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Attraction-Part 12

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An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T'Pol awake to find everyone acting very strangely indeed. Including themselves."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 12


* * * * *

Lying in the circles of arms that loved him. Being held so tenderly. He drifted off on a sigh of such deep content the smile swallowed him whole. T'Pol looked at him, a faint crease of worry on her brow. Her smiling eyes grown serious with a greater burden of care. She loved him so much. The entity appeared slowly before her so as not to startle the woman nor wake the sleeping man.

*What do you want?*

*You will go back?*

T'Pol nodded.

*It will change everything.*


*You know why.*

The Vulcan tried not to sigh. A habit she had picked up from the Humans. *Because this is a dream? Is that what you are saying?*

The entity shook its' head. Although it had no expression it somehow carried a veil of sadness. *No. Just another kind of reality.*

*What kind?*



*There is so much for you to understand. So arbitrary the steps between gain and loss. A turn in the road here, a word softly spoken there, a need addressed, still others ignored.*

T'Pol shook her head, frowning. *You speak to me in riddles. You say this is your kind of reality yet you tell the Human it is his.*

*In a way both are true.*

*I neither like nor trust you. I will be manipulated no longer.*

*I know.*

The infinite sorrow that accompanied its' words stilled the bitter bile rising to T'Pol's mouth. Her tongue stilled. Her mind questing. Eyes searching the form before her even though she knew it was a thought form. Something created to indicate its' presence. *That is why you are sad.* She said at last.

*For him. Even for you.*


It nodded. *Perhaps you most of all.*

*You don't even like me.*

*That is not true. Your hostility blinds you just as his love blinds him.*

An arrow pierced her heart. *What do you mean?*

*He thinks if he loves enough all will be well. Everything will turn out right. Such belief, such passion.*

*He is Human.*

The entity considered her for a while. *What of you, Vulcan?* It asked softly. *What is your belief, your passion?*

The Sub-Commander said nothing. Nothing at all. She held the answers in her arms and it was too precious to voice. Too dear for her to share. *Why did you come? Why bring us here?*

For a while it seemed the entity was not going to answer her. At last the response came, a fading line of thought drifting through her mind as the entity slowly vanished. *Ask him when you remember*

* * * * *

Darkness. Whole and unraveled by light. He lay for a moment staring straight up at the ceiling, trying to hang on to his thoughts and remember the incredible dream. A song had touched and brought him back to his senses. The strains becoming fainter but so hauntingly familiar they tugged at his heartstrings and stirred memories that lived and breathed in the past. Memories he would always carry with him into the future. He blinked slowly, struggling to grasp something so illusive it slipped through his fingers like fine grains of sand. It seemed to be getting lighter. Either that or his eyes were adjusting to the darkness of his room. His room. Why did that feel both comfortingly familiar and heart achingly sad? He turned his head slowly and froze in shock. Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was sitting in a chair next to his bed. He had taken the chair from the Commander's desk and drawn it close. He was still in his Starfleet uniform but was disheveled and rumpled as if he had been sitting there for some time. Unshaven and fast asleep the sight of him brought a soft smile of amusement and affection to the Commander's lips. The smile became a light chuckle, not wanting to disturb his friend. The lines of weariness all too obvious on his friend's sleeping face.

It was as his eyes began to take in the rest of the details that they widened and settled on the object loosely held in one of the Lieutenant's hands. Lying like a dull gleam in the Armoury Officer's lap. It was his harmonica. The one his brother Danny had bought for him so many years ago. What was Malcolm doing with it? Come to that what was Malcolm doing in his quarters watching him while he slept? Had he been ill? He turned his head and looked around. Why did his quarters look like a tornado had hit it? He sat up. Confused and a little disorientated. Had he done this? Was that why the Tactical Armoury Officer was watching over him? To make sure he didn't lose control, smash the place up? Hurt himself? A slow groan brought his attention back to the man slumped in the chair. Trip slid his legs out of the bed and sat facing his friend, a tentative hand reaching out to touch his shoulder. Needing to speak to him, to find out what had happened. What he was doing there.

