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Faith- Part 6

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://www.carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY": "When members of the crew go suddenly missing, Captain Archer finds the only witness is unable to tell them anything. Lt Reed takes it upon himself to turn detective."
DISCLAIMER: The characters and 'Enterprise' belong to Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 6

* * * * *

The Vulcan Captain was experiencing a most unusual sensation. He glared at Kaarg with ill concealed fury. He could hardly believe what they had found once they had boarded the Hirogen vessel. The sight of the Vulcan Sub-Commander bloodied and imprisoned in the hanging cage was more than he could stomach. Green blood oozed and smeared every surface she touched. He quickly had the device broken apart and T'Pol carefully removed. Captain Vornak paced slowly, using the motion to steady his anger enough to speak.

"What have you done?"

The Hirogen Captain straightened. A show of defiance. "I did what needed to be done to preserve my people."

Captain Vornak turned sharply and stared at him with something close to utter hatred. "By raping MY people?"

Kaarg dropped his eyes. Felt uncomfortable. Knew he was in total violation of their secret treaty. This could end very badly for his people. "We are dying out."

"That fact becomes more attractive with every passing moment." Said the Vulcan curtly.

The Hirogen looked surprised. "The treaty..."

"Is broken. Your continued existence has become... problematic."

Despite the fact that the Hirogen towered over the stocky Vulcan, he seemed to quail at the words. Worry at last filtering through his obstinate assertion that might was right. "The error was mine alone."

The Vulcan Captain looked at him for a moment then instructed the lieutenant to take him away and put him in a cell. There were three other Hirogen on the ship, all of them were likewise incarcerated. Not on the Vulcan vessel but on their own. Captain Vornak forced himself to walk around the hideous vessel. Suppressed a shudder at the evidence of torture and abuse. Tried not to think what species now hung in sculpted horror from the metal walls, their bones forming a grotesque counterpoint to the silver of the inner hull. The rank scent of defilement filled his nostrils. The blood of innocents almost made him gag. He left a compliment of crew on board as gaolers and returned to his ship. He took time to bathe and change into a fresh uniform then went to the infirmary. Sub-Commander T'Pol was barely conscious. Certainly in no condition to tell him what had happened.

"What is her condition?"

"She will live, Captain, but there is internal damage. The Sub-Commander has been raped." He paused, watched the shocked expression on Captain Vornak's face before he could mask it. "Repeatedly." Another pause, then an almost nervous clearing of the throat. "I am afraid that Sub-Commander T'Pol is pregnant, Captain."

Anger flashed in Captain Vornak's eyes. Such a situation was intolerable. Once he was back in control of himself he gave a stiff nod to his medical colleague. "You will terminate it immediately!"

"Yes, sir."

The Captain was about to turn away when he caught odd words tumbling in a painful jumble from T'Pol's mouth. Half the words were in Vulcan, half in the Human tongue. He stepped up to where she lay and bent his head close to her mouth, the better to hear her. He frowned at the odd words. She kept mentioning something or someone called 'Trip' and then a string of abuse in Vulcan about the creature that had raped her. What she would do to him if she ever got her hands on him. The Captain almost smiled. Tempted to give her what she craved. Then he heard other words. Worry about the others. Others? What others? The Sub-Commander's words faded and she passed out. He glanced at the doctor.

"She is sedated, Captain. I will now terminate the pregnancy and remove every last piece of the Hirogen's DNA. The injuries both physical and mental will take longer to heal."

He nodded. Looked thoughtfully at Sub-Commander T'Pol. Recognised her as the Vulcan presence on the human ship Enterprise. Others. Did that mean the Hirogen had violated the humans as well? This was getting worse with each passing moment. He turned and stormed out of the infirmary and sent his lieutenant down to the Hirogen vessel to *question* Captain Kaarg. The unspoken instruction was to illicit the truth by any means necessary. The application of pain would not be ruled out as an option. The Hirogen had forfeited all rights the moment he had violated their treaty. Had lost the right to live the moment he touched T'Pol.

