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Deep Blue Sea - Chapter 8 and epilogue

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By Y2Kelly

Rating and Disclaimer: see chapter 1

CHAPTER EIGHT: Enemies Within

“Mike? What in the hell are you doin’ here?” Trip shouted.

Holding his gun firmly pressed against Mr. Tucker’s head. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Commanders Charles Tucker and T’Pol of Starfleet’s proud vessel, Enterprise! I knew when I saw those Vulcan ears under that wig of yours that you both looked a little too familiar. It didn’t dawn on me til’ after you left who you really were. Have a seat Commanders.” Mike gestured with his other hand for them both to have a seat next to Mrs. Tucker. Trip and T’Pol hesitated for a moment before Melissa appeared from around the corner on their left side.

“Son, you better do as the man says.”

“Your father’s a very wise man, Commander.” Mike cautioned.

Trip led T’Pol to the seat next to his distraught mother. “Are ya’ all right ma’? Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay. Trip, what’s this all about?”

“I would like ta’ know the same thing! Just who in the hell are you, Mike?”

“I’m the man you met at sea, Commander. Both of us are who we said we were. We’re not the one’s pretending to be someone else.”

“No, you’re the one’s pointing pistols at us.” Trip interjected.

“You should consider yourselves very fortunate that we haven’t killed you already, Commander.”

“Just what in the hell have we done ta’ you? Last I remember, we saved your lives!”

“This is true, Commander. But, I can’t allow personal matters to get in the way of something more important to me and my wife. We’re apart of something greater than ourselves, a movement to preserve our way of life as citizens of Earth.”

“You’re Terra Prime operatives,” T’Pol inferred.

“We follow in their cause. Like so many others, we’re fed up with aliens tampering with Earth’s affairs, our rights. I don’t expect you to understand, Vulcan.”

“I understand that Terra Prime promotes violence, hate and fear,” T’Pol rebutted.

“We don’t want to be violent, but we do what we need to do, not what we want to do! The events of the Xindi attack and with this Coalition of Planets alliance, Starfleet has forced us to resort to more drastic measures. You see, Commander, once I realized who you really were, I reported your where-a-bouts to central command. It would seem our new leader has a reason to want you both dead. They ordered us to follow you and hold you for questioning.”

“Finding you was a simple matter of tracing your communication to our business, Commander.” Melissa revealed. Damn, I should’ve known better ‘n ta’ make a call from the house.Trip thought. T’Pol gave him a knowing look.

“What do you want from us?” Trip demanded from Mike.

“Gee, I don’t know. Two senior commanders of Starfleet’s flagship vessel, one happens to be their best engineer, and the other their best science officer… I think they’ll find you both very resourceful. As for your parents here, they won’t be of much use.”


“Believe me, Commander, I don’t wish to harm your folks. I’m sure they had no idea what a traitor to humanity you’d turn out to be when they raised you. But, I don’t think my superior is going to be so kind when he arrives very shortly.”

“To think we gave an entire cooler full of fine, old aged wines to these people!” Melissa said to Mike.

“We could say the same about rescuin’ you!” Trip replied. Melissa glared at Trip with intensity, moving in closer before she spoke.

“If I had known who you were out on that boat, I’d poisoned that wine, and I sure as hell wouldn’t have kissed you on your cheek!” Her remark drew a sharp brow from T’Pol. “Don’t worry sister, I’m not even remotely interested in your Romeo here…”

“Enough of the chit-chat,” Mike interjected, slightly annoyed at the direction of their conversation. Suddenly, Mike’s communicator started beeping. He spoke into it. “Mike here”

“I’ll be arriving within five minutes.” A familiar voice said.

“Copy that.” Mike ended the transmission.

“You are misguided if you believe Terra Prime will ever succeed in ending the alliance between our worlds and preventing the Coalition developments from furthering when you continue to use violence and kidnap people as a means of negotiating terms.” T’Pol stated in a calm and matter-of-fact manner.

“On the contrary, Vulcan. Terra Prime is stronger than ever before. You couldn’t begin to imagine the vast number of ordinary citizens on Earth who follow in our cause. You easily forget millions of folks like the Tuckers here lost families and friends in the Xindi attack and weren’t too happy about Starfleet and Earth’s governments forming an alliance with the Xindi.” Trip grimaced his lips slightly at Mike’s remarks, knowing all too well the rage he once felt towards the Xindi. “Commander Tucker…” Mike spoke directly to Trip, with a serious and compassionate demeanor. “I understand you and your parents lost a family member in the Xindi attack, so I know you understand how I feel. Melissa and I lost our only son, Michael.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Mike, but you don’t understand the big picture here. I mean, how can you honestly believe breaking up our alliances with other worlds is the best thing for humanity….you sound just like Paxton.”

