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Little Lizzie - Part 7

Author - TLR
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Little Lizzie


Rated PG: mild language.
Disclaimer: “Enterprise” is the property of UPN and Paramount Pictures.

This part picks up where part 6 left off... Trip is escorting his parents to their quarters, T’Pol has the baby in hers, meditating and Momma Tucker isn't too please by her first encounter with the strange and distant female her son is so head over heels for. Enjoy.

May 27th 2005


Part 7

Trip escorted his parents to their quarters, one deck above T’Pol's. He punched in the code and stepped aside while his mom and dad entered. He followed close behind as they went to its center. The room was slightly bigger than a usual officer's quarters with a full bed and relaxation area. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker looked about their surroundings.

"This is really nice son." Charles Jr. turned to his boy and smiled softly. "What ya think Catherine?" he asked his wife still obviously silent from the last encounter with her grandchild.

"Yes....Nice." She muttered then turned to open the luggage that was set beside the bed. Her husband came up and lifted the larger of the two pieces onto the mattress and opened it back.

"Look Honey...., the baby was just tired. She'll be better after she meditates with her mom...Trip told ya so.....cheer up." Charles Jr. accepted the folded clothes she handed him and he moved to put them in a nearby bureau drawer.

Trip turned away from his parents as they spoke and tried to hone in on the connection with his mate. He felt her mind consumed in meditation. Taking a few cleansing breaths, Trip focused his attention on trying to join them. The guest quarters faded and turned into the garden patio on Vulcan. There in the corner sat T’Pol with Lizzie in her arms. Kelmouth sat beside the two with his head in the Vulcan female's lap. The baby's fingers reached and grabbed at the large animal's fur. It growled lowly, as if not wanting to disturb T’Pol's thoughts. Easing over, mostly not to take the pet by surprise, Trip sat down beside her and placed a knowing hand on her shoulder.

"Hey...you okay?" he asked softly seeing her eyes still tense from her time with his folks. She simply nodded.

"Wantta tell me what happened in there?" he reached his arm about her shoulders and pulled her to him, still watching Lizzie and the animal's interactions.

"I owe your mother an apology....I let the emotions I was feeling from her weaken my control and I momentarily allowed my tension to reach Elizabeth...... That was not a logical thing to do..." T’Pol seemed to almost be berating herself for the innocent slip.

"T’Pol.....you were under a lot of pressure in there....and I think it's mostly my fault..." Trip leaned in and rested his forehead against her hair. He whispered softly knowing her keen hearing would be assaulted being this close, if he used his regular tone of voice.

"You were not at fault....You didn't expose the child to such a fright."

"No...not directly....but I was feeling really nervous about you meeting my folks and I know you could sense that.....I just wanted them to love you as much as I do.....that's all......That's a lot of pressure to put on you and I'm sorry if I made the meeting too uncomfortable." Trip kissed her cheek and nuzzled close. Lizzie looked up at her dad holding her mom. She smiled a toothless grin then went back to playing with her new found friend and protector.

"Trip.....your tension was not the only feelings I sensed tonight.....I am afraid while your father seems quite content to accept me as his grandchild's parent....your mother may have other issues that would prevent her from doing the same." T’Pol tried to put it as delicately as possible.

"She was just nervous too." Trip reassured her.

"Ashayam....it was not nervousness I was sensing from her.....Perhaps the fact that I am a Vulcan has something to do with her issues....." T’Pol hoped her use of the endearment wouldn't allow Trip to take her suggestion in the wrong way.

"No...your being Vulcan has nothing to do with her issues...In fact, it's ironic how much alike you two are.....Her issues are that she is a protective mother, who loves her children and only wants the best for them." Trip pulled back to look her in the eyes. He knew his next confession could bring up some recently passed on memories that could play havoc with their new found romance.

"As I said....perhaps my being Vulcan isn't good enough." T’Pol interjected.

"No...." Trip took a long breath and exhaled relaxing his nervous mind. "I have been writing my parents about you from the first day we met.....I told them about your intelligence....about your creativity....about your customs, the ones I knew way back then, but mostly through my communications with them, I was really telling them that I was falling in love with you........"Trip held up a hand, begging for her to allow him to finish. T’Pol remained silent and attentive.

