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Fragile-Part 13

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "The crew of Enterprise make an alarming discovery. The Captain discovers that confession really is good for the soul."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 13


* * * * *

The Captain was finding it hard to concentrate. Sitting on the bridge was just making him anxious. He got up and knew all eyes were on him. Without looking at his bridge staff he excused himself. "The bridge is yours, Lieutenant."

Malcolm nodded from the Tactical Station. "Yes, Captain."

As soon as the Captain had gone Hoshi and Travis turned to face the Armoury Officer. "Okay, Malcolm, give. What's wrong with the Captain?"

"Ensign Sato," Cautioned the Lieutenant. "There is nothing wrong with the Captain and I would remind you we are still on duty."

She nodded. "Alright *Lieutenant Reed*. What has got the Captain all up tight and anxious? And don't even think of fobbing us off. We know something's up."

Lt. Reed sighed, though to give Travis his due the man did not press and pry like Hoshi. But then. No one did. He thought about how much to say. "The Captain is worried about Commander Tucker."

Her voice faltered. "Why? The Commander's all right, isn't he?"

"He will be, Ensign. Apparently he was not treated too well on that planet."

Travis frowned. "What did they do to him?"

"He was beaten pretty badly while he was in the mine. The ribs and cuts healed but one of his lungs was punctured." Seeing the appalled looks on their faces he hastened to reassure them. "Dr. Phlox is operating as we speak. He says he will be able to repair the puncture wound and with a few days rest the Commander will be good as new."

"Puncture wound? You mean something pierced his lung?"

"It was a knife, Hoshi, all right? Now can we please drop the subject?"

Ensign Sato nodded slowly. Wondered why Malcolm was getting so up tight if it was just a routine operation. Seeing her look he shook his head slowly at her. He had nothing further to say. She looked at Travis. He made himself busy checking their course and trimming their current vector. Biting her lip she tried not to worry about what she was not being told.

* * * * *

When the Captain got to Sickbay he found himself pacing outside the little operating room. Sar was sitting outside the door, his solemn face turned towards the Captain. Golden eyes regarding him. The Captain gave a big expansive sigh and looked at him. Decided now was as good a time as any to get to know Trip's alien friend. He sat next to the big man. "I'm sorry, I don't cope too well with these things."

"You are worried about your friend."

It was a statement. The Captain nodded. "That obvious?"

Sar nodded. "Yes, Captain."

"You seem pretty calm."

"I can do him no good worrying. Your doctor explained the procedure to me in great detail. I am confident that he can heal Trip."

A faint smile came to the Captain's weary face. "You place an awful lot of trust in people you hardly know, Sar."

The golden eyes held his for a while. "You are Trip's friends. He trusts you above all others, Captain. He gave his life for yours and not for one second would he think the price too high." The Captain blushed. "I am honoured to call him friend also. Respecting my friend how can I not respect his?"

Put like that it was so simple. A genuine smile flowered on the Captain's lips. His heart felt a little lighter though he was not sure why. "Are you sure you're not part Vulcan?"

"I am Volaran and Volarans do not lie."

The Captain resisted the urge to laugh. He did not want to offend this solemn man. A man who wore his honour as effortlessly as other people wore clothes. The fit was perfect. "Can I ask you something personal, Sar?"

The big man nodded.

"Would you tell me how you and Trip met?"

The golden eyes seemed to look deep into the Captain's soul. "You know how we met. I was assigned to be his personal guard."

The Captain nodded. "I know but I'm curious how you went from gaoler to friend."

For a moment the Volaran did not speak. Memories were precious things and now this man wanted to dig and delve into something private. Yet he was Trip's best friend. If he wanted to know it behooved him to tell him. He nodded slowly. "Very well. I was a Siminarial Guard, Captain. The highest, most honoured guard of Volara. Hand picked and chosen by the Prince Regent. Normally we guard the Royal Person. Our lives we give in his protection. His merest wish our command."

"So how did you come to be assigned to Trip?" Whispered the Captain.

