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Devil's Advocate-Ch 10

Author - Triplover
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Devil’s Advocate

By Triplover

Disclaimer: When I own all this I’ll be sure to go outside and watch the pigs flying cause it’s never gonna happen.
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Angst
Rating: R (for violence and other stuff)
Summary: After saving a cargo ship filled with many different species, crewmembers on Enterprise are found dead.


Chapter Ten

Resistance To Darkness

To outside appearances Commander Tucker was still quite unconscious, but inside a war was being waged. A battle between the implant and his will to resist the darkness trying to take control. He knew the fight would have to start in the mind. Jolen Croft was trying to gain control, but Trip now knew what was going on, he wasn’t about to let himself be swallowed in the darkness once again. He would resist Jolen for as long as he was in this state. Faintly he could hear two men’s voices past his own little world. Both of the voices, though unclear, seemed worried.

“There has been a change in his brain waves. This must be how Jolen is controlling Commander Tucker. At the point where Tucker is unconscious or asleep he advantage over of the Commander’s weakened state. He wouldn’t be in control at this point, and Jolen uses this as a way to carry out whatever plan he has created.”

“Is Jolen controlling him now?”

“I can’t be sure. It seems like the Commander is fighting Jolen. There is an internal struggle being waged in his mind, though I am unsure if Mr. Tucker can win this fight.”

“Could we help him in some way?”

“The only chance he has of getting through this is if we bring him out of unconsciousness. Until the implant can be removed it is the only way.”

“Then do it. If it’s the only way, then it’s the only way.”

“Aye Captain, I will wake him up immediately.”

“Keep me informed, I need to return to the bridge.”

Trip could hear doors swish open and closed. The internal struggle inside of him grew in danger as he felt Jolen’s mind force its way in Trip’s thoughts, reaching for the implant that would push him into darkness, filled with his worst fears. “No!” he yelled before trying to get away from the darkness just as a hissing noise filled his ears. His eyes opened. He had no chance to deal with the changes of his conscious mind lifting into the clouds. His consciousness was snatched from its place too fast for him to even be aware of the change. He sat up quickly, gasping for air as he did so. The terror he was feeling melted away as he could see light all around him. “No more darkness. No more darkness,” he whispered still struggling to keep his sanity. “No more darkness.”

“Its okay, Mr. Tucker. You’re safe,” came a calm voice he knew to belong to Doctor Phlox. Phlox laid hands on his chest and gently pushed him down. “Everything’s okay, Commander. Just breathe. Concentrate on breathing.”

Trip grabbed one of Phlox’s arms as his head turned so he could look at the Doctor. “No more darkness,” he said sternly. He was still struggling to take in his environment.

“No more darkness, Commander. Everything’s all right. No more darkness.”

Trip nodded, closing his eyes briefly as he took in a deep breath. Everything was going to be all right. He just had to calm down. Easier said than done.


Captain Archer ran a hand through his hair as he walked into his ready room. What a stressful day today had been. No more than usual, though. There was always a problem Enterprise was stuck in the middle of. He’d gotten used to that, but still, his friend was the one stuck in the middle of something this time, and Archer had no doubt it would affect the man for as long as he’d live. A person doesn’t just get past that kind of thing.

He knew Trip well enough to know that the man was in love with T’Pol. Archer had watched him fall in love before, but this was different. Trip was completely head over heels in love with this woman, and Archer doubted his feelings would ever change. He knew they would never change. More than that, though, he knew Trip well enough to know when he was too far gone for his own good. He’d all ready invested his heart in being with her, his entire heart. Now the Captain wasn’t sure what he’d do.

Perhaps that was what got to Archer most? The fact that his friend was suffering from not only a horrible guilt over three he killed, but he was also suffering from attempting to kill the only woman in his heart, mind, and soul. Jon knew Trip would try to run away from their relationship. It was never easy to watch his friend do something like that and know it would only make him feel alone and unhappy in the end. T’Pol had made Trip smile again, and that kind of happiness was worth saving. Jonathan just hoped Trip remembered that when his guilt for hurting her became an issue between the two love birds.

