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Little Lizzie - Part 3

Author - TLR
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Little Lizzie


Rated PG- mild adult content
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of a very ungrateful UPN and Paramount Pictures.

Summary: This story picks up where Little Lizzie 2 ends. Trip, T単ol and the baby are off the mining colony ship and on board Enterprise. They successfully derailed the plans of the mad man Paxton to create a super human race by using a hybrid's blood to bolster human genetics and now are presented with the problems of parenthood, their relationship and where to go from here.

May 14th, 2005


Having just been beamed aboard, Archer and Trip followed behind a very anxious T単ol holding her 6 month old daughter swaddled in her arms. They made their way from the transporter, through the corridors to sickbay, at the very center of the ship. Along the way they passed several bewildered crew members, but didn't stop until they reached the good doctor's shop.

Entering, Phlox descended upon them reaching out to take the child from T単ol. She hesitated a moment, her protective mother instincts flaring, then handed the little girl over. As she did, both Trip and T単ol could hear the small one's protest in their heads. Waves of fear and panic started to creep in and T単ol laid a light finger on her hand to help calm her frazzled nerves. Phlox returned a look of wonder at the Vulcan then proceeded over to the nearest biobed. He laid the little girl down and reached over his shoulder for a scanner. As he did so, T単ol moved to the top of the stretcher. She laid her fingers gently against the baby's shoulder. Phlox reached around the Vulcan's arm and tried to begin his scans, but every time he'd run them, the readings he saw displeased him.

"T単ol, would you please." he started a bit anxious to begin his work.

"My apologies doctor." she returned and moved her body several centimeters left to afford him more room, still not removing her touch from the young child's body. The little girl's eyes tried to follow her movement as she raised her head to get a better view of her mother.

Trip stood at the foot of the biobed and watched quietly with the Captain standing behind him. Phlox ran yet another scan and came up with the same misleading values. He turned again to the first officer and tried to confront the problem directly.

"Commander, for me to get accurate readings, I'm afraid you're going to have to let go of the child. I promise she'll be in no danger and I will endeavor to cause her no further discomfort." The good doctor was sympathetic but firm.

"I understand doctor however the child is upset by her ordeal and is in need of reassurance right now." T単ol returned stubbornly, not removing her hand.

Phlox looked at the child who by now was sucking madly on her fist and still had her eyes fixed on her mother. There were no outward signs of tears, or distress for that matter, yet T単ol seemed quite certain the child was in torment.

"My apologies Commander, however the child looks quite content right now, perhaps you could venture letting go for a few moments so I can get an initial round of scans done." Phlox flashed her a soothing smile.

T単ol checked through their bond and found the infant had calmed down. Slowly she slid her fingers off the child and moved her hand back to her side. This set off a mental barrage that would have blown the airlocks off their hinges. Waves upon waves of fear, apprehension, confusion and aloneness, mixed with panic hit T単ol squarely in her brain and quickly she snatched her fingers back on the child.

Phlox shot her a puzzled look, for other than a slight head turning, the infant hadn't changed one bit. She still lay there sucking on her hand, still keeping her eye contact with her parent. (Why was T単ol so reticent about letting go of the child?)

"She was calling out to me." T単ol returned evenly, although to Trip and the good doctor it seemed a bit defensive.

"T単ol.....she didn't even blink.....what do you mean she called out to you?" Phlox was slightly impatient.

Trip could feel a growing uneasiness coming through their bond. Although spotty, extreme emotions did make their way through without him being in physical contact with his bondmate. He moved quickly to intercede on her behalf with the doctor.

"Hey doc...the baby and T単ol are linked kinda...mentally. She tends to communicate first through that link and then goes to outward actions. She's probably really scared and has been through a lot.

Phlox ran a neurometric scan of T単ol's brain functions, then took one of the child's. They were identical with elevated theta waves that indicated higher brain function. "Amazing" He then ran a scan of Commander Tucker's brain and found similar readings, but in lower levels.

"You're in contact with her too?" he asked fascinated by his discovery.

T単ol tensed up at the good doctor's questions and Trip could feel her hesitance.

