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Guess We've Got a Lot of Work to Do

Author - TLR | G | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - R | T
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Guess We’ve Got a Lot of Work To Do


Rated: R
Disclaimer: “Enterprise” is the property of UPN and Paramount Pictures. Any thanks to Myst for letting me use her wonderful pic from the gallery......T.

Summary: I know here lately I am famous for my loving family series, but I wanted to take a short break and answer an age old question that has been bugging me since the Orion Episode. If the writers hadn’t been such putses and totally disappointed us all, then how would the follow up have been to that story? So this little ditty starts off just 2 weeks after the immortal last words of Trip, as he walked off toward engineering, leaving a very bewildered T’Pol standing in the hall way outside sickbay, “Guess we got a lot of work too do.” Enjoy……..T.

August 15th, 2005


(Guess we got a lot of work too do.) His words repeated over and over again in her brain. Trying to concentrate on anything had been rough these last two weeks. The repairs to the ship kept her mate huddled in engineering 20 hours per day, and when she was required to work with him, T’Pol often found his lack of familiarity annoying. He knew of their bond, even continued to pay her visits in her mind during meditation, but when they interacted outside that private area, he was more of a stranger to her than he’d been before. This was the source of her displeasure and more importantly his coolness was becoming more distracting than the erotic dreams the Commander would experience from her connection to the young man.

She sat in the corner of the mess hall, in the shadows enjoying the quiet of the now empty room. The hour was late, but her mind couldn’t concentrate on meditation or sleep, so T’Pol decided a cup of Chamomile tea would sooth her nerves. She sipped occasionally from the steaming hot mug, while reading the schematic of the new modifications to the impulse and thruster relays. Her taste in reading material had definitely changed, although the Vulcan rationalized it as a simple matter of keeping up to date on all the latest modifications to the ship. To avoid surmising differently, she also read up on the latest changes to the photon torpedo yields, and the new multi lingual high frequency modulator that came aboard with the last load of delegates, during the Babel One conference.

Now that she had satisfied her logic, T’Pol found herself strangely enjoying the literature and diagnostic data that accompanied the specks. Her mind became lost in the changing layers of machinery, as she fingered her way from diagram to diagram.

Trip entered the mess hall at the opposite end from the science officer. He was hungry, having pulled another 20 hr shift and missed his lunch and dinner breaks entirely. He went straight to the dispensers, not taking notice of the other person in the room. Looking through the windows, the engineer found his choices limited. A clear wrapped sandwich or a plate of left over meatloaf with broccoli was the highlights of the menu. There weren’t even any desserts left to substitute. Trip chose the sandwich, pulling it out and noted it was left over tuna from the day before. Still figuring it would be better, he moved with it in hand to the beverage area. He grabbed a glass and stuck it onto the dispenser shelf. While doing this, Trip caught sight of the young woman in the corner. She sat there reading totally oblivious to his presence.

(Great I thought she was off that Kir’Shara kick a while ago.) His temper was increasing more over her indifference than over his lack of a decent entrée. Trip whispered close to the machine. “Milk….Cold” and continued to observe the Vulcan as his glass started filling with the creamy white liquid. He took his beverage and started for the door, deciding that a confrontation with her while she was lost in that damn document wasn’t worth it. He then decided he had the right to eat in the mess hall like everyone else.

Defiantly he headed toward the back of the room, coming right up to her. As he did so, Trip saw her lift her head and sniff the air lightly. The face she made was enough of a repayment, once Trip realized it was the tuna that displeased her sensitive nostrils, not him. (Guess the tuna was the right choice after all.) He smirked to himself and continued to make his way to her table.

“I see I’m not the only one up late.” Trip plopped his sandwich hard on the table, then pulled out the chair and sat down. He took a long drag on his milk, leaving a very evident milk mustache along the top of his lip. T’Pol felt a strange urge to help him with the problem using her tongue, but fought off the idea as quickly as it came. Almost in response, Trip brought his sleeved arm up and wiped away the traces of liquid. “Whatcha read’n” He asked expecting to hear about the great document that had all of Vulcan in an uproar.

