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Author - A. Rhea King | Genre - Action/Adventure | Genre - Drama | Genre- Alternate Universe | Main Story | Rating - PG-13
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Vivarium is part of an Alternate Universe created by A. Rhea King for the Enterprise crew during the first season of the series. We liked her story well enough to create the "Alternate Universe" category. Eventually we will add more of her stories, but if you'd like to find out about the relationships established for this story, go to "Find" at www.fanfiction.net and type in A. Rhea King under "Pen Name." Click on her name and all her stories will come up.


By A. Rhea King

Rating: PG-13, Drama/General
Disclaimer: Characters and “Enterprise” belong to Paramount. No money made.


Chapter 1

A group of six entered the room. They had soft bone crests that ran from just behind one ear opening across the top of their head to the other ear opening. Very little hair grew in front of it and narrow flat strips of course hair grew behind it. There was a ridge of bone that ran from their upper lip and tapered off just above the eyebrow line and their hair was the same rusty color as their skin. Two had dark lines that ran from their cheeks, under their ear openings and down their neck. Their ears had no real definition. There was an opening and flaps of skin to protect the canal, but little other definition. Each wore a necklace of sorts. The ends of the necklace pierced their necks and hung over their snug fitting clothing. The clothing itself was like wearing skin and had more practical reasons than aesthetic. They were often cold and the material provided much needed heat that their bodies failed to produce. Their hands had five gray and bony fingers with a bit of webbing between the fingers, a product of a slowly devolving feature that they no longer used nor needed.

These humanoids — who proudly called themselves Par’Tek — were intellectually brilliant. They had developed technologies far exceeding any of their neighbors. They regarded other species as slow and primitive. They financed their military forces as equal as their scientific endeavors. However, those with the curiosity to explore beyond their planet or even their solar system were far and few. This was a blessing for neighbors, for the Par’Tek were known for taking whatever sparked their curiosity and not caring who died or what the consequences of their actions would create for those from whom they stole from.

This morning the members of the Vivarium and Zoological Garden Facilities were gathering for their annual meeting. One of the Par’Tek’s biggest tourist attractions was their zoos, which they termed vivariums. The adventurers of their kind traveled through deep space collecting alien species of every kind and over the years they had collected a vast collection. With their advancing technologies, more and more species were brought to their zoos to live out their lives pampered and cared for in captivity.

The six sat with little talking and turned to the speaker at the head of the table.
“As director of this board, I, Director Kynade, call this meeting to order.” Kynade leaned on the table. “We have finances, expansion and public issues to discuss today. But more importantly, we have to discuss the replacement of our two most popular attractions.”

“Yes,” one replied, looking at the hand sized device in his hand, “Homo sapiens and Ferengi. We received word from the vessel Artek. They purchased two females and a male specimen. All three will arrive tomorrow. We can couple the female with the surviving male offspring in habitat sixty-four”

“That only leaves us to replace the Homo sapiens,” Kynade said. “Artier Warvan has not asked that we find replacements for the Homo Sapiens exhibit. He has ordered it. He has threatening to cut funding if we do not find replacements and re-open the exhibit in two weeks.”

“Did you explain to him we have been having trouble for years extracting specimens? They have developed warp technology and advancing weapons. Over the last eighty years there have been more species inhabiting their space, contaminating the blood lines.”

“We could try taking them from,” one looked at the device in his hand, “a couple transporters that were reported outside of their space.”

“No. Those aren’t good specimens. Our observation scientists have been fired on several times and the ones that they have managed to get on board are often not suitable. The observation scientists must get close enough to board a decent ship, determine a couple of good breed and have an extraction squad retrieve them without much stress.”

Another Par’Tek spoke up, “Attention, Director.”

The Par’Tek looked at the speaker — a shorter Par’Tek in the last chair at the table. Kynade’s face reflected disapproval on the smaller alien.

“Yes, Gatir?” Kynade asked with a belittling tone.

“My team has come with an idea of how to collect specimens, including Homo Sapiens, that could prove more beneficial.”
“Your team? Your team is in charge of health and upkeep. They are not in charge of collecting specimens. What ideas could your team possibly have?”

Gatir offered a weak smile but continued, “We thought perhaps if you made contact with Homo sapiens, as well as other specimens, and invited them to live here instead of forcing them—”

The five turned on Gatir, snarling at him. He shrunk back, falling silent.

“You have voiced on several occasions your dislike for this project yet you remain. You evidently have your priorities confused, Gatir. We take specimens because they are inferior and primitive, unable to be reasoned with. Now be silent!”

Gatir looked away.

“Attention Director Kynade,” another Par’Tek said.

“Yes, Taloc?”

“We have detected a Homo sapiens vessel entering our quadrant. It does not have the same design of the transporters and apparently has higher warp capabilities. It just entered two days ago. Reports have mentioned that these specimens appear to be far more curious than those of the transporters. They have contacted two outer planets already and even went to the surface of the Oliir’s home world.” Taloc looked at the device in his hand.

“We will have to send observers in to gather further information and assess which would be good specimens aboard the ship.”

“Yes, Director Kynade.”

Director Kynade nodded. “Good job, Taloc.”

Taloc shot a smug look at Gatir.

“And moving on, let’s start the financial reports.”

Gatir looked at the device in his hand. He brought up a screen of a distant picture of the ship the Homo sapiens were on. Enterprise was written across the ships bow. Secretly Gatir hoped this ship’s defenses were as impressive as her design.


Continue to Chapter 2

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