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She's What? - Ch 3

Author - Favors
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She’s What?

By Favors

Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action-Adventure
DISCLAIMER: Star Trek: Enterprise is owned by Paramount, not me. No infringement intended, no profit made.
A/N: italics represent inner-thoughts & musings. Sorry for the delay in updating. In my stories, Trip will always live & so will their babies.

Summary: Takes place 6 months after Lizzie is born in ‘You’re What?’ The Vulcan High Command has been disbanded, T’Pau and her Syrrannites are in power, things are heating up between the Vulcans and Andorians, while Vulcan dissidents are colluding with Romulans. T’Les, also a Syrrannite, is alive and well on Earth

Sequel to ‘You’re What?’


Chapter 3

Trip laid Lizzie in her crib and gently covered her with a blanket. She was fast asleep within minutes. T’Pol had removed her clothes and had climbed into bed, awaiting her husband. Trip quickly removed his garments and joined his wife.

Trip made love to his wife slowly, tenderly, and repeatedly. Using his hand, lips, teeth, and tongue he pleasured her over and over again. “I suppose Phlox would count this as four times.” Trip spoke with humor as he traveled kisses up to T’Pol’s mouth from her abdomen.

“Doctor Phlox is not here counting, besides, this counts only as one.”

Trip couldn’t suppress his laughter. Through their bond Trip knew T’Pol was sincere in her reply, although he knew Phlox would consider this four times, not just once.

“Well it would be kinda creepy if he was here. Although he has asked to observe us during your Pon Far.” Trip laughed again at T’Pol’s bleak expression. Trip gathered his wife in his arms and held her close. He could tell she was much more exhausted than she was letting on. Cradling T’Pol in his arms he caressed her back until she fell asleep, curled against him.

Hours later a small cry woke the sleeping couple. As T’Pol started to rouse, Trip pulled her back down.

“I’ll get her.” He insisted.

“But I lost the poker game.” T’Pol protested.

“I know, and when you’re better, I’ll make you stick to it. But until then, let me take care of things.” Trip climbed over his wife, and glanced back as she propped herself up in order to feed Lizzie.

T’Pol watched her husband, unabashed in his nudity; gather their small daughter in his arms. His body was beautiful. T’Pol had heard him referred to as a ‘stud’ by the other women on the ship. After looking up the term, she was forced to agree. His body was trim and well muscled. He ate meat only a few times a month, in deference to her now. He worked out frequently in order to maintain himself in peak physical condition to meet her needs. She had never felt so happy and content in all her life. She loved this man and her baby more then she ever thought possible.

“You know, as she gets older, we won’t be able to walk around our quarters in the nude.” T’Pol observed.

“When she gets older, she’ll have her own room. I’ve already talked to the Cap’n about expandin’ our quarters.” Trip had returned to the bed, and handed Lizzie over to T’Pol. Climbing in beside T’Pol, he placed his arm around T’Pol’s shoulders and watched as she fed Lizzie. “So we can walk around away we want. And nude is how I like ya best.” Trip leaned over and kissed T’Pol’s cheek.

“You enjoy watching this don’t you?”

“I do. I love my girls.” Trip leaned in again and kissed T’Pol’s neck and cheek. His left hand made its way to T’Pol’s breast, right above Lizzie’s mouth. He caressed her breast gently while stroking Lizzie’s soft cheek with his thumb. Lizzie sucked happily and nosily away.

Through their bond they could sense their child’s happiness and contentment.

“I never knew anything could be like this. Knowing what she’s feelin’. Makes it a little easier bein’ a parent.” Trip gazed fondly at his daughter, and then back to his wife’s face. “I love bein’ married to you, babe. I hope I make you as happy as you’ve made me.”

“You know you do.”

“You know, I can hardly wait for your Pon Far. Get you pregnant again; watch your belly get all big with a baby. You looked so beautiful.” Trip leaned over and delivered quick kisses to her belly.