"Yeah sorta......Vulcan babies do that to keep connected to their parents. My connection is not as strong as T単ol's, but she can get her point across when she wants too."

"You can hear what she thinks?" Archer chimed in almost as amazed as Phlox. Trip returned a sheepish nod.

"Is she forming words or is it just all feelings?" Phlox endeavored to continue his exploration.

"Intense feelings." T単ol admonished. "Panic, anxiety, aloneness, sadness"

"And when you are in contact with her, she feels better." By now the Captain was figuring out his first officer's reluctance to let go.

"Precisely." T単ol reached down to scoop the baby up, her protective side showing. The doctor stopped her.

"T単ol......I realize this is difficult for you, but I do have to examine her."

Trip again felt the tension and moved around to where she stood.
"It's okay.....we'll be right here, let him get her examination done." Trip laid a comforting hand on her shoulder and gently pulled T単ol back out of the doctor's way. She went reluctantly with him to the foot of the biobed and watched as Phlox began collecting his data.

Through their bond, Trip tried to reassure her. (She's okay....she's safe here with us.) In contact with T単ol, he could feel the waves of emotions coming from the young child. It tugged at his heart as for once he realized just how much T単ol could feel through her own bond with the baby.

(It's okay little one....We're right here.) he focused stilled keeping a soft hand on T単ol's shoulder hoping to use her connection to reach the child. There was no change in the little girl's moods. The emotions continued to cascade about them gnawing at Trip more and more. T単ol stood helpless, wanting to go to her and yet knowing logically that Phlox wouldn't do anything to harm the baby. In fact he was the one person who could help her. She repeated that thought over and over again in her mind to regain her control.

Meanwhile Trip began to fidget in place, moving side to side, he could find no restful composure. His mind still reeled with the emotions his daughter was relaying. Finally, so overcome with them, he reached out two fingers and touched the toes of her right foot. Almost immediately, the little girl's mind quieted and a soft sense of calm came upon her.

Phlox, who had been running scans, suddenly noticed his readings change substantially and looked down to find Commander Tucker's hand upon the child. He shot him a frustrated stare.

"Commander." He reproached.

"Sorry doc, but I couldn't take her crying any longer." The Captain looked at him confused and Trip just shrugged his shoulders.

"Both of you need to be checked out" Phlox looked over to crewman Cutler.

"I want full diagnostic scans of both the commanders." He ordered, hoping to get some time alone with the child to complete his exam.

"Hey Doc......come on....She's been through hell....Don't make us........" The Denobulan shot up a hand that halted the young engineer's complaints.

"I need to get my exam done to see if she's all right. I can't do that if you two continue to be in contact with her. Now you have your orders Commander."

"Doctor" T単ol started quietly. "Since crewman Cutler can only run scans on one of us at a time, may I remain with the child while Commander Tucker is being examined. I will not come into physical contact with her but may be able to comfort her empathically as long as she can see me." Phlox thought about this for a moment then agreed. Trip, not happy at having to leave, sighed his frustration and turned to go.

"Don't worry munchkin, I'm right over here." he said and left with the cordial medic.

(Munchkin?......was that a name he was thinking of for the baby?)

T単ol continued to send reassuring thoughts and feelings through their bond. Anything she felt from Trip, she added and allowed the responses she got to reflected back to him where he sat. After his examination was complete, T単ol reluctantly allowed the same. Cutler found her less injured than Tucker, but noted several battle scars that must really be causing her discomfort, although she reported none. As long as the baby saw Trip, and could feel the bond with her mom, she seemed to settle a bit.

Archer stayed about an hour longer then left the pair for the bridge. He had Hoshi contact star fleet to check on the status of the Terra Prime investigation. Hours later, Phlox sent both Trip and T単ol to their cabins to get some rest. This order came with much protest, but the good doctor out ranked them in matters of medical fitness for duty. They acquiesced knowing their child wouldn't be too pleased about this.


Four hours later, about 03:20AM, Trip shuffled into the mess hall to get some coffee. He found a very tired looking T単ol sitting at a corner table, seemingly unaware of his entrance. He walked over to her and watched a moment as she sat motionless holding her tea in mid air. "Is she crying again?" He asked, startling her a bit.