Malcolm Reed came to slowly. A nagging guilt told him off for falling asleep. He fumbled with something in his hands but could not remember what he had been holding. Why wasn't he allowed to sleep? It penetrated his sluggish consciousness that he was being gently shaken. Shaken? Not stirred? A bleary eye opened. He froze. Sure his imagination had run away with him and taken all his higher brain functions with it. Bloody hell. It looked like Trip but it couldn't be. They'd lost him. Hadn't they? Excitement drove the last vestiges of sleep from his eyes. He stared. A huge grin of delight spread across his face then hesitated as if unsure whether or not he really was awake. "Trip? Is that really you?"

Trip laughed. A sound Malcolm thought he would never hear in his life again. Such a beautiful sweet sound he wanted to cry with the joy of it. "Don't tell me ya were expectin' somebody else?"

He could not reply. Eyes brimming with tears he flung his arms around his friend and simply hugged him as hard as he could. Shocked, Trip was not sure what to do but instinct made him return the hug. Something had obviously happened to shake his friend. He found himself rocking the Englishman softly in his arms, trying to find words to soothe and calm him. Only when he felt the man regain his composure did he let go of him, his head tilting to get a good look at Malcolm's face.

"Ya all right now?"

Lieutenant Reed nodded. Feeling foolish but also splendidly happy. It had worked! His plan had actually worked. He was dumbfounded and so relieved. Embarrassed to find tears running down his cheeks but not caring as he looked into the face of his friend. So damn happy to see him whole and alive and BACK. He had so many questions but so, it seemed, did Trip.

"Now, how about ya tell me what you're doin' in my quarters and why the hell it looks like a bomb hit it."

The Englishman chuckled. "I'm afraid I'm the bomb and I'm here because you've been gone three days."

He looked stunned. Three days? *Three days. You were only gone THREE DAYS!* Why did he hear T'Pol's scornful voice in his head? Then he remembered the Xyrillians. Only that was then, this was now. He focused on Malcolm. The man looked terrible. Dark shadows under his eyes. Cheeks gaunt, his look harrowed as if he had been to hell and back. A suspicion stirred in the back of his mind. "Have you been here for three days, Malcolm?"

The Lieutenant looked uncomfortable but could not lie to him. "On and off."

"More on than off by the look of things." Said the Commander. He glanced around and sighed. "When are you gonna tell me what happened to my quarters?"

Malcolm grinned back at him, running one hand through his unruly shock of dark hair. "Just as soon as we both get washed up and make ourselves decent for the Captain."

"Are we in trouble?"

Malcolm grinned. "I'm not but you might be."

Seeing his friend's expression Malcolm relented and laughed.

"No, just my idea of a bad joke. Go on, run a shower and make yourself decent."

That sounded so funny to Trip especially seeing the state of one usually crisp and pristine Armoury Officer looking very much the worse for wear. "What are ya gonna do?"

"I'll tidy up then I have to go and check on something before I tell the Captain."

Trip began to frown. What did he mean by that? Before he could ask Malcolm pushed and cajoled him in the direction of his small bathroom. "Go! Wash the stink of yourself and then get decent. I have a hundred more important things to do than babysit the Chief Engineer."

"Then why don't ya go and do them? Give a man some peace."

He missed the happy smile that softened the Lieutenant's lips. "I may just do that. In fact I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't forget to wash behind your ears."

"Yes, mama."

He chuckled, waited until he could hear the running water. Steam beginning to cloud the frosted door. Once out of Trip's quarters he broke into a run startling several crewmembers. He ignored them. Within minutes he was at the Sub-Commander's door. Suddenly nervous, palms sweating. He took a few breaths to calm down, wiping his palms on his trouser legs and trying to straighten his crumpled uniform. He rang the doorbell tentatively. Hoping against hope that bringing Trip back had brought T'Pol back as well. There was no answer. He felt his heart begin to sink. Rang it a second time, mentally counting off the seconds in his head before he would tap in the over ride code and satisfy himself with a physical inspection. He was just about to do that when the door swished open. He froze. Mouth hanging open he just stared. Sub-Commander T'Pol stared back at him. Her red silk pajamas hugging a sleepy figure that now wondered why there was a very disheveled and vocally challenged Lieutenant opening and closing his mouth like a codfish on her doorstep.