"Oh...I didn't come right out and say those words, but my mom could see right through me and....I don't know...maybe humans do have a bond of sorts...cause when I wasn't happy about something with us.....she could sense that too. Over the last several months, and before my transfer back from Columbia, I felt the need to talk with them regularly....I was frustrated and quite frankly a bit hurt by our interactions......I never came right out and said that either, but mom knew....." Trip searched her eyes for any questions. He found only warm acceptance.

"Those months were difficult for me as well. I was going through a lot and needed time to work things through.... I didn't mean to hurt you with my actions, but the emotions of that time were so overwhelming, I feared I would loose control for good. I had to regain it...Not just for myself....but for us." Her eyes were so soulful, Trip wanted nothing more than to hold her and never let go. He pulled her close to him once more.

"For us.....I like that....Wish ya would'a told me that then..." Trip rocked her and the child gently. Lizzie kept loosing her grip on the fur.

"Perhaps...if we could have communicated our needs better at that time, there would have been less pain for both of us." She murmured back enjoying the comfort he was affording her.

"Probably......but we can't undo it.....What we can do, is make a promise to one another that we communicate everything, even if we are uneasy about it. If we keep our connection open and work out our problems together.....then we have a chance at making our relationship work......Ya think that's a logical way to proceed?" Trip added trying to grow in her world, just a little.

"Very logical......but we also must become more understanding of each other's culture.....Whether we agree with its practices or not, we must at least try to respect the differences in order to provide Elizabeth with a fertile base with which she can grow into who she is to become." T’Pol pulled back from him and looked very serious at this.

"Definitely......" Trip smiled almost breaking into a chuckle....

"What?" she puzzled.

"Na....it's just that for a minute there, you reminded me of my mom." His grin grew and he could see the hint of a smile crossing her lips, indicating she understood his reference.


"Hey boy.....ya dream'n?" Charles Jr. slapped his son on the shoulder. This startled Trip back from the garden to the here and now. He looked around a bit unsettled and then realized he'd left T’Pol in her meditation because of his dad's action. Secretly he hated the abrupt changes in reality, which always left him a bit unsettled, but only briefly.

"What?" he asked looking at his dad.

"Ya zoned out on us....Everything okay?" The silver haired man looked concerned.

"Yeah pop.... I was just checking in on Lizzie and T’Pol......I wanted to make sure that she settled down for her mom......What were you two talking about?" Trip clasped his hands, and pretended to be interested in his parent's conversation. The pair just shot him a questioning glance, then went back to the previous subject.

"I was ask'n your mom if she'd like to take a tour of your ship with me.....The Captain offered an abbreviated version tonight, if I was interested." Trip looked at him strangely.

"When did he do that pop?" he stepped up to his father.

"While you were off in dream land..... He called on the comm and said he was on his way." It was mom's turn to chime in, now worrying that her son's mind was eroding from all this Vulcan mumbo jumbo.

"Don't worry....he said that he'd save Engineering for you to show me tomorrow." Dad offered him an arm about his shoulder.

"That's great dad.....Mom...I think you'll love it."

"I'm a bit tired from our trip..... I really just want some hot tea and some relaxation, while I wait to see Elizabeth." Catherine Tucker moved about the room storing the last bit of their things. Trip gave off a frustrated face and noted the same coming from his dad, both knowing the woman wasn't having a lot of fun.

"Well then....I guess it's just you and me, son.....Jon says he has a bottle of 12 year old scotch in his quarters for after the tour..." The father raised his brows a bit at that.

"You go ahead dad....I think I'll take Mom to get her tea and stay with her until T’Pol and Lizzie are finished meditating. Tell the Cap'n I'll come by for ya later when you can see the baby." Trip went over and helped his mom put the empty luggage into the closet space.

"Okay son....that works for me." Charles left with the captain as soon as he arrived. Trip and his mom waited a moment longer, then headed for the mess. It was well past 10PM, there were few crewmembers in the hallways and none in the large eating facility. Trip held out a chair to seat his mother and went over to the dispenser to retrieve them both a beverage.

"Here mom.....I brought you some Chamomile tea...nice and hot like you like it." He placed it before her and she smiled at him for his manners. Trip sat down beside her with his own glass of ice tea and fumbled with it, twisting it back and forth in his fingers. There was an awkward silence for many moments.

"So how long does this meditation last?" Catherine asked feeling the tension in her son.

"Usually about an hour...sometimes more......Lizzie had calmed down, but I'm afraid T’Pol hadn't yet." Trip allowed his conversation to start off what needed to be said.

"She was upset?" The woman asked genuinely surprised....."I thought Vulcan's didn't get upset, seeing as how they don't have any emotions and all."