* * * * *

Lieutenant Reed was distressed. His feelings etched in fine lines of worry upon his sensitive face. Ensign Sato was sleeping fitfully. The lieutenant held her hand as he sat next to her bedside and kept glancing up from Hoshi's face to where the doctor fiddled with the monitor. "Surely there is something you can do, doctor?"

Dr. Phlox looked down at him, a gentle smile on his face. His eyes compassionate. Supremely practical, his smile widened slightly in an attempt to reassure the anxious armoury officer. "The ensign is not in any pain, lieutenant. Her distress is from reliving the traumatic events. I do not dare to increase the dosage."

His gentle eyes settled on her face. So full of care. "How could any race be so brutal? So depraved?"

"There are species who have no concept of the kind of compassion you take for granted. They see something they want and simply take it. They act according to their nature, lieutenant."

"Then they are monsters."

He could say nothing to that. Dr. Phlox finished settling the intravenous line and ensuring the patient was as comfortable as possible. He went to move passed the lieutenant when he looked up in alarm. "Surely you're not going to just leave her?"

Dr. Phlox raised his eyebrows and looked passed Lieutenant Reed. He half turned and looked behind him. Saw the biobeds crammed next to each other taking up every available bit of space in sickbay. Each bed with an injured crew member on it. All of them waiting for the doctor's attention. Lieutenant Reed looked shame-faced. "I'm sorry, doctor."

"No need to apologise, Lieutenant."

When he looked up again it was to see the Captain pad quietly into sickbay and stand beside him. "How's she doing, Malcolm?"

He sighed. "I don't know. She looks so frail and fragile. And then there's the blood..." He broke off a moment to collect himself. "She looks so small...."

Captain Archer put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hoshi is tougher than she looks, Malcolm."

A flicker of hope edged into the corner of a misty eye. "You think so?"

The Captain patted his shoulder. "I *know* so."

Captain Archer looked up and gazed slowly around the crammed infirmary. It looked like a war zone. He sighed, heart heavy and slowly stepped from bed to bed, sparing a word here and there for those still conscious. His quiet voice spreading calm and sharing his concern among all of his people. Lieutenant Reed was proud of his Captain. Proud of this crew. And as he looked down into the white face of Ensign Hoshi Sato, he was proud of the communications officer. He squeezed her hand gently and silently vowed to tell her how he felt when she was strong enough. He had almost lost her and that had terrified the life out of him. Never again. Even if she told him she was not interested he had to tell her how much she meant to him. He wanted to kiss her hand. Touch her cheek. But he had no right. Not until he had declared himself to her. Then. If she approved he would court her properly. The way a gentleman should.

* * * * *

He could not stop the pain filling his heart. The sorrow numbing him. Such overwhelming grief that he did not think he could survive it let alone want to. What did it matter now? He had lost T'Pol. Nothing else meant a damn any more. For hours he just lay there, his mind in a kind of dull fog. Oblivious to everything but his sense of loss. Unaware that another consciousness stirred carefully within his own. Something gentle and caring and subtle flowed with exaggerated stealth, slowly easing the burden of his care as it progressed. Trip felt so empty. So tired. He closed his eyes. Gave himself up to the darkness of utter despair. Began to drift while something else took over and stepped where not even fools would dare to tread. His breath deepened. The sleep of exhaustion stole upon him. Tears wet silent cheeks. As he let go of everything that held him in this world something else caught him. Held him as precious and cared for him. Something that deepened the sleeping state and gently began to heal him. Not with a physical touch. Not with words but with love. He knew it not and the consciousness that now bathed and warmed the cold bitterness of his pain approved. With infinite patience the trauma was eased, his anxiety taken away from him and his dreams became more powerful than all the nightmares.

His heart sighed softly. The stirring thoughts caressed their host. Held him so lightly, protectively. Reaching beyond him to the seat of his sorrow. Searching for answers to questions Commander Tucker could no longer bear to ask. Even though it made no sense it was all he had.

* * * * *

Captain Vornak was incensed. His look was hard. Implacable. The Hirogen Captain raised his head. Allowed pride to defy the Vulcan's efforts to shame him. "I did what had to be done."

"You violated a Vulcan. Raped human women. Broke your treaty with us."