"Lieutenant. Was there something you wanted?"

Her cool emotionless question shook him like a douse of cold water. "Yes, um no. Um yes. Once you've had a chance to shower and dress could you um meet the Captain in his Ready Room?"

She gave an abrupt almost dismissive nod then looked more closely at him. "Lieutenant, are you all right?"

He nodded, unable to stop a silly grin sliding all over his face. "Yes, yes, I am quite alright thank you." He hesitated only a moment. "Welcome back, Sub-Commander. For what it's worth we all missed you."

Her look was puzzled. "I haven't been anywhere, Lieutenant."

He tried to hide the surprise her words caused him. "No, no of course not."

He watched the door shut and closed his eyes for a moment. *Oh bloody hell.* Instead of going straight back to Trip's room he went to his quarters and had a quick shower and shave. Changed into a fresh uniform while mentally bracing himself for breaking the news to his Captain. For a moment his hands froze as he smoothed down his jumpsuit, cool grey eyes assessing in the mirror. The Captain would be delighted to have Trip and T'Pol back. They all would. But how would he handle the fact that neither seemed to realise anything had happened?

* * * * *

They were in the Captain's Ready Room. Seated round the table as Captain Jonathan Archer calmly explained what had happened. Or. The best approximation thereof. No one interrupted him. The Commander stared. The Sub-Commander stared. Lieutenant Malcolm Reed had a little happy enigmatic smile on his face. And Dr Phlox looked amused and intrigued. Typically it was Trip who broke the ring of silence.

"Are ya sayin' T'Pol and I *vanished*?"

The Captain nodded. "Yes."

Sub-Commander T'Pol frowned, a look of disapproval on her calm face. "People do not *vanish* Captain. It is illogical."

"Nevertheless," Said the doctor in a calm matter-of-fact tone. "You were gone three days, Sub-Commander."

Her eyes widened slightly. "That is impossible."

Trip looked baffled. "Where did we go? Were we abducted? What happened? And why don't we remember anything about it? Were we brain washed?"

The others exchanged a quick glance. The Captain cleared his throat quietly, effectively bringing all eyes back on himself. "In a manner of speaking. Physically you never left the ship, at least - not until the last day."

Commander Tucker forced himself to stay calm. He needed to understand this. As impossible and foolish as it sounded something had obviously happened to them. "Perhaps ya should start at the beginning, Captain?"

He caught a tiny nod from the Sub-Commander indicating her agreement with this course of action. Captain Archer bit back a sigh and looked at Lieutenant Reed. "Malcolm, I believe you are the best person to do that."

Afterwards Trip just sat there staring at Lieutenant Reed with a stunned expression on his face. The Sub-Commander asked many questions. Malcolm answered them as fully and truthfully as he could. Trip did not ask a single question. Occasionally T'Pol would pause and look at the Commander but when he did not say anything she would ask her next question. Hours later the meeting came to an end. The Captain told them to take the rest of the day off to allow themselves time to adjust to what had happened. He would be available if they wanted to talk further as would the doctor and Lieutenant Reed. If they both felt up to it tomorrow they could return to their duties. Dr Phlox had, after all, given both of them a clean bill of health. The Sub-Commander excused herself saying she needed to meditate. The doctor returned to his duties in sickbay. Captain Archer looked at his stunned friend, glad that Lieuenant Reed had remained behind to make sure he was alright. After everything that had happened, Captain Archer still felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of being alone with his friend. Trip was not the only needing time to adjust.

"Trip, are you okay? I know this must be something of a bombshell to you but at least you both came back safe and sound."

He gave the Captain a funny look then glanced at the Armoury Officer. "So you were in there with us for a while?"

Malcolm nodded. "Yes. When you first went in I was with you."

A look of marvel glinted in his eye. "Now why do ya suppose that happened?"