"You've been into the library tapes again, haven't you?" Trip smiled a defeated grin.

"What...I don't understand?"

"Mom....Vulcans have emotions....they have feelings too...They just control them. In fact their emotions are so strong, that is exactly why they have to control them....." Trip gauged her understanding. The older woman looked a bit taken aback.

"Mom....I know you have sensed from me that T’Pol and I were having hard times lately....And it's my fault that you are feeling this way about her."

"What way....I have said nothing inappropriate to the woman....I have been quite polite." Catherine turned defensive.

"Exactly.....but even I could feel your mistrust of her....Mom...Vulcans are very sensitive people. They can sense other people's emotions......And yours spoke volumes tonight. That too is my fault." Trip took a sip of tea.

"I don't understand....what did she say to you about me?"

"She didn't say anything mom... She didn't have too....Through our connection, I could feel all the tension she sensed from you and unfortunately so could the baby." Trip reached out his hand and laid it atop his mom's.

"Is that why Elizabeth got so upset?" Catherine was now feeling regret for harming the child like that.

"She was restless because of it.....Actually the panic set in when you said that 'You could eat her all up'.......Mom, Vulcans don't speak in sayings and for a brief second, T’Pol turned into the protective mother she is and feared for her child's life." Trip squeezed her hand.

"You mean she thought I'd harm Elizabeth.....I would never...." Catherine started irate.

"Mom...T’Pol knows that....If she believed for one moment that you'd do something to hurt the baby, she would have leaped over the table and plucked her from your arms....but for a brief second, she panicked and Lizzie could feel it. This caused her to fear her surroundings and need her mom's protection." Catherine looked a bit frustrated by all this new fangled bond stuff.

"You know...T’Pol feels really bad that she allowed Lizzie to be frightened by her loss of control.....She even feels she owes you an apology for her slip, innocent as it was." Trip decided the only way he could educate his mom was with real life examples. "But I think if something were to threaten anyone of your children, you'd probably do the same." Trip's mind went back to the picture of his mom fending off a large water snake with a rake that had absently crawled into their back yard, her children herded behind her as they made their way to the house.

"I can see your point....Its good she feels so much dedication for the child." Catherine was remembering her actions for her children through the years too.

"Mom...she loves Lizzie... very deeply...and she loves me too....." Trip shook his hand atop hers to get her attention.

"Does she...really?..... I mean can she?.....Trip...I don't want to interfere, but how can you possibly be happy in a relationship where touch is not permitted. I'm just thinking of your happiness honey.....I want you two to work it out, if that is what you truly want, but I can't understand what kinda life you can have....it's bound to be a lonely one."

Trip rubbed his forehead while beginning to chuckle. "Mom...you really gotta update your references......" Catherine looked back at him a bit miffed.

"Vulcans touch.......they just don't do it publicly..... Public displays of affection are considered improper. Also touching those you are not bonded to is discouraged as well, because it makes the emotions they feel from others stronger..... But mom....we do everything you and dad do....everything." Trip eased into her space a bit to emphasize his point.
Catherine looked stunned...she considered his words a moment and decided to quiz her son on his last proclamation.

"You mean...she hugs you?"

"Yes....."Trip smiled

"You two kiss?..... make....?" His mom tilted her head and eyed him to indicate the word she was a bit hesitant to speak. Trip understood and bashfully answered.

"Yes...and Yes..." Trip's smile grew larger. His eyes began to twinkle and Catherine suddenly saw what she had hoped for from him.... She could feel his happiness.

"So you're happy.....really happy?" The mom turned a more scrutinizing eye on the man.

"Yes mom....insanely happy....there is just one thing.....I want you to be happy too." Trip patted her hand, then came up and gave his mom a big hug. Catherine started feeling a bit guilty, about the doubting thoughts she'd had for the alien.

"Oh my....she must think me an unkind shrew." The woman now remembered her son's information about the Vulcan's empathic abilities.

"It's okay......Vulcan's don't hold a grudge.....Just give her a fair chance and I know you'll see what I see. She's really amazing." Trip finished his tea and continued to update his mother's Vulcan facts. They spoke quietly, in a much more relaxed tone, as he explained to her how the two of them managed to work out their problems since Lizzie arrived. Occasionally Trip would check in with T’Pol to see if her meditation had ended. When it did, he informed the older woman, taking her arm as he led her to the science officer's quarters.


