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Unbound- Part 5

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed.
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Even when the Away Team eventually return to Enterprise Sub-Commander T'Pol is not convinced that all is well."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Five


* * * * *

It was such an odd feeling. The way the huge overbearing opulence of the crystal chamber weighed down on him. The strange subtle vibes he was getting from these exotic aliens. It made him feel worse than uncomfortable. It made him feel naked. Vulnerable. Dr Phlox looked away from the multi-layered ceiling and took a moment to calm his senses. Chaos strumming through him and so loud that it was almost painful. As he calmed down he found himself more able to take in the conversation. Scientist Rantar guided the doctor, pointing out friezes of interest and the patterns hidden within patterns. It made his head feel light as if his changing perspective was affecting his sense of balance. The Denobulan stopped abruptly in his tracks. Rantar paused and stared at him. Infinitely patient. His glossy black eyes seeming to swallow the words on the tip of his tongue leaving him mute. That was odd. Strange in the extreme. Now he could not remember what he had been going to say. He turned his head and found himself alone with the Scientist and wondered where the others were. When he turned back to Rantar to ask him he found himself quite alone.

For several moments he did not move. His hearing was not as acute as a Vulcan's but it was keener than that of his Human colleagues and the range was wider. The same was also true of the visible spectrum. He could see light waves invisible to both Humans and Vulcans. Taste and smell were acute but lacked discernment in the more bland flavourings. Spices. Now spices he could sub-quantify to his heart's content but alas he was a lot slower with the toxicity of poisons. By the time he realised danger was imminent he was already losing consciousness. Odd how the ceiling fractured on its' way down to meet the floor. The intricate multilayered lattice of carvings making room for him in the cool maze that reformed round him then bore him up on high. Peculiar sensations rippled through his veins. As consciousness faded something else took its' place. A state that was neither awake nor asleep. Trapped somewhere between. He felt dizzy but with a sharper awareness than he would have expected. So sharp that he felt keenly the shape of every word spoken so succinctly into his mind.

It took several long laborious minutes for him to realise they were not speaking to him but about him.

"Why let the spy live?"

"I am curious."

"Curiosity is not necessary for function."

"No, but it informs the senses does it not? Why did they bring him? Among a ship of Humans?"

"He is their doctor. The engineer called him a physician."

"Who is he spying on? Them or us?"

"They did not know we were here."

"Yet they travel with a Vulcan." A pause as if that negated his defense. "We will question him."

"He will be devious."



"Yes. His lies will reveal the levels of his deceit. We will peel back each layer until the seed of his intent can be dissected."

"He is Denobulan. They are very resistant."

"All of which will add to our knowledge."

"We must not kill him."

"No. Not yet."

"Not even then."

A pause. Shifting weights shivering through his immobile limbs. Cool trickles of something slithered and crept through his veins. Heat and cold alternately prickled along his nerve endings making him tremble uncontrollably. Vision ghosted and fractured his compound retinas until all sight was a cornucopia of halos overlapping each other and bending light beyond the colours of the spectrum. It was not so much painful as disconcerting. He wanted to scream for them to stop. Sensations crawling through his brain on spiky legs that dragged sounds through his ears like rucks in a carpet when something heavy is dragged across it not lifted. It was beyond the notion of pain. A heightening of sensitivity that made his skin crawl inside out and fragmented every definition he knew of fear until it screamed back at him. They were quite literally taking him apart but not in the physical meaning of the term. They would not mark him but this invasion would be more devastating. Orchestrating a trauma that would flay alive his senses until he quivered with living nightmares that knew his name. This was so much more subtle. A cruelty more refined. A fear that could be increased without limit.

"Give him voice."

Dr Phlox found he could now open his mouth. Without even thinking about it he used his newfound freedom to test his lungs. The scream reverberating off the intricate carvings that bent the sounds and warped them in ways that came back to torment him. He had the horribly sick suspicion that the sound never left the confines of his vaulted prison. Flattened like some laboratory specimen, he began to discover the purpose of the lattice work that bound him. A guiding framework for the precision of a very precise kind of torture. Something scraped across his eyes. He could not blink to protect them. Shuddered at the creepy sensation. Panicked at the thought that they could take his sight.

"Spy." Said a voice dipped in ice and breathing sulphur. "Why are you here?"

The doctor tried to speak. Form words. But he was choking. Fear made him clumsy. The sensations that were riddling his senses made his body jerk continually. Nothing obeying him. Something like ultra fine needles impaled his flesh. Not in one place but many. Each needle had a different angle, a different speed and depth of penetration, a different target. He flopped his head helplessly from side to side as if in denial. Seeking only some meagre measure of escape, a comfort for his soul however small. They misunderstood him. Whether on purpose or by accident he could not tell. The next scream was louder, longer and filled with a much more primitive pain. They tested his agony and improved on it. Like musicians before a concert they toyed with and adjusted every delicate incision to coax the desired response. The needles drawing the most exquisite sounds from his quivering vocal chords.

