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Unbound-Part 14

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed.
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Captain Archer finds himself face to face with a walking nightmare. Lt Reed discovers things about the Sub-Commander that change his whole perspective on their mission. Suddenly there is no longer safety in numbers."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is

Part 14


* * * * *

He felt as though he were moving through a wall of darkness that had a physical dimension, the folds of deep shadow clinging to his body and numbing his mind. Some instinct told him it took seconds even though it felt like the journey lasted a lifetime. It chilled and frightened him with the whole universe formless, immense and nothing solid beneath his feet. There was a brief feeling of vertigo and disorientation as the journey ended. He closed his eyes or thought he did. His next coherent thought was a sudden rush of panic as another deck solidified beneath him and he lurched forward to find himself on the bridge of an alien starship.

With a jolt he found himself looking into the malevolent eyes of a species he had never seen before. Exotic. Hideous. Oddly compelling in a terrifying sort of way. Captain Archer's breath came in staggered gasps as something far from human gripped his mind.

*Oh shit! Xindi*

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol took a moment to compose herself. Wanted to extend the link to reach out to Dr Phlox but knew it was too risky. He was still inside the complex and her detection would seal his fate. She turned and looked at the anxious faces of the bridge crew. Was only too aware of the tension gripping them following the abrupt loss of the Captain. All eyes fixed on her with almost religious zeal as if, with a wave of her hand, she could bring him back. The Sub-Commander managed to regain her control and spoke in a calm measured manner that actually steadied the creeping fear that was almost palpable from her Human colleagues. But what she told them was not what they were expecting to hear.

"Lt. Reed has transported back to Enterprise with Commander Tucker."

Ensign Sato looked confused. She was not aware they had even left the ship. "Where have they been Sub-Commander?"

"They returned briefly to Zeon but while they were down there the Commander had an accident."

"An accident?" Hoshi echoed in a hollow voice.

T'Pol's face was expressionless. "Lt. Reed suspects that the Commander may have broken his back."

Gasps. Looks of horror. Distress. Hoshi put her hand over her mouth. "What does Dr Phlox say?"

Something flickered in the Vulcan's eyes. So brief they could not catch it but it put Travis even more on the alert. She was careful not to mention that Dr Phlox was still on the planet surface especially as Hoshi thought she had seen him and had a conversation with him earlier in sickbay. It would raise questions she was not yet ready to answer. T'Pol stepped away from her console and stood by the railing. A stern expression on her face. "I will determine the condition of the Commander and the situation down on the surface, during which time we are to observe strict com silence unless we are contacted by the Captain."

"But Sub-Commander, we want to know how the Commander is..." Said Hoshi anxiously.

"You will be notified when that has been established not before. In the meantime I need you to stay at your posts. Do not forget that the Zenari have superior technology. We do not know how much of our systems they are able to monitor."

Ensign Mayweather looked troubled. "How did the Commander break his back?"

A pulse twitched in the side of Sub-Commander T'Pol's jaw and Hoshi knew her iron control was not as complete as it appeared. "I believe the Lieutenant said the Commander fell from a ceiling. Apparently he cannot feel anything below his neck."

Stunned, no one spoke. Hoshi felt tears prick her eyes. In silence they watched the Vulcan leave the bridge. Even as the door hissed shut behind her no one spoke.

T'Pol went straight to sickbay. She arrived to find Ensign Cutler examining the prone Chief Engineer, an anxious and drained Armoury Officer hovering at her shoulder. He only looked up briefly as T'Pol entered. She gave him a nod and moved to stand on the other side of the biobed, her eyes dropping down to take in the Commander's pale and perspiring face. The Commander was unconscious but breathing.

"What happened, Lieutenant?"

He gave her the abbreviated version so as not to say anything too sensitive in front of Ensign Cutler. He was also cautious about feeding any information to the Zenari just in case the sneaky little bastards were eavesdropping. T'Pol silently approved. The Armoury Officer was certainly an asset and she liked the way he did not panic but remained practical, constantly thinking of ways to improve their situation. Once the basics were imparted the Sub-Commander looked at Ensign Cutler. "Can you stabilise the Commander?"

