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Fragile-Part 37

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed.
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Sar explains what they are up against to
Trip's brother. Lt. Reed tries to calm a restive Captain. And everybody wants to see the baby."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 37


* * * * *

Danny stared. Hardly able to draw breath. To blink. To feel the pulse of blood throb through his veins. Shock rendered him speechless. Even his ears had gone numb. Sar knew it was a lot to take in. He watched Danny slowly wet his lips with his tongue. Danny felt dizzy in an odd detached kind of way. "Are ya sayin' my brother's in danger?"

"We are all in danger, Daniel."

"But you're Trip's Senisa, that makes it a more pers'nal danger - right?"

The big man nodded slowly. Impressed by how much the Human divined. "I would not have come for anyone else. This ship among the stars is not my home, Daniel."

For a moment there was complete silence. A hush seemed to grip the mostly sleeping ship. Danny forced himself to swallow. His coffee long gone cold. The mess hall now deserted but for the two of them. "Why did ya then?"

"For his sake."

"Ya were a free man. Ya could'a stayed on Volara."

Sar nodded. "The ties that bind me are deeper than blood. Closer than bone. More enduring than the stars that shine and light this path through the sky. The Prophets made their choice and so did I. Even without their hand in it, I would choose to be nowhere else."

"What do ya mean ya came because of Trip? I want no fancy words now, Sar, just plain truth simply told. I'm not a complicated man."

The big man nodded. His rumbling voice low but filled with respect. "Your brother is a special man. This I saw from the first even before I understood the hand that was guiding his. I tried not to be drawn to him, to care what happened beyond duty. He would not let his friend die. Without knowing our ways and customs, without understanding his peril, he gave himself in place of his Captain. A life for a life." He paused, too moved for a moment to continue. "He gave all he had to give, gladly."

"For five years."

The big man shook his head. "You do not understand. The time period mattered not."

"Then explain it better."

"Captain Archer strayed from the path. Inhaled and touched the Deathbloom. It was this which was killing him. Our laws are strict, Daniel, and to stray from the path carries the sentence of death. Volarans are immune to the Deathbloom." He paused and watched his face closely. "Humans are not."

"So they swapped places?"

"Yes, though the Captain knew nothing about it. He was in a coma. Dying..."

Danny felt tears prick his eyes. Jonathan Archer had been Trip's friend for years. Had spent summers at their house. Was welcomed into their family and fussed over. Even more after his father had died. He could understand how easy it had been for Trip to step in like that. How natural. Automatic as breathing. Wanting to save his friend no matter the cost. Hell. He would have probably done the same himself. "I wanna thank ya for watchin' over my brother, Sar."

"There is no need. The honour is mine and it is not over yet."

His heart missed a beat. "Not over?"

"A week, a month, a day or a thousand years. I will walk in his shadow and count myself blessed."

"You're losin' me, Sar."

"What do you know of Volarans, Daniel?" He asked quietly, his voice gentle.

"On'y what ya told me."

"Do you know how long we live?"

Danny shook his head, not sure where this conversation was going.

"We live a long, long time."

Curiosity sparked in the Human's blue eyes. "How long is long?"

"On Trip's world there are creatures who live but a day. Compared to these creatures the Human span of life is an eternity."

"Ya talkin' about insects?"

"It does not matter what the creatures are, it is an example only. Imagine if Humans live but a day compared to us."

He caught his breath. "Oh my gawd..." His voice trailed off. His eyes widened. "Are ya tellin' me you're immortal?"

The big man chuckled darkly. An odd noise that rumbled away like distant thunder before he spoke again. "We are not immortal but live many times the lifespan of your species."

Something occurred to him. "So for you to be with Trip, to come this far for his sake as ya put it, would be like the five years he was willin' to give up for Jon?"

A big smile slowly blossomed on Sar's face. "Your insight is acute, Daniel." He sounded pleased. Sar put a hand on his shoulder and nodded solemnly. "I too have chosen well."

"Now," Said Danny, mentally preparing himself for a long night as he began to sip his cold coffee. "Explain to me again what this Key business is all about."

