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Fragile-Part 31

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Sar has a task to perform. Trip panics over T'Pol. Captain Archer tries to fathom out what is happening."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 31


* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol felt weary. Oddly out of synch with what was going on around her. She blinked and tried to focus on Kai and Trip, now sitting side by side playing for the pleasure of their friends. It was an image she would long cherish. A touch on her shoulder made her turn her head, biting down on her bottom lip to hold back a feeling of nausea. "T'Pol? Are you okay?"

She blinked at Ensign Hoshi Sato. Her thoughts sluggish and becoming pained. Her vision blurring. Something sharp shivered through her body like a shard of glass. She tried to hide the gasp but Hoshi knew something was wrong. She also knew that the stubborn Sub-Commander would not go to Sickbay. Well. If the mountain would not come to Mohammed... She craned her neck looking for any sign of Dr Phlox.

"I do not require assistance, Ensign." Said T'Pol through gritted teeth.

"We're off duty, T'Pol. Call me Hoshi."

"Very well, Hoshi. As I said I do not require assistance."

"You're in pain."

Just then the decision was taken from them. The musical interlude was over. People were breaking up into smaller groups. Someone had put some dance music on and people were pairing off. Trip returned to his seat and instantly took in his lover's pallor. The smile on his face vanishing. "Oh God T'Pol, what is it?"

Hoshi answered for her. "The Sub-Commander is in pain Trip but she won't go to Sickbay."

His head whirred. "Pain?" He knelt quickly beside her. Concern ate him up. "T'Pol darlin', tell me where it hurts?"

She tried to focus on the beloved face. A hand drifted down to brush her stomach. Trip gently touched her and pulled back in sudden alarm when she spasmed with pain. That was it. He jumped up and spun around, catching Captain Archer's eye. The Captain immediately hurried over to him. "What's up, Trip?"

"It's T'Pol. She's not well and I need to find Dr Phlox." He looked close to a state of panic. "She's burnin' up, Jon."

* * * * *

It was easy for a man of his diverse skills to prep a shuttlepod for launch. While not an accomplished warp engineer like Trip or a skilled pilot like Travis Mayweather, he knew enough about both from watching his friends. Any blanks in his knowledge filled in by applying himself to the matter at hand. It took minutes only to set the future into motion.

* * * * *

T'Pol was visibly gasping now. Her face bathed in perspiration. Trip almost dying just seeing the pain on her face. The Vulcan was strong. Much stronger than a Human. Her hands crushed his where she clung to them. It disconcerted him more than he could say to see her show so much pain. To appear so weak. They found Dr Phlox and with the aid of many willing hands rushed her to Sickbay. Dr Phlox shooed everyone out except the Commander.

"What's up with her, doc?"

Dr Phlox kept his voice neutral and soothing, watching how tender the Commander was with the Sub-Commander. How she only seemed to calm when he was touching her. It had been the right decision to let the Commander stay. "I will need to do some tests, Commander. Please be patient. Meanwhile you could try to ascertain how long the Sub-Commander has been suffering from this condition."

Condition? What condition? He looked at T'Pol. His sweetheart. Ashayam. Love of his life. A finger of dread touched his heart. His world rocked beneath his feet. His hopes and dreams crushing his heart with panic at the realisation that he could lose what he cherished the most in the space of a single heartbeat. *Oh God, Oh God, don't let anythin' happen to T'Pol*. He swallowed hard and was determined not to cry. "T'Pol? Darlin', ya have to tell me about the pain. Where does it hurt, sweetheart?"

She could not speak. She moved their joined hands to hover over her abdomen. Trip showed the doctor and received an encouraging nod back. While the doctor concentrated on her stomach and abdomen Trip talked about anything and everything. His eyes glued to T'Pol's, fear a shadow that haunted every cell in his body. He tried to hide how worried he was but she knew him too well. The squeeze of her hands on his was the only way she could communicate. He clung to that pained reassurance and tried to be strong for her. It seemed to take forever until Dr Phlox finished all his tests. The scanner confirming what he had found. Trip was ready to throw something at him if he did not tell him what was wrong soon. To his consternation the Denobulan fixed them both with a look of bright amusement tinged with affection. His eyes literally twinkling back at them.

