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Author - Triplover | D | Genre - Angst | Genre - Endless Summer 2004 Hiatus Story | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG-13
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By Triplover

Disclaimer: I own many things but this is not one of them sadly.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When T’Pol’s mother dies, T’Pol takes her child and leaves Koss but where will she go?
Spoilers: Major spoilers for “Home.”

Vulcans do not experience fear, or so they have convinced the rest of the universe. But when T’Pol had found out she was pregnant the fear had completely overwhelmed her. It didn’t matter that doing so might shame her in some way because she did not care. She was having a child, a child she could not have. How could this have happened?! She’d been so careful. T’Pol looked at her doctor trying to stop herself from showing the trepidation she felt inside. “You cannot be serious. I took every precaution.”

“Well it seems you were not careful enough. You are having a baby T’Pol, whether you like it or not.”

T’Pol shook her head. “This cannot be. I cannot have this baby.”

“T’Pol, what do you expect me to tell you? The tests all say you’re pregnant.”

“Then run them again.”

“I ran diagnostics before I took scans. There is nothing wrong with my equipment.”

T’Pol tried to calm her breathing but it was impossible, the panic she felt was too overwhelming. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she was lost with no one to guide her out of the maze she was in, trapped inside. She looked down for only a few minutes before looking back up at the doctor. “This cannot be happening.”

Phlox let out a small sigh and tried to smile. “You’re not alone T’Pol. We both know that everyone on the ship would do anything to help,” Phlox told her then paused.

“You’ll need to tell the father.”

“I cannot do that.”

“Why not?”

“He cannot know, not now. I need time.”

“Time to do what?”

“Koss will be pleased,” T’Pol said ignoring Phlox’s question.

“I’m sure,” Phlox mumbled in annoyance.

The Vulcan closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. “I must meditate.”

“Of course. I’d like you to see me tomorrow morning, and every morning for a few weeks so I can monitor the
baby’s progress.”

“Understood.” T’Pol jumped off the bio bed, heading for her quarters. “Thank you doctor.”

It took only a few minutes to get to her room since she’d been walking as fast as possible. Soon she finally reached her sanctuary; she was hidden inside the four walls surrounding her.

She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding as her back hit the wall. She would need the bigger candles tonight. She needed to purge these feelings quickly. She could not show this fear when she spoke with Koss.

==Ten Years Later==

It was storming outside. Not just raining, storming. Trip ran into his house as fast as he could go. He was soaked to the bone and getting water everywhere. He groaned at the thought of having to clean his wood floors once again. He quickly ran to the bathroom before closing the door to get a towel. “Trip?”

Trip grabbed a towel off one of the shelves and began to dry his hair and face before walking back out to see Malcolm standing at the door. “Hey, Malcolm. What ya doin’ here?”

“I just came to get something I left here yesterday. It’s for work.” Malcolm then smiled when he saw that his friend was completely soaked. “Why were you out in this weather?
I’d expected to find you here since it’s storming outside.”

Trip shrugged. “I was over Admiral Archer’s house. Man, I’ll tell ya one thing, I don’t
know how Jon gets any sleep over there. His kid was yellin’ like a banshee. Jon said she’s teethin’.”

Malcolm sighed. “Lucky him,” he muttered sarcastically before letting out a soft chuckle. “I bet his wife is getting plenty of sleep though. When Hoshi and I had Sara I was always the one to get out of bed while she got to sleep.”

Trip shook his head laughing lightly. “Well there’s one reason to NOT have kids.” Trip let out a sigh before finally remembering his manners. It may have just been Malcolm but his mother always taught him to be courteous. “Want somethin’ to drink? Or maybe some dinner? I got my mom’s pasta in the fridge.”

Malcolm frowned. “Sorry, can’t. Tomorrow I have to leave early. A friend of mine living in one of the Mars colonies has been bugging me about visiting him and his wife. I only have a few days before I have to leave on the NX-03.”

