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Fragile- Part 2

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Actions have consequences. Some more painful than others."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Two


* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol noticed how still and quiet Commander Tucker had become. Not agitated. Yelling his head off as she had expected. His unnatural silence was somehow more disturbing, more affecting. She knew he was upset. Tearing himself up inside over the doctor's gloomy prognosis. The Vulcan had become so used to reading the Commander's emotions from his expansive verbal outpourings that the silence was somewhat unnerving. Strange but true. She missed the outbursts. Lt. Reed however was grateful. Things were bad enough without having his friend go off half cocked and making things even worse. Though what could be worse than watching their Captain die he could not imagine.

After several minutes of silence, Commander Tucker looked up from the pallid face of his now unconscious Captain. He looked directly at Dr Phlox. His tone level and calm, his eyes steady intent pinpoints of intellect burning quietly like lasers into the physician's. "Doc, is there anythin' ya can do for him?"

No one breathed while waiting for his answer. The Denobulan shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid not, Commander. Not unless we can get him back to Enterprise. The sooner the better."

Something sharpened in the Commander's eyes. "Ya think ya could cure him back on the ship?"

The doctor gave a cautious nod. "Yes, though in medicine there are no cast iron guarantees Commander."

Trip nodded solemnly then glanced around. Suspicious, Lt. Reed moved close enough to whisper in his ear. "What are you up to?"

"I'm not up to anythin' Malcolm. Just need to talk to these people. Get them to let the Cap'n return to Enterprise. Seems to me ya can't have an effective prison sentence if the object of the punishment dies on ya."

"Maybe they don't care."

Trip shot him an angry look then Malcolm saw it. All the emotions bottled up inside him, the vast ocean of grief he was fighting to hold back with every atom of his being. It made him feel ashamed of his trite comment.

"I'm sorry, Commander. Sometimes I don't know when to keep my mouth shut."

He just nodded then spotted Ambassador Ren. He moved away from Lt Reed and walked over to the Ambassador. Sub-Commander T'Pol exchanged a glance with Lt. Reed and fell into step alongside Trip. She was surprised to see the Commander give a formal half bow when he reached the Ambassador. "Ambassador Ren, I need to speak to the Prince Regent on a matter of some urgency."

"I regret, Commander, that will not be possible."

For a long moment the two just looked at each other. Trip swallowed slowly. His voice coming out a pained whisper. "Please, Ambassador. The Cap'n's dyin' an' I may have a solution that'll suit us all."

Ambassador Ren looked at the Commander for a long time. His expression unreadable. Next to Trip the Sub-Commander was wondering what solution the Commander had come up with and why he had not shared it with them. It made her feel a vague discomfort which she did not like. She tried to catch his eye but he was concentrating all his attention on the Ambassador as if to look away would be to acknowledge defeat. At last the Ambassador nodded. "I will aprise him of your petition, Commander. In the meantime you must wait here."

Trip nodded. "Thank you, Ambassador."

When he had gone, T'Pol turned so that she faced him. "What solution?"

"Nothin' for you to worry about, Sub-Commander."

"The Captain is dying, Commander, and while none of us is happy about that I cannot see that anything you do can change that."

She saw the threat of tears in his eyes. Realised how hard this was for him but did not relent. If she became too sympathetic he would fold and right now they needed him to be strong. "Dr. Phlox may be able to do somethin' if he can get the Cap'n back to Enterprise but we can't leave it too long. I'm not about to give up on my friend just because some aliens say no."

"While I agree with doing everything we can for the Captain, what can you possibly say to their Prince Regent to change his mind?" Asked a curious Lt. Reed.

Trip did not answer straight away. He was staring down at the Captain. Eyes misting. A knot of emotion forming in his throat. He was struggling to keep control. When he looked up again he seemed calmer. His determination unwavering. "There's no guarantee he'll even see me, Malcolm."

"But if he does?"

Just then the Ambassador returned. He gave the Commander a solemn nod. Sub-Commander T'Pol made to follow him but the Ambassador shook his head. Reluctantly she stepped back and watched them go. When she glanced at Lt Reed he saw a flicker of worry embedded deep in her eyes. He was not sure whether the concern was for their Captain or the Commander. As unsettling as it was to see emotion in those dark liquid depths it reassured him to know that she was worried too.

* * * * *

The Prince Regent was alone in his Audience Chamber except for the Ambassador. Though the room was high vaulted and airy, the size of the chamber seemed to shrink to fit the occupants so that he quickly became unaware how large it was. His intent and purpose so constrained within the tight walls of his angst that he had tunnel vision. His whole concentration. His hopes. His fears. Rested now on the being seated before him. Quietly Ambassador Ren took up a position to Trip's left. Not close enough to intrude or to distract but near enough to intervene should the off-worlder become violent or distress the Regent.

