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The Sacrifice-Ch 10

Author - Triplover
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The Sacrifice

By Triplover

Chapter Ten

The Search for Trip

The shuttlepod descended gently to the ground thanks to the delicate workings of the captain. T’Pol sat back waiting while the captain jumped up from his seat after powering down the shuttle. Hayes gave Archer his weapon. Then T’Pol stood and was handed a phase pistol as well. With them was another MACO, a Mr. Rodney Wayne. They all exited the pod with tricorders in hand.

“This way,” the captain directed, pointing starboard. They all followed in through the deep woods being careful with their footing with all the mud and rocks everywhere. T’Pol looked down at her scans. Her mind was working hard trying to focus as hope made itself known. If there was a chance that Charles was alive she was going to do whatever possible to find him.

That message could have been from anyone. For all they knew it really could have been a trap but she knew just as the captain did that they had to take that risk. They needed Commander Tucker. They needed their chief engineer just as she needed Charles. T’Pol shook that thought from her head and tried once again to focus on the task at hand. Finding Commander Tucker would be difficult and with all the interference they were getting it would be nearly impossible. The scanners were practically useless. But she watched them anyway. At least then she could keep the thoughts of Charles away from her mind.

It was best to keep focus when they had no idea what could happen while on the planet. The part of the planet they had landed on wasn’t occupied by any life other than lower life forms. Most lived on the other continent instead. She wasn’t exactly sure why but she figured perhaps it had something to do with the interference. The region was filled with swamps, forests and mountains. Not exactly the easiest place to have cities but it wasn’t the hardest either. T’Pol wondered if perhaps there was another reason that no one entered this region of the planet but quickly dismissed the thought. She should be focusing on finding the Commander, not trying to solve a mystery. But why did she get the feeling both had something to do with the other?

“T’Pol!” Her head snapped up in attention at her captain’s call. She walked over to his side. “Look at this.” He showed her his scans. T’Pol’s eyebrows raised.

“Life signs,” she muttered.

“Xindi life signs,” Archer corrected. T’Pol looked up at him and their eyes met. The Xindi. Perhaps it had been a trap.


Trip Tucker had been trying to find something to take his mind off things but his mind was too stubborn it seemed. All it could seem to think about was the Xindi, Enterprise and T’Pol. Everything that Vassion had told him had scared the hell out of Trip. To think that the Xindi were using a race in order to get rid of Enterprise without lifting a finger was driving Trip crazy. Those jerks didn’t even have the courage to face one single ship. How pathetic! He felt his anger rise once again as it always did when he thought of the Xindi. He would have to calm himself down. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out slowly.

It was then that he heard a knock at his door. He turned his head to look at the door while keeping himself seated on his bed cross-legged. “Come on in.”

The door opened and Trip smiled as he saw the man. “Hello Mr. Tucker,” greeted Kalore.

“Hey Kalore. What the hell are you doin’ here?!” he asked. Kalore took a chair and seated himself across from Trip.

“Did you not remember my promise? Your death was a protection for you. I kept you protected until Vassion could arrive as the undertaker,” Kalore explained.

Trip grinned. “Then I guess I owe you a thank you, Kalore. You saved ma life.”

Kalore gave Trip a dismissive wave and shook his head. “No thanks needed. Our people have done an awful thing by helping the Xindi. It was my duty to correct that mistake. Seven million of your people were lost just so we wouldn’t be pestered by the reptilians.”

Trip’s grin faded as he thought of the first weapon that had already attacked earth. The thought soon moved to Lizzie and Trip felt his good mood disappear instantly. “Think nothin’ of it. Wasn’t your fault,” he assured Kalore with a shake of his head.

Kalore frowned. “Are you alright Commander?”

Trip again put on smile, although a fake one. “I’m fine. I uh… lost my sister in that attack. The memories just came back for a sec. I’m fine.”

Kalore’s expression too changed, from a smile to worry. “I am so sorry! I had no idea. I did not mean to… I too have lost family. It is a horrible thing to deal with. If there is anything I can do…” his voice trailed off as he saw Trip’s fake smile fade as well.

“You lost family too?” Trip asked suddenly curious.

Kalore nodded. “I lost my wife and daughter very long ago. Many did. The reptilian and insectoid are both cruel races. At the time my wife and daughter were in the house when the Xindi arrived and… burned the house down. By the time the fire was out there was nothing left. The Xindi have been pestering my people for years. It’s why Corrow made the deal in the first place… in order to stop them from taking what is not there’s and bullying us like little children. But making a deal with the Xindi… I will not let them do to others as was done to my family and me. This little alliance is a mistake that will be costly for both the human race and my people unless we stop it.”

Trip moved his elbows to rest on his knees. “What were your wife and daughter’s names?”

“Rihla was my wife and Kavara was my daughter’s name. Kavara was named after my grandmother,” Kalore told Trip.

Trip smiled. “I was named after my father… and his father before me. I’m the third Charles Tucker in the family. Triple… that’s why I’m called Trip.”

Kalore smiled back. “Do many humans use the names of other family for their children?”

“Some… but not a lot I would say,” Trip answered. “I can’t really say for sure though.”