T’Pol was amused. His thinking was chaotic to her ordered mind. Through their bond she knew he spoke the truth, he thought she looked beautiful, big with their child. She had thought herself swollen and ugly. Before she could respond, he had switched topics.

“Cap’n asked for your help in findin’ out who did this. Thought maybe those espionage skills of yours could come in handy.”

So sexy, my wife was a spy!

T’Pol again was amused by his thoughts. Seldom did he consciously shield them from her. “I will confer with Shran in the morning. She is finished.” T’Pol handed Lizzie to Trip, who began gently patting their baby on the back.

T’Pol took the opportunity to snuggle down against Trip, resting her head on his chest. She was still feeling the effects of the virus and was extremely weary. Soon she was sound asleep; Trip could feel her warm breath stirring across his chest.

“Looks like you’re gonna sleep with mommy and daddy tonight baby girl.” Trip gently kissed Lizzie’s forehead before settling her down on his chest beside T’Pol’s head. Trip soon fell asleep himself, propped up, both of his girls cradled in his arms.


“Shran, let T’Pol take a look at your logs. Maybe she can see something new.” Archer asked Shran. Shran had returned to his ship. And had started a quietly investigation of his own.

“I’ll have them sent over immediately. We’re due to rendezvous with Soval’s ship tomorrow at 1400 hours. Will you accompany us?” Shran offered.

“As long as we divert the ion storm enough to miss your colony we will. Trip’s ready to deploy the next torpedo in an hour.”

“Keep me informed. I’ve already had the colony alerted.”

“I’ll contact you in a few hours.” Hoshi broke the connection at Archer’s signal.

Shran did as he promised and sent his ships logs to T’Pol. T’Pol spent hours combing over the logs and finally came across the course and direction of ion trail left by the Ferengi ship. The information had been buried, and T’Pol suspected someone on Shran’s ship was trying to cover it up.

“Captain, I suspect Shran has a traitor on board. Take a look at this.” T’Pol handed a PADD to Archer showing him the previously hidden data. It showed several communiqués between Shran’s ship and the Ferengi vessel prior to the Ferengi trading with Shran. “Commander Shran will have to identify the command code.”

“Thank you T’Pol.”

“Since I was busy with this, do you have a status on the ion storm?” she asked.

“Hoshi is working on the analysis with Trip to see if the last torpedo was sufficient. You look tired, go get some sleep.” Archer eyed her critically.

“I will check with them regarding their progress first.”


“Looks like that did it. “ Trip rubbed his eyes tiredly.

“Good work Commander.” Hoshi replied. “You look tired.”

“I am. So how are things between you and Malcolm?” Trip ventured.

“Just fine. I’m hoping it won’t be too long until Captain Archer performs another wedding ceremony.” Hoshi’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

Trip smiled and was starting to respond when both turned as T’Pol entered the room to get a status.

“You look tired hon.” Trip walked over to his mate and held her close, kissing her forehead.

“I have been pouring over Shran’s logs.” T’Pol wrapped her arms around her husband, surprising Hoshi with her open affection.

“Anything useful?” Hoshi asked.

“Yes, but that can be discussed later.” T’Pol merely lifted one elegant eyebrow, prompting Trip to fill her in on their analysis.

“Seems that last torpedo did it, best we can tell the ion storm will miss inhabited areas.” Trip looked at T’Pol closely, knowing she had overtaxed herself. “I’m taking her back to our quarters, Hoshi. Would ya let the Cap’n know for me?”

“Trip, I still have…” T’Pol began to protest.

“No, ya don’t. You’re gonna go rest. Husband’s orders, and for once yer gonna listen.” Trip led T’Pol from the situation room, with her mildly protesting. Hoshi shook her head at the couple, a smile at her lips. Both were so stubborn, the often butted heads. Only Trip could convince her she needed to rest. Both the Captain and Phlox had told her repeatedly to take it easy since the viral infection. Hoshi could hear T’Pol’s feeble protests as Trip dragged her back to their quarters.

