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Deep Blue Sea - Chapter 1

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by Y2Kelly

RATED: NC-17 (It’s mostly G until the end of Chapter 3: “A Moonlight Kiss,” then it all just blows up in your face!)
GENRE: Adventure\Romance\Sex
ARCHIVE: Please do.
EMAIL: y2kelly@hotmail.com
DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Paramount. No infringement intended here.
SUMMARY: The story begins from the time after Trip held T’Pol’s hand in Terra Prime. At this point, they’re in morning over Elizabeth’s death and still exploring their bond. In this story it is assumed they have been intimate since BOUND, on more than one occasion, but they still have a lot of work to do ;)
Trip and T’Pol take off sailing for Hawaii with his Parents in hiding while Starfleet investigates the spies aboard Enterprise and the threats against their lives. They encounter some interesting adventures along the way.
SOURCES: Martin Luther King, Jr., “Loving your enemies”
AUTHOR NOTE: This isn’t a finale fix story, because from my point of view, TATV doesn’t exist. Thanks go out to John O\LSR, T’Jaan, and Species_1 for all their support and assistance, and most of all, Wenya, for beta reading for me. Thank you all!!!


“Give me a spirit that on this life’s rough sea, loves t’ have his sails filled with a lusty wind.” George Chapman

“The sea’s most powerful spell is Romance.” H.W. Tilman

****************CHAPTER ONE****************


They sat there; Trip holding her delicate hand, their fingers twisted together into a usually confused mass. T'Pol's once detached presence now loosened, allowing him to comfort her. Interweaved beneath T'Pol's hand was the Vulcan Pendant given to her by her mother, which represented Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. It was symbolic of their relationship and what they were now going through together; embracing each other, composed in their shared grief for Elizabeth.

His tear-swollen eyes closed; his thoughts in disbelief over everything that had happened between them recently. Trip sighed, and then moved her hand towards his right cheek to rest against his warm, smoothly shaven cheek for a moment. She did not pull away.

He could feel her remorse through their bond and cherished her gift of solace. He moved her hand to his mouth and gently kissed it. It was a long, soft kiss. She did not pull away. His eyes opened to meet hers and for a moment her stoic guard let down.

"I'm sorry." he said in a whisper that only her Vulcan ears would hear. T’Pol looked confused as he held her hand even tighter.” I’m sorry for everything. I’m ashamed of my kind; that someone could do this ta’ you…ta’ us.”

“You have nothing to be sorry or ashamed for, Trip. It is illogical for you to hold yourself accountable, in any way, for the actions of Terra Prime.” Trip shifted on her bed, facing himself towards her.

“I know, but, I can’t help but feel like I coulda’ done more ta’ save her.”

T’Pol knew how illogical his feelings of regret were, but remained quiet, intent on listening to him speak. She felt his need to talk through their bond. Trip let go of her hand. Shaking his head and looking away with anger in his eyes, his fists were now clutched.

“I was right there with her and I couldn’t even do a damn thing ta’ help her. When Lizzy died, I wasn’t home to save her, but this time was different; I was there, only helpless ta’ do a damn thing. I hated the Xindi for what they did.” Trip looked back at T’Pol, trembling. “Hell, I thought they were barbarians for killin’ so many Humans who they’d never even known or had any reason ta’ wanna’ kill em’. And now, look at what Humans have done ta’ their own kind. How naive I must be. We’re the barbarians.” He looked down and away.

T’Pol reached for his face. Two fingers (index\middle) caressing the side of his left cheek.

“You are mistaken, Trip. Humans are not barbarians. True, your species is very young, but, barbarians, you are not. Your species is one of the most compassionate and most promising I have encountered. Even Vulcan has its radical factions.” She eased her fingers off his cheek. Trip, still uneasy, gave her a reassuring nod.

“My parents will be at the funeral. Cap’n notified me first thing this mornin’ that Starfleet had granted my request to allow them to attend and are transportin’ ’em to San Francisco as we speak. I explained the situation ta’ ‘em and they’re gonna’ be stayin’ in San Francisco for some time. I was hopin’ you and I could spend a little time with ‘em while Enterprise is in space dock.”