“That Explorer’s gettin’ one hell of a first officer,” Trip commented giving his friend a

“Why thank you. You know, I really don’t understand why you turned down captaincy of the Explorer. It’s a good ship.”

“Sure is, I helped build her. I just felt like stayin’ on the ground for a while. After years of adventure I think I need to settle down a bit. I’ll be visiting my older brother in a few weeks.”

“I’m sure James will enjoy that.”

Trip nodded smiling. His brother had been talking about the new changes he’d had done
to his home for months now and Trip was dying to see it, though there were some things he wasn’t so excited about. “I just hope this time I don’t seen any more of those damn grasshopper things. What are they called? Katydid? Those things freak the hell outta me.

They’d be just jumping all around in the sward….” A shiver ran down his spine at the thought. “I hate bugs.”

“Beats the desert.” Even Trip couldn’t disagree with that one. Malcolm laughed. “I still remember when Travis told me that story about you screaming at the top of your lungs, wanting to shoot some bug in your sleeping bag.”

Trip rolled his eyes. “It was one of the first missions we’d had. It was an alien bug that could do god knows what if it bit me.”

“Riiiighhht,” Malcolm said rolling his eyes. “Well, I better go. I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Bye Malcolm,” Trip said as his friend walked by towards the door. Once Malcolm was gone Trip walked back into his bathroom and began to take off his soaked clothes. He grabbed the towel he’d used to dry his hair and walked swiftly out of the bathroom to his room in order to get some dry clothes. Just as soon as he had some new clothes on he heard his doorbell ring.

“Who could that be?” he asked himself.

Trip walked to the door and opened it, not even nearly prepared for what he saw before him. “T’Pol?”

T’Pol wouldn’t look him in the eye. That wasn’t a good sign. She was soaking wet, just as he had been only moments before. She looked down at the young boy in front of her. Trip smiled when he saw him. “Volis?” He knelt down grinning madly at him. “I haven’t seen you for years, kiddo! You’ve gotten so big. You look so much like your mother too. Man, it’s like lookin’ at her twin.”


Trip’s eyes shot up to look at T’Pol.

“Can we come in please?”

Finally Trip’s brain began to work as he realized they were still standing in the rain. He moved back quickly to allow them in. “Oh right! Sorry! Come on in!” The two walked in and he turned to look at them. They really were soaked. “Let me get you both some towels.” The engineer ran back to the bathroom to grab a few towels then ran back over to them, handing one to each. “What are ya guys doin’ here?”

T’Pol hesitated before looking down at her son Volis. “Could you leave us alone for a little while son?”

Volis nodded. “Of course mother.” He then looked up at Trip. “Good to see you again Trip.”

Trip grinned back at the boy, just as Volis wrapped his arms around him for a hug. “Good to see you too kiddo,” he whispered down at the child. Volis gave a small smile then ran into the bathroom to get dry.

Trip and Volis had always been quite close. They would send letters back and forth all the time. Volis had even told him of his wish to become an engineer. Trip had been surprised at Volis’ choice. He’d always thought Volis would follow in his father’s footsteps; especially considering how much Koss had wanted his son to be an architect. Trip had always known Volis had a love for engineering, but it still came as quite a shock.

It was strange. Volis was closer to him more than his own father. Not that he blamed the kid. Trip never did like Koss, he was a sneaky, rotten dog who could never deserve such a beautiful family. He had an amazing wife, a genius for a kid, and yet the man couldn’t
stop being a jackass long enough to see what he had. Trip had always dreamed of having children of his own, a wife… a family, but never in his dreams could he hope to acquire what Koss had. He didn’t deserve them.

Trip watched T’Pol closely as she hesitated. “What is it T’Pol?” he finally asked. “What happened?”

T’Pol finally let out a breath. “My mother has died. I left him.”

Trip’s eyes widened. “Koss?!”


“What happened? How did she die?”

“She was an old woman Trip. It was to be expected.”

