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Author - TLR | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - R | W
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Whoa !


Rated R: Adult content
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount Pictures and UPN
Summary: The story picks up shortly after the episode "Bound". Trip is back on Enterprise to stay, he and T'Pol are learning more about their bond, but have agreed to take it slow. The damage caused by Kelby has been keeping our two lovebirds working overtime in engineering.

April 23rd 2005


Trip stood in front of yet another fried EPS conduit. He studied intensely as his fingers separated the many layers of fiber optics behind the panel. T'Pol was half a room away working on a similar problem. She occasionally looked over at the engineer with great interest. Since their discussion in the hallway after the Orion incident, T'Pol found she had difficulty concentrating on her work when she was in his presence. Difficult still was her time away from the young man. Her meditations were filled with thoughts of him. Occasionally though, Trip would allow himself to enter the white room, only now their time in this space was spent exploring this bond they shared.

Something about today had been different though and T'Pol couldn't understand why she was feeling so edgy. They're sleeping dreams had taken on an unusually vivid component, and neither were getting much rest because of it. Still she thought, this was not the reason for her uneasiness today.

T'Pol turned her attention back to the junction before her. The circuitry was a mangled mess of melted wire and cable. She systematically set into removing and replacing each filament in a logical order. She felt a tingling sensation coming up the back of her neck and her mind briefly wondered. Then suddenly her ears detected a building hum coming from across the room. She looked at Trip who was oblivious to the noise. The tingling grew worse, turning into apprehension and T'Pol dropped the fiber-optic she was working on and moved across to room with blinding speed. She collided with Trip's body, her hand catching him squarely in his back and knocking him 15 meters across the room. As she stood, just a few inches from Trip's original spot, the hum then became noticeable to everyone. Trip, looked up at her first in question then in horror, as he saw the panel he was working on, explode in a myriad of sparks.

T'Pol's body was flung at least 3 ft. in the air, flying back about 10 ft. to collide with the hard surface of the warp reactor. She crumpled unconscious to the floor. Trip righted himself and went quickly to her side. Checking her furiously, Trip hollered for a surrounding crewman to call Phlox to the scene immediately. Then Trip scooped the young science officer into his arms bringing her head close to his and whispering into her ear.

"Hold on, Honey!....... Phlox is on his way......... Don't you die on me!" and with that, the commander rocked her gently in his arms. Tears welled in his eyes and spilled down onto her pale features.

Phlox entered moments later, with Archer close behind. The captain had been in sick bay when the call came. Two additional medics entered caring a stretcher and Trip begrudgingly retreated to allow the doctor to work. Within a few moments and several hyposprays, T'Pol's still motionless body was being hustled back to sickbay. Trip and the captain followed close behind through the passageways and stood helpless as the doctor and his staff worked quickly to stabilize her condition. After a few hours in the stasis chamber, T'Pol was then moved to the far end of sickbay. She lay pale and frail on the bio bed, as the doctor drew the curtains to shut out the onlookers. He then stepped from behind them to address the captain and his very concerned friend.

"She is stable for now, but I won't know what permanent damage has been done for a while. It's late, I suggest you both turn in and check back with me in the morning. I will call you if there is any change." and having said that, the good doctor retreated back within the confines of the silky curtains leaving the two men abruptly alone.

"He's right Trip." the Captain's started trying to ease the young man's fears. "She is stable and Phlox will do everything he can for her. Go to your quarters and try to rest." The captain then shot him a commanding look and Trip knew better than to try to resist his statement. It was several more minutes though before the young engineer could get his body to obey what the captain had ordered.

*** Begrudgingly Trip entered his quarters and flung himself down across his bunk. He brought his pillow up and forced it harshly behind the curve of his neck. Roughly, he took out his aggression on the item, still wishing he could be with his beloved instead of here in the darkness of his own thoughts. He was exhausted.

Dozing lightly, Trip rolled over and over again on the cot. Every ten minutes or so he would hit the button to the com and call for a status check. Phlox would tell him that things were unchanged, and with each time, the good natured doctor was becoming less and less so....... After what Trip deemed an hour of trying to fall asleep, he then stood....