“I would like to meet them.”

“I think you’ll like ‘em. They’re a bit eccentric.”

“My mother was eccentric as well.”

“Well, there’s one thing I know for sure…they would’of adored Elizabeth.” Trip lowered his head.

“My mother would have cherished her as well.”

“Archer to T’Pol” over the Comm.

“T’Pol here.”

“Is Trip with you?”

“Yes, Captain” She looked at him as she responded.

“I need you both to meet me in my ready room, right away.”

“On our way, Captain.” T’Pol raised an eyebrow at Trip.


On their way to the Captain’s ready room, they received many nods and looks of condolences from crew members. Only the senior officers were permitted to attend Elizabeth’s funeral, but many of the crew were deeply affected by her death and wished to be there for them. The door chimed on Archer’s door.

“Come in”

They stepped in, T’Pol first and Trip followed. Both stood side-by-side, about face to Archer.

“Cap’n.” Trip nodded his head at Archer.

“Trip, T’Pol.” Nodding his head in return. “Have a seat.” Trip sat on the cushy chair and T’Pol in the hard chair in front of the Captain’s desk. “I just received a call from Starfleet Command. Admiral Gardner wanted me to express his deepest sympathies to you both. He will not be able to attend the funeral. Admiral Janeway will be there in his place.” Trip leaned forward into his chair, on the edge.

“Why can’t he be there? This is important.” Trip was a little heated.

“Trip, Elizabeth’s funeral is important to Starfleet, that’s why Admiral Janeway will be there along with delegates from Vulcan. Admiral Gardner’s currently presiding over Paxton’s tribunal council. Attending Elizabeth’s funeral could compromise his position. He would likely have to recuse himself if he were to attend. This tribunal is very important to ensuring Paxton will be held accountable for his crimes. With Terra Prime operative everywhere, who’s to say another Tribunal Council Leader won’t be more sympathetic towards Paxton’s cause.”

“It is understandable Captain.” T’Pol responded, and gave Trip a look of calm, sending his mind at ease through their bond.

“Admiral Janeway would be honored to give the eulogy in place of Admiral Gardner, but felt more comfortable with you selecting a Starfleet speaker of your own choosing.” Trip and T’Pol looked at one another and slightly nodded, both knowing what the other was thinking.

“Cap’n, I know you hate speeches an’ all, but would you consider….?”

“It would be my honor, Trip.” Archer gave them both a solemn look. “Now, onto another matter; more serious, I’m afraid. Starfleet has informed me that there have been considerable threats made against you two.” Trip and T’Pol exchange a confused look.

“Captain, why would Terra Prime single us out? It would seem they have more cause to want you dead than Commander Tucker and I.”

“They know things, T’Pol. Personal things.” He paused as Trip and T’Pol trade an uncomfortable glance. “I don’t think I need to say more. Your conduct is an issue we will discuss at a more appropriate time; but, at the moment, we’re dealing with an insane faction who will stop at nothing to prevent Humans from furthering relations with Vulcans or any other non-Human.”

Archer stood up to begin his usual pacing of the deck plating that he does when discussing serious matters. “I'd like to say you’re safe here on Enterprise, but we know now that is not the case. Starfleet is conducting a full investigation into all of Terra Prime’s activities and has already uncovered another spy aboard Enterprise, Crewman Wilson, in sickbay. They now believe she was the person responsible for providing Paxton with your DNA samples. Security is escorting her to authorities on the surface as we speak.”

Trip looked a little shocked; and T’Pol looked as surprised as a Vulcan could. They never would have suspected Crewman Wilson of being a Terra Prime operative. She was assisting Phlox with Elizabeth right until her last moments of life. Archer continued.

“We need to be certain there are no more of these spies on Enterprise. Data from Paxton’s personal files have uncovered Terra Prime operatives within other areas of Starfleet and Earth’s governments, but they believe there are more unknown, sleeper cells. Section 31 is heavily involved in this investigation. Malcolm says they’re unwilling to provide him with more specific details of their involvement, but they’re willing to assist us in anyway to keep you both safe. I’ve discussed the matter with Malcolm and we have a plan.” Archer stopped his pacing for a moment to pause in thought while looking out to the stars.