"You wished to see me on a matter of some import, Commander?"

Trip nodded. "Yes, sir. I mean, Highness. Forgive me for bein' blunt but I am anxious for the health of my Cap'n. He doesn't look so good and our doctor says he's dyin'."

"I sorrow with you in your loss."

The Commander blinked. "Ya don't want him to die?"

"We are not a violent people, Commander, yet if he dies from his impropriety it may be more justice than you or I could fashion."

He flushed. Anger and sorrow tearing at the walls of his self control. The Prince Regent held up a hand to still his protest. Trip paused. Blinked back tears and waited. The Prince Regent was watching him closely. Ambassador Ren taking note of the Commander's increased heart rate and his obvious signs of distress though Trip was oblivious of his attention. "You are distressed, Commander."

"Yeah, an' unhappy as hell." He swallowed hard. "The Cap'n's my friend, Highness. Like a brother but more so if ya get my meanin'."

"Yet you are not related to him? By blood, by marriage, by combat?"

He tried not to fathom what the Prince Regent mean by being related by combat. "No sir, we're not related but we're like family."

"Commander," Said the Prince Regent gently. Trip blessing the Universal Translator while hoping he could keep himself calm enough to argue for his Captain's life. He was prepared to crawl over broken glass and beg if he had to. Whatever it took. "Please, sit."

He frowned. The courtesy confusing him. Belatedly he realised the Ambassador himself had brought a curiously fashioned seat for him to sit on. He wanted to protest that he had no time for such distractions then reasoned that perhaps this was the best way forward. He nodded and sat almost gingerly. "Thanks."

The Ambassador hid a smile and stepped back again. Trip immediately forgot him. Too intent on what the Prince Regent was saying to him. "We have a delicate ecosystem, Commander. The Path is designed to balance all within it. Deviation is not something to be taken lightly or encouraged for in doing so we may disrupt the balance of more than one life."

"I don't understand."

"The penalty of death is not conferred lightly."

Commander Tucker swayed slightly, his face losing all colour. He felt as if he had just been betrayed. "Ya said you weren't gonna kill him? That ya were peaceful bein's."

"We are not going to kill him. The bloom will do that naturally."

"Yeah, but ya must have somethin' to counteract it? An antidote or somethin'."

He shook his head sadly. "I am afraid we have no such thing. We are immune so why would we seek such medication?"

He began to stutter. "B...but w..what about visitors an' such?"

The Prince Regent paused before spelling it out for him. "Visitors are warned not to stray from the Path. Those that do cannot complain when faced with the consequences of their actions."

Tears brimmed in the Commander's eyes. "But he apologised. Said he was sorry, an' he meant it. I know him. He was mortified that he upset your rules."

"The price has to be paid, Commander."

He sniffed. "An' now it won't will it?"

"What do you mean?"

"It won't be paid 'cause the Cap'n's gonna die before he can serve the five years."

For a long moment the Prince Regent said nothing. A look passed between the Ambassador and the ruler of Volara. "Tradition dictates that anyone who strays from the Path will die. There are some who would say a higher power has decided for him."

"I'm not buyin' that, Highness. You're the higher power here. How does it serve ya if my Cap'n dies?"

"It will caution others to adhere to the rules."

"I have a proposition for ya. I don't know what the protocol is for makin' suggestions but I'm about willin' to try anythin' if it'll solve this mess."

Intrigued, the Prince Regent nodded his assent for Trip to continue. Clearing his throat carefully he put his case.

"As I see it, the punishment is five years to be served in a correction facility here on Volara, am I right?"

"That is correct."

"What if I was to offer to serve that sentence so that my Cap'n can return to our ship? Would that break any rules?"

The Prince Regent looked shocked. Ambassador Ren stepped passed Trip's shoulder so that he was now in view of them both. "Highness, this has never been proposed before."

"Yeah, but if the sentence is paid doesn't that balance the books?"

They both looked at the Commander in stunned silence. At last the Prince Regent found his tongue. "You have done nothing wrong by our laws, Commander."

"Neither has my Cap'n." Defended the Chief Engineer stoutly, a fire flashing in his eyes though he kept his voice low and even. He did not want to mess this up by losing his temper.

"Why would you do such a thing?" Asked the Ambassador, his expression curious.

"Like I said, the Cap'n's my friend. I couldn't live with myself if I travelled on and left him behind. It would tear me to pieces."


Trip's look became unfocused. A thousand memories burning bright in his mind's eye. He sighed from the heart then blinked back tears, a few lonely drops escaping and rolling down his cheeks. "I'd be consumed by guilt. Guilt that I hadn't tried harder to help him. Guilt that I was leavin' him to rot in some prison on an alien planet for a crime he didn't understand." He paused and took a steadying breath. "That could have just as easily been me that stepped off the path, gentlemen. I'm askin' ya, beggin' if that's what it takes. Let me stay in his place and let him go. My people can come back for me in five years time."