Trip decided not to retrieve his father on their way. He felt if he gave the two women some time alone, then maybe some of the misgivings could start to mend themselves. He rang the chime instead of letting himself in.

"Come in" came the response that activated the door. It opened and Trip ushered his mom before him. Catherine entered the room feeling very nervous still, but this time for a totally different reason. She saw it was dimly lit with candle light accenting the low blue floor emergency lighting that was standard in all rooms aboard. T’Pol sat on her bunk, rocking the child in her arms, as she relaxed against her mother's shoulder. Lizzie looked around instantly upon hearing the movement. She caught sight of her father's face and grinned widely.

"Hey....there snookems....did you have fun with Kelmouth?" Trip lifted the baby into his arms and brushed his nose back and forth across her cheek. This brought another toothless grin and a barrage of growling sounds from Lizzie's drool-laden lips. She lunged forward and placed her open mouth onto her daddy's cheek.

"Ahh...kisses for daddy...?" Trip was overjoyed that his daughter had learned the new trick he'd been secretly trying to teach her. He looked over at T’Pol who still seemed a bit tense sensing his mother's overwhelming nervousness.

Trip handed the baby back to T’Pol..."Well I'd better go and get pop so he can see her before she turns in. Mom, you stay here, I'll be right back." Trip saw both women shoot him a distressed look. He hastened his movement toward the door, knowing now it was up to them to either sink or swim.

Catherine looked at T’Pol who was glancing back and forth between grandmother and baby. T’Pol offered her a seat, indicating the cushions just behind the woman, as the Vulcan came closer to sit there as well.

"Would you like to hold her?" T’Pol offered knowing Lizzie was still a bit unsure, but needed to understand that this woman posed no threat to her.

"I don't know....I think she's probably more comfortable with you." Catherine didn't want her feelings to upset the child again.

"I have explained to her she has nothing to fear from you. It was my fault she grew frightened. It is important that she learn this to be true." T’Pol held out the baby for the older woman to take. Lizzie looked back at her mom pensively, then toward her foremother. She saw the vibrant blue eyes that reminded her of her father and kept a somewhat more even sense about her. T’Pol continued to send reassurances to Elizabeth, so that her mind would be more accepting of this interaction.

Catherine smiled at the child. "She seems better now. I guess that meditation really works." T’Pol sensed a different type of apprehension and wondered if the woman had changed her mind about the alien.

"Yes....she had a nice visit with our family pet....It was my fault that she became so upset and I wish to offer my apologies to you. It was unfair to Elizabeth that her visit with you was disturbed by my loss of control."

"I understand..... Trip explained it to me...... and I can't say as I blame ya.....We are from two different worlds...... literally....It will take time for trust to grow between us.....until then, I would have been just as protective of my kids as you.....Maybe that was part of my feelings anyway." Catherine looked earnestly at the Vulcan wanting her to know she wasn't really as bad as she must think.

"I know you would never harm Elizabeth....You are from her bloodline, it would be illogical for you to ever hurt her intentionally." T’Pol began and Catherine interrupted her.

"But you are her mother and being such, you can't help but be protective of her......It's after all in our nature to react that way.....Really I take no offense from your reaction.....Actually it is good to know that you will defend my grandbaby's life so aggressively." Catherine looked down at the child who was now pawing the material of her blouse. The blue eyes she remembered seeing in her middle child's face, stared back at her studying every line and curve, committing it to memory.

"She is so intelligent.....I can feel that in her." Grandma murmured and T’Pol grew interested at that comment.

"It would appear that human mothers share a bond with their children as well." T’Pol offered hoping to bridge their differences just a little.

"Yes we do....although I doubt it's as strong as the one you two share." Catherine smiled back at the child who was now making stronger growling sounds.

"What's she trying to say?" the older woman asked feeling the need in the child to communicate.

"She is happy with you." T’Pol responded, playing absently with the little girl's foot. "She has learned to use that sound to communicate her contentment to anyone she can not connect with empathically."

Catherine noticed the Vulcan's touch on her child. She was pleased to find her son's information was more up-to-date then what she had been studying. "Does she talk with you....I mean use words and all?"

"No...she has not advanced that far yet, mostly she sends emotions and babbling sounds back and forth through our bond. We then simply connect her emotions to that which she appears to be fascinated in and are able to understand her better. When she is really in need of our understanding, she can get quite loud with her conveyance." T’Pol's voice betrayed a bit of frustration and Catherine could relate from the many years she spent changing diapers and handling the terrible twos.