* * * * *

Morning was a peculiar affair. Captain Archer felt out of sorts but committed. He stared across the dinner table at Lt. Reed. The man looked uncomfortable having breakfast in the Captain's mess. With no Trip or T'Pol to deflect attention from himself he felt vulnerable. Isolated. And very much out of his depth. He liked the Captain fine. Trusted him and had great respect for him. But it was not done to mix ranks like this. The chain of command had always been a comfort to him. Everyone had their place and the boundaries were clearly defined. Captain Archer's propensity for blurring those lines always left the Armoury Officer feeling wrong footed. It was a feeling he disliked intensely yet manners forebore him from saying so. Now he waited like a man on death row to hear the reason for his required attendance. The bowl of cereal before him sat largely untouched. His sensitive face pinched with barely concealed tension as he tried to fathom out what was on the Captain's mind.

"Malcolm," The Armoury Officer visibly stiffened at the familiarity. The Captain chose to take no notice. "I want the security alert reinstated but without making it obvious."

Lt. Reed blinked. His feeling of awkwardness forgotten. "With respect sir, that is a contradiction."

"I know it is, Lieutenant. Just hear me out."

He nodded and waited.

"I had a visit from Sar yesterday. He seems insistent that something is wrong. That something bad is going to happen yet he couldn't give me any pointers apart from vague feelings of doom and gloom." He paused and bit back a sigh. "I don't want to discount his concerns. He's been right before and it would be ludicrous to ignore him now but I have to wonder whether the strain is not becoming too much for him."


"This paranoia he has where Trip's concerned."

Lt. Reed looked slightly offended. Miffed even. "I hardly consider Sar's concern to be paranoia, sir."

"We kept a situation of high alert for over a month Malcolm and nothing happened."

"Perhaps *because* we were on high alert."

"What are you saying?"

"What if this threat - whatever it is - knows? It could be biding its time."

Captain Archer resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Why not, sir?"

"You're beginning to sound as paranoid as Sar."

He was definitely miffed now. His annoyance showing in the way his nostrils flared. "I can assure you I am *not* paranoid but security is my area of expertise. I also do not believe Sar is prone to histrionics, Captain. If he senses danger then there is danger. The fact that it is so illusive is a cause for greater concern not less."

The Captain sighed. Defeated. "Very well Lieutenant, crank up security as you see fit though I don't doubt this will be another exercise in futility."

The Armoury Officer's expression was solemn. No glint of humour in his eye. "I hope you're right, sir."

* * * * *

Trip woke with stabbing pains in his shoulder, neck and back. He groaned and realised a weight was pinning him down. Parts of him overheating while other parts were cold. He shivered and realised he was lying naked on the floor with an equally naked T'Pol lying across him. Recalling their very intensive bout of love making he chuckled softly to himself and just knew he would be lucky to be able to walk straight. He had a crick in his neck and a matching more painful one in his lower back. *So much for spontaneity.* he thought. Next time he would ravish the Sub-Commander *in* bed not on the floor alongside it. He gazed wistfully up at the object of his devotion but made no move to wriggle out from under his wife. He wanted her to get what rest she could when she could. The baby would be here soon enough. If he was to be her feather mattress so be it.

He smiled gently and kissed her soft cheek. Such love in his heart. Hugging her with one arm he stretched the other out and tugged a blanket off the bed. Despite being careful the movement roused her. Two sleepy eyes opened and stared at him in groggy recognition. "Trip?"

He pulled the blanket over her cooling shoulders, rubbed the material gently up and down her back to warm her. "Yeah, darlin'?"

"What are we doing on the floor?"

He laughed. A bright happy sound that made her want to dance just for him. He hugged her to his heart, kissed her plush lips slowly then looked into her beautiful waking eyes. The sleep all gone from them now. "Maybe I just figure if I stay where ya put me you'll ravish me again?"

A single eyebrow arched back at him then she frowned. A look of pain creased her face and he was instantly rolling her upright, holding on to her as if she were a piece of priceless china that might break if he held her too tightly. "T'Pol, honey, what is it?"

Then he felt it. The strong spasm in her stomach transmitted to him through the close contact of their bodies. Realisation pumped him full of panic. "Oh my gawd, it's the baby isn't it? It's comin' isn't it?"

She could not speak only nod. All her air tied up in not fainting. Unbearable needles of pain radiated from each increasing spasm. They were getting stronger. The contractions closer together. So strong she felt as if they were splitting her in two. Trip cursed the distance to the com unit. Slapped it on with a trembling hand and yelled into it. As if by volume alone he could materialise the doctor out of thin air. "Doc, I think the baby's comin'."

