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Wedlock- Pt. 2

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The Ritual Of Sharing

"I feel good. You?"

"I am well."



The Ritual Of Touch

Trip reached for her hand and smiled. "I still think you’re a good person." He said

T’Pol raised an eyebrow at he fellow officer. "You are not unpleasant."


The Ritual Of Honesty

"You gotta weird hair cut."

"I do not like your odor."


The Ritual Of The Kiss

"Still wanna skip it?"



The Ritual Of Expression

"Can we skip this one too?"



"So you want rice?" Trip said, getting out a pan to cook with. After nearly a week together, Trip and T’Pol had found that living under the same roof was not entirely unbearable. Certain aspects of their personalities developed a symbiotic relationship with one another.

For instance, Trip discovered that he had a hidden calling in cooking meals for T’Pol. He’d cook rice and meatless pastas that she seemed to eat with relish.

There were times when they almost acted like a married couple.

"Yes, that would be appropriate." T’Pol put aside her books and papers in preparation for the coming meal. It was odd but she found herself actually excited about eating Commander Tucker’s cooking.


"Yeah?" He replied without looking up from his work.

"Where did you learn how to cook?"

He smiled and looked at her, he wasn’t expecting that one. "Mom. She sort of made me learn."

"I have observed that in your culture, cooking is considered to be a duty preformed by females." She tilted her head in curiosity, "Why would your mother wish for you learn how to cook?"

"I dunno. Mom did a lot of things I didn’t understand. That’s sorta why I spent most of my time with my Dad. We did everything together."

She nodded in understanding. "I had a similar relationship with my own father."

Trip’s face took on a shocked impression. In a voice of mock surprised he said "You had parents?!" He flashed her his best sarcastic smile and kept cooking. She continued but gave him an odd look. "My mother was quite difficult to live with. I found my father was more accommodating. "

"Why’s that?"

"I was an only child. My father believed that I would carry on in his legacy after his death. He went to great lengths to teach me about being a diplomat." A faraway countenance seemed to wrap itself around T’Pol’s face. "He died just before I turned nineteen."

"I’m-I’m sorry."

"It is unnecessary to apologize."

"I know, its called sympathy."

T’Pol took a deep breath.


One of the more admirable emotions embraced by humanity and she had no idea how to react to it. It had been a long time been long time since anyone had given her that kind of gift.

"Thank you, Commander."

Trip smiled at her again. "Yer welcome." He turned back to his cooking, still smiling.

Reed had hoped that they would hate each other.

He had waited patiently for the halfway point check up to arrive and during that time he was filled with anticipation. Everyday, he hoped that T’Pol and Tucker would do nothing but bicker and argue. But as he sat across the table from them, he knew that wasn’t the case.

"It ain’t so bad, Reed." Trip said as he took another bite of the hearty steak and eggs breakfast that Reed had brought from the ship. The Eltakins were vegetarians, so Trip had been eating nothing but rice and a tofu like substance for six days. Tucker had been relieved beyond all words when he saw the real food Chef had made for him. "Basically...we’re friends."

Reed felt his heart sink. She liked him. Hell, she was probably screwing him nightly and massaging his feet. He could almost see her on her knees whispering this little pretty boy’s name. ‘Oh Trip,’ She’d say, ‘I love you so much. You’re the only real man on the entire ship.’

Yank bastard.

Trip took another bite of his meal and continued talking with a full mouth. "She reall’ in’t to bad." He said between chews. As he talked, small pieces of steak flew out of his mouth. One of the pieces landed about an inch from Reed’s left hand. The Englishman carefully wiped the food away with the edge of his napkin. What the hell did she in this uncultured little...

"She told me about her dad," Trip said sadly after washing his food down with a glass of orange juice, "After he died, She and her Mom stopped talkin’." The engineer got a far off look in his eyes, "She really misses the guy. I can tell."

But Reed was listening anymore, he was just staring at Trip with daggers for corneas.


"I have found that living with the Commander is not entirely unbearable."

If someone had a knife, Reed would have already thrown himself on it. "S-so you like Tucker?" He winced when he asked that. Did he really want the answer to that? "Mr. Tucker and I have found a way to co-exist."

This was terrible. She really did like Tucker. And he was nothing to her.

He swallowed and prepared to continue, "So are you glad its almost over with?"

T’Pol paused before answering. She actually needed to think about her response. "Yes, returning to the ship will be...good."


Ambassador Creloun cracked open a bottle of beer and gave his ‘secretary’ a quick peck on the cheek. "So how’s our favorite couple?"

Reed suddenly remembered that little pause T’Pol made before answering his question. He looked at Creloun and sighed. "They’re...


T’Pol’s eyes shot open.

She had the dream again.

It seemed more vivid this time. The blaring jazz music was louder then before and the room seemed darker, smokier. The scratches in the wood table seemed deeper. It was as though someone turned up the volume inside her brain.

T’Pol climbed out of bed and stared at the early morning sky. Since meeting the other Vulcan’s, T’Pol had done every thing to keep from having that dream again.

So why was she having it now?


