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The Sacrifice - Ch 7

Author - Triplover
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The Sacrifice

By Triplover

Chapter Seven


Charles Tucker had a lot to think about. There was no way out this time. He was going to die and there was nothing he could do. He let out a long sigh before holding the PADD in hand once again, one of the guards who’d been much kinder than the others had given it to him. Trip had made a request for it after T’Pol had left but was just now ready to use it since it was obvious that he wasn’t getting out of this. He’d tried to say what he wanted to say before while he was with T’Pol but he knew there was more to be said. He was going to die so he’d have to use the PADD in order to say what he knew to be important. When Trip and Malcolm were stuck in Shuttlepod One so long ago it was Malcolm making all the letters for his loved ones. Trip had always said what he felt with his friends and family unlike Malcolm and he wasn’t worried about letters for his family telling them how much he cared. They knew that. He didn’t have to say anything to anyone because everyone always knew how he felt. But now there was one person who didn’t know and he had a letter to write.

"Dear T’Pol," Trip began as he looked down at the PADD. It would record ever into written for so he didn’t have to write it all out.

"I know things between us have always been pretty shaky. We would fight a lot and I know I got on your nerves. I just wanted to say though…that bein’ with you…gettin’ to know you these past years has been the best thing to ever happen to me. You're an amazin’ woman and I am honored to have known you. I hope you feel the same way but if you don’t…I understand. I know I get a little emotional at times. And I’m sure it’s hard to work with me when I’m in a bad mood. But I just wanted you to know just how important your friendship was to me.

"You helped me through a hard time. When I found out my sister was dead you were the only one that really made me feel…better. You really have to know how much you helped me through things. If it wasn’t for you…I don’t think I would have gotten through it. And because of that…I’ll always love you. Yeah…I know. I said it, though. I love you. I didn’t realize it before, but now I know it’s true; and as much as I hated to admit it…it’s time I say it. I love you because you're smart and you're funny, even though you don’t try to be. I love the way you wrinkle your nose when you smell somethin’ bad. And I love how stubborn you are. I love how beautiful you look and how sexy your walk is to me. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman is in you and I just wanted you to know that.

"I’ve been keepin’ this in for too long. I’ve loved you for a long time now. Even when I first met you, I felt somethin’ in my gut. I didn’t know what it was at the time but now I think I know what it is. I’ve never felt this way before. Not like this. I just wish I could have said this earlier. But I lack the courage to tell you this in person because I fear rejection. I don’t think I could stand it if you rejected me. But I guess it doesn’t matter now since I’m dead anyway right? I just had to tell you this. I hope you don’t hate me for it. Thank you…for everything. Goodbye.”

Trip sighed as he ended the message. He’d said it. He’d said all he needed to say. At least now he could die and know she knew how he felt. That was all that mattered now. She would know.


T’Pol could do nothing but sit there at lunch near the window alone. Normally around this time, Commander Tucker would walk over and sit with her. But not this time because this time he was on that planet to die and there was nothing they could do. People sat all around her in near silence. Most of the time they’d be talking so loudly to each other but this time they all seemed to just sit there playing with their food. T’Pol did not blame them. She did not know how hard it would be to accept his coming death.

The pain in her heart was growing. She could not understand why she felt this pain behind her eyes and in her chest at the thought of loosing the Commander forever. She now realized that she couldn’t even think of what it would be like with out the Commander. It was as if the thought was impossible. Yet T’Pol knew that it was not. Her thoughts were becoming more and more illogical whenever they settled on Mr. Tucker… on Charles. T'Pol tried to ignore it but she knew she derived pleasure when he was in her company. It was becoming quite clear that she had feelings for him. Feelings that were now damaging her because of the loss she would soon suffer. This was why Vulcans suppressed emotions. To avoid such pain… pain she now felt. Part of her was angered at the Captain for letting Charles down by losing to the Roelorians. She knew it was illogical to feel this way, to feel emotion but she could not suppress it. They should have fought. Yet that too was illogical. After all, it was logical for him to give up when the odds were that they would not win. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. But then again, could Enterprise really save Earth without him? He was an extraordinary engineer. They needed Charles.

T’Pol looked around at the crew. Looking at the faces of people in pain. And yet they would move on. Perhaps they do not need him…perhaps it is I that need him. She’d meditated for what seemed like forever and in that time had not been able to rid of the images of Commander Charles Tucker. She had not expected Commander Tucker’s show of affection. He’d kissed her right there on the bridge and T’Pol had done nothing. Because she had wanted it and she didn’t care that others had seen. They already thought there was something else going on. The rumors going around about her and Charles had grown since the kiss. Although now they were accompanied by remarks on how this would affect her. T’Pol was disturbed by the fact that they were not entirely wrong. She would be affected, greatly affected… only this time meditation was not getting her anywhere.


