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True Home

Author - Kate98 | Genre - Angst | Genre - Episode Addition | Main Story | Rating - PG-13 | T
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True Home

By Kate98

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Paramount. No infringement intended.
Summary: Trip thought watching T'Pol marry another man was the hardest thing he would ever have to do. He was wrong twice over.
Spoilers: “Home”



Trip thought watching T'Pol marry another man was the hardest thing he would ever have to do.

He was wrong twice over.

Harder still was the day she returned to Enterprise. The ship was, for all intents and purposes, the home they shared. It was the place they had worked, fought, and found comfort together, the place Trip had grown to love her. Seeing her there as the wife of another man, adjusting to this unwelcome new beginning, was fresh torment.

By mutual unspoken agreement, neuro-pressure was abandoned. They avoided being together alone. But remaining entirely apart proved not only painful-- on a ship, it was impossible. Things were awkward between them for quite some time, but eventually they settled into a comfortable routine of meals, movie nights, and missions spent companionably together in the company of others.

It had been seven months since T'Pol's return. Trip thought the worst was over, but the hardest day was yet to come.


Part One - She's Leaving Home

T'Pol stood over an engineering console, studying readings intently while Trip worked nearby. She was helping to track down the cause of an intermittent variance in power levels to the impulse engines.

"Bridge to T'Pol," Hoshi called.

"Yes, Ensign?" she replied, never taking her eyes from her task.

"There's an urgent communication coming in for you from Vulcan."

T'Pol's head snapped up, her eyes meeting Trip's look of concern. Quickly, she assessed the possible circumstances that could lead to such a communication. None were agreeable.

"Use my office," Trip offered quietly.


"Koss," T'Pol said dispassionately as her husband's image appeared on the screen.

"Greetings, wife," Koss replied, "Are you well?"

"I am well. I was told this communication was urgent," T'Pol said with little effort to suppress the tinge of irritation in her voice.

Koss then came directly to the point. "It is time, T'Pol. You must return to Vulcan."

Over the months since Enterprise left the expanse, T'Pol had learned to integrate the powerful emotions she now felt. While she could not control them completely, they no longer interfered with her ability to think rationally and function efficiently. Until now. Fighting against a rising sense of panic, she replied, "I cannot just leave my duties. I will need time to prepare, time to..."

"T'Pol," Koss interrupted gently, "The sooner you return, the longer your body and mind will have to adjust. I do not wish to rush you. However, if you wait too long, I will not be in control of my actions."

T'Pol breathed deeply, trying to focus. "Your suggestion is logical. I will speak to the captain and return immediately."


"T'Pol," Trip called tentatively, peeking around the edge of the doorway. She was sitting at his desk, staring at her folded hands. When she didn't respond, he entered the office and let the door close behind him.

"T'Pol," he said more firmly this time. "You've been in here for ages. What's wrong? What happened?"

T'Pol looked up, doe-eyed and trembling, evoking the memory Trip held of her wedding. The vulnerability she allowed only him to see had nearly melted his resolve then; now he flew to her side. "Is it your mother? Is she okay?"

"It is not my mother," T'Pol replied distractedly, "it is Koss."

"Is he hurt?" Trip asked quietly, ashamed of himself for the hope that momentarily flashed through his mind.

T'Pol steeled herself for the explanation she knew he was owed. "Koss has asked that I return to Vulcan. He has reached the onset of pon farr and requires his mate."

"Pon farr," Trip repeated blankly, leaning back against the desk.

"The blood fever, a biological imperative. If he does not mate," --she said the word with clear distaste, "he will die. I am to return immediately."

Trip ran his hands through his hair and tried to think beyond the shock and pain. "I thought...," he managed to get out before giving up all pretense of rational thought. The thought of Koss touching her hurt him beyond measure. "Oh, hell!"

"It was clear that I would be required to return eventually. But I..." T'Pol hesitated. "I foolishly allowed myself to push that knowledge aside." She turned away from Trip, her gaze dark and her eyes seeing nothing before her.

"I must see Captain Archer. I will very likely leave within the hour."

"Without saying goodbye to everyone?" Trip sighed heavily. "How long till you come back?"

T'Pol uncharacteristically hung her head for a moment. Looking up, she could not hide the sorrow in her eyes as she told him, "Vulcans mate solely for the purpose of procreation, Commander. I will be expected to bear and raise Koss's children on Vulcan."

Trip felt the impact of those words physically. It was as though Koss had managed to sucker-punch him from light-years away. He lashed out. "And you're just going to submit to that? So, you're nothing but a breed mare now?"