He shrugged. The Captain looked amused, relaxing at the calm way his friend was taking this. He had expected a tirade. An impassioned diatribe at the very least on all the reasons why it simply could not have happened. But there had been none of that. He had simply sat there stunned with the bafflement and confusion holding hands and having a party at his expense. He trusted the Captain without reservation so if the Captain said it had happened then it had happened. No argument. Then there was Lieutenant Reed. Malcolm. The most truthful and upright officer he had ever known and a damn good friend. He had learnt a lot about the young Armoury Officer since their fateful near-death experience in Shuttlepod One. Popsicles. They had almost been popsicles. So many times he had seen examples of this man's courage. If he could not rely upon the word of these two men, his closest friends, then he might just as well give up on ever meeting an honest man. He was lucky. Blessed. He had two.

It was Malcolm who broke his reverie. "Begging your pardon, Commander, but you haven't had anything to eat. Would you care to join me for some lunch?"

He blinked then grinned like a puppy being asked if it wanted to go for a walk. The most incredible thing had just happened to himself and the Sub-Commander and here was Malcolm talking calmly as you please asking him if he was hungry. Yep. That was Malcolm for you, God bless him. "I think I could manage a morsel or two." He glanced at the Captain. "How about joinin' us, Cap'n?"

Captain Archer smiled but shook his head. "No thanks, Trip. You go and enjoy your food. I'll catch up with you later if that's okay?"

"Fine by me."

He watched them leave. Shook his head and took a few deep breaths of relief. That had gone a lot better than he expected. Especially after the way he had lost it with Trip inside the damn dreamscape, or whatever the hell it was. They had not told Trip about that and while he was grateful he also felt guilty about keeping it from him. Maybe later when the scars no one could see had healed. For now he was just glad it was over. The entity gone. His people home and safe again. A little smile tugged at his lips at another unexpected bonus. With Trip and T'Pol not remembering anything that had happened in there he had nothing to report to either Starfleet or the Vulcan High Command on a certain relationship. As far as those two were concerned it had not happened yet and it was up to him to make sure it stayed that way. Maybe this experience had been a God-send after all. Heading off that particular catastrophe in waiting had to be in all their best interests.

* * * * *

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed could not hide his amusement. It danced in his normally solemn eyes, was splashed across his face in a smile that would not fade, and was evident in the humour that tinged his voice as he watched the Commander demolish every bit of food in front of him. When this man was hungry he took no prisoners. "Trip, you really should chew your food before swallowing it."

Trip had just polished off desert. A plate of pancakes stacked a mile high. The last mouthful was bulging out the pockets of his cheeks. It made Malcolm want to laugh. He looked like a greedy chipmunk stuffing himself rigid as if afraid someone would appear and snatch the food from him any minute. Ensign Hoshi Sato and helmsman Travis Mayweather had joined them and been equally amused. It made their own meals looks like aperitifs. Hoshi's eyes went as round as saucers. "I didn't know anyone could eat so much at one sitting."

Travis laughed and finished off his grill. Trip took three goes at swallowing the last mouthful before he could master speech. "I haven't eaten in three days if what everyone tells me is right." He looked at Malcolm who simply nodded. His smile diminishing, eyes a little sombre but still amused. "So you'll forgive me if I catch up with the rest of ya."

They talked for a few more minutes then Hoshi and Travis excused themselves. They had to go on duty. Trip watched them go then looked at Malcolm. "You're awfully quiet, Malcolm."

"How do you feel?"

Trip thought about that then grinned. "Stuffed!"

Malcolm laughed. "Serves you right for being a pig."

"A pig?" Wailed Trip as they got to their feet. A couple of heads turned but Trip and Malcolm ignored them.

"All right then," Said Malcolm good naturedly as they left the mess hall. "A pig's orphan."

"A pig's orphan?" Trip's voice went up an octave in righteous indignation. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Bacon and chops if you must know."

Trip gave him a mock glare. "Ha. ha. How did you ever survive childhood?"

"Without you being there it was remarkably easy, Commander. And may I say, relatively painless."

"Ya know it's not very nice to disrespect a senior officer after a traumatic event."

The Lieutenant fell silent. They were going to Trip's quarters, the unspoken need to talk binding them to a single purpose. Trip regretted his words.

"Malcolm, I didn't mean..."

"It's all right. I deserved that."

"No. Ya didn't deserve that, I was just runnin' my mouth off without thinkin'. I didn't mean it how it came out. Just so's ya know, I'm sorry."