"So she's got her father's stubborn streak...has she.?" Catherine mused and at that moment T’Pol realized her mate's sense of humor was derived from his mother's gene pool.

"I am afraid she acquired her insistent tendencies from both sides of her genetic makeup." the Vulcan returned sheepishly.

"Oh my....then you're gonna have your hands full in a year or so." T’Pol looked back at her puzzled.

"It's a shame I can't share in this bond thing... I would love to know what her feelings are like to experience." Catherine placed a pinky finger out for the child to grasp. Lizzie did and showed her foremother a large smile and happy kicking.

"It is possible, if you'll allow me...I could connect her to you, if only briefly." T’Pol offered not trying to frighten the obviously nervous human female.

"You can?.... I don't know....what if my thoughts frighten her again." Catherine was eager, but still worried her fears may reach the child.

"I can control what she senses from you....Elizabeth would really enjoy connecting with your mind and it would help her commit the sense of you to her memory better that way." T’Pol reached out and took the little girl's other hand. She awaited an affirmative response. Catherine nodded feeling a bit more nervous.

"What name do you wish her to know you by... I noticed your mate wished to be called Poppy..." T’Pol looked at her attentively.

"Gramma.....my grandsons know me as Gramma." Catherine's voice shook a bit.

"Take a deep breath and relax." T’Pol instructed as she concentrated to connect with the older lady's emotions through the child. There was a brief second of dizziness, then a sudden flood of happiness that overwhelmed her heart.

"Oh my god.....is that her?" she sighed and heard back the brief response..."Yes." Catherine's eyes filled with tears as she experienced the great joy coming from the little girl at finally getting through to her relative.

(Elizabeth....this is your foremother..... Aunt Gramma.) The voice came softly into her brain.

"Aunt Gramma?" Catherine questioned the Vulcan.

"Yes....Trip informed me that Humans use the prefix Aunt & Uncle to indicate to the child who she can trust to protect her.....Am I using this prefix in error?" T’Pol was truly concerned she had spoken incorrectly.

"No......" Catherine began to chuckle. The name Gramma in itself lets the child know that I will protect her.....You don't have to add the Aunt part."

"I see...." T’Pol readjusted her reference and reconnected to the child.

(Elizabeth....this is your foremother..... Gramma.) The voice came again.

The little girl giggled and looked up at the woman, now staring down in wonderment at the child in her arms. In her thoughts she heard her coo and babble, as if busy trying to tell the woman all about her day's events.

Lizzie's arms and legs flailed, drool came from her mouth and her eyes squinted at the joke she was trying desperately to share with her gramma.
"She is such a happy little thing.....What's she trying to say?"

T’Pol honed in on her baby...."I believe she is just glad she is finally able to reach your thoughts. I found that she is puzzled when she can't contact others like she can Trip and I..... This is normal, since Vulcan's first form of communication is by empathic connections."

(Hunger....Hunger...) Catherine felt an all consuming hunger come from deep within herself. She looked puzzled, knowing she had just eaten a few hours ago on the transport.

"She is hungry.....I will get her bottle." T’Pol broke the connection to walk across the room and retrieve the formula. Catherine felt the loss, but was left with a sliver of a remnant from the child.

"Was that her.....I thought I was hungry." The older woman was astonished, and wondered how the Vulcan and her son could ever weed out the baby's feelings from their own.

"Stronger needs come in a form that doesn't allow you to overlook them. The need to survive is virtually undeniable and it often comes as if it were your own body that was experiencing the need." T’Pol started to reach for the child, but then thought better of it. "Would you like to feed her?" T’Pol offered Trip's mom the bottle. She accepted with an excited smile.

"Oh yes....please." T’Pol returned to her seated position watching the bonding of Elizabeth and her foremother from her father's side. Through their connection, she felt the fear was gone and a comfort level building. She was pleased that her momentary slip didn't permanently sway the child from forming a link with her blood relative.

Trip sat in the captain's ready room joining his father and his friend in a drink. He decided to delay their return to give T’Pol a chance to connect with his mom. He occasionally peeked in through their bond as best he could. It was still weak, being so far away, but he figured had there been any great emotional battles being played out then he'd definitely know about it. (No news, is good news.) he thought and allowed himself to finish all the rich tasting brown liquid in his glass.

"So your mom and T’Pol are alone in her quarters?" Trip's dad asked wondering if his son knew what he was doing.