The silence this time was a lot longer. Slowly the Prince Regent roused himself. The Chief Engineer looking at him with a determination he could not help but admire. "You would do this willingly? Even though you know not what the circumstances of your incarceration would be?"

He tried to still the lurch in his heart at the thought of being incarcerated but it did not affect his resolve. "Absolutely!"

"You might not see daylight again in five years." Said the Ambassador softly.

Trip grit his teeth. Mind made up. Stubborn as a mule. "Doesn't matter."

"You might never hear another voice speak your name." Added the Prince Regent.

"I can do it, just give me the chance and I'll prove it to ya."

The two Volarans exchanged baffled looks. Not quite sure what to do with their alien guest. The Prince Regent cleared his throat. His golden eyes dull as if the Commander's words had somehow pained him. "Please rejoin your friends, Commander."

He felt his mouth go dry. Oh God he had blown it. Signed his Captain's death warrant with his clumsy words. Seeing the panic on his face, the Prince Regent gave him a half smile. The fact that it came out more like a grimmace was not his fault.

"Be assured, Commander, we wish only to discuss your proposal."

He puffed out the breath he had been choking on. "Th...thank ya, Highness."

Something hardened in the Volaran ruler's face. "Do not thank me yet, Commander! Even if I agree to this outlandish proposal you may well live to regret achieving the thing you seek."

Eyes bright with conviction, the Commander jutted his jaw out a little and raised his head. "Not for a second would I regret it."

Ambassador Ren escorted him out and back into the antechamber where the others were standing in a small mournful circle around the comatose Captain. When the Ambassador left, Sub-Commander T'Pol frowned at the Chief Engineer. "What happened?"

Trip felt a hundred. The weight of untold universes bearing down on him. He shifted the burden to carry it with more ease then looked from the Captain's still face to that of his three friends and colleagues. "I offered them an alternative."

Dr Phlox looked surprised. The Lieutenant's eyes narrowed. Suspicious. "What sort of alternative?"

Trip shrugged and moved closer to Captain Archer, his eyes taking in the deathly pallor. A hand reaching out tentatively to touch his friend's hand. The skin was cold and clammy. It brought fresh tears to his eyes. Sub-Commander T'Pol spoke gently. Her words soft. "What sort of alternative did you offer them, Commander?"

He did not raise his head. His voice subdued but firm. "An exchange. I offered to take the Cap'n's place so he could return to Enterprise." As Lt. Reed and the Sub-Commander reacted in shock, Trip looked up and fastened his eyes on Dr. Phlox. "We have to do everythin' we can to save him, doc. Everythin'."

Dr. Phlox nodded. Moved by the willingness of the human to sacrifice himself for his friend. "I will do everything in my power, Commander. You have my word."

The Tactical Armoury Officer was horrified. "You can't do that!"

He was suddenly very calm. No more choices to make. No more wondering what the next day might bring. Life had become very simple and for some reason it freed a whole host of concerns from needing expression. He embraced that freedom without question. "I can."

Just then the doors to the Royal Antechamber opened and the Prince Regent walked towards them, his Ambassador at his side. As they approached the Ambassador nodded discretly to a couple of guards. The Prince Regent looked at Dr. Phlox. "Is it true that if you take Captain Archer back to your ship you can save him?"

"I think so, Highness, though as I explained to Commander Tucker there are no guarantees."

"So the Captain could still die?"

Dr. Phlox paused. "Yes, Highness."

The Prince Regent looked at Commander Tucker. "Do you still wish to make this trade?"

Trip nodded firmly. No doubt in his mind. "Yes, Highness, and the sooner the better."

The Prince Regent gave a solemn nod. "Then I will acquiesse though I do so with a heavy heart. The sentence is now upon you, Commander."

The guards closed in. Lt. Reed went to draw his phaser. Trip shook his head and smiled at him. Malcolm could not believe it. He was really going through with it! "Commander - Trip - you can't do this!"

"Yes, I can Malcolm. It makes sense."

"No, it bloody doesn't. Your talking with your heart not your head."

Trip looked so calm. Happy even. "It's okay, Malcolm. What kind of a friend would I be if I left him behind?"

"He might die anyway Trip," Said the Lieutenant in a very low agonised voice.

Trip heard the pain in it and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Malcolm. Just don't let them forget to come back for me in five years time."

Tears spilled from the Armoury Officer's eyes. "Bloody stupid Yank."

Trip grinned. "Love ya too, Malcolm."