“What do you have in mind, Captain?” T’Pol asked.

“I have orders to remain in space dock until Starfleet’s completed a full investigation and until Paxton’s trial is over. While I need you both to oversee repairs from the Mars Array damage, I’m not willing to risk your lives in doing so. You two need to disappear until this ordeal is over.”

“Cap’n, this investigation could take weeks, maybe months! I’m not gonna’ run from these people!”

“THESE PEOPLE, Trip….they’re quite resourceful, don’t underestimate them…if they have a death wish for you two then they’ll likely have their wish come true. I’ve already discussed the plan with Admiral Gardner.”

“What plan Cap’n?” Trip cautiously inquired.

“I’m going to conditionally approve your earlier request for shore leave for you and T’Pol. The arrangements are under way and I just got off the comm with your Father. Starfleet hasn’t received any threats on their lives, but Malcolm says it’s likely your parents could be in danger if the assailants fail to reach you. They may resort to harming them in retaliation, or kidnapping them for ransom in order to get to you. No one can be certain if they will be safe alone, Trip; that’s why I believe your request for shore leave will fit in nicely into our plan to allow you all to disappear.”

“Shore leave, Captain?” T’Pol looked at Trip. Archer looked at Trip as well. Both with raised eyebrow.

“You didn’t discuss this with her, Trip?”

“Well, I was about to, Cap’n, when you comm’d us.” Turning to address T’Pol’s objectionably raised eyebrow. “I thought it’d be a good idea for us both ta’ take some shore leave. I wanted ta’ take my parents offshore sailin’ after the funeral. They love to sail and haven’t done it since movin’ to Mississippi…I wanted ta’ spend some time away with ‘em and tell ‘em about our daughter; I just thought ya’ might appreciate an opportunity ta’ spend time with Elizabeth’s grandparents, is all.”

“Your request is honorable, Commander. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet Elizabeth’s fore mother and fore father.” Turning to Archer. “However, I fail to see how shore leave will ensure our safety, Captain. Will Terra Prime no longer be a threat to us on the surface?”

“They’ll be just as much a threat on the surface as they are here on Enterprise. Since our return from the Expanse, there’s no doubt someone will recognize you both. As long as you’re on land, you’ll need to be in disguise. The plan is for Section 31 to provide you both with a cover. You’ll be traveling incognito as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A married couple from Iowa.” Archer smirked a little at his last comment.

“A married couple from Iowa? Whose idea was that?”

“Well, like I said, Malcolm is working with Section 31 on the investigation.” He smirked. “Anyway, your cover can be easily arranged. Once you’re on the Yacht, you won’t have to wear your cover; unless, of course, you run into other Humans.”

“Yacht, Cap’n?” Trip was suddenly intrigued.

“I thought you may be interested in that part of the mission! You’re going to be sailing Admiral Gardner’s baby, the Twilight. She’s a Trinity Class Yacht…a real beauty, Trip. She’s 29.9 meters long, fully automated, capable of sailing in automation mode with detection sensors, and she can even go up to 25 knots at full throttle! The best part is that her crew compliments are for 6, with a full kitchen, saloon room, Jacuzzi and 2 full baths. I’ve sailed her before with the Admiral; you’ll all be quite comfortable there for as long as this thing takes. Your destination is Maui, Hawaii. There, you’ll all stay at the Admiral’s port-side home until it’s safe to return. Malcolm will be briefing you both before we leave for the surface.”

“Will there be a crew to commandeer this vessel? I have no previous sailing experience.” T’Pol was not as comfortable with the idea as Trip.

“We felt it would be best for your safety if you and Trip traveled alone with his parents. Trip and his father are both fine seamen; you’ll be in good hands, T’Pol.” Trip smiled lightly at the Captain then gave T’Pol a reassuring nod. He was still too upset about Elizabeth and this whole ordeal to be overjoyed by anything at the moment. “You both better get packin’ and I have a eulogy to prepare for.”