"Yep..." He replied pouring himself a little more of the scotch.

"Ya think that's a good idea son?" Again Charles wanted to see if his son had really thought things through on this one.

"Well,... we haven't heard a security alert being call yet....so I suppose they're gettin along okay." Trip was feeling a bit heady from the booze.
Archer simply laughed, remembering the less than happy look on Trip's mom's face.

"Okay......it's your funeral...." Charles Jr. murmured as he lifted the glass back to his lips. After about another 20 minutes, the two gentlemen bid the Captain goodnight and proceeded to the science officer's quarters. Trip could sense that both his mate and child were still up and as he got closer, he could feel their contentment becoming more apparent. He let out a deep sigh....and wrapped an arm about his dad's shoulders as they walked.

When they reached the door, Trip punched in the code this time. It opened and to his surprise, there sat T’Pol and his mom side by side. Lizzie was in her grandma's arms playing and cooing over Ping, the pointed ears still being her most favorite feature. His mother laughed watching the little girl's interest and it wasn't until Trip reached through their bond, did he experience a new sensation.

(Mom?) he thought and the older woman looked up at him as if wondering why he was so surprised.

Charles Jr. pushed past his son and knelt down beside his wife. He smiled and gestured to the baby, watching her excited reaction to his all too familiar features. Catherine took the child's hand off her finger and held it to her husband. "Here....grab onto your Poppy." She urged knowing her love was in for a wonderful surprise. T’Pol looked hesitant at her, knowing that her mate was unaware that his thoughts were about to be entered by the alien. Catherine shot her back a calming look and brief nod. The Vulcan took another relaxing breath.

Charles Jr. replaced his wife's finger with one of his own. He felt the brief dizziness, then the overwhelming joy and love coming into his heart. He gasped and Trip could feel for the first time the love he always knew growing up. But this time it was more vibrant....more direct and beyond anything he could have imagined. "What is this?" the older Tucker asked in awe.

"It's your grand daughter....she likes to communicate with you this way... Isn't she amazing..." Catherine gushed, her words were more excited than Trip had ever seen her in his life. The engineer came over and laid a light hand on T’Pol's shoulder. (These parlor tricks of yours really come in handy.) he thought and saw as she turned a faint smile up to his eyes and his eyes alone.

"This is your Poppy....." Catherine spoke to her grandchild and wondered if T’Pol would interpret to the child, like she did earlier.

Trip's dad listened as in his mind he heard the child babble and squeal at her obvious delight at finally reaching him too. He chuckled at her movements, wondering how his wife managed to keep hold of the effervescent little girl. Trip looked down at her and saw Lizzie's other hand wrapped around T’Pol's pinky finger. He grew amazed that she could facilitate the bonding process for his parents, since their being Human so limited them from doing it themselves.

"My god....she's just such a beautiful little soul..." Poppy was crying openly now from the love he felt welling in his heart. Catherine wiped his face a few times, knowing the magnitude of this interaction for both of them. T’Pol looked up at Trip and suggested he take his mother's hand. This way she could be brought back into the connection. He did so, surprising his parent and together the four of them were allowing the child's feelings to roam freely between them.

The Tuckers remained in T’Pol's quarters until Lizzie had fallen asleep. Gramma took great pleasure at wrapping the little girl in her blankets and laying her into the bassinette. With a last "thank you" for the precious gift they received, Trip guided them to their quarters before returning to his family.

When he got back, T’Pol was already in bed, lying tucked beneath the covers, as if feeling a chill. Trip took a last look at his daughter and began removing his outer wear. He unzipped his uniform and placed that and his undershirt into the recycler then moved toward the bunk in only his standard issue blue shorts. T’Pol silently watched him undress, not letting her observations be known through their bond. He sat on the bed, totally amazed at how quickly his mom had come around. This only reinforced his belief in T’Pol's ability to make anyone feel welcome. He looked down at her form, comfortable and obviously exhausted from her ordeal. Trip slipped beneath the covers and was quickly approached by his mate's body. She eased over to him, cuddling close into his cooler skin. To her love's surprise, the Vulcan wore nothing beneath the covers, giving him the distinct impression that she hadn't been sleeping after all. The kiss she took his mouth with only validated his suspicion and he relaxed in the comfort knowing that they'd be sharing another long night of bonding themselves.