Trip was at a loss for words. He’d always liked T’Les. It was amazing how much he’d changed over the years, but what surprised him most were his relationships with Vulcans,
even after hating them for so long for holding Earth back. First it had been T’Pol, then Kov, V’Lar, T’Les and finally Volis. They were good people, all of them. Even Soval had become a little more bearable these days. “And you just left the guy?” he then asked. He didn’t know why he was even asking that question. She’d left Koss! Good riddance!

“I had no choice. He threatened my child.”

That pretty much sent him off the deep end. “WHAT?!”

T’Pol’s eyebrows rose at his reaction. “Trip, I know how close you are to Volis, but
everything is under control. I just needed to get away. I was hoping to stay here for a few days until I could find a place of my own.”

“Why would he threaten his own son?! I mean damn! Just when you think the guy couldn’t be more of a jackass he proves us all wrong! Where the hell is he? If he wants to threaten someone let him threaten me!”

T’Pol moved her hands to his shoulders. “Trip, please calm down.”

Trip tried, he really did, but he had a lot of hate inside when it came to that good for
nothing piece of shit. It was hard to hold something like that back when the guy threatens a ten year old, his own son! “How can I calm down T’Pol? The man has been doing things like this for years. Why would he do that? Why would he threaten his own son?”

T’Pol looked down for a second before turning and walking over to the love seat. She took a seat before looking back at him. “With my mother dead he knew I would no longer need to stay married to him. Even my mother on her deathbed had told me to leave him. When Koss realized he’d lost his only means of keeping me he chose another
way to keep me with him.”

The man was a psycho. Why was he so obsessed with T’Pol? Was it pride? Was that why he wanted her so much? So he didn’t look bad? So he didn’t look like a groom left standing at the altar? Trip rubbed his face and closed his eyes. “Well you came to the
right place. Volis can stay in the guest bedroom and you can take my room,” he told her.

“Where will you sleep?”

“I’ll take the couch.”

T’Pol frowned. “That does not sound comfortable.”

Trip smiled. “It folds out into a bed. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry T’Pol; I won’t let him hurt Volis. If he comes anywhere near here he’d be lucky to make it out alive.” He loved that kid, and even after so many years he loved T’Pol too. If Koss got anywhere near them
he’d tear that jerk to shreds. He just hoped Koss DID come looking for Volis at his house.


Koss would not let her slip away. Not now. He would not look like a fool. Not again. He would not let T’Pol take his child. He would not let T’Pol run away. He would find her. Koss walked into the room he had shared with his wife and pulled out a box from under his bed. It had belonged to T’Pol. Perhaps it could give him a clue as to where she was. He knew she was on Earth, but where?

It didn’t take long for him to open the box and look inside. There inside was a picture of the bridge crew of the NX-01 Enterprise. Captain Jonathan Archer, his wife T’Pol, Commander Charles Tucker, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Ensign Travis Mayweather and Ensign Hoshi Sato. For some reason though his eyes were focused on the arm around
his wife, Charles Tucker’s arm. Koss’ eyes widened. That had to be where she was. She was with him. Koss quickly left the room. He would need to talk with someone about getting a transport to Earth.


It was hard to sleep knowing T’Pol was in his bed. Knowing that Volis was in the guest room, T’Pol had left her husband and she was with him now. She and her son were both with him. Trip smiled as he turned to lie on his back. “Trip?”

Trip knew the voice of course. It was T’Pol. “I’m awake.”

Trip looked over to see T’Pol walking toward him. She sat down on the bed and let out a sigh before turning to look into his eyes. He quickly moved up on his elbows, watching her closely. “I have missed you.”

Trip’s smile grew. “I missed you too T’Pol. You and Volis. It’s been so long since you’ve been to Earth. It’s not the same without you in my life.”

He knew she wanted to talk to him about something. He could see her hesitating. Finally she looked him in the eye. “When I first learned I would be having a child with Koss I was frightened.” A few years ago and she’d never admit to that. “I was alone, I did not want to tell Koss. After his first pon farr he allowed me to return to Enterprise. When I learned that I would be having a child I didn’t know what to do. Then you came to my quarters. You had no idea what I was going through but you out of everyone on the ship realized something was wrong.”