Malcolm looked at him, gave a little smile and nodded. "Consider it forgotten."

Trip opened his door and both men stepped inside in silence. For a moment they just stood inside, each lost in his thoughts. It was still a bit untidy. Without thinking about it Malcolm began to tidy up. Trip watched him for a moment then got to work putting everything back in order. In no time at all they had straightened the room and put it back as it was. Trip motioned for his friend to take a seat then glanced around his room a moment. "Why was my room in such a mess?"

He was amused to see the flush creep up Malcolm's face. "I'm afraid that was my fault."

"Your fault? What were ya lookin' for?"

He pointed to the harmonica now sitting on Trip's bedside table. "That."

Trip crossed over to his bed and sat down. Picked up the harmonica thoughtfully, remembering how surprised he had been to see it in Malcolm's hands when he woke up. "Why were ya lookin' for this?"

"It's a long story but to put it bluntly I thought it would help bring you back."


The single word was so soft that if the room had been full of people only Malcolm would have heard it. "While we were in there together you played a tune on it. A haunting melody that I couldn't get out of my head. Took me forever to remember where I'd heard it before."

"What tune?"

"I think you called it the 'Ashokan Farewell'."

Trip's eyebrows rose. It brought back a lot of memories. All of them rooted in the past not the present. Now why would he have been playing such a mournful soul-searching tune? "Ya said ya heard it before?"

Malcolm nodded. "At a concert of the Royal Marine's Band. I've never heard it played on a harmonica before. Thought the most beautiful rendition I'd ever heard was on the bagpipes."


The Lieutenant grinned. "Yes. If you ever want something to tingle up and down your spine as you listen then it has to be the bagpipes."

Trip thought about that and nodded slowly. "I think I'd like to hear that some day."

They enjoyed a companionable silence. Lieutenant Reed wanted to ask him something but hesitated. It was probably too soon. Trip caught his hesitation.


"It's nothing."

"Ya had a question. I can see it in your eyes."

He was looking at the instrument cradled in Trip's hands. When he spoke his voice was quiet, gentle, hesitant. "I was just wondering, if you wouldn't mind that is, if you would play it for me."

Trip's voice came out a whisper. "You want me to play the 'Ashokan Farewell'?"

He nodded self consciously. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble."

He was stunned but if that was what his friend wanted was it really so much to ask? He decided not. Trip nodded and settled himself, eyes closing as he brought the harmonica up to his lips. The beautiful haunting strains reached right out and touched Malcolm Reed right through to his soul. His breath caught in a silent and joyous ache as he let the music carry him. As he played Trip felt himself transported to a place of great beauty. Colours more vivid than any he could remember in life flowed around him and through him as if drawn to him by the song. Then he began to remember. Snatches. Brief images. *Emotions*. He almost dropped the harmonica but continued playing, his heart opening up and tears running beneath the closed lids of his eyes as he realised what he had once had. What he had lost. Oh God. T'Pol! How could he have forgotten? Lieutenant Malcolm Reed opened his eyes and froze as he looked at his friend's grief stricken face. Knowing in that moment that he had opened a floodgate. One that might never close again. What had he done?

In the corridor outside, Sub-Commander T'Pol was on her way to the gym. She took a short detour intending to speak to the Commander before she did so. As she approached his quarters she heard the beautiful music and stopped in her tracks. Head tilted to one side as she listened, captivated. It sounded so mournful. Gentle and sorrowful. Perhaps she would leave the Commander to his privacy for now. Time enough to speak to him tomorrow. The tune ended and she passed on. As she turned down the next corridor she changed direction and headed for the observation deck. Walking over to the large plexiglass observation window she watched the stars streak quietly by, unaware of the tears running down her face in time to a haunting melody that tore at her heart and left her bereft though she knew not why. Why couldn't she remember?

Back in his quarters Trip had finished playing. He opened his eyes to find Malcolm staring back at him with sorrowful eyes. He choked back a sob, the pain evident in his quiet voice. "You knew."

It was a statement not a question. "Yes."

"When were ya gonna tell me? About me an' T'Pol?"

