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You're What? - Ch 3

Author - Favors
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You’re What?

By Favors

GENRE: Drama, Angst
DISCLAIMER: Star Trek: Enterprise is owned by Paramount, not me. No infringement intended, no profit made.
Summary: Takes place 3 months after “Harbinger,” 4 weeks after “Home.” T’Pol is a commander in Starfleet. T’Pol learns of a surprise.


Chapter 3

“Greetings, wife.” Koss held his hand in V of the traditional Vulcan greeting.

Only Trip Tucker was not staring at T’Pol like some large fish. Trip’s head was down with his eyes closed. T’Pol suppressed an urge to laugh; they all looked so ridiculous, eyes open wide, moths agape. She noted they all shared the same facial expression. A sudden realization occurred to T’Pol, Trip knew. He knew that that T’Les and Koss were on their way. “You knew!” T’Pol whirled on Trip; she couldn’t hide the anger in her voice. “You knew and said nothing!” Her accusation lingered between them for a moment before he resolutely confirmed her assessment.

“I knew.” He told her simply.

“You…” venom dripped from T’Pol’s voice as she turned her full attention upon the hapless engineer.

“Trip, T’Pol, take it outside. Right now!” Archer interrupted T’Pol before she could rail further at Trip while motioning for Hoshi to cut the transmission.

To everyone’s surprise, Trip grabbed T’Pol by the upper arm and propelled her along with his long strides to the captain’s ready room off the bridge. Before the door could shut, the shouting began. Archer felt sorry for the chief engineer, he didn’t envy him one little bit.


“Captain, they are hailing again.” Hoshi stated from her console.

They could all hear the muffled shouting coming from the ready room.

“I’m sure they are. Just give me a moment.” Archer replied in a shaky voice.

“Captain, did you know she was married?” Hoshi questioned.

Archer shook his head no, now many things were falling into place. The long tormented looks, Trip’s reluctance to perform the bonding ritual. He knew Trip was an honorable man and it must be tearing him apart having to commit adultery, despite how his feelings for T’Pol.

The captain had a grim look on is face. Hoshi suspected there was much more going on. Commander Tucker had asked to contact his parents and Commander T’Pol had had her contact T’Les. At first she had thought it was a precursor to a marriage proposal, but obviously that wasn’t the case. She was curious as to what the problem could possibly be.

“Captain, they’re containing to hail.” Hoshi reported.

Drawing in a deep breath, and plastering a smile to his face, Archer ordered “On screen. I’m Caption Archer of the Starship Enterprise. What can I do for you?”


“You knew and said nothing to me! Why?” T’Pol’s face was flushed green with anger. “You deceived me! You lied to me! You are a liar!” T’Pol was pacing around the room and Trip was a little frightened. T’Pol was stronger than him, and pumped on adrenaline, even more so.

He tried to inject as much calm as possible in his voice. “No, I didn’t lie to you or deceive you T’Pol. Your mother asked me to keep it a secret, I did. You know I never break my promises.” Trip answered her quietly.

“You should have told me anyway!” T’Pol was yelling loudly now. He was sure the bridge crew could hear her, even if they couldn’t understand the words.

She was being completely irrational. “What the hell’s wrong with you? I should break my promises just to spare you a little embarrassment? Are you nuts!” Trip was losing his temper and raged back at T’Pol.

“It’s your duty to tell me, your are my mate! There should be no secrets between us!” she screamed.

“Your mate, huh? Not yet, I’m not. Koss is your mate; remember him, your husband? No secrets huh? You’re the queen of secrets! You know, maybe if you hadn’t been so stubborn to admit you had feelings for me we wouldn’t be in this position! But no! You have to…” Trip was interrupted by T’Pol’s hand striking him in the face.

“Captain Archer, I am Koss, husband to T’Pol. This is her mother T’Les. We are on our way to rendezvous with your ship. Send us your present coordinates.” Koss intoned in a calm even voice.

Archer could hear the shouting from his ready room, but could not understand the words being exchanged. He only hoped that the Vulcans didn’t hear it as well. Archer replied smoothly, “Pleased to meet you. Please be aware that we encountered an anomaly, some sort of biological parasite that affected our warp engines. You may encounter it. We will send you the coordinates of the anomaly along with our present coordinates and course heading.”

“We will dock with your ship in 1.2 days.” And with that Koss terminated the connection.