"When you fell into the death coma after touching the forbidden blooms, the Commander was distraught. He requested an audience with the Prince Regent and begged him to allow him to change places with you. He had asked for your doctor to attend you and the doctor had confirmed that you were dying. He also stated that if you could be returned quickly enough to your ship he would be able to save your life. It was all the Commander needed to hear. The Prince Regent was much moved by your friend's willingness to sacrifice his own freedom to buy yours. The doctor however cautioned him that you might still die yet he insisted on making the exchange. Your sentence was five years. The Commander took the burden of care with a joyful heart and in doing so not only bought your freedom but gave honour to his sacrifice." He paused a moment. "The Prince Regent is not a cruel man, Captain. The mines are hard. The men who work them are not the kind you should mix with above or below ground. The Commander was an innocent man but the price had to be paid. It is the law. So to honour both the sentence and the sacrifice the Prince Regent commanded me to watch over him. To protect him and guide him until the sentence had been paid."

"That still doesn't explain how you became friends."

Something glittered in the golden eyes. "Why do you wish to know?"

The Captain sucked in a breath. He had not expected that. "I guess I'm curious, Sar. Plus I don't know you and if I'm honest about it I'm a little alarmed by how close you two have become. I've known Trip a long time. He's like family to me. I don't want to see him hurt."

The Volaran nodded but knew the Captain was not confessing everything. "I will not take him away from you, Captain." He said softly.

His words so soft they stirred the hairs on the back of the Captain's neck. He just managed to resist the urge to shudder. "How the hell did you know that?"

"He is my friend too."

For long minutes neither spoke. When Sar continued it was as if there had been no pause. "I was much affected not simply by the Commander's honourable act but by the way he embraced his penance. He worked hard and without complaint. Took direction and did all that was asked of him. As a man whose life is bound together by loyalty and honour I easily recognise it when glimpsed in others. He earned my respect."

"How did he come to meet the boy? Was he working down the mine as well?"

The former guard looked surprised. "Kai? No. Trip met Kai above ground."

"How could he do that working in the mine?"

A smile softened gently curving lips. "Because he worked so diligently and without complaint the Prince Regent wanted to reward him. You must understand, Captain, the sentence still stood but under our penal code it is within the Prince Regent's gift to award periods away from the mine for good behaviour. His reward was a day above ground." His smile became a deep rumbling chuckle. It was an odd throaty noise but carried such warmth it did not alarm the Captain. A smile tugged at his own lips in response. "I took him through our city streets. Showed him the wonders carved in metal and stone. The air was good for him. The change welcome to both eye and muscle. Then once more he surprised me. We were passing the grounds where the innocents live."

"The innocents?"

"It is our name for those who through no fault of their own are left fatherless and motherless. Have no family and no place to call their home. They are cared for and sometimes Volarans visit and decide to bring the children into their own families."

"But not Kai?"

Sar shook his head sadly. "No one wants to lead the blind, Captain."

Captain Archer flinched slightly. "It is the same on my home world."

Sar looked surprised. "I thought your people were like the Commander?"

The Captain smiled fondly. "No. Trip is special even among our own people. He has such a big generous heart. If you met his family you'd understand. The Tuckers are the kind of people who take in lost dogs, feed strays, make strangers welcome and can't bear to see anyone unhappy. I should know they all but adopted me."

The Volaran's eyebrows rose. "You are adopted?"

Captain Archer laughed. "No, sorry, I should explain. I meant it as an expression of how welcome they made me feel. Trip has been my friend for the last nine years, Sar. Years I don't think I would have gotten through without him. He's very important to me. When my mother died Trip was there. A solid and firm support. Someone I could rely on. He always knew how to cheer me up, help me see that life was still worth living and you should have seen him with my father. My father. Henry Archer. God, I loved my dad so much. He had this dream, Sar. A dream to build a warp five engine and take the first earth starship to the stars. Now Trip is a born dreamer and I swear that man can make anything with his hands. I've never seen anyone more gifted that way. He and my dad were natural friends. They thought alike, bounced ideas off each other as if they had climbed out of the same egg. It helped me so much to cope with mom's death. To not withdraw into my own private shell. I was terrified you see of losing my dad as well. Trip saw that. He knew. And he got me out of it the way he always did." His smile was full of love and affection. "He drew me into his enthusiasm, his infectious joy fired me up with the desire to join in. To share my father's dream. So the three of us spent all our spare time working on that damn engine." He broke off and swallowed hard. Eyes glistening slightly. "My father was as proud of Trip as I am. And when my father died," He paused and had to look away a moment. "It was Trip that held it all together for me. We vowed that we would see my dad's dream come alive. When I got the offer to Captain the first starship I insisted I would only take the post if I could have Trip along as my Chief Engineer."