"Ah. It is good to hear the spy sing."

"What of his song?"

"It matters not. Soon he will tell us everything. Even the things he does not yet know."

* * * * *

Captain Archer was impatient. Where were the others? He would be furious with Trip if he had wandered off or in any way offended their hosts. He did not want anything to mar this first contact. Ambassador Chot was the very epitome of a polite and respectful host. Flattered, the Captain was pleased to see Ensign Sato beaming at the Counselor. He was beginning to get anxious when he heard footsteps behind him. Turning he smiled at the sight of Commander Tucker and Lt .Reed in animated discussions with their counterparts. Both seemed somewhat distracted when he spoke to them, nodding pleasantly enough but continuing to talk about their specialties. The Captain frowned. Where was Dr. Phlox? If he had to bet money on who would be bringing up the rear he would have expected it to be Trip. He looked at the two armoury officers and was about to ask Sub-Commander T'Pol to com the doctor when the Denobulan hurried into view. He looked breathless, two Zenari accompanying him in their long dark plush robes, dark eyes shining, fell light glittering as they drifted across the polished crystal floor. The Captain hardly noticed such was his relief.

Ambassador Chot inclined his head graciously. "We regret we can assist you no further, Captain, but wish you good luck in your efforts to gain the knowledge you seek."

The Captain was disappointed but appreciated the sentiment. "Thank you, Ambassador. On behalf of myself and my crew I would like to thank you once again for your hospitality."

Once all the courtesies had been exchanged, the Captain nodded to Malcolm and they boarded the shuttlepod. Lifting off he had mixed feelings. While excited and overawed by the wonder and level of the alien technology it was frustrating to discover that the Zenari wanted to remain neutral and would not take sides even in friendly alliance. He supposed he could understand it. The Zenari did not know them. This was their first meeting with Humans and after their disastrous first contact with the Vulcans this had gone more smoothly than he could possibly have hoped for. He sighed then smiled. Admiral Forest would be disappointed but at least they had not made any new enemies.

He noticed the away team were somewhat subdued, no doubt overcome by the things they had seen. Ensign Sato caught his eye and beamed at him. "How did you get on with the Counselor, Ensign?"

"She was very helpful, Captain. I can't believe how many languages and sub-languages they have! This has to be the most complex social structure we've come across. I have enough information to keep a stack of xeno-linguists busy for years."

He laughed, enjoying her enthusiasm. Commander Tucker turned his head and smiled at him. Before the Captain could say anything Trip had turned away and was saying something to Lt. Reed. The Captain turned back to face the front and activated the com. "Archer to Enterprise."


"Sub-Commander T'Pol we are on our way back. Meet us in the shuttle bay and have Travis ready to break orbit."


"I'll tell you all about it when I see you, Sub-Commander. Archer out."

* * * * *

Space warped, stretched, and bent. The very fabric seeming to flex in the wake of the sphere. Light years vanished like mist in the heat of the sun. Even in the limitless wastes of eternity there was nothing so vast as ignorance.

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol stood ramrod straight, her hands clasped behind her back, arms straight. Her look unreadable as she listened to the mission debrief. The Captain was disappointed but animated. Ensign Sato was so talkative that it was beginning to irritate the Vulcan, more so because the others were so subdued. She looked at Dr. Phlox, noticed his trademark smile was muted but his eyes seemed flat. The normally bright twinkle absent. Perhaps he was just tired? They had after all been on the planet for just over seven hours and from the Captain's report the promised feast had not materialised. That would also account for the Chief Engineer's silence. The man was almost obsessive in his love of food. What of the Lieutenant though? She looked at Lt. Reed. The Armoury Officer appeared to be paying keen attention to everything the Captain said, his sensitive face tilted towards his commanding officer in an attentive manner that she approved of. The two armoury officers were not included on the debriefing but had been given leave to take the rest of the day off.

"You should have seen it, Sub-Commander." Continued the Captain, eyes bright and face slightly flushed. "It was incredible! I've never seen anything like it. They have technology that is centuries ahead of anything we have."

She nodded. She had seen a brief glimpse on their first visit. The Captain turned to Trip. "What about the energy source, Commander? Can it be adapted to Enterprise?"

The Commander looked solemn, his features composed. "Sorry Cap'n, none of it would be compatible."

The disappointment on the Captain's face was palpable. "But I thought they said we could adapt it to use on our ship?"

"Yeah, that was before we got down to specifics, Cap'n. It's far too advanced. The moment we tried to link it up with our systems it would overload every relay and destabilise the warp core."

The Captain paled. "What the hell could be powerful enough to do that?"