T単ol broke her concentration and looked back at him as he sat down across from her. Her cup still balanced in her gentle fingertips about 4 inches from the table's surface. "No but she is not happy with her surroundings." She answered sounding a bit defeated by the situation.

"Well that was to be expected....I mean look at how much time she's already spent in a hospital....But Phlox knows babies. He'll see to her needs." Trip took a sip from his steaming cup and noticed T単ol's still hanging there.

"Ya gonna drink that, or are you trying unsuccessfully to learn levitation." He pointed to her cup and she quickly set it down.

"I have been somewhat distracted with her emotions. They are very powerful." She said looking into the now cold liquid.

"You got that right....I'd say she's got a temper on her.......Wonder which side she gets that from?" He continued smiling as he tried to hide behind the mug. T単ol simply shot him a raised brow.

"All right....let's just say she comes by it honestly...." He redirected and the Vulcan nodded in agreement. "Indeed"

"Did you get any rest?" He asked noticing again the darkened areas beneath her eyes.

"No, I have been trying to keep our connection so that the baby can rest, however in doing so, I can not go to sleep myself unless we are in physical contact." T単ol massaged the side of the cup as if she were stroking the baby's soft skin.

"Well you can't keep that up....Eventually you're gonna have to get some rest. Are your efforts paying off at least?" Trip took another sip.

"She has stopped calling out, but is not resting either. She remains awake and is getting very tired. I am hoping soon she will rest."

"She....we keep calling her she....We really need to give her a name..." Trip set down his cup then looked back into her eyes.

"Would you like to name her after your mom?" He asked hoping to help T単ol heal a bit from her recent loss.

"Vulcan's do not name their children after themselves. It is not our way.......The child is human also......I was thinking about the name Elizabeth." T単ol felt a sudden pang of sadness and startle all at the same time and knew instantly it was coming from her bondmate.

"Unless that would be too painful for you." She added quickly trying to stop the discomfort her suggestion had seemed to cause. Trip's eyes held a far away glance then a sad smile crossed his lips.

"No......I think Elizabeth is a great name.... Lizzie would have loved that...thank you." his eyes started to water a bit from the thought of his lost sister, and even more from the love that he held for his daughter laying a few decks away.

"Elizabeth Tucker....." he tried it on for size, then thought. "Tucker's okay with you.... I mean do Vulcan's have last names, ....do you have a......?"

T単ol eased and lifted her cup in between her fingers. "We do..... but they are seldom used.....besides.....you couldn't pronounce it. Tucker will work well for her." Her finger played now with the rim of the cup trying to use up some of her own penned up frustration.

Trip sat there smiling, knowing his sister would be remembered now by the most precious of beings ever created. "Did you ever think you could feel so much for any living being?" He asked astonished at the connection he felt with his daughter.

"I mean......3 days ago she wasn't even a dream and now I can't get her out of my mind. She fills my every thought."

"That is partially due to the bond. It is a way for the child to communicate her needs and in response it creates an urge in us to fulfill them without question." T単ol was looking at him directly and could feel his understanding coming back in spades.

"I know.....In sickbay I just couldn't stop myself from touching her. I thought I was gonna die if I didn't." He inched his hands forward, holding his cup closer to hers, within a few millimeters of touching.

"Dr. Phlox was not pleased with our behavior in that respect." T単ol reminded him of the scene and felt in part it was why he ordered them out of there when he did.

"Yeah, but he couldn't understand...I mean I knew our Lizzie needed me....needed us and I couldn't let anything stop me from going to her."

"The bond between parents and child is a strong one. It comes from ancient times, and is one of the few things we have yet to be able to control." Her words seemed almost regretted and yet they held a satisfaction as they crossed Trip's mind.

"Boy, telling this kid no is gonna be a big problem.....How do you discipline them?" He asked truly wondering how he'd be able to parent a child like her.

"Basic needs are the strongest....the need to survive...the need for contentment/ peace of mind. Those a parent has no choice but to fulfill. Needs for less important things hold less strength and can be easily dismissed, much the way a Human parent would."