“I am reviewing the new engine specifications and diagram outlines.” She replied flatly, taking another short sip of her tea.

“You're read’n what?” Trip was totally amazed. “Why are ya read’n that? Shouldn’t you be studying that damn Kir’Shara thingy?” He looked up intermittently while he unwrapped and separated the two halves of his sandwich. T’Pol watched in disgust, as the odor only became more pungent as the wrappings came off.

“I finished memorizing the Kir’Shara months ago. I am merely keeping up on the latest modifications as is necessary for any first officer in star fleet.”

“Yeah right…. I don’t even think the Cap’n reads those updates when I post 'em. Why would you be interested in….” He stopped a moment then realized that her desire to read the specks may be a result of their bond.
“It’s cause of that bond thingy…isn’t it…. You had the urge to read up on engine modifications even though you really don’t want too.” Trip’s smile grew wide with amusement.

“I am reading up on the data because it is my job. I have also familiarized myself with the updates to communications, weapons and even the new cooking equipment brought in to chef’s galley. What would our being bonded have anything to do with those areas?” T’Pol hated having to defend herself, especially when she knew he was right.

“Well….you can say anything you like but..” Trip swallowed quickly the first few bites of sandwich. “I think you are really enjoying those logs. Here, let me see how far you’ve gotten.” He grabbed the padd from her hand, a move he knew would annoy her and turned it to face his way. “It’s in Vulcan?” The engineer looked puzzled, seeing the schematics, but with the long strands of elegant scribble superimposed upon them.

“I read faster in my native language.” T’Pol snatched the padd back letting her mate know his bad manners were not going to be tolerated. Trip noted a slight testiness to her posture that told him maybe he was getting to her finally.

“We’ve just about got the repairs completed in engineering.” Trip tried for some pleasant conversation.

“Shouldn’t you be down there, if they are not complete?” T’Pol answered his words, now playing the same game her mate seemed to have started.

“What, can’t a guy get a bite to eat for pete's sake?” Trip waved the bite ridden half of sandwich at her, his mouth full of a grayish pasty substance as he spoke. “Geese… you’d think I was some kinda robot, the way you just expect me to work around the clock.”

“I suggested nothing of the sort, however without full engine capability. Enterprise is at risk of attack. We are not in a familiar solar system and could be vulnerable to attack by any number of species. If further repairs are needed, perhaps I could assist your crew while you get some rest.” T’Pol switched off the palm padd and looked as if she was preparing to stand. Instead she simply sat upright and waited for the man’s response.

“You think by reading a few modification specks and reviewing a few schematics, you are able to replace me in engineering…. I don’t think so lady.” Trip was actually rowel’d up at this point, a fact that the science officer took great pleasure in. He noted her amusement and calmed down realizing she was getting the hang of this little game of cat and mouse.

“I believe you are more tired than you realize, Commander… You really should turn in.” T’Pol picked up the padd and switched it back on.

“That’s not what you said to me in your daydream.” Trip toyed back, now enjoying the banter more and more.

“My meditation is not a day dream. The fact that you happen to allow yourself to drift off while you are working isn’t of my doing.” Her eyes skimmed the pages, but her mind wasn’t getting any of the data before her.

“Well sleep wouldn’t do me any good either…. Not unless you can guarantee me a good night’s sleep.” Trip popped the last of his sandwich into his mouth and crumbled up the wrappings. He washed it down with the last of his milk and brushed at the many crumbs that lay before him on the table.

“You are not sleeping again, perhaps…” T’Pol started innocently offering help but Trip knew what the outcome of that help would be.

“Oh no thank you….. I will manage just fine on my own.”

“I don’t know why you insist on being so discourteous to me when we are together.” T’Pol decided to stop dancing around the issue and speak her mind. They were alone, and at this late hour the chance of anyone hearing them was beyond calculation.

“I’m discourteous….May I remind you that you’re the one that is always dismissing me as just a silly human.” Trip leaned in on the table top he had just cleaned.

“I do not dismiss you as anything..” T’Pol’s words even shocked herself realizing now that her mate’s angered state was affecting her thought process.