“No, Commander, I’m just like thousands of other Terra Prime operatives who believe that humanity, our kind, is all that matters, not developing intergalactic alliances!” Mike shouted back, looking directly at T’Pol.

“These intergalactic alliances enable Starfleet to build better ships… ships capable of defending Earth and advancing Earth technology.” T’Pol responded evenly.

“And better ships to traverse the stars, informing potentially hostile alien worlds of our location! Paxton understood this. Your captain should have killed him when he had the chance. While he’s been facing a tribunal, he’s had opportunities to communicate with outside parties, solicit political party and business members and high-ranking military officials. Captain Archer under estimated the power and influence of John Frederick Paxton. His ability to persuade and recruit new members into key leadership roles is the reason Terra Prime will be stronger than it ever was. We have a new leader now who will take the reins from Paxton, one who will enable Terra Prime to put even more pressure on Starfleet, one who will one day be known to the media and general public, but only when the time is appropriate… when certain people have been… eliminated. He will save humanity from its own demise.”

“And just who might he be?” Trip demanded to know.

“I believe that would be me!” Trip and T’Pol looked in disbelief.

“Admiral Janeway!” Mrs. Tucker gasped.

“You can’t be serious?” Trip gazed at the Admiral with disgust.

“Is it that hard to believe that an Admiral in Starfleet would lead the Terra Prime underground? Many of us in Starfleet and in the military had friends and family in Florida when the Xindi attacked Earth, Commander. It’s time Starfleet headed in a new direction. One that involves humanity, and humanity alone.” Trip’s watch began to beep.

“What’s that?” Mike pointed his gun at Trip’s head.

“It’s just my alarm.” It was actually his secure communicator signaling from Enterprise.

“See?” Trip responded, pointing to the off button. “I’m just gonna’ turn it off.” He slowing pushed the button to stop the beeping. T’Pol gave him a hopeful glance.

“Well! I knew Admiral Gardner and Captain Archer were hiding you two somewhere, but I’d never guess in a million years he’d have the audacity put you up in his vacation house!”


“Captain, we’re getting no response.” Hoshi informed Archer on the bridge of Enterprise. He ordered that only the senior staff were permitted on the bridge while they attempted to contact the commanders. Archer had already briefed them on the situation with Commanders Tucker and T’Pol, but only Malcolm was privy to the intricate details. Archer glanced over to Malcolm. “Lieutenant, any suggestions?”

“Sir, I explicitly instructed both commanders to keep their tracking watches on at all times. It’s very unlikely both would remove them or not respond, unless there was a problem. Captain, I would like to beam down with a MACO landing party to the location of the signal.”

“Ensign, what is the exact location of the signal.” Hoshi pushed some buttons narrowing her search.

“It’s coming from a residential house located on the shores of Maui, sir.” Archer knew exactly where they were now, and for a moment thought not to order Reed to beam down with the MACOs, but he couldn’t think of any gave reason why they would ignore their comm. Archer gave the order with full confidence.

“Take your landing party, Lieutenant.”

“Yes, sir.” Without hesitation, Reed made his way to the turbolift.

“And lieutenant… use discretion and good luck.

“Thank you, sir.” Reed gazed over at Hoshi with a look of concern before stepping onto the turbolift.


“Maybe Admiral Gardner never expected one of his own could betray ‘im!” Trip said heatedly to Admiral Janeway.

“That was his first mistake, Commander. If he’d done his research, he’d know our network is growing, gaining wide support since Paxton’s tribunal. His second mistake is failing to see the truth… that the Xindi attack was only the beginning… a warning to what our endeavors in space exploration will lead to… devastation.”


Lieutenant Reed and two MACOs beamed outside behind the house. He gestured for the MACOs to take cover against the wall of the house. “Sir, I’m reading seven bio-signs in the main room towards the front of the house on the first floor… two armed, sir.” The second MACO informed Reed. He instructed the first MACO make his way in through the back door while he and the second MACO went to the left side to enter the side.


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Mr. Tucker asserted to the Admiral. “A wise man once said these words about humanity, Admiral. I think his words are ever more true today.”