(I can't just stay here......It's driving me nuts........ I have to go to her......) and Trip marched himself out the door and down the 2 decks to the sickbay. Phlox greeted him at the door with a less than happy expression.

"Commander.... I thought I suggested that you get some rest......What didn't you understand at that request?" Phlox's frustration was openly showing now.

"I just gotta see her Doc..... I promise.... I won't bother her at all, just let me sit with her...." Trip tried to push past the Denobulan and found him to be an unmovable object.

"I said she is stable.....and I instructed you to rest..... Do I need to call a MACO to enforce my orders? Now go.... You can visit her in the morning."
Phlox then turned the young man abruptly and pushed him out the doors. They closed behind him and Trip was sure he had been insulted by the usually cordial alien. Feeling helpless, he knew there was no rest to be found in his quarters, so he turned his mind to his work. He tried to concentrate on what still needed to be repaired as he aimlessly wondered the halls of the ship.

The level at which his thoughts kept going back to T'Pol's body laying there on that biobed, told Trip immediately he was in no condition to be working on sensitive electrical systems in his frame of mind. A few moments later, Trip found himself just outside the door of Archer's quarters. He took a chance that his friend would be having just as difficult a time sleeping over the seriousness of T'Pol's condition, so Trip hit the chime. He was relieved when the voice quickly activated the door. "Come in."

Trip entered the Captain's quarters and found him sitting on the bed, a bottle of bourbon on the bedside stand and an empty glass sitting right next to it. Jon was sipping slowly from the other glass he held in his lap.

"Wondered how long it would be until you got here...... You get turned away from Sickbay too...?" The Captain raised his glass with a weary smile.

Trip simply nodded and moved to an empty chair. Jon lifted the bottle and motioned to his friend to let him know how much to pour......Trip accepted the half filled glass and started to take a long drawl on it.

"Want ta tell me what's going on?" He asked the younger man.

"Cap'n?" Trip didn't quite know what to make of the question.

"Between you and T'Pol....." Archer took yet another sip and moved the glass back onto his lap as he sat upright on his bed.

"I don't know what you mean Cap'n?" Trip wasn't sure what he was asking.

"When I entered engineering..... I could've sworn I saw you kissing her....Or was that my imagination....?" The Captain shot him a smirk that told Trip he would have to do some quick talking.

"I was merely talking to her.... Tellin' her to hold on.....I...."Trip trailed off feeling very guilty about lying to his friend, especially since he was no more believing it than the young engineer was. It was true, that Trip had kissed her.... although at the time, he couldn't remember why he had done so in such a public place. Trip guessed it was because of his fear that he would loose her and needed that to be something she had to sustain her.

Archer just sat there looking at the self involved young man. Trip's eyes came up to meet his friend's and he knew it was time to come clean.

"That isn't exactly correct, Cap'n.....I did kiss her....." Trip admonished and the guilt was beginning to show.

"So.....how long has this been going on?" He asked almost nonchalant and Trip wondered why his friend wasn't bothered by this news.

"I don't know Cap'n.... a while I guess..... I just became aware of it myself when I came back from Columbia, but I suspect it started long before that." Trip took another sip of bourbon.

"And T'Pol......she feels the same?" Trip realized he had only admitted to his feelings and wondered if he should spare her the humiliation of bringing her feelings to the attention of others, but then realized his friend deserved the truth.

"Yes Cap'n....we are in love with each other and...." Trip wondered if this was wise to continue, but pushed ahead anyway......"We are bonded....."

"Bonded...." Jon was a bit surprised....... "What does that mean?"

"It means we are connected psychically, spiritually... I don't exactly understand how it works, but we can feel each other's thoughts, emotions....Hell I can even see things she does at times if I'm concentrating hard enough....This bond is why I was immune to the Orion women. T'Pol's being unaffected by the pheromones, somehow transferred to me and that's how I was able to resist them." Trip laughed a bit at that statement, still not really believing how it sounded.

"This bond.....how did it form......Did you want it?" Archer again was very interested.

Trip thought a moment and chuckled softly again. "Hell Cap'n.... I don't know....We didn't try to cause it.... but somehow I think I have always wanted it...." Jon returned him a look of puzzlement.