“See, what did I tell ya? It's worse; now I am not anything.”

“I meant… I do not dismiss you…. You are a valued member of this crew and…” She couldn’t finish from his frustrated response.

“Here we go again. Valued member of this crew…. Why can’t you just come out and tell me what you are feeling? What good is this bond thing, if you still can’t be totally honest with me?” Trip had past play…now he was hurt and the Vulcan could sense it. T’Pol grew silent, as she stared into his brilliant blue eyes.

“What would you like to know?” she finally managed, reflecting a little of the hurt she felt coming through from him. She waited in silence to hear her mate’s wishes.

“I want to know what is going on with us..?” The blond haired male replied, realizing for the first time she was really listening to him.

“We are bonded….We are mates..” T’Pol didn’t know what other reply to give so she stated the obvious.

“I know… but what does that mean besides the fact that we can occasionally sense things between us?” He played with a stray crumb on the table, too tired or too shy to look her in the face.

“It means we desire to be connected to one another.” T’Pol answered softly, also keeping her eyes to the table top.

“Is that the reason for those really vivid dreams I’ve been having lately?’ Trip hoped he wasn’t telling the Vulcan anything she didn’t already know.


“How do I get them to stop?” The young man asked then felt a twang of hurt come over his heart. He wasn’t sure, but thought it may not have been from him.

“I could teach you some blocking techniques that might be helpful.” Her voice was soft and held a heaviness to it. Now Trip was sure that hurt feeling wasn’t his.

“Any other way?” He asked leading her to expose what was making her feel so sad. It didn’t work, because T’Pol remained quiet and simply shook her head.

“Well….I am too exhausted for that tonight…. Maybe when the repairs are complete.” Trip stood to leave. “Aren’t you turning in?” He asked when he saw her not get up with him.

“I wish to remain and finish my studies. Good night Commander.

“Night…..” The young man wasn’t sure, but he felt so guilty all of the sudden. He went to his cabin and fell out across his bunk expecting to have another sheet soaked night of erotic dreams. But instead, insomnia kicked in as this guilty hurt feeling stayed with him until the wee hours of the morning.


Two days later, when the repairs were finally all done and the Enterprise was now cruising its way through the galaxy, Trip found he actually had time to eat dinner. He had been experiencing that same feeling of guilt that he’d picked up two nights past and more over he realized it was his guilt he was feeling. The hurt feelings he later identified as alien, were still in the corners of his mind and they bombarded him when he least expected it. For the last two days, he waited for a chance to talk with T’Pol, but the young Vulcan conspicuously stayed out of engineering, off the bridge. She busied herself assisting other repair crews in different parts of the ship with minor repairs and upgrades. What was most concerning to the commander was the fact that his mate wasn’t even available in her meditation. Somehow, Trip surmised, she must have found a way to block his entry into her mind and this was what had him the most concerned.

He knew that normally when the captain invited him to dinner, there was usually an invite given to the Vulcan, knowing she rarely spent time with others when not required too. But when he entered the captain’s mess and found only two place settings, this made him very uneasy. He sat down and awaited his friend to join him. When Archer finally arrived, he didn’t have enough time to sit down before Trip asked if T’Pol would be joining them this evening. Jon indicated not, that she had some work to catch up on and politely declined. Trip then knew he needed to get this straightened out, if not for his own peace of mind, but more importantly for the bond that they shared. This bond seemed very unbalanced right now and when that happened, both he and the Vulcan were in pain. This had to stop.

Dinner went on with the captain, and Trip left before dessert could be served. He located the science officer in her quarters after completing the modifications on some exobiology lab equipment for Phlox in sickbay. She left there around 20:00PM and returned to her quarters without getting any dinner. Trip checked in with Chef, but also knew the Vulcan was hungry, and was ignoring it.

He stopped by the mess hall and looked for something Vegetarian that T’Pol might like. The dispenser was full of meat based objects, but the only non meat items were the desserts. He pulled out a couple pieces of key lime pie and a few forks, placing them on a tray beside a cup of hot chamomile tea and a tall glass of milk. He made his way through the hallways and came upon her door unseen. It was movie night and most of the crew’s eyes were already plastered to the screen.