The guards walked into his cell with smiles on their faces. Trip Tucker stood as he watched them. “It is time to prepare for your execution, Commander Tucker. You must come with us.”

Trip swallowed hard, knowing that his life was soon coming to an end. He walked up to the main guard and handed him the PADD. “This is for my Cap’n. Can you give this to him?”

The guard nodded. “Of course, Commander. I will send it to him as soon as possible.”

Trip hoped that the man was telling the truth. He wanted T’Pol to know how he felt. This was important. One of the guards, Guard Kalore was nice enough. He never hit him and he never showed any joy in what he was about to do. He was an older man and second in command. Kalore looked Trip straight in the eye.

“Don’t worry Trip… I’ll make sure they send the information,” Kalore whispered.

Trip nodded with a smile at the use of his nickname. This man was different from the rest. He’d been the one to explain to him what would happen next and he had stopped the other guards from hitting him more until the drug would wear off. He was a good man. Trip had nothing against him. Kalore walked him down the corridors until they reached another room. Trip breathed in deep as they stopped. “They're going to be hitting you soon. You should prepare for the pain. They always do this before execution.”

“Haven’t those sickos had enough of hittin’ me?!”

Kalore smiled grimly. “They never get enough of hearing men cry. That is why I choose not to do this. I did it when I was younger, and afterward I would throw up my food. I am sorry Trip. If I could get you out of this, I would. But Judge Corrow signed the statement for your pre-execution torture. There is nothing I can do,” Kalore told him. He then did as the other guards had done earlier by cuffing him with the chains and hooking the chains on the crane hanging from the ceiling.

Trip watched him leave while noticing the hesitation. How could such a nice guy help others do a thing like this? Kalore turned back around one last time. “Do not worry Trip. Everything will be made right soon. Just wait for it. You will be safe.”

“I’m about to die, Kalore. I don’t think that’d be possible for me now,” Trip pointed out.

Kalore again smiled. “Believe me…your death is a protection Trip,” was the last thing he said before leaving the room. Trip had no idea what the man was talking about but he nodded anyway and kept that last sentence in his mind. Trip couldn’t help wondering…a protection from what?


Jonathan Archer had managed to get permission to at least see the execution although Trip hadn’t liked that idea at all. Still…Archer wanted to be there and nothing was going to stop him from being there for Trip. Trip was his friend and he would make sure he didn’t die alone. He stopped at T’Pol’s quarters and exhaled after chiming in. The door opened immediately to show T’Pol with one eyebrow raised.

“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Archer explained. T’Pol moved aside to let him in. He walked in slowly while looking around at her quarters. He’d seen it before but it seemed different somehow. In the middle of the room on the floor were meditation candles. He frowned. “I’m sorry to bother you while you're meditating but this is kind of important.”

“Of course Captain,” came T’Pol’s voice as Archer sat down on her bed while she took the chair. He looked at her for a minute before he could say a word.

“The Roelorians are going to let me go down to the planet for Trip’s execution. I was wondering if perhaps you’d want to come.”

“I do not wish to see his execution,” was her answer.

“T’Pol, this will be the last time you can talk to him. After that, there are no other chances. He’ll be dead. I have a feeling there’s a lot that needs to be said between you two.”

“I do not think I could do this, Captain. I cannot…see him suffer again.”

Archer could see the conflict in her eyes. The need to see him verses the need to get away from having to watch the person she cared for most die slowly.

“I know. It’s going to be hard for me, too. But I won’t let him die alone. I want to be there for him. I won’t force you to go…it’s your decision. I just wanted to tell you this. I’ll be leaving within the hour. Come to the launch bay if you change your mind.” He stood while watching her carefully. She did not look up. With a sigh he walked to the door and was gone.


T’Pol looked back at her computer screen. She read the letter he’d sent her for what seemed to be the seven hundredth time. Rereading over and over the parts where he told her he loved her. The transmission had just come not but a few minutes ago from the planet by a guard named Kalore. But she had not expected what she found. Finally, T'Pol finished with the one word that had hurt her most. Goodbye. It was then that she realized she had to go with the Captain down to that planet. She had to see him again because she had to let him know that she felt the same for him. She had to tell him that she loved him. She had to tell him goodbye even if it meant watching him die.