"It wasn't my place, Trip." He answered quietly.

"But you're my friend, Malcolm."


Trip closed his eyes as a pain almost beyond all enduring wracked him heart, mind, body and soul. Malcolm moved closer, put his arms around him and held him as he cried. Lost in the strong arms of his friend only one thought rang through his mind like a bell. Why oh why dear God, did he have to remember?

It seemed like hours before they moved apart by some mutual unspoken consent. Trip fastened red rimmed eyes on those of his friend. A mirrored understanding stripping all pretense from them. Each knew they could ask anything of the other and get an honest reply. Trip swallowed carefully trying not to give in to the pain radiating from his heart. "Will T'Pol remember?"

Malcolm gently wiped the tears from his friend's face, being careful to keep eye contact with him. "I don't know. You have to face the fact that she may never remember, my friend."

He bit back a sob. Tears again brimming in his eyes. Malcolm gave him a few moments before speaking again.

"I should tell you, Trip, that had you and the Sub-Commander remembered everything the Captain would have felt impelled to inform Starfleet as well as the Vulcan High Command of your relationship. In all probability the two of you would have been parted. Perhaps forever."

The held back tears coursed silently down his face. All colour had drained from it. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. "How could the Cap'n do that to us? Fallin' in love isn't a crime."

"He would not have had any choice, Trip." Said his friend gently. "The Captain is your friend but he is also the Captain. The Captain of the first Human starship. Keeping faith with the Vulcans is the only thing enabling us to follow our dreams, Trip. Not just yours and mine but those of Humanity itself. All of that is part of the Captain's obligation. If he did nothing and they found out it could end this mission and perhaps damage Human and Vulcan relations forever."

"What happens if T'Pol remembers?"

He was trembling. Could not help himself. Eyes wide like a frightened child's as he waited for an answer. Malcolm brushed his tears away again and rested his hands on his shoulders. "If she remembers you must bear in mind what you stand to lose if you act on those emotions and explain it to her. I know this isn't going to be easy, Trip, but I'll be here if you need me. So will the Captain." He paused, his voice very soft, full of care and sensitive to the pain of his friend. "Isn't it better to be able to see her every day, to work with her, to know that you can at least make sure she is safe, protected, even if you can never tell her why?"

Trip managed to nod. Malcolm was right. "Yeah. I guess so."

"I know so." Said Malcolm firmly.

"What do I do in the meantime, Malcolm?"

"You carry on. It's the best any of us can do, my friend."

Trip nodded. Long after Malcolm had left he sat looking out at the stars. His tears making them blurry. A great yawning ache of loneliness creeping into his heart and soul. But for the love of T'Pol he would never tell her. And for her sake he hoped, no - prayed - that she would never remember. While he would love enough for the both of them.

"You are my love and the strength that I need
To keep me sane in the this life that I need.
Now I'm not with you and my broken heart aches
Never knew lonely 'till you.

Never knew lonely could be so blue
Never knew lonely could tear you in two.
Never loved someone 'till I loved you
Well I never knew lonely 'till you..."

- 'Never Knew Lonely' sung by Vince Gill

* * * * *

return to Part 11

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

*Sniffle.* Oh, that was beautiful, but heartbreaking.

Um. . . a sequel? Pretty please? So much to be resolved. And though it's hypocritical of me to say so, a bit of happiness maybe?

Or not. Life doesn't always give us what we want, and this story demonstrates that beautifully.

I look forward to your next contribution to the fan fic world.

Oh my! You should have given a warning with this chapter - bring tissues, you'll need them. This was just beautifully written, and the ending was so poignant. We can't always have a happy ending, as you showed; that would be way too easy.
Will we ever find out who/what the entity was? Maybe in a sequel. Please, please, please. And I would love to see more of the Trip and Malcolm friendship - you really have captured their relationship well and have developed it into something of your own. JUst wonderful. Thanks.

Ditto to everything that's been said already. That was so beautiful, and a wonderful piece of writing to demonstrate non-slash male/male friendships. I was expecting a happy ending, but this was so poignantly beautiful...

Looking forward to your next story. Thanks for sharing.