"I assume you have been active in your affections for each other?"

Trip began to redden slightly. "What the hell does that have to do with...." His voice trailed off. His eyes widened as the dime dropped with a great heavy clang inside his head. The echo caused by the empty space somewhere between his ears. A slow look of wonder then joy stole across his face. T'Pol frowned at him but he was staring at Dr Phlox. "Are ya sayin' what I think you're sayin' doc?"

The Denobulan was enjoying himself immensely. The look on the Commander's face was well worth the savouring. "That depends on what it is you think I am saying, Commander."

Frustration flickered on Trip's face. "Is T'Pol pregnant?"

The Sub-Commander looked stunned but both men ignored her for the moment. Dr Phlox's smile completely refashioned his whole face. "That is correct, Commander."

For a moment the Commander lost the use of his voice. Contact with solid ground not even a memory. His clutching hands became much more gentle, cradling T'Pol's in his as if they might break. He dropped his eyes to meet hers. Unshed tears of joy shining in them. The love so blatant that she freed a hand from his so she could touch his face. He kissed her fingers reverently. "I didn't think Humans and Vulcans could have kids."

She was looking anxiously up at him now that the initial shock was over. He smiled at her, his heart afire with feelings so intense he was sure he would spontaneously combust if he could not get his mouth to work. "T'Pol!" His breath was a charm to her ears. "We're gonna have a baby, darlin'! D'ya hear that?"

His reaction amused her. She cradled his cheek and smiled back. The twinges of pain more muted now. "Is this what you want, ashayam?"

"With all my heart, darlin'."

A radiant smile blossomed on her face. Neither noticed that Dr Phlox had given her a hypospray for the pain. The delirious joy on their faces warmed the doctor's gentle heart. He could not stop beaming at them as if he had somehow facilitated the miracle they were creating between them. "I think I'll leave you to discuss this for a few minutes. The Captain will be anxiously awaiting an update."

When neither answered him the Denobulan quietly withdrew, making sure the doors to Sickbay were closed firmly behind him as he faced the barrage of anxious questions in the corridor outside.

* * * * *

The shuttlepod was darting away from Enterprise just as fast as Sar could get it to go. He took the control device out of an inner pocket and placed it in front of him. The glow was stronger now. Once it reached full illumination there would be no escape. But he had planned for this moment. He only had to ensure he could get it far enough away from the ship to ensure his friends did not share its' intended doom. Anything less than a hundred per cent success was no success at all. He was not the Sword of the Prophet for nothing. With a last prayer for his Senisa he judged how long he had left until the sky exploded and extinguished all the stars.

* * * * *

An-aga sensed something was wrong. When Sar did not return she at first assumed he had gone to Sickbay to watch over Trip and T'Pol. But after questioning the Captain it was clear that he had not done that. Where was he? Kai tugged her hand and she turned to smile at him but he was not fooled. "What's wrong?"

Sarsa as usual was hardly more than a step away from him. You would have thought they had shared the same placenta. A soft smile graced her lips before fading prematurely. "Nothing is wrong."

The boy tilted his head, thinking she was worried about T'Pol. "It's gonna be all right, you'll see. Father won't let anything happen to T'Pol."

She laughed quietly and hugged him, opening her free arm to draw her daughter in for a hug as well. "We should find out soon enough."

"You don't think it *is* anything serious, do you?" Said Kai anxiously. If anything happened to T'Pol his father would take it very hard.

"No, I don't."

Captain Archer returned almost an hour later with a rather flushed looking Hoshi in tow. He paused in the middle of the room and waited for everybody to give him their full attention. Someone thought to turn the music off. "If I could have your attention please?" A huge smile appeared on his face. "It is my great pleasure to make a happy announcement. As you know, Sub-Commander T'Pol appeared to be taken ill a short while ago." Another pause. This one appeared to be an excuse to rack up the tension a little. He had them all on tenderhooks now. "You will be pleased - and no doubt surprised - to hear that T'Pol is not ill. She is pregnant!"

A stunned silence greeted his words. Surprise gave way to shock then celebration. The Captain laughed as the room erupted into hoots and cheers and shouts of well wishes. He nodded and could not wipe the happy smile off his face. "I'll be sure to let them know they have your good wishes. Now. Unless I'm much mistaken we have a birthday party to celebrate!"