"Well that's good to know." Trip relaxed back in his chair sliding his hands comfortably in front of him on the table. He took another sip of coffee and found its strength helping to quiet his overwhelming tiredness.

"Will my bond with her always be weaker?" He asked feeling a bit disappointed he couldn't readily sense the baby without being in contact with her or T単ol.

"No...The bond will grow and most likely you will become more aware of her. Moreover she will be able to contact you with much more accuracy.... Right now she is just broadcasting outward, finding our minds at random."

"This is at random?" Trip remembered the very obvious feelings he felt through out the evening and especially in sickbay.


"How does this bond grow? I mean is there something I need to be doing to help it?" Again he leaned forward and this time his fingers brushed hers. A rush of feelings entered him and Trip could tell somehow that most of them were T単ol's not Lizzie's.

"It's contact.....isn't it?" Trip realized his times of most clarity in his bond with T単ol involved him physically touching her. Afterward, the bond seemed stronger even if only for a while. Then another thought entered his mind. He remembered the conversation with T'Les before T単ol's wedding to Koss. She said that her and her husband eventually developed a deep connection to one another. (Why did they always seem to use that term when speaking of family?) "That's why Vulcan's don't like to be touched.....it's too personal, isn't it?"

T単ol sat there a bit stunned by his clarity on the matter. "Touch does intensify the bond.....but it's not the sole reason a bond is formed."
"So through touch, our bond will become stronger too?" He asked a bit excited about the feelings he was able to identify coming through their link.

"Yes...like your bond with Elizabeth..... Connections between bond mates grow through contact...For that reason it is required that couples reside together for a year after their marriage. Contact allows for the possibility of a bond to form and once formed, it furthers it."

"Yes....but you didn't reside with Koss.... had you.... would a bond have formed between you two?" Trip felt awkward asking such a personal question but found he needed to know the answers, that there were some underlying emotions that tempted his mind.

"It is apparent now that my reluctance to reside with Koss was due most likely to my bond with you. Once a bond forms, your mind is predisposed to reject all others that would try to bond with you." She returned a bit uncomfortable, and yet the communication between them now was easing a lot of the tensions that had built up over the last several months.

"Yes...but you married him anyway. Did you not intend to bond with him?"
He asked kind of puzzled and yet he could feel the answer coming from her before she spoke it.

"Marriage was what was required for me to fulfill my obligations to his family. However marriage does not guarantee that a bond will form and can be dissolved without dishonor if the two persons find a bond isn't forthcoming between them." T単ol lifted her cup once more to her lips.

"You had no intentions of staying with him....Even if you didn't know about our bond....You were gonna fulfill your obligations then leave him to come back to me..." Trip's mind started to race.......(she does love me.)

"The marriage was not an honorable one. It was achieved under duress and as such I was not required to make any attempt to allow a bond.....Moreover, the mere thought of Koss coming in contact with me was filled with repulsion, most likely due to our bond. I wouldn't allow him any touch, save that which was required during our ceremony and even that was painfully hard to deal with."

"Was Koss aware of that fact when he made you marry him?" Trip asked inching his fingers over her one hand that remained on the table.

"Koss knew his chances were slim that I would acquiesce and bond with him, but he wanted to try to convince me. When I refused him time and again, after my mother's death, I believe he came to realize I had bonded with another......with you."

"He knew about me?" Trip remembered the scene when their eyes met at the door of T単ol's home and knew his feelings for the Vulcan male, but was unaware Koss knew of their relationship save being shipmates.

"Vulcan's are very perceptive and can pick up on even subtle emotions. In the courtyard, when I challenged him about the marriage, he asked me if you would be my challenger and I realized he was aware of my feelings for you." Her words startled Trip.

"Feelings for me...?" he asked knowing the answer but needing to hear it.
T単ol took an uneasy breath.

"Yes my..." The Vulcan cut off her words as she felt another round of panic coming from the baby. She focused her mind, realizing their conversation had pulled her away from the child momentarily and Elizabeth wasn't liking it one bit.

