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To My Daughter

Author - Valleygirl | Genre - Endless Summer 2004 Hiatus Story | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG | T
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To My Daughter
(On the Occasion of Her Birth)

by: Valleygirl


Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Paramount owns these characters and all things Trek, I just wrote this for my own amusement and to ward off those summer hiatus blues...
Genre: Romance/Family
Summary: Just some sappy fluff that’s been roaming around in my head, modified and put to paper to fit the requirements of this challenge…
Spoilers: I tried to disregard the spoilers for the upcoming 4th season, but a few tiny ones may have sneaked in, they aren’t really that obvious and fit with the flow of this story...

A/N :Thank you goes to the issuers of this challenge who side-tracked me from my college textbooks...and a special thank you to whomever made me look up the meaning of the word sward...now on with the show...:o)


“Vulcans do not experience fear, or so they have convinced the rest of the universe. Well I do, I’m not too proud to admit it and never more powerfully than today, August 26, 2158. The most glorious day of my entire life (well one of three glorious days actually.) For today you were born T’Lissa Beth Tucker, my precious baby girl, light of my life. I fear I will never be able to express fully to you how much this day means to me, how many hopes and dreams I have for you, how very much I love you. I fear I may forget some part of this day as the years go by, so although I’ve never been much for keeping logs, I wanted to write down every thought and feeling. And while you may have heard the stories this record will contain, I hope that you will treasure this gift on your 18th birthday, and know how very much I treasure you.”

The away mission had been a complete waste of time; they could only hope the Captain’s team had been more successful in procuring the needed supplies. They still had another five hours before the shuttle rendezvoused with Enterprise and he was worried about T’Pol. When he had looked at her earlier, she seemed to be sweating and extremely tired, but as usual she had accused him of hovering. As he snuck another peek, she appeared to be resting comfortably, her hand gently lying on her swollen belly. Why he had ever let her come on this mission...he knew the answer to that...he was lucky she agreed to let him come along, although he suspected he had the Captain to thank for that.

“It took a long time for your momma to agree to explore a relationship with me. Vulcans and Humans, it just wasn’t heard of. There were preconceptions to be challenged on both sides. I believe some of it was fear, but there were a lot of personal issues standing in our way, too. But anything worth having is worth waiting and working hard for. Oh, how I wanted her, as my colleague, my best friend, my lover my wife, my bondmate, my t’hy’la. I respected her in every one of those capacities and by the time I realized I was head over heels in love with her, I knew it was for keeps. She was the only woman in the universe for me, the only woman I wanted to be the mother of my children. The day she agreed to become my wife, was one of the other 3 glorious days of my life.

He sighed and found himself dozing, halfway between asleep and awake. He suddenly felt a hand on his arm and was instantly jolted awake. He wasn’t sure if his new found consciousness was due to the vice grip his wife had on his wrist or the wave of pain that flooded its way through their bond. He looked at her in alarm.

“The baby?” was all Trip could stammer out as he took in the pallor in her twisted face.

She nodded in response gripping him tighter. A wave of fear washed over him and he swallowed hard not sure as to its source. After being prepared for 99 different scenarios of this moment, his child would have to pick the 100th.

Get a grip Tucker, prepared or not, this is it!

“Travis! Contact Enterprise, give them our coordinates and tell them we need them to set an intercept course. Medical Emergency!”

Travis turned around from the pilot’s chair in surprise his eyes growing wide at the scene before him. The usually stoic first officer clung to her husband as if he were her only lifeline, her face clearly expressing the pain she was in.

“Right way, Commander!...Uh, Sir? Enterprise says the engines are off-line.”

“What?!...Aw Hell!” At that moment Trip remembered his last minute orders to the Engineering team. Take the engines and transporters off-line and perform a level-one series maintenance diagnostic. It usually took between 4-5 hours, depending on the results. Since the ship was holding position for the away teams’ return, it seemed like a good time to do it, until now of course. Once started, the cycle couldn’t be interrupted, so Trip tended to put it off until the last possible minute.