Trip shrugged. "Don't ask me, I've never seen anything that advanced. I have to tell ya I haven't been this disappointed in years. It's kind'a depressin'."

Well that explained his subdued mood, thought the Captain. Sub-Commander T'Pol frowned slightly then looked at the Lieutenant. He shook his head. "They don't have weapons systems like we do, Captain. They have something they call a Negation Field."

The Captain looked non-plussed. "A what?"

"A Negation Field. It prevents anyone entering the field from being able to discharge a weapon. Apparently it surrounds the planet and extends a quarter of a parsec in every direction. A sort of non-aggression zone."

"Pity we couldn't find out how they created it, we could use something like that to protect Earth not to mention other planets we encounter that have aggressive neighbours."

He looked at Dr. Phlox now. The Denobulan said nothing until the Captain prompted him. "Doctor? What did you find out? Anything of interest?"

He pushed out his bottom lip and took a moment before replying. "I have never seen a species like this before, Captain. To tell the truth I'm not sure what to make of them."

"Well that's an honest answer." Quipped the Captain with a grin. "So are they very different from us? They're obviously bipedal but after that I wouldn't want to hazard a guess."

"Wise decision, Captain."

When the doctor did not continue the Captain prompted him again. "You were saying, you've never seen a species like them. Go on."

"They do not appear to have nervous systems like our three species do. We have differences of course, our organs are placed differently, some have a different function, but there are rudimentary things all three of our species have in common." He paused. "The Zenari have nothing in common with any of us."

That piqued the Captain's curiosity. "What are you saying, doctor?"

A slight pause. "I would have to say they are very alien aliens, Captain."

* * * * *

Once on the bridge Captain Archer gave Ensign Mayweather a nod. "Travis, resume our previous course for the edge of the Expanse. It's time we went to pick up our Marines."

"Yes, sir."

He watched the boomer lay in the course, noticed Ensign Sato was yawning. "Hoshi?"

"Yes, Captain?"

"You are now officially off duty. I suggest you go and get some sleep."

"Yes, sir."

He gazed for a long time at the screen in front of him. Watching Zeon drop away before them as Travis took them out of orbit. Stifling a yawn of his own he nodded to the Beta Shift as they came on the bridge to relive them. Falling into step alongside the Sub-Commander he sneaked a glance at her stiff profile. Curiosity finally getting the better of him once they were in the corridor. "Sub-Commander, may I ask you a question?"

Surprised that he would ask if he could ask a question she raised an eyebrow and looked at him, her step slowing as she took in his expression. "What do you wish to ask, Captain?"

"You didn't seem too happy when we returned. I was curious as to why."

If anything her eyebrow rose a shade higher. "I do not trust the Zenari, Captain."

"I know that Sub-Commander but nothing happened. Your concerns proved groundless."

She frowned. "Groundless?"

He felt himself flush slightly. "What I meant was..."

"No apology is necessary Captain but you are mistaken. Our previous contact with this species was sufficient grounds for the exercise of extreme caution."

"We were cautious, Sub-Commander."

"Your definition of caution differs from mine, Captain."

He was not quite able to hide a smirk. "In what way?"

Something in her look hardened. "You were foolish, Captain."

He flushed, about to defend himself when she continued. After all. The Captain *had* asked.

"Your actions could easily have endangered not only the away team but this ship and crew. It was a risk that did not need to be taken."

The Captain halted, clearly angry and trying to hold his temper. "That is your opinion, Sub-Commander but I had already discussed the matter with Admiral Forest and was instructed to make first contact. As it turned out it was the correct decision."

T'Pol said nothing. Her expression said she was not impressed and would with hold judgement. For what he did not know but right now the last thing he wanted to do was spend another minute in the company of his unbending and overly critical Science Officer.

"Now if you'll excuse I am rather tired, Sub-Commander."

"Goodnight, Captain."

She watched him stalk off. A thoughtful expression on her face. She considered the time and changed direction, heading for Commander Tucker's quarters. They were due to meditate together and it would be an ideal opportunity to discover just what had happened down on that planet. When she reached his quarters she was surprised to have to ring three times before he answered.


He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, not stepping back from the doorway to let her in. "Sub-Commander, it's late. Shouldn't ya be sleepin' like all good little Vulcans?"

"We usually meditate, Commander. A practice you stated assisted you in procuring sleep."

An odd look flitted briefly over his face then he stepped back. "Oh, of course, I forgot."

T'Pol frowned but stepped inside. She noted he had made no attempt to change into his sleeping clothes. She wondered whether to suggest he do so now so that he could be more comfortable but something about his posture suggested that this would not be welcomed. It was as she turned from the door that she noticed the Commander was not alone. Sitting on the chair by his desk was Lt. Reed. T'Pol suddenly felt uncomfortable. She looked up at the Commander's face. What was going on?

"I am sorry Commander I did not intend to interrupt anything."