The Hirogen flinched at the mention of the treaty. It was the one act of which he was not proud. "The shame is mine alone. Let the others go and take my life in tribute."

The Captain's gaze was cold. Calm now and devoid of visible emotion. His words rang low and hollow like a death knell. A judge passing sentence on the thrice damned. "Your life is of no worth. Oath-breakers have no honour among Vulcans."

A flicker of panic stirred him from his self confidence. As if only in the moment of his death could he finally see how much he had erred. "Do not make the rest of my people suffer for my mistake."

For a moment there was silence then Captain Vornak dropped his voice to a low whisper. Yet in the silence the Hirogen heard every word. "Where are the humans? What did you do with them?"

"If I tell you will you let my people go?"

"Your actions require a price. A price paid in blood."

For a moment the two Captains just stared at each other then Kaarg lowered his head slowly in acquiescence. "Take your blood price."

"Where are they?"

The Hirogen Captain gave him the co-ordinates. Captain Vornak turned away from him and gave a slight nod. Before he turned around again the Hirogen lay dead upon the floor. A hole in the middle of his chest from weapons fire at close quarters. Captain Vornak glanced at his lieutenant. "Return him to his ship. Execute the rest of his crew then vaporise the vessel and its' contents. I do not want a particle left bigger than an atom."

Lieutenant Rolrak nodded and gestured to a couple of Vulcans to assist him. Captain Vornak stepped around the bloody smear and barked out orders to change course. Not even the Hirogen could be permitted to discover how important the humans were. Some secrets only the very highest echelons of Vulcan High Command could be privy to.

* * * * *

Commander Tucker woke two hours later. Not long enough to have slept properly yet he felt more rested than he had in days. He sat slowly and realised he had been languishing in self pity. He was not the only one to be suffering. He got up and stripped off. Took a hot shower and put on a clean uniform. He looked in the mirror and took a couple of steadying breaths. The Sub-Commander would not be impressed if he gave up simply because she had died. The least he could do was be there for his friends. Oddly enough it comforted him to turn his thoughts to helping the others. How he would do that he did not know.

Captain Archer was surprised to see him. The look on his face made Trip glad that he had made the effort. The sickbay was like a field hospital. Dr. Phlox was busy running tests and administering medication. The Captain had been sitting next to Lieutenant Hess, trying to reassure the Engineer that all was going to turn out well. His whole face lit up in a solemn glow, happy to see his friend back on his feet but sharing his sorrow at the loss of their first officer. Neither mentioned T'Pol. Commander Tucker nodded to the Captain then smiled a little at the lieutenant. "Cap'n. Lieutenant Hess. How're ya feelin'?"

The lieutenant brightened considerably and tried to sit up. Trip chuckled slightly and took the Captain's place beside her. He sat next to the bed and put a hand over hers where it lay on the bed cover. "Don't try to get up and that's an order, Lieutenant!"

She gave him a weary smile. "It's good to see you, Commander."

He gave his first honest grin. Fleeting but welcome. "It's good to see you too."

Captain Archer smiled at his Chief Engineer and put a hand on his shoulder, as if he needed the physical contact to reassure himself he really was back among them. "How you doing, Trip?"

"I'm okay, Cap'n. Been a bad time for all of us."

"You're supposed to be resting." He chided softly.

The Chief Engineer shook his head slightly. "Nah, I've had all the sleep I can handle for now, Cap'n. I think I'll just sit here and stay a while with my people."

The Captain gave him a careful look then nodded as if deciding it was safe to let him have his way. "Okay, but remember to get some rest later."

"So long as ya take your own advice, Cap'n."

Captain Archer raised his eyebrows. It almost made the Commander laugh at his expression.

"You look dead on your feet, Cap'n."

"And a cheery 'good morning' to you too, Commander."

Trip grinned at him. "Any time."

Feeling his spirits rise the Captain smiled back then made his way out of sickbay. Trip turned his head back and found his second looking at him. Their eyes met and he spoke in a slow drawn out drawl. "Now. What'cha been doin', lieutenant?"