“Hello, Captain.”

Archer jumped as he saw a shadowy figure standing before him, his face covered. The man took a step forward and the Captain noticed him immediately. “I know your face. You’re Jolen Croft.”

Jolen nodded. “And you’re Jonathan Archer. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person.”

Jonathan took a step forward, letting his emotions show. “Three people are dead and two of my senior officers are in sickbay right now because of you!”

Jolen folded his arms, unmoved by Archer’s outburst. “Commander Tucker deserves everything he has suffered, and if you interfere more of your crew will die.”

“There’s no way I’m going to let you hurt Trip even more than you’ve all ready hurt him!”

“Jonathan, I have technology you wouldn’t even dream of going against. Test me and you will lose every soul on this ship. Is that what you really want?”

“I won’t succumb to intimidation.”

Jolen inclined his head, still incredibly calm. “Well I suppose I knew that would be your answer. I was in Starfleet for many years. If it means anything, I mourn for those the Commander killed, but justice must be served.”

“That’s not justice!” Archer barked.

“Perhaps,” Jolen muttered. “But it is MY justice. I won’t let Trip get away with what he’s done.” With that Jolen disappeared. Archer sucked in a breath in surprise before turning quickly and heading back to the bridge.

“Polarize the hull!” he shouted. He was too late. The cargo ship began to fire, hitting the ship hard as Jonathan was thrown backwards to the floor.


Jolen smiled in his chair. “As soon as they are distracted beam Commander Tucker to the ship!” he ordered.

Shrith nodded before turning back to work his console.


Captain Archer scrambled to his feet along with three other officers who had fallen from the impact with him. “Report!”

Malcolm got back into his chair and scanned the console before him as his hands rushed to get reports on ship’s status. “They knocked out phase cannons! I can’t polarize the hull!”

Jonathan cursed as he got back into his chair. “Do we still have torpedoes?”

Reed nodded.

“Travis, pattern delta! I don’t want him to get another hit in! Get ready to go to warp! Malcolm, give him all we’ve got! Our highest yield! Target their engines!” Archer commanded.

“Aye!” both Travis and Malcolm shouted, as they began to follow orders.


Phlox swallowed hard as he saw officers run into sickbay. He turned to look at Commander Tucker, frowning. “Help me.”

Trip nodded and got to his feet to help one of the officers to a bio bed nearby. As soon as the officer was settled down Phlox scanned him for injuries. The Doctor then looked up at Commander Tucker. “Hand me that hypospray!”

Tucker turned and grabbed the hypospray to hand to Doctor Phlox just as his body slowly faded away. Trip’s eyes widened. “Doctor!” he cried just before he disappeared completely.


Travis piloted the ship expertly as Jolen sent another volley their way. The ship shook as one of the torpedoes blew near their hull. “That was too close, Travis!”

Travis nodded; sweat falling down his brow.

Finally Malcolm fired weapons and the Captain could see the explosion on the view screen. “Travis! Warp five! Now!”

Archer felt the slight jerk as Enterprise turned around and went to warp. The Captain let out a small sigh of relief before standing to focus his attention on Hoshi. “Report.”

Hoshi’s eyes focused on the reports before her. “Fourteen injured, but nothing serious. No casualties.” Hoshi paused as she looked over the rest of the reports before finally looking up, her eyes wide with worry. “I just got a report from Doctor Phlox, sir. Commander Tucker was beamed off of the Enterprise.”

Archer’s fists tightened as he swore under his breath. “Have engineering begin repairs. Travis, drop out of warp. Jolen’s ship isn’t going anywhere.” He then turned to look at Malcolm. “I want phase cannons online as soon as possible. I want all defense operations at full capacity in less than an hour. I’ll be in engineering,” Archer said before walking off the bridge, his anger flaring as he hit the console once the turbolift door closed.


