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Cage Match

Author - Triplover | C | Genre - Action/Adventure | Main Story | Rating - PG-13
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Cage Match

By Triplover!

Rating: Uh... I'll just say PG-13 because of violence and other stuff....
Disclaimer: The characters of the Enterprise are all Paramount's... because if they were mine... Enterprise would be off the air in a week, two weeks tops.
Archive: Sure, just ask me first!
Summary: When Trip and Archer get kidnapped, the captain and his commander are then pitted against each other for 'entertainment' and it is up to T'Pol to get them back before they kill each other....


Part One

Trip rubbed his forehead and sighed. This was gonna be one hell of a long day. With Enterprise back on its previous mission, Trip was able to get a lot more time to think than ever before. And of course who he ended up thinking about was dear old T’Pol. She was even in his dreams now and a very big percentage of them didn’t involve talking. So he avoided sleep. He worked day and night. And when Phlox would nag him about sleep he'd lie and say he just had a lot to do.

Damn Vulcan. She had to be playing with his mind. The worst part was after all that time he still couldn’t get that night out of his mind… the night they’d ‘engaged in intercourse’ as T’Pol called it. She did everything she could to drive him nuts just for fun! He knew it would be too good to be true if they were ever to be more than friends. T'Pol and relationships don't mix. The girl played him like a fiddle and the sad part was he hadn’t even cared. What could he have been thinking?!

It had totally changed their entire relationship. You're one gullible sonofabitch, Trip. Maybe next time you should actually go for someone attainable? That is, if you're done bein' used.

"Sir? You okay?"

Trip turned around to see his assistant, Lieutenant Hess, looking at him. She looked worried. He'd been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't even heard her calling him. He gave her a smile.

"I'm fine, just a little distracted," he told her.

Hess smiled. "I've noticed," she mumbled then handed him a PADD. "Here's my report, sir... I know you asked for it like a week ago but things have been pretty crazy around here. I suppose I've been pretty distracted myself."

Trip straightened when he saw the look on Hess' face. "Somethin' wrong?"

She seemed to be in another world for a minute or so, but when Trip moved his hand to her shoulder she snapped out of her thoughts. "Uh, yes sir. Sorry sir." At that she left leaving a very worried commanding officer behind.

Trip shook his head with a sigh. "Guess I'm NOT the only one distracted these days."


Jonathan Archer tried to concentrate on the scans before him but he was too distracted with something else. He'd noticed Trip was slowing down some lately. The commander was making mistakes. Archer just couldn't figure out what could have happened that was bugging the engineer. It seemed like since they entered into the Expanse Archer's friendship with his chief engineer was being shot into space. But they weren’t in the Expanse anymore. Perhaps it was time for him to make an effort to revive their relationship.

Even with the mission being as important as it was… Archer knew it was important to keep his people sane, for lack of a better word, after what they’d all been through. Trip needed to be on top of his game because if he wasn’t…space was a very dangerous place whether they were in the Expanse or not. It was up to Archer to get to the bottom of this. Trip was losing it and it was beginning to worry not only him but the doctor and Sub-Commander T'Pol as well. He'd have to talk to Trip as soon as possible.


Archer almost jumped as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He looked back to see T'Pol standing there. He turned around to look at her. "Yes T'Pol? What is it?"

"You weren't answering my hail. I decided to investigate," she explained.

Archer felt his face grow hot with embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. I guess I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear. What is it that you need T'Pol?"

"I just wanted to inform you that the pod is ready," she told him. They'd found an interesting planet near by and Archer had told her to get the shuttle pod ready. He knew exactly who to take, too. It would be perfect if he wanted to find out what was bothering Trip.

"Tell Trip to meet me in the launch bay. I just need to finish up here," he ordered her. She gave a nod and walked out of the situation room. Archer let out a sigh and got back to work.


The two sat in silence as Archer gently guided the shuttle pod out of Enterprise and towards the planet. It was then that Archer realized he had no idea how to bring up the conversation he wanted to have. He would just have to come out with it. "Trip, has something been on your mind lately?"

