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Sunshine Through Raindrops-text

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Sunshine Through Raindrops

By Clicks

Rating: NC-17
Date: 17th April 2004 (the sun just came out)
Disclaimer: I am incapable of paying up if you sue me, so it’s safe to day I don’t own anything, let alone these characters or anything else to do with Enterprise. All hail Paramount, we are but humble servants to your greatness. Grovel, grovel.
Summary: Trip and T’Pol are continuing to have NP sessions, but Trip feels wishes it were more
Spoilers: “Harbinger.”
Feedback: …is always welcome, since I’m always willing to improve myself.

(This has been sitting, burning a hole in my hard-drive, but despite the cheesy ending, I can’t bring myself to change it…it was written during the hiatus between “Azati Prime” and “Damage,” so its not quite in line with how things have panned out, but it not a big problem.)


Trip didn’t have a clue why he was torturing himself by continuing with these neuro-pressure sessions. They may stop the dreams about Elizabeth, but they weren’t helping one bit when it came to erotic dreams about a certain Science Officer who was spectacularly gifted when it came to trampling on a guy’s ego.

Lying on his front whilst T’Pol massaged his neural nodes did feel incredible, but he simply couldn’t forget that the hands belonged to her and that she had, for one night, used those strong dexterous fingers for something far less therapeutic, but no less sensual. He moaned in pleasure as her fingers found a point of tension and released it.

He could smell her subtle coppery scent around him. It was washed with the aroma of her soap, and the soft scent of candles that stubbornly clung to her skin hours after meditation. He hadn’t realised how wonderful her personal fragrance was, much like he hadn’t realised how much he desired her until she’d been kneeling in front of him completely naked. It was only after he had screwed up any chance they had of being together that he realised how much she had gotten under his skin.

They still talked easily. It was a mystery to Trip why they were able to converse without awkwardness. He knew that no matter how much either of them pretended, they would never be able to forget what they had done together. Sometimes, during these sessions, T’Pol would pause for a moment, staring at him blankly and then blink as though she had slapped. Then the inevitable flush of green would sweep across her face before she continued, usually starting to talk about something decidedly work-related as a method of fending off whatever emotions and sensations were coursing through her, disrupting her tight control.

Yet they could talk about anything, barring that which was branded to the fronts of their minds. They could talk about what repairs and maintenance Trip needed to perform over the next few days, about interesting spatial anomalies that T’Pol wished to study. They would talk about Trip’s childhood and adolescence, occasionally even T’Pol’s youth was a topic of conversation. Every session Trip learnt more about T‘Pol and every session she learnt more about him.

Still it was torture, knowing her better just compounded the reality that he had missed out on a relationship that could have been amazing.

They switched into the next posture and Trip took the opportunity to explore her face with his eyes. She really was very beautiful. Her expressive eyes that defied every doctrine of Vulcan logic, their darkness glittered with passion; passion for everything. They sparkled when she was practicing the science Trip knew, deep down, she loved.

They had shined the same way back when they had argued like the sun and a rain cloud…each trying to gain an advantage.

Those eyes had held that gleam when they made love. Her pupils may have been dilated with desire, but the sparkle had definitely been there.

Her plush lips were pressed together gently as she concentrated on applying the correct amount of pressure to his shoulders. He could still taste her sultry mouth upon his own lips. Their searing kisses forever branded upon his memory.

The desire to drag her into his embrace and relearn the softness of her lips nearly over-powered him in that moment. His sudden tension must have alerted her to his dilemma because she chose that exact moment to stop her ministrations and look him dead in the eye.

“What is wrong?” her question was stopped by Trip as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with every drop of passion he felt.

For a moment he thought she meant to resist, but then her full pout responded. The soft lips parted, inviting him to explore, her tongue meeting his in a delicate dance as her hands curled around his neck and swept up into his hair. In return, he slipped his hands under her silky red pyjama top, desperate to touch her skin, wanting to touch her everywhere. He felt desire rocket through him, fuelled by their ardent kisses and increasingly intimate caresses. He wanted to feel her soft satiny skin pressed against his own, she wasn’t close enough yet…

He quickly undid the fastenings on her top and flung it away to rest next to the shirt he had removed at the beginning of their session. After a series of tugs, her pyjama bottoms joined them, and T’Pol was lying gloriously naked upon the floor. Trip yanked off his trousers and under-shorts, his arousal straining forth, conveying to his Vulcan lover the extent of his urgency.