The next morning, Trip was on his way to the mess hall returning the dishes from his and T’Pol's breakfast. He hoped to get there in time to pick up his folks from their meal with the captain. Trip was given off the morning to give his dad a tour of engineering. Then he and T’Pol were scheduled to join his parents and Archer for lunch in the Captain's mess. Trip wondered how T’Pol would react, in that today was the first time Lizzie would be freely roaming the ship. Yesterday's trip to the conference room was a tense one, the Vulcan taking great pains to avoid crew members during the journey.

He rounded the last corner with his tray and caught his parents being escorted by a mess hall crewman. "Hey Mom .....Pop....Where's the Cap'n?" He asked joining the group. The crewman took the tray from the commander and stood awaiting dismissal.

"Thanks crewman.....that'll be all." The young man left and went back through the doors to the mess.

"The Cap'n had an urgent call from some Admiral Ranker....He left us a few moments ago to take it in his ready room?" His father questioned if his use of the term was correct.

"I see...well that's okay...in fact it's perfect timing....Pop...you up for a tour of Engineering?" Trip asked knowing the response before he asked it.

"You betcha." His father's grin was broad. "Mom you wantta come too?" Trip asked not wanting to exclude her, but feeling the other option he had may be more to her liking. "Or, T’Pol wondered if you'd like to join her and Lizzie in sickbay...."

"Sickbay?........Is there something wrong with the baby....Oh my, is she ill?" Catherine was almost in a panic and Charles Jr. started looking a bit concerned.

"No Mom..Pop....Phlox has just been checking on her daily and today is her first trip to sickbay, instead of the doc making a house call. T’Pol's a bit nervous about exposing the baby to the ship, and I thought if she had company, it would make the outing a bit less hard for her." Trip smiled knowing that giving his mom a job to do would be as tempting to her as a warp 7 engine would be to her son.

"Why sure.....I'd love to meet the wonderful doctor who has kept our Lizzie so healthy....Where is this sickbay?" Catherine was turning ready to take off in the direction. (Bingo!) Trip rewarded his mind for his astute reading of his mother's needs.

"T’Pol and Lizzie are still in her cabin....I'll take ya both there so you can say good morning Pop, then we can leave from there for Engineering. And Mom, you and T’Pol can then go to sickbay together. Her appointment is for 10:00 hours." Trip pointed in the direction of the lift. The two preceded him down the passageway and were pleased to see their son was so well liked, as every crewman they passed bid him a pleasant acknowledgement.

Reaching T’Pol's quarters, this time Trip let himself in. As they entered, he found T’Pol holding Lizzie on her lap in front of the comm link. There she appeared to be talking with Soval, who was in mid sentence when Trip was able to gather what was being said.

" And I will arrive later today to perform the testing. Approximately 13:00 hours."

"Testing....!!" Trip came up behind T’Pol in a very defensive posture. "What testing.....over my dead body are we putting Elizabeth through any more...." Trip almost spat at the screen as he burst into the conversation. T’Pol spun around and looked at him questioningly.

"Commander..." Soval addressed the engineer and awaited his tirade to be over.

"What testing is he talking about?" Trip ignored the ambassador and spoke directly to his mate.

"Intelligence and Empathic testing....All Vulcan babies are tested at a month old to determine their level of learning abilities." T’Pol was quite concerned at her bondmate's temperament.

"I see you two have much to discuss. I will speak with you both later when I come aboard......" Ambassador Soval awaited his charge's acceptance.

"13:00 hours then...." T’Pol repeated acknowledging his appointment.
Soval then spoke to her in a long string of Vulcan dialect that he knew the engineer would not understand. She returned him a few brief words and the screen went blank.

"What was that all about?" Trip was questioning the private talk.

"He wanted to know if I was all right." T’Pol said.

"All right....of coarse your all right." Trip was frustrated.

"You seemed a bit agitated.....It is his duty to assure my safety...."

"So, what does he think, he's your father now?" Trip still was trying to calm down from his obviously inappropriate display.

"No ....he is my counsel.... My father appointed him as such when I was born.... It is his duty to assure my education and life needs are met, until I marry." T’Pol simply lifted an eyebrow to him.

Trip felt foolish..."I'm sorry..." he came up leaving his parents inside the doorway, to kneel down before his mate. "I guess your protective streak is rubbing off on me...But why does she need to be tested?" he asked truly worried for his daughter.