"Excuse me sir?"

Archer shifted in his chair, damn was it uncomfortable. "You've seemed... distracted lately. I just wanted to know what happened that's got you acting like this."

"Actin' like what, Cap'n?"

Archer could hear the annoyance in his commander's voice. Perhaps just coming out with it wasn't the best idea. "You've been making mistakes, Trip. Mistakes you don't normally make. I'm worried."

"Since when?" Trip mumbled. Archer stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the engineer.

"Look, I've tried to be nice but you're not making it easy! What the hell's been up with you, Commander!" The captain made sure to stress his officer's rank when he spoke.

Trip glared at him for a quick second then looked away. "Nothin'... I just haven't been sleepin' much lately."

"Weren’t you taking neuropressure sessions with T'Pol? I thought that helped? You certainly seemed to be enjoying them," Archer noted.

Trip rolled his eyes. "Apparently a little too much," he muttered under his breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Archer.

Trip made eye contact with his commanding officer and there was a long silence. "Nothin', Cap'n. Nothin'. I'm just havin' a stressful week, that's all. Sorry."

Archer wasn't about to accept what he knew to be not entirely the whole truth but they did have a job to do. He turned back around and flew the shuttle down. "Well if you need to get anything off your chest, you know I'd be happy to listen," Archer offered and landed the shuttle and got out of his chair. Their eyes locked. Trip gave him a slight smile.

"I know, Cap'n. I know."

The two looked at each other for a few more seconds before getting their gear and opening the shuttle door. Before they walked out a strange metal ball rolled inside the shuttle and smoke filled the cabin. A second later Archer and Trip fell to the floor unconscious.


"They'll make good fighters," Doctor Bornal pointed out when he inspected the two creatures lying on the floor. He looked back at his commanding officer Ja'hian.

Ja'hian walked over to the two and smiled. "How long until they will be ready for a cage match?"

Doctor Bornal shrugged. "Not long. I'll need to wake him then inject the serum in their blood stream. After that it will only be a matter of hours before their more aggressive tendencies are unleashed but I can't be sure until I run more scans."

"Get to work right away, doctor. I want to leave this sphere as soon as possible if we are going to get these new fighters ready in time," Ja'hian ordered.

Bornal nodded. "Yes sir, I'll get on it."


"Anything?" T'Pol asked once again.

Hoshi looked up at her and shook her head slowly. "Nothing."

T'Pol looked towards the screen frowning. What was taking them so long? They should have contacted her by now. It had been at least an hour. "Keep trying, Ensign. In the meantime perhaps we should take another team down." She turned to Reed. "How long do you think it will take you to make the same adjustments to shuttle pod two?" she questioned.

The lieutenant thought a second. "Not long, perhaps a few hours." Although the planet was mainly like any other planet it’s atmosphere made it almost impossible to land… almost. It had been Trip who figured out how to land without being blowing up from the pressure the hull would have to endure.

"Get on it just in case," she told him. He gave her a nod and quickly got up and walked to the turbolift. T'Pol's eyes moved back up to the screen. She silently hoped that she was simply being paranoid as Mr. Tucker often claimed she was.


Doctor Bornal walked ahead of his medical team who were dragging the unconscious creatures aboard the ship. They had to move fast. "Take them to the infirmary immediately. I need to run tests and begin the questionnaire."

The medical team nodded and he moved aside as they took the two creatures into the infirmary. Ja'hian walked up next to him. "Are you sure they even know how to fight?"

"Oh they do. Don't you see their uniforms? They’re from a military organization. It looks like the older one is the commanding officer. Can't you see it Ja'hian? We haven't had an alien from another world for a long time. People from all around the Expanse will want to see these two. They won't be the most exotic of all our matches but it will be entertaining at the very least. I will get the serum ready to go by the time we get back to Larjin. I'm sure our home world will make a great choice as to where we have the battle. We should begin with a cage match... a fight to the death is always the best for new aliens," Bornal informed Ja'hian. The commanding officer nodded at his doctor.

