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Turn- Ch. 4 (NC-17)

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By stub & Joe

DATE: 10-25-02

Disclaimers in Chapter 1


Chapter 4

T'Pol had left dinner with Captain Archer and Commander Tucker early a couple nights later. She was hoping that the fatigue would pass after a few good nights' sleep. It hadn't. The captain had asked if everything was all right after noticing her drooping eyelids.

"I'm fine, sir," she'd replied. "If it's alright with you, I'll return to my quarters."

The men had risen from their seats in a gentlemanly fashion. Archer nodded, concern stretched across his features. Trip was no less concerned, but didn't want to make any more of it than she did, at least not in front of their commanding officer.

"I'll be by in a bit," he'd said. "If you're up for our meditation an' all." He said that more for Archer's benefit than hers. She merely nodded and left the Executive mess.

On her way to her cabin, T'Pol actually entertained the thought of detouring to Sickbay. She was not in the mood, however, for one of Dr. Phlox's lectures on her health. She made a mental note to take more vitamins and get more sleep. Whatever she'd come down with was obviously affecting only her. T'Pol surmised it was something to do with her Vulcan immune system combined with her diminished meditation. She decided to see the doctor first thing in the morning, before her shift on the bridge began.

After changing into her meditation outfit, T'Pol lit the candles on the table. Commander Tucker would be arriving soon for their session. As if on cue, the chime to her door sounded.

"Come!" she called out. T'Pol idly wondered why he would be ringing the buzzer instead of knocking. He had the code for her quarters and had been using that for years.

It was not the man she expected it to be. Standing in her doorway was Doctor Phlox. He wore a smile, though it looked to the Vulcan to be forced.

"Good evening, Sub-Commander," he greeted her politely.

T'Pol rose from the meditation table and nodded once. "Good evening, Doctor. What can I do for you?"

"I was just passing by," Phlox said, his eyes darting about the small room. "Thought I'd stop in and see how you were feeling."

"I'm still tired but otherwise fine," said T'Pol. She stood with her hands clasped behind her back, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "You are not known for making house calls, Doctor. Is everything alright?"

He seemed momentarily distracted but quickly came back to his focus. "I've been monitoring your vitals, as you know. I've found something...interesting," said the physician. He took a step in and waited for her permission to elaborate. Before Phlox could utter another word, the doors to T'Pol's cabin swooshed open again.

Commander Tucker took one step inside and stopped, clearly not expecting to see the doctor there. "Doc," he said by way of tentative greeting. Trip looked from Phlox to T'Pol. "Am I interruptin' somethin'?"

Dr. Phlox looked to T'Pol. She nodded and said, "Whatever you have to tell me, Doctor, can be said in Commander Tucker's presence." She looked at Trip then back to Phlox. "Please continue."

"Very well," said Phlox with a nod of his own. "You might want to take a seat. As I said, I've been monitoring your vitals, Sub-Commander. I found something out of the ordinary this morning. After further review, I have determined a cause for your...fatigue."

"Some kind of Vulcan flu?" asked Trip. He had made his way to the bed and sat down, nervously wringing his hands together.

Phlox shook his head, a sympathetic smile played on his lips. "I'm afraid it's not as simple as that, Mr. Tucker." He paused, unsure of how to proceed.

"Doctor," said T'Pol, moving towards the bed and sitting down next to Trip. "What is it?" They both knew it was something serious. Trip unconsciously reached for her hand and twined his fingers with hers, waiting.

"It seems we have ourselves a bit of a miracle on our hands," said the Denobulan. He tried to smile, but it came out as more of a grimace. At the Human and Vulcan's raised eyebrows, Phlox continued. "Sub-Commander T'Pol, my findings indicate that you are pregnant."

The silence that filled the room was deafening. The two commanders merely blinked at Dr. Phlox. He shifted nervously from one foot to the other, waiting for a response or a reaction of any kind. Finally it was Trip that broke the silence.

"Beg your pardon, Doc?" He said it in much the same way when Phlox delivered the news of Commander Tucker's own 'pregnancy.'

"There must be some mistake," said T'Pol. "It is not possible."

They both sat on the bed, clutching each other's hands tightly. Their eyes were wide, faces pale. They sat waiting for what must surely be the punch line to some Denobulan joke.

"I can assure you, Sub-Commander, there is no mistake," Phlox replied gravely. "I ran test after test and each one had the same result. It apparently is quite possible as you've successfully conceived the first known Human-Vulcan hybrid child. However, I'm not certain if I should congratulate the two of you or not."