"Yes, Sub-Commander. I need to do some more tests but I'll give him something to keep him out for a few hours. That way he can rest properly and I am less likely to hurt him manoeuvring him into the scanner." She paused and hesitated. "I thought Dr Phlox would be here?"

T'Pol took a moment to answer. "I am sure he will be here soon, in the meantime do as much as you can." She wished she could have a few moments alone with the Commander to reassure herself that he was going to be alright but there was no time. Instead she nodded curtly and turned to face the Lieutenant. "Lt Reed, if I could speak to you for a moment?"

"Yes, Sub-Commander."

She paused to reiterate that the com system was not to be used. As soon as Ensign Cutler had any information on the Commander's condition she was to send it to the Sub-Commander's work station. A little puzzled Liz Cutler nodded. Sub-Commander T'Pol was loathe to leave the Ensign alone in sickbay with the Commander even momentarily. Aware that simulacrums of both the doctor and Lt Reed were still wandering around the ship and wary of what they might do. It disturbed her that she had not seen either of the copies recently. Glancing at the Lieutenant she realised he picked up on her anxiety though not the cause. This was confirmed when he spoke, his voice crisp but even. "Sub-Commander? May I suggest a couple of my armoury officers come to sickbay in case the Ensign needs help in moving the Commander or requires any assistance?"

T'Pol nodded. "That would be acceptable, Lieutenant." However dark thoughts prevailed in her mind. If the copy of Dr Phlox or the Lieutenant showed up in sickbay before they got back the Commander could be in real danger but they could not speak here and she needed to warn the Armoury Officer about the doppelgangers. T'Pol did not know how long they had before the Captain was returned to them. That was, *if* the Captain was returned to them. Right now she was not sure of anything.

Lt. Reed used Dr. Phlox's work station to contact the Armoury and ordered Peterson and Jenkins to come directly to sickbay to assist Ensign Cutler if required and to ensure that the Commander was not disturbed until they got back. At the Sub-Commander's instruction they were told that no one was to be allowed in sickbay, even Dr. Phlox, unless accompanied by the First Officer and they must maintain com silence. Ensign Cutler was unaware of the instructions as she was busy tending the Commander but the puzzled looks on the officers' faces only vanished when T'Pol stepped into view and reinforced their orders. They were told not to discuss their instructions with anyone and to come immediately. Once outside the sickbay doors, the Lieutenant dropped his voice and spoke in an urgent whisper. "What is going on, Sub-Commander?"

"It is complicated, Lieutenant. First let us ensure the Commander's safety. We still have to determine what has happened to the Captain."

He frowned at her. What an odd conversation. Why would the Commander be in danger on their own ship and why had she suddenly switched to concern about the Captain? He held his tongue, sensing a warning in her eyes. More confused now that he had been before. They only had a couple of minutes to wait then Peterson and Jenkins arrived. Sub-Commander T'Pol repeated their instructions and Lt Reed endorsed them. No explanations were given and the men immediately took up their post. T'Pol turned to the Lieutenant, gave him a brisk nod then made her way quickly to the ready room, an intrigued and concerned Armoury Officer at her side. They did not speak until they were inside the ready room. Lt. Reed spun round to face her.

"Now, Sub-Commander, I think it's time you told me what this is all about."

She looked at him sternly, her outward expression calm, her eyes boring into him with the necessity to give nothing away that could be picked up by the enemy. "Lieutenant, you have been through a traumatic experience as has the Commander. You need to relax."

He was astounded. Relax? Before he could respond she resumed speaking. Her voice calm, soothing almost. She took a step nearer to him.

"We should meditate and calm down."

"With respect, Sub-Commander, I hardly think that meditation is going to help the doctor."

Her eyes were glued to his. "On the contrary, Lieutenant. Right now it is the only thing that can."

Stunned he allowed himself to be coaxed into sitting on the floor. He adopted a cross legged pose, copying the Sub-Commander. He thought she wanted to use him to contact Dr Phlox and that thought calmed him. He sat quietly and let her place her hand on the side of his face, her fingertips seeking out the contact points as she instructed him in his breathing technique. Bringing their breathing into synch and slowing down their heartbeats. He said nothing. Asked nothing. Knowing only that he had to trust the Sub-Commander. He was therefore surprised when she opened up to him and drew him into her consciousness and made no attempt to seek the doctor.