"You do your job quite well Bornal... too well. Let me know when you are finished with them. I would like to be there for the interrogation."

Bornal smiled before replying, "Of course sir. I will contact you once I have awoken them."


Ja'hian watched the work of his main engineer Ri'tal. Ri'tal's fingers moved with ease over the console until finally he looked up at his commanding officer, he smiled. "We're ready sir."

Ja'hian smiled back. "I'll inform the captain." With that he walked across the bridge to the doors before him. They opened and he moved inside to see his captain standing in front of the window looking out at the window, which no longer showed stars. "We're in business sir."

"And the new creatures we have acquired?"

"They are being inspected in the infirmary. Doctor Bornal believes they will do well in the cage match," Ja'hian answered.

Captain Nikor didn't turn around. "Very good Ja'hian. I will look forward to the fight. And I am sure our supporters will find the fight quite interesting. You have done well. Tell Ri'tal to take us off the planet. I am sure there will be a mother ship waiting in orbit. Tell him to raise shields and charge weapons. I want to be ready for a fight in case the ship is out there. If they are, I want you to disable their engines and weapons, then tell him to jump to warp."

"You aren't going to be present on the bridge when we leave?" Ja'hian asked in surprise.

"No, not yet. I will let you continue to command this one Ja'hian. You have done well so far, I know you will not disappoint me."

Ja'hian was touched by his captain's trust in him. He swore to himself silently that he would not let the captain down. "Yes sir." With that he left his captain's comfort room and walked back to the bridge.


Bornal's eyebrows lifted. "Two lungs? Oh they will do quite well! Better stamina in a fight is always important. But they're quite frail, don't you think?" he asked his nurse.

Uria shrugged. "No protective hard skins… but the bones in their body do well in protecting important organs."

"Not well enough. I could still kill one very easily," Bornal pointed out.

Uria laughed. "That is if you got the chance to even touch him. They would be quite formidable in a fight."

Bornal folded his arms and looked at the younger woman. "How so Uria?"

Uria gave him a smirk then touched one of the humanoid’s arms. He seemed younger than the other humanoid. "Look at his muscular make-up. He is quite healthy and strong. I can't be sure if this is normal for a person of his race but both he and his associate have features that lead me to conclude that he will put up one hell of a fight."

The doctor nodded. "Interesting deduction Uria, I believe you to be right. They may look frail but what they have as a weakness is nothing compared to their strengths. Shall we wake him?"

Uria frowned. "What about Ja'hian? Didn't he say he wanted to be present when they were woken up?"

Bornal looked down at the two creatures. "He did, but I wish to talk to him before Ja'hian does. Take the younger one to the dark room."

"Of course, but don't you think we should name him though? Give him a fighter name?"

Bornal chuckled. "How about Ra'kogen?"

Uria blushed. "Man of good arm? Very funny."

Bornal's smile grew. "I thought it was appropriate."

Uria pulled the younger one "Ra'kogen" off the bio bed when her eyes caught sight of the other creature. "What of the older one?"

Bornal cocked his head to the side before replying, "We shall name him Vi'hil... 'The Dreamer'. Whatever he is dreaming it seems to be quite action packed, he hasn't stopped jerking since he was gassed."

Uria broke her gaze on the older one; a wicked smile grew on her face. "I was thinking more of U'hon... 'The handsome fire'. Sounds rather poetic don't you think?"

Bornal's eyebrows rose in surprise. "You think he is handsome?" He shook his head. "I will call him Vi'hil Hon... 'dreaming fire'. That poetic enough for you?"

Uria moved the younger one onto the anti-grav unit and began to follow the doctor with the younger creature on the unit. "Dreaming fire... it sounds perfect for him.


Trip Tucker opened his eyes to see mostly a light blur and a dark blur. Slowly his eyesight cleared and he found two people looking down at him in a poorly lit room. He noticed that one seemed to be female and the other male. The woman had long black hair with cream-colored skin and gray eyes. The man had short gray hair with the same cream skin and gray eyes. The male smiled down at him. "Hello Ra'kogen... I am Doctor Bornal and this is Nurse Uria, my assistant."

