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24 Hours

Author - Kevin | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - R | T
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24 Hours

by Kevin

Rating: R (sexual situations)
Disclaimer: The characters mentioned within this text are the sole property of Paramount Studios, UPN, and Viacom. I intend no infringement.
Genre: Romance and Episode Addition
Summary: This story fleshes out the twenty four hours following the end of “Bound.”

Author’s Note: Communication between Trip and T’Pol using their bond is in ( ). Verbal communication is in “ ”.


Let’s see if I can do this. Trip sat on the floor of his cabin and relaxed. He focused his mind on T’Pol.

He was in the white room in an instant. He was facing the cloudy white landscape.

( It worked. )

( What worked Trip? )

He spun around at T’Pol’s question.

( I was hoping to join you here. )

( Why? )

( We have a lot to discuss. )

( About what? )

( Look T’Pol, I am tired and confused. Let’s not dance this dance. I need you to be straight with me and not play any games. I am not in the mood. )

She looked at him a bit. She could tell he was exhausted. He had been working long hours to keep Enterprise operational over the past ten days. And he had to basically start over after Kelby’s sabotage. She knew he was having trouble sleeping. She could also sense his confusion.

She sighed. ( You are right, Trip. What do you want to know? )

( This, all of this, ) he waived his arms as he looked around ( is serious, isn’t it? )

( What makes you say that? ) She couldn’t help but be amused at his naiveté.

( Earlier when I said that this was no big deal, I felt a sense of sadness once I said it. But I did not understand why. I did not understand why I felt sad. Then I remembered earlier when I said I wasn’t sure if I should be really worried after you told me about the bond, I felt a sense of sadness too. Those weren’t my feelings were they? Those were yours? )

She was not sure she could answer him. She remembered her hurt at both replies. She also remembered her promise to him.

( Yes, you felt my sadness at your statements. What you said hurt me and you were close enough to feel my reaction. )

( I am sorry T’Pol, I did not mean to hurt your feelings. I did not understand. )

( No apology is necessary Trip. I should have spoken to you about this earlier. )

( And that kiss. Wow! It felt like I pressed my lips to a plasma conduit. I never felt like that before. )

( Since Vulcans are touch telepaths, the bond strengthens when we are in contact with each other.)

Trip stared intently at T’Pol. He had forgotten just how beautiful she was.

( Is this what you want T’Pol? Are you sure you want to be bonded to me? )

( Why would you ask that? The bond could not have formed if both of us did not want it. )

( It is just you made things pretty clear that you did not want me in your life. The last time we spoke about ‘us’, you made it pretty clear you did not want an ‘us’. )

She felt his anguish at her past rejections. It was a painful reminder of what she had done to him. ( I was in error. I had lost control of my emotions toward you and I had hoped that I could regain the control I once had. But I found that I had even less control when you were not around. Your presence in my life soothes me. I find my life empty without you in it. )

He leaned in to her and softly brushed his fingers across her cheek. The touch was electrifying.

( T’Pol, I hope you know that I too find my life empty without you in it. I love you. )

( I return your affection. )

He sighed and looked into her eyes. ( T’Pol, there is so much more I want to talk about, but I am exhausted. Can we meet for breakfast? )

( I would like that. )

( Good, how does 0700 sound? I will come by your quarters. )

( That is agreeable. )

He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead. ( Good night T’Pol. )

( Good night. I will see you tomorrow morning. )

He was out of the white room and back in his quarters. He tried to stay awake to think about everything that had happened today. But he could not. He was just too tired and soon was fast asleep.


“It’s nice to see things are getting back to normal,” Hoshi whispered to Malcolm and Travis. The three of them watched Trip and T’Pol get breakfast and retreat to a table as far away from everyone as possible. “I heard that he has transferred back to Enterprise.”

“Well, I am glad he was here. Without them I am sure we’d all be on our way to an Orion slavers’ market.”

Hoshi shuddered at that thought. “Don’t be too morbid Malcolm. I don’t want to think about that.”

Travis had been keeping an eye on the couple. “You know, they are not even talking. They are just sitting there quietly. You think they would at least say something to each other. If they were just going to sit, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t sit with us.”


Trip leaned over to T’Pol and whispered in her ear, “Care to join me in the white room?”

T’Pol nodded. They both closed their eyes and soon were ‘together.’

( Can either you or I initiate this or do we have to each be thinking about the other? )

( I am not sure. Right now it appears we both have to be relaxed and thinking about the other. )

( Ohh. ) He was disappointed that they could not just contact each other.

