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Fragile-Part 39

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL


ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed.
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Sar explains the situation to Trip. They undertake a desperate attempt to prevent the Key from accomplishing its' purpose."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 39


* * * * *

He was dreaming he had to be. Yet there was a quality about it that seemed more real. A crispness, an accentuated vibrancy of life that thrilled him even as the yawning abyss of eternal darkness beckoned. Fear was a long time coming shepherded as it was with the brilliance of thoughts bursting into this strangely warped and disconcerting consciousness like fireworks. Except these streaming exploding tresses of light had no end. They formed fountains of colour, sparkling and glistening and feasting his eyes on their solemn but perfect expression. Their meaning for the time being eluding him. He felt drawn, attracted to and coaxed into following them. His senses powerless to inform him of their true nature. A tug on his hesitation propelled him forward without any conscious effort on his part. Something pierced his apathy. Something almost familiar. He struggled to grasp it. To understand. The minute distraction halted his journey towards the bedecked abyss. The yawning chasm beckoned. The brilliant spectre of ghostly colours shimmered, sparkled and waxed within it like a celestial mirage.

Mentally, Trip shook his head. He felt something approach unseen. A tremour rippled gently through him. Not cold like before but warm and tuned to the beat of his own heart. How was that possible? He turned his extended sight to catch the merest glimpse and was startled to see a golden light approaching, deflecting the darkness and snuffing out the pretty lightshow that was blinding him to what was happening around him. The light pulsed in a familiar pattern. Not until it touched him did his heart rejoice and recognise what it was.

"Sar? Is that you?"

He felt the grave humour as the precursor to his friend's reply. "Yes, Senisa, it is I."

"Where the hell are we? Are we dreamin' an' if so how d'ya get inside my head?"

"We are not dreaming, Senisa. Not in the way in which you perceive dreams."

"Just explain it as simply as ya can, Sar."

"You are in danger, my friend."

"What kind'a danger?"

"Do you remember what I told you about the control device?"

"Yeah, I remember. I also recall ya dealt with that in a pretty foolish manner. Almost got yourself turned to an intergalactic crisp."

"You saved me."

"Just happy to return the favour but ya haven't answered my question."

A slight pause. "Forgive me."

"Just explain, okay?"

"The control device was used to activate the Key."

"Whatever the hell that is."

"You are bathed in it."


"All of you."

"All of me? Ya mean from my head to my toes, that it?"

"No, Senisa." A pained pause. "You, T'Pol and the baby."

Pain wracked him. The illusion of sight shivered with dread. He bit back the cloak of unshed tears. "Tell me I'm dreamin', havin' a nightmare. Anythin' but this."

"I cannot lie to you, my friend."

"What is the Key then?"

"It is a bio-mimetic organism."

"And it does what exactly?"

"It alters the structure of surrounding organisms to mimic a biological imperative written within its own code of DNA."

"Ya mean it changes other lifeforms?"

"At the sub-molecular level, my friend, and beyond."

"Didn't think there was anythin' beyond."

"There is always something beyond. Just because something is getting smaller does not mean it will one day cease to exist. That would be impossible, Senisa. You cannot destroy matter only transform it."

Trip's head was beginning to spin. "I don't agree with ya there, Sar."

"That is where your understanding differs from the ultimate reality. Science will always lag behind truth. Each theory needing other theories to advance and support new ideas. Concepts held as sacrosanct even when they are flawed. Sometimes the flaw is the only perfection there is."

"Sar, you're beginnin' to make me feel as if I was dropped on my head at birth."

"It would explain much, Senisa."

The Commander was almost more shocked by the Volaran's unexpected humour than by the situation he appeared to be sharing with him. "Are we trapped in a dream, Sar?"

"No, Senisa. Another reality."

"Oh." He paused. "For a minute there ya had me worried."

"Senisa, we must not let the Key complete its' cycle."

"How do we stop it?"