Sar looked at him for a long time before speaking. "I would say you both chose well, Captain."

His words surprised Captain Archer. "You would?"

"Yes," Said Sar. His words gentle and clearly enunciated through the UT. "And you know, Volarans never lie."

* * * * *

Ensign Sato and Travis Mayweather had been engaging in a bit of light banter. Lt. Reed had not really been listening. Then the Ensign had cut Travis off and started fiddling with her com. He looked up and frowned. "What is it, Ensign?"

She looked a bit flustered. "I'm picking up a fragmented transmission."

"What does it say?"

"Hold on a minute, I just need to run it through the universal translator. Just a few more words ought to do it. There. That's got it."

She hit the broadcast button and an image flickered on the screen. The man looked Human but was speaking in Vulcan. When he saw a Human staring back at him he immediately reverted to English. "Enterprise! This is the transport vessel Argon, hailing Enterprise! We require urgent assistance. I repeat. We require urgent assistance! Please respond."

* * * * *

Dr. Phlox was more than pleased. Not only had the operation gone well but he was able to close the puncture wound and re-inflate the lung with greater ease than he had anticipated. Part of the reason he put down to the Commander's otherwise robust health. All that hard work down in the mine had provided an unexpected benefit. He checked him over carefully then adjusted his medication to ensure the Commander slept for another four or five hours. When he emerged he smiled at the sight of the huge Volaran waiting anxiously.

"The Commander is doing well, Sar. He will make a full recovery. I am happy to say the operation went even better than I had expected."

The big man nodded. Relief and joy swamping his face for a brief second then vanishing. Dr. Phlox frowned at him.

"I would have thought you would have been more enthusiastic, Sar."

"Forgive my demeanour doctor but the Captain had to leave in a hurry."

"The Captain was here?"


"Nothing wrong I hope?"

"I'm afraid this ship has received a distress call."

Dr. Phlox steeled himself for the worst, his practised eye glancing around Sickbay and working out how many casualties he could fit in it. "I think I had better ask for Ensign Cutler to join me."

Just then the Captain's voice came over the com. The doctor hit the button and waited to hear how many casualties he should expect to receive. He was disturbed by the anxiety evident in the Captain's voice. "Doctor, first and foremost, how did it go?"

"Commander Tucker is doing fine, Captain. He should be up and about again in a couple of days. I can report the operation was a complete success."

"Good. Excellent work, doctor. There is however something else..."

"Yes, Captain?"

"I'm sorry to have to do this to you doctor but I need you to convert one of the cargo bays."

Dr. Phlox frowned. "Cargo bay? I assure you Captain I can fit a great many people into Sickbay with a little ingenuity and a helping hand."

He could have sworn he heard a hiss almost like pain in the Captain's voice. "Our guests are not patients, doctor."

"They're not?"

"No. We are preparing to bring aboard the dead. I need you to set up a makeshift mortuary."

For a moment shock rendered the normally voluable doctor speechless. He swallowed at last. "Captain, how many *dead* are we talking about?"

There was a stilted pause. "35." Another pause. "Doctor?"

"Yes, Captain? I'm still here."

"Is the Commander conscious?"

He blinked at the odd question. "No, but he should wake in another four or five hours. Perhaps less."

"Can you do me a favour? Keep him sedated for now."

"Captain, I must protest..."

"And I must insist."

The doctor stared at the com unit. Took a breath then asked the question foremost in his mind. "May I ask why, Captain?"