"Successfully?" Trip echoed, his reaction was somewhat delayed. "You mean *accidentally*."

"An accidental success," Phlox compromised. He wrung his hands nervously. "You need to make a decision, Commanders. Since we have no data for prior pregnancies such as this one, it will be up to us to write the book." After seeing Trip's eyes widen in shock, he quickly added, "so to speak."

"I didn't think it was possible," T'Pol repeated absently. Trip shook his head slowly, staring at his knees.

"I'll have to monitor you closely, Sub-Commander, should you choose to keep the child," advised Phlox. His hands couldn't seem to find a place to rest as they settled on his stomach, then behind his back, then on his hips. The normally jovial doctor couldn't quite get the nerve up to look at the not so happy couple.

T'Pol rose from the bed and strode towards the Denobulan. "I think Commander Tucker and I need to discuss this in private, Doctor."

"Of course," he agreed. "As you know, I'll be in Sickbay. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns."

"Yes, Doctor," said T'Pol. She looked back at Trip. He had leaned forward, his head in his hands.

"Sub-Commander?" said Phlox. "I do not wish to burden you further but I suggest you make your decision in a timely fashion. We don't know anything about such an event, or how this will affect your body." He was being delicate, but Phlox figured the Vulcan would understand his meaning.

She merely nodded and walked towards the door. "I will come by Sickbay in the morning."

"That would be lovely," replied Phlox with another forced smile. "Good evening, Commanders." He turned and left.

The door whooshed shut but T'Pol remained standing there, her head resting heavily against the bulkhead. She slowly turned around and faced the small room. Trip still sat on the bed, hands on his knees. His spine was rigid and he was staring at the candles across the room with a blank expression on his face.

For Trip, the reality of the situation was finally sinking in. They were two of the top ranking officers on board Starfleet's finest ship and they were expecting a child. It would no doubt interfere in the operation of Enterprise as well as day-to-day command. The Vulcan High Command would have a field day with this, thought Trip. They'd castrate every male in Starfleet to ensure there would be no more 'accidents.'

He finally looked up at T'Pol. She looked as frightened as he felt. She just stood there, staring absently and Trip could almost see the wheels turning in her head. Clearly neither one of them had thought that there was even a remote possibility that this could happen. Trip knew he'd certainly have been more careful if he thought he could impregnate his Vulcan lover. Now they would have to deal with the consequences. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. And with that confusion came panic.

"How'd this even happen?" asked Trip quietly.

T'Pol continued to stare off absently. "I don't think I need to explain human biology to you, do I?"

Under normal circumstances, this sort of response might have started off a war of words. Trip's only response was to shake his head. "No, no ya don't." After a moment, he continued. "Maybe what I should say is how did a Human get a Vulcan pregnant?"

T'Pol's eyes came back to focus as she glanced at him. "I don't know," was all she said.

"An' you had no idea?" he asked.

"None," said T'Pol softly. "I am just as shocked as you are, Trip."

"Well, how could you've not known you're pregnant? Weren't there any warnin' signs or somethin'? You didn't skip a period or anythin'?" He was desperate for answers.

"A period?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

"Yeah, you know...menstrual cycle?"

"Of course," replied T'Pol, remembering her human biology lessons. "Vulcan females do not menstruate in an evolutionary attempt at conserving water. The egg, once released and not fertilized, gets reabsorbed back into the uterine walls without the loss of fluids."

Trip stared at her. "Great," he muttered. He got up from the bed, hands on his hips, and began to pace the small room. "And you had no idea Human sperm was compatible with Vulcan eggs?"

She glared at him. "You're implying this is my fault," she said, somewhat icily now. "You are just as responsible for this event as I am. As I told Doctor Phlox, I did not think it was possible."

"I know it's not your fault!" he snapped. Trip stopped pacing and sighed. "Look, I'm just a bit shaken by all this."

"We both are, Trip," T'Pol replied firmly. She was staring out the portal. "We need to discuss our options."

Trip stared at the Vulcan. "Our options?"

"Yes, whether we want to keep this child or terminate the pregnancy," she said matter-of-factly. T'Pol still wouldn't look at him.

His mouth was suddenly too dry to speak. Trip sat heavily on the bed again, his head resting solidly in his hands. "Ah, Christ," he muttered.

He finally nodded and looked up at T'Pol. She turned and met his gaze. She crossed to the bed and sat next to him. Trip grasped her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Whatever decision we make, it will not be easy," she whispered.

Trip threw an arm around her shoulders and tugged her to him for a quick hug. "I know, darlin'," he said softly. "I know."


Continued in Chapter 5

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