"It must be neutralised."

"Not destroyed?"

"No, it..."

"I know, it can't be destroyed only transformed."

The golden light seemed to pulse brighter and Trip knew Sar was pleased. "What do we do an' where are T'Pol an' Charlie Tucker the fourth?"

"Charlie Tucker the fourth?"

Sar felt his Senisa grin happily. "The baby."

"That is not a Vulcan name."

"No, it's mine."

"Why would the baby have your name? Why would he not have his own?"

"It would be his own. Have ya forgotten that I'm Charles Tucker the third?"

"Senisa, whatever the baby is to be called will not matter unless we hurry."

Solemnity blanked out all humour. Trip was quiet and contrite. "I'm sorry Sar, it's just I'm so damn happy about the baby. It's hard to panic when ya can't even feel your feet on the ground."

"You are not on the ground Senisa."

"Then where am I?"

"A heartbeat from oblivion."

Trip was silent a second. "Jesus Christ, Sar, cheer me up why don't ya?"

"I would rather save you, my friend." Sar said gravely, his voice soft and deep with respect.

"I'm not gonna ask ya how we got into this mess Sar, just tell me what ya want me to do to get out of it."

"We must embrace the light, Senisa, then merge."


"Yes. Merged I can bring you out of the void before you pass the veil."

"What in the Sam Hill is the veil?"

"A point of no return."

"I thought that was oblivion?"

"No. Oblivion is the destination where creation ends. The veil is what separates what is from what is not."

"Ya mean death."

It was a statement. Sar felt his heart ache. The truth could be so stark. Cruel and unfeeling. "Yes."

"An' what happens to T'Pol an' little Charlie?"

"We find them and break the Key."

"I thought we couldn't break it?"

"Break not destroy."

A pause. "What's the difference?"

"Our survival."

A longer pause. "Okay, ya got my attention Sar. How about ya talk me through the steps of this dance?"

"Embrace me."


"My light. Embrace me."


Not sure how to do that he was hesitant. Sar beamed his light until it gently engulfed the Human then matched the pulsing rhythm to that of the Commander's heartbeat. Trip sensed rather than felt what to do next and opened himself up, the light flowing through him and triggering a release of the light that he shared with the Volaran. Even while part of him was on the edge of panic over concern for T'Pol and the baby another part of him was in awe of the light. It had already proved it could heal them both. Now it was joining them so that they could give oblivion the finger. Figuratively speaking of course. Trip felt his breath catch. Then he felt a cool rushing sensation as if he were moving fairly quickly through cold air. Smears of white flashed by in the blackness. "What the hell's that?"

"Stars, Senisa."

"Stars? In Hell?"

"We are not in Hell."

"Ya could'a fooled me."

"We are on the edge of another reality. The birth of another universe."

"Sar, that's ridiculous."

"Still your thoughts, Senisa." Sar murmured into his consciousness.

Trip fell silent. Felt his being radiate an odd kind of heat that touched him not yet warmed him in the bitter cold of infinite space. Long minutes stretched in silence. At last he broke it with a whisper. "Sar?"

"Yes, Senisa?"

"What's that? I kind'a sense, almost *see*, somethin' ahead of us." He paused. Curious. Not yet frightened. "It's like the darkness is fragmentin' into somethin' even deeper. How crazy does that sound?"

"Do you see how it shimmers, Senisa?"

"Yeah. What is that?"

"It is the Key."

"I didn't think it would look like that."

"It senses you."

For some reason Trip felt his heart miss a beat. "Is that bad?"

"It is not good."

The shimmer was extending. Like greedy hands it reached for him, stretching itself to form a huge barrier that was slowly wrapping round the space where he was. "Sar, how do I get away from it?"

Sar noted the concern in his Senisa's voice. "You don't, my friend." He responded quietly.

"Huh? This is your great escape? Wait 'till it swallows us whole?"

"Be calm, Senisa. Trust. Relax in me."

