sometimes when I am tormented by something I find music helpful." She watched a moment gauging his response. He seemed interested so she continued.

"There's a song I heard many years ago on Earth that I found quite soothing. It was quite old and had many layers that seem to help relieve my doubts." Trip sat and listened intently.

"What's the song....... let me hear it........ What,....... does it do something to your pathways?" He seemed quite desperate for any assistance.

"I do not have a copy of it....... I heard it but once...... I believe it was called 'The Reason'...... but I could be mistaken." T'Pol knew in Trip's desperate state that would spark him to search for his doubts. She gave him a bit more information to help in his search.

"The song was made in the early 21st century...... it is at least 140 years old........... I am not sure but I believe the group that performed the song was named Hoobastank." Trip looked at her almost in shock. He couldn't believe a Vulcan was talking about 21st century music, no less than by a German band.

"The reason" He started and stood as if wanting to get some distance between him and the clearly sleepy Vulcan female.

"Thanks..... I'll think about it,........ You get back to sleep." and Trip quickly left her quarters. T'Pol sat a moment knowing she planted a seed of hope in his mind. He just needed time for it to grow into curiosity. She moved over to her meditation cushions and tried to work out some of the frustration he had left behind with her.

*** Trip was now in the mess hall. He'd taken maybe three bites of his turkey sandwich, before the dreams started up again. This time they grew more explicit and Trip nearly choked on the food in his mouth when Malcolm awakened him with a start.

"Must be one helluva turkey sandwich to get you all that worked up." The Brit moved around taking the seat across from Trip. "The Orion girls finally got through your thick skin. A little late don't ya think.... They've only been gone for a week now....." Malcolm was enjoying his friend's perplexed state.

"I'm just not sleeping much. I got a lot on my mind, the engines and all." Trip put down his wedge and took a long swig of his iced tea.

"Yeah I get all sweaty when I think of the torpedoes and all too. C'mon now, you might be able to fool your staff, but you're thinking of a woman." Trip cringed at his analytical abilities. The one person aboard Enterprise that would know about bachelorhood, was the young man now bringing it to his attention.

"Really Malcolm ....... I just got a lot on my mind right now." Trip picked up his sandwich and finished it off in record time. He then quickly excused himself citing engineering duties and left the hall. As he walked the passageways, Trip reviewed in his mind what T'Pol had said. He entered the turbo lift. Instead of pushing the button for the engineering level, he absently pressed the one for the bridge instead. When the doors opened, he looked toward the communications station and found Hoshi still at her post.

"Hoshi." He whispered as he walked up to her. "I've got a favor to ask." and with that Trip went about explaining to the young woman his need to locate a song from many years past. He remembered the time and the title of the piece but could not recall the group name. He assumed since it was T'Pol telling him about this piece it must be of classical origin, so he gave that hint to Hoshi as well. She looked at him quite puzzled, especially when he did not elaborate on why he needed it, but agreed to located just the same.

**** It was late into the evening and Trip was still in engineering trying to catch up on his paperwork. Second shift was just about ending when Hoshi, knocked on his office door. "Commander" she called and waved a palm padd at him from the doorway. Trip motioned for her to enter, and she did so shutting the door behind her.

"I searched for that music all day, but I don't think I found the right piece. There was no classical music throughout the entire first half the 21st century named 'the reason'." Hoshi started and saw Trip's eagerness fade.

"I did find one piece of music that was written in the year 2004 by that name, but it was performed by a grunge band. Are you sure this was a classical piece?"

Trip shook his head. "I'm not sure, I just assumed. But I doubt if it would be a song from a grunge band, whatever that is." Trip took a defeated sigh.

"It is a beautiful song..... even for a grunge band. I recorded it to this palm padd just encase. The band's name was Hoobastank." And with that, Hoshi saw Trip's eyes light up again.

(that was it....... that was the name of that band she said) Trip thought now wanting the young communications officer to leave quickly so that his torment could be over. "Thanks Hoshi........ I owe you one...."

"So you're not gonna tell me why you need this song?" She asked with a smile on her face.....Hoshi knew of the young man's love for the equally illusive science officer and wondered if he was trying to romance her with some old fashion southern charm. Trip just raised his shoulders in a sheepish expression and she left him.

Trip looked out about the room as he came up to the door and shut it again. He clearly didn't want to be bothered, if T'Pol was right about this music. He returned to his desk and fiddled with the buttons on the palm padd.

The music started up rather rhythmically and Trip was a bit surprised at the somewhat upbeat tempo. He wondered why T'Pol would even be listening to a piece like this one. Then the words began and suddenly he realized why she had led him to it.

I'm not a perfect person..... there's many things I wish I didn't do.
but I continue learning........... I never meant to do those things to you
and so I have to say before I go. .......... that I just want you to know.

I found the reason for me..... to change who I used to be...
A reason to start over new.......and the reason is you.

Trip was entranced by the words and music. He realized quickly all the things T'Pol wanted to say but couldn't. This was her way of letting him know them anyway.

I'm sorry that I hurt you....... it's something I must live with every day
and all the pain I put you through..... I wish I could take it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears. That's why I need you to hear

With each new verse, Trip found all the answers to his doubts. He knew T'Pol's life had been a jumble since her mom's death, but her disregard for him had made it too painful for him to understand. She did know she hurt him but clearly couldn't deal with it at the time.

