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Communication 102

Author - TLR | C | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG
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Communication 102


Rated: PG mild language
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of UPN and Paramount Pictures.
Summary: This story picks up where my story, Communication 101, left off. Trip is still in T’Pol’s mind waiting by what seems to be a shoreline and the young Vulcan has gone through the mysterious doorway to say a final farewell to her mom.

Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of UPN and Paramount Pictures.
March 12th 2005


Trip paced a little up and back along the water’s edge. He could feel the cool water and wet sand squishing between his toes. His mind was reeling from his own encounter with Lizzy, but more importantly he was worried about how T’Pol would tolerate the time with her mom. Their relationship had never been an unusually close one from what Trip could tell during his brief visit to Vulcan. Half the time they were together was spent arguing mostly over Trip and his presence in her life. And yet the young man couldn’t help but feel that even for a Vulcan, T’Les’s love for her daughter ran very deep. Maybe their encounter now would put to rest some of the negative feelings that were plaguing T’Pol.

He kicked absently at the sand as he walked, looking occasionally up at the structure. (What’s taking so long?) He wondered, hoping nothing had gone wrong. Trip considered awakening from this dreamlike state and going to her cabin. If she were in trouble, he could be there to pull her to consciousness.

(But what if she is all right… how would he know.) Trip decided to give her a few more minutes.

(Maybe I should go in after her.) another thought came to his mind. The young man’s brow began to furrow as he pondered if he had waited long enough.

Suddenly the door swung open and out stepped T’Pol. Trip went to her side immediately and looked deep into the face he had come to love so much.
Her eyes were red. They were also full and watery indicating she was doing her level best to fight back the tears. Without another thought, Trip pulled her once more into a comforting hug. A gesture T’Pol neither protested nor acknowledged. Absently, her arms fell about his ribs, her head finding a resting place on his able shoulders.

“You okay…” he asked sheepishly. Only a soft nod was her reply.

“You wanna talk about it?” Trip leaned in and brushed his cheek lightly against her hair.

Silence came and he could feel her tense a little in his arms.

“It’s okay…..We don’t have to.” Trip reached up and stroked her back. This caused an easing of her body. He took it as a sign she was okay and let the moment drag on in time.
(Something’s got her upset.) He thought and pulled her tighter into his body for support.

Stiffening once more, T’Pol leaned back out of their embrace. Her eyes still darkened, her face a dulled canvas full of so many emotions, Trip didn’t know which one to read first. He took her hand and led her down away from the door toward the dunes. There he helped her sit, then moved in close behind to keep her wrapped in the comfortable security of his presence.

T’Pol looked out over the ocean, watching the rise and fall of each wave with analytical accuracy. Trip rested his chin lightly on her shoulder and sat in silence allowing her the chance to collect her thoughts.

“She is at peace now..” T’Pol murmured knowing Trip was right there to hear. “Nothing wars inside her anymore”

“That’s good isn’t it…. That she’s happy…” Trip whispered lightly being so close to her ear.

“Yes….. It means she has found a balance in her logic…. And in her life.”
Trip didn’t quite understand that one given T’Les had been dead now for almost two months.
“I’m glad for her…..” he offered supportively.

“She has fulfilled her destiny ……. She knew she had….. But I never knew.”
T’Pol’s voice was troubled.

“What destiny was that….?”

“Les in Vulcan means to nurture……to be supportive…. To help to thrive.” T’Pol looked into her lap as if trying to find the answers to her questions.

“Her destiny was to nurture… take care of the chosen one.”

“You mean you?…. All mom’s destinies are to take care of their children.” Trip thought he was trying to help her understand, but clearly he didn’t understand himself.

“ No I was destined to find the Kir’Shara….. It was my fate to be there instead of back at the encampment with my mother…. She stayed behind so I could fulfill my destiny.” T’Pol looked upward at the sky to fend of the threatening tears.
“Her destiny was to die to protect mine.”

“Well I think your mom would have done just about anything to keep you safe, T’Pol…. That’s just who she was.”