Commander Tucker’s heart beat faster and faster with every second he was inside the small dark room. He sat in a cold metal chair, unable to see a thing. He tried to fight against the straps, but there was nothing he could do. The straps were leather. Trip tried to calm his breathing, but he was too scared to get his mind to focus. He couldn’t think in this state. He could only sit there and listen to his mind shout that there was no way to escape, that this was the end of the road, that Jolen had him now and he was going to make Trip suffer like never before. How could he calm his breathing when that was flowing through his mind?

He tried to think back to all the things T’Pol had taught him. He’d always wondered how they could have so much control, he tried to bring those thoughts to the fore, but they resisted him. They stayed in the back of his mind as a faded memory. His control was gone. He struggled against the restraints, tears pooling in his eyes at knowing where all this would lead. He tried to move his head, which was also restrained by a leather strap. It was useless, futile. He could not escape without help.

“Hello, Trip.”

He hadn’t even heard the door open. Nor had he seen any light come into the room. His eyes followed the voice, but he could see only black in the dark room. He struggled to breathe, but his lungs burned from his panicked pace. If felt like a rope burn in his lungs, so tired they must be. He needed to calm down, but he couldn’t, not in this room, not in the darkness.

“Trip, calm down. I’m not going to kill you yet.”

“Somehow, that doesn’t help me very much,” Tucker muttered, hoping Jolen heard the hate in his voice.

“Well I wish I could help with that, but that’s not why you’re here. It’s time to remove the implant to be replaced by another.”

Trip again tried to escape the strap’s hold. His head ached as he heard footsteps draw closer and closer. He blinked back the tears; he wouldn’t let Jolen see him like this. He had to be strong, for T’Pol. Suddenly his breathing slowed, his head swarmed with memories of T’Pol. He focused on his love for her. Trip knew Jolen was out to finish the job he started, to kill T’Pol. Jolen wanted everyone Trip loved dead. He knew he would have to clear his mind if he was going to make sure no more people had to die. It was up to him now. He knew he didn’t have the abilities T’Pol did, but perhaps his will and love for her would ensure that Jolen was unable to complete his task for revenge.

“Good, you’ve finally calmed down.” Jolen then flicked on a light above Trip’s head. The light blinded Trip at first as his eyes began to get used to no longer being surrounded in darkness. “Now we can begin. I’m going to need you awake for this.”

Trip swallowed. He knew what that meant; it meant his pain tolerance would be seriously challenged in the next few minutes. “Why are you replacin’ the implant I already have?” he asked, hoping to buy himself some time.

“This new implant will be stronger than the one you have now,” Jolen explained as the chair moved back so that he was lying down. His legs straightened till finally the chair had transformed into a table. “When I return you to Enterprise they will never be able to locate this implant. They’ll think it’s been removed. Then you can complete the task at hand. I already have three more people on the list that you will be killing. I’ve decided upon Captain Archer, you’re Lieutenant Reed, and I was also thinking about this man you call Doctor Phlox. I can tell you value his opinion.”

Trip closed his eyes and tried to keep his breathing steady. “You’ll never get away with this.”

“The good guy always says such things, Trip. You’ve been watching too many old movies. This time the so called bad guy will be winning, I’m afraid.”

“The bad guys always think that.”

Jolen chuckled. “You know Trip, I’d forgotten how much I liked spending time with you. You always made me laugh. I’ve missed that.”

Trip opened his eyes to look into Jolen’s. “Jolen, I’ve trusted you as my friend and my brother for years. I’ve loved you like a brother. What happened to Sindy was not my fault. I didn’t even know she was there. When I saw her under that beam I wanted to help her. I didn’t want to leave her there. I even fought with Admiral Forrest to get help so I could save her! Peter and I knew we couldn’t do it ourselves. We just weren’t strong enough, we needed help. Forrest wouldn’t let us go back to save her. I’m sorry, Jolen. If I could do it all again I never would have left her. I would rather die right then and there, but things didn’t work out that way. She died and I lived. I lived! Jolen I know that’s what’s botherin’ you. She died and I made it. It’s frustratin’ to me too, but why should more people die?! You’re not a murderer, Jolen.”