He remembered that day. It had been that night after T’Pol had found out about her child.

Trip stood trying to keep from showing how nervous he was. He knew she was married to Koss but he wanted to be her friend. He wanted to be there for her. He wanted a relationship with her even if it wasn’t romantic. “T’Pol I… I… I’ve noticed you’ve been preoccupied with somethin’ and I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk.”
He knew she’d say no but one day she’d say yes. That was all that mattered.

“I am fine.”

“You don’t look fine. You’ve been makin’ too many mistakes. That’s not like you. Your mind is somewhere else and I’m worried. You’re my friend. I just want to know what’s goin’ on.”

There was a long pause and for a minute Trip wondered if she’d throw him out, but then he could see her eyes brighten. “There is something ‘going on.’”

Trip took a step closer to her. “T’Pol, if you need someone to talk to you, you know I’m here for you. You can trust me. I’m your friend. What’s goin’ on T’Pol? What’s on your mind”

T’Pol looked down and sighed, moving a hand to cover her stomach. “I’m pregnant.”

Trip had never been more shocked in all his life. His heart was almost destroyed that day. Almost. “After a few years I guess I just knew you well enough to know when somethin’ was on your mind.”

“I contemplated not telling you. I contemplated just telling you to leave so I could avoid talking to someone about how scared I was by this. In fact making you leave was exactly what I was going to do, until I realized just how badly I needed a friend. And for years after that you have helped me. You’ve done whatever you can. I could talk to you about anything. I could trust you with my problems. Even with everything we had been through together, even though I would be marrying Koss you did not leave my side. Not for a minute. Instead you became even more of a friend than ever before. You made my marriage to Koss bearable. You helped me deal with a hopeless situation.”

Trip smiled, moving a hand to caress her cheek. “I’m always here for you T’Pol. You’re my friend. You were there for me when Lizzie died. If you hadn’t helped me through that I don’t know where I’d be. You were there when I needed you; I didn’t see anyone else but you there. You were the one there for me. Seemed only fair that I do whatever I could to be there for you. I mean, what are friends for, right?” He couldn’t look away
from those beautiful brown eyes even if he’d wanted to. T’Pol began to move closer. Their lips were inches from touching; he closed his eyes. He’d wanted this for so long, to
feel her lips against his, to be with her again. It haunted his dreams, a reminder of what he might never have. And yet here she was, sitting before him. He felt her lips against his; it was a light touch, a brush. “T’Pol,” he whispered, hesitating.

This time she was the one to mover closer. Her lips touched his, harder this time, a passion filled kiss that would knock anyone’s socks off. He moaned as she pushed him down on the bed, but it was then that he got his senses back. He shook his head, breaking
the kiss. He sighed before moving from her and sat back up. “T’Pol. I can’t. You’re still a married woman.”

There was a small pause before T’Pol nodded once. She understood. He could see it in her eyes. If anyone could understand his hesitation it was her. His mother had taught him so much, but there was one that stood out above the rest. Marriage vows were NOT
meant to be broken.

It’s 'till death do you part,' Trip, not till you get bored with your partner.

His parents had been married almost sixty years. They’d fought so many times Trip had lost count, but no matter how serious the problem they always found a way through it.
Trip still remembered the worst fight they’d ever had. The memory was still so strong in his mind, a reminder that even the strongest become weak at times. Trip was sixteen at
the time. His father was working on something really important with his business partner, a woman named Patricia Martin.

She’d been the most beautiful woman, with a heart of gold and his father had been very
close to her. They had so much in common, it wasn’t a surprise when feelings began to develop, but it was a surprise when his father kissed Patricia. It was an even bigger
surprise when he almost slept with her, but it still went back to almost.

