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Unbound-Part 20

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed.
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "At last Sub-Commander T'Pol and Dr. Phlox share what they have discovered. Stunned, it is not what any of them would have expected."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 20


* * * * *

He awoke feeling initially content and boneless then memories cascaded into his waking mind along with the concomitant pain and sorrow. It hit him hard as only true loss could do. He was alone now. Some time while he slept T'Pol had left him. Somehow that felt wrong, like a betrayal of sorts only he was too raw and fragile to want to examine the feeling in detail. Trip rolled on to his back and looked up at his ceiling, holding back the tears with difficulty. He could not forever be crying. For Liz. For Jon. For the whole damn Human Race. That stilled him. The Human Race. He sat up quickly, his focus homing in on the one certain thing he *could* do rather than concentrating on all the things he could not.

Quickly he got up and went to the shower. He still had a couple of hours until his shift would start but that was good. He could use that time. Might need it to convince the others that he was right though why they should need convincing at all was something else he was not up to examining too closely this morning. As he washed and felt some of his tension ease from tight bunched muscles he thought of the task that lay ahead. Of what he wanted to do. First he would marshal support for his actions then he would go and find the Sub-Commander and tell her his decision. After last night she should not be so hard to convince.

Once dried off and dressed he felt much better. He made his way directly to Lt. Reed's quarters, hoping the man was in his room and not polishing his Armoury. He was in luck; clipped tones queried who was calling at this ungodly hour. Trip almost smiled.

"Hey, Malcolm, it's me."

He heard the grumpiness in his friend's voice as the door opened. "Does 'me' know what time it is?"

Trip nodded curtly and without waiting to be invited walked past the Lieutenant into his quarters. Malcolm blinked.

"Do let yourself in." He said sarcastically but the edge was blunted by curiosity as the door slid closed behind him. "Trip? Is something wrong?"

The Commander turned, his anguished eyes flattened with pain but sparked with determination. His lips a thin unforgiving line. "Yeah, Jon's dead and we're just sittin' here doin' nothin' about it."

"What do you want us to do?"

Trip stepped into the Lieutenant's personal space and stopped inches from him. "Go after the evil bastards and blast every last one of 'em straight to Hell!"

He saw the sympathy in Malcolm's eyes but also something else rising. Was it regret? "I'm afraid that won't be possible, Commander."

Commander? Trip's eyes narrowed. "Why not? An' why so formal? Ya i'n't even dressed."

Lt. Reed was oddly gentle. "We are no longer in orbit around the Zenari homeworld."

Shock stunned the Commander into silence. His brain trying to make sense of what he was hearing. "We're not? Then where the hell are we?"

His friend tried to mitigate Trip's anger. "We're following the Xindi ship."

Trip just stared at him. Slowly his anger abated, mollified somewhat by learning that they were not at least simply turning their back on the Xindi threat. "Why wasn't I told about this?"

"You were sleeping. The Sub-Commander thought it best to let you sleep while you could."

Part of him was grateful to T'Pol for her thoughtfulness but another part seethed. She should have told him or was that why she had bedded him? To tire him out so he could not protest? He knew that wasn't true but right now he was not thinking too clearly. His emotions a jumble that he could not quite untangle. But why would she suppose he would have protested? If, that was what she had done. He frowned. He wanted the damn Xindi exterminated. Anything that would bring that day closer would garner his instant support. Hell, he'd set it in gold for her if she wanted. So what was it Malcolm was not telling him?

Trip was quiet for so long that Lt. Reed was beginning to feel anxious. Wished T'Pol were here to talk to the Commander. Then again, maybe it was just as well she could not see him in his 007 shorts. He shivered and put a shirt on. "Have you eaten yet?"

Trip just stared at him. "Huh?"

"Food, Trip. That sugary substance that passes for a three course meal in your vocabulary. Have you eaten, had breakfast?"

He shook his head. Much calmer now. All anger abated with nowhere to go. "No, when I woke up I came straight here."

Lt. Reed looked amused. "Yes, and straight from the shower I see."

At the Commander's quizzical look Malcolm crossed to his own shower, took out a towel and threw it at the Commander.

"You might want to dry your hair, Trip, instead of dripping all over the place. *My* place, I might add."