Trip urged her a moment..."Yeah....your........." then felt the waves of emotions coming through her and it sickened his heart. "What's wrong......Is Lizzie okay?" He asked a bit concerned.

"She is simply frightened. I will attempt to quiet her." T単ol took a long exhausted breath and concentrated her mind on the baby. The torment went on and Trip could see the energy draining out of T単ol's lovely features.

"That's it.....come on." He stood and moved around to slide out her chair.

"Where are we going?" She asked him confused.

"We are going to be with our daughter." He returned simply.

"But Phlox has ordered us to rest."

"Does either of us look like we are getting any rest. Don't worry...I'll talk to Phlox. Now come on....." He took hold of her arm and led her out of the mess hall toward the turbo lift.


As they rounded the last corner, both Trip and T単ol could now hear the definite sounds of a baby crying just beyond the doors to sickbay. (Boy, she must be really pissed, if she's reverted back to the human way of doing things.) He thought and quickened both their pace toward the room.

Entering, they found Phlox holding the child, walking the floor and talking very softly to her. "It's all right little one.....you are safe now......it's okay, you can relax."

Phlox looked up as he turned in his pacing to face the doorway. Quietly the two officers approached him, T単ol feeling the need to hold her child, but held it back. Trip on the other hand reached out for the little girl and eased him out of the startled alien's arms.

"Hey Lizzie.....whatcha crying for....daddy's here." Trip demonstrated his practiced hand at comforting the child as she quieted almost instantly at his touch.

"I thought I told both of you to rest." The doctor returned more than a little impatient.

"It was difficult to rest..... Elizabeth has been a bit unsettled and needed a lot of reassurances." T単ol watched Trip walking back and forth cradling the baby in his arms. He cooed at her, making silly faces and flashing her, his trademark southern smile. In response, Lizzie stared up at him wide eyed occasionally gurgling back at him. This pleased him no end and he walked back over to T単ol so she could watch her daughter's performance.
"What do you mean unsettled......This is the first time she has cried since she came aboard. Have you been sensing more communications from her?"

"Yes.....her mind is openly broadcasting its needs.....they find our minds and by nature we are compelled to try and meet them....I have been in contact with her empathically since I left sickbay. I was hoping she would rest, but I believe she still isn't too sure of her surroundings." T単ol placed a finger on the child's face and was rewarded with a broad toothless grin. Such an act from a Vulcan would be considered distasteful, however she couldn't help but be thrilled at the sight of it coming across Elizabeth's face.
(She is much like her father.....)

Trip looked up at T単ol as she played with the little girl's cheek. He considered a moment then handed her over to mom. The Vulcan quickly accepted the baby and felt a hint of understanding coming from her bond mate. She looked up into his face and sent her gratitude through their connection. T単ol walked over to a chair in the corner and sat down. She undid the blanket and started checking her child's wellness. Through their bond, she felt happiness and calm, as the little girl's eyes started to dip and blink heavily.

Trip looked at the picture before him. Both the women in his life were exhausted and needed to get some rest. He then turned to Phlox to begin his plea.

"Listen....Doc.....I know you ordered us to rest, but clearly neither of us can sleep when Lizzie is upset. She calms when we are in contact with her." He emphasized his statement by pointing in the direction of his brood.
"Just let T単ol stay with her.....As long as they are in contact, the baby will rest and then maybe so can T単ol. What do ya say?.....Please..."

Phlox considered his request. "You expect T単ol to rest sitting up holding a baby all night." He too pointed over in the direction of the women. T単ol's head was now bobbing as she fought to stay awake while holding the child.

Trip reconsidered a moment. "I know......" He went over and took the baby from T単ol's arms..... His bond mate was startled to alertness by this action and shot him a questioning look. "It's okay....just come with me....." He led her over to a biobed and requested that she lay down. This was met with some protest through their bond and a stern look. Clearly she wanted to hold her child longer.

"It's all right......just trust me." Trip returned wanting to make sure his message got through.

T単ol did as she was told, lying on her back upon the bed, her hands folded on her abdomen.