“Hoshi?” Trip desperately addressed the final occupant of the shuttle, “I don’t suppose one of your many talents includes being a mid-wife?”

“Sorry, Sir” Hoshi replied a bit amused. “I’m good, but not that good. Why don’t I see if I can hail Phlox maybe he can talk you through it...”

Another wave of fear swept through me at that moment. We were alone in a shuttle your momma suddenly in labor without warning. Scared shitless is the closest expression I could come up with. But then I realized the fear I was feeling wasn’t only mine. In her weakened mental state, T’Pol was fighting her own trepidation. It was then that I realized that if she could feel everything I felt and vice versa, then the only way she was going to get through this was if I stepped up to the plate and projected an air of confidence and calm. Calm, a rare emotion for me, I know, but I turned back to her and got her (and me) started on the Vulcan breathing exercises we had both practiced. Maybe things would be all right. They had to be; after all we had been through to have you.

“It’s all right, Darlin’. We can do this.” Trip said in a slow smooth voice meant to reassure his wife and the 2 Ensigns on board, not to mention himself. Eyes locked on each other, the couple silently gave each other strength for the task at hand, T’Pol relaxing, imperceptibly to everyone but her husband. Trip breathed a deep sigh and closed his eyes as he mentally pushed away all doubts and fears and concentrated all his focus and energy on his love for T’Pol and the tiny being that was quickly making its way into the world.

“I have Doctor Phlox for you, Sir.”

“Put him though...Doc? I could use your help right about now. T’Pol’s in active labor.”

“Are you sure, Commander? Vulcans can have pre-labor contractions, just like humans.” Phlox responded patiently, knowing the Commander’s over protective state of mind the past few weeks.

“Well the contractions seem to mean business and they’re comin’ less than every 5 minutes...” He broke off following a strangled cry from T’Pol, which was quickly followed by several quick breaths and an annoyed glare directed at the unseen Doctor.

You know you were named after my sister, Elizabeth. A finer woman you’ll never meet. She died in the Xindi attack on Earth, her life cut short, all that potential wasted. .My parents were never the same after that. I could only visit them 2 or 3 days at a time, before it became to hard on any of us. They had moved to a small cabin in Alabama when Dad retired, so only Elizabeth remained at the old family house in Florida. I still had a room there where I stored the stuff I didn’t take on board ship with me, and I had always felt more comfortable spending my shore leave there. We had about 15 acres. Her favorite thing to do was take a walk at sunrise in the field out back. The grass all wet with dew, the katydids jumping around. Never take the people you love for granted T’Lissa, you can’t go around expecting the worst to happen, but you just never know.

Since I couldn’t bear going back to Florida, I spent most of that 1st leave after the mission in the Expanse on Vulcan at your mother’s invitation. We weren’t officially a couple then (I’m not sure we knew what we were), but she had been instrumental in helping me move past Elizabeth’s death. I had to, the nightmares were keeping me awake at night and Enterprise needed a fully rested (not to mention sane) Chief Engineer. We stopped off at Mars before taking the shuttle on to Vulcan. It was there that your mother opened up her heart to me for the first time. What she had to say was difficult to hear, and even made me angry, but in the end I saw that now she needed my help. It was the first hurdle of many in our romantic relationship, but had we not crossed it, you would not be here. Adversity breeds strength, T’Lissa, you have to meet life’s challenges head on.

“Uh, Doc?” Trip said a few minutes later, noting the puddle pooling at his wife’s feet “doesn’t a Vulcan’s water break toward the end of labor?”

“Yes...” Phlox said cautiously.

“Then we’re further along than we thought!” Trip moved anxiously back to the mother-to-be’s side eyeing her suspiciously.

“Just how long have you been feelin’ these contractions anyhow?” he asked, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

“I’ve had a severe back ache since this morning.” she quietly admitted.

“This morning!! You mean before we left??!!”

“Commander!” Phlox’s voice filtered over the intercom. “You must listen to me, because T’Pol has gone into labor 3 weeks early, there may be a serious complication!”