Dutifully, she contacted the Captain. “Captain, Trip’s taken T’Pol back to their quarters so she can get some rest.”

“Rest? Is that what they like to call it?”

Hoshi smiled at the Captain’s inference. Many on the ship knew of their lively sex life, a few had stumbled onto it when they decided to be “adventurous”. Whenever Trip’s staff teased him about their “warp reaction” (when they had been caught in Engineering) he would claim it had been good for the engines.

“That last torpedo deflected the ion storm enough to divert the storm from inhabited areas, sir.”

“Thank you Hoshi. Oh, T’Pol discovered the ion trail; see if you can’t pick it up on sensors since my First Officer is going to go rest.”

Hoshi could hear the amusement in Archer’s voice. “I’ll get right on it sir.”


The senior officers were sitting around the Captain’s Mess table the following morning, discussing the recent viral attack.

“Shran’s asked us to accompany him to pick up Soval and I agreed. There’s something going on here and we need to get to the bottom of it. Hoshi, contact Starfleet and let them know of our change in course.”

“Captain? I would like to contact my mother before we inform Starfleet.” T’Pol asked. She looked much more rested than before. Perhaps they actually slept.

“Why?” Archer was clearly confused.

“Before becoming an instructor, my mother was also in the Security Ministry, she may be able to gather some information we cannot.”

“What aren’t you telling me?” Archer could sense T’Pol was holding something back.

“There is still some…resentment….about introducing alien cultures to human society. Admiral Green, while openly supporting inter-species relations, does not truly desire the intermingling of human and alien cultures. His own resentment towards Trip and I and especially Lizzie is evident.” T’Pol supplied.

“I’ll agree that Admiral Green is no fan of you three, but do you really think he’d be involved in a plot against the Vulcans?” Archer asked, watching their faces carefully. Their expressions told him volumes. “T’Pol?” Archer pressed her.

“My mother has experienced….” T’Pol searched for the right word as the senior staff watched her. “…bigotry. She has joined Trip’s family for various celebrations and ceremonies. On some of those occasions she has been the subjected to abuse.”

“What?!?! Why didn’t you tell me immediately?” Archer’s concern was evident. Hoshi hid her smile behind her hand. There had been a rumor that Captain Archer was romantically involved with T’Les. It seemed that rumor was true. Even the Captain wanted romance. Archer had relaxed the no-fraternization policy, as long as the couple remained discreet and if they parted ways, there was to be no detrimental effect upon the ship’s business. If that occurred with just even one couple, Archer was prepared to pull the plug on the rule’s relaxation.

“Captain, please let me finish. My mother was not physically harmed, mostly verbal abuse, some by high ranking members of Starfleet. Not of course spoken directly to her, but Vulcan hearing is superior to a human’s hearing. Most of Starfleet is supportive of exploration of the galaxy and meeting new species. But…there are those that are very much opposed to it. Saying that that humans should stay…pure, untainted by other species blood.” A significant look passed between Trip and T’Pol. “When my mother was visiting the Vulcan consulate in San Francisco, she was introduced to Admiral Green. At first he thought she was another ambassador or instructor. However, when Soval informed the Admiral she was my mother, his demeanor…changed. He was less than polite.”

“That guy’s no better than a KKK member!” Trip fumed. He had heard about this a month ago and had relented to T’Pol’s wish to keep it quiet.

T’Pol shot him a dark look. The captain was fuming, pacing the ready room. “T’Pol, this is critical information, why didn’t you inform me?”

“My mother wished to keep it quiet. It was Trip’s mother who informed us. She was very angry with Admiral Green.”

“My momma was about to sock his lights out when T’Les’ cool head prevailed and restrained her.” Trip spoke hotly, angered anew just speaking about it.

Your anger will not facilitate this discussion.

I know hon, but, I just get so…

I know my love, but please relax and focus on a solution.