T'Pol betrayed no reaction except a sharp intake of breath. She rose from the chair and stood stiffly before him.

"Oh, lord! T'Pol, I'm sorry," Trip repented, again raking his hands through his hair.

"I am not the true object of your anger," she stated.

"No," he acknowledged. "I'm angry for you, not at you."

"And for yourself as well," T'Pol added softly.

"Yes," Trip agreed, looking intently at her, memorizing the nuances of her face for the ten-thousandth time. His hand irresistibly followed his eyes, gently caressing her cheek.

"I see now that returning to Enterprise was unwise," T'Pol said with a tone that was affectionate even by human standards. "It has only made my departure more difficult."

"I wouldn't trade that time with you for anything," Trip said with a melancholy smile. "I'm going to miss you somethin' fierce, T'Pol."

With eyes downcast she replied, "As I shall miss you, all my remaining days."

Trip leaned down and tenderly placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. He forced himself to watch as the woman he loved walked out of his office and out of his life for good. It was, by far, the hardest thing he had ever had to do.


Part Two -Empty Heart, Empty Home

Jonathan suspected that something more than met the eye was going on between his two friends when they were in the Expanse. At the time,
he'd been in no state to share confidences, and so was not surprised that they hadn't chosen to discuss the change in their relationship with him. But when Trip returned from Vulcan seven months ago and calmly informed him of T'Pol's marriage, he felt su
re his suspicions had been unfounded. It was clear Trip didn't approve, but he and T'Pol appeared to carry on their friendship just as before. Now the captain knew he should have trusted his first instinct.

It was plain to see that T'Pol did not want to return to Vulcan, despite her insistence that she must. Archer had no choice but to accept the resignation of her commission and allow her to go --he had no legitimate reason to deny her request. Beneath her typically stoic demeanor, her sadness was palpable. As she boarded the shuttle to depart the ship, she paused to remove her meditation candles from her duffle and asked, with constricted voice, that they be given to Commander Tucker.

Trip wore his broken heart on his sleeve. With T'Pol gone for good, he
supposed it didn't matter anymore who knew. Besides, how could he hide a sorrow so deep that he was drowning in it? He carried on with his duties and spoke to no one about T'Pol's departure, but neither did he make any attempt to hide his grief.

Archer watched Trip push the untouched food around his plate for the fifth night in a row. All attempts to get him to talk had proved fruitless, but Jonathan wasn't giving up on his friend.

"Trip," he began. He had to repeat it twice more to get his attention. "You need to eat something."

"No offense to you or Chef, I just don't find anything appetizing right now," was Trip's morose response.

Archer leaned back in his seat and gave Trip a scrutinizing stare. "You're losing weight, and you don't look like you've
been sleeping either." He could tell Trip heard him, but he didn't respond. "Everyone is worried about you, Trip. You can't go on like this."

Trip heaved a deep sigh and rested his chin in his palm. "I know folks are walking on eggshells around me, Captain, and I'm sorry. I'll pull it together." He went back to pushing his cold dinner around with his fork.

The captain decided it was time for a more direct approach. "I didn't know how you felt about T'Pol."

Trip winced slightly. "I'm sorry. I know I should have told you."

"You're not on report, Trip. You've never let your personal feelings interfere with your duty, or I would have known how you felt."

Archer gave up on the idea of getting Trip to eat, but he was still determined to get him talking. He stood up and rested a hand on Trip's shoulder. "C'mon. I could use a drink."


Drink in hand, Archer sank into a comfortable chair. He gestured for Trip to sit. Swishing the golden brown liquid around his glass, Trip seemed deep in contemplation. The captain broke into his reverie. "You really love her."

"Hell, yeah."

They sat together in stubborn silence for some time. Finally, Trip gave in. "It just kinda snuck up on me, ya know? I didn't even know it myself until it was too late."

"She left so suddenly," the Captain remarked sympathetically.

"Huh? No, I meant when she told me she had to get married."

"Had to?" Archer exclaimed.

Trip glanced up, confused by Archer's surprise. It never occurred to him that anyone might think she wanted to marry the guy. "We've pissed off a lot of folks on Vulcan, and they hold T'Pol accountable. They were railroading her mother to get at T'Pol," Trip explained. "Koss's family has power. They promised to help her mom."

"My god. I don't know what to say."

"Imagine how I felt, standing there watching her trade her life away." He drained his drink and rose to pour another.