“Kavara was only eight when she died. She had barely lived. Tell me Trip… do you have children?” Kalore asked.

“Naw. I want some in the future… maybe a girl and a boy. Have a little Charles Tucker the forth perhaps. But haven’t really found the right woman yet. Not exactly anyway.”

Kalore lifted an eyebrow. “Oh? So there is a mate back on Enterprise? Or a future mate perhaps?”

Trip chuckled. “I dunno. I mean… sure I have an interest but… well… I mean… who knows what the future would hold with her. She’s a Vulcan… I don’t even know if we could have children. We’re two different races. We might not be compatible,” he explained while being reminded of the day of his execution. The day he’d once again kissed her. Nothing had ever felt so right. He hoped he’d be able to kiss her like that again one day.

“I see… what is her name?”


“It is a beautiful name. She must be quite special.”

Trip nodded. “Yeah well she’d be the first one ta agree with ya,” he chuckled. “She always has been gifted when it comes to science… you’d think the woman loved it more than anything the way she holds such attention to her duties on Enterprise. I always did admire her for that. She’s an amazing woman.”

Kalore beamed. “I bet she is. Perhaps when you next see her you should tell her all this. I have a feeling you haven’t done that just yet.”

With that Trip took in a breath. “I still haven’t told her a lot of things. She didn’t even know how I felt about her until I found out I was bout to be executed. Didn’t think I’d ever get a chance with her. She suppresses emotion. Emotion is like her biggest enemy. Never really thought that she would ever let herself love. Figured it would be wrong somehow. I don’t want to change her… you know? I don’t want her to have to change.”

“Perhaps she won’t have to. If you can handle not seeing her smile, or laugh or cry then perhaps your relationship will work,” Kalore offered.

“Yeah but it’s not exactly that simple,” Trip stopped at that. “I shouldn’t be thinkin’ bout it anyway. We just kissed twice… no need to start worryin’ about that. There are too many other things we have to worry about. That can wait.”

Kalore frowned. “I would not recommend waiting for long Trip. As you should now have realized with your mission who knows what will happen. You don’t know what the future will bring. I have learned it best to get things done now, in the present instead of procrastinating. This mission, however important, cannot be the only thing you live for. To live for the love of your life makes many things bearable.” The advice Kalore gave Trip warmed his heart. He was right.

“I’ll keep that in mind next time I see her… if I ever see her that is.”

Kalore put his hand on Trip’s shoulder. “You will Trip, you will.”


“They’re getting closer Captain… we should go,” T’Pol informed her captain.

Archer shook his head. “What if they have Trip?” he asked her.

T’Pol lifted an eyebrow. “I do not detect any human life signs. Only Xindi. This could be a trap. We should leave.”

“Not yet! I won’t leave until I find Trip! We’re gonna fight… maybe we can get some information out of one of them,” Archer insisted.

“It is logical to assume that they will use their gland and commit suicide,” T’Pol reminded him but Archer wasn’t about to give up it seemed. He took out his weapon and had the others do the same. He then made eye contact with her.

“T’Pol… we have to try. If there’s any chance that Trip’s alive… we have to do this. For Trip.”

T’Pol stood straight and took out her weapon. The captain may have been acting illogical but she would not disobey an order and she certainly would not abandon them now, nor would see shy away from helping save Charles Tucker. If the captain was right and the Commander was alive… she wanted to see him with her own eyes. She wanted to touch him to see if he was real. She wanted to help in any way she could. “Of course, Captain.”


Ambassador Vassion threw the door open and burst into Trip’s quarters. Trip stood immediately. “Vassion? What’s wrong?” he asked. Kalore stood as well.

“Xindi… soldiers… heading towards… three human… life signs and… one Vulcan… life sign,” Vassion said while trying to gasp in air. Both stood straighter and glanced at one another.

“Where?” Trip asked sternly.

“Come… I will show you.” The two followed as Vassion turned and left out the door in a rush. Trip’s heart beat faster and faster as panic bombarded his senses. God he hoped T’Pol was all right.


A/N: You know… I went through like a thousand different scenarios to see which one worked and even now I’m not to sure this one works but after a while I guess you just have to sit back and let what you’ve done go. If it doesn’t work I suppose it’s not the end of the world although it certainly will bother the heck outta me! So hopefully you guys like this so far. As I get closer and closer to finishing this story, I get more and more tired of seeing things I’m not so sure work. I wonder why “Living Among the Thorns” was so much easier. Guess I’ll never know. Anyway I’m working on the next chapter as fast as I possibly can! As I’ve said before since “Living Among the Thorns” things have gotten way more complicated in so many ways. Just be happy I’m not banging my head against some wall… yet.

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Two folks have made comments

Great. I loved the idea of the Captain, T'Pol et al closing in on the Xindi to rescue Trip, and then Trip, Kalore and Vassion looking as if they will do the same from their position. A nice little pincer movement to turn the tables on the Xindi perhaps. Thank you for a good story, can't wait for the next part! Ali D :~)

I am still waiting for the big rescue. Great plot development and characterization along the way. Great stuff.