The crowd was huge. People gathered from all over to see Charles Tucker die. T’Pol watched him walk out in front of the people noticing how much pain he was in. New wounds were present on his back and she knew right away they had hit him once again. The guard behind him tried to avoid touching his back, which was shown to the world since Tucker only wore long black pants. He stood in the middle of the crowd and T’Pol could see a calm in him that she had not expected to see.

His eyes focused on her and the Captain, who was at her side. Their eyes locked and for a brief moment and she felt stronger because of it. A guard had just finished putting something on him for the execution and took his place behind him while the other guard that had escorted him there went off to the side. Soon the crowd went silent as everyone focused their attention from Tucker to Judge Corrow.

"Charles Tucker the third...what will be your last worlds to the world?" he asked in a loud voice. T’Pol watched Tucker look at him. The judge stood next to them waiting for his answer.

"My words are unworthy for the world...only the two I hold in my heart." came Tucker’s answer.

Two men walked up to Archer and T'Pol and escorted them up to Tucker. He looked at both the captain and T’Pol as they finally walked up to him then smiled grimly. "Hi guys." He greeted rather casually considering what was about to occur. It was Tucker and Archer who talked first while T’Pol waited silently for her turn with him. It was then that she chose to calm herself. She imagined the flame before her and tried hard to hold back the emotions that were cutting through her Vulcan mask. She had to stay calm. She would just tell him how she felt. That was what she came there to do. Finally Archer took a step back and Tucker looked straight at her.

Her eyes focused on him, trying to ignore the distress in her heart. She was hurting on the inside just by looking at him. T'Pol had never felt so helpless. She didn’t really know what to say at this point. All the words left them both as they looked at each other. He seemed to understand her silence. What could she possibly say to him? How could she tell him goodbye? The thought of never seeing him again weighed heavily in her mind. It was then that she realized that he already knew how she felt. She had already given him her answer without even realizing it. Just by being there for him she had shown him just how important he was to her.

Trip kept a smile on his face for her as he slowly moved towards her and let his right hand fall to her face and gently caress her skin. His touch was clammy but oddly comforting. She imprinted his touch to her memory. Her left hand covered over his as she held his gaze. Neither was saying a word yet both speaking to each other. He knew what she was feeling. As she knew what he was feeling. Somehow, with all that had happened, she’d found love. Her love was for him and no one else. Because of that love, she was given something in return: him. But the gift would not last now. He’d be dead, and she’d be alone without him. Finally T’Pol’s mouth opened.

“It will not be the same without you,” she assured him. Trip moved his thumb across her cheek and drew even closer to her.

“I know T’Pol…I know,” he whispered to her. Finally their lips touched. She cherished his lips, wanting to go deeper, but he pulled away from her and looked at her once more. Her control seemed to escape her for a second but she quickly gained it back.

Trip moved his right hand away and took something out of his pocket. The gold necklace with the ring on it swayed as he took her hand, and put the necklace in her palm, closing it so that her fingers held it tightly. “I want you to have this. It was my mother's. She gave it to me when I found out I’d be Chief Engineer on Enterprise. She wanted me to keep it to remind me of Earth. I think she’d want me to give this to you, to remind you of me,” he explained. She looked down at her hand, opening it to show the beautiful ring and gold chain. It seemed to glow in her hand with the help of the sun’s rays, twinkling like another star in space. It was…beautiful. T'Pol closed her hand tightly again and looked up at him.

“I do not know what I will do without your presence,” she told him. Trip looked at her hand, then into her eyes.

“Don’t worry T’Pol…I won’t ever leave you. I’ll always be with you. Maybe not physically but I’ll always be with you, in your heart,” he assured her, letting his hand fall to her chest, in indication to the beating pump inside her. She moved her other hand to hold it there.

“Then I shall be there too.” And she meant that. She meant that more than anything else in the universe.

They said nothing else only looking at each other for a while longer before he took his hand away and gave her one last hug and then took a step back. “Good bye T’Pol,” he then told her a second time. But she could say nothing back as the guards escorted her and the captain back to the bench. She could not tell him goodbye. He took in a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. "I am now ready Judge Corrow. I have said what was needed to be said." She watched him shout to the judge.

The judge nodded. “Then it is done. Let the gods look upon you with mercy, Commander Tucker, for where you are going only they will be able to help you,” he said and then after a brief moment of silence he nodded at the guard behind Tucker. After a brief pause the guard behind him pushed the button down, and Trip screamed out in pain. He fell to the floor as tears streamed down his face. T’Pol turned away. The captain moved an arm around her for support but it didn’t help. Nothing could. The crowds cheered and the cries of Tucker stopped. She looked back at him and saw him on the ground limp. He was gone. The guard behind him took his hand off the button and checked his pulse. He then looked at Judge Corrow.