Trip hit the door buzzer and noted a long pause before the resident came to answer it. There she stood in the doorway, her pajamas and robe brought out the sadness more than her cat suit would have. “May I help you commander?” She asked almost exhausted at the idea of having another cat and mouse session with him tonight.

“I know you didn’t eat today… I brought you a little something before bedtime. I thought you were hungry.” He raised his brows indicating he had an inside track on her body’s needs. T’Pol stepped back and allowed him entrance, knowing all too well that he would argue the point if she declined him.

As he came over to the table, Trip set the tray down. The hot mug of tea, he handed gently over to her. T’Pol accepted it graciously and motioned for the commander to take a seat. She did likewise sitting across from him on the cushions. Trip took the cover off the two slices of pie and handed one of them to his mate. He laid a fork on the table beside her and picked up the other with his serving.

“You missed dinner again?” she asked looking at the light green tinged creamy concoction.

“Nope…had Chinese with the Cap’n just a half hour ago.” Trip dug into his pie and smiled as the tangy flavor trickled down his throat. “Man that’s good.” He saw her less than exuberant actions and wondered if Vulcan’s didn’t like lime either.

“Somethin' wrong with your pie?” He asked pointing his fork in her direction.

“It’s fine…. I just don’t have much of an appetite.” T’Pol placed the fork on the side of the plate and set it down before her.

“You’re starving…I can tell.” Trip pointed to his head with the fork now, which sprayed little bits of lime drippings onto his lap. He put the plate down and picked up a napkin from the tray. He dabbed at his sweat pants and allowed this moment of awkwardness serve as a time to get to the bottom of things.

“T’Pol, what’s eat’n ya….. “ He started and saw the confused look on her face.

“I mean what’s got you so upset. I have been feeling things from you for two days and I can’t take it anymore…..” With that statement the hurt multiplied ten fold, as she looked down into the burning candle light.

“That’s not what I meant…. I want to help….. Was it something I said…I did… come on, tell me… What is it?” He put down the napkin and instead took her hand from the table top. This time the engineer’s eyes were locked in on her face, making it impossible for her not to have to address him.

“I think you are mistaken…. I am Vulcan…. I do not experience feelings, nor would I project them onto you.” Trip suddenly felt a wall slam shut between them. This feeling of loneliness was worse than the hurt and guilt from before.

“I know you are a Vulcan and I know you suppress your emotions. But you do have them and because we are bonded I can feel them…. Well I could feel them until you clammed up on me….I don’t think it’s fair that you call all the shots in this….” Trip faltered not knowing what name to put to this strange relationship they shared.

“You indicated my thoughts were bothering you, so I simply use some blocking techniques so they wouldn’t offend you any longer.” Now there was evident hurt in her voice. (This wasn’t going well.) the young man thought seeing as how his efforts seemed to be hurting her even more. For a moment Trip thought about just packing up his tray and getting out of there before a fight ensued, but when he saw her cuddling up to the Chamomile tea something inside begged him to stay put.

“Yes…sometimes I am not prepared for your presence in my mind, but for the most part I have grown accustom to it. When you block it off like that, it’s painful….” Trip knew of T’Pol’s beliefs about not causing anyone pain.

“I am not skilled at blocking only part of my thoughts. I would not know where to start.” She sipped from her cup allowing her long slender fingers to curl tightly around it.

“Well than don’t block them at all. I mean it’s not like I am telepathic. I would only get a bit of what you were feeling….Not everything anyway. But it hurts too much not to have you there at all.” Something in his words clicked with T’Pol. She let down her barriers and allowed her current state to re-flood the male’s mind.

“Ah… there you are.” He stated and a soft grin crossed his face. “Now ya gonna tell me what I said or did that made you so upset?” Trip went back to eating his pie to lighten the mood. He watched the Vulcan’s eyes come up out of the cup and stare blankly at him.

“You did nothing.” She remarked, not lying exactly, but keeping the truth still tucked inside.

“So I did say something. All right, then what was it?” He continued to nibble at his pie.

“There was nothing.” T’Pol studied her tea, having just told a fib.