Hoshi smiled at Travis as she rejoined him. Both grinned happily then noticed that Lt. Reed was not smiling. Hoshi nudged him. "Why the long face? I thought you'd be happy for T'Pol and Trip?"

His solemn eyes looked from one to the other then roamed slowly around the merrymakers. When he looked at them again the solemn expression was still in place. "I am happy personally for both of them."

"But?" Said Hoshi leaning forward on her elbows.

Lt. Reed swallowed carefully. "I am not sure Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command will be queuing up to add their congratulations."

"You think they'll interfere?"

The Armoury Officer gave a dark dry laugh that had absolutely nothing to do with humour. He sounded in pain. "I think Ensign Mayweather, that both Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command will do everything they can to prevent this event from happening."

"But they're too late." Insisted Travis. His smile was back, reassured by his own optimistic logic. "There's nothing they can do now."

Lt. Reed shook his head slowly and stared glumly into his beer. "I wish I had your faith, Travis."

The Boomer could feel his good humour ebbing away slightly. "What could they possibly do?"

"Not to be a kill-joy but they could recall the Sub-Commander to Vulcan. Trip could be drummed out of Starfleet. Dishonorably discharged if not actually court martial led."

"Holy shit!" Exclaimed Travis, a look of absolute horror creeping over his good natured face. All the blood drained out of his face. He looked sick. "How could anyone be that cruel?"

"You forget Travis, this is Starfleet we're talking about." Said Malcolm solemnly. "The Vulcans will be furious when they find out and Starfleet will want to make it look as if they are equally appalled. Respect for Trip and T'Pol's well being comes a very long way down the list of their concerns. Uppermost will be their desire to keep the space programme on track. Whatever the cost. And right now the ones who hold our hopes in their sticky little mitts are the Vulcans. This could be all they need to shut us down."

The silence that fell around their little table was absolute. Nobody was smiling or laughing now. Hoshi tried not to cry. Travis was numb, his befogged brain focusing on trivia as a diversion to give him time to recover his senses. He gave the Armoury Officer a dazed looked. "Mitts?"


"You said sticky mitts."

"Oh, that. Mitts. From the word mittens. Woolly gloves. Gloves. Hands. Mitts."

Travis just nodded. Lt. Reed was sure he had not taken in a word he had said but it did not matter. In silence the three friends tried to think of a way out of the impossibly big hole Trip and T'Pol had dug for themselves. Love was supposed to overcome anything but how did that equate with a species that admired the repression of emotions to the degree where they actively punished those who failed to keep to their austere discipline? Ostracising and even hunting them down as embarrassments and aberrations that could not be tolerated. Things might slowly improve but it would take millennia not months. And Starfleet. Well. Starfleet was as xenophobic as any other organisation in the universe. They just lied about it more creatively. *No* Thought Lt. Reed anxiously. *This is not good*.

* * * * *

After mingling a little longer at the party, the Captain excused himself and went up to the bridge. He was happy for Trip really he was. And Kai's party had raised his spirits in a most life enhancing way. Perhaps everything was going to work out alright after all? His smile was one of relief as well as joy. Anxieties consigned to the past. At least for this one blessed day. Lt. East saw the Captain enter the bridge and got up from the Captain's chair only to be waved back in place. "Relax Lieutenant. This is your duty shift not mine." He turned his head and looked at Ensign Cross at the communications console.

The bridge seemed a haven of quiet after what had been a pretty noisy day. "Anything happening?"

Lt. East shook his head. "No, sir."

Ensign Waters was at the tactical station. The Captain turned to go, giving the bridge one last lingering look of affection when he noticed the man was frowning. He walked over to him. "Something wrong, Ensign?"

He did not look up, too intent on his console. The Captain stepped around his work station to look over his shoulder. "I'm not sure, sir."

The Captain noticed a strange reading. More a blip than a steady reading. It fluctuated, increased in amplitude then began to flatten out. "What's that?"

"If I'm not mistaken Captain, it's an explosion."

For a moment Captain Archer stared at him. The Ensign looked up and met the Captain's eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir. But there's something very odd about it."

The Captain looked across at communications. "Ensign, call Lt. Reed and ask him to come to the bridge."