*I don't understand*

*Precisely why this is necessary. While you, the Commander and Dr Phlox have been trapped on Zeon the Zenari replaced all three of you with copies. Fortunately I was suspicious of the copy of Commander Tucker and ended up having to fight him. The copy was broken. Rendered inoperative but still dangerous*

*Dangerous? How?*

*The copies have no life of their own, Lieutenant. Do you remember what happened at the automated repair station?*

*As if I could bloody well forget. Oh, sorry about the language Sub-Commander.*

She ignored his minor slip and his apology.

*Surely if you took the Commander's copy out of action that's the end of it*

*I wish it were that simple but these copies are nothing like the ones encountered then. The principle is the same but the copy is directly controlled by the Zenari*

A shock went through him. *What?*

*The Zenari are master manipulators. I have said it before Lieutenant and it bears repeating. This is not an idle phrase but an accurate description. Because of their proximity to us they do not need to create copies 'in absentia'. Automatons if you will, though highly sophisticated ones. What they can accomplish here is much more realistic because they can use part of their own energy and will to operate and drive them. Imagine if you will that each copy is like a shuttle. A fully equipped working vessel that lacks only for a pilot to operate it. They use their partial consciousness and energy, which they call a Shade, to manipulate the simulacrum. To act as the 'pilot'. Remove the Shade and the construct falls into inactivity. A puppet with its' strings cut*

*But on the repair station they didn't to do that. Why couldn't the copy still operate?*

*These are higher specification models, Lieutenant. More sophisticated and therefore more subtle.*

A thought occurred to him. *What happened to the Shade when you took out the copy of Commander Tucker?*

T'Pol paused just a fraction. Enough to tell the Lieutenant just how worried she was. *I can not be sure. For this reason certain safeguards had to be set in place/*


*I hid the body.*

Lt. Reed sucked in a deep startled breath then set about calming himself again. *Bloody hell.*

*It is my hope that the Shade is still trapped within the body.*

*And if it isn't?*

*They know more than we can afford them to know.*

*Which means?*

*We are out of time, Lieutenant. Whatever we are going to do we have to do now but there is a problem.*

*Why am I not surprised?*

T'Pol waited for his mind to still. *There is still a copy of Dr Phlox and you on board Enterprise. I have not seen either for some time though Ensign Sato did see the copy of the doctor in sickbay some hours ago. I was relieved not to find him there when we brought the Commander in. Now I am equally concerned because he wasn't there.*

*What do you mean?*

*I mean, Lieutenant, where are they?*

*Perhaps the Zenari took them back?*

*No. They are still here on Enterprise and we have to find them and eliminate them before they can do any damage. You, I and Ensign Mayweather are the only ones who know about the copies.*

*You told Travis?*

*It seemed logical especially given his experiences aboard the automated station.*

Lt Reed considered that and agreed.

*He is also an efficient ally.* Added the Sub-Commander.

*Can we find some excuse to bring him off the bridge and help in the search?*

*That would not be a good idea, Lieutenant. Ensign Sato is disturbed enough after her experience with the false doctor. If Ensign Mayweather came with us there would be no one to steady the nerves of the bridge crew.*

*Good point. What do we do now? Shouldn't we find a way to warn the rest of the crew?*

*No. How would we explain the duplicates? And if we did how could we ensure the crew could tell them apart? We cannot risk creating a ship-wide panic.*

That had not occurred to the Lieutenant. *A bit of a prickly problem. I suppose the Commander and I could always wear our com badges on the opposite side of our chests?*

She ignored his attempt at a little levity. *There is only one solution. We have to find the copies and find them NOW.*

*Sub-Commander, we are dealing with a species that - according to your own description - can turn into vapor or columns of smoke. Pass through walls, ceilings and God knows what without batting an eyelid. A species so advanced we look like single cell organisms in comparison. How do you suggest we find them if they don't want to be found?*

She raised a brow but he did not apologise for his curt tone. He was wound up tighter than a watch spring and right now good manners would have to play second fiddle to getting out of this nightmare alive. *There is only one reason I can think of for their illusiveness. I suspect all the copies are somehow attuned to one another. If that is so they will know that the copy of the Commander has been taken out of action.*

*How does that help us find the others?*

*I believe they are looking for the body.*

That did not make sense to the Lieutenant. *Why on Earth would they want to do that?*