After they left, Archer sat alone in his ready room for a while longer to ponder their fate. Knowing their relationship was more than professional, he wondered how far their romance gone and how it could possibly interfere with their careers. For his their sake, he hoped their time away would return them in a better state than in recent days.


The Captain was already on the surface with Hoshi and Phlox. It was necessary to transport Trip and T’Pol separately for security reasons. They were also transporting Elizabeth’s remains with them. Malcolm was relentless in covering every last detail with them.

“Now remember, you’ll both need to wear these at all times, it’s the only way I can track you in the event something goes awry.” Malcolm handed them both their chronometers. “Only the Captain and I know about these tracking devices, not even Section 31 knows about them. You needn’t worry about any unwanted parties tracking you, Commanders.”

“Thanks Malcolm! I’m glad you’re makin’ these arrangements. I don’t think I’d be s’confident in Section 31, or anyone else for that matter, knowin’ our where’abouts an’ all.”

“Rest assured, Commander, no one will know where you are. We’ll get to the bottom of this and Terra Prime will no longer be a threat to you once we infiltrate their network. It’s only a matter of time.”

“We are in your debt, Lieutenant.” T’Pol nodded her head in gratitude.

“Sir, we’ll be arriving at Command Headquarters in less than a minute.” Travis informed Malcolm.

“Right, again remember, we have Security detail all over base and in the temple. My security teams awaiting our arrival and will escort you both to the temple and to the rendezvous point after the ceremony. They’ll take you both and Trip’s parents to an undisclosed location where you’ll be handed over to Section 31 agents who will prepare you for your cover. Expect them to go through your personal items to ensure no tracking devices are present. Keep your watches on your bodies at all times and we shouldn’t have to worry about them finding them. If they discover the devices, deny any knowledge of them. ” Trip and T’Pol acknowledged. “And remember, if you need to contact Enterprise at anytime after you’ve set sail, only do so with the comm I gave you. That comm uses a top secret subspace encryption algorithm that not even Section 31 can break. Unless you have an emergency, Commander’s, it would be best if you stay out of touch until we contact you for further instructions.”

“Agreed.” T’Pol responded. Trip nodded in agreement.



The funeral was held at the non-denominational temple of worship on the grounds of Starfleet Command. It was the most secure place of worship to conduct the ceremony. Elizabeth’s remains lay at rest in a non-viewable coffin at the front of the temple hall.

Trip and T’Pol were alone in the temple. Knowing T’Pol’s Vulcan nature to refrain from public display of emotion, Archer felt it was appropriate to give them some time alone with Elizabeth before guest would start arriving. Trip stood with his eyes closed and his head down in a moment of prayer for Elizabeth. He wasn’t a deeply religious man, but at this moment, he felt the need to believe in a higher power, waiting to accept his daughter’s soul. T’Pol put her hand over the coffin, with her IDIC Pendant in her hand. She breathed in, taking in the moment and composing herself. She let go of the IDIC Pendant so it lay over Elizabeth’s coffin, returning her hand to her side and suddenly grabbing Trip’s hand. Trip raised his head and opened his eyes to see her Pendant gesture and quickly turned his head to gaze upon T’Pol in the moment. Giving her a sad, but hopeful smile, he took a deep breath.

“Are you ready for this, darlin’?”

“I am ready to honor our daughter, T’hy’la.” She paused. “Are you?”

“I’ll honor her for the rest of my life T’Pol, but I don’t think I could ever be ready for this without ya’ bein’ here wit’ me…I don’t think I can do this alone. Darlin’, whatever ya’ do, stay close ta’ me.” She nodded and released his hand as they made there way out to the temple hallway to greet Trip’s parents and other attendees.