He looked down at himself sheepishly. It was true. Giving him a smile Malcolm took his shirt off and carefully folded it over the back of his chair. "While you do that I'll take a shower then we'll go and get something to eat together. That okay with you?"

Trip nodded and began to rub his hair. A nod from Malcolm then he disappeared in the shower leaving the Commander alone to think.

* * * * *

Dr. Phlox gave the Ensign a bemused look. "There really is nothing to tell you."

Liz Cutler pulled a face. "I'm not buying that for a moment, doctor, so you may as well tell me."

He raised his eyebrows and gave her an innocent look. Her eyes narrowed even more suspicious than she had been before.

"Why won't you just tell me?" He noticed the hurt sound in her pleading voice. Felt a stab of guilt for having placed it there but he really could not tell her and that was that. "I saw you when you first came back," Her words broke off, her demeanour shaken a little by a memory that would not go away. She swallowed, steeled herself and continued. He did not want this conversation. Not now. Not ever. But she was blocking the way out of the sickbay and he did not want to push her out of the way. Besides he was really very fond of her. "Your injuries were extensive. I know."

"You were mistaken, Ensign." He said quietly, his voice kindly, his eyes begging her to let it drop.

"Just give me an explanation I can believe." She asked softly.

He paused then forced a smile through his mild mannered lips. "The Sub-Commander has called a briefing in less than twenty minutes. If I am not mistaken you were also requested to attend. I think perhaps we should get some answers then, hmmm?"

For a moment he thought she was going to continue to press him but after a moment something in her crumpled. She nodded and moved aside. "Mind if I come with you?"

His smile beamed. The doctor extended his arm as he had seen Humans do on occasion when they were attempting to be particularly courteous. "I would be honoured."

* * * * *

Lt. Reed watched Trip demolish a stack of pancakes and tried to stop his stomach churning with disapproval. Pancakes? For breakfast? Inwardly he shook his head. Outwardly he tried not to stare, sipping his tea and waiting for the Commander to finish mopping up the last of the maple syrup. When Trip finished he smacked his lips together in satisfaction and for a moment it was the old carefree Trip staring back at him. The man with the laughing eyes and the happy heart. Carefree if only for a split second in time. It made the Armoury Officer's heart ache to realising he was glimpsing the past not seeing the present. Dare they hope to ever regain what was lost?

"Come on, Commander. I think we should go while there's still some food left for the others."

"Hey, I think I'm insulted."

"The Sub-Commander has a briefing arranged for this morning. We don't want to miss it."

Trip scowled and pushed his chair back quickly. "Well why didn't ya say so?"

"Because you needed to eat and incidentally so did I."

Still scowling at him, Trip followed Malcolm out of the mess hall. When they got to the situation room T'Pol was already there talking quietly to Hoshi while Travis listened intently. The three of them looked up as the Chief Engineer and Armoury Officer joined them. Trip wished he could have had a moment alone with T'Pol first but that would be impossible now. Just as he was thinking what to say a thought popped unbidden into his head. < I am with you, Ashayam, now and always >

He was so startled he almost said something out loud. Something must have shown on his face because Malcolm was staring at him but Trip only had eyes for T'Pol. < I didn't think we could communicate like this across a distance, T'Pol. >

Although her expression was blank, Trip knew she was inwardly smiling. Amused at his reaction. < We can never be parted >

He wanted to ask her about that, explore everything that had happened between them but there was no time. They had an enemy to take care of. With extreme prejudice as the military would say. Just then Dr Phlox and Ensign Cutler joined them. The Sub-Commander gave them a nod and indicated for everyone to take their seats around the table as the door hissed shut. "You all know why you are here. We have to eliminate the Xindi threat."

Trip nodded, his expression grim, eyes hardening with the burning need for revenge.

< Let go of your anger, Ashayam >

< Can't. Won't. Not 'till every last Xindi is dead >

< Will that bring back Lizzie? The Captain? >

Pain shot through him like a thousand knives. Her thoughts came fast and plunged deep into his mind robbing him of argument.