"Yes, sir."

Captain Archer rested a hand on the top of the tactical console and leaned in closer to get a better look at the readings. An intent expression on his face. "Okay, Ensign, give me maximum amplification. Let's see if we can find out exactly what's going on out there."

* * * * *

It was such a relief. After fearing the worst the news that T'Pol was pregnant had totally rewritten Trip's world in the most wonderful way imaginable. The Sub-Commander watched his expressive face. Amused and moved by the emotion displayed so openly. He could not wipe the smile off his face, his eyes dancing and so full of love she wanted to hold on to him forever. Dr. Phlox returned to see how they were doing and Trip decided to ask the one question that caused him any shadow of concern.

"Doc? Will T'Pol be okay to carry the baby?"

"Why would you think otherwise, Commander? The Sub-Commander is healthy and Vulcans are stronger than Humans as I am sure you have already discovered."

Trip ignored the humorous twinkle in the doctor's eyes. "Yeah, but a Human an' a Vulcan havin' a child together may produce complications."

T'Pol was looking Trip dead in the eye. "I feel *fine*, Ashayam. Do not fuss."

He smiled at her use of the Earth term. He was not sure they had an equivalent word in Vulcan. But then he could not really see Vulcans *fussing* over anything. "I know darlin' but this is somethin' of a first an' I don't wanna take any chances with ya."

"You do not wish for this child?" She asked softly.

He almost cried at the very idea that she could think that. Gently he touched her face, two light fingers stroking her cheek in a kiss. "I want this child, T'Pol. Never doubt that for a second. I just don't want anythin' to happen to ya. You're more important to me than anythin' else."

She kissed his fingers and for a moment the two were lost in each other. It was only when the doctor politely cleared his throat that they remembered he was still there.

"Now," Said the doctor. "It is time for the Sub-Commander to get some rest."

Trip gave the doctor a pleading look. "Mind if I pull up a bunk?"

Dr Phlox shook his head gently. "If you do that the Sub-Commander will get no rest at all."

He opened his mouth to protest but the doctor beat him to it.

"I am losing count of the number of times you and the Sub-Commander have *christened* my biobeds as you Humans would say."

Trip blushed furiously and could not look the doctor in the eye. His skin scalded with the sudden rash of heat burning his face and neck. A squeeze on his hand from T'Pol reassured him. "I'll let ya get some rest then."

She nodded, amused. She loved him so much but the doctor was right. It had been a tiring day and she had endured enough excitement. Trip looked at Dr Phlox.

"Can I visit tomorrow?"

"The Sub-Commander is having a baby, Commander. She is not ill just in need of a little rest. In the morning she can return to her own quarters but I will require to see her for regular checks so I can keep an eye on her and the baby."

A smile blossomed on his face. The baby. *Their* baby. He was going to be a father for real. Not that he did not feel like one already where Kai was concerned. He did. But this child would be a person created from his and T'Pol's joining. Their DNA would create a unique being in their own images. He wondered if the child would look like him but have T'Pol's ears. Or maybe the child would be the spitting image of T'Pol but with Human ears? That made him chuckle. T'Pol gave him a suspicious look. "What is so funny?"

He shook his head then leaned down to kiss her. His lips lingering on hers. His eyes laughing down at her with undiluted joy. "Nothin' darlin'. Just imagining what our baby's gonna look like." He resisted the urge to hug her. If he did that he would never leave Sickbay. Doctor's orders or not. "If the baby takes after its' mama I'll be the one needin' plenty of rest not T'Pol." He told the doctor. Trip gave her a last lingering kiss. "Night, darlin'. Pleasant dreams."

* * * * *

Lt. Reed swept on to the bridge, Hoshi and Travis just a step behind him. Captain Archer raised a guilty eyebrow. He had not intended to break up Kai's birthday party. "Ensigns Sato, Mayweather, there was no reason for you to leave the party as well."

"That's alright, sir." Said Travis readily. He looked more sombre than when the Captain had last seen him. "We were curious to see what you'd found."

"Ensign Waters picked something up on long range scanners."

The Armoury Officer nodded to the Captain and quickly conferred with Waters. "What have you got, Ensign?"