"It's okay, the Lieutenant was just going."

Without a word Lt Reed got to his feet, gave Trip a look T'Pol could not decipher then left. He did not speak or nod to the Sub-Commander. She wondered what it was she had interrupted. Before she could pursue that line of thought any further the Commander spoke to her. "Shall we get started, Sub-Commander?"

She nodded. Not speaking. Her thoughts something of a whirl. His attitude strangely detached. Maybe he was just tired? She should not read too much into it but part of her was unsettled. The warmth she usually detected in his eyes was missing. If she did not know better she would have said she was looking into the eyes of a stranger.

* * * * *

It was unusually quiet in sickbay. The varied menagerie that Dr Phlox coddled and maintained were strangely silent. The doors swished open and Lt. Reed walked through to the room the doctor used as an office. Dr Phlox was sitting facing the door as if expecting him. He raised his eyes and just looked at the Lieutenant.

For several minutes neither spoke then Lt. Reed shut the door and looked at the doctor. Another minute passed before he spoke. "There's been a complication."

* * * * *

Captain Archer was tired. It had been a full and exciting day but the ending had left him with ashes in his mouth. A bitter aftertaste that he recognised as disappointment. He had been pinning a lot of hope on the Zenari and it had all come to nothing. As much as he hated to admit it Sub-Commander T'Pol had been right. He had taken a needless risk yet their situation was desperate. This was in defense of Earth for God's sake. Couldn't she see how important it was to leave no stone unturned? What if the Zenari had the critical piece of the puzzle that could mean the difference between saving Earth or seeing it fall? Wasn't it worth annoying the odd Vulcan to find out?

He sighed, poured himself a glass of cold water and drank half of it down straight away. He waited until he had calmed down a little then went over to his computer terminal and typed in the access code that would patch him through to Admiral Forest. It took a few minutes to connect. He finished his water and put the glass next to a picture of himself and Commander Tucker standing with their arms around each other and a dirty great marlin held between them. The proud grins on their faces proclaiming the fact that they had caught it in the fishing boat they were standing in front of. The Florida Keys. Happy memories. He sighed again as the link went through and the logo changed to reveal the Admiral's face. The Captain smiled at his old friend.

"Admiral, sorry for contacting you so late but you said to get in touch as soon as I had any news for you."

The Admiral nodded, his face eager, eyes bright and hopeful. "What happened?"

"Well, the first contact went well. Better than well it went great." Admiral Forest beamed. The Captain gave him a rueful look. "Unfortunately they had no information to give us on the Xindi and they didn't want to get into an alliance with us because they didn't know us or the Xindi. Didn't want to find themselves trapped between two warring factions."

Admiral Forest frowned. "That's not what I was hoping to hear, Jon."

"I know, me neither but I can't say I blame them. If we look at this from their point of view all the risks are on their side. After all, we could have been lying to them."

"What were they able to tell you?"

"Not much just that the Expanse isn't what we think it is."

"Then what is it?"

The Captain shrugged bent down and fussed a sleepy Porthos before picking the beagle up and sitting at his desk. "I never did find out exactly only that the Zenari call it a Holy Space, whatever the hell that is."

There was a wry expression on the Admiral's face. "It can hardly be Hell if they call it a Holy Space."

Captain Archer chuckled. He really was dead tired. "At least we parted on amicable terms."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I've already ordered Travis to lay in a course for the edge of the Expanse where we're to pick up the MACOs. Maybe we didn't get what we want but once we have our marine contingent we should be able to pack more of a punch if anyone tries to pick on us."

The Admiral nodded. "Good idea. I'm sorry the Zenari didn't work out, Jon, I know you'll keep looking. Just be careful out there, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

The Admiral gave an affectionate smile. "And don't be such a smart ass."

The Captain laughed and waved him off. They wished each other good night then he killed the link. Tired as he was he did not think he would be able to sleep. Listlessly he stripped off his uniform and pulled on his pajamas. With a last hug for Porthos he climbed into bed and lay on his back staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts fretting about the time line, the temporal war and how in the hell they were going to stop the Xindi. No way would he be able to sleep. All his worries joining hands and racing around inside his skull like angry bees. A yawn escaped. As he contemplated whether or not to turn off the light he fell asleep.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Three people have made comments

If I had been watching the scene where Phlox is tortured, I would have covered my eyes. Couldn't do that and read it at the same time. I was torn. Great work.

Wow, Ali! This is great stuff! I think I've said this before but your writing is like poetry. Thank you and I'll be watching anxiously for your next chapter.

I've got this feeling in my gut that our people have been replaced by doppelgangers. They just don't seem to be themselves, and Malcolm and Phlox were trapped one minute, then meeting the others without as much as a hint of trouble...Now call me suspicious if you like, but that spells TROUBLE!
Great work, as always.