His words made the young Vulcan turn her face toward him in surprise.
(What does he know of my mother.) she wondered. Trip caught the look and continued.

“My time with her made me realize just how miserable she was about your marriage to Koss. I think she even secretly hoped I’d mess it up, so you could do what made you happy and not just what duty dictated of you.”

“Vulcans are bound by their sense of duty…” she returned.

“Yeah but it doesn’t mean they have to like it….. Clearly you were unhappy….Your mom knew this and from my conversation with her….I think she wanted me to persuade you not to go through with it.” Trip smiled a bit at the memory.

“Hell…. I think she really liked me… Even with her protests to the contrary.”
Again a soft chuckle.

“ I think your mom loved you so much but felt bound by your dad’s deal with Koss’ family.” Amazing perception on Trip’s part, in that T’Pol had just finished having this conversation with her mother long moments ago.

“My mother did hold a fondness for you….. She said you had my best interest at heart…… That you sacrificed your own happiness to make things easier for me.” Now it was Trip’s turn to be surprised. Had T’Les told her daughter the entire conversation, or had they just covered the topic briefly.

“Was your talk with you mom helpful?” Trip ventured maybe now she could open up and tell him what went on behind the mysterious doorway.
“Did it give you any answers……any peace of mind.?”

“To some things yes…. Other things it only added to my confusion.”

“Well maybe ya gotta just sit and think bout it for a while… Sometimes it will hit you when you least expect it.” Trip tried to be helpful, but clearly didn’t know what was bothering her let alone how to solve it.

“Maybe if you take a break from thinking about it for a while, then when you look at it again, you’ll get a new perspective.” Trip leaned in closer and whispered…” Always works for me.”

“Perhaps.” Her tone was unsure.

“Let’s start by changing the subject...” Trip lightened his demeanor in an effort to improve hers.

“What is this place...... I mean how am I here with you.......”

T’Pol thought a moment as to how to phrase the next statement.
“ We are........we seem to have..... bonded with each other.”
“Bonded....” Trip questioned.

“When two people grow close in their feelings for one another.... A sort of dependency grows. In this dependency.... the minds of the two often find comfort in integrating.” Her words seem to be confusing the young man.

“Their minds tend to form a bond.... a primary communication link that allows them to share their thoughts, feelings and even their dreams fully.”

“What.... did you form this bond or did I?” He asked.

“Bonds are mutually formed... No one may bond against the others will, however it is highly unusual that a bond forms without being purposely created.”

“So somehow one or both of us wanted this and it formed.”

“Both” That word lifted Trip’s spirits a little. He wondered why T’Pol didn’t seem as happy about this as he was.

“So daydreams like this one.... They are really our minds link?”

“Yes. It is possible to block out this connection for brief periods of time, but when the mind is less alert, like at rest or during meditation, it is harder to avoid contact.” T’Pol leaned back a bit into Trip’s body. She appreciated its warm against the coolness of the ocean breeze.

“So you don’t want this type of connection with me?” He asked sheepishly.

“On the contrary.... I do.... that there in lies my problem.” T’Pol closed her eyes and enjoyed the comfort she felt from his gentle kindness.

“I don’t understand.”

“I don’t know that my destiny includes a future with you. I must fulfill what Surak has intended for me. I can not see that he would intend me to go so against his teachings.” T’Pol lowered and tilted her head trying to fathom a way to have what she really wanted.
“You mean 'cause I’m Human?”


Trip scowled a bit, trying to understand her dilemma. (How could falling for a Human change her destiny.... She’s gotta know that I would help her do anything she wanted.)

“I still don’t understand..... What did this Kir’Shara tell you...?”

“I am a child of Surak.... I am from his Klan... his blood line. My mother was a Queen, until her demise, now I have assumed that stature.” T’Pol quietly started.

“You’re the queen of Vulcan?” Trip was stunned.

“A queen.... The first born child of a blood line of Surak is considered a royal.... an honored one. There are currently about 73 royals on Vulcan. They are considered more logical... more intelligent due to their heritage.”