Archer watched Trip over his shoulder. "You seemed to have handled it at the time."

Trip gave a sharp, mirthless laugh. "When she came back and," he paused, searching for a discreet way to get his point across. "And there was nothing between them, I thought that it really was a marriage in name only. Not that I could ever disrespect that --a vow is a vow -- but at least I could be near her."

Trip dropped back in the chair, slumping low. "And now she's gone. Back home to spend the rest of her life with a man she doesn't love."

"I doubt love is a criteria for most Vulcan marriages."

"T'Pol is not 'most Vulcans,'" Trip snapped. "That line of bull about them not having emotions is just that. Complete and utter bull. They just refuse to act on 'em is all."

"Is she in love with you?"

The question caught Trip off guard. He didn't answer right away. When he spoke, it was clear his thoughts were far away. "When we first met, she wouldn't even shake my hand. You know they barely ever touch, and especially not in public. But you know what she did? She kissed my cheek. At her own wedding, right there in front of all those stone-faced SOBs as they sold her down the river."

While he spoke, Trip's hand unconsciously moved to his cheek. He let it drop into his lap. "She's never said it," he added somberly, "but I know."

"Trip," Archer said with intensity. He waited until Trip looked him in the eye. "How would T'Pol feel if she saw what you are doing to yourself?"

Trip's eyes welled up and he swiped indignantly at them. "She'd list me sixteen different ways I'm being illogical."

"You've got to eat, and you've got to sleep. That's an order."

"A little more of this," he said, lifting his glass, "and I'll sleep just fine."


T'Pol lay sleepless late into the night. Koss slept silently at her side. Koss had been true to his word and was allowing her time to adjust -- for her body's physiological response to his pon farr to take place. Had they been living under the same roof, this would have already occurred naturally. It was difficult for him, as the urge to mate grew stronger by the day. He spent his days in meditation and only required that T'Pol remain in his presence to the extent possible.

T'Pol felt the change beginning. Her sense of touch was heightened and she was increasingly sensitive to Koss's presence. And yet, she felt no desire for him. Her body was merely more aroused when he was nearby, but the object of her desire was far away. She knew eventually the desire would grow so strong that it would lose its object and consume anything in its path. She would mate with her husband, but not until it was beyond her control.

Solemnly, T'Pol reflected on the logic of the Vulcan customs surrounding relationships. Unlike other cultures, premarital relationships were uncommon. One chose or was provided by their parents with a mate, and remained with that mate for life. Having only one relationship, they would have no point of reference to compare their mate unfavorably with another, nor would be left desiring one that was not their own.

Somehow, though, she knew it was more than that. While she had no evidence but her own experience to support her supposition, she now believed that her people were biologically inclined to monogamy. Once they had been intimate with a partner, they would never desire another. A permanent connection was formed. She had just such a connection to Charles Tucker. She felt his hold on her across space and time.

T'Pol wondered if he was suffering under the weight of a similar hold. She told herself it was quite possible he was not even capable of the kind of connection she felt, as humans did not seem inclined towards monogamy in her experience. He loved her, yes. But love is an emotion. Unlike facts, emotions are unpredictable. How could she know his emotions wouldn't change? How could he?

She should never have allowed her thoughts to drift to him. Her body's reaction to the mere thought of him was disconcerting. T'Pol fought for self-control. The battle she waged within herself was the reason she didn't hear them until it was too late.


Part Three - Finding Home

She fought savagely despite the pain. There were too many of them. A sound she didn't recognize reached her ears. It was torn from her own lungs.

"T'Pol! Trip woke up screaming. He fought the wave of panic and tried to get his ragged breathing under control. Adrenaline rushed through his body. The dream was so vivid, so real. It left him both frightened and prepared to fight.

He threw off the covers and swung his feet onto the floor. The clock
showed it was two and a half hours before his duty shift. He grabbed a nearby padd and flopped back on his bunk. If he wanted a fight, all he had to do was set to work a minute early when the captain had ordered him to get some sleep.

Trip had to admit it had been a relief to talk about T'Pol. He didn't remember anyone even speaking her name in front of him all week. It was almost as though she had died.

The thought hit him like a cold wave. The chill dread that had visited his dreams returned, as did the anger. To hell with his orders, he thought, he had to get out.


Trip thought the safer bet was to head for the bridge. Captain Archer probably wasn't there yet, and knowing the captain as he did, Trip knew t
here was a good chance he'd go to engineering to check up on him first. He was feeling pretty smug about out-thinking the competition, until he found him standing on the bridge.