T’Pol stood horrified at what she had done. She had struck Trip in the face. She was enraged, at him, but mostly herself. He had stood looking at her with complete and utter shock. His kind features betrayed the hurt she had caused and it had nothing to do with the physical injury. She had caused him pain, so many times, had pushed him away over and over. She was a fool.

He said nothing, turned around and left her alone in the ready room. She was terrified he would not return, and that thought undid her. She burst into tears once the doors hissed closed.


The view screen was blank when Trip stormed onto the bridge; he had a pink mark on his left cheek. Muttering, “Damn it, damn it, damn it! Infuriatin’, pig-headed, arrogant woman…she..I’d…damn her! Damn it damn it, damn it.” He stood for a moment, fisting his hands, before pivoting on his heel and returning to the ready room.

“It’s good to see some things are back to normal. Only T’Pol can make him that angry.” The captain remarked with a laugh.

“You know, I thought those two were in love. I guess I was wrong.” Hoshi, looked disappointed.

“No, Hoshi, you aren’t.” was Archer’s quiet reply.


“You know, I once told the captain I wouldn’t blow you out an airlock, but right now I am seriously reconsiderin’ that!” Trip shouted, inches from T’Pol’s face. He noted idly that her eyes were rimmed in a greenish blue. It looked as if she had been crying.

“You are irrational, and completely without logic!” her voice was hoarse from crying. He had returned to her, angry. Her emotions were tumbling around her, shame, fear, and anger. She was ill equipped to deal with them.

“Oh, really, well Miss Vulcan, you should yourself in the mirror right now, ‘cause you don’t look real rational yourself! Your eyes are all wild, and your flushed green, babe! You’re angry as hell!” Trips’ voice was laced anger.

“You are only bonding with me because you must!” T’Pol shouted back into Trip’s face, her anguish was clear. What T’Pol didn’t say was, what had been on her mind since they had come into the ready room. Did he truly care for her or had it all been a Trellium nightmare? Had she misinterpreted his actions? She had no experience in determining if his actions and words meant he cared for her.

Trip stared at her for a long moment before calmly answering; with as much coldness he could muster. “You’re right, I am. I wouldn’t bond with you if it wasn’t medically necessary.” His words had the desired effect. T’Pol stopped mid-stride and had the look of a wounded deer. Trip was stunned to see tears well in her eyes. “Now, if you’ll just shut up, and listen, I’ll explain.”

At T’Pol’s curt nod, Trip began. “Your momma contacted me last night. Her communications were being monitored, that’s why she cut the transmission so quickly. Koss knows you’re pregnant with my child. She’s not sure just what side of this Vulcan political ballyhoo he’s on. She just knows that your conversation was monitored, and someone spilled the beans. His intention is to take you back to Vulcan and have you purged, physically and mentally. Something called the kohlinar, I think? Course I don’t know your term for abortion. Question is T’Pol, what do you want to do?”

“What do you mean?” T’Pol didn’t want to show the fear that clenched at her stomach.

“Do you want to go back to Vulcan and have this rite performed? It might help you regain control, purge your memories, emotions, and feelings, among other things.” Trip’s voice was even and steady.

“You want me to do this?” she whispered, confused.

“That’s not what I said. I want what is best for you, even if it breaks my heart.” His kind eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, the ones she had looked so deeply into so many times, betrayed his feelings. He did not want her to go to Vulcan and have their baby aborted, but he would support her if that were her decision.

T’Pol’s hands went to her abdomen, gently rubbing her belly. Trip doubted she was even aware of her actions. Her bottom lip was trembling, and it was all Trip could do not to take her in his arms and hold her tightly. “I do not wish to purge anything. I wish to bond with you and remain here on Enterprise. That is what is best for me.” She watched his face for some sign of acceptance but his face was a mask to her. “You are still reluctant to bond with me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, you’re married. You’re ashamed of your drug abuse, and will be for the rest of your life. I’m not gonna sugarcoat that for ya’. That’s how shame is; you do something you know is wrong, but you do it anyway. I’ll be ashamed of this for the rest of ma’ life. I know up here it’s what I need to do”, Trip tapped his skull, and then placed his hand on his heart “but it’s in here, that I’ll always carry this shame. How do think ma’ folks are gonna look at me after this, even if they can? They brought me up proper. Now their son will be an adulterer. I tried to get Hoshi to contact ma folks but she hasn’t gotten in touch with them yet. I know it sounds stupid, but I want their blessing. To tell me it’s OK. I know they won’t though, they way I feel, is how they’ll feel. It’s wrong. Can’t ya’ talk to Koss, get him to dissolve thing before we bond? I know you’re a basket case right now, and I’ll do whatever I can to help. But, please T’Pol, can’t ya’ just try talkin’ to him?”