“Franklin Delano Roosevelt. One of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. I couldn’t agree more Mr. Tucker. But the fear in this case is the failure of irresponsible men, like Admiral Gardner and Captain Archer, to stand up and fight for humanity’s way of life. With the help of your son and his girlfriend here, we’re going to take control of Enterprise out of the hands of Starfleet Command and its puppets.”

“We’ll never help you!” Trip declared.

“Oh, I seriously doubt that Commander… you wouldn’t want any harm to come to your folks, now would you?”

Trip fought to control his anger. If you, so help me…. T’Pol tried to sooth him through the bond, sending thoughts of calm and balance. He took a deep breath to try to relax, but upon exhale he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye, something behind the Admiral. He tried not to reveal himself to the others. T’Pol picked up his observation, seeing the MACO around the side wall of the hallway entry. She gave a quick glance to Trip to let him know she was aware they were not alone. Trip now knew he was a valuable asset to Terra Prime and that they wouldn’t kill him so easily. But, he couldn’t say the same for T’Pol… she was Vulcan. He got up and started to approach Admiral Janeway in a hostile manner, surprising the others.

“If you lay a hand on my folks…” he yelled. Quickly, as he anticipated, Mike moved towards him and aimed his gun at Trip. With Mike’s gun away from Trip’s parents and Melissa distracted by the confrontation, Reed took this as his queue to give the nod to the two MACOs. They appeared out of no where. Before the first MACO fired the stun shot at Mike’s chest, T’Pol already reached up to apply the Vulcan neck pinch onto Melissa, whose off-guarded attempt to make her way towards Trip and Mike allowed T’Pol to apply the technique with ease. Melissa and Mike both hit the ground simultaneously. Thump.

Malcolm Reed held his pistol fully charged at the Admiral’s back just as he was about to put his hand in his suit to go for his weapon. “I’ll take that, sir.” Reed reached around the Admiral, reaching for his gun before the Admiral could get there first. He then tossed it to Trip.

“Took ya’ long enough!” Trip teased. Malcolm gave him an incredulous look.

“Commanders, is everyone all right?” He said as he begun to restrain the Admiral, while the MACOs restrained and disarmed the unconscious Mike and Melissa lying on the floor.

“We are well. Thank you, Lieutenant. Your rescue could not have come at a more favorable time.” T’Pol replied.

“Consider yourselves lucky, Commander. We had no idea the situation you were in.” T’Pol never considered luck had anything to do with it, but raised her brow in an appreciative manner just the same. Reed finished tightening the restraints on the Admiral. “As for you, sir, I’m placing you under arrest. You can consider this your unlucky day.” He could hardly believe what he had heard out of the Admiral’s mouth only moments ago when he first approached them. The Admiral held his head defiantly in the air as Malcolm restrained his hands behind his back.

“You’ll never stop Terra Prime, Lieutenant. This is only the beginning.” Turning to look at Trip and T’Pol, “…you won’t escape us again, you have my word!” Trip and T’Pol shared a disturbed glance. Will it ever end… they worried.

“With all due respect, Admiral, I hardly think you’ll be able to keep that promise where you’re going,” Reed said with a heated tone. He whipped out his communicator.

“Enterprise, this is Reed.”

“This is Enterprise, Lieutenant, go ahead.” Hoshi replied.

“Ensign, I need to speak with the Captain on a secure channel, right away.”

“Understood.” Hoshi said to Captain Archer who was sitting at his command chair awaiting Reed’s report. “Captain, it’s Lieutenant Reed. He’s requesting a secure channel with you, sir.”

“Put him through in my ready room, Ensign.” The captain quickly made his way into his ready room and opened the audio channel to Reed on his screen. “Malcolm , this is the Captain, what’s your status?”

“Captain, we’ve successfully secured the Commanders and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. But, we also have in custody three Terra Prime operatives, one of which includes Admiral Janeway. He claims to be the new leader behind their operations…” Archer was so shocked by the news; he was speechless for a moment. Reed continued. “…sir, we need to get high level security transport here A.S.A.P. I can’t be certain there aren’t more operatives in the area or on their way.”

“Good work, Malcolm. Stand by while I contact Starfleet command and….”

“Captain,” T’Pol’s voice interrupted. “I’d like to request an immediate shuttlepod transport aboard Enterprise; I’m in need of medical assistance by Doctor Phlox.” Reed gave her a questionable look. I thought she said she was fine a moment ago… she looks well, what then?.