Trip did just that.

"Now open up."

"Are ya kiddin'?"

"No. Trust me."

He opened up. Felt foolish letting the Devil walk right in but if it would save T'Pol and the baby he was willing to try anything.

"Now I want you to think about T'Pol and the baby."

Pain radiated back from the Human. So intense it was almost physical. "Why? It's kind'a private."

"The Key is emotionless, Senisa, yet it is semi-organic. We need to flood it with the strongest emotions we have. Your love will overpower it."

"Ya think?" He asked in a hushed voice. Hardly daring to think anything could be that simple.

"Yes, but it will fight back."

That figured. "So what are ya gonna do while I'm bouncing waves of love at the enemy?"

"I will freeze it with a cold so intense it will be unable to act."

Even though he did not understand such subtle insidious forces his trust in Sar was absolute.

"Are you ready, Senisa?"

"As I'll ever be."


Trip concentrated on the first time he had ever set eyes on T'Pol. Their first kiss. The first time they had touched hands, made love, woken in each other's arms with tears of joy shining in their eyes. He loved her so much it was no hardship to bring forth those emotions. The depth of it flowing through him on waves of light, the vibratory rate increasing, the light burning through the darkness but not touching him. Then he thought of the baby, his heart so full of joy that the love he had for T'Pol was heightened to unimaginable levels. He could almost feel himself dissolving into tears so deep was his joy, so humble the love that bound him. The hope burning brightly in his heart and pushing back the walls of darkness. Sar bided his time until the Key was distracted by the strength of the Human's emotions. It drew its' diaphanous arms of DNA around the Human, swirling closer and closer to herd him into the void. The shimmering boundary of the veil beckoned. Beyond it the lay empty cradle of a new reality devoid even of the hush of starlight. It lay inert waiting for the Key to fill it. To seed its' darkness with new embryonic life. Tiny microscopic organisms like primitive bacteria clinging to the tiniest motes of dust. The Key was drawn by the double helix. Seeking to bind him to the darkness. The light prevented fusion, the Key shivered. Sar chose that moment to reverse his light inside the ring of the Key's genetic code as it drew Trip to the boundary's very edge.

A wickedly piercing pain sliced through the Commander. His hold on the light faltered. He felt flashes of heat then the stark aching agony of intense cold burning him. The erratic beat of his heart made him feel dizzy. It became uneven. The rhythm slowing down but irregular. As if every beat was becoming more painful.

"Hang on, Senisa, and stay open. Hold on to the love. Remember for whom you risk your all."

He could not speak. Mind going numb while his thoughts were bleeding through his fragmenting consciousness. Everything was becoming laboured. Heavy. Dull. *T'Pol!* It was weird. Creepy. Frightening. He felt as if he were losing his grip. Real fear of failure began to lap at his consciousness. He knew he could not afford to fail. He had too much at stake. Let alone the fate of an unborn universe. *Oh God, Kai*. He did not want to think of not being there to watch his son as a grown man. To stand beside him when he took his own marriage vows. To cradle his son's children in his arms. Watch that look of wonder, joy and fierce proud love steal across the face of the child he had taken so deeply into his heart. The thought that the new life created between him and T'Pol might never live beyond his first few breaths. Falling. He had to hang on no matter how much it hurt. Because to fail would hurt more. Oh God, he was falling.

"Senisa, hang on."

He could barely hear Sar. Could no longer detect his light. Had it got darker? Surely it had also got colder but that was good, wasn't it? Hadn't Sar said he would freeze the Key? He was struggling now. His strength flagging. The edges of consciousness blurring. Trouble was he was the one turning into a popsicle. His heart contracted painfully. One step away from crippling grief. Sar could not reach him now. The reversal of his light forming a barrier between him and his Senisa that was more poignant than death for it was a line he could not cross. The Volaran wept but did not falter. They had seconds left, perhaps minutes at most. Sar could sense the struggle of the Key. Its' bio-mimetic structure beginning to lose integrity held as it was by Sar while squeezing the very life essence out of Trip to remove the Human threat. Everything the Human clung to was draining away. Yet Sar could not risk releasing the Key in order to aid Trip.