(So that’s why the High Command and even Soval back down when you speak, wait till I tell that Cap’n about this.) Trip continued to listen quietly.

T’Pol realized that Trip was still a long way from understanding her dilemma but she desired his point of view. Other times when she had a problem, talking with him helped her choose the right path. Secretly she was hoping today would be no different.

“Surak was a great man... a seer.... a person of visions. He saw a future for Vulcan without the madness that was killing our race. He knew that unless someone took action, this future would not take place.” Trip sat interested.

“On Vulcan... it is still customary today that if a male is present in a home, then a female may not answer the door.” Trip looked confused at that. T’Pol continued

“In ancient times.....Clans would set out to destroy whole other Clans in order to erase their blood line from the planet. It was nothing for groups to knock on a door, and immediately kill whoever opened it. For this reason, to spare the women and children, only males were permitted to open the door. Although the violence has stopped, the memory of that time lives on and the custom remained.”

Trip was fascinated to finally begin to understand what molded the Vulcans to act they way they did. He now knew why T’Les asked him to answer the door while he was there.

“Surak also knew that violence only begat violence, so he went unarmed into the encampments of the warring clans. He wished to spread his teachings on logic and on the cessation of violence. Many was the time he struck was down and assumed dead. But he rose and continued his non violent attack.” Trip’s interest grew having never learned this part in school.

“He sounds like a very brave man.”

“Indeed.... Seeing him come back to life after their attacks, the Clansmen thought him possessed by the exalted ones and began fearing his wrath. Instead of vengeance, Surak spared the infidels only if they put down their weapons and began to spread his teachings. Wanting the good graces of the exalted ones, they listened intensely and obeyed his commands. He told them if they committed their lives fully to this Logic he spoke of, then they would have unending prosperity.”

“And this worked....?” Trip asked a bit amazed.

“At first the progress was slow and Surak had to begin it over and over again with every new clan he came upon, but when the people saw the prosperity he spoke of come to pass, they threw away all other ways and followed him strictly.”

“So one man made all of Vulcan possible?”

“Yes, that is why he is so revered even today. Our people know their history and how easy it is for our species to revert back into it. Your world would call it an addiction, which must be worked at daily.”

“Is that why you ‘all are always correcting one another?” Trip always wanted to know why Vulcans seemed to be so openly rude to each other.

“Yes.... to correct another over noted slips in Logic is considered to be a courtesy. No Vulcan wants to revert back to his ancestry... We do this much the way a Human would tell another human that they had some dirt on their face. You wish to save them the embarrassment..... We wish to save our people from letting their logic slip too far.”

(When you put it like that.... They are being very kind.) Trip flashed a comprehending look.

“The Kir’Shara really didn’t hold any new items other than the 5 basics of logic. Non Violence, Acceptance, Control of Emotion, Tolerance and Patience. But where it did differ from the original teachings was that it also utilizes these things toward a bigger goal than just unifying Vulcan. Its true mission, lost to us for centuries, is now revealed. Federation.....

Trip looked very intrigued. “You mean like being friends with other species federation?”

“Yes.... It would seem our fostering of Humans was not just an accident. In the Kir’Shara it describes fully our coming upon a promising young species and nurturing it toward maturity.” Trip winced a bit at being called an infantile race.

“This race would then play a crucial role in helping Vulcan form federations with other likely evolved species, uniting the Universe in peace and logic.”

(That Surak didn’t think small.)

“This then explains the IDIC.... “

“Your mom’s jewelry?”

“Yes... it refers to Surak’s saying of `infinite diversity combining in infinite combinations to create beauty...”

“Well if Surak meant this all along, then why didn’t your people keep teaching this?”

“His teachings, like that of any great ones... were passed on by word of mouth. Deviations are likely to occur.” T’Pol lowered her head.

“Yeah like the strict policies of the High Command... The listening posts... Doesn’t sound to peace loving and logical to me. “Trip countered.