He could have done it. He could have forgotten his family in that moment and done whatever he wanted, but he didn’t. He thought of his family, and his wife. If he had done what he almost did… Trip didn’t even want to think what would have happened to his family. After that day his father had a talk with Trip. A talk Trip would never forget.

“Dad, I just don’t understand. If you loved Ms. Martin so much why didn’t ya do it? I mean, I’m glad ya didn’t! Don’t get me wrong! If ya had I’d never have forgiven ya, but I just have to know what stopped ya.”

His father smiled, turning to look Trip in the eyes. “Trip, there’s somethin’ you’ll need to know if you’re going to be a real man. There are a lot of people in this world that
would have done what I almost did in a second. And maybe for them it wouldn’t have seemed wrong, but I’m a married man. I made a promise, a promise to love and cherish
your mother till death do we part. I won’t go back on that promise, not even if the woman was my soul mate.”

“You still love mom?”

“With all my heart kiddo.”

“But you also loved Ms. Martin?” Trip asked in confusion.

His father smiled. “I began to love her, but I wasn’t in love with her. Even if I was it wouldn’t mean a thing.”


“For as long as I’m married to your mother, I will not betray her. It’d be wrong to be with another when I’m still married.”

“What if you guys got divorced?” He didn’t know why he was asking these questions,
but he did know one thing, he had to know.

“I wouldn’t divorce your mother unless I had good reason, son. Your mother and I
talked things out. We both are still very much in love with each other, we’re not ready to give up on this because of one of the devil’s temptations.”

Trip smiled. “So… you guys are gonna be okay?”

His dad grabbed him for a hug. His father was never really the hugging type so it surprised him when his father grabbed him. “Yeah kiddo, we’ll be just fine. I promise.”

The talk had made him realize just how important marriage truly was. It was a promise that should never be broken unless there was good reason. It also made him realize that as long as the person was still married he or she was still under that promise that was made. Trip wouldn’t, couldn’t go against something that had been so important to his family. Trip knew his father could never see someone who cheated on another as a real man. And he certainly wouldn’t feel that way with someone who was with someone cheating on another. He couldn’t do it. Not now, not ever. Even if the man she’d be
cheating on was Koss.

T’Pol turned away from him. “I should go back to bed,” she whispered and began to get up.

He grabbed her arm before she could leave him. “T’Pol.”

The Vulcan looked back at him and he smiled.

“You won’t always be a married woman,” he reminded her.

He’d only seen it happen once before. Her lips curled slightly at his comment. “No, you’re correct. I won’t.”

He winked up at her then let go of her arm. “Go get some sleep.”

She nodded and left the living room, heading towards his bedroom. He watched her walk inside and close the door, then let out a chuckle before lying back down in bed. He
couldn’t have wiped the grin of his face if he tried. It was true; she was a married woman, but she had a reason for leaving Koss. Even his parents would understand that. Even his father would understand that. And when it was all over, when she was truly free of Koss, he’d be there.


When T’Pol awoke she could smell honey in the air. It was a strong smell, but not at all
unpleasant. She sat up in bed and stretched before moving out of bed. She could hear the sound of laughter and strange noises on the other side. She opened the door quickly and walked towards the living room, where she saw her son and Trip sitting on chairs in front
of his TV. Both had controllers in their hands and their eyes were glued to the screen. “What are you two doing up so early?”

Her son turned and smiled when he saw her standing before him. “Hello mother. Trip and I were just playing… video games.”

Trip grinned; he had also turned to look at her. “I made pancakes, with honey. I made you a plate. It’s in the kitchen.”

T’Pol raised an eyebrow before looking for her plate in the kitchen. When she found it she walked back out to see them once again playing their video games. “What are you playing?” she asked.

Volis smiled. “I don’t know, but it’s fun.”

T’Pol folded her arms. Koss had always disapproved of his son’s emotional behavior. Volis had always been far more emotional than most Vulcans his age, but what T’Pol found most interesting was Volis’ ability to control his emotions so easily. In one moment while with his father he could become as stoic as Koss had been at that age, and yet while with Trip Tucker he would laugh and play.