"Now turn on your side towards me." Trip instructed then moved her one arm out away from her side. Gently he laid the baby down in the crook of her arm and brought her other one over to lie on the baby. "How's that?" He asked and was rewarded with waves of appreciation coming from both mother and child. Then Trip moved down to the foot of the bed and removed the Vulcan's boots. He set them gently off to the side and grabbed a cover from an adjacent bed. He drew it over them, pulling it close about T単ol's shoulders, but allowing the baby plenty of open area around her face.
"There now.....Sleep tight..." Trip leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon Lizzie's forehead, then without thinking did the same to T単ol. He felt a rush of caring and what he could almost make out as love hitting him square in the brain which lifted his heart out of the sullen mood the little one's fears had put it in.

Phlox moved a bit closer, but still allowed the family their privacy. Trip returned back to him and waited to see what the doctor would think of his solution.

"See now... problem solved...." he started in a more relaxed manner. "The baby's happy, both of them can rest...and they are still in sickbay so you can keep an eye on them..." The commander waited hoping the Denobulan wouldn't be too upset over his taking charge of the situation.

"You are saying, the child is in less distress now....?" He asked a bit unsure of his solution.

Trip squinted his eyes sensing the emotions in the room. "She's already asleep..." He squinted again then added. "So is T単ol."

Phlox looked over his shoulder and sure enough, both mother and child were fast asleep. Their bodies' were more relax and for the first time the doctor could tell the difference between the child's quiet state and true contentment. He would have to look into this link and study it further to know of its extent. In the meantime, he had a very tired engineer to tend too.

"You should get some rest yourself commander." He added, "I'll watch over them for you."

"Thanks doc.....but right now I have to be with my family. I got some sleep earlier, and I don't have duty tomorrow due to my injuries, if you don't mind, I think I'll just hang out here and watch em sleep." Phlox just nodded and went about his duties across the sickbay in his office.

Trip moved the chair alongside the biobed that held his loved ones. He sat down facing them and couldn't help but watch in awe at the beautiful site they made snuggled up together. Moments later, Trip felt his mind growing tired and he rested his head forward, lying against the edge of T単ol's arm. His hair brushed the baby's cheek and another smile crossed her lips. As the good doctor walked past the biobed once more, he saw the Commander had finally given into his own fatigued state. Phlox retrieved another blanket from a cabinet and laid it over his shoulders, then drew the milky white curtains about the area. He smiled warmly seeing the love forming between all of them. It would be several hours of rest, before the child's hunger would wake her parents from their quiet slumber.

Part 4

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Love it so far, can't wait to read Part 4!

Excellent story!

my gawd I love this.......wish we'd really seen this on the show! You can just keep the chapters coming, I don't mind.

loved it great story cant wait for the next part

aah so sweet..
love it can't wait for part 4

Yay! Another chapter! More please! :)

loving it

So cute! I love it

Fabulous, I love this to bits especially how your portray Trip translating enough of the bond into common sense for Phlox to be able to accept the truth - they *need* to be together. Can't wait for the next part, this is great. Ali D :~)

Thanks for the feedback. Lizzie presents a lot of comical material as T n T try to learn their parenting rolls. You will love part 4, cause thats when the two are left alone to figure out how to care for her. It's comical. I got it hand written, just got to type it up. May be out earlier than Tues.....Glad everyone likes it....T

Oh man, this is so good! I can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you for this wonderful story!

Thanks for the 'right way' to write this story. I love how TnT are consumed by Lizzie and her needs. Please continue!

I loved Tera Prime,, even if it had a heartbreakin enin to it. But to have TnT have Elizabeth live would of been the perfect way to end the series. An Ya have done a wonderful job of shown the love,affection, worry, an care that TnT would of shown to their daughter if she had lived. I cant wait for your next update.

Wow, I really like this story, I wish the episode had been like this. So I have come to the conclusion that I will replace the episode with your story in my mind. So please continue the story.

Wow, I really like this story, I wish the episode had been like this. So I have come to the conclusion that I will replace the episode with your story in my mind. So please continue the story.

Wow, I really like this story, I wish the episode had been like this. So I have come to the conclusion that I will replace the episode with your story in my mind. So please continue the story.