“Nor was the attack on the forge....” T’Pol ‘s voice fell to a whisper reflecting her pain at loosing her mother.

Trip tightened his arms about her and leaned her back against him.

“Well, that was the Romulans anyway.... Not the Vulcans...” Trip added to ease her mind.

“Yes but we let them infiltrate us while we were too busy spying on the Andorians...” She touted.

“More than likely, the Romulan’s doing as well.” He returned.

“All of Vulcan is devastated that we wondered so far from Surak’s teachings. They are struggling trying to cope with the new direction they must follow.”

“What new direction? You said the logic part was the same.”

“Logic is easy when you are around others who practice it. It becomes grossly more difficult when you are around those that don’t.” T’Pol’s voice straightened a bit.

“Like us Humans.”

“If Vulcans must rely on Human assistance to form this federation, then not only the few who dedicate their lives to working with Humans will be affected. All Vulcans must assume the logic of incorporating Humans as allies.”

“Okay.... so where is your dilemma about us? It would seem most logical to start making allies by getting them together.” Trip felt a bit of encouragement.

“Vulcan is having difficulty with learning the tolerance techniques needed to be around Humans to that extent. They have asked me as queen to return home and head the High Counsel.” T’Pol’s voice trailed off.

“They feel because of my destiny.. and my record at serving so closely with Human’s for such a long time.... then I would be the perfect person to teach my people how to reach federation......I am after all the chosen one.”

“You keep saying that.....How do you know you’re the chosen one?”

“My name....'Pol' in Vulcan means the chosen one.” Trip knew that the T’s and V’s in front of females names indicated a prefix Miss....... Mrs.... Ms.

“Yes but it’s just a name your parents gave you... That doesn’t mean it’s your destiny.” Trip still didn’t understand its significance.

“Surak also knew of his offspring. He left a list of thousands of names that were to span the centuries. These names indicated what the destiny of the child would be. Each first born of a royal would be given the next male or female name on the list. The parents didn’t pick the name, they had already been assigned thousands of years before. My mother was named ‘T’Les’ because she would bear and nurture “the chosen one.” --Myself.”

“Your great grandmother..... T’Mir.... was it? What does her name mean?”


Trip chuckled... (Surak’s a psychic.)

“But destiny aside... is going back and leading your people what you want to do?” He asked almost dreading the answer.

“No.. Surak led his people by example. I see no logic in my sitting at a counsel table telling my people how to act. That to me is not being a chosen one.” T’Pol let out a big sigh.

“What is?” Trip prodded her.

“Working with the Humans to form the federation...... My example would be a more potent act than any directive I could give. But how do I know I am making the right decision?” T’Pol sat still frustrated.

“Well... there has gotta be a clue.... I mean you have been a big part in bridging the gap between Humans and Vulcans..... You’ve even got Soval to like us, although I know he’d never admit it. Trip thought a moment.

“What do you want to do? Go to Vulcan and teach or stay with Enterprise and be part of history?” Trip nuzzled her in closer.

“I want to stay with you....” That response brought a very pleasant surprise.

“Really...” Trip was amazed.

“Yes, but since that would accomplish neither of the above criteria, doing what I want is now looking out of the question.”

Trip didn’t know if that was just a statement of fact or a bit of hurt feelings coming through. “Well you’re here with me now...”

“For the time being....” He knew... it was hurt and suddenly his decision to leave Enterprise starting looking like a very selfish one on his part. What pain T’Pol had to be suffering... the loss of her mother...her people trying to pull her away from her life aboard Enterprise, using her heritage and loyalty to do it. Now he was adding more tension to the list. He began feeling really guilty.

“You know..... My transfer may not be a done deal....” T’Pol looked at his direction in interest.

“I bet Cap’n Archer could pull some strings and get me back aboard... We could trade them Lt. Kelby..... He’s a likeable sort and I bet the crew aboard the Columbia wouldn’t mutiny for him like they did me.” Again T’Pol didn’t understand, but was feeling lighter.