Normally she would not allow this kind of behavior herself, but she had never seen her son so content. If he were still at home he would never be this comfortable. He was happy, and though she knew how important it was to keep all emotions under check she would allow him to enjoy himself. He needed this. And apparently Trip had a way when it came to her family. Her mother had become quite close to him. Volis was also close with him, and of course T’Pol had certainly been close to him.

T’Pol was shaken from her thoughts by the engineer’s voice talking to her. “It’s a skateboardin’ game. My brother James and I used to play it all the time when we were little. It was one of our favorites. Volis seemed a little bored and I didn’t see the harm.”

“It is okay, though I will never understand why you find the game so fascinating. T’Pol
took a seat in the living room to watch them play.

“So I was thinkin’ we could go out today to see a buddy of mine. I have some connections with an old friend who might be able to find you an apartment nearby. Since you’ll probably be on Earth for a while until you figure out what to do with Koss. I just figured you probably wouldn’t want to stay with me for so long.”

T’Pol frowned, about to speak, but Volis talked before she could. “I don’t want to leave.
It’s fun over here.”

T’Pol knew how much Volis enjoyed spending time with Trip, but she was surprised at
how much alike the two were. T’Pol couldn’t help but be pleased that her son was so close to Trip. “I will talk with your friend. It probably would not be best to stay here.”

Volis said nothing though she noticed his shoulders slump. He was a very emotional child. Finally the game was over and Trip sighed before throwing down his controller. “Dang! I was so close!”

Volis looked over at Trip with a smirk on his face. “So close, and yet so far,” he teased.

T’Pol gave her son a warning glare which he picked up on immediately. She did not like her son acting like that. She didn’t want him to grow up with such a smug attitude. Trip turned to look at T’Pol. “We better go now. Why don’t you guys get dressed and I’ll call my friend.”

Since T’Pol was finished eating already she nodded and left to change into the clothes she’d worn yesterday.

Trip had cleaned them along with Volis’ clothes. “Of course.”


Once they were finished getting dressed Trip gave them both a grin before swinging the door open. He paused, though, just as soon as he saw who was before him. “Koss,” he

Koss glared at Trip. “You!”

“Koss!” T’Pol exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to find you!” Koss answered.

T’Pol took a step back just as Trip moved in front of her. “Well, ya found her. Now go.”

Koss took a step closer. “I will not. She is my wife.” Koss looked over at T’Pol, then
paused. “Why are you with this human?”

“To get away from you,” T’Pol said. Trip could hear the anger in her voice.

“Where is my son?”

“He is somewhere where you cannot hurt him,” T’Pol told him with a hint of anger in his voice.

Koss stiffened. “I would never hurt my son.”

“You threatened him; that is enough for me. I will not let you see him.”

At that moment Volis ran through the door smiling, until he looked up at Koss. “Father,”
he muttered with a mixture of shock and dismay.

Koss focused all his attention on the boy standing before him. “Volis, you must come with me now.”

Volis took one step back. He looked over at Trip and T’Pol before looking back at Koss.

“Volis, come here. I am your father,” Koss demanded. He was slowly getting upset at his son’s hesitation, but Volis was as stiff as a stone. “Volis. Volis!” Koss moved to grab his son but Trip got in the way.

“I suggest you leave before ya do somethin’ you’ll regret.”

“I am not afraid of you, human,” Koss told him with disgust.

Trip smiled. “Well ya should be! Ya never know when we erratic humans will do somethin’ to surprise ya.” With that he punched Koss as hard as he could in the jaw,
sending the Vulcan flying. He obviously hadn’t been expecting that one. Trip walked over to him and looked down. “Now I suggest you go. Volis doesn’t want to see you and neither does T’Pol. Face it Koss, you’ve lost. Do you really want to make such a fuss?” Trip looked back at T’Pol, then turned to look at Koss once again.

“She’s leavin’ you.”

Koss began to get up slowly, one of his hands rubbing his jaw. “I will not let her leave. You can do nothing to stop me.”