For the first time, T’Pol truly understood what she was asking of Trip. She was asking him to cast aside his morals, his beliefs, his honor. He had stood beside and watched her marry another according to her own culture and had supported her 100%. How stupid she had been to have pushed him away for so long. He had been right, if she hadn’t been so stubborn about admitting her feelings for him, they wouldn’t be in this predicament. Why should she allow him to throw away his upbringing for her?

T’Pol was quiet for a long time. Trip had learned the hard way to be patient with her. He knew she was processing and analyzing everything that had been said. Eventually she would share her thoughts with him.

Finally he broke the silence “Can we just do the mental part and not the physical part right now?” offering her some sort of bond, if not a full one.

“I don’t know I don’t believe that has ever been done before. It is…difficult to resist the desire to …be intimate.” She cast her eyes down, uncomfortable discussing the details.

“But it doesn’t mean we can’t try, right? Can we talk to Phlox about it? Maybe he throw a bucket of cold water on us if we get too randy?” Trip smiled and chuckled, trying to lighten their mood. T’Pol answered with a raised eyebrow. “Maybe it will be enough to stabilize you until, we can…you know…do the physical part of it after your marriage is dissolved? You and Phlox both said that the bond would increase in strength each time we..ah…joined.” Trip’s tongue worked away on the inside of his mouth.

“Koss may not release me.” She stated simply.

“You don’t know till you ask. He won’t be here for 3.4 days, I believe was your mother’s calculation. So you can talk to him now, and he really can’t do anything to ya’.”

T’Pol looked perplexed, while her mother wasn’t a scientist, she could perform basic warp calculation. “Traveling at maximum warp would place them here in 1.2 days.”

“They won’t be traveling at maximum warp, they’ll be limited to warp 3.5.” he answered her with a smug expression on his face.

“And you know this how?” she raised one of her perfect eyebrows, in a gesture that Trip had come to adore.

“Cause I changed the data on the plasma bug anomaly coordinates. They’ll fly right into in a matter of hours. Your momma asked me of anyway we could delay the rendezvous. She seemed to know you’d need some time to make a decision to return to Vulcan or for us to bond. It was the only thing I could think of. I knew the captain would send them our data, so…”


Trip’s face brightened with a warm smile “That’s what your momma said. Kinda made me real happy! Stupid huh? I want her acceptance. She also gave me some…ah…pretty explicit details on bonding with you that you and Phlox left out. Personally, I think she got a kick outta’ seein’ me turn bright red. So, will you talk to him, to Koss? He deserves to know. You need to be honest with him, completely honest T’Pol.”

T’Pol knew he was referring to her drug abuse and disease. Her mother had willing contacted a human and provided him with intimate details of Vulcan society. Trip must have an affect on the women in her family she thought to herself, ruefully. He must have impressed her mother greatly during their brief visit. She wondered if he even knew how profound the communication was, a Vulcan disclosing intimate knowledge with a human. “If he refuses to release me, then what?”

“I’ll bond with ya’, mentally and physically. I’ll feel like a perfect shit for the rest of ma’ life, but I’ll do it. I’m bein’ real honest with ya’ T’Pol, cause once we bond, your gonna know how I feel about this. You also gonna know how much I care about ya’.”

“And how much do you care?”

“I love ya’. Plain and simple, have for quite awhile. I’ve been too chicken shit to tell you, but with a mental connection, I won’t be able to hide it until ya’ teach me that shield thing.” He looked resigned, as if he never expected the feelings to be returned.

“Why would you wish to hide those feelings?”

“I don’t want to make ya’ uncomfortable.”

“That will not make me uncomfortable, in fact, those feelings bring me peace, serenity. You will also know my feelings for you.” T’Pol had spoken barely above a whisper, but he heard her.

“And those feelings are?” Trip waited, he was holding his breath, waiting for her to speak.

“Your feelings…are returned. I will do as you wish, I will speak to Koss. Perhaps we should speak to Doctor Phlox regarding your idea.”