I don’t know if we’ll ever get around to telling you, you weren’t our first baby. We miscarried a son after we had been married about six months. The hurt cut like a knife and almost tore us apart. But in the end there was still the two of us needing to be together, the only option was to pick up the pieces and move on. Phlox went right to work on studying Human and Vulcan genomes, so that when we were ready to try again, he would be too. It was much safer with you, but there still were no guarantees. Don’t get me wrong, I cried with joy the day we found out we were going to have you. Almost as much as I did the day I married your mother (the third glorious day of my life). Like then, I had to believe that together we could get through anything..

Trip’s eyes moved from glaring at his wife to looking helplessly at Hoshi. “Complication?” he mouthed silently to her. She moved from the Communications panel to the back and dampened a towel to help wipe off the sweat pouring off of T’Pol.

“All right, Doc, lay it on me.” Trip said taking a deep breath.

“The baby hadn’t turned as of her examination yesterday; you may be looking at a breech.”


“You’ll have to try to determine the baby’s position and then turn it if necessary. Otherwise mother and child might not survive the delivery.”

Trip couldn’t believe his ears. “You want me to do what?! I’m an engineer, not a physician!”

“Please Commander, it sounds like you don’t have much time.” Phlox implored.

“How far away from Enterprise are we, Travis?” Trip asked clinging to a last bit of hope.

“At least 90 minutes, Sir. An hour if the diagnostics finish on time and they can meet up with us.”

With Hoshi keeping T’Pol distracted, by talking to her softly in Vulcan, Trip attempted to follow the Doctor’s complicated instructions. He now knew why he had never opted for a career in medicine, not that it had really been a choice. Still, with the two lives he cared about most in the balance, there wasn’t much else he could do. Fortunately in the med kit Travis had dug up there was a pair of rubber gloves.

I remember the day, I asked your momma to marry me. I think on some level we were bonded already and I just couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without her. I arranged for some time off on an uninhabited M-class planet we were surveying. We took a picnic of pasta salad, fresh fruit and iced tea to a nearby lake. I’d never been so nervous in my life, but she agreed, on one condition. That I allow her to teach me to meditate. If we were going to be bondmates she said, I have to learn to control some of my wilder and crazier ideas from popping into my head at the most inopportune moments. I agreed since she had already loosened some of her emotional control with me when we were alone. It wasn’t easy. From the time she lit those first meditation candles I peppered her with questions, long sighs (are we done yet?) and lack of focus (is something supposed to be happening here?). But after years of practice, I started to get it and as much as I hate to admit it, I am a more rational human being. Compromise, that is what has made our relationship work and stand the test of time.

With the baby in proper position, T’Pol was fighting the urge to push. Trip starting to sweat a bit himself, was trying to encourage her both verbally and through their bond.

“It’s okay, honey. Go ahead and let it out. We won’t tell anyone.” Trip was grinning at poor Hoshi who felt like the bones in her hand were being crushed to dust.

Travis was concentrating on piloting the shuttle, eyes directly ahead of him, trying to put the scene behind him out of his mind.

“Commander! Enterprise has engaged engines, they’re on their way.” Travis sighed in relief. Then he heard it. A cry like a banshee wailing, as T’Pol bore down hard. Hoshi’s sensitive ears winced as Trip saw a tiny head begin to emerge.

“I don’t think this kid’s gonna wait!” he yelled. T’Pol locked eyes with her husband as he reminded her to breathe properly. Another contraction overwhelmed them, as Travis was docking the shuttle in the bay.

As the Doctor hurried through the opening door, Trip was bringing T’Lissa Beth Tucker into the world and laughing like an idiot.

