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Unbound- Part 2

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL


ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed.
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Commander Tucker suspects there is more to the Zenari than even T'Pol is prepared to admit."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Two


* * * * *

Lt Reed was not surprised when Commander Tucker followed him out of the situation room. In silence they made their way to the Armoury. There were many places they could have gone to talk but Malcolm wanted to make sure his weapons were ready and this was one place he was pretty sure the Sub-Commander would not follow them. Besides. He imagined she was far too busy right now trying to persuade the Captain to order Enterprise to leave this area and meet up with the marines. Especially as a compromise had been reached with Admiral Forest. Instead of having to return to Earth they would meet up with an Earth ship carrying the MACOs the Captain had asked for on the edge of the Delphic Expanse. Captain Archer had almost wept blood wringing that concession out of Star Fleet. And now here he was hesitating over what to do. Lt. Reed thought it ironic that it would be a Vulcan seeking to ensure that the Captain fulfilled the dictates of Star Fleet. He flicked a glance towards the Commander and made sure no one was standing close enough to overhear them.

"Okay Commander, you have my full attention."

"I don't like this, Malcolm."

"Neither do I but until the Captain makes a decision we have no choice but to wait."

"That's just it. Ya heard what T'Pol said. The Zenari wanna distract us."

"Commander, that is ludicrous. What could they possibly accomplish by doing so? If they are planning anything it stands to reason they would act when we are on their homeworld. The festivities would be my guess. But they aren't acting as if they have anything planned."

"They wouldn't would they?"

"No, you misunderstand me Commander. If they were planning to attack us or take us prisoner why let us come back to the ship? And having done so, why haven't they been back in contact to find out the reason for the delay?"

The Commander scowled. "Maybe that's part of the plan."

"Or maybe there is no plan at all. This could just be simple paranoia."

Commander Tucker gave him a solemn look. No trace of humour in his voice. "There's nothin' simple about paranoia believe me, Malcolm."

Lt. Reed looked slightly mystified. "Why are you taking this so personally, Commander? After all, the Sub-Commander's contention is hardly backed up by evidence. There is no reason to believe that we are in any danger. You were as excited as the Captain about the Zenari. What changed your mind?"

"I'm not sayin' that I've changed my mind, Malcolm. They still fascinate me and I wanna get a closer look at their technology so bad it hurts. I just don't want us rushin' into anythin'. T'Pol said their first attempt at contact with the Zenari ended in a firefight. Given that the Vulcans are not the most war-like species I have to wonder what the hell happened to spark the violence. From what I've seen of our Vulcan friends they're more likely to just go on their way rather than engage in hostilities if they find a race that doesn't like them."

"Maybe the Zenari, for reasons of their own, opened fire first?"

The Commander did not answer for a few seconds. "Now that's a scary thought." He paused. "But what scares me more is what T'Pol won't tell us. What's she holdin' back? If the Zenari are the bad asses of the galaxy I wanna know why and what the hell we're up against, don't you?"

"Of course but idle speculation is counter productive, Commander." He paused feeling suddenly awkward. "There is of course another possibility."

"What's that?"

He chose his words with care. "The Vulcans may have their own reasons for keeping us away from the Zenari."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard!"

The Armoury Officer watched his friend closely. "Is it? If there is a real threat why don't the Vulcans tell us what it is? Give us something at least to convince us to walk away?"

Trip did not want to admit that the same reservations kept going through his own mind. So why was he willing to trust the Vulcans? The answer was simultaneous. T'Pol. That look in the Sub-Commander's eye had flicked a switch inside him. Her look asked him to trust her - blind faith - and he did. But at what cost? Was he prepared to gamble Enterprise, the Captain and all his friends and crew to something that was little more than an instinctive hunch? Were 7 billion dead not enough? Even Malcolm had doubts about the Vulcans' motives and there was no one more even handed and fair minded than the Armoury Officer.

The Chief Engineer said nothing. He mulled over everything that had been said and decided there was only one thing he could do. If he wanted to know what was really going on he would have to ask T'Pol.