“No wonder he loves you so much.” Archer spoke with heavy sarcasm. “Starfleet needs to be informed in our change of course and mission.” Archer continued on.

“I told you that guy’s a xenophobe. He can’t be trusted with this information.” Trip spoke vehemently. “Is there another Admiral you can talk to? One you know you can trust?” Trip asked thoughtfully.

Archer thought long and hard, going over the Admirals present when Trip & T’Pol were questioned about their relationship. Admiral Swan, the only woman present, seemed the most sympathetic to their cause and had an outward dislike for Admiral Green.

“Maybe Admiral Swan? She seemed to be sympathetic to you two.”

Both Trip and T’Pol nodded their heads in agreement. “I will contact my mother.”

“We’ll re-group after you talk to her. Give her my best will you?”

“Of course captain.” Trip was able to see the smile T’Pol’s eyes held that her mouth would not show.

“It is pleasing to see you daughter, Charles. And where is T’Liz?”

“Asleep. She was kinda fussy last night.” Trip answered.

T’Les merely cocked an eyebrow, she was slowly getting used to this human family’s verbiage. She knew Mrs. Tucker would fill her in later on the term ‘fussy’. Having spent more than 3 months on Earth with the Tucker family had stretched her patience at times, but the warmth and love extended to her by this family had embraced her soul. Her daughter had selected wisely.

“We wanted to speak to you about what’s been happening on Earth with the non-humans and any contacts you may still have in the Ministry of Security.” T’Pol quickly filled her mother in on what had happened. T’Les, shocked that things had deteriorated so much, was ready to book transport back to Vulcan. Catherine Tucker had entered the room several minutes into the conversation, bringing T’Les her tea.

Having heard the last bit of conversation, Catherine Tucker interjected, “No you’re not! I’m not having you risk yourself! You’re staying here! Is that understood? You can contact your friends from here. I’ll give ya all the privacy ya need, but there is no way in God’s little green Earth, I’m lettin’ family get into trouble if I can prevent it….”

The rest of Mrs. Tucker’s ranting was lost as she left the room, calling for her husband. Trip tried unsuccessfully to hide a smile.

“Something amuses you Charles?”

“Well, you’re family now there’s no mistakin’ that!” The grin was spreading wider on his handsome face.

Trip and T’Pol spoke at length with T’les. She filled them in on the atmosphere regarding aliens on Earth and informed them she would contact her former colleagues and insist they do all possible to assist them.

“How is Captain Archer? Did you give him the items I made for him?”

“Of course. He sends you his best. Would you like to talk to him? I can route you to his quarters.” Trip offered.

“That would be acceptable.” T’Les spoke as flatly as she could. She did not however, fool either Trip or T’Pol.

“Well pink-skin, ready to collect that stuffy Vulcan?” Shran asked with good humor.

They had met last night to discuss the situation. Talas had indeed found evidence of tampering with the logs, and suspected the traitor was still on board.

While Andorians often practiced treachery, seldom was it directed against their own Captain. Shran was furious, wanted to discover the traitor and have him or her tortured to death. T’Pol encouraged interrogating the traitor once they were discovered, suspecting a much larger plot. It took over an hour for Archer to convince Shran that T’Pol’s view was the correct course of action.

Archer and Shran had decided to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary; they wanted to discover the infiltrator. Only the crew of Enterprise, Shran and Talas knew about the virus. Talas had carefully scanned their ship. She discovered that all the food stuffs obtained from the Ferengi had the virus, and consequently so did the Andorians. Whoever had been responsible for the virus knew that that the Andorians would come in contact with the Vulcans and pass the virus along. It was decided that Soval would come aboard Enterprise instead.

Phlox had developed enough of the antidote for the entire Enterprise crew and the crew of the Kumari. Shran wanted to antidote deployed in such a manner that his crew wouldn’t know, hoping they could reveal who the traitor was. Phlox had begun working with Trip on a solution; so far they had not been able to come up with a solution that wouldn’t be detected.