“There was something…T’Pol…. I felt you change during our conversation. One minute you were enjoying our little banter and the next you seemed as though you were gonna cry.” Trip didn’t know it but that was not the right thing to say, especially to a Vulcan with a weakened control center.

“I do not cry….!” She exclaimed and set down the one thing she was allowing into her system.

“I didn’t say you were gonna cry, but I just got the feeling I hurt you in some way and I don’t want to do it again. Why can’t you just tell me? This can’t be logical to waste all this time trying to get it out of you. This is what I meant the other night, about honesty…. I want to know how you’re feeling….”

“I said I am fine, Commander and I meant it!” Now the Vulcan was projecting stubbornness at him in large quantities.

“Let’s get it straight…. It’s Trip. I don’t go calling you Commander and I think that since we are supposed to be mated, you should at least do me the courtesy of using my name….. And as for this stubborn streak of yours, you may as well just spill the beans, cause I’ll be damned if I’m leav’n here without this little problem solved. Now how you like them apples!” (If it’s stubbornness she wants… it’s stubbornness she’ll get.) Trip thought putting down his pie and crossing his arms in protest.

The defiance he felt soon turned back to the hurt of the last few days. Trip wondered now if it wasn’t his words, but his tone that caused her so much pain. He softened his posture and crawled down off the couch to sit next to her on the cushions. “T’Pol… we are both getting use to this bond thing and I for one am quite lost. Part of me finds it confusing but another part of me finds it strangely soothing. Humans just don’t know how this is supposed to go, that is why I need you to help me figure it out. I don’t want to hurt you, but if I don’t know how I am doing it, then how can I possibly prevent it in the future?” Trip reached out and took her hands again. This made the thrum in his head a bit louder. His words to her now eased up the pain somewhat. But there was still a nagging ache there that wouldn’t go away.

“I know… You ask me anything you want and I will answer it truthfully, no matter what.” Trip thought that maybe it was the fear of embarrassment she was afraid of.

T’Pol thought a moment then murmured softly, “Do you really want this bond?” Her words to him both shocked and sickened his heart. Trip’s first thoughts were that she was dissatisfied with him and wanted out. He didn’t know if he should answer that honestly, since if she wanted to be freed from it, then his answer would have her chained for a lifetime in a bond she didn’t want. But he’d promised to answer honestly and if he went back on that promise, it would be a worse pain than telling the lie. His hesitation brought on a new round of hurt, with T’Pol removing her hands from his.

“Yes… I do.” Trip went with honesty and decided to let the chips fall where they may. He sensed that his proclamation wasn’t believed. “I do T’Pol… I want to be bonded to you.” He pulled her eyes to his and took her hands again. “Why would you think otherwise?”

“You just seem so frustrated by it at times…. And you avoid me… being in contact with me…. These are not behaviors of a mate.” Trip was floored by her explanation. Yes he had been avoiding her, but more because of the erotic dreams. They were so searing, that looking at the woman only brought them back while he was awake. The repairs to the ship,…. His lack of sleep…naturally staying away from her was the logical thing to do, or so he thought.

“I know I have been really busy, but I didn’t mean too….” Trip knew that if she were linked to his mind, she’d see right through the ‘I was too busy’ excuse in a heartbeat.

“I offered to help you with your insomnia….and you turned me down.” T’Pol was finally opening up and it meant more discomfort for the already squirming engineer.

“We both know how that would end up, T’Pol. I couldn’t go through another exploration again.” This simply magnified the hurt and if finally hit Trip she wasn’t talking about neuropressure. T’Pol’s head turned downward, feeling a confirmation of her original thoughts. Her mate didn’t want to be mated to her anymore.

“T’Pol… I just meant that the next time we spend the night in a mad passionate embrace. I don’t want to find out it was some sort of experiment. Maybe Vulcans can handle rejection, but humans can’t. Of course I want you… you are all I think about… you’re the reason I haven’t had a good night sleep in months… But no matter how much my body wants to be with you, my mind needs to know that I have your heart. It’s an illogical human emotion thing, but it is important.” Trip pulled her into a hug. He felt a lot of the pain wash away from her mind and be replaced with a strange contentment.