* * * * *

Ambassador Chot at last straightened. The ebb and flow of energy pulsing like quasars through his body energising him until his hands began to glow. He tucked them in his voluminous sleeves, the heavy crushed robe providing an adequate dampening field to forces held fitfully within the circumference of his temporary self. They wore out so quickly and there was still so far to go. As he turned from the dais he noticed Hyak waiting patiently for him. He glided over to him. Hyak bowed, paused a moment, then half straightened.

"What of the Humans?"

The chief binary biomechanical engineer tilted his head in the negative. A movement that would have gone unremarked among Humans it conveyed a wealth of meaning. The Zenari were nothing if not subtle.

"No word from their Captain?"

Hyak deepened the incline of his head. "They are still in stationary orbit."

"Ah - thinking. And the Vulcan?"

"She has not contacted her High Command."

Something that could have been a flicker of surprise moved just beneath the Ambassador's pale skin. That was unexpected. She could prove problematic. It was unfortunate when the pieces on the board did not move as anticipated. He would need to give this some thought. Hyak said nothing to disturb him. Time was a mesh through which eternity sifted and spun on a hidden axis. In memory the Ambassador savoured the touch of the alien minds. Soft. Unsuspecting. Malleable. His eyes opened as a servitor appeared. The Ambassador gave him permission to speak.

"Their Captain has sent a transmission."


"To his Star Fleet."

The level of interest in the room sharpened. Silence enveloped them like a shroud. The Ambassador embraced the silence and waited.

* * * * *

Captain Jonathan Archer tried not to squirm at the look on Admiral Forest's face. He was in his ready room and this was the first contact he had made with the Admiral since returning from Zeon. The Admiral heard him out in silence. Now his keen eyes seemed to bore right through the Captain's head to the seat of his uneasiness. "You still do not trust the Vulcans?"

The Captain bit back a retort, tried to block out the memory of how the Vulcans had held back the space programme, actively preventing his father from realising his dream in his own lifetime. Henry Archer had invented the warp engine but not lived to see it take the first manned star ship where no man had gone before. Here in space they were perfecting it with every light year they traveled. Gifted people like Commander Tucker who lived, ate and breathed warp theory and had the thrum of the engines regulating their heart beats. He knew it made no sense to hang on to the resentment. To keep an ember of anger still burning deep inside. He thought he had left that all behind with the advent of Sub-Commander T'Pol. It helped that she was female and not only very smart but also able to temper her interactions with them to a point where there was as little friction as possible. Who would have thought when they started this mission that he would come to hold a Vulcan so highly in his esteem? And yet. Still he did not trust them. Not deep down. Not at heart. Not where it mattered. That it was so obvious to Admiral Forest was an admonishment in itself.

"Let's just say I'm keeping my options open, sir."

"From what you've told me, Jon, this new species appears to be open to at least an exchange of ideas. I have heard nothing to suggest that we cannot make some ground here. Perhaps the Sub-Commander's reaction is tempered by the Vulcans' less than successful first contact?"

"That was my thought, sir."

"You say they have an infinitely renewable energy source?"

The Captain allowed a smile to lift the frown. Remembering the look of stunned awe on Trip's face lightened his heart. At times like these he could swear his Chief Engineer was a five year old in a man's body. Hell. He often got that impression whenever the affable southerner opened his mouth. He hid a smirk. The Admiral was waiting for his response. "So they say, sir."

"How do they do that?"

He shook his head. "I haven't a clue. They were going to show us when the Sub-Commander urged us to return to Enterprise. Discretion being the better part of valor I thought it wise to regroup back here and discover the reason for her insistence."

"What did you find out?"

The frown reappeared. "Precious little. Whatever the Sub-Commander knows about this species she isn't sharing with us, sir. Those damn tight-lipped Vulcans!" He tried to bite back his frustration. "She tells us they are dangerous but not how. When pressed all she'll tell me is that the Zenari lied to the Vulcans and that their first contact ended in an exchange of fire."

Admiral Forest's eyebrows rose thoughtfully. "Did it now?" He mused.

"They have had no contact with each other since. That was over a hundred years ago." When the Admiral said nothing the Captain's eyes narrowed slightly. "What are you thinking, sir?"

"I'm thinking that if the Sub-Commander won't tell you why we should have nothing to do with the Zenari, you should see what you can find out through diplomatic means."

"Are you giving me permission to try again?"