Trip cocked his head in confusion. "Ra wha? I’m Commander Charles Tucker the third of the NX-01 Enterprise. You speak my language?"

Bornal looked at the woman, Uria then back at Trip. "Of course we do... we made sure to incorporate your language into the database. Charles, eh? In our language Charles means to laugh... that will not work if you are to be a fighter."

"What the hell ya talkin' bout? And where am I? Where's Cap'n Archer?"

Uria sighed. "So many questions Ra'kogen... we will answer each just please answer ours first."

Trip closed his eyes and breathed in deep. "What exactly do you wanna know?"

"What species are you?" Doctor Bornal asked him.

Trip glanced over at the doctor. "We're called humans... sometimes the Vulcans call us terrans... or Earthlings."

"Terrans? Interesting. And what did you do on your... NX-01 Enterprise?" was Bornal's next question.

"I’m the chief engineer," Trip said narrowing his eyes. "Now where's the cap'n? And where the hell am I?"

Uria put a hand on his shoulder. "You are on the Fighter ship... the Are'neal. Your captain... what is his name?"

"Jonathan Archer," Trip told her and waiting for his own answer.

"Your... Jonathan Archer is in the other room sleeping. He is now Vi'hil Hon… and you are now Ra'kogen," she told him.

Trip's eyes widened. "You can't just change our names! What the heck are we both doin' here? And why the hell are you askin' me all these questions?"

Uria and Bornal straightened before Bornal sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Of course we can name you... you are both now our prisoners. You will fight for the crowd now. And we are asking you these questions because we wish to know more about you for your bio on the fighter screen."

Trip moved against his restraints. "I'm not fightin' for anybody here! I refuse!"

Uria smiled. "Of course you refuse... but when you are in a cage match you WILL fight."

Trip leaned back against the chair. "And what exactly makes you think that?"

Bornal moved closer to the engineer. "Because Ra'kogen... in a cage match it is either him or you. Besides, we will be injecting a serum in your blood stream to make you more... volatile. The person you fight could be your best friend and you would still kill him."

Trip's eyes flashed in anger as he fought against the restraints again. "I won't! And you're not gonna touch the cap'n either! Let us go!"

Uria sucked in a sharp breath then moved a chair over for her to sit in front of Trip. "Looks like he's pretty volatile already."

Part 2

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Uh, oh. Trip and Archer in a cage?? Oh, Oh! Post soon!

Does Trip kick Archer butt a little before T'Pol rescues them!?!?! Bwahahahaha!

Oooooh, I'm looking forward to this!

u want enterprise OFF the air????? what kind of fan are you????? however, i DO want u to update *smiles angelically*

ooops- sorry- i reread the part about them being off the air- i hope u meant so that YOU could have them or something

Interesting! Poor Trip and Jon, just when Jon was trying to patch up the rift between them those darn nasty aliens had to go and put a spanner in the works. Can't wait to see what happens next. Methinks if they want to see someone *really* volatile they will get a ringside seat when T'Pol catches up with them. Won't that be worth seeing! Ali D :~)

Wonderful so far. Trip and Archer fighting in a cage. There seems to be enough pent up anger between them already without using any serum. Please update soon.

HAA... I was talking about the fact that I'd be worse than Berman if I were incharge and UPN would have to get rid of the show and all Star Trek fans would be sending me hate letters and attacking me when I was walking to my car... understand now? :D

Lets see, T'Pol, bonded to Trip, responds to his mental state by going totally postal, rescues Trip and Archer and then blows Planet X and its wonderful inhabitants into fine gravel.

No one in the galaxy dares screw around with a stressed Vulcan girl during 'that time of the month' ever again.

what of kind of fan are you?!?!
you whrite story's about enterprise (by the way your story's are very good) but you hate the serie. thats sound not very logical

Beat the heck out of Archer:)