Trip and T’Pol had emerged from the ready room hours before, both looking calm and in control. All traces of anger were gone. They had requested to go to sickbay and had returned an 30 minutes later. Trip had motioned discreetly, indicating he wanted a private chat with Archer when possible. Archer was wondering what had transpired between the chief engineer and first officer that prompted their trip to sickbay. The captain was enjoying a hot cup of coffee, when Hoshi’s voice interrupted his musings.

“Incoming transmission, Captain.”


The view screen displayed an irritated looking male Vulcan, presumably the captain of the Vulcan transport vessel. “I am Captain Vorak of the transport vessel Valesha. We flew directly into that anomaly. Your coordinates were incorrect. We are capable of traveling at a maximum of warp 3.5. This will delay our rendezvous.”

“Boy, you Vulcans sure have a knack for statin’ the obvious don’t ya’?” Trip quipped from his station.

“Trip.” The captain warned. “I’m sorry, perhaps the anomaly has moved. We will send you the data we have collected so far on the plasma bugs. Do you have a revised ETA for the rendezvous?”

“We will dock with your ship in 3.4 days. What are plasma bugs?”

“Oh that’s what we’re calling them. They’re a biological life form.”

The Vulcan quirked his eyebrow, “Send me your data.”

“It’s on its way.” Archer nodded to Hoshi to end the transmission. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this would you Trip?”

“I might.” Archer wasn’t particularly surprised the innovative engineer had altered the data.

“Just don’t forget to put the data back to the original coordinates.” Archer admonished.

“Aye, aye, Captain.”


“What you are suggesting to do, has, quite frankly, never been done before that I am aware of. It seems more similar to a mind meld than bonding ritual.” At the mention of a mind meld T’Pol looked stricken. “My apologies Commander, I didn’t mean to upset you, however, I am uncertain how successful your bond will be if there isn’t sexual intercourse.”

“Can we at least try it? Once her marriage is dissolved, then we can perform the bonding ritual properly.” Trip pressed.

“You continue to presume Koss will release me from the marriage. He may not.” T’Pol admonished.

“Look, he can’t just take you back to Vulcan against your will. I won’t let him. No offense, why would he want you to be his wife anyway? You’re pregnant with a human’s baby and subject to emotions, a recovering addict. He’s gotta know that there will never be any real relationship between ya. So why wouldn’t he want to release you? He’d be free to find another wife. Again, no offense, but your not exactly the model Vulcan wife.“ Trip spoke quietly.

As T’Pol considered Trip’s words, he could be quite logical when it suited him. She turned to the doctor. “As the urge to engage in sexual relations will be very strong, Commander Tucker suggested you could monitor us. Throw a bucket of cold water on us if we get to randy, wasn’t it? I assumed that had a sexual connotation.”

Trip chuckled, a grin spreading across his face “See now your getting’ the vernacular! What do ya think, Phlox? Willing to separate us if need be?”

“All right, we’ll begin tomorrow then at 0800 hours, I’ll do my best. If I have to call in MACOS, I won’t hesitate, understood?”

T’Pol looked shocked but Trip merely laughed heartily, and answered Phlox “Understood.”

“Oh, do you have any objections if I record this?” Phlox asked happily.

Trip just laughed again and headed for the sickbay doors.


As Trip and T’Pol were making their way back to the bridge, Trip turned to T’Pol.. “What’s wrong, he was only kidding. About the MACOS and recordin’ us”

“Perhaps he was not.”


T’Pol decided to wait until she and Trip had conducted their nightly meditation. He was up to nearly and hour now, in only a few nights. She wanted to be as composed as she possibly could, before contacting her mother and Koss, for this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. She found that sleeping with Trip brought her great comfort and regretted that they would not be immediately going to bed after their meditation. Trip used the terms snuggling and cuddling differently, but she had yet to determine the difference.

T’Pol sat ramrod straight, intently watching Koss and her mother on the console in her quarters. Disappointment and shock were etched her mother’s features. Koss appeared more annoyed than anything else. Trip was stationed out of sight and lent his silent support to T’Pol. She had, as Trip would say, poured her heart out. She had been thoroughly candid about her drug use which permanently destroyed her ability to control her emotions, her Pa'nar Syndrome, and her feelings for Commander Tucker. “If you refuse to release me from this union, know that I will never return to Vulcan, I will not be your wife. You will have to seek another mate to satisfy your pon farr. I will not. I will live openly with Commander Tucker as my true mate, my bondmate. He is my ashayam.”