It seemed to take hours for the doctor to reach them but in truth it was just a couple of minutes. Trip was relieved to see Sar was with him and surprised that his brother Danny was bringing up the rear with Malcolm. What was Danny doing there? But he had too much to think about. Trip blessed Dr Phlox, his calm professional manner quickly taking control of the situation as if having a baby on Enterprise was the most natural thing. He felt some of his panic come under control. Eyes wide and staring his eyes locked on T'Pol. She had her eyes closed now, fighting the pain and the nausea and the urge to just strike out at whoever was closest to her. Except she did not have the strength. Trip stroked her cheek with the back of two fingers, her pain filled eyes fluttering open to meet his. A semblance of calm trembling through her body.

"That's right, Commander," Said Dr. Phlox soothingly as he prepared a hypospray. The soft hiss as he emptied it into the side of her neck hardly noticed by either of them. Then T'Pol began to relax.

Travis and Liz Cutler arrived with a gurney. Between them they carefully got T'Pol laid on it. Danny put a hand on his brother's arm. "Trip, c'mon."

He was not taking in what his brother was trying to say. All he wanted, needed, was to be with T'Pol. "What...?"

"Ya need to put some clothes on." He clarified in a gentle amused voice.

Trip looked down at himself. He was stark naked. A sheeplish smile dusted his lips then vanished as he looked at T'Pol. His heart lurching with fear, and pain, and pride, and hope. Love had made him weak but it had also made him stronger than anything else in the whole universe. Wasn't that the damnedest thing?

"C'mon Trip, sooner ya dress, sooner ya can be in Sickbay with T'Pol."

That stirred him. He let Danny guide him, numbly throwing on whatever clothes his brother sorted from his dresser. Eyes on the gurney, watching Dr Phlox fuss with his handheld scanner. Trying to stretch his ears to hear every muted word. Sar placed a hand gently on the Sub-Commander's perspiring brow. Her eyes flickered from the doctor to rest on his. Lost for a moment in a golden expanse than calmed her far more than the hypospray had. His presence soothing. A balm to her frantic imaginings. Then Trip was dressed and the whole little group was hurrying down the corridor in a mad but orderly rush. They only just got to Sickbay when T'Pol's waters broke.

* * * * *

The warm darkness exploded around him. A cacophony of sounds that had been muted and swaying now coalesced into a discordant tympani that hurt his ears. He felt every sound, every vibration, every flash of vibrant iridescent colour. Every harsh angle of intense light pierced his senses increasing the agony. Bad enough to leave the safe zone. To emerge like some projectile fired from some ancient canon. But to meet his world's opposite in such a harsh manner was hard on him. He was distressed. Vulnerable. Momentarily lost. Then everything faded. Gentle arms that shook and trembled with emotion reached out for him. He felt the rhythmic pounding of the only beat he craved and lost himself back in that familiarity. It was his baseline. His grip on what sanity he could have. His cries had been answered. Peace was descending but it was broken. His reality a jumble of bright and sharp pieces that could cut and rend and tear him apart if handled too abruptly. He knew. Just as clearly as he recognised his mother's hand, her cushioning breast, the adored heartbeat, he knew the Other the moment it touched his mind. No hands. No lips. No arms. Just love.

The baby sighed. Reached back and closed around that gentle loving thought. Let the distance evaporate like the lost hours in the womb. Let the universe shrink into this moment of perfect being. Attuned he calmed. Beloved he rested. Asleep he opened his inner eye and observed.

T'Pol was drained. Exhausted but ecstatic. She could hardly keep her eyes open but when she did the look was divided between the baby in her arms and her Ashayam. Trip sat as close to her as was physically possible. A hand rested gently on the baby, his other hand brushing back the sweaty spikes of his wife's damp hair. He kissed her gently, eyes worshipping her. Then he looked at their son and kissed him so gently on his forehead that a wisp of air could not have been lighter. The child stirred mentally, wanting the touch to linger but it did not. Faintly a sigh of new breath stirred the quickening lungs. Trip was about to pull back, seeing how exhausted T'Pol was. Wanting her to rest. Her eyes fluttered closed. His words of love wrapped her ears in warmth and joy. She gave herself up to his care. As her grip on waking life drifted the baby opened his eyes.

He stared at his father. Eyes almost coal black and shiny. Trip smiled. Transfixed. He sensed the baby's need for touch. The hand that rested on his son's shoulder moved slightly so he could kiss him. "Hey, little fella. Welcome to the universe."