I'm not a perfect person....... I never meant to do those things to you
and so I have to say before I go...... that I just want you to know
I found a reason to show ..... a side of me you didn't know
a reason for all that I do.......... and the reason is you.

As a song faded out to silence, Trip sat amazed. It was like a wall of dread had been lifted from him. And he quickly re-cued the song to play over a second, third and fourth time. He sat for nearly an hour listening to the words and music, each time relaxing his doubts more and more.

**** T'Pol meditated quietly in her quarters. When the door chime sounded she was not surprised to see Trip enter. In his hand he held the palm padd still playing its music. There was a telling look on the young man's face and she knew instantly that her message was received. T'Pol waited for Trip's reaction and it came quickly.

Trip walked directly up to her, leaning down and pulling her up from the seated position. He drew her into his arms and planted a deep passionate kiss upon her lips. They enjoyed each other's closeness for several moments then parted slightly.

"That music really did help a lot. . . . I understand more than I did...... I think I'm ready to try and deal with those dreams if you are?" T'Pol simply nodded. He drew her once more to him, closing his eyes and just enjoying the feelings of contentment coming from her. Her emotions were becoming a comforting thing to him and he longed to know more of them.

They kissed, gingerly at first as if testing their limits, however growing much more passionate as the moments progressed. It wasn't long before they lay in each other's arms exploring the uniqueness they shared through this bond. They made love throughout the night, resting briefly in a dreamless sleep in between passions. When they did finally fall into a deep sleep, they're only dreams were that of being safe in each other's arms. The lovers finally got the rest they needed and found a rhythm within each other that allowed them to come to terms with their feelings.

In the early morning hours, Trip awoke to find T'Pol nuzzled softly about him. His smile grew knowing this happiness he'd found was going to become the norm from now on. He studied her every sleeping feature and tried to hone in on her dreams. The only picture that came to mind was that of the one before him. She was comfortable..... she was happy and she was all his. That's all Trip needed to hear and he too, returned to a blissfully restful slumber.

**** 0630 hours....... Trip and T'Pol were just finishing dressing in her quarters. Trip had re-donned the uniform he wore the day earlier and T'Pol was now wearing her regulation red. The door chime sounded and both looked confused at each other. Trip widened the distance between the two, moving to the desk to make it look as if they'd been working. T'Pol went to the door and manually pressed the button. It was the captain. "Captain, come in."

Archer stepped through the archway and saw Tucker leaning up against the desk. The young engineer seemed somewhat uneasy and oddly enough his hair was still damp. Archer made a mental note to look into this further at a later time.

"Is there something I can help you with captain." T'Pol brought his attention back to her.

"T'Pol I just received a communiqué from the Vulcan ship T'Ploy. It is on an intercept course with us and requests an audience with you. It is said to be carrying dignitaries that have unfinished business for your attention. Do you know anything about this?" the captain looked at her quite curiously.

"Yes Captain........................................... they're coming for me." she returned plainly and saw the two men's eyes grow wide in shock.

The End

If you haven't done so, I suggest you go to the video section of this web site and view "The Reason" video. The music is by Hoobastank and the video is by Pueblo. Both are really a wonderful example of what Trip and T'Pol's relationship was meant to be.

This story continues in The Reason

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Neat idea. Nicely done.

I really liked it and i'm glad that there is going to be a sequel.

Huh. I read something yesterday that had a lot of similar parts to this on Live Journal.

Is she leaving?? No..... Not after Bound, not after all the happiness. I can't take any more sadness today, or I'm going to cry....

YOU'RE EVIL!!! Nah! Just kidding. Glad too there's a sequel.

Wow!! :)
Good one love that song, Good way of discribin their relationship. Cant wait for the sequel.

Sorry Bucky about the song lyrics, but I put them in for the media player impaired.....Yes it's sappy, but a great way for Trip to get back a bit of his dignity.....I'll try and have the sequel out by Friday. Still working on "Addendum"....T

I loved it, thank you! I wasn't expecting the implementation of the song... didn't recognize it by the words, as I seldom do.. but I went and found the song and recognized it almost immediately. =P Thanks for the tip about the music video... hadn't seen that one yet!

liked this for the most part, but since I can't imagine going back 100 years (or in this case more) and talk about a piece of music like it is current, I find believability (for me) goes out the window. Somehow I find it hard to believe that T'Pol an educated scientist on Vulcan would know of a grundge band on Earth in early 21st century. NOT. I really wish fic writers would STOP doing this.

Great fic! one thing though hoobastank isn't german,they're american

A great story, I hope you will continue soon!
When I read "German band" and "The Reason", I first thought you meant the No Angels.

i loved it cant wait for the next part i have the video on my work computer so i was listing to it while i read the story great work keep it up

WOnderfil.. PART 2...

I enjoyed it very much, thanks for sharing, may we have a second part,please ?

excellent ! Can't wait for the next part. Please.

"The Reason" is one of my favorite all time songs! (It actually makes me think of Spiderman 2!)

Anyway, can't wait for the sequel!