The Admiral nodded. "Yes, Jon, I am. We've been hanging on to the Vulcans' coat tails for long enough. Perhaps the Zenari can help us. You say they live here in the Expanse?"

He nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Good. If you can gain their trust see what you can find out about the Xindi. But Jon?"

"Yes, Admiral?"

"Be careful. While I admit I would enjoy the opportunity to wipe the smug smile off the Vulcans' faces and steal a march on them I don't want to alienate them if they are right. There is a limit to how much crow pie I'm prepared to eat no matter how hungry I am."

The Captain laughed and nodded. "Understood, sir!"

Minutes later the Captain was joined by Sub-Commander T'Pol, Commander Tucker, and Lt Reed. He waited for the door to hiss shut and looked at their expectant faces. "I have just been talking to Admiral Forest."

He could feel the alertness of his command staff sharpen. Interestingly, Trip noticed T'Pol's eyes narrow slightly. It was subtle but he had learnt to pick up the nuances that would be his only clue to what she was thinking.

"After considering the Sub-Commander's recommendation he feels it is a unique opportunity for us to explore this species in the hope that they can help us..."

Sub-Commander T'Pol's expression tightened. There was a brief flash of something in her eyes. Anger. Annoyance that her opinion had been so quickly pushed aside despite the fact that the Vulcans had met this species before. A brief stunned look gave way to disappointment then the bland blank mask was back in place. Trip felt uncomfortable even as his pulse quickened with excitement and anticipation. He could hardly wait to get back down to Zeon. The Captain was talking, outlining the way they would go about this and the proposed make up of the away team. He would contact Ambassador Chot and inform him that if the invitation still stood they would be only to happy to return to the planet but that it was too late to come this evening. He would suggest they return in the morning. An added advantage being that they would be able to stay longer. Trip grinned happily at Malcolm. The Captain nodded to them then met the cool, unimpressed gaze of his Vulcan First Officer and had the sudden sharp feeling that she considered him a fool.

* * * * *

Ensign Hoshi Sato sat hunched over her pasta. Travis was concentrating very hard on his meat and potato pie, trying to ignore the heated stir of air that brushed his cheek as she leaned forward. "Come on Travis you can tell me!"

He would not meet her eye. "I can't. It was an accident."

"Okay," Said Hoshi coyly. "Then *accidentally* tell me."

Surprised, he looked up and that was his mistake. Now she had him trapped in her gaze and he could feel his resolve weakening. Oh hell. If the Commander and Sub-Commander ever found out he had spied on them he was dead meat. "It was private, Hoshi." He said in a last attempt to fend off her curiosity.

"I won't tell..." She wheedled. Her hot breath now fanning his face. "Travis?"

He gulped quickly and ducked his head, a sure sign he was going to cave in. Hiding a smirk Hoshi moved closer until their heads touched. Her highly trained ears picking up the boomer's hushed words and committing them to memory like a spy stealing secrets.

"What are you two up to?"

The unexpected clipped voice made them jump apart, matching guilty expressions flushed on their faces as they looked up into Lt. Reed's face. Suspicious and mildly amused he tilted his head slightly and waited. Hoshi wet her lips. Travis would not look at either of them. "What makes you think we're up to anything, Lieutenant?"

"Oh I don't know," He said, placing his tray on their table. "The guilty looks, the conspiratorial huddle, the flushed faces... Need I go on?"

Her face fell. Travis hung his head and stared at a spot on the deck between his shoes.

"So," Said Malcolm, neatly taking his food and drink off the tray and setting the tray aside on the nearest empty table. He drew out a chair and sat equidistant from them, a tactic that gave him a clear view of both parties. "Who's going to tell me?"

"We weren't doing anything wrong." Mumbled Travis.

"I never said you were but I'm not Chief of Security for nothing."

When neither of them spoke the Lieutenant raised an eyebrow. For some reason he could not fathom Hoshi flushed and got quickly to her feet. "I um have to go..."

"You haven't touched your pasta."

Travis got up quickly as well. "Me too, I should get back to the bridge."

That did it. Something was definitely going on and he was going to find out what it was. Standing up, Lt Reed put some steel into his voice. "You will both sit back down. No one is going anywhere until you tell me what this is about. And if that means I keep you here until you are late for your next shift so be it. I can explain my actions. Can you explain yours?"