“Are you okay, T’Pol?” Archer inquired.

“I’ll be fine once I’m safely aboard Enterprise and in Sickbay, sir.” Her statement was comforting to Archer, that she still considered Enterprise a safe place, a home. It had been so long since he had his Vulcan Science Officer aboard, but what could be wrong with her that she would risk returning to Enterprise without security escort and with the Terra Prime threat on her life still imminent. He was hesitant to accept her request. After all, Masaro and Wilson were both Terra Prime operatives aboard his vessel and no one even suspected them. He worried there were likely other enemies within aboard Enterprise who passed the Section 31 security screening. He knew had no assured way of guaranteeing their safety aboard Enterprise, but she specifically asked for Doctor Phlox’s assistance and he wanted to know why.

“Standby…” Archer opened another comm channel on his screen. “Mr. Mayweather, report to my ready room.”

“Aye, sir.” Mayweather replied.

Archer returned to the secured channel. “You’ll have your transport shortly, Commanders.”

“Thank you, sir” T’Pol replied.

“Captain,” Trip asserted. “Me and ma’ folks will be accompanying T’Pol, if that’s okay with you, sir.”

“That’s fine, Commander. I’ll have MACOs awaiting your arrival.” Mr. Reed?” Archer called out.

“Yes, sir.” Reed responded.

“I want you to escort the Terra Prime operatives into Starfleet custody. I’m notifying command now of the situation and will have a MACO security transport arrive shortly to pick you up. Until then, standby.”

“Understood.” Reed replied.

“Archer out.” Just then Mayweather entered the Captain’s ready room. “Travis. I have a very important mission for you…”

Trip looked at T’Pol and then to his parents. “Mom, dad, we need ta’ have a talk.”


Three days later. Destination: Vulcan

Since their arrival aboard Enterprise, the Commanders and the Tuckers had been under 24 hours guard. MACOs escorted them where ever they went. The Captain was forced to explain their situation to Starfleet and asked Lieutenant Reed to make whatever necessary arrangements with Section 31 in order to ensure the safe transport of Trip’s parents’ belongings to Vulcan. They decided to go along with their son and his new bride. At least, until the political climate on Earth changed. At the moment, however, they were content to focus only on the most important day of their son’s life. His wedding day.

Archer gave the signal to Hoshi. She hit the bell four times, in observance of passed loved ones of the Bride and Groom who could not be present to share their moment of happiness. The first bell rang for T’Pol’s father, the second bell for T’Pol mother, the third for Trip’s sister, and the final bell rang for their daughter, Elizabeth. Trip and T’Pol’s faced each other, wearing their uniforms. Trip in his blue suit and T’Pol in her red suit.

In the presence of only the senior officers: Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, and Doctor Phlox, and Tucker’s parents, Captain Archer presided over Trip and T’Pol’s wedding ceremony in Cargo Bay One. These were the only people aboard Enterprise other than the two MACOs on guard, who were entrusted enough to attend their wedding. And only Doctor Phlox, Captain Archer, and the Tuckers knew about T’Pol’s condition. Captain Archer felt it was best to leave Lieutenant Reed out of the loop because of his connections to Section 31. Malcolm, Hoshi, and Travis would all find out in due time, but only when the time was both safe and appropriate. This early in the pregnancy, and given their past experience with Elizabeth, Archer knew there was no telling if baby would even survive the pregnancy.

“Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all ship masters have had the happy privilege. That of uniting two people in the bonds of matrimony. So we are gathered today, Commander Charles Tucker, the third and T’Pol of Vulcan, in the site of your fellows, in accordance to our many beliefs, to witness them joining together in the bonds of matrimony.” Archer paused to reflect a moment, looking at everyone around the room. He smiled faintly at them.

“Who would’ve thought? These two getting married.” He was still adjusting to the news himself and already he was officiating over their wedding.

“If Daniels himself would have dropped in from the future, and told me four years ago that these two would be standing here today, about to be married, I wouldn’t have believed him. But somehow the force of love between two people knows no obstacle. It has a funny way of finding itself. There’s an aged old saying on Earth,” Archer turned more towards T’Pol and continued, “…opposites attract.” T’Pol never thought of their relationship that way, but she couldn’t agree more with the saying. It had been the Commander’s constant at odds with her that sometimes made her admire the man more. Archer continued, “So these two opposites have decided to become one equal force, bonded and united forever. The bond of matrimony is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. You will now not only be responsible for protecting and caring for yourselves, but for each other, and each other’s families. Do you accept this burden in matrimony?” Archer asked with authority.