"Commander," Archer said with restrained displeasure. "Have I lost track of time or are you early?"

Before Trip could reply, the ensign manning the comm station interrupted. "Captain, there's a transmission coming in on a secure channel. It's for the commander, Sir, from Vulcan."

"Well," Archer said, pointing Trip toward his ready room, "I guess you were right on time after all."


"T'Les!" Trip exclaimed. Surprised as he was when he heard he was being contacted from Vulcan, he was yet more surprised that it wasn't by T'Pol. His emotions quickly rolled from shock to disappointment, to concern.

"I will be direct, Commander. You told me once you loved my daughter. Is that still so?"

"What's going on? Is T'Pol all right?"

"Do you love her?" T'Les asked more adamantly.

"You know I do. What's happened?"

”T'Pol's life is in serious danger. You must come."

Trip was silent for a moment as he tried to consider the situation. "T'Les, that's all I need to know. But Enterprise is about to leave the sector. If I'm going to ask the captain to
turn back, I'm going to need more to go on. Tell me what's going on," he urged her.

"You are aware of why T'Pol returned?" T'Les asked.

A terrible notion crossed his mind. "If Koss has done anything to hurt her, I swear I'll kill that son of a bitch," he vowed.

"On the contrary, Commander. Koss is dead."

Trip thought his heart might stop beating. Seeing him struggling to formulate a question, T'Les continued. "The political situation on our planet is volatile since the incident at P'Jem, Commander, much more so than it would appear to outsiders. We are on the brink of civil war. Whether her life is threatened by those who view her as a catalyst or those who would make her a martyr is unknown."

"Is she hurt? Where is she?" The sense-memory of his dream returned and he felt a rising sense of fear mingled with fury.

"She is not injured. She came here briefly after she fled Koss's home, and now she is in hiding. I do not know where. You must find her, Commander Tucker, and you must leave Vulcan together."

"Ma'am, I can promise you that."


Captain Archer didn't take much convincing. Aside from the fact that a refusal would have caused his chief engineer to attempt a mutiny, T'Pol was a friend. He wasn't about to let her become a sacrifice to cover the Vulcan government's sins.

He ordered a course set for Vulcan at maximum warp. Trip went directly to engineering and stayed there night and day to coax every bit of speed from the engines that could be had. Now they only had to find her.

The ship's scanners were modified to search for T'Pol's personal bio-signature as soon as they were within range, starting in a 20-kilometer radius of her last known position --T'Les's home. If this proved fruitless, they would expand the search.

"This could take days," Trip growled in frustration, banging his fist down on the console. "She could have traveled anywhere on the planet by now." He turned to the captain and Lieutenant Reed.

"Could she have contacted her mother again?” Archer asked.

"I get the feeling T'Les took a big risk by contacting us in the first place," Tucker said with resignation. "I think we're on our own."

"Then our best chance of finding her quickly is to think like T'Pol," Malcolm said decisively. "We have to determine where she would be likely to go. "

Trip tried to clear his mind and think logically. "She probably doesn't know who she can trust, so she's more likely to be somewhere remote, away from people." He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to focus.

Despite the gravity of the situation Reed couldn't help but betray a little amusement at the idea of affable friend trying to think like T'Pol. The somber meditative expression Trip wore at the moment made him duck his head to hide a smile.

"Somewhere defensible, hidden but with a broad field of vision," Trip muttered. "Knowing the terrain would give her a tactical advantage."

Malcolm's amusement gave way to surprise. That really did sound like T'Pol.

"I know where she is," Trip announced calmly as his eyes opened. What he hadn't said aloud was that he believed she would instinctively go somewhere he would think to look, somewhere they had been together. His fingers flew over the console, adjusting the area of the scan. "There!" he exclaimed as the sensors locked on her bio-sign.

"No one else in the area," Malcolm noted.

"Go down there and get her, Commander," the captain said with a smile. Trip didn't need to be told twice.


Trip understood the reasons why T'Pol chose this place to hide. Aside from the reasons he had mentioned on Enterprise (and those he hadn't), the lava fields provided both light and heat against the cold, dark desert night. As soon as he rematerialized, he was aware of t
he crackling heat. As his eyes adjusted to the odd flickering light, he saw a retreating figure a few meters distant. He called her name as he followed.

He found her inside a small rocky cave. She was crouched low against the rear wall. There was something wild and angry in her expression that made him approach with care. "T'Pol? Are you okay?"

"You must go."