Hoshi and Travis exchanged quick panicked glances then Hoshi let out a huge breath and nodded. Travis did not say anything but followed her lead and sank back down into his chair. She cleared her throat slowly. "It isn't Travis's fault it's mine. I made him tell."

"Tell what?"

She looked at Travis and gave him a nod, urging him to repeat what he had told her. "I um I overheard the Commander and Sub-Commander talking."

Lt. Reed frowned for a minute then realised what he meant. "Are you telling me you were eavesdropping on a private conversation?"

Travis nodded and looked down at his hands.

"Yes, sir." He glanced up at the Armoury Officer. "It wasn't on purpose sir but the conversation..." He trailed off awkwardly.

"The conversation what? Petered out to a standstill? Like this one?"

"No, no sir. It was just *unusual*."

That definitely was not the reply he had been expecting. "Define unusual."

Travis wanted to groan. Oh God it was almost like being cross examined by T'Pol. "Uh, unusual as in friendly."

"That is because the Commander and Sub-Commander are friends, Ensign. Why that should be the subject of a whisper campaign or a source of entertainment..."

"No, sir, it was *private*."

Lt. Reed blinked, sure he must have misheard him. "Private as in inappropriate?" He asked slowly.

"Um, not exactly sir."

The Lieutenant was within a hair's breadth of hitting him. "Travis, I have precisely fifteen minutes left of my refreshment break. If you do not tell me now I will have to go back on duty without having eaten. Do you have any idea how detrimental that would be to my current mood?"

"No, sir. Sorry sir. It's just I was taken by surprise and then I couldn't move without giving away the fact that I was there so I..."

"You stayed?"

Travis looked down at his hands again. His ears had definitely lightened in shade, a sure sign of his embarrassment.

"What happened?"

"They um they talked for a while then they um kissed, sir."

"What? You must be mistaken..."

He lifted his head. "No sir, I was only feet from them." He said quietly wishing he were not so sure.

*And they didn't see you?* Thought Malcolm. Bloody hell, if those two were to get intimate there would be hell to pay. Captain Archer had made it quite clear that there would be no fraternisation between ranks. Sub-Commander T'Pol might not be in the human chain of command but to Lt. Reed's thinking that just made it worse. She was a Vulcan. He did not even want to imagine what would happen if Star Fleet and the Vulcan High Command became privy to this information. His mouth had suddenly gone dry. "They kissed?"

Travis nodded.

"Well, if it was just a kiss that needn't mean..."

Travis shook his head, feeling more and more miserable. "No, it wasn't just a kiss, sir."

Lt Reed stared at him, trying to remind himself that Travis had seen them in a public place. How bad could it be for God's sake? "Travis, I do not want to grow old and gray standing here waiting for you to spit it out. Just tell me what you saw and heard from start to finish. Put us all out of our agony."

"Is there somewhere we can go, sir?"

He almost refused then realised if it was half as bad as Travis was implying a little discretion might be best. Giving him a curt nod he led them briskly out of the mess hall and down the corridor not stopping until they came to his own private quarters. Hoshi looked a bit surprised but Travis seemed oblivious. Only when they were safely inside and the door had hissed shut did Travis relax a little.

"Okay, Travis." Said Malcolm in a careful even tone, his eyes locked on the Ensign's. "Now tell me. And this time don't leave anything out."

* * * * *

Trip knew she was upset. Felt his stomach twist uncomfortably at the thought that he had in some way contributed to her distress. Oh, she hid it well. From everyone except him. They were walking down the corridor to the elevator. It was tearing him up inside to see her like this. Outwardly calm, unperturbed. Inwardly twisting up inside and cracking. How did he know that? Since when was he an expert on Vulcan emotions? Not Vulcan emotions, he corrected himself. *T'Pol*. He almost stopped in his tracks at the realisation. Feelings deepening in him that had remained studiously dormant. Locked away where they could not betray him. He felt suddenly protective. Worried for her. Anxious not to add to any discomfort she might be feeling. He reached out and touched her arm lightly. She recoiled as if his fingers burned then stopped and turned to face him, a solemn brow arching slowly in query. Her lips still. Funny but looking into her eyes right there and then he felt whole conversations pass between them. The world and his wife could come to tea and he would not have noticed.