"Thinking back over our time together.....I kinda think that I have always been trying to get T'Pol to be mine. Since the first moment we met."

"If I recall, the first moment you met, she turned her back to you and ignored you bluntly..." The Captain reminded the young engineer.

"Yeah.... I have always been a sucker for punishment." He returned then realized just how true that statement was.

"I don't know Cap'n.......She walked into the room and I was instantly drawn to her...."Trip took another sip of his drink.

"Well, she is quite beautiful." Archer took a sip too.

"It's more than that Cap'n......It was like I was meeting my other half.....I don't know how to explain it, but when I am with her I am whole. I tried to fight it. Mostly I told myself it was those damned ears. You know..... How every human is so fascinated by those damn pointed ears...... But the more I came to know her I felt we had so much in common." Trip saw the whimsical look on his friend's face and started to laugh at that comment as well.

"You're right.... We are about as much alike as matter and anti matter. But that is just it Jon......together we make one hell of a powerful team...."

"What makes you think you've been interested in her so long?" Archer poured himself and the commander another shot of the golden brown liquid.

"Lots of things.... When we went on our first mission to Rigel 10, I was in this strange place and oddly enough I felt safe with her. I was seeing things that were freaking me out, but as long as we were together..... I just knew we'd be okay. Then later when we were in decon together, I remember being so pissed at her wanting to scrap our mission while you were unconscious in sickbay but yet I got my hands on her skin and became almost lost in the touch."

Archer's eyes widened at that statement and Tucker felt compelled to explain. "It's not like that Cap'n...... I was busy telling her about how you and your father were the kinda people that needed to finish what you started, and I was really giving it to her too.... then I had to do her back and my mind just trailed off as she was speaking to me. I barely remember what she said at times, I just remember how my hands were enjoying the feel of her skin. It wasn't until I got a bit too familiar and started exploring her ears, that she wheeled around and corrected my behavior."

Jon started to laugh and saw the young engineer's face blush realizing what he had just admitted too. "Well that explains why she decided to help us."

"She didn't..." Trip started to defend her position and Archer stopped him.
"I mean..... I couldn't understand why a Vulcan would return a favor..... Now I realize that once she knew of the true importance of the mission, she could try and find some slight logic in helping to us complete it. T'Pol has grown a lot in that way...."

"She has Cap'n" The commander agreed and both men drank a short toast to that fact.

Trip review his thoughts a moment more. "It wasn't until that class 5 ionic storm, did I realize that I was openly flirting with her." Archer looked at him in astonishment. (That long ago? I really have been out of the loop.) he thought.

"Trip..... I don't remember you flirting with her." He asked to get more details.

"I didn't think so myself at the time.... but the more I rethink our relationship, the more I was really trying to get her to notice me long before I knew it myself."

"What happened during the time in the catwalk?" He asked...

"Well first..... I didn't like the idea of her going out into the ship..... I didn't want anyone to risk it, much less her..... I also realized that I wanted to be the one to check her EV suit, but you got to her first. I watched you checking the connections with great interest and had to remind myself to recheck Malcolm's again to make sure I didn't miss anything."
"So you were feeling possessive......That's not exactly flirting..."Archer retorted.

"Yes, but when she seemed to enjoy the movie, I let her know that we had movie night every Tuesday and invited her to join us if she wanted too." Trip was now staring into his bourbon.

"That could have just been your trying to be polite." Archer countered.

"Yes but my watching her walk away until she was out of sight wasn't..." Trip thought of the "Nice Bumm" remark of Malcolm's and realized that he too enjoyed the view.

"Oh. You're right."

"I told myself over and over again that I was just trying to make her feel more comfortable and accepted on board Enterprise, but frankly... I got pretty pathetic when we showed the Frankenstein movies." Archer raised his eyes to the young man again.

"Down in engineering... I practically begged her to go to at least one of them....Still trying to make it seem as though I was just asking her to join the group....Then in the sensor station, I felt a bit hurt when she expressed her unsureness about seeing the film."

"Is that what I walked into...... I didn't understand why you had such a hurt look on your face..." The captain's face lit up with recognition.