He turned and looked at the Sub-Commander. His mood changing again. Sorrow welling up at the thought of parting from her. They were friends and underpinning that was an unspoken something that was tentatively drawing them together. How ironic that he would be the one to break it. To walk away from what could have been the greatest discovery of his life. Yeah. As if a Vulcan could ever love an illogical and head strong Human like him. *Dream on, Trip.* He chastised himself. Yet as he looked in her eyes he could have sworn something rose from the depths and touched his heart. A sleeping sorrow masking a waking pain. Then it fragmented and she was speaking to him. He had to concentrate to take in her words. Knowing he would relive this moment over and over again all the years of his incarceration.

"What you are doing is highly illogical, Commander, but it is honorable."

"Just watch over him for me, okay?"

An eyebrow slowly rose in surprise.

"He's likely to be more than a little cranky when he finds out what I've done. It'll be up to you to keep him on the straight and narrow."

She nodded understanding his meaning. Wished for a moment that they were alone. So many things she would have liked to say to him. Share with him. And now there was no time left. Dr Phlox cleared his throat politely. "Commander?"

Trip turned his head but his eyes were still on T'Pol. Strange emotions were stirring up inside him. "Yeah, what is it doc?"

"What is going to happen to you while we are gone?"

It was what his friends had been thinking but been too afraid to ask. Not sure they wanted to hear the answer. Trip blinded them with a grin. "They're gonna take real good care of me, that's what. The on'y thing I won't have is my pecan pie."

Lt. Reed looked cross. "You are going to be imprisoned, Commander. How can you joke at a time like this?"

The Commander sighed. His eyes meeting T'Pol's. Both of them in perfect understanding. "Relax, Malcolm. I didn't do anythin' wrong. I'm simply playing out the sentence so there'll be no torture, no bread an' water an' such. It'll be like a vacation."

The Lieutenant rolled his eyes, knowing it would be no such thing but hoping that the Volarans would go easy on his friend. He looked at the Ambassador then the Prince Regent. Both men watching the exchanges with solemn interest. "I expect to find the Commander unharmed and in good health on our return."

A ghost of a smile brushed the Prince Regent's lips. "He will be here on your return."

That was not quite the assurance Malcolm had wanted. The guards moved in to escort the Commander away. He hesitated as he looked at his friends then held a hand out to Lt. Reed. "Ya take care, Malcolm. Don't let anyone take my room, ya here?"

"I hear you, Trip."

They shook hands then to Trip's surprise the Lieutenant gave him a quick hug. He was already walking away before Trip could get over his surprise. Dr. Phlox shook his hand and told him to take care of himself and not to get into any trouble which, all things considered, amused Trip no end. He turned to face the Sub-Commander. A library of words trapped in his heart and not one making it to his lips. For what seemed an eternity they stared at each other, their eyes speaking the language only hearts could hear. He raised a hand to her cheek and was surprised to touch moisture. Gently he stroked her cheek, not wanting to hurt her. Wanting to thank her instead for being his friend. "The time'll pass before ya know it, T'Pol." He whispered.

*Not soon enough for me.* She thought. T'Pol held up a hand and split her fingers into the Vulcan sign for farewell. "Live long and prosper, Commander."

He smiled gently and mirrored her action, his fingers touching hers. A spark passing between them. A flicker of a flame that would burn forever. "Live long and prosper, T'Pol."

Then they were leading him away. He did not look back. Stunned, Lt. Reed, Dr Phlox and Sub-Commander T'Pol looked at each other then down at the unconscious form of Captain Archer. They were now allone in the little courtyard. Lt. Reed and Dr Phlox picked up the stretcher and began the short trek to the shuttlepod. No one escorted them. It was as if their good behaviour was held in their own recognisance. A matter of honour. The trip back to Enterprise was made in utter silence. Lt. Reed handled the controls as if he were on autopilot. The shock in his mind numbing him. Unable to grasp the fact that they had saved one friend by sacrificing another. Words drifted through his mind from the bible. *Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.* Only Trip was not dead. And God help the Volarans if they harmed a single hair on his head while they were gone.

Sub-Commander T'Pol had no such thoughts. She was looking at the Captain. Only vaguely aware of the doctor fussing over his patient. She should be feeling something but she was not. Idly she wondered whether the Captain would survive. To her surprise she found the notion that Commander Tucker's sacrifice might be in vain to be more painful than anything else she had ever felt. Tears pricked her eyes. She looked away for a moment. By the time she turned her head back she was once more in control. Not even another Vulcan would have spotted the hairline cracks running through her heart.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Four of you have made comments

Heroic!Trip- it's all good. I presume there will be more to this story. I love it so far. I wonder how they're going to get Trip back.

Bloody hell! Bloody Archer and poor, poor Trip. :(

So sad, so good. Want more please!!!!!

Wow, I just love this. The old the humans broke the laws of the alien planet, and didn't know it, but with a new twist. And I just love the whole Trip taking his place. Please, please continue this tale!