"T'Pol, I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for, Commander."

His look hardened slightly. Unwilling to let himself off the hook so easily. "Oh, yes I do." He paused, his hand reaching out almost of its' own volition, the fingers turning to brush their backs against the smooth plane of her cheek. Her eyelids closed a beat, in slow motion. All sound and awareness narrowed around him to the compass of her being. His blood roared and pounded like the beat of a neap tide in his ears. "I should have listened to you." He whispered.

She angled her face, her eyes devouring his. Drawing them into those deep liquid pools. He felt hot, the air thinning. Dizzy, he could not step away from her. Thinking became something other people did. He lacked the freedom of independent thought to deny her. She knew only that her destiny rested in his. The ship ceased to form around them. Leaning in towards him, he met her halfway. Soft lips brushed against each other as if they were made for only this. It was not a deep kiss, not even a lust laden one, but it was sensuous and serious. Like a promise being set in stone. An intimate gesture neither would have taken back even if they could. Dazed, they stared at each other. Trip gently stroking her face while T'Pol focused on him to the exclusion of all else.

"What happened in your first contact, T'Pol?"

The Sub-Commander did not blink. The pause was barely a fraction of a second. "They lied to us. I told you that."

"Yes," He whispered so softly that she had to resist the urge to shudder with want and need. What was wrong with her? "What did they lie about T'Pol?"

"That information is classified." She said slowly, her voice almost as soft as his own.

Their words saying one thing, their bodies having a whole other conversation. He moved in closer, his body sliding into perfect contact with her smaller one. Hips slotting in to the waiting curves, her hands parting to slide around him, one hand snaking up around the back of his neck to stroke the nape while her eyes widened slightly and regarded him with solemn smoldering intent. A heart aching sigh drifted passed lips drunk on her proximity. He wanted to apologise to her for kissing her in the corridor, for having the effrontery to reach out and touch her even though he knew Vulcans did not like to be touched. But a growing part of him was glad. Reveled in the break with Star Fleet policy. The relaxation of the rigid Vulcan straight jacket that kept T'Pol from him. Vaguely he remembered his question. "What was the lie, T'Pol?"

She blinked lazily up into his eyes as if intoxicated. Maybe she was. Maybe they both were. Then she smiled softly and kissed him. Not the chaste brush of lips he had offered her but the slow insistent caress of lush lips encouraging his to respond in kind, her tongue sliding inside his warm human cavern as his lips parted in welcome. Savouring the lips that had teased her so many times across a crowded room. She had not known it then. Would have denied the attraction had anyone suggested as much. But now. Here. Their barriers were mere footnotes in formerly exemplary careers. He pulled back just enough to groan into her mouth. "What lie?"

A half smile curved her lush lips, her eyes gazing triumphantly into his own. "This one." She breathed. Then her lips crushed down on his and he knew he was lost. T'Pol did everything but spontaneously combust.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Seven people have made comments

"Her look asked him to trust her - blind faith - and he did."

Yes, AlisonMDobell, it would happen like that, suddenly and irrevocably. Wonderful!

I loved that Moment of Truth for them both. *sighs*

And I love how Malcolm can make Hoshi and Travis suddenly feel like a couple of kids with their hands caught in the cookie jar ;-)

Loving it. Your Malcolm is wonderful.
Now I'm going to have to go and have a lie down in a darkened room after the last few

Lovely! I sure can't wait to see where this is going... ;-)

Phew...building up a head of steam early in this one, Ali, but great work, as always. And I loved the way Malcolm made Hoshi and Travis squirm...so masterful.

Keep up the good work.

Hey, where's the rest?? Desperate person here.

I find it strange, and slightly alarming, for there to be a half-smile on T'Pol's face.

And where was Travis and how did he interpret things and what is Malcom going to say? I need to know. Please?

Oh wow. How the hell do you keep writing such awesome stories? That last scene was so incredibly hot and wonderful.

The blind trust look! OH so good.

Travis!! HOW COULD YOU!!! OMG!!!

Malcolm!!! you don't know what your actions are going to do do you?!!!

JON! You idiot! GRRRR!!!

Tracy--hoping you will hurry quickly with the next dozen parts of this story please!!