“Without hesitation.” T’Pol replied, looking upon Trip with a sincere and confident esteem. Trip held her gaze for a moment before responding in turn. “Without hesitation.”

“With your acceptance, let us begin with the vows of matrimony.” Archer nodded to Trip to begin. “Do you, Charles Tucker, the third, take this woman, T’Pol of Vulcan, to be your wife?” Trip looked into T’Pol’s eyes with a deep and passionate gaze.

“I, Charles Tucker, the third, do take you, T’Pol of Vulcan, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. T’Pol, I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.” It took Trip all night, stuttering through them, saying the vows over and over in his head to remember them, but the way he said them at that moment, with conviction, everyone in the room was practically in tears. Even Malcolm’s eyes watered with happiness for his colleagues.

Archer turned to T’Pol. “And you, T’Pol of Vulcan. Do you take this man to be your husband?” T’Pol turned to Trip and raised her head proudly. Her vows would be only slightly different than his.

“I, T’Pol of Vulcan, do claim you, Charles Tucker, the third, to be my husband, my chosen and one true bond mate.” The corner of Trip’s mouth turned into a slight smile at her mention of his favorite word again. “I will cherish our union and my affection for you will remain ever lasting from this day forward. I will trust you and respect you, bonding with you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. Trip, I give you my hand, my honor, and my Vulcan heart, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.”

Archer signaled for Hoshi and Malcolm to approach. Each held out a wedding band in their index and pointer fingers as they approached. “And now for the exchange of the wedding ring, a symbol of your commitment to one another.” He nodded to Malcolm who then proceeded to hand Trip his band. “Take her hand and repeat after me.” Archer ordered to Trip.

“I, Charles Tucker, the third,” Archer said.

“I, Charles Tucker, the third,” Trip repeated.

“…give you, T’Pol of Vulcan,” Archer said.

“…give you, T’Pol of Vulcan,” Trip repeated.

“…this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” Archer said.

“…this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” Trip finally repeated. Archer signaled for him to place the ring on her finger.

Trip placed the ring over her finger gently. It was a solid platinum ring made with the engineer’s own two hands. He had to strip seven relays from his engines to get the amount required to make their wedding bands. He inscribed the words on the inside of both of their rings, “For Elizabeth.”

Archer gave Hoshi a nod to give the ring to T’Pol. She regarded the metal object with bewilderment for she was not accustomed to this symbol on Vulcan. But she understood its significance and came to look upon it with honor.

“T’Pol, take his hand and repeat after me.” Archer ordered.

“I, T’Pol of Vulcan,” Archer said.

“I, T’Pol of Vulcan,” T’Pol repeated.

“…give you, Charles Tucker,” Archer said.

“…give you, Charles Tucker,” T’Pol repeated.

“…this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” Archer said.

“…this ring as an eternal symbol of my… love… and commitment to you.” T’Pol finally said it. Love, she repeated it to herself. Archer signaled for her to place the ring on his finger.

“Is there anyone in this room who would question the sincerity or the destiny of this union. Please come forth and be heard.” After a pause, as no one in the room said a word, Archer continued.

“It gives me great pleasure to now pronounce you Husband and Wife.” He turned to Trip with a jovial smile, “You may kiss the bride.” Trip wasted no time. He grabbed both of her hands and pulled her in close for a kiss. It was a single, prolonged kiss. One that sealed their vows and made him the happiest man alive. T’Pol was a little apprehensive about the kiss, but had made a promise to Trip that she would follow his customs in marriage. When they parted their kiss, they held each others gaze for a moment before turning to face the guests.

“I’d like to formally introduce for the first time, Charles and T’Pol Tucker,” Archer announced. A wave of applause filled the room. Everyone made their rounds to shake Trip’s hand in congratulations. T’Pol simply poised herself beside the Commander, acknowledging each person with a simple nod of gratitude. Except when Trip’s mother insisted on giving her a hug and kissing her cheek. Once Hoshi made the announcement that Chef prepared a small reception in the Mess Hall where he’d also be serving a wedding cake, that’s all it took for the officer’s to start herding their way towards the Mess Hall. Hoshi escorted the Tuckers out the door, following everyone, except Captain Archer, Trip, and T’Pol who stayed behind momentarily.

“Congratulations.” Archer held out a hand to Trip

“Thanks, Jon… for everything.” Trip grasped his waiting hand.