”So that was it all along…. You thought I didn’t want to be your mate?” He rubbed her back while resting his chin atop her head. “Well it’s good to know you don’t read all my thoughts either….I guess we are even.”

He rocked her softly for a while, feeling the release of the tension and pain that had seeped into both their souls. He moved his chin back and forth across her crown, the silky strands of hair playing with his skin. After a short while, Trip leaned away to look at her sleepy eyes.

“Come on….Let’s both try for a little sleep… Then when we wake you can tell me everything you know about this bond thing, so we can start getting it right.” He took her hands in his again and led her over to the bunk. Kicking off his shoes, he slipped way back against the wall and lay, his arm out waiting for her body to fill it. She curled up, laying half on and half off his frame, as his limb wrapped round her securely. They fell to sleep within moments and this time neither had too disquieting a dream.


“Good Morning sleepy head.” Trip smiled softly as the Vulcan’s eyes fluttered open. She stared up into his face, wondering just how long he had been watching her sleep.

“Good morning.” She returned shyly… “What time is it?” T’Pol started to turn from his arms and was pulled back quickly against his soft worn tee.

“Bout 04:00…. Just in time for a Vulcan breakfast. You think Chef has any plomeek broth in the mess hall yet?” Trip’s tone was teasing, reminding his mate of the mornings on Vulcan when her mother’s gong signaled the beginning of the work day.

“I doubt he has even gotten out of bed yet.” The Vulcan was equally amused by the memory.

“Bet you wished you’d eaten that pie last night….” The engineer nodded in the direction of the table. The creamy pie, now a puddle on the plate, was the only source of calories in the area, and he knew her fine Vulcan sensibilities would be offended by its appearance now. “It you want, I can go to the mess hall and try to find you something else to nibble on until the breakfast line opens.” Trip could feel his own hunger and began to sense the even greater one inside his mate.

“I can manage until then, thank you.” T’Pol laid her head back against his chest.

“How’d ya sleep?” Trip began gently stroking her back. “I slept great….you’d think with us so close, the erotic dreams would have come back in spades and yet they didn’t. That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Actually it does…Our souls were contented, so they had no need to urge us otherwise.” T’Pol rubbed her cheek against the soft fabric. She closed her eyes and savored his scent.

“You mean we really didn’t want to have sex….Just be in each other’s arms?” Trip was a bit confused.

“Bonds are nothing more than the linking of two souls. Our essences grow together and merge, then find it scary when our beings are separated. The greater the separation, the harder our souls urge us to reunite.” Her tone was even, but her mind was enjoying the pleasure of his closeness.

“So as long as we are in each others arms, we will feel okay?” Trip now wanted to explore this thing that brought him to this point.

“Our minds can control it somewhat. If we are content in our minds, then our souls will know that and be content as well. But if we have discord, our souls will implore us by what ever means necessary to solve the disharmony.”

“So the waking day dreams when I was aboard the Columbia…” Trip started and his mate finished.

“Were an extension of your feelings over leaving me. The distance combined with the discord made it impossible for your soul to leave you be, even in your awake times.”

“And the problems we had over the months previous….was that a part of this bond too?” Trip started to feel a bit better about their troubles, now realizing they were not about a lack of feelings on T’Pol’s part.

“My feelings for you were stronger than I had ever known. They frightened me….Now I know they were a bond and it makes sense, their affecting me in that manner. But at the time, I felt I was loosing my control, much like the crew of the Seleya. I had to regain it….Not just for me, but for us….There was so much pressure….. My marriage to Koss,….my mother’s death…..I feared for my own sanity at times, I was so out of control.” T’Pol tightened her grip about his chest. Her eyes filled with tears that she tried desperately to fight back. Trip’s hand began making lazy circles on her back, patting it occasionally when their bond told him that she was particularly upset.

“I didn’t know you were having such a hard time. I knew you were hurting and I only wanted to help…. I guess my presence wasn’t helping at all.”