"Because we have reason to believe that one of the dead is Sub-Commander T'Pol..."

* * * * *

It was dark. It was dingy. Water vapour made the damp air fetid in the sweaty confines below deck. Nothing so grand as re-circulated air was pumped through this cargo space. The man moved with a lumbering kind of grace, his bulky suit hampering any pretence to agility. He was not helped by his burden.

Above him the Captain was preparing for the last part of their deception. As soon as they came out of warp he looked across at his engineer. "Prepare to disengage."

The Nausicaan engineer nodded and placed his fingers over the controls. The Captain nodded and listened to the loud pop and clang as the false plating was shot from the bolts that had rigged it to their superstructure. Sections of plating were flung away from the ship, the small charges blowing the connections and making for a swift change from lumbering anonymity to a more sleek and powerful battle cruiser. His face broke into a grin. Freed of the extra weight and drag on their efficiency, he barked the order to go to maximum warp. Grinning at each other, there was a brief pause before the Nausicaan ship disappeared in a bright brief flash leaving behind the spinning detritus of their deceit.

* * * * *

Captain Benmar was not an emotional man. Not so the crew of Enterprise. He was surprised to see in what regard the Sub-Commander had been held. The Captain bit back tears, his face drawn and grave. Ensign Hoshi Sato cried openly, Travis patting her arm but saying nothing. Lt. Reed looked shocked and pale but otherwise in command of his emotions. Some of the crew swore while others wiped moisture from their eyes and stood in stunned silence. The bodies were various. Many races Captain Archer had never seen before. Others were painfully familiar. Even on a stranger the effects of hitting cold vacuum were far from pretty. Each of the dead was treated with care and respect. The body bags mounting up as one by one Captain Benmar identified them to Dr. Phlox. Their details entered on the digital tags and sealed in the biobags. Captain Archer made himself go from body to body, his red rimmed eyes anxiously scanning for the face he did not want to see yet needed to find. Her parents would want to attend to the funeral arrangements personally. The least he could do was bring the Sub-Commander home.

It took hours to do the paperwork and at the end of it a very dazed and traumatised Captain stared with bloodshot eyes at Captain Benmar. "I don't understand. You said the Sub-Commander was with the other passengers?"

"She was, Captain." He paused, surprised and even unhappier than he had been. Confusion furrowed his brow. He was perspiring heavily and appeared to be under great stress. Right now Captain Archer could not give a damn about Captain Benmar. "I don't understand."

Captain Archer's lips tightened. His face stern, eyes piercing the other man's. "I think you had better tell me *exactly* what happened from start to finish. And don't even think of missing anything out."

* * * * *

In the hustle and bustle of their somber duties, no one paid much attention to the other guests on board Enterprise. Kai had grown bored and restless. An-aga understood his anxiety. His need to see Trip. She gave him a gentle smile he could not see, putting the affection into her voice. "We must be patient, Kai."

"I want to see Trip. I have to make sure he is alright."

She stroked his hair. "I know."

"If I am really quiet," He begged softly. "Can I stand by his bed?"

An-aga sighed. She found it hard to refuse him. Knew from her husband that the surgery had gone well and that Trip was now sleeping. "Very well, Kai. We will go to Sickbay and if the doctor allows it you can sit with Trip for a while."

A huge smile split his face and he hugged her. Sarsa watched and met her mother's gentle eyes. When Kai pulled back, all three of them went to Sickbay and were surprised to find Sar but no doctor. Seeing the little delegation he did not have to ask whose idea this was. Sar looked at Kai then took the boy's hand in his own and led him over to the Commander's bed. He looked so peaceful. Sar sat next to his friend and sat Kai on his lap, guiding the boy's right hand until he could lay it on one of the Commander's. An-aga smiled at them and took a seat opposite, Sarsa sitting on a chair next to her. An-aga put an arm around her daughter's shoulder. Kai could not see Trip but could feel the steady beat of the man's heart through his wrist. It comforted him. He gave the hand a squeeze and willed him to be alright. For over an hour they sat in companionable silence. Only the quiet chittering of Dr Phlox's menagerie broke the silence. Kai had begun to nod when he felt something stir beneath his hand. His head jerked up.