"And you have to come with me, back to Enterprise. You're in danger here." He approached her slowly.

"Stay away!" Her tone was half threatening, half pleading.

"T'Pol! People are trying to kill you. You've got to come with me," Trip begged.

T'Pol gave a short ironic laugh. The sound was shocking to Trip. "They are not trying to kill me," T'Pol corrected. "They already have. They murdered Koss only after his pon farr had initiated a response in me. They knew no other Vulcan male would have me. They left me alive in order to maximize the humiliation and pain of my death, to ensure the cruelest possible suffering."

The full import of Trip's conversation with T'Les now became clear. He understood why T'Les asked if he loved T'Pol and if he knew why she had returned to Koss. What T'Pol had said of Koss was now true of her. If she did not mate, she would die. The realization only strengthened his determination.

"You're not going to die," he said firmly. "You're coming back with me."

It was becoming increasingly difficult for T'Pol to control herself. Everything inside her screamed for Trip. More than just touch, she craved to possess him completely, both body and mind. After her experience with melding, the very thought was repugnant to the logical side of her mind, but her logic was quickly slipping away. She couldn't do this to him. "Trip," she whispered bitterly, "you do not know what you are doing."

"I do know what I'm doing. I'm asking the woman I love to be with me. Don't you know I love you, T'Pol? I know I never said it, but I thought we understood each other," he said earnestly.

T'Pol dropped back against the wall, wrapping her arms around herself. His gentleness was painful. She didn't want to hurt him, and she couldn't expect him to understand, but soon her restraint would crumble. "If you do not leave now," she growled, "I will either force myself on you physically and mentally, or I will kill you."

"Woman, you are stubborn as a mule," Trip growled back. "I am not leaving without you."

"It is you who are stubborn, human," T'Pol spat. "And you are not listening. I am dangerous to you."

"Right now, the only person you're a danger to is yourself, because you won't see sense! Even if you don't feel for me what I feel for you, you're going to die without me. Where's the logic in that? Do you want to die?"

"It is you that I want," she hissed angrily. "But it is foolish." T'Pol was shaking now with the effort to think and speak rationally. She closed her eyes and tried to breath evenly. "I cannot ask this of you. My need for you is too great. I would no longer be able to survive without you. If you were to leave..."

"Is that what you're worried about?" Trip asked. He walked over and knelt before her. "Darlin'," he said, reaching for her hand, "I'm a man like my father and my grandfather before me. When we commit to something, it's for life. It’s the way I was raised up. No turning back, no quitting, especially not on someone you love. I will never leave you. Please, T'Pol, you've got to know that."

T'Pol felt the unfamiliar sting of tears. She so much wanted to give in to him, but he had to understand. "There is something else," she whispered harshly, as the fingers of her free hand reached for his face.

Awareness of her consciousness hit him like a shockwave. For a moment, he felt as though his mind would collapse under the sheer weight of her pain and fear. She was afraid he would reject her, afraid this was wrong, but she was unable to restrain herself. The need to touch him this way was overwhelming. Intuitively, Trip concentrated on his feelings for her, let his love and concern for her flood his mind. He accepted her, and this, completely.

Then T'Pol was in his arms. His mind snapped back to the present, and he pulled her to her feet. She was weakened by her efforts at self-restraint and collapsed against him. He reached for his communicator. "Tucker to Enterprise," he called.

"About time, Commander," came the Captain's good-natured reply. "We were about to send a search party."

"We're ready to go now, Captain, but I suggest you have Dr. Phlox meet us."

"Understood," the captain said, motioning to Hoshi to end the connection. "Contact Phlox," he told her over his shoulder as he hurried off the bridge.


T'Pol became more alert with the change in their surroundings. The familiarity of Enterprise both soothed and excited her. This was the home her beloved wished to share with her. The sharing must begin. She could bear no more restraint.

T'Pol wrapped her arms tightly around Trip's neck and, with a guttural moan, moved to capture his lips. He caught her off balance, lifting her off her feet and carrying her from the platform. She made a sound of protest while running her fingernails down his back. As the others approached, he whispered to her, "Hold on, darlin'. Just stay with me a little longer."

Archer reached the transport platform a moment after Phlox. The doctor already had his hand scanner skimming over the woman Trip carried in his arms.

"Doc, what do you know about pon farr ?" Trip asked as he walked, the doctor and captain trailing behind.