Trip’s parents were escorted by a Starfleet Security Officer into the hallway. Trip and T’Pol were preoccupied at the time with Ambassador Soval and Admiral Janeway, both giving condolences and discussing the status of the tribunal proceedings. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker immediately spotted Trip and quickly made their way over to him. They were all dressed in black and very upset with the news from Trip that they had a granddaughter whom they would never see. For them it was like re-living the day Lizzy died, and knowing that their son was enduring the same grief they were still going through - the loss of a daughter – was almost worse. As the Admiral and Ambassador stepped away, Trip caught sight of his approaching parents. His mother said nothing; she simply gave him a knowing look of empathy and embraced him fully. Mr. Tucker followed.

“Son, we’re so sorry this happened ta’ ya’. No parent should ever have t’ endure outliving their own children.”

“Thanks for bein’ here for us, Mom and Dad.” He pulled away from their embraces to introduce T’Pol. “I’d like ta’ introduce ya ta’ Elizabeth’s Mother, and Enterprise’s First Officer, Commander T’Pol.”

Mr. Tucker, with Mrs. Tucker around his other arm, extended his free hand to T’Pol. She did not extend her hand, but slightly bowed her head in greeting.

“It is agreeable to meet you, Mr. Tucker and Mrs. Tucker. Please call me T’Pol.” She eyed and slightly bowed her head to each as she greeted them by name.

Mr. Tucker pulled back his hand, suddenly remembering that Vulcans didn’t like being touched. Trip smirked to himself at the exchanged, knowing all to well what it was like to be rejected by T’Pol in hand greeting.

“T’Pol, we regret having ta’ meet ya’ under these circumstances. But, we want you ta’ know how honored we are that you chose ta’ name your daughter after our beloved Lizzy.” Mrs. Tucker said almost in tears.

“It was important to Commander Tucker and I that she be honored.”

“Well young lady, you don’t know how much that means to me and ma’ wife….we sincerely thank you.”

T’Pol nodded and raised her eyebrow at Trip’s glance to her, both referring to the ‘young lady” comment. Archer approached, extending his welcoming hand to Mr. Tucker.

“Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, thank you for coming on such short notice and under the circumstances. How are you holdin’ up?”

“Cap’n, we’re just happy to be able ta’ attend. We understand this was a closed door ceremony, and with the security situation, we’re just grateful to even be here for our granddaughter. Thank ya’ Cap’n for makin’ it possible and for makin’ these other arrangements ta’ keep my family safe.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, sir. We better get ourselves seated, the ceremony is about to begin shortly. Allow me to escort you.” Archer extended his arm to lead them the way. Trip and T’Pol followed.

All in attendance were seated. The Vulcans sat on the right side of the room, which included Soval and several other delegates. They were all dressed in formal Vulcan robes and all wearing their IDIC Pendants. One of them in particular was dressed slightly more ceremonial with a white robe. This Vulcan would be participating in the funeral ceremonies, performing a Vulcan funeral dirge, a song for the dead. On the other side of the room were the Senior Officers of Enterprise along with several other Starfleet Command personnel accompanying Admiral Janeway. Trip and T’Pol were seated next to Captain Archer at the front-most seats. Trip’s parents were seated next to them. A Starfleet Chaplin stood at the podium, ready to begin the ceremonies.

“We’re gathered here today to honor the memory of Elizabeth T’Mir Tucker. We grieve with her parents, Commander Charles Tucker the Third and Commander T’Pol of Vulcan; and with her grand parents, Charles Tucker the Second and Catherine Marie Tucker. They thank you all for attending.” He paused to reflect his thoughts.

“While Elizabeth lived a short life, she was one of God’s children and loved by him in all his divinity for all her time in the here and now. She will be forever remembered young, innocent, and a symbol of all the potential for our peoples. I would like to say a short prayer for her and for all those who grief for her and then Captain Archer will speak on the behalf of the parents.” He opened his prayer book and paused before beginning.

“On this day, we remember the many ways that we have discriminated against so many people. We confess our need to turn away from the sin of our prejudice, to turn toward the God of all people. This day we pray for those who have suffered discrimination, of any kind. For open eyes to see others as our sisters and brothers, we pray...

For all who have suffered persecution because of their race, beliefs, or species, we pray...

For all perpetrators of injustice, we pray...

For what else do we pray...