“What are friends for, Trip?” He returned the engineer’s smile with a glimmer of sadness.

“My only regret is losing two of Starfleet’s finest officers. Enterprise won’t be the same without you two.” Archer still couldn’t believe that in only a matter of days, he would be dropping them off to live on Vulcan for what may be the rest of their lives. He was sad especially for Trip, knowing how much he loved doing his job as Chief Engineer aboard Enterprise, but he also knew Tucker was a family man and would never choose his job over family. Most of all, he was sad that Trip and T’Pol could not live on Earth. That humanity was still so full of fear and hate, that two young people in love couldn’t live happily within human society, simply because of their physical differences.

“Thank you, Captain. I too regret that we will be unable to continue serving aboard Enterprise. It has been both a challenge and an honor serving with you, sir.”

“Four years ago, I never imagined you’d make it past a week aboard Enterprise…. I thought you’d be off to Vulcan first chance you had... and now, I can’t imagine a more loyal First Officer than you. Well, besides Trip here.” Archer patted his hand on Trip’s shoulder, “You know you're always welcome back, when things are better. And I'm gonna' see to it they do.” He smiled at him faintly before returning his attention to T’Pol.

“It has been an honor, T’Pol.” Archer put up his hand in the air, making the Vulcan hand greeting gesture. “Peace and long life.” T’Pol returned his hand gesture and bowed her head slightly. She once said that Vulcan’s had no heroes, but today she considered these two men her heroes. From Captain Archer, she learned loyalty and from Trip she learned how to love. Two human emotions that her Vulcan soul had never understood until now.

Trip was delighted by the exchange between her and the Captain. He had never before seen T’Pol show this much affection for him. He was almost jealous. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but do ya’ think they’ll leave some of that weddin’ cake for us?” Trip teased. The Captain simply looked at him with amusement while T’Pol shot him a brow.


Six weeks later

It was late in the evening, Trip and T’Pol quietly lay on her bed intertwined together in the shadows of the candle lit room. The passing stars shimmered light through the small window of her cabin. They had been sharing her quarters since they first arrived, while the Tuckers stayed in Trip’s quarters. They were due to arrive at Vulcan the next day. T’Pol ran her fingers lightly through the soft curls of his chest. Only in their closeness, alone, would she allow herself to give him the love and affection his heart desired. Trip turned onto his side to face her, placing his hand on her cheek. He trailed his fingers down to her abdomen, which still showed no signs of her pregnancy.

“Do you think he’ll be able to feel me through our bond?”

“It is possible he will feel you indirectly through me.” T’Pol watched him caress her womb with a possessive touch, sending waves of emotion though her.

“So what should we call ‘im? Charles Tucker, the Fourth? Or, how about we name him after your father? What was his name anyway?”

“Soven.” She whispered his name with an inkling of sadness. It had been a very long time since she spoke his name. Trip could feel her thoughts and feelings through the bond.

“Soven… I like it.” Inwardly, he thought it sounded too much like the number Seven, but he tried to block that thought from T’Pol, quickly adding, “…I wish I could have met him… asked him for your hand.” Trip squeezed her hand in his palm.

“I believe, in time, my father would have found you a suitable mate, t’hyla.”

“Yeah, I kinda’ grow on you, huh?” Trip moved in closer to her, almost touching her lips with his own. “Maybe we should name him after Lorian.” T’Pol averted her eyes to meet his gaze.

“It would only seem fitting to name him after Lorian.” That caused Trip to smile tenderly at her. He moved in slowly, ever so lightly touching her lips at first, then kissing her fully. After a moment, he pulled away to look upon her. The star lights shot diamonds from her eyes. It reminded him the look in her eyes that heavenly night.

“Do you remember that first night on the Twilight, under the stars and the moonlight?” He said while caressing her hair.

“How could I forget?” She said in a huskier voice.

“I’ll never forget how beautiful you looked that night, darlin’.” He gently kissed her on the lips, and then moved her chin to the side to allow him free access to her neckline. He began to paint light kisses against the flesh of her neck as he whispered, “…the way you look now, you’re glowing even more than you did that night under those bright stars…” He pulled back to gaze into her eyes. “…tonight you’re my wife and carryin’ our son… I never imagined any woman s’beautiful, darlin’...”Certainly not a Vulcan, he thought. “I love you, T’Pol Tucker” A long pause ensued as she returned his amative gaze, averting her eyes to his lips before Trip pulled her in close and kissed her deeply, with such passion that it sent a current of heat pulsating through T’Pol’s core. She quickly closed in, returning his kiss with equal measure.