“On the contrary, if I had realized we were bonded back then, your presence would have been the only thing I would have needed. The pain we both went through wouldn’t have been so bad, possibly none at all. I just didn’t realize we were mated.” A tear rolled down across her cheek and was absorbed quickly by the cotton fibers of his tee.

“Were my feelings heightened as well? I mean my frustration at trying to help you and you…” he didn’t finish knowing his words would seem harsh.

“Yes…your soul was trying to get to mine, just like mine was trying to get to yours. We were in need of each other, and yet we couldn’t see it.” Another tear fell, this time knowing all the pain she put him through during that time.

“It’s okay….we didn’t know. But we know now and we can fix this…I mean look… we are feeling better now aren’t we?” Trip smiled and leaned over to see her response. T’Pol raised her head and saw his sweet gesture. Her heart warmed and the feelings of belonging to him took over her mind happily.

“So, ya wanta tell me a little more about this bond. Were you and Koss bonded?” The young man asked relaxing her head back onto his chest.

“No…..Once bonded, you are bonded for life. Even if I tried to bond with Koss, I was already bonded to you and it wouldn’t have taken. That is possibly the reason for my feelings of revulsion towards him.”

“Oh I don’t know… The guy seemed like a jerk to me. I mean blackmailing you into marrying him…that’s not your garden variety gentleman. Did you ever care for him?” Trip wanted to know, but didn’t really.

“I met him a few times growing up and was not repulsed by him. I felt little for him until the time for our wedding came. For reason’s I have yet to understand, I suddenly didn’t desire to be around him.” T’Pol was now trying to understand her own actions of the time.

“It’s because you met a fine southern gentleman and he swept you off your feet. I mean who could resist…” Trip was kidding, but his words started to have some meaning in the Vulcan’s mind.

“You do know you were attracted to me long before our night together, don’t you?” She stated bluntly breaking his moment of levity.

“Yeah…right…” He replied knowing all too well she was correct.

“As far back as our first mission, you found me fascinating and seductive.” Well that was a fact that the human male wasn’t aware of.

“Oh yeah…how’d you get that? He asked jokingly but in truth wanted to know her reasoning.

“Our time in the decon chamber.. I noted the change in your scent. Also on the bridge when we argued…. Even though you portrayed anger, your scent belied your arousal.” She was serious and this to Trip, was more fascinating then anything else she could have said.

“Oh really, like you weren’t checking out my bod while you were slathering me down too.” Trip returned defensively, and was surprised to hear the answer.

“I did give your attributes a serious consideration. Not just then, but many times when we worked together. The talk among the human females was that your posterior was quite exceptional. I wanted to understand what their criteria was for making that determination.”

“You were checking out my butt with the rest of the female crew?” he asked almost floored by her honesty.

“Yes I was sent here as an observer. It was my duty to observe human behavior.” She made it sound so clinical, the commander was starting to get defensive.

“And….” He asked wanting to know her opinion.

“You do have an exceptionally strong gluteal region, however that is not a characteristic that Vulcan’s find most appealing.” She returned dryly.

“Oh I guess you are more interested in my mind.” He was now a bit more sarcastic knowing he was probably right.

“Actually, Vulcans look for strength characteristics….. A well defined chest and abdomen… strong neck muscles, and prominent Adam’s apple, I believe you call it.” This next response floored the young man. “Of course we are a very pragmatic culture… A male’s essentials for procreation are also a winning attribute and of worth for consideration.”

“What!...” He could hardly control the shock. “You mean you judge your mate by the size of his…” He didn’t even finish, his flustered speech halted him a moment. “equipment”.

“Don’t human females also regard this as a positive attribute?” T’Pol truly seemed puzzled. She had heard many female conversations on the subject and thought the males knew this was a consideration amongst the females of their species.

Trip let out a flustered laugh. “I just can’t believe that Vulcans even consider these things about their mates. I mean you have prearranged marriages, the couple’s feelings on the matter doesn’t even matter for pete’s sake.”

“Of course they do. A Vulcan male wishes to please his mate. He will go to great lengths to be what she desires. Even kill, if she requires it to demonstrate his willingness to be her mate. They are taught from childhood to take care of themselves in preparation for their bonding, just like females are taught techniques in pleasuring and healing.” T’Pol’s head rose off his chest.