"Exactly.....And what was worse.... she ended up being your date for the evening...." Trip was now loosening up a bit from the booze.

Archer erupted with laughter. Trip looked at him quite perplexed. "What's so funny...?"

"Trip..... I might have had a hand at throwing you two together...... I was the one who ordered her to spend time with the crew during the storm, and I was also the one that insisted she go to the movie with me that night."
In Trip's state, his mind wondered if the Captain had had his own agenda with the Vulcan. Jon saw the look and responded to it.

"It's not like that Trip......I thought T'Pol could earn more respect and acceptance with the crew if she spent some time getting to know them and vice versa. I ordered her to fraternize a little."

"So she really didn't want to go to the movies?" Trip's voice was a bit hurt thinking about the many movies since then they had seen sitting side by side.

"At least not those two.....The rest.....I think she started to appreciate them on her own." Archer took a final sip from his glass and set it to the side. "You came to be in love with her over a movie?"

"No Cap'n....I realized I could approach her.....it wasn't until Lizzie was killed, that I learned what a really wonderful person she was. I couldn't have made it through the mission without her. She was the one I leaned on to get things done." Trip's eyes searched the walls absently remembering the close feelings that grew from their time in the Expanse.

"You think the Neuropressure caused the bond to form?" Archer asked softly.

"Don't know Cap'n....although T'Pol seems to think it didn't stop it from forming. I didn't realize just how intimate a thing it was for her." Trip started and saw Jon's eyes open wide. Had he heard all the wild stories about them too?

"No Cap'n.....to me it just seemed like a form of acupressure. But for Vulcans, touch is incredibly powerful and intimate. All my emotions were transferred to her. She had to fight to keep from reacting to them. Eventually, I came to realize that my emotions were weighing heavily on her, especially after our encounter with the Seleya. Something really affected her then and I started trying to help her the way she helped me......We became very dependent on each other.....and then....." Trip realized he was being too free with information that T'Pol may not want the Captain to know.

Archer watched him awaiting the finish.......And then?"
"And then we realized our work was being affected and we decided to stop the neuropressure sessions until after we found the Xindi weapon and destroyed it." It wasn't totally a lie, but the remainder wasn't really for public knowledge.

"Is that why you went home with her afterward?" Archer asked feeling his friend could decline if he felt unable to answer.

"Yes Cap'n.....It started out like a nice little vacation among good friends.... Then all hell broke loose when she found out that her mother had been forced to resign from her position for all the things that T'Pol had done aboard Enterprise. Her sense of family took president over our feelings.....She went through with the wedding and I just wanted to die.....but I knew she had too.....so I just stayed there to support her...."

Archer could feel the pain in the young man. He now could understand the strained relationship between them during the first several weeks after her return.

"Her mom's death....that damned Kir'shara, the confusion it caused, just made things worse between us. Even after her marriage to Koss was annulled, T'Pol was so hurt and confused I couldn't get through to her. She needed her space and I took it personally." Trip was just on the edge of being drunk but felt so good getting this off his chest.

"So you asked for a transfer....?" Archer thought he was beginning to understand the situations of the last month.

"No.....My preoccupation with trying to get T'Pol to let me back into her life again, caused me to make that error in my computations that got Jhamel (the blue ice girl) and T'Pol injured. I knew then that I couldn't let my work slip....I could end up killing the woman I loved, and I would rather not have her in my life, then to have to live with that. So I asked for the transfer."

Archer sat up looking quite solemnly at the young man as he returned his gaze with a deadly serious one. (.He has got it bad.) he thought as for the first time he truly got a glimpse at the oversized heart the engineer carried on his sleeve for T'Pol.
"She's gonna be all right Trip..." The captain rested a hand on his shoulder, removing the glass from the young man's hand. "I just talked with the doc before you came in...... Why don't you splash some water on your face and go see her......I'll fix it with Phlox." Archer helped him to his feet and headed him in the direction of the bathroom. Trip could hear a low voice from the other room, as true to his word, the captain convinced the good doctor to let the eager man spend some time with her.