“You have strayed far from the path and teachings of Surak, wife. Performing the kohlinar will purge these emotions from…”

“I already explained that the damage is permanent. Were you not listening?” venom dripped from her voice.

“It is unseemly to interrupt your…”

“I do not care if I interrupt you or not. All I care about is whether you will release me from this ridiculous union and allow me to properly bond with Commander Tucker.” T’Pol knew she was frustrating Koss, and hoped it would fuel a reason to dissolve the marriage quickly.

“Your human is there is he not? Your eyes continue to flicker away. Perhaps Commander Tucker would be more tractable to speak to.” Koss had quickly masked his irritation with T’Pol.

Trip walked to the front of the console, unconsciously placing a hand on T’Pol’s shoulder. The gesture did not go unnoticed by either T’Les or Koss. T’Les doubted the amiable human was aware of his action. Beside T’Les, Koss tensed, and his eyes narrowed. Trip spoke calmly, “I’m here, what do you want to talk about? T’Pol explained it all.”

Trip had become adept at reading the subtle nuances of the Vulcan face, and could easily read T’Les’ support in her eyes. She had contacted him discreetly and urged him to bond with T’Pol.

“What is preventing you from bonding with T’Pol? I don’t expect fidelity from her. She can seek whatever mate she wishes. She did not come to me as a virgin, as a proper wife would. She carries your seed and we are days away from your ship. You could have bonded with her already. Why have you not?”

“It’s not right. I was brought up to honor marriage vows, whosever vows they are. Whether you and T’Pol don’t respect them, I do. It’s wrong.” Trip said plainly. It was clear to both T’Les and Koss that this human was honorable, and it troubled him to go against that.

Koss looked at the human. This man seemed to have place greater value on their marriage than either participant. Yet he remained steadfastly loyal to T’Pol. “I must consider this matter and meditate upon it. We can discuss this at length when we rendezvous with your ship.”


Trip had made time to see the captain before retiring for the night. T’Pol had been tense after the conversation with Koss. He had performed neuro-pressure on her before seeing her soundly asleep before seeking the captain.

“Cap’n, it’s me Trip.” Trip called through Archer’s closed door knocking softly.


Trip entered Archer’s quarters, slowly. He realized it’d been along time since the two of them had sat down and chatted.

“What’s on your mind Trip? I thought you and T’Pol were going to start your bond tonight.” Trip was dressed in a tee shirt and loose pants. It was then Archer noticed Trip had a bottle in his hand. One that suspiciously looked like a bottle of 12 year old scotch.

“Thought we should have a chat, a long chat. Long overdue, if ya ask me.”

“Pour away friend, and your right, it’s long overdue.”

As they downed the smooth scotch, Trip explained the shift in their plans, to try and keep the physical aspect away from the bonding until T’Pol was free

“So…how did this happen anyway? I know I got T’Pol’s very clinical version, but what’s the real story?” Archer had been curious ever since they had dropped their bomb.

“You know I had a hard time dealin’ with Lizzie’s death, she helped me through it. Phlox convinced her to do this Vulcan neuro-pressure on me to help me sleep and with the nightmares. At first I thought, and hour a night with T’Pol? No way. I was attracted to her, sure. But what’s the point right? Didn’t stop me from askin’ her out, even if she always turned me down. But anyway, we started doing this neuro-pressure, she’d do it on me, I’d do it on her. At first we just sat in silence, but you know me. So, I finally convinced her we could talk while doin’ this thing. I got to really know her. There’s so much more to her than she’ll ever reveal to anyone.” His face had a wistful expression.

“Except you.” Archer felt a tinge of jealousy. Trip was experiencing a closeness he doubted he would ever find with a woman.

“Except me. I’ve spent so much time watchin’ her face, her eyes. I can judge her mood by them, know what she’s thinkin’ most of the time. You that MACO, Amada Cole? Made the mistake of doin’ neuro-pressure on her. T’Pol found out, she wasn’t happy. I accused her of bein’ jealous, she wound up turnin’ the tables on me and got me to admit I had feelings for her. And then she…well..one thing lead to another…”

“I get the idea.”

“You know, the day after we..we were intimate, she blew me off in the mess hall. Called it an exploration. I told her I felt like a lab rat.” He remembered with a bitter laugh.