Trip’s eyebrow rose. “Ah Koss, haven’ ya been payin’ attention?” Trip again swung his arm for another hit, but this time Koss was ready. He stopped Trip’s fist before it could
make contact with his face and flipped the human over on his back. Koss began moving towards his wife and son, but Trip wasn’t done yet. He grabbed the Vulcan’s leg and
tripped him up before scrambling on top of him. Trip moved to hit him again when Koss pushed him off. Both men hurried to stand up as they grabbed each other’s shoulders.

T’Pol frowned as she saw the two fight. She had to do something. Trip would not be able to go against a Vulcan. She knew Koss was too strong. She watched as Koss finally threw Trip to the ground and jumped over on him to hit him, but T’Pol would not let that happen. She ran over to them and grabbed Koss, throwing the man off of Trip. Koss seemed shaken up when he realized what had just happened. His eyes widened, his self control failing. “T’Pol! You are my wife!”

T’Pol glared at her husband. “Not for long.”

Trip looked up, his breathing was erratic. He smiled proudly at her then turned to look at Koss. He stood and walked over next to T’Pol, still looking down at the Vulcan lying on the floor. “I think now would be the time to take your leave Koss. You can’t win.”

Koss looked back and forth at the two then turned to look at his son. “Volis,” he whispered, calling his son.

Volis took another step back and breathed in deeply. “Leave us, father. There is nothing you can do. Mother will not go with you… and neither will I.”

That was the final blow. Koss turned back to look at Trip and T’Pol one last time before he got to his feet. He said nothing else; he just simply walked away to the surprise of both Tucker and T’Pol. Trip let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and walked over to Volis.

“You okay?”

Volis looked up, trying to breathe. He nodded then looked back at where his father had
been. “I’m fine. I guess I’m just a little shaken up.”

Trip smiled down at the boy, patting his shoulder. “I know you love him kiddo, I know
it’s hard to say somethin’ like that to your own father.”

Volis smiled before looking up at Trip. “You’ve been more of a father than he ever was. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.”

To say that Trip was surprised at the young Vulcan’s comment would have been an understatement. He kneeled down and looked Volis in the eye. He didn’t say a word; he just pulled the boy into his arms and hugged him. “I’m just glad you’re okay son. Don’t
worry, it’s almost over.”

T’Pol watched the two closely before she spoke. “Perhaps we should go back inside,” she advised.

Trip and Volis turned to look at T’Pol. Trip cocked his head frowning. “What about talkin’ to my friend about that apartment?”

T’Pol hesitated only slightly before answering. “Perhaps we should simply live with you
for the time being.”

Trip grinned, getting back on his feet. His eyes were staring back into hers. “Yeah, probably a good idea,” he agreed before winking back at her. “Maybe I’ll build another room so I can get my bedroom back,” he then added. “I mean, if you’re going to stay for a while.”

T’Pol’s eyebrows rose. “Indeed.”

==Five Years Later==

He didn’t deserve what he had. He didn’t deserve a son, or a wife such as T’Pol. Koss
never deserved any of that. And now things were finally right. He couldn’t stop the grin on his face as he lay in bed holding the woman he loved. She wasn’t married anymore. She was free to do what she wanted, and so was he. Finally, after so much time, finally he could be with her. She was his, not Koss’. His lover, his wife… his.

For the first time in so long she was his. He turned over to look at his wife and kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. Her hand was resting on his chest, gently playing with his chest hair. He could lie like this forever. It was then that he heard a loud cry in the next room. Trip let out a long sigh and looked over at his wife. “Would you mind getting that Trip?” she asked, sighing softly.

Trip rolled his eyes. “Why not? I do it every other time,” he mumbled still half asleep. He climbed out of bed and walked out of their room and towards the baby’s room, an extra room he’d built nearly five years ago for T’Pol. “I’m comin,’ T’Les… I’m comin’.”