T’Pol would never have to speak those words to Trip. It was not her way and, finally, the human understood why. In his lifetime with T’Pol he came to understand one sentiment above all… the Vulcan loved him more than anyone he had ever known. Their bond knew no boundaries, and her thoughts and feelings through the bond were a constant flow of love and affection for Commander Tucker, her Trip, her t’hyla. But on this night, the night before they arrived at their new home on Vulcan together, they spent their last waking hours aboard Enterprise making love as if it were their first time all over again. Their voyages on the deep blue seas of Earth and through the vast space of the Universe were nearing an end, but their journeys on Vulcan were only just beginning to embark, and once again there was a lusty wind in their sails.

The End.

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Neat way to wrap it up.

I'm also glad the Polly Pon'farr was quite subdued compared to others. If a story's got to have it, I like the way you handled it here.

Great timing! I had started to re-read this story just last night and now (after almost a year) it's getting finished.

I loved it, of course =)

great way to finish it, thanks

Wow, I read this a looong time ago and I'm glad to see it completed. Nicely done and a great way to end it.

I had checked this one out a long time ago as well. I'm really glad it got completed. Very nice job, btw.

Okay... here's what I really think.

I enjoyed this for the most part, but Admiral Janeway's sudden appearance kind of threw me for a loop. Where did the guy come from? Who is he? Is he related to a future Starfleet captain of our aquaintance? The scene just didn't flow for me. There wasn't enough description for me to see it. It's like he just appeared from nowhere. I like the idea that the closet leader of Terra Prime was military, though. It would actually make sense that someone in the military would have the connections and the motivation to make a worldwide terrorist organization work.

The wedding ceremony was nice, but rather redundant. I know you like marriage vows, though. (Wasn't it you that was upset that I didn't put the vows in my first Season Five story?) It may just be that I prefer stories that just cover the main highlights with great detail rather than stories that cover every possible minute of the action in lesser detail. Vows, to me, are the same at every wedding. Reading them doesn't do much for me, but everyone has their preferences.

I liked the bit about the whales. I've always been fascinated by the possibility that cetaceans might be sentient. The future/past thing was a bit unbelievable... and I really don't think T'Pol is the type to believe in ESP... but the mental communication was a good scene.

I don't think that either of them would be quite so cavalier about leaving Enterprise. Especially if the Romulan War is starting. (You didn't mention it. Does it happen in your AU?) I suppose that the timing of T'Pol's Ponfarr doesn't really give them much choice, but she apparently had a lot of warning if she had time to see Phlox about "treating her ova". Come to think of it, she was assuming a lot without asking by taking treatments to enhance her fertility without discussing it with Trip first. I know. I shouldn't talk, having used a similar plot device in one of my stories, but it seems to me she would have at least CONSIDERED deferring pregnancy at a time when they were both in so much danger. It seems irresponsible of her not to have taken that into consideration.

I'm being picky, but in all I think this was an ambitious undertaking on your part, and very engaging. The love scenes were tender, and your portrayal of Trip's parents was excellent. I found the combination of Provigil and Viagra for Ponfarr enhancement quite amusing... and it would most likely work! Please continue to write. I'd like to read more of your work.

I tried to tell her that if Trip was related to me he wouldn't need any a' that crap because we're just natural born lovers but did she listen, NOoOOoOO! ;)

I liked it, but I could see Distracted's point about Adm. Janeway. He was introduced early in this series and beyond the name 'Janeway', has no canonical significance - but I think there was some "shock-factor" intended by it being him. The large gap between release of Part 1 and release of the final section could be to blame for the "shock" kind of falling short. Perhaps if it had been Admiral Black or Gardner, or even General Casey (the MACO general, he's mentioned only once in Xindi as the MACO CO who assigns the Enterprise contingent). Anywho, being your first fic Kelly I thought it was very impressive and don't sweat the deconstructive criticism (not you Distracted!), that comes with the territory. I certainly took some licks from some candid folks back in the Your Mom n Me days.