****Trip was feeling a bit more settled by the time he hit the sickbay doors. The dizziness he felt initially standing in the captain's bathroom gave way to a more relaxed, and excited feeling knowing he would once more be with the woman he loved. (.She's gonna be okay.) the captain's words kept replaying in the young man's mind and it brought him a comfort hoping he was not in error.

Phlox came over to him and spied him interestedly. The Denobulan knew the commander had been drinking, but also knew from his conversation with Archer that his being with T'Pol was more important now.....

"She is recovering nicely........You may sit with her but please let her rest......." Phlox put a hand on his shoulders to both steady the young man and emphasize his point.

"Got it Doc...." Trip straightened, a smile grew across his face like dawn across an ocean.

Phlox pointed in the direction of the biobed.... He held the curtain open a moment, checked that T'Pol's eyes were still closed and then let the young man pass. After Trip entered, Phlox closed the curtains behind him, leaving the commanders to their privacy. The engineer saw a rather tall stool placed strategically beside the bed and knew Phlox had positioned it there for his benefit. Trip slipped onto it quietly then laid his hand gently on her fingertips.

He closed his eyes and relaxed into the feel of her skin beneath his touch. Her body was warm and inviting, it resonated a strength that it hadn't down in engineering after the explosion. Trip could feel his body relaxing into her closeness.
(.Th'y'al....) Trip heard her thoughts distinctly in his mind and his eyes sprang open to search her features.

T'Pol's eyes were open and looking directly into his flushed face. Her consciousness was bright and full of life. This made his heart sing. "T'Pol....Damn you scared me...." he whispered coming once again close enough to take her lips in a fragile kiss.

(.I'm sorry my beloved......I am all right.) again she communicated through their bond.

"You don't need to apologize......Just as long as you're okay....." He kissed her once again then realized that Phlox had told him to let her rest.

"You get back to sleep, before Phlox kicks me outta here..." Trip ordered running a soft hand over her eyes to further his point.

"I cannot sleep here....It is too noisy and I am not comfortable without your arms around me..." She countered opening her eyes back up once his hand had passed.

"Well.... You were asleep when I came in....." Trip tried to call her on it.

"I was meditating....Phlox cannot tell that from sleep." She returned.

"Well go back to meditating before you get me the boot." Trip leaned in and smelled her sweet scent. "I can stay as long as you seem to be resting."

"I wish to go to my quarters and rest there..... You may accompany me and watch over me. That way we can both get some rest." T'Pol seemed quite insistent on the matter. "Talk with Phlox.... please....."

Trip was surprised.....He'd never heard her say please before......Was that another one of his bad traits, or just a ploy to get him to comply with her wishes.

Trip moved from the cover of the curtains and found Phlox feeding his bat its nightly feast of small vermin. "Ah Doc.....T'Pol wanted to know if she could rest in her own quarters......."Trip felt a bit sheepish having already seen to what extent this rather substantial alien could defend his territory.

"I thought I told you not to wake her." He responded quite irate.

"She wasn't asleep....she was meditating. She says it's too noisy here for her to sleep...... You know those ears and all......." Trip backed up a bit seeing the strain in his eyes not changing at his attempt to explain.

"Commander..... I assure you that she is quite able to remain here....." Phlox thought a moment. Sickbay was a noisy place for someone with T'Pol's sensitivities.

"She's okay isn't she.....You are telling me every thing?" Trip lost his fear for the doc to a bigger one over the welfare of his beloved.

"She is fine.....I was to release her in a few hours......" He admitted less than happy with the realization that his own environment proved to be less than restful for his patient.

"Well then........just let her go to her quarters...... I promise you that she will rest..... I will see to that." Trip looked the doctor solemnly in the eyes.

Phlox rolled his eyes in defeat. "Fine.... but she is to remain in bed.....She may only get up to use the bathroom or shower until tomorrow evening.....And by no means are you two to engage in anything of a ........strenuous nature...." The good doctor adjusted his words knowing how flustered this young man became at questions of his manners.

Trip's eyes got wide even with the doctor's adjustments. "Of course not,.....I wouldn't begin to think we could....."Trip stuttered and trailed off not wanting to look the alien in his eyes anymore. Trip's mind didn't find his question strange in that he was the only one on board, except Malcolm that knew how far his and the first officer's relationship had come.