Trip grinned shaking his head. The girl was yelling like a banshee, but then suddenly she began to quiet down. Trip’s grin faded. When he finally reached his daughter’s room he was surprised to find Volis standing there over the crib. “Volis?”

The boy turned around, smiling as he looked down at the baby in his arms. “It’s okay
father, I’ll put her to sleep.”

Trip’s smile returned at the sound of Volis calling him father. “Thanks… son.”

Volis raised one eyebrow before turning to gently put his half sister back into her crib. “I
think she just doesn’t want to be alone.”

Trip nodded, grabbing two chairs for both him and Volis. They both sat down together,
looking at the baby, when finally Trip turned to look at Volis. “I’ll keep ya company
while ya wait for her to sleep.”

Volis turned to look at Trip, frowning. “You really don’t have to, I’ll be fine. Don’t you
need to get up early in the morning?”

Trip cocked his head, looking down at the Vulcan. “Don’t worry about that. I’m not
really that tired anymore.”

Volis’ frown deepened. “Why are you smiling at me like that?”

Tucker put an arm around Volis as the two turned to look at T’Les, who was slowly
drifting off. “No reason, just enjoying what I have.”

That made Volis smile almost immediately. “Yeah well… you deserve it.”

Trip chuckled at the boys, comment. “Indeed.”

The End

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A whole mess of folks have made comments

Enjoyed this immensely.

Great job! Like Aquila, I enjoyed this immensely! Loved the happy ending! Thank you!

Great story. I love AU and future-fic. :) And thanks for giving us the happy ending. :)

Wonderful story! Koss got just what he deserved. (Well, almost...KOSS MUST DIE!!!) Just kidding. This was great and I loved the ending!

Awwwww....! I had fun reading this. I've been eager to see Koss take a beating.

Yeah, Koss gets his butt kicked!! Woo hoo! 10 years is a long time to be stuck with a jerk, poor T'Pol.

That was fun too read. I love happy endings. :-)

damn - I started off the story really hoping Volis was somehow really Trip's, but in the end decided it was better the way things turned out - how'd you do that??
Good Story by the way :o)

wonderful story, made my day !

Loved this though I am surprised at Koss giving up so easily. Very nicely done! Ali D :~)

Awww, squooshy mooshy stuff! And a few bruises on Koss too! What more could I girl ask for?

This was way better than killing Koss! Great story, Triplover.

Awesome story!
Trip gets to beat Koss and gets T'Pol even if he has to wait a looooooong time.
I really like your portrayal of Trip as a gentleman, who would never screw another man's wife.

Okay. Its a good read. so nice...enjoyed it

I genuinly enjoyed this story. I loved how Volis had such a wonderful relationship with Trip. He seemed to be born with a natural inclination toward the man. Wonder who he got that from? :)
It showed how much T'Pol was in love with Trip. She sent that message right into her baby. (Sigh) thats so beautiful.
O.K. gotta go now, my sisters makin fun of the silly grin on my face. LOL.

Way to stand up for your woman Trip! Way to defend your man T'POl! I loved it! This story was great Triplover! Thanks for writing it. :D

I loved this story, especially when Trip biffed Koss, it was classic.

I enjoyed your story very much, Triplover. I particularly loved Trip and T'Pol kicking Koss' ass when he showed up! Man, after hearing about those spoilers, that's something I wanted to read. :-) I also thought it was refreshing that Volis did _not_ turn out to be Trip's son; I had almost expected that. This is a great story -- and you managed to use all the challenged words in the text very naturally, too. Great job!

I really did think about making Volis Trip's kid but it just didn't work for me. Why did he have to be Trip's kid in order to be his son? I thought this time I'd just go against the grain as they say and do something different. Let T/T have their own kid. Besides, it hurt Koss more to see Volis siding with a man who wasn't even his father rather then someone who turned out not to be a kid doing that. At least, that's how I saw it. LOL

Thanks guys for this!

I loved it! :) very good story.

Yeah! Koss got his scumbag but whipped! Very sweet.