Jolen nodded. “No, I’m not. You are.” Jolen turned around just as three men in white suits walked in. “Ready?”

All three nodded.

Jolen turned back to look at Trip. “You’re right, I’m not a murderer, but then again, I’m not the one whose hands are soaked with blood.”

Trip struggled against the restraints. “You forced them to be soaked in blood! It’s not my fault! It’s not my fault! Jolen!” he shouted as Jolen turned and began to walk towards the door. “It’s not my fault! They may be my hands, but your mind is the one forcing me to kill my friends! It’s not my fault they’re dead! It’s not my fault your daughter’s dead! Jolen!” Jolen turned around just as the three doctors surrounded Trip to prepare for the surgery. “Jolen!” Finally Croft turned back towards the door and walked through, the door closing behind him just as Trip screamed out in anger. “Their blood is on your hands Jolen! Whether my body is doin’ it or not! Their blood is on your hands!

Finally the tears in Trip’s eyes fell down his face as he watched the doctors all around him. An ice-cold hypospray touched his neck and he sucked in a breath as pain shot through his body. More tears fell down his face and he shook his head, trying to resist. “No,” he whispered. It was too painful to speak. It was too painful to do anything. He could only lie there and watch as the men around him began their work towards replacing the implant. He searched through his mind for memories of T’Pol. He wanted so much to reach her in his mind, to tell her how sorry he was. He tried to search for her; he tried so hard to get her to listen to him. Then finally his eyes widened.


T’Pol sucked in a breath, sitting up on the bio bed as she heard Tucker’s cry. “Trip!” she cried.

Phlox ran over to her when he saw her awaken. “T’Pol! Are you all right? What’s wrong?”

T’Pol shook her head, struggling to suppress any pain she felt in her mind. “It’s Trip, he’s hurt. I can feel him! He’s hurt!”

Phlox frowned, shaking his head. “T’Pol, how do you know?”

T’Pol lay back against the bed. “I don’t know… I just do. There’s a connection. I can feel him. He’s calling out to me. He’s in pain. I can feel the pain in my mind.”

Phlox frowned before turning to the com. “Phlox to Captain Archer.”

“Yes Doctor?”

“I think you should come down to sickbay right away. There’s something going on; consider it a new development.”

“I’m kind of busy, Doctor… can it wait?”
“I do not think so, Captain. It has to do with Commander Tucker. I believe he may be in worse danger than we first thought.”

There was a small pause before Archer answered. “I’m on my way, Archer out.”

Phlox turned back around to see T’Pol breathing fast, unable to catch her breath. Her eyes closed just as tears fell from them. “Stop,” she whispered. “Stop hurting him.”

The Doctor breathed in deeply before grabbing his tricorder. He wasn’t sure how this could be possible, but he wasn’t about to wait around doing nothing. Somehow though, he had a feeling that whatever was happening to Commander Tucker, it wasn’t good.

Chapter 11

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A handful of people have made comments

Nooooo! I don't want Trip to suffer anymore, too much agony! Please let him be rescued soon!!!

I knbow its not in Trips nature to kill. But I so want Trip to beat the living shit out of Jolen right to the moment Jolen takes his last breath!!
Im also wondering how T'pol and Trip are gona deal with what happened even if with the fact that Trip wasnt responsible for his actions. Please update soon! I love this story!

Angst, angst and more angst! Poor Trip, poor T'Pol - what a horrible piece of dog's mess Jolen is. So twisted and spiteful in his thirst for vengeance it doesn't matter than it cannot be justified. Can't wait for the cavalry to get there and for Jolen to get his come-uppance. Ali D :~)

Not Lenny! I mean, Not Trip! Oh, wait, I said that last time. You are so mean, keeping us hanging like this. Please update soon, this is so great it's killing me! ... so great... yeah, that works. Great story!

Poor Trip! Despite what he syas, he'll still feel guilty. I am really enjoying this, please update soon.