< We have a job to do, Ashayam. Your grief like your anger must not be allowed to interfere. You are the Chief Engineer of Enterprise. The next in line to command this vessel after me. Our task will be hard enough without being blinded by emotion. >

Her words cut him. More so because he knew she was right. < I can't move on darlin' until it's done. >

< I know but you will. >

The certainty that flooded his mind from those last few words stilled his thoughts. How could she know? Then he realised she was talking aloud now and not to him.

"Doctor, what did you find out?"

"The DNA is definitely the Captain's as is the blood such as it is."

"Such as it is?" Said Trip harshly. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

T'Pol shot him a disapproving look. Her thoughts admonishing him. < You must remain calm, Ashayam. Do not make this harder for ALL of us. >

He swallowed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Doc, just hard to think clearly right now."

Dr. Phlox nodded. "There is no need to apologise, Commander. We are all upset about the Captain."

"Ya still haven't explained what ya meant."

A brief look passed between the doctor and the Sub-Commander. It almost looked as if the doctor were asking for permission. "You remember the simulacrums? The copies, body doubles, shades, whatever you want to call it that the Zenari used to mimic us?"

Trip nodded, frowned, and wondered what the hell that had to do with the Captain. Unless... "Are ya sayin' the Cap'n isn't the Cap'n?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, Commander. This *is* the Captain's DNA but it is *not* the Captain."

His mouth hung open. "Huh? Wanna run that one by me again, in English?"

"I think I would like to hear that explanation as well." Said Lt. Reed.

It was T'Pol who spoke. Reminding them as she had been doing from time to time since they first encountered the Zenari. "They lie."

"Thought you said that was the Zenari?"

T'Pol gave the Commander a nod. "I did but do not forget who terraformed the Xindi mindset."

His eyebrows rose and his heart sank. "Ya sayin' the Xindi have been lyin' as well?"

"The acorn does not fall far from the oak." Said Dr. Phlox.

"I do not understand why the Xindi would lie." Said Malcolm. "After all, they want to annihilate us. Wipe us out."

"Do they?" Asked Dr. Phlox gently.

Everyone stared at him but only the Vulcan Sub-Commander did not seem surprised by his words.

"Suppose ya tell us." Said Trip.

"If all the Xindi want is to wipe us out as you so colourfully put it Commander, why aren't we all dead?"

"That was going to be my question." Said Lt. Reed, his look thoughtful. Keen eyes flicking between the doctor and T'Pol.

"The Zenari want us exterminated." Said T'Pol.

Shock. There was no other word for it. Trip almost laughed. "I can accept they would be happy if we all died, might even lend a hand in some instances, but *all* of us? The entire ship an' the Cap'n? If they intended that T'Pol why didn't they kill us when they had the chance? Why invite us down to the surface? Why the body doubles, the manipulation, the play actin'? It doesn't make sense."

"The Zenari are not like other lifeforms we have encountered, Commander."

"No, they're a lot more advanced an' a lot more dangerous."

"If they want us dead," Said Travis wanting to bring them back to point. "Why aren't we dead?"

Dr. Phlox looked at T'Pol, waiting for her to answer. Trip had a feeling they both knew the answer in intimate detail. He found himself holding his breath not knowing what would come out of the Vulcan's mouth. "The Zenari are non-corporeal lifeforms."

Hoshi's eyes widened, her mouth dropped open in disbelief. "What? Are you saying they aren't *physcial*? I saw them, Sub-Commander, and believe me they are *real.*"

T'Pol nodded. "Yes, Ensign, they are real just not flesh and blood like we are. Like the Xindi."

Trip shook his head. "I'm confused."

Beside him Lt. Reed could only sympathise. "I assure you everything that happened down on Zeon certainly *felt* real."

The Commander thought of something, unwanted pieces of the jigsaw slotting into place not to reveal a picture but a monster. "Yeah, Lieutenant, manipulation. That's it isn't it?"

T'Pol nodded.

"Like when I thought my back was broke and the doc thought his bones were jelly."

"Oh, if I had been left much longer they would have been liquefied."

Trip's head spun. "Huh?"

"My body would have accepted the lie, would have been coerced into turning fantasy into fact, Commander. As we have said before the Zenari are master manipulators the like of which we have never seen before."

"Next to the Zenari God is an amateur, is that what you're sayin'?"