I tried to tell her that if Trip was related to me he wouldn't need any a' that crap because we're just natural born lovers but did she listen, NOoOOoOO! ;)

I liked it, but I could see Distracted's point about Adm. Janeway. He was introduced early in this series and beyond the name 'Janeway', has no canonical significance - but I think there was some "shock-factor" intended by it being him. The large gap between release of Part 1 and release of the final section could be to blame for the "shock" kind of falling short. Perhaps if it had been Admiral Black or Gardner, or even General Casey (the MACO general, he's mentioned only once in Xindi as the MACO CO who assigns the Enterprise contingent). Anywho, being your first fic Kelly I thought it was very impressive and don't sweat the deconstructive criticism (not you Distracted!), that comes with the territory. I certainly took some licks from some candid folks back in the Your Mom n Me days.

Btw Distracted, I don't think this in any way involves the Rommie War, which by cannon just has to start *sometime* between 2155 and 2156, but since the Romulans are so secretive and reclusive, I doubt the war starts gradually with any lead-up... the way I always saw it, the war problably starts suddenly with a preemptive Rommie strike.

It's too good and unexpected that you finish you work. Honestly,I like the beginning,that I read 6 month earlier I thought that you story never ended, but you did it! You're the man!

John, I guess the fact that I didn't reread the first part before I read the new chapters might have had something to do with my reaction to the scene with Janeway, but, from a strictly narrative POV, I feel like there also was insufficient development of the character and the scene. It would have been different if we had seen Janeway a few times during the story other than right at the beginning... or even an unnamed character doing nasty Terra Prime stuff that the reader had a suspicion might have military connections... but it was like he just materialized out of thin air. There was no physical description of the man (At least none that I remember... maybe there was one in the first part, but that was a very long time ago) and so I couldn't "see" him. There was also no description of his expression, his surroundings, or his method of arrival. See what I mean? A character needs to have context. An OC needs to be written with even greater detail than an established character, otherwise what the reader "sees" is a disembodied voice, not a person.

Y2kelly, please understand... I'm NOT saying I didn't like the story. I suppose what I'm trying to do is to offer suggestions for improvement in the future. I know that you probably have a very clear picture in your head of what Admiral Janeway looks like... how he talks... his expressions. We as readers can't see that, though. One of the most difficult things for a writer is to somehow communicate what he's got in his head onto the page well enough so someone else can see it. I'm certainly no expert at it myself, but I can see your potential, and I'm just trying to help.

Thanks for all the comment guys. I'm glad I finished this story and very grateful to have such a great community of readers to share it with. :)

D, I very much appreciate your comments. They are insightful and exactly the kind of constructive feedback I hoped for. I realize I have a lot to learn about writing. I agree with your point that I introduced and exited the Janeway character rather quickly. Obviously, he’s an ancestor of Captain Katherine Janeway, but I decided to leave out the character’s background here because, at the time, I was so focused on writing the action scene. Janeway was only briefly in part one of my story in the beginning, but when I made him the culprit, the intention was to surprise the reader. I can see now it would have been more surprising and more interesting to read had I developed the character in the first place. I know my descriptions need work and in retrospect, I could have added more to his character, like you said, describing his features, his surroundings before arriving at the house, etc… That’s something I have to work on.
The visions T’Pol experienced were really supposed to come across like dreams, not entirely “real,” and it was my attempt at metaphoric language. The blood and sites of the first part were her unsettled thoughts and feelings about Elizabeth. How Elizabeth was born into a clinical environment, not in her womb, the thought terrified her. The vision was a revelation deep from her subconscious mind. It was supposed to be a little strange and unreal, and not an actual event that T’Pol was witnessing as a time traveler.

Overall, a very good resolution and well written fic with only a few minor missteps IMO. I'm very much NOT a fan of female pon farr but, like Kevin, appreciate the subdued way you dealt with it here. The idea of Trip needing Trek viagra to keep up with Polly Farr was kind of amusing.

And with regards to ADM Janeway, I think the reason it's so jarring is because he came across as little more than a guest star present for the sole purpose of the Big Reveal, hence there really isn't any shock value. Professional writers are guilty of this as well as "Terra Prime" and ENS Masaro prove. Imagine, for example, how much more impact the reveal of Masaro's treachery would have been had he been someone who we'd actually seen more of and had an actual grievance against TnT. Someone like Kelby or Michael Rostov or Amanda Cole (or even a main cast member like Hoshi!) would have actually had an emotional impact instead of Ensign Nobody...

And in her defense, Distracted, no one knows that the Earth-Romulan War is about to begin and I could EASILY see TnT's resignation before the war being a source of angst for the two, especially if the war claimed the lives of several friends...

Hope to see more fics from you!

Nice ending to a good story. Well done :)