*Because,* Explained the Vulcan slowly, starting to get tense again. *If I did trap the Shade within it they will want it back.*

* * * * *

Dr. Phlox was in pain but comforted that his friends had managed to get back to Enterprise. He hoped they would indulge in no more foolish heroics on his account. Bad enough that the Commander had taken that fall. He was torn. Wanting them to just leave and get as far away from the Expanse as they could and wanting them to stay so he could get back to them and help. His greatest comfort was knowing that Sub-Commander T'Pol was with them. Able to steer and inform them on what they would need to know to survive. But how much of the fantastic story could she impart and still be believed?

Another surge of deep pain flooded his senses. He sank his consciousness deeper. Withdrew from a world that pained him and was robbing him of rational thought. He had to stay functional even if that meant he could not remain conscious. In this deep state, the body was plunged into premature hibernation. All his bodily functions lowered and slowed down to adapt and conserve heat and energy. It was a relief to retreat and let his complex nature assist him, cushion him from waking harm, so that he could better marshal his beleaguered defenses for when he would need them again.

* * * * *

It felt like something out of a particularly surreal nightmare. These 'people', these Xindi, reminded him of science experiments gone wrong. Modern day Frankensteins but a whole lot smarter than anything that ever came out of the Hammer House of Horror. He briefly cursed Trip for making him watch all those old black and white movies then berated himself. He realised that one of the Xindi was talking to him though the voice did not seem to be coming from the creature addressing him. Ah. They must be using a translation device because he could understand them now. Belatedly he realised he was hearing them inside his own head. He realised now what that creepy sensation had been when his mind had been gripped and held in thrall. Knew instinctively he would not be able to shake it off until they released him.

"You are Captain Archer. A Human. From Earth."

The word Human was given an odd inflection which conveyed distaste and disgust. "Yes, I am Captain Jonathan Archer of the star ship Enterprise. What do you want from me?"

"Descendant of murderers. Despoiler of worlds. Spawn of eternal darkness and enmity. Galactic filth polluting everything you come into contact with..."

Startled and offended by the unjust diatribe the Captain bristled with indignation and interrupted. "That's not true!"

The Xindi Captain suddenly widened its' scaly eyes and a fell light seemed to quicken in his reptilian looking orbs. "Silence! You dare interrupt when lives hang in the balance of your foul breath?"

He bit his tongue. Angry, frustrated but also frightened that if did not tread carefully his friends would pay the price. It occurred to him they might pay the price anyway. Wasn't that what the Xindi wanted? To eliminate the whole of Mankind?

"You dare to come to this Sacred Space and make demands. Do you think we are the ill-aspected waste of your lowest lifeforms? Our cities you will decimate. Our colonies destroy. Our waters vaporise. Our skies fill and choke with your poisons. This we know. THIS we have SEEN. Why then should you be spared?"

The Captain waited to be sure he was intended to reply before speaking. Not wishing to ignite the situation further and spin it out of control. "Please, I do not understand how you have seen this. We come in peace, we are explorers. Why would we want to destroy other races?"

"You are naive if you think such an argument will affect us."

"Why do you say we will destroy your race 400 years from now? How could you know such a thing when we do not?"

The dark eyes flared, hotter this time though the gravelly tone was milder. A contrast that made Captain Archer even warier. "We have SEEN."

"How?" He asked quietly.

For long moments no one spoke. Captain Archer hardly dared to draw breath. He felt as if the whole universe was balanced on a knife edge. "You would see what we have seen?" The hushed breath of the Xindi asked, a rough jagged rumble of vowels and consonants doing contortions to be translatable to the Human.

Captain Archer nodded. "Yes."

"Even though it will sear your soul with your treachery?"

"I have not done anything wrong. You on the other hand have attacked us. Tried to destroy my ship. Sent your weapons of hate to my homeworld and killed millions of innocent people."

"Innocent?" Roared the Xindi Captain in sudden rage. "How dare you seek to lay a blame you instigated. You will SEE. You will be taken to our future devastation so that you may understand. This I do in honour of our future dead so that your death in this time will mean something."