Lieutenant Hess looked at him for a moment. More relieved than she could put into words to see him in one piece. Not surprised when he brushed a hand through her tacky blood smeared hair then rested the palm on her forehead. It was comforting and helped her to batten down the panic she had been feeling. "You know what happened to us, sir?" She asked quietly.

He nodded, biting back the sorrow and trying not to get emotional. He could not begin to imagine what they had gone through. It hurt to think of the women being used that way. "We're gonna get through this, Anna." He assured her in a gentle but firm voice.

Her eyes never left his and strangely she found herself believing every word he said. "Yes, sir."

"Now I want ya to close your eyes and get some sleep, 'kay? We got a whole mess of work ahead of us as soon as you're back on your feet."

She nodded, feeling suddenly sleepy. He watched her weary eyes close, his hand gently stroking back the matted hair from her face. He felt her tension ease and sleep claim her. Trip let his hand rest again on her forehead and this time closed his eyes. His other hand resting over her stomach. Without realising it, calm flooded into her from his mind. Slid through the traumatised memories and began to sort through them. Gently healing the hurt, the terror and the feelings of loss. He drifted into a light trance, the consciousness that watched over him with such care moving through him to the sleeping woman. Gentle thoughts touched the depth of her pain. Soothed the deep seated trauma then carefully began the reconstruction of her damaged mind and body. Trip sat with her for over an hour. He jolted awake and was surprised to find himself sitting at Lieutenant Hess's bedside. How long had he been there? He felt guilty for dropping off to sleep but when he looked down at his sleeping lieutenant he could not bring himself to feel any regret.

Quietly he got to his feet and moved on to the next bed. Dr Phlox was checking on Ensign Sato but noticed the Commander's actions. The humans had a saying. *It is an ill wind that blows nobody good*. He wondered what wind this was, and what it could mean. He had the feeling that moving among the traumatised women would be cathartic for the young Commander. A focus that would help him through his own trauma. He sighed and wished it were that easy to accept the loss of the Sub-Commander. For a non-emotional species she had certainly touched a great many of her companions aboard Enterprise. He thought she would have been surprised to find how much the crew would miss her especially the Commander. If only things had turned out different but they had not. He gave another sigh. Heavier and more solemn than the last one. Tired he dimmed the lighting. Noticed the Commander was now sitting with Liz Cutler. The woman was not awake but it did not stop the Commander from holding her hand, muttering a few soft words presumably of comfort then settling his hand on her forehead and closing his eyes. Dr Phlox yawned. He was close to falling asleep on his feet. One more look around reassured him that no more could be done for his patients for the time being. Quietly he went to the adjoining room to sleep. Not wanting to be as far away as his own quarters. Someone might need him and if they did, he intended to be there.

* * * * *

The Vulcans found the place where the Hirogen had incarcerated the humans. Saw the evidence of blood stained rock and the hanging grilled cages. Checked among the Hirogen but they were all dead. Captain Vornak realised the resourceful humans had somehow already found their people and rescued them. Did they know what had happened to the Sub-Commander? He thought it unlikely that they would try so hard to find her. She was a Vulcan after all. Not human. They returned to their ship then he gave the order to open fire. It was imperative they left no trace behind them. Lieutenant Rolrak was watching him carefully. Captain Vornak looked at him.

"You wish to speak?"

"The humans..."

Captain Vornak sighed and gave a grim little nod. "Yes, Lieutenant. We must find them."

"And when we do?"

For a long moment neither man spoke then the Captain made plain the burden of their mission. The weight of knowledge that could not be shared. "This incident must be eliminated from all records."

"The humans are stubborn. They may already have alerted Starfleet."

"No. Had they done so High Command would have notified us. We still have time but must hurry."

In silence they made their way to the bridge. Lieutenant Rolrak began to scan in earnest. The Vulcan Captain was not happy but one thing a Vulcan understood above all other things was duty. His pragmatism made up for his lack of enthusiasm. It took hours before they finally picked up a faint energy signature. They closed in on it, needing to be sure. The Captain lifted a solemn brow. Lieutenant Rolrak gave him a single nod. "It is the Enterprise."

* * * * *

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