These men, who took it upon themselves to play God with a life, a life as precious as our beloved Elizabeth, did not embrace logic, nor the Christian values. Our shared values are of nonviolence, peace, and acceptance of all peoples. In the name of God, I ask us to do the same in our personal, as well as communal lives. In this spirit let us pray.

To our most bitter opponents we say: We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey unjustness, because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. But be assured that we will wear you down by our capacity to suffer. One day we shall gain wisdom, but not only for ourselves. We shall so appeal to your heart and conscience that we shall win you in the process, and our victory will be a double victory. Let this be our path to salvation. Amen.”
The Chaplin stepped away from the podium and seated himself in the vacant chair next to Archer. Archer stood and solemnly approached the podium. He opened his speech brief, but then paused, having a sudden change in thought after hearing the Chaplin’s beautiful prayer. He took a deep breath, closed his brief, and sighed.

“There’s nothing I can say to express how deeply I grieve with my friends today. Their daughter, Elizabeth, was brought into this world by men who would twist humanity for their cause of prejudice, hate, and violence, all that we stand against in our desire to build a better civilization. Let us not think of these men as a weakness in Humanity, but a cause for strengthening our resolve. At this time, I ask that we all reserve a moment of silence for Elizabeth and her family.”

Archer closed his eyes and bowed his head. The audience followed in his manner. After a long moment, he raised his head and looked over towards the Vulcan Ambassador. He walked over to take his seat, exchanging a look of honor and appreciation to his friends, Trip and T’Pol. Not a Human eye was dry, and even the Vulcans seemed to appreciate their words. Archer noticed Trip’s fingers ever so slightly brushing against T’Pol’s in a grasp. He pretended to not see it. He could not place judgment upon them at this time of mourning. Trip eyes were again tear-swollen and his chest heavy with sorrow.

The Vulcan Priest hit the gong several times then began to sing his dirge, it was like nothing any Human had heard before, but every Human in the temple that day would remember. The ceremony concluded with each attendee then directed by the Chaplin to approach Elizabeth’s coffin for closures. Every single person approached and paid their respects. Trip and T’Pol were the last. They had one final moment alone with Elizabeth to say goodbye. T’Pol placed her IDIC pendent inside the coffin, and wrapped it around Elizabeth’s small hands.

Trip could not bear to watch this. He turned away to allow her the moment alone, to grieve in private. In her Vulcan way. He sat down and simply laid his forehead on his right hand; his left arm was still wrapped from his injuries. He was hunched over, crying in his Human way. T’Pol was unable to fully suppress her grieving emotions. The Trellium D still affected her enough to allow strong emotions to surface. She was feeling his pain. His grieving emotions intensified hers. When she heard his cries, she felt a strong desire to comfort him. Knowing they were alone, she turned, walked over and sat next to him.

“I am sorry if my actions upset you.” She pressed the back of her finger against his cheek to wipe away the fresh tears.

“It’s okay.” He said quietly, trembling. He grabbed her hand before she could pull away with his tear. “Thank you for bein’ here for me.” He squeezed tighter. “Ya’ know I didn’t ask for shore leave just so you could meet ma’ folks….I wanted to spend time with you, alone. I’m worried about ya’. I realize you deal with these things different then me, because you’re Vulcan; but, I can feel your pain inside me. If only I could cry for ya’ darlin’, I would; to help you with your pain.”

“Trip, I feel your pain as well. Your sadness is quite overwhelming. I will need to spend much time on our journey meditating. I believe if you and I meditate together it will help us both to heal more quickly.”

“Whatever it takes, I’ll be there for ya’. Always.” Trip laid a gentle kiss on her hand and they gazed upon each other for a moment before leaving to approach their security escort and Trip’s parents outside the temple.

They were ready to embark on their voyage, to hide away from the world and all its hate. On this journey, they both truly wanted to follow the wisdom of the Chaplin and Captain Archer; to strengthen their resolve, to rise above this hate of man, to not dwell on what this hate had already costs them both – the lives of his sister, her mother, and now, their daughter. All victims to this hatred. Sailing the deep blue sea together, they hoped to find a new meaning in their lives.

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