The liquid depths caught and held him. Trip lost his breath. Just stared. Another universe opened up before him. The tiny arm reached out and impossibly perfect little fingers stretched out to touch his face. Tears of joy rolled silently down Trip's cheek. The room was hushed. His tears glistened in the harsh overhead lights and broke like diamonds scattered in a prism and glittering like the rarest of gifts. A dragon's tears were said to crystalise into precious gems the moment they touched the air. As if held within some equal fantasy Trip found himself incapable of moving. Unable and unwilling to break the precious moment forming between them. Dr Phlox turned everyone out of Sickbay to give them privacy. Danny lingered. Lt. Reed was grinning like a lunatic. So happy for his friends. So relieved that the baby was alive and well. Another calamity averted. This would be one report he would enjoy making to his Captain. Travis clapped a hand on his shoulder and they turned to go. Two friends grinning like fools. Dr. Phlox nodded his thanks to Liz Cutler. She smiled and left as well. That just left the Volaran and Trip's brother. Sar did not ask. He simply got a chair and settled it quietly by the door. Danny looked from the doctor to Sar. When neither said or did anything he turned his head to look back at the little cluster round the biobed and knew exactly where he was meant to be.

* * * * *

Captain Archer almost wept with relief. He stared at Lt Reed and allowed himself the luxury of a long and hearty laugh. "And the baby's okay?"

The Lieutenant nodded, his eyes shining with joy. He seemed much more peaceful and calmer than when he had shared breakfast with the Captain earlier. The Captain realised it was because he was happy. Well he couldn't blame the man for that. So was he. Finally. Something truly good and wonderful had come out of this whole convoluted mess. Not that he would say as much to Malcolm. The man was intensely loyal to his friends and just as Trip was the Captain's best friend, he was also Malcolm's. The difference was that Malcolm let so few into that tight inner circle. Even he only stood cautiously at the edge. A single wrong word or miss-step consigning him beyond that precious boundary until he earned the right to draw near again. But Trip. Trip had somehow managed to forge a permanent breach in the man's defenses. A true friendship forming that both baffled and pleased the Captain. He did not try to analyse it. Just thanked God it had happened. Malcolm needed the open friendly affection that was so natural to his Chief Engineer and so lacking in the stilted Englishman's former life. Gradually he had seen the man relax into his role on Enterprise. Watched his friendships with the crew blossom into a wary familiarity. It pleased him. Now this news about Trip and T'Pol's son seemed to put a line under the stresses of the last year and a half. Finally some truly good news. He took a step towards the corridor. Lt. Reed met him at the door.

"Where are you going, sir?" He asked politely.

The Captain beamed at him. "I want to see them. Get a look at the baby."

"They're sleeping at the moment, sir." Said Lt. Reed gently. "I do believe that if you give them a few hours it would be most appreciated."

Captain Archer tilted his head at his Armoury Officer. "Did anyone tell you that you'd make a perfect chaperone?"

The Lieutenant flushed slightly. "I hardly think that is an appropriate comment to make to your Armoury Officer, sir."

Amusement twinkled in the Captain's eye. "Relax, Malcolm. I just want a peep. I don't intend to disturb anyone."

"And you won't sir."

The Captain paused and gave him a keener look. Lt Reed explained.

"Unless I am completely mistaken, you will find Sar guarding the door to Sickbay."

Captain Archer felt a rush of irritation and rolled his eyes. "For heaven's sake, what does he think I'm going to do? Trip and T'Pol are my friends, Malcolm. They're also trusted members of this crew. What kind of Captain would I be if I didn't care?"

"This has nothing to do with you personally, sir. Sar is simply ensuring they are not overwhelmed by visitors before they have had time to rest. I'm sure you understand."

He bit back his disappointment. "I suppose he's going to keep their families away as well?"

"Actually sir, Trip's brother Danny was with Sar when I left."

That piece of information mildly surprised him. He shook himself. "Sorry I over reacted, Lieutenant. It's not every day we have a baby born on Enterprise and I'm just impatient."

"I quite understand, sir. Nothing to apologise for."

The Captain gave him a sharp look. "You're enjoying this aren't you, Lieutenant?"

Something akin to mischief danced in the depths of his cloudy grey eyes. "I have no idea what you could possibly mean, Captain."

Captain Archer laughed and gestured to the hall. "Come on, Lieutenant. It's time we took up our stations on the bridge. I have a feeling all hell is going to break loose once the announcement is made."

Lt Reed gave his Captain a sideways look. "Couldn't we delay the announcement just until...?"