What a poignant story of freindship and love. Although it ended sadly it was a beautifuly written. The friendship between Malcolm and Trip was wonderful. I am looking forward to more stories from you

That was a fantastic and beautifully written story. It demonstrates quite wonderfully that sometimes when love comes a'calling, it's not always flowers and bunnies. Seems a very realistic path for the characters. Fabulous!!

I'm with everyone else on this one - what a great story. I had tears welling up as well. My heart aches for Trip. I do hope that inspiration strikes for a sequel! Thank you for this beautifully written tale.

Beautifully written. My heart aches for Trip, poor baby.

Quickly getting past the mesmerising and finally heart breakingly good Trip/T'Pol storyline (the lump in my throats too big to go into that), I loved the way you portrayed Trip and Mal's relationship was wonderful, everyone should have a friend so supportive!

This is quite good but there is a kind of out of character sickly sweetness about this fic. Everyones overly emotional.....two grown men hugging each other constantly crying into each others shoulders like sissys? lol. Especially Malcolm, he would have a bit more control of himself, especially in a public setting like the mess hall.
And T'pol sometimes doesn't seem like T'pol at all to me.

That was fantastic, Please write a sequel... (sniff)

This was a beautiful story, it took me a while to read, as RL kept getting in the way, but it was worth the wait, and I finally finished it today, thankyou, and well done!

Alison, you are always one to give praise and feedback to other authors, so I decided it was about time I returned the favor. Now that I have read »Attraction«, I have no idea what to say. This story completely transcends any concept of fan-fiction. This is art.

Your writing style is so descriptive, so over-flowing with images and ideas that it is almost intimidating. Especially the sexual encounters between Trip and T'Pol are written in incredibly graphic detail, yet it never comes across as vulgar or pornographic, it is just plain erotic. Although the two are really going at it, their acts carry so much genuine love and affection ... it is just wonderful. It must have taken serious amounts of courage to write these scenes this way, so let me say that you did a fantastic job. The most powerful scene, IMHO, was when T'Pol watched Trip sleep in her arms and waited for him to stir, so that she could »help him wake in the most erotic way possible«. I found myself hating the guy with jealousy when I read that! This love is truly larger than life.

The whole story felt like a journey through every emotion known to mankind. I love how you made use of the strange entity to explore these feelings. This is science fiction at it's best! I really wish, we would still see things like that on the show every now and then. The Original Series was great, because it was about Humans -- not about blowing up Xindi super-weapons from the future. Your story is written in this spirit, it is not afraid of powerful images and feelings.

I also loved how much symbolism you injected into the story. I can't claim I understood half of it, but clearly this place Trip was captured in represented the Garden of Eden, and the love of T'Pol was the forbidden fruit he tasted. Now he has this terrible knowledge, he knows what it feels like to be loved -- and he is thrown back into the real world. He has lost paradise! Oh ... this is so heart-wrenchingly tragic. I so much hoped for a happy end, and was painfully disappointed when in the end T'Pol couldn't remember what happened, but I recognize that it was the right choice for the story, because now that he has lost paradise, he really realizes how wonderful it has been.

Your portrayal of the other characters was great as well. It was very refreshing to see Malcolm Reed described as something more than the stereotype of the stiff-upper-lip Englishman. I loved how much he cared for his friend. Unlike Archer, who was consumed with his selfish reasons, Malcolm truly shared the happiness with Trip and T'Pol, and I thought that was wonderful. Archer's reaction when discovering he couldn't have T'Pol was also quite intense. I like Archer on the show (most of the time), actually, but I still thought that it was in-character for him to react that way. He had been hiding his emotions inside for a long time, and then they exploded in a fit of jealousy ... and although that is not a pleasant character trait, it is very human and happens quite frequently in the real world.

Really, »Attraction« is one of the best science fiction stories I have ever read. It offers love, pain, friendship, lust, jealousy, curiosity, drama, romance, and humor; all rolled into one. Reading it has been like an emotional roller-coaster. Thank you for writing it and for inspiring so many wonderful thoughts!

That was a really beautiful story.

I just started reading fanfiction. In Germany they just started to show the beginning of season 4 Enterprise.
I loved your story it was absolut !!!!! fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!