The Ensign explained then showed him. The Lieutenant pressed his lips together in concentration. "Run that sequence through again."

Quietly, Hoshi went over to Ensign Cross. "Gina, have you picked up anything?"

Ensign Cross shook her head. "Nothing. No hails, no sub-space chatter. Zilch."

Just then Lt. Reed's eyes widened in surprise. He made a motion for Ensign Waters to relinquish his station and took over. He quickly tracked a new flicker in the midst of the flaring anomaly. Too far for a visual the heat signature accompanying it indicated that Ensign Waters had been right. There *had* been an explosion. Though considering the distance involved it had to be pretty massive. Even as he monitored it the percussive wave of energy seemed to be sucked away so violently that it virtually vanished from sensors. Only because he had been looking so hard did he detect the small object spewing out from that direction just before the heat signature disappeared. It was coming their way. "Captain?"

Captain Archer straightened a little, his demeanour stiffening. "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"There was definitely an explosion, sir, and a pretty big one. No indication yet as to what it was or what caused it."

"Could it have been a ship?"

"Hard to say, sir."

"If we could look at the debris that should give us some indication."

"Sir," Said the Lieutenant with quiet intensity. "There will be no debris."

"I don't understand. You said there was an explosion. Ensign Waters saw it."

"That is correct, sir. However whatever we saw is no longer there."

"You mean the debris vaporised?"

"No, sir. I mean it is gone."

The Captain stared at him. Lt. Reed could not blame him for looking confused. "How is that possible?"

"I'm not sure sir but there is something else you should be aware of."

"And that is?"

"Something ejected out of the massive heat signature before it vanished. It could be debris."

The Captain gave him a keen look. Unwilling to point out the seeming contradiction. First no debris then debris? "But you don't think it is?" He said slowly.

"I'm not sure, sir, but we'll know soon enough. It's coming this way."

The bridge became tense. Hardly a word spoken unless it was absolutely necessary. All eyes on the consoles. Hoshi watched Ensign Cross and noticed a flicker of surprise on her face. "What?"

"I think I have something." She paused. "Its' very faint..." She shook her head. "I can't make it out."

"Do you mind if I try?"

Ensign Cross nodded and moved out of her seat to allow Hoshi to take her place. Everyone knew she had the best ear in Starfleet. For several moments there was a tense silence then Hoshi spoke. "I'm picking up something." She looked directly at the Captain. "It's an automated distress call, Captain."

"Do we know where its' from?"

"Sir," Her voice had become urgent. Her look perplexed and worried. "It's coming from a Starfleet vessel."

The Captain looked at her in shock. "That's impossible. There are no other Starfleet vessels out here."

"Bloody hell!" Exclaimed Lt. Reed. "Hoshi's right, sir. Or to be more exact, it's not a vessel as such it's a shuttlepod."

The Captain spun round and stared at his Armoury Officer. "What?"

"It's one of ours!"

Utter silence fell. For several moments no one was capable of speaking. The shock absolute. The Captain was first to recover some of his wits. "Do we have visual yet?"

The screen flickered into life and all mouths went suddenly dry as a speck in the distance of the viewscreen gradually grew bigger. They could see now that it was definitely a shuttlepod but it was badly burnt and damaged. Spinning end over end as it tumbled towards them. Captain Archer could not take his eyes off the image. Sure it would haunt his dreams for years to come. "Any lifesigns?"

Ensign Cross had gone over to the science station and was monitoring from there. "Yes, sir. One." She paused, checking the readings again to make sure there was no error. "But it's not Human, sir."

Every eye turned to stare at the Ensign in shock and disbelief. The Captain looked pale. "What do you mean the lifesign isn't Human?"

"It's very faint, sir. But according to the sensors, it's Volaran."

* * * * *

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Three people have made comments

Oh THank goodness! You had me so worried.

Keep it coming please.

ah the drama continues, and the faster u update the faster we review, keep up the great work!

AHH! A wee vulcan/human baby... I didn't see that coming when T'Pol took ill; I thought it was something to do with the aliens who had been with Koss.

How happy Trip is, but I hope Kai isn't jealous. And I hope there won't be any trouble for the happy couple from their respective employers.

And what of Sar? Has he accomplished what he needed to do, and has he survived?

Update again, soon, please.