Hours later Enterprise and the Kumari rendezvoused with the Vulcan vessel and transferred Soval aboard Enterprise. If Soval was surprised to see Enterprise, he didn’t show it. Soval, along with the senior staff of Enterprise, Shran, Talas, and Phlox sat crowded around the Captain’s table in his private mess.

Soval had difficulty hiding his emotions upon hearing of the traitorous nature of the situation. Archer watched as Soval absorbed the information they laid before him. Vulcans against Vulcans, assisted by humans and Romulans. He would have carried that virus with him to the Vulcan Embassy on Earth, infecting hundreds of Vulcans.

“Ya know, it’s kinda ironic that a little baby, that so many factions don’t want to acknowledge exists, will save your race from sterilization.” Trip drawled to Soval.

“Obviously the perpetrators of this plot didn’t count on the Kumari coming into contact with Enterprise.” Turning to T’Pol, Soval continued, “Your mother has been in contact with those she knows are loyal Vulcans. They will assist us. I suspect this conspiracy is more far-reaching than we expect, even as far as Earth.”

Soval had turned to Archer, expecting anger and denial.

Captain Archer, however, surprised him. “We believe that Admiral Green may have something to do with this. T’Les mentioned some group named Terra Prime. They are dedicated to removing non-humans from Earth. Preventing relationships like theirs.” Archer waved his hand at Trip and T’Pol. “We’re not sure how many other high-ranking Starfleet officials are involved. Admiral Swan is doing her part to help us.”

“I remember Admiral Swan. Intelligent, and logical, for a human.” Soval spoke solemnly.

Archer chuckled at Soval’s comment. Trip was right, Vulcans did have a sense of humor. “Working together, we’ll get to the bottom of this. Find out who’s involved, how far it goes. You all have your assignments. Dismissed.”

End Chapter 3

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

i loved it thanks for the update i hope we dont have to wait so long for the next chapter

Archer calling Shran "Blue Boy"-priceless. Fascinating story, too.

Finally an update. Love this story update soon please.

Great to see you updated your story please continue soon this was a great chapter.I enjoyed all your previous stories.

Interesting! I was wondering where you would take this! Keep 'em coming! :)

I'd given up hope of an update. Hope we won't have to wait so long for the next one!

Interesting! I was wondering where you would take this! Keep 'em coming! :)

Fascinating plot line... but I'm finding T'pol a little too public with her demonstrations of affection... I always saw her as being quite a bit more reserved in the presence of another person. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story, though. Please keep it coming! :) - D

Yay! Another chap! Keep it comin'! I so love this story!

I can't wait for the next one, really want to see where you are taking this.

Loved it! Please continue soon.

Yay! I love it! More! More! More!

Please update soon..

Please update soon..

Yes Please PLEASE update soon.

NEW CHAPTER! Why do you torture me so with this wait for a new chapter...I die...I die...

You must write more and soon. Its agonizing to keep checking every hour without a thing to show for it.


Thanks for the comments, everyone. I will update the story. I have been going through a divorce, and just haven't been focusing on this lately. Thanks for your patience.

The story's name is She’s What? does this mean shes going to be pregnant again.

Hey this story is great, and BTW does the title mean that T'Pol's pregnant again?hmmmmm I sense a sequel. And I hope that your divorce goes relatively well, and that you are ok.

Hey this story is great, and BTW does the title mean that T'Pol's pregnant again?hmmmmm I sense a sequel. And I hope that your divorce goes relatively well, and that you are ok.

Hey this story is great, and BTW does the title mean that T'Pol's pregnant again?hmmmmm I sense a sequel. And I hope that your divorce goes relatively well, and that you are ok.

Great story hope you get back to writing someday soon.

I hope you havent given up on this story.

I'm pretty bad about not leaving comments on stories but I need to say I love this story. I hope you come back and write some more. I would love to read something new from you!

Please hurry this website will be gone soon..