"Ashayam....these tests will not hurt her...in fact Elizabeth will enjoy them much like she enjoys playing with Kelmouth....They are simply an empathic link with a non blood relative to gauge her ability to form the link. From this, we can identify her strengths, and areas where she may need further assistance so that we can afford her the best education possible.....She will like them." T’Pol reached over and laid a hand on his. "It is fortunate that the Ambassador was able to perform them himself, and not someone unknown. I am very comfortable with his doing the testing, but if you are still set against it, then they will not be done." T’Pol waited for his answer.
Trip still seemed hesitant.

"Ya know son....those tests sound like a good idea to me...." His father chimed in. "I would have liked to have had those tests for you three, then I would have been better prepared to give you guys the things you needed. Do you know this Ambassador?"

"Ya Pop....I actually like him a lot.....I didn't though, but I've grown to respect him.....and vice versa.."

"Well then it sounds like to me that he's the best person for the job." Catherine offered supporting her husband.

Trip thought it out again. "You're sure Lizzie will like these tests?" He stated more than asked.

"She likes connecting with your parents.....and with Kelmouth......She is always trying to connect with others she sees...." T’Pol listed her evidence on the matter.

"Well.....That she does..."

"I think that she will fair well on the tests, seeing her constant desire to connect." T’Pol thought more of her mate's reluctance was due in part to the child's hybrid nature.

"All right....but I wantta be there." Trip picked up Lizzie from her mother's arms.

"Of coarse....we all may be there if you'd like." T’Pol added brushing the baby's cheek with her two fingers.


Part 8

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

*giggles* Just keeps growing and growing... Loving every second of it, I don't want it to end!

This story is great and i bet no one would mind if you continued this story forever, lol

Great Chapter! Can't wait for the next update! :)

Update soon please. Great chapter.

Really good. I'm glad they are all getting along now.

Absolutely fantastic! I am enjoying this series so much! I wish I had the money to finance the miniseries!

Absolutely fantastic! I am enjoying this series so much! I wish I had the money to finance the miniseries!

This story is fabolous i really can not wait for the next chapter. But i was wondering if you would take a suggustion, it is nothing much but how bout making the adult elizabeth and her descendents the designer's of the future enterprise ships. Say have her be the designer for kirk's, her grankids and great grankids as the designer's for picard's. It would be an intersting thing to see and probably make it tye in with the other seris but mind you it is just a sugustin

I love the way T'Pol drew Trip's mum and dad into the bond so they could interact with Lizzie. Glad to hear there is more to come! Ali D :~)

i'll donate all the money i have to get this on tv... i only have 16p :(

So, this story grows and grows. And it is so-o-o wonderful. Keep going. And I keep looking forward to reading it. And let me tell you, TLR, you are giving me and lots of others the best fix for our broken hearts.


I like how you "fixed" things with Trip's MOM and the chat room bond thing.

Dont worry TLR, if it keeps growin,, ;) we dont mind at all. God I love this story,, Cool thing with T'pol let the Tuckers feel Lizzy,, An I cant wait to see how she tests, ;) bet she goes through the roof. An Dang!! If T'pol keeps workin on her "Bonding" ;) with Trip like that,, they are gona have a lil sister or brother for Lizzy before long,,, Not that Im complainin mind ya,, I always loved a horny Polly. ;) Cant wait for the next chapie!

Keep it coming, and who cares if it's a mini-series!?? We don't. LOL

I'm with everyone above, I'm happy the story is growing. I look forward to the next installment!!

Glad you like it so much. I am enjoying writing it. I also wrote an addendum to the final chapter that I think you all will just adore, but ya gotta wait for the final chapter....when ever that maybe. Have been thinking of sequels based on things in the addendum, so I fear Little Lizzie is here to stay for a while...Well that's not the worst thing in the world, now is it.....Thanks again.....T

i love it keep the story comming i cant wait for the next chapter i always seem to want more after i read the new chapters and keeping lizzie around is the best thing in the world i love her

Liking it a lot, this chapter was the best so far, although my favourite character is Kelmouth. He sounds like the cutest thing EVER. MORE KELMOUTH!

Thank you for bringing Gramma around. She's a much more appealing character now. I loved the group empathy session. Wouldn't that talent have been useful at some of my family's more disastrous holiday gatherings!

Really great! I can't wait for the next installment!

This series just keeps getting better and better. Thank you for making it longer, YAY!!!!! I love that you have already thought of sequels to the story with little Lizzie, please keep 'em comin'! I can't wait for the next part!

I could read this fic forever, please keep it going, it's great!

Everything they said, and more. P.S. It's Saturday and I was looking for a new chapter.