Trip hit the "on" button for the stove and smacked a pan on top. He hummed the tune to ‘Amazing Grace’ as he started work on a fried rice dish that seemed to almost taste like grits. He shook his head at the thought. Grits were great with bacon and eggs but all by themselves...

He needed to get the hell off this planet before it drove him nuts. He found himself smiling when T’Pol wandered in, a little more disheveled then usual.

She saw him. The human. He was smiling and singing some primitive Earth song. Ordinarily, Tucker’s expressive attitude didn’t bother her but on this particular morning she found it unbearable.

"Mornin’ T’Pol. You hungry?" The slight hiss of rice hitting the pan rang through the air.

"I do not require a meal." T’Pol closed her eyes, trying to shut him out.

Tucker shrugged and went back to his work. Funny, she usually expected breakfast first thing. He inhaled sharply. If he was going to ask he should do it now. "Hey, umm can I ask you somethin’?"


"Why don’t you smile?"

T’Pol felt her eyes narrow ever so slightly. How dare he ask her such an intensely personal question. He was not completely ignorant of Vulcan culture. He already knew her answer so why would he ask? Obviously, so he could make some kind of judgement on her.

Trip kept talking, unaware of what it was doing to T’Pol. "Its just that I’ve seen other Vulcan’s at least admit the like somethin’, but you don’t even let yourself do that. So I guess my question is why don’t you want to open up-"

"Commander, if you have any questions about the Vulcan way of life then feel free to look through the ships reference materials when we return. In the mean time please refrain from asking your usual inane questions."

Trip turned off the stove and walked over to where T’Pol was sitting in the dining room. "I didn’t ask about Vulcan’s I asked about you."

"Then perhaps you shouldn’t ask."

"What the hell is your problem?"

"My only problem appears to be you and your primitive lack of logic."


"Go away Commander."


"Then I will leave."

T’Pol jumped from her seat and stormed out of the room.


T’Pol closed the curtain door to her room and leaned against the wall.

It was horrifying. She was so close to losing control. Every cell in her body was on fire with raw emotion and it was killing her from the inside out. She could not last much longer.

"Hey we ain’t done talkin’!"

Trip’s smooth southern drawl rumbled through her ear drums and assaulted her brain. She grimaced. Why didn’t he leave her alone?



"Please just go..."


"I wish for you to..."


"SHUT UP!" T’Pol marched up to him and got so close to his face that she nearly spit in his eye, "YOU ENJOY TALKING SO MUCH THAT THE AIR ON THIS PLANET HAS BEGUN TO THIN CONSIDERABLY!"

Trip nearly had a heart attack. She was actually yelling at him. T’Pol was angry.

In fact, she wasn’t just angry. She was furious. Her whole body was tensed and her eye’s had a look of seething rage beneath the surface. Her shouting only stopped him for a minute though, he didn’t give up.




Their faces were inches away from each other now. He felt her cool breath on his rough face. She could smell his scent rising slowly into her nostrils. He felt a warming rush of blood flow through his body and an uncomfortable stirring in his lower body. T’Pol raised an eyebrow at his obvious discomfort and released a deep breath.

And then,

they kissed.

(Special thanks to SnoopMary who co wrote this chapter because I couldn’t write a sex scene if my life depended on it)


After a few moments, the kiss deepened into something much more.

Trip couldn't take the gentle way she traced his jaw. His hands shot out of their own volition, his fingers rapidly tunneling through her short brown hair. He forced her head to meet his own. Lips slammed against lips, and a plundering of her mouth occurred without remorse. For a few fleeting moments, he swore he could actually *see* the warp reaction.

Just as suddenly as he had grabbed her, Trip let go. His hands spastically and slowly released her hair and slid down her body,

grazing the sides of her breasts before tracing over the bones of her hips. Ruthlessly severing the hidden side zip, he shoved her pants down, letting them pool around her boot-clad feet. His palms quickly covered hers, drawing her back into the cradle of his hips. he thought woozily.

T'Pol moaned in utter abandon into his mouth. The sound of her moan made him feel like a green fifteen-year old again. Trip absently realized as she kicked free of her pants. Breaking their kiss, she let her lips trace down his jaw towards his collarbone, sucking and licking for what felt like forever at the tender and rapidly bruising flesh

It took forever for them to finish

Minutes that felt like hours.

Hours that felt like years.

Their passions moved like the tide, ebbing and flowing across the shore of some distant paradise. And like the tides, They felt their rhythms change between the slow movement of tender lovemaking and the hard violence of animal sex.

Their waves rose and broke only to rise once again.

In the end, the sex left them sated and sleepy with their arms wrapped tightly around each other.


Trip awoke in the middle of the night but decided that his muscles were far too sore for him to be doing any kind of moving.

He smiled to himself, remembering how they got that sore.

T’Pol was lying against him with her head resting against his chest. He could feel her breath tickling his skin.


Her voice sounded like poetry to his ears leaving him with a lingering shiver inside of him. He tilted his head to look at her face, thinking that she was waking up. He smiled again when he realized she was still asleep and dreaming about him.

"T’Pol," He whispered quietly to himself, lazily running his hands through her hair "What are we going to do now?"

He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead before falling back to sleep.

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