Then. When all seemed most utterly lost. Something amazing happened. A new trail of thoughts touched the Volaran's mind. Cool. Orderly. Controlled. The precision was a calming presence in his mind. It touched and embraced him. Flashes of heat flared out from it. Anger erupting in bright rolling tidal waves that made the Key shudder as it fought on, cloaking itself in darkness. Assailed no longer on two fronts but three. Never had Sar seen such raw emotion marshaled so effectively for a single cause. As the Key struggled to retain its' grip on the Commander's fading consciousness another addition caused a ripple of emotion and something pure and concentrated pierced the Key. For one tiny, infinitesimal moment, the whole of creation seemed to pause. The very fabric of being shook with vying forces. Sar reached out for the newcomer and was moved by a great well of joy as recognition and wonder sparked in his mind. He merged his light with it. Then merged their conjoined light with the cooler more grounded presence that he knew was the Vulcan. The Key finally released Trip to try to fend them off. The Commander left drifting, his senses momentarily lost to him.

No power is greater than Love. Sar felt T'Pol reaching beyond him. Trying to find Trip. To gain a hold on his diminishing resources and bring him close. Make him safe. Sar urged her to enclose the Key, keep it away from the child. He thought she was going to fight him. Was relieved when she did not. Her acquiescence allowed him to finally let go. To seek his Senisa. To use his light to find him and bring him home. Back to those that loved him. That needed him most and cherished him so completely. There was hardly any pulse. No light left in the fading spirit. Sar wrapped him in his presence, held him close to his heart and breathed for him. Tenderly rocked him in the cold emotionless expanse of the void. Slowly warmed him and coaxed him back to them. So gently. His thoughts a soft soothing song of love that had no beginning and no end. His light healing all his hurts both physical, mental and imaginary. His sword putting every demon to flight. Every thing that might intend to harm him was vanquished. He loved him so much.

Trip slowly became aware of him. His light pulsing gently through him. Taking away the pain. Relieving the agony of the nightmare the Key had taunted him with. He could feel nothing but sensed all. Knew that T'Pol was there. That the baby hovered close to her. That the Key was powerless to reach him but was not inert. He tried to express his thoughts but kept drifting. Sar soothed him. Like a father, a guardian, a most beloved friend. A brother. Trip had never felt so safe. So utterly loved and understood. It eased him and with that ease came a growing strength. Gradually he was able to absorb some of Sar's light for he no longer had any of his own. It had been spent to buy precious seconds that would now last eternity.

* * * * *

Danny was disturbed to note how cold his brother was. Alarmed he got another blanket and carefully covered him. Checking on the baby and T'Pol as he did so. Sar was still kneeling between them. A look of utter concentration on his face. Eyes closed, breathing now even again. He glanced at the clock and judged they had maybe an hour's grace left before they would be interrupted. He hoped it was long enough. Prayed that whatever had to be done would be done and that the threat would pass. He bowed his head in prayer and stood guard. Thus it was that he was the first one to see Trip stir. His eyes opened slowly in a foggy haze. The blue muted and washed out. Not yet able to focus. Danny felt his heart lift with joy. Hope shone in his eyes. He muted the lights a little more and was rewarded by a sigh of relief from his brother. T'Pol was still asleep. The baby was beginning to stir now. Sar opened his eyes, glanced at Danny and smiled gently at him. Danny felt his heart soar. Then Sar looked at his Senisa. Such love bound them. Trip gave him a weary smile. Sar kissed his forehead, then looked down at the child. His look so tender. Trip had tears in his eyes.

"Did we do it, Sar?" He whispered.