“It still doesn’t solve my original dilemma.... to stay or go... If I am to lead by example.... what example am I to use.... that of teacher or participant.”

Trip thought a moment.... A strange thought entered his mind. “Was Lorian a name on that list?” T’Pol looked at him puzzled by the change in topics.

“Yes.... It was on the most up to date list I had before entering the Vortex.”

“What does Lorian mean.....?” T’Pol’s look was still questioning

“Miracle.....” With that Trip grew a big smile, which only made her more confused.

“Don’t ya see. The answer’s been there all along...... What child of two Vulcans would be considered a miracle....” T’Pol started to comprehend.

“That’s the answer... you stay here on Enterprise.... you show your people by example what working and living with Humans is like and more importantly... you teach them that anything is possible... Even a Human/Vulcan child.”

T’Pol’s demeanor was starting to lighten.. ”How can you be sure?”

“T’Pol your people believe in destiny...mine believe in fate.... I know and have known for a long while now that my fate was to be with you... You are my destiny T’Pol and I just didn’t want to accept it,....... until now.” Trip smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“I love you T’Pol.... hell even your mom knew that... I just was too scared to say it. Now I’m not.” She kissed him back this time and twisted a bit to lay in his arms more fully... He held her gently rubbing her back with his large outstretched palm. After a few moments, he pulled away. Putting up one finger, he gestured for her to wait as he got up and left the beach.

The door chime broke her trance and T’Pol arose from the floor a bit dazed and stiff. She went to the panel and hit the button. The door slid open... There stood Trip in sweats and a tee. He wore a warm smile and gentle caring eyes.

“Hi... he murmured just above a pin drop. He leaned in and planted a soft kiss upon her lips to let her know this was truly real. As he parted from her.. He continued. “I like to do my makin' up in person.”

T’Pol reached forward and took his hand... She escorted him through the doorway and it whooshed close behind him.

The rest of the evening was spent in quiet talk and playful petting. The caresses helped to sooth months of agony she had been tortured by. Trip would even stay that night, holding her gently in his arms while they slept. Their lives together were just now starting and nothing would come between them. The next day found him in Captain Archer’s ready room begging for his old job back. That of coarse would be granted.

The End

While finishing this, I figured out another way this could happen. It’s in production now. Called

“A Different Kind of Communication.”
Will be out soon.

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Great story! I can't wait for your next fic!!!!


wow... just love your stories... can't wait for the alturnate story...

That was really nice. I wish the writers of Enterprise had some of your insight into these wonderful characters and had the guts to give us a fitting ending for two people who were destined to be together. Look forward to your next fic.

Interesting... you certainly have an imagination to come up with all this as explination!!!! It was nice to see a glimpse in what it is to be Vulcan... thank you! Can't wait for the other story to come out.

Wow...that was excellent! Really great! I'm looking forward to your next!

great , thank you

Pretty! I like this story, can't wait for the next installment! :)

Thanks for the positive feedback. There is another version of this entitled
"A different Kind of Communicaton"

That takes a different turn as to how they get together. I think you'll like it. Caution. It has a tremendous dream sequence that will make you happy, sad and all the way in between, so get the tissues ready, but there is a happy ending. Will be out soon. Love T.

Very very nice!! I really like the way you tied in Lorian too; a big plus for me is that your dialogue is believable. It sounds like the characters are really speaking, which makes it completely believable to me.

That was excellent. It was a pleasure to read such a compelling short story. I can't wait to the next one comes out.

That was excellent. It was a pleasure to read such a compelling short story. I can't wait to the next one comes out.

Excellent, I loved this! I particularly liked the way it ended with Trip coming out of the mind link and appearing in the flesh at her door. How could anyone resist? Perfect. Ali D :~)

I loved it! I really loved the ending. Wow. I'll be looking forward to the next installment!

Wow another great story. :)

Loved the idea that T'pol is of a Surak blood line and ment to do some thing great and that is be with Trip and lead together both their peoples to unity. Through Lorian no less. :)
Cant wait for your next one.