***Phlox assisted Trip in wrapping a metallic blanket about the young woman's body. Tucker then lifted her slight frame and made his way easily to her quarters. Once there, she punched in her security code and the door slid open wide. Trip placed her softly on the bed, pulling the covers up around her before turning to sit on the side. He removed his shoes, and slipped easily out of the tee shirt he wore. Trip then slid beneath the covers and found a very eager T'Pol inching up and into his arms.

They rested quietly for a moment then Trip felt her hand scrape across his stomach and move downward toward his sweat's string.

Surprised he started." No T'Pol.....Phlox was very direct on that point." He looked into her face and saw a disturbing heat there.

T'Pol brought her thigh up and ran her foot along the inside of his leg. She raised her knee to brush lightly against the neither regions of his pants. Trip once more turned a very surprised look to the young woman...

"I said No....T'Pol....You are recovering from a very serious injury....Now stop that." Trip took his hand and returned her leg to her side.

T'Pol leaned into his body and started to snuggle her face into his neck. He could feel the heat from her breath and soft kisses starting to get him aroused.

"T'Pol.......! Now stop or I will have to leave.......Go to sleep.....I mean it..." Trip was loosing his patience or maybe just his control, his body aching for hers as it had for long these many months. "There will be plenty of time for that when you are better..."

(.May I at least have a kiss goodnight?) She asked softly through their bond, while investigating the skin of his neck as if it were a fascinating discovery.

"One kiss.... then you go to sleep, understood." Trip laid down the law and she relented.

Trip rolled over and started to plant what was supposed to be a very non arousing kiss on her lips. She held him to her and turned up the heat. Trip fell off to sleep under the onslaught of her passion.

***When he awoke, there was T'Pol sleeping quietly in his arms. He felt a strange sense of happiness, and just assumed it was from her being close and healthy. Suddenly he realized the patient gown she wore was crumpled up on the pillow above her head. Trip raised the covers and discovered them both nude. He wiped his face, not understanding at all how he could have not remembered anything. Investigating more, he found himself to still be quite sticky, proving further that he had gone against his promise to Phlox and given into this woman's desires.

When his eyes did come back to her face, she lay there watching him expressionless. (.Good morning.....) She whispered into his mind...

"Yeah...."Trip was disgusted at his lack of control.

(.What is the matter...Th'y'al.) again she communicated through their bond instead of by words.

"I promised Phlox I wouldn't.......and I did..." Trip, again wiped his face in total displeasure at his actions.

T'Pol leaned into him reaching her mouth to his, but he simply backed away. "Now stop that I said....." Trip was now feeling a bit miffed that she was totally dismissing his wishes. "I'm gonna get a shower." he stated and began to rise.

(.I too...) T'Pol moved to join him......

"Oh no you don't!..." Trip cut her off. "I don't know this game you're playing, but I know better than to give into that...." Trip back to the far edges of the bunk and held a bit of the covers tightly against his waist.

(. Trip......we are both in need of a shower after last night. My gait is still too unsteady to assure that I won't fall on my own. Do you wish me to re-injure myself by allowing me to shower alone?) T'Pol turned her eyes towards him and they bored craters into his heart. He looked away trying to find an out, but knew her logic was, as usual flawless. He would feel very bad if she hurt herself by trying it alone.

"All right.....but no funny stuff..." Trip rose and went to the bathroom to start the water. A moment later he came back and picked up T'Pol as he had done last night. He carried her into the shower stall and turned her to face away from him, into the warm stream of water.

(.AAHHHHH....) an incredibly comfortable warming feeling ran through Trip as the water rushed across her body. He stood there stabilizing her stance with his hands on her hips. T'Pol started to turn toward him and he tightened his grip.

"I said no...." he reminded her.

(.Then how am I to wet my back?) She sent and for some strange reason, the thought made sense to him. Gingerly he turned her in his arms and she relaxed leaning into him. Trip could feel his body getting aroused and tried to fight it. T'Pol started to smother his face with unyielding kisses, taking and releasing his mouth at her own whim. Trip grew desperate to avoid a repeat of last night, or to give into his desires, which one, he didn't know.