Sar looked up. A look of intense pride on his face. A look that was also tinged with awe. "Yes, Senisa. We did it. ALL of us."

Wonder stole over Trip's face. Danny hugged him and the brothers wept softly. T'Pol stirred and opened her eyes. Trip kissed her gently and thought he would die for simple love of her. "We did it, T'Pol. The baby's safe." He glanced sideways at Sar to make sure of his next words. Sar nodded to reassure him. "The Key is neutralised, darlin'."

There was a look of amusement in her dark liquid eyes. "How could you ever doubt it would be so?"

His eyebrows rose in surprise. Lifting his head he chuckled and looked from one loved face to another until he was almost dizzy with joy. His heart on the brink of bursting. "Have I told ya lately that I love ya, T'Pol?"

A hint of a smile hovered on her plush lips. "No."

He smiled and kissed her again. "Well I do, an' once everybody's had a good look at little Charlie I plan to show ya just how much."

Sar and Danny exchanged amused looks. Trip obviously having momentarily forgotten they were still there. He looked at their expressions and snorted softly. "Don't give me those looks, I'm a happily married man. If ya can't handle that it's your problem not mine."

Danny chuckled. "Come on, Romeo."

"What? I'm not goin' anywhere."

"Yes, you are. You're gonna get washed up an' dressed an' then help T'Pol settle the baby ready for when folks come viewin'."

"Who put ya in charge?"

Sar gave a deep rumbling laugh, his eyes sparkling. "I did."

"Is that so? Ya gangin' up on me now?"

"Absolutely!" Said Danny. "Now. Go get washed up, I'll get Dr Phlox and Sar will help T'Pol."

There was a moment's silence as Trip took all this in. "I never figured ya for such a bossy boots, Danny."

His brother smiled affectionately and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well get used to it. It's not often the Tucker Clan gets together any more an' with the baby, your new family an' all, we'll be celebratin' big time as soon as ya can all stand the fuss."

Trip laughed. "I'm not so sure T'Pol's parents will approve of all this shameless merrymakin'."

T'Pol raised an elegant eyebrow. "Leave my parents to me, Ashayam." T'Pol touched his cheek gently with one hand and brushed her lips to his in a tender kiss. Breaking off she picked up the baby. She kissed his forehead and outlined his little Vulcan ears with a wondering hand. Her eyes taking in the blaze of blond hair that was so like his father's. The sheen of his skin more gold than green. All of them were transfixed by the child as he opened his eyes. Dark liquid pools gazed at T'Pol in total adoration. Then. To the utter surprise and astonishment of them all. His eyes slowly turned blue. Trip began to grin with pleasure but the revelation was not yet complete. As they watched in stunned silence the baby gurgled happily then looked at Sar. To their amazement his eyes turned a beautiful deep shade of gold. As he looked at Sar the gold began to pulse and glow gently revealing himself to the Volaran in a moment of perfect trust. In the hushed silence Sar completely lost the power of speech. Instead he looked deep into the baby's eyes and bowed low. All his prayers sub-vocal. As he raised his head he met Trip's questioning gaze with tears in his eyes.

"What the hell just happened, Sar?"

The Volaran was almost beside himself with joy. The baby's eyes were already turning blue again. This time they stayed that colour. But the eyes were bright and knowing. An ancient soul shone out at them. Sar smiled happily at his Senisa. More beloved than any man before him or since. "Behold Senisa. The birth of the next Prophet!"

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Four of you have made comments

WHOA! wow! I was off just a little bit but totally cool totally frickin' cool.

Keep it coming please and soon!


Oh, my good sweet Lord...

The next Prophet?!?! Okay, see, didn't see that coming. hmm does he know where the wormhole is? ;) Just joking. Just really good.

Goodness knows where you get your ideas from, girl. That was just wonderful, and yet more twists for the unwary (namely me)!

So the baby's the next prophet? Wow, how are the parents and extended families going to like that? More please.