Before the Captain could say anything the sensation inside his head both tightened and broadened out as if a strong migraine was coming. Then he felt something, another consciousness, clothe his senses in darkness and wrap his spirit in a deep primal fear. He was unaware of the Xindi gathering around him. Not conscious of the Zenari shade dominating him and manipulating his mind to play the images they would make their gift. He trembled. His hands twitched, eyes closed. The Xindi Captain tapped his forehead, his tone grating on his reluctant ears. "Eyes, open. No hiding, Archer. See all, know all, then die."

* * * * *

Lt Reed was so stunned he could not form coherent thoughts. The Sub-Commander was patient. Knowing he needed to understand. It was critical if they were to succeed in this. She felt his mind regroup. *Dr Phlox says that he has known you for almost 20 years. It seemed hardly credible at the time...* His line of thought trailed off before being picked up again. *I realise how naive I've been. In fact I'm stunned that this was planned so long ago. How did you know?*

*The Vulcan High Command has determined that there is no such thing as time travel* She paused. *I have never said that I did not believe in it.*

That shook him. *But you led us to believe...*

*You believed what you wanted to believe. I simply did not correct you.*

*You still misled us.*

*A necessary protection for your limited understanding.*

He thought about that, oddly enough not offended by her words. *Are you saying you believe in time travel?*

He could almost feel the hint of a smile. *No. I do not believe in time travel. I know it is real.*

"Are you saying you know how this will turn out?*

*No, Lieutenant. I have no precognitive abilities nor do I desire that encumbrance to logic. We must go now. Other forces are gathering and there is so little time.*

He felt a stab of panic. *What other forces?*

*Zenari and Xindi*

*That's bloody marvelous, Sub-Commander. How are we supposed to fight both of them?*

*We do not. I am breaking the connection now, when you open your eyes take a moment to find your equilibrium then follow me. Ask no more questions. Lives may fall in the space of further delay*

He understood. Placed total faith in her and came out of the trance state. He blinked a couple of times, watching her watching him. Assessing when he would be ready to rise. Judging the moment she rose in one fluid graceful motion that he momentarily envied. Quickly they left the ready room and he was surprised to find the Sub-Commander making her way towards the mess hall. Only her warning to ask no questions kept him silent. He followed her into the back of the dining room and threaded through the Chef's domain more than a little nervous. Zenari and Xindi were scary enough but neither species were half as terrifying as an enraged Chef. They thankfully did not bump into him. T'Pol led him beyond the kitchens, out through the store rooms to where the freezers stood. The cold already seeping into his slim frame Lt Reed was already shivering by the time they got to the farthest freezer. He already had an inkling of what they would find inside. Wanted to ask her if she was sure she wanted to do this but knew there really was no option.

T'Pol gave him a look then unlocked the freezer. As the heavy door was swung outward Lt. Reed gasped. All the remaining colour drained out of the Sub-Commander's face. The body bag was unzipped but there was no sign of the broken body of the Commander's simulacrum. Instead the bag and the floor around it was covered in dark foul ashes and laying just inside the door with a trail of frozen blood down the side of his face was the Chef. Quickly they dragged him out and T'Pol shut the freezer door. Lt Reed dropped to his knees, surprised to find that the Chef still retained a fleeting warmth. There was a pulse, strong not thready which meant the Chef had only been left unconscious. Had they been a few more minutes in opening the freezer he would have died. The thought made him shudder more than the cold but the Sub-Commander's next words almost stopped his heart.

"The Shade is free, Lieutenant. We must get to sickbay as soon as possible."

He did not argue. Though he still did not understand everything he sensed time was running out. Between them they manhandled the Chef and managed to half carry and half drag him to sick bay. What they saw when they got there filled their hearts with utmost dread. The two armoury officers were lying in a pool of congealing blood outside the sickbay doors. Jenkins was dead but Peterson was simply unconscious though he had a nasty crack on his head. Hurrying inside they found Ensign Cutler out cold on the floor and no sign of Commander Tucker. "Oh my God," Said Lt. Reed in a strangled voice. "They've taken Trip!"

* * * * *

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Flippin 'eck!

I can't stand the suspense! I'm off to lie down in a darkened room:)

Wow! More, please and soon!

Great stuff, Ali! Do me a HUGE favor, though? Post chapters quicker! :-) The suspense is a killer!

This is very well done as always. Love the suspense!