Trip pushed her back against the showerhead wall of the unit. He saw the look in her eyes, and felt her emotions washing over him. With little ability to stop, he grabbed her by the hips and brought her legs up to straddle his waist...... He plunged into her hard and watched as her head leaned back in pure ecstasy.

***Trip sat quickly full up in his bed. "Whoa!" He exclaimed, his body was drenched in sweat and his mind still ached with the dreams it had been having...... His breathing was labored..... His eyes searched the darkness to get a clue where he was. Finally he realized he was in his quarters..... His body was still caddy cornered on the bunk, just as he had flopped down on it earlier. His mind raced with the images he'd seen. What had been true... What was a dream.... He wasn't sure.

Trip reached up and hit the intercom button. "Tucker to sickbay." He managed a bit out of breath from his urges.

"Phlox here.....Commander are you all right?" The doctor was concerned by the young man's tone.

"I'm fine.... How's T'Pol?" Trip cut to the chase.

"She's doing well.... I will be releasing her back to her quarters in a few hours and to full duty by the next day." Phlox stated then continued. "Are you having trouble sleeping commander?"

Trip thought a moment at that question..... No, I'm sleep'n just fine... I'll be by to see her in a few hours, okay Doc?"

"As you wish commander..... I know she will be happy to see you. Goodnight" Phlox closed the com and went back about his duties.

Trip rose from his bed and entered the bathroom. He once more splashed cold water on his face trying to counteract the intense feelings his dream had left him with.

(When did I fall to sleep? Did I really talk like that with the Cap'n? This mind thing is really getting to me... I think I'm going nuts.) He looked up in the mirror and noticed the steamy mist upon it.... He wondered when he'd gotten up and took a shower.

Then a foreign thought entered his mind....(.Did you enjoy that....Th'y'al? ...........I did......Sleep tight my beloved.... I'll see you in the morning...)

The End

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

OH man! that was crazy hahaha, very nicely done...I was hoping the whole thing wasn't a dream!

Whoa! is right!

I'm still not sure if it was a dream or not!! Reallly enjoyed it though.

Oh yeah... :D
That was a dream, woah!

That T'Pol is one very cheeky little minx but who could blame her? I loved this, very well done! Ali D :~)

Whoa, a very suitable title, I like this little story very much, thank you for sharing !

Now that was a LOT of fun!! I've re-read it twice and I still not sure....dream or real. Either way I DON"T CARE. LOL!!! That put a smile on my face, hee hee!

I loved it! LOVED IT! It had me laughing! I love T'Pol in this! That girl takes what she wants, doesn't she?

Very aptly titled as well. :D

Love it - dream or no dream. Love the sneaky Tpol - she has a little of MU Tpol in her!! Keep on writing. I just love your stories.

loved this one; hate to point out things like bad spelling, but this one is littered with it.

They're sleeping dreams= their sleeping dreams
He would loose her= he would lose her
nice bumm = nice bum
took president = took precedence
loosing his patience = losing his patience

sorry!! it's the teacher in me!!! Love the story though.

This was very nicely done. The conversation between Trip and Captain Archer was perfect. I could easily see this scene played out on the show. You captured these characters wonderfully. The thoughtful way that Trip described falling for T'Pol and the way Archer quietly questioned him more like a friend than Captain, was wonderful.

Thanks for a great story!

Thanks for the feedback. I know even with spell check and a dictionary, doing 20 pages a day, it's easy for me to overlook a few things, especially if they don't light up at me. My dictation software also replaces alot of the words I mean with others that sound alike, so I have to constantly check and recheck to be sure, but I still seem to miss some despite my efforts. I really enjoyed the episode Bound, probably cause we had to wait so long for it. I was intregued by the Mirror one too.. It was fresh and innovative, but for some reason I prefer to deal with the problems of the good T/T rather than the evil ones, however with the show coming to a close, I may be inspired to take a stab at it......Thanks again... T........
P.S. I just turned in "A Personal Matter" It's a really cute take on Bound as well.....Enjoy....