Growing up in the humidity of Florida, the desert was never my idea of a good time. Trust me to fall in love with a woman from a planet covered in one. But even on that first visit to Vulcan, it occurred to me that someday I might have a reason to live there and I’d better make the best of it. She took me sightseeing and told me about the sward near Mount Seleya were she had taken field trips back when she was in school. Of course she had to define the word sward for me (land covered with grassy turf, a lawn or meadow) and when I asked her why she didn’t just use the word meadow, she explained the difference to me, in great detail. That’s your momma, T’Lissa, precise and logical. But emotions have their place too. As our daughter it’s up to you to find a balance, the right balance for you. Just as your momma and I have done in our relationship. It won’t be easy, believe me, but I think you can take away the best of both sides of your heritage. And that will make you one special woman. Just like your namesake, just like your momma, and I’ll count myself lucky to have known you and loved you.


Phlox turned and gazed with surprise at the sight before him. The Commander had slipped onto the bio-bed beside T’Pol and was now cradling his wife in his arms. She in turn cradled their newborn daughter. All three were blissfully asleep.

“Ah, well” the doctor sighed to himself, “Might as well let them sleep while they can.” He went and quietly lifted the sides of the bed around the exhausted family and put an extra pillow beside T’Pol. He then carefully placed a Starfleet issue blanket on top of them.

“Thanks, Doc...” he heard Trip mumble.

Phlox turned quickly as he heard the sound of footsteps running into Sickbay. He quickly put his finger to his mouth to silence the Captain, whose shuttle had just docked. Having heard the news of baby T’Lissa’s arrival, Archer couldn’t help but race to Sickbay, professionalism be damned. The Doctor quietly motioned him toward the bed in the far corner. As he peeked around the curtain a huge grin erupted on his face, rivaled only by the one still plastered on the face of his Chief Engineer.

Archer saw the pink blanket. “A girl?” he asked softly.

Phlox nodded. “Everything they could’ve hoped for. Blonde hair, blue eyes and little pointed ears!”

Archer stifled a chuckle as he reluctantly stepped away from the trio. “And everyone’s okay?”

“Oh it was a little rough there for a while, but no one’s the worse for wear. As prepared as the Commander was for Vulcan labor, I don’t think he ever thought he’d have to deliver the baby himself!”

“What?! You didn’t get to them in time?” The Captain was astonished, thinking next time maybe he should listen to the whole story before running off like a wild man. Then again, Malcolm wasn’t always the most forthcoming when it came to embarrassing details.

Phlox shrugged. “The transporter and the engines were off-line for the diagnostics, and apparently once she decided to come, she did so in lightening quick order. She was being born as we opened the shuttle doors.”

“Huh...Sounds like she inherited her patience from Trip. Let me know when they’re up for visitors, I want to be first in line.”

“Of course, Captain. Welcome back.”

The End

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Good girl! You got 'em all in.

Good girl! You got 'em all in.

Awwwww! That was beautiful!!!! I was getting giddy!! This is the type of thing I want to see on Enterprise!!!!!

*I’m an engineer, not a physician!*

That was great!!!!

I can't believe you got them all in -- even sward! And made it work! Good stuff, Valleygirl!

Teehee! Damn, this was fast! LOL.

Great one!

What a great story to wake up to! :) Very nice!

Lovely, beautiful, heart warming, great story. :)

What a sweet story! Loved it!

I loved it!!

Beautiful! Great job!! :-)

Aww.. That was adorable. Loved Trip's letter to T'Lissa. Beautiful story.

Just wonderful ! Please write another one.

All of the above! Wonderful story, felt the emotions beautifully. Well done!


Excellent! Much kudos for fitting all the key words in so perfectly. I am very impressed plus I loved the story. Thank you so much, Ali D :~)

AWWWWW!!!! Love the Bones moment "Dammit, Phlox, I'm an engineer, not a physician!" and is was sweet beyond words! Loved it loved it loved it!

Very, very nice! And I loved the Bones moment as well! :-)

Wow - didn't remember that as a "Bones" line - I was going for the flipped line of Phlox in Doctor's Orders...Thanks for the comments everyone...

Great job! Really liked it!


This story is beautiful.

What a great story to start with as I catch up on my T/T fic! :) I loved it. Very touching, and just the right amount of sweetness to keep it lighthearted.