There. He had not imagined it. The hand he held spasmed. Sar noticed the boy had stiffened in his arms then his mouth dropped open in happy surprise as Commander Tucker slowly opened his eyes. He felt parched, his eyes making hard work of focusing. The ceiling way too bright. A rushing in his ears slowly dying down as consciousness amplified every tiny sound. In that moment he became aware of them all.

"Hey. What're ya all doin' in here? Did someone bring popcorn?"

Kai jumped up and hugged him. Trip chuckled and tried to clear his throat but it felt as if it was filled with tiny slivers of glass, each other cutting another furrow in his throat. An-aga got up and fetched him a glass of water. Not wanting to let him sit up she got an angled glass straw and set it in the tumbler then gently raised his head slightly so he could drink. Only a little fluid did she allow him. Enough to ease his throat not make him sick.

"The doctor said you would sleep for hours, Senisa." Said Sar.

"What an' miss all the fun?"

There was an awkward silence. Trip hugged Kai gently, letting the boy scramble onto the bed and lay next to him, his head on the Commander's chest. His thin body relaxing to the heartbeat which carried his own hopes with it. Trip knew something was wrong. He looked at Sar. "What is it?"

Sar could not lie. Would not lie to his Senisa. Yet he did not want to distress him either. "The Captain received a distress call, Senisa."

"An' let me guess, he's gone to offer aid?"

The Volaran nodded. Trip frowned seeing nothing wrong with that.

"Why does that upset ya, Sar? The Cap'n would never turn his back on anyone that needed his help."

"The nature of the distress call upset him."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"A transport ship called the Argon was carrying passengers. Various dignitaries and representatives from other worlds. Transporting them to conferences, back to their home worlds and so on."

"What happened?"

"The ship was attacked then boarded by pirates. The passengers were taken."

"So now we're goin' after them, is that it?"

Sar shook his head and placed a firm hand on Trip's shoulder. His eyes as sad as Trip had ever seen them. "No, my friend. The pirates spaced the passengers. The Captain was called upon to retrieve the dead."

Trip closed his eyes. When he opened them again anger vied with confusion. "Why did they do that?"

"I do not know, Senisa, but that is not what grieved the Captain most."

"It isn't?"

"No." Sar paused. Wishing he did not have to say the next words. "Sub-Commander T'Pol was on that ship."

He watched the look of horror steal over his friend's face. The bright glitter of tears carrying a sorrow so great he could not contain it. Kai clung to him, tears of his own making a silent accompaniment to Trip's grief. "T'Pol's not...? She can't be...?" He broke off and sobbed. "Oh God, oh no, not T'Pol. Please God, don't let her be dead..."

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A handful of people have made comments

I really enjoyed the interaction between Archer and Sar, especially insight into their thoughts and feelings about Trip. However, I'm practically dying here. I don't think I can wait much longer for Trip and T'Pol to meet. Keep the chapters coming.

I really love this story that you are writing. And the interaction between sar and the captain is very good. And even how Reed is on the bridge with Hoshi and Travis. All very well done. But what do you mean that T'pol is dead?!?! What's going on?! Keep it coming!

I really love this story that you are writing. And the interaction between sar and the captain is very good. And even how Reed is on the bridge with Hoshi and Travis. All very well done. But what do you mean that T'pol is dead?!?! What's going on?! Keep it coming!

I swear to God, my heart almost stopped when they said that T'Pol was dead earlier on. Keep going!

Yay! She's back. I had to go through an entire 24 hours without a chapter from you!

But it was worth waiting for; a great addition to an already stupendous tale. I loved the exchanges between John, Trip's best friend, and Sar, his new friend; ironing out the captain's feelings of jealousy, and acknowledging that even amongst humans, Trip's in a class of his own (but then we knew that).

And of course we know that T'Pol's not dead, but a prisoner, so let's get back to her right away. (i.e. no more 24hour gaps or I'll go MAD)