“The prisoner is dead, Judge Corrow. May he rest in peace.” With that even T’Pol could not help the tear that escaped her right eye. She looked down to hide it and wiped it away. He was gone. And now she would never be the same. T’Pol’s head fell to her chest as her eyes closed. She held the necklace tighter in her hand, holding it against her heart. Trying desperately to hold on to something…trying desperately to hold on to him. T’Pol never felt so empty.

“Goodbye Charles,” she whispered to him. “Goodbye.”


Standing and watching was the undertaker, a mysterious man wearing a cloak to hide his face. He watched in silence as the people called out for his death and closed his eyes when the man collapsed to the floor crying out in pain. It did not take long for the young man to go limp and die. He looked at the guard beside him, Kalore. He too was unable to look as his eyes looked down at the floor. “Do not weep Kalore… you did the right thing.”

“He suffered.”

“There was no escaping that,” the undertaker assured him. Finally the crowds began to leave and the undertaker along with Kalore waited patiently. Two lingered, both looking at the dead man lying on the floor, a male and female that seemed to be of a different race. One he felt he’d seen before… but he could not be sure. It wasn’t until the guards came over that they looked up. “You must go now. The undertaker has to collect the body,” said the guard that had walked up to them.

“When do we get his body for the funeral?” the male asked.

“Judge Corrow will contact you with the details.”

The female looked back at the dead young man for a quick second before they were escorted away. It was then that the undertaker crept forward as he watched the guards leave him to his work. He held on his face a kind smile as he looked down at the man before him. He took the man, Charles Tucker, and moved him in his arms for a second, whispering in his ear. “Do not fear, my friend. This is not over yet. This is far from over. This was not meant to happen, but I will make things right again. I promise you, I will make everything right.” And with that he took the man with Kalore’s help and put him on the antigrav bed, taking Charles Tucker the Third away.

A/N: I hope you guys didn’t honestly think I’d be so predictable! I mean it was you guys who said that you believed he’d be saved in the nick of time! Obviously I had to stir things up a bit just to keep you guys guessing. But be assured there’s a lot more to come! And I’d like to finish this story with my readers still with me! :)

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A whole mess of folks have made comments

Ouchie! Poor Trip!

you're killing me with suspense!! but its a great story and i'll be waiting for more

Awesome angst! You go into great detail describing Trip and T'Pol's feelings. It really heightens the emotion and suuspence of the story. I also really liked Trip's letter to T'Pol. It is something that I could really see him doing. Great stuff. I imagine that Trip is not really dead.....I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Keep up the great work.

Great angst and good suspense. But as an aside -- poor Travis! Couldn't you have given him a line instead of leaving him speechless as usual? ;-)

There's hope! Thank goodness! Oh, the angst! Poor T'Pol. No matter the cause, Trip's calm was quite disturbing, doesn't matter that we know why. I wonder, what was the rest of the crew feeling when he left, and now that he's dead? Especially Hohsi and Malcolm?

Can't wait for the next chapter. Please please PLEASE don't leave us in suspense for long!

Oh, all this angst is too much for me.!! Poor, poor Trip. I still wanted to see him remain optimistic until the end and have the realization hit him only moments from the end that he really was going to die. Who is this mysterious man in the black robe and what does he mean when he says it's not over yet. How will the rest of the crew react. OOH the suspense is killing me. I'm clingling to the hope that Trip is not really dead. Hope you can update soon. Many thanks.

Great story so far.

I haven't read it all yet. I'm assuming the gaurd behind him is the nice one. So I don't think he's dead. But I'm crying, cuz ya never know. I really should stop reading these things and listening to depressing music at the same time. lol. But, ok, back to finish it.

Ok, I've read it all. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! How could you?! This stuff is so depressing. But it's really good. I can't believe he's dead. I won't believe it.

Wow, great story. I held my breath through these two chapters, wonderfully written. Can't wait to see how you will end this story and bring Trip back...I suspect he wasn't really dead??? Don't keep us in suspense, I'm dying (sorry about the pun) with anticipation!

Angst with a capital "A"! :-) Great stuff! Keep those chapters coming! Thank you!

Oh my gods!!!!!! I can't believe you killed Trip!!! Talk about Angst.. But what's worse is it's so good I can't stop reading it!