He groaned as her fingers wrapped around his length, and immediately removed her hand. “I want it to last,” he whispered as he leaned over her and kissed her deeply. His hand slid down her taut abdomen and he gently probed her moistening core, while his other stroked the sensitive under swell of her rounded breast. Trip’s tender touch quickly drove T’Pol mindless with yearning. In a voice which sounded nothing like the responsible first-officer he saw and worked with every day, T’Pol begged him to give her what she needed.

Her words were exactly what he had been dying to hear since she had brushed him off in the mess-hall. All coherent thought left him as he moved between her thighs and plunged into her awaiting warmth. The sensual heat surrounding him sent an electrifying rush through his body, pushing him up the steep incline towards their completion.

He thrust rhythmically into her again and again driving them both higher and higher, her undulations and un-stifled cries only serving to kindle an ardour that soared higher than ever. T’Pol was gasping for air as her over-stimulated body demanded more oxygen. Her nails bit into his shoulders as he drove her towards a massively intense orgasm. Trip looked down at her writhing body and twisted face and felt his last thread of control snap. With a feral shout and an unrestrained jerk of his hips, he emptied his seed into her quivering form as she was simultaneously rocked by her own powerful climax.

Trip collapsed against her, not having the power to support his own weight anymore. He lay over her quietening body and attempted to compel some air into his starved lungs, as he felt T’Pol doing the same against his left shoulder, her hot breath teasing his still sensitive skin.

Eventually he forced himself to roll off her, and felt the chilled air of the room against his sweat drenched flesh. He looked at the woman next to him and saw her shivering at the drop in temperature. He rose up on shaky legs and scooped her up off the floor. She kept quite still as he carried her across the meter and a half distance to her bunk.

Tucked in together beneath the bed clothes, Trip turned is head to look at her.

“Are we going to forget this ever happened too?”

“I fail to see how useful that would be. We do not appear to have much success at forgetting about our intimate relations.”

“So what are we going to do about us?”

“I think we should look to see how ‘us’ develops.”

Like the sun and the rain cloud…Trip thought. “I agree, I think we should see if there’s a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.”

She rolled her eyes at him and snuggled closer against his side…never seen a rain cloud quite this pretty before though.


A.N.: Yes, I am aware the ending is kind of cheesy!

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

awww, that was hot! I mean great... yeah.... keep up the great work.


cheesy?!?! no very fitting ... it works. i like... love the rain cloud and sun use... very nice

continue please to write and share...would like it much if you continued this story line.

*sighs* Pretty.

That was hot AND great!!!!!!!! awwwwwwwww what a cheesy and wonderful ending too! LOVED IT!!!!!!

Hey I liked it! Not exactly what I'd call cheesy, just very sweet. Something I definitely needed right about now. Thanks!


*has to go find cold shower*

Cheesy?? No . . . just sweet and sexy and very much like them! Thanks for sharing it.

I happen to like this kind of cheesy! It was a great story and had the ending I was hoping for.

Thanks for the smile you've put on my face tonight! Keep up the good work.

I liked it very much. In character and sexy and sweet.

Ah, that was PERFECT! Not cheesy, no, no, but oh, so sexy and hot!

Don't care how cheesy the ending was I loved it! Well done and thanks for getting them together again in such a believable fashion, Ali D :~)

I didn't think the end was cheesy either; on the contrary, it fit quite well. Great story, Clicks. Straight-forward, no nonsense, very hot! I hope you keep supplying us with more? :-)

Damn! I thought I had checked this story out earlier. How did I miss it. Well never mind about that ... Whew, I'm feeling alittle warm ... need to go cool off now. Ah, and by the way thanks.

Wow! I loved it.

Yep i agree a little bit cheesy. But hey nothing wrong with a little bit of cheese now and then

Yep i agree a little bit cheesy. But hey nothing wrong with a little bit of cheese now and then

Now this is a scene I'd love to see on the show!!! (big grin)

I don't think it is cheesy. I think it is sweet. I love this story and it always makes me smile.