Travis spoke before anyone could respond to Trip's question. "I don't understand why they lied to us."

The Sub-Commander took a moment before replying then looked at Lt Reed. "Do you recall the map of past incidents, Lieutenant?"

He nodded. How could he forget? "Yes, I do."

"The way those incidents at first seemed random, unconnected?"

He nodded more slowly now, eyes locked on to T'Pol's. "Yes."

"All of those incidents resulted in tragedy. Major loss."

A light flickered on in the depths of his storm grey eyes. "Yes. Each incident seemed to be more extensive than it's predecessor. As if they were refining their ability to affect outcomes."

"That's exactly what we think they were doing, Lieutenant." Said the doctor. "The Zenari are non-corporeal. They inhabit the corporeal realm - ours and the Xindi's - by choice, in much the same way as you and Commander like to visit the cinema."

Trip looked shocked then angry. "Are ya sayin' they do this for *entertainment*?"

"They live a life that cannot be foreshortened by physical death, Commander."

"But why kill us?"

"They do not kill directly." Said T'Pol. "They prefer to work behind the scenes, manipulate other races into conflict. Engender a battlefield they can set into motion while they look on."

"Bloody hell!"

Trip silently agreed with Malcolm. *Bloody, BLOODY hell.* A thought occurred to him. "Then the attack on Earth..."

"Was a way to draw Humans into a conflict that had not even begun."

"And the Xindi?" Asked Malcolm.

"They showed the Xindi images of a future that never was in an effort to make it fact."

Trip closed his eyes. Holding back tears. Lizzie. Jon. Dead because these sick bastards thought it entertaining. Were amused at their grief and loss. But how do you fight an enemy that cannot die?

< Do not think in physical terms, Ashayam. >

He opened his eyes and looked at T'Pol. For a moment it was as if they were the only two people in the room. In the entire universe. < I don't know how to think any other way, darlin.' >

< Then hush, Ashayam. Trust me and I will teach you. >

He was hardly aware of the others talking strategy. Exchanging theories. There was only T'Pol. No one else could hold back the darkness of his mounting despair. School his anger into a rage that simmered just within his control. A rage which slowly abated as her thoughts soothed him and loved him and held him firmly in the Here and Now. She needed him strong. Needed him focused. In the end all he could fasten on was the one thought that made living again worthwhile. She needed him. He was determined to let that one bright ray of hope be enough.

* * * * *

The Xindi Captain was silent. Eyes fastened on his controls, watching the image on the screen as it kept pace with their ship. The Chancellor was still not happy with him. "This is a mistake."

"Yes." Said the mammalian Xindi. "Theirs."

"As long," Said the Chancellor with malicious intent aimed at the Xindi Captain who had continued to defy him until their colleague had acquiesced. As much in curiosity at the Xindi Captain's insistence as anything else. Forcing him to do likewise. A point he would remember without affection. "As it is not ours."

* * * * *

Kantak had waited hours for the Ambassador to acknowledge his presence so that he could speak. At last Ambassador Chot turned towards him. Kantak bowed low.

"You have a question?"

"We should have killed the Vulcan, majesty."

Dark light rippled in fell sparks as his heavy dark cloak shifted. The power exuding from him made his aide dizzy. "Perhaps."

"Your Excellency," Kantak paused at his own daring.

"Yes, Kantak? You may speak freely."

"Why did you let her live? Let these inferior Humans escape?"

"They have not escaped."

The aide visibly brightened. His own light flashing its' dark fire like a flare going backwards in search of the source. "And the Xindi?"

"They will do as they have always done."

The Aide had one last question. One he hoped he would survive the asking. "Where are they leading them?"

He sensed a dark malignant satisfaction stealing through his senses. A drink to slake in part a thirst that could never be satisfied. "To the end of all things."

* * * * *

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Three people have made comments

Okay, just how do you come up with stuff like this!? I love the aliens you've created! As always, the connection between Trip and T'Pol is beautifully written as is the friendship between Trip and Malcolm. Thank you, Ali! :-)

I love your plot lines. I find them refreshing and original. And your characterization is dead on. Great stuff. It's easy to imagine the characters interacting in the way you describe. You are consistently one of my favorite writers.

A great chapter! I'm enjoying this one Ali!