“You’re taught techniques in pleasuring?” Now Trip was truly amazed.

“Of course…I have been instructed in many forms of pleasuring….” Her answer was straight and even. Her mate was now starting to realize why the two Typos he knew were so vastly different. The first officer on the bridge, duty bound and single minded, and this one laying in his arms, eager to please and apparently more than able to do so.

“So you’re telling me that you were raised to be a good mate for your husband?” Trip was trying to get the words out, but the pleasuring remark was still fore most in his mind.

“Yes… Were you not taught by your father about pleasuring your wife?” She asked a bit amazed by the human’s confusion.

“I was taught to respect women, and to be kind and gentle with them.” Trip’s words seemed defensive, remembering the many talks he had with his dad about the birds and the bees.

“Being gentle is a big part of pleasure… Kindness also plays a part in caring for your mate. Why are you so surprised I have been trained?”

“My father didn’t come out with a technical journal and tell me in detail how to go about it. He just made it clear that woman were to be cherished and their feelings had to come into anything I did….the rest would become clearer when it happened.” Trip was getting a bit uncomfortable with this talk.

“So your parents' teaching were not as detailed as mine. This does not matter. The bond will assist us in meeting each other’s needs sexually.” T’Pol reached up and stroked the side of his bare neck. She allowed her hand to run down over his tee shirt and brush lightly at the top of his sweats. The sensation she caused with this movement sent a wave of heat running the length of the human’s entire body. He shivered as the sensation once more hit him square between the eyes.

T’Pol’s eyes locked on the small mound that rose and fell with his every swallow. It hypnotized her, stirring ever rising passions from deep within. Her breathing grew deeper, and the hunger inside was definitely not for food. Trip shook his head, trying to get the swirling sensation from his brain. This feeling was powerful and enticing, but he still held true to his original need. He wanted T’Pol to want his heart, not just his equipment…..


Part 2

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

It's been awhile since I read any of the Bound fics; had to remind myself of how it ended! I think I'm a little surprised at the tension that still remains between them after Trip comes back to Enterprise.

Very cute... until the end, then it got hot! :p

Nice story, I like how you play with the bonding, please continue.

loved the talk back and forth about being trained to please....harkens back to the Acquisition comment she made.

Wonderful Fic,,, Loved the part where they finaly both came clean in what they wanted,, Very sweet moment,,,,, An the last part,WOW,, Trained to please,, Now that sounds nice. Cant wait for the next part. :)

Very nice story. And I too feel the characters are 'using my body to get at the computer'. It is like they are dictating their story through you, right? And isn't it great when a story just flows out? It really seems like it does not come from you because self consciousness and doubt of your own ability just disappear.

I am wondering about that childhood bond the Vulcans do. It must be less powerful than sex when they are adults if a new more powerful bond can be created as Trip and T'Pol did. Or was it that if a more suitable mate, a soul mate, comes along it overrides anything else?

And Vulcans valuing the body parts! I just knew it!

I just re-watched the Voyager 5th year episode 'Gravity' where Tuvok has flashbacks to a childhood infatuation while marooned on a planet with an alien woman who falls in love with him. Great comparison to the Vulcans of an earlier era. Just love these Vulcan episodes!

Anyway, nice work on this story.

loved it cant wait for more and this is how it should of happend

Can't wait for more, great story!!

This is great. Very smooth dialog, and if the very end of this posting is any indication... we're in for some blazingly hot action ahead. I'm looking forward to T'Pol's skills demonstration! : ) - D

This was great. Very smooth heart felt dialog, and just like Distracted said we can't wait to read about T'Pols skills.

Can't wait till Monday

Hey TLR are you still going to continue with the And baby makes four series i wanted to know if T'Pol is pregnant or not ? please i really like your series, and this one is good too , see you later then , good luck in school, my school starts on monday

Interesting! I can't wait to see where you go with this! :)

Little behind with school, Part 2 should be out by Thurs for sure. It's a doozy......T

Part 7 of And Baby makes 4 has already been turned in yesterday.....T