"Well, that would explain these readings," Phlox commented. "Her adrenaline and hormone levels are highly elevated, her heart rate is increased, but that's to be expected. The only worrisome thing is that she's somewhat dehydrated and malnourished. Not exactly the ideal condition in which to undertake rigorous activity, but there's not really much choice."

Contemplating the fingernails buried in his back, Trip shot Phlox a nervous look. "Exactly how 'rigorous,' Doc?"

Phlox smiled brightly. "I would estimate you'll need to be off duty for two weeks, Commander. That's if you sustain no injuries, of course."

"Injuries?" Trip echoed.

"I'll remain on call, don't worry. I'll also arrange for food and beverages to be delivered outside your quarters immediately and every four hours thereafter, and I'll make certa
in that you aren't disturbed... even if there's screaming," Phlox said, making no effort to hide his enjoyment.

"Stop!" the captain demanded. The men came to a halt. "Someone explain what's going on here."

T'Pol lifted her head from Trip's shoulder and snarled at the captain with teeth bared. Trip couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, Captain," he said over his shoulder, "I'll have to leave that to Phlox." He reached the door to T'Pol's quarters and punched the lock. Slipping inside with T'Pol in his arms, he added happily, "Duty calls."


Trip had never been so exhausted in all his life. Fortunately, T'Pol's energy seemed to have finally flagged. She rested quietly, curled into his side.

Not that he would complain, but he really hadn't realized what
he was getting into. Making love to T'Pol was a 24-hour a day job, and he was pulling consecutive shifts. The doctor provided a constant flow of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and coffee that had kept Trip going so far. But after... well, he didn't know
how long, he'd lost track of the days. But after this long, he wasn't sure how much longer he would survive.

T'Pol stirred slightly, drawing Trip's attention back to the warmth of her skin against his. Yes, he was tired and sore, but he was also wholly, blissfully happy. She had hesitated to ask him for a lifetime commitment? Don't throw me in the briar patch, he thought with a chuckle. He would've sold his granny to find a way to make T'Pol stuck with him for good.

With sleepy affection, he kissed her forehead and softly ruffled her hair. T'Pol's eyes opened, already holding a hungry look he'd come to quickly recognize. "Oh, no," he groaned. "I'm only human, darlin'." T'Pol's fingers fluttered over his chest towards his face. "Now, don't think I'm ignorant of your tricks, lady," he warned. Her fingers settled over his temples, the heat of her desire invading his consciousness. Trip tried to concentrate on cold showers, baseball stats and sleep, but T'Pol played dirty, drawing out memories of moments of extreme pleasure they'd shared.

"Woman... you're going to melt... my brain... doing that," Trip whispered between kisses. "You win this time... but I can't... do this again... without sleep."

He was wrong twice over.

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Great!! You should send this to the writers of Enterprise!

Wow, nice job. I'd like to see you continue this, delve a little more into what happened on Vulcan. Awesome story!

Oh, how lovely! What a great pick-me-up to distract us from all the angst. Please write more of this.

Nice story!!! Loved how compact it was and of course, loved the happy ending! Hope you write again!

"Duty calls." Now that's one hell of a job! It would be really interesting to see what happens after the two weeks, especially with Archer in the know. LOL

Very enjoyable story! KOSS MUST DIE!!! Thanks. :)

Teeheeheeeeeeee! Excellent! Great job, thank you!

Ding dong, Koss is dead!

Thank GOD! Some degree of closure and a happy ending. Especially killing off KOSS. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off of me.

Now that is more like it. What a good story,totally believable, and just we all need right now. Thank you.

Wow! This was great! Koss is dead; T & T are togther and all is right in their universe (sigh). Great...no wonderful job! Thanks.

I love any story where Koss dies. :)

I liked.

Terrific! As others have said, this is a well-written disctraction from the torture the writers are putting our favorite couple (and T/T'ers)through.

Great storyline, well told. Also great killing-off-of-Koss sub-plot -- much suffering beforehand, hopefully a nasty death, and (best of all) no sex with T'Pol first. All in all, a really satisfying read! Thanks.

Excellent work! It gives me the stuff I wish for in ENT!

Yep, what they all said - and how!!! :)

Die, Koss, Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay! Wonderful story.

I loved the bit where T'Pol snarled at the captain when she returned to Enterprise. Haha. Classic :-D

Loved this! Well written and with a great resolution for Trip and T'Pol at the end. Ali D :~)

Quite a lovely story that pushes all the emotional buttons - from pure angst to complete happiness at the end.

Terrific story,keep it going!

Great story and well written!!


Loved it!

Very nicely done......

That was one good fic. Another please!