“Ouch. No wonder you never said anything.” Archer could imagine how Trip had reacted.

Trip merely snorted, “I thought she just didn’t want to accept it, that she was scared to admit she had any feelings for me. Made things awkward for a while. But, we seemed to get past it. Turned out I was right, but she was just too stubborn to admit it. Eventually she agreed to have a relationship with me. Things were just gettin’ on track when we went to Vulcan, and Koss showed up.” Trip explained why T’Pol had married Koss, and how he had stood there and watched the woman he loved marry someone else. “Tore me up inside. I wanted it to be me, wanted to just say ‘don’t do it, marry me instead,’ but no, I just stood there, silent.”

“You really love her don’t you?” Archer could see quite clearly that his chief engineer was head over heels in love with T’Pol.

“I’m ‘fraid I do. Who would have thought me and T’Pol, huh? Arrogant, pissy, Vulcan. Why do you have your hand up?” Trip replied, a smile spreading across his face.

“You asked who knew you’d end up together. But then, I think this whole ship knew before you two did. I was wondering how you were handling this adultery thing. I knew it must be ripping you apart on the inside. So, after this bond is complete, does that mean and end to the famous Trip and T’Pol bickering?” the captain asked with a chuckle.

“Are ya’ kiddin’ me? I don’t think we’ll ever stop fightin’ Besides, it’s too much fun. We may be each others ‘the one’, but were still two different people. I’ve really missed ya Jon, you’re my best friend, I hope you know that.” Trip had always worn his heart on his sleeve, and Archer was warmed by the younger man’s obvious dedication to their friendship. He had thought it was lost, and felt shamed that he could have ever doubted Trip’s loyalty or friendship. It wasn’t in his nature.

“I do Trip, I do. I just hope for you and T’Pol Koss will do the right thing and dissolve their marriage.” Answered softly.

“So do I. I’m not as confident as I make out to T’Pol. My big fear is he’ll transport her away and I’ll never see her again. I guess we’ll find out in a few days.” Trip replied, his expression grim.

Chapter 4

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

ooohhhh i like very much

Great, ready for the next chapter!

wow, great, slapping in his face , direct hit, love it, please continue soon...

Windrider like story! Windrider want more, want more soon! Please update!

I like your story. The interplay between Trip and T'pol is just right. I do have two minor carps, though. 1: you seem to have the current problem with where to use apostrophes, spelling and homophones. Not really important, but it can be distracting. 2: technically, since Trip isn't married he is incapable of committing adultery. Adultery is the breaking of one's own marriage vows. Since Trip has no marriage vows, he cannot break them. T'pol, however is shattering them all over the place!

Great chapter! Cant wait for the next one! Hope Koss act's like an idiot and try and take T'pol amay! Then again maybe I do that way trip can shove him out an airlock!

Great! I so love Trip wanting to do the right thing and that just feels absolutely correct. I just hope Koss doesn't do anything dastardly but realises he is in a no-win situation and should let her go with a good grace. Nice to know T'Les is on Trip's side. Ali D :~)

A wonderful story line. I agree with Graybear about some of the spelling and the adultery issue, but otherwise a great read. I'm anxiously waiting for the next chapter.

Koss wants to abort baby Tri'pol??? *evil frown* KOSS MUST DIE!!! OUT THE AIR LOCK!!!

First of all, I really love how your developing this story. Showing how much it will hurt Trip to have to do what he just might have to do. Dumb Vulcan, Koss... what is there to think about? She'd probably party on your grave! Dump her so you both can be happy!

Please keep this story going - it's great! You write for these characters very well. I have really enjoyed this story so far. Thank you!

Great story, completely engrossing. Keep it coming please!

I'm really enjoying this and it is very well written but I feel the adultery thing is being taken a bit too far. Why would Trip need his parents blessing, he is a grown man. The "marriage" between T'pol and Koss is really only a contract on paper between them. There is no love,affection or respect between either of them and Koss is aware how T'pol feels about Trip. I would have thought that Trip would be more upset with the prospect of losing his unborn child. I can understand why he didn't interfere in T'pols marrriage but to stand back and say he only wants whats best for T'pol and if she wants to purge herself of her emotions and the baby he would go along with this.!! I thought trying to save his unborn child and possibly helping to save T'pols life would be higher on his priorites than worrying about committing adultery.

OHH I really love this story! I can't wait for more!