The Captain shook his head emphatically. The bounce in his firm step underlining his words. "No, Lieutenant we could not. It's a tradition to announce a birth as soon afterwards as..."

Just then a ship wide announcement stopped both men in their tracks. Stunned, Captain Archer listened open mouthed to the ship's physician calmly and proudly telling them of the birth of Sub-Commander T'Pol and Commander Tucker's baby. Announcing the birth of a healthy baby boy he gave the weight and exact time of birth then asked that the crew not visit until after lunch so that the baby and parents could get some much needed rest. He then thanked them and the com went silent. The Captain stared at Lt Reed. The Lieutenant gave a little shrug. His voice mild and conciliatory. "I stand corrected, Captain."

It took a moment to realise the Armoury Officer was now disappearing down the corridor. Quickening his pace to catch up he could not help but mutter half under his breath. "Once, just once, I'd like to be the one to break the news on this ship. After all, I *am* the Captain."

Luckily he missed the smug little smirk on his Lieutenant's face.

* * * * *

It was a strange thing and one that actually gave Captain Archer hope for the future. That indefinable something that could break the ice on a thousand alien landscapes without the raising of a single voice. The firing of a single weapon. Even the thinnest of veiled threats fell impotent before it. It amazed him. Truly. Saveth and T'Vrel showed varying flickers of joy at the news. Had asked to see him only minutes after he had stepped on to the bridge. Handing the bridge over to Lt Reed he had met them as requested and was surprised to see T'Pol's father giving him a very stern look.

"Captain. Why were we not informed of the imminence of this birth?"

"I'm sorry, Saveth, but the baby came in his own time. I had nothing to do with it."

T'Vrel suppressed a smile.

"This is not the time for levity, Captain. I wish to see my grandson."

Captain Archer smiled. Happy that someone else was feeling just as frustrated about having to wait as he was. It helped of course that the someone in question also happened to be a stuffy Vulcan. Fortunately for him, a non-telepathic one. "And you will. For now the baby and parents are resting. As soon as the doctor gives his consent, I will personally ensure that you are permitted to see them."

"The wait is unacceptable."

T'Vrel's words and voice so reminded him of the Sub-Commander that he had to hold back the urge to laugh. Bad enough to thwart the Vulcans' wishes without adding insult to injury. "I agree but in this case it is necessary."

A flicker of concern stilled the annoyance in Saveth's eyes. "Is the baby unharmed?"

The Captain nodded. "So I believe."

T'Vrel watched him closely. "You have not seen the child yet?"

"No, of course not. Until Dr Phlox gives the all-clear no one is allowed to disturb them."

"Then how do you know my grandson is well?" Demanded Saveth firmly but quietly. His eyes reminded Captain Archer of liquid steel. Odd that he had never noticed that before.

"Because the doctor said so and as he is the best physician I have ever had the honour to serve with I trust his judgment on the matter." He paused. "Now, if you will be kind enough to wait I will go and talk to the Commander's family."

To his surprise T'Vrel placed a hand on his arm. The Captain froze and looked at her. "We will come with you if that is permitted, Captain."

Relief flooded through him. The Captain nodded happily back at them. Secretly marveling at the Vulcans' ability to surprise him. "I think they would appreciate your support."

Saveth frowned. "Support?"

"Yes," Said the Captain gently. "You are not the only ones who can't bear waiting."

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Seven people have made comments

No, this can't be the end! I'm so glad the baby was born healthy, but what about the "key", what of Kai and Sarsa, what of Sar and his family, what's the baby's name, what of the mysterious aliens, and so on and so on. There's just too much left hanging out there. You must write a sequel. I need a good read for the summer during re-run time and I've recommended this story (and a few others on this site) to others during this down time. Please write a sequel.

Baby!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

How can this be the end??? What's trip familing going to say about the baby? Or Starfleet? Or the high command? Kai? What about the key?? Please tell me there's a sequel on the way.

This is NOT the concluding story in the series. Not sure where that came from but it was not from me. Trust me. You will *know* the end when it hits you. I was so surprised to see this story labelled as such. Just hang on in there and keep the faith. Ali D :~)

So glad to read that that wasn't the end, but it was SO beautifully done. Thank you for a consistently wonderful story, and now, onwards, no flagging allowed.

Another great chapter, but I'm waiting to read where the 'key' fits into this story.

ah finally!

we of course know the baby is the key don't we.