T’Pol felt his concern. ( If we work on the bond to strengthen it, we should be able to contact each other. Right now we have a beginning bond. If you like, we can work on strengthening it. )

( I would like to if that is what you want? ) He was still unsure about her feelings.

( I would like that very much Trip. Would you like to begin this evening? )

His mood brightened at her offer. ( Yes, of course. What would we have to do? )

( The mating bond is strengthened by intimacy. )

A lump formed in his throat. ( Do you mean as we… )

( Yes, Trip. As we have sexual intercourse, the bond will strengthen. But not just through sexual intimacy, it will also strengthen through neuro-pressure and if we meditate together. )

( Okay. I would like that. I miss our neuro-pressure sessions. )

( As do I. )


Malcolm leaned in a bit. “You know Trip did not even need an injection to counter the effects.”

“What? Even I needed to get an injection,” Hoshi was surprised at Malcolm’s tidbit. “I thought everyone needed one.”

“Not Trip,” Malcolm replied.

“Maybe because they did not come to engineering. I heard Trip spent most of his time there.” Travis hoped for a simple reason.

Hoshi shook her head. “Nope. One of them spent a lot of time down there. She pretty much had Kelby wrapped around her finger. And I heard there were lots of fights down there. Hess told me Trip wasn’t even fazed by that green skinned slut.”

“Of course she did not affect him. T’Pol is the only thing that can take his attention away from his engines,” Malcolm chuckled to himself. “Those Orions might as well have been trying to seduce a stone. It was a waste of time.”

“Yeah, but that still does not change the fact he was not affected at all,” Hoshi scrunched up her face to indicate her confusion. “There has to be something more going on than we know. It cannot be a coincidence that T’Pol was unaffected due to Vulcan physiology and Trip was unaffected too. You two were too addled by the Orions to see him on the bridge. All three came at him and nothing. He even rode a turbo lift with the three and nothing.”

“Well whatever she’s done, I am thankful,” Travis got up to bus his tray and headed to the bridge. He did not want to think what would have happened if only T’Pol was unaffected.


Trip was a little annoyed at having to spend dinner with the Captain. He wanted to spend his evening with T’Pol. He was also uncomfortable about the need to answer any questions about what happened over the past couple of days.

On the other hand, Archer was glad both Trip and T’Pol had agreed to join him for dinner. It had been a while since the three of them had a chance to eat in the Captain’s mess. So far though he had been disappointed. Neither of them spoke at all beyond simple answers or statements about trivial ship’s business. Neither of them mentioned at all that just yesterday they were the only two aboard Enterprise not affected by the Orions.

He was tired of it. “So have you two developed any theories yet?”

“What Captain?” Trip gave him a puzzled look.

“So have you two developed any theories yet about why Trip was unaffected by the Orions? I can understand T’Pol not being affected, but why not you?”

“I guess they just weren’t interested in me Captain.”

“Trip, do I look like I was born yesterday? At least attempt to come up with a plausible lie.”

“Captain, both Commander Tucker and I have been busy effecting repairs in engineering. There has been no time to speculate,” T’Pol added.

“See Trip, there is how it is done. T’Pol is at least creating a plausible lie,” he paused to look at T’Pol. “Good effort T’Pol but my sources say you had breakfast together and did not discuss work.” He smiled at her.

T’Pol had a stunned look on her face.

“Look fraternization rules are at the Captain’s discretion. So far you have not allowed it to affect your work…too much. I figured when Trip left and would not tell me why, it was because you two had some sort of falling out. But now he comes back and only the two of you are not affected by the Orion women. Something is going on isn’t it?”

Trip blushed red. He was ashamed at having to lie to his best friend. He sighed and looked at T’Pol. He reached across the table and clasped her hand.

Archer was shocked. Not only did she not pull away but she actually intertwined her fingers with his. This had to be serious.

T’Pol turned to the Captain, “Captain, I believed Trip and I are mated. That is my theory for why he was not affected.”

“What?” Archer figured something was going on but not something this serious.

“That would explain why I wasn’t affected. It would also explain the problems I had on Columbia. I had constant headaches and difficulty focusing on work.”

Archer turned his attention to T’Pol. He expected her to give him more details. “T’Pol I don’t understand. What do you mean you are mated? When did this happen?”

“Captain, when Vulcans mate, they form a telepathic bond. I believe Trip and I formed this bond some time ago. Possibly when we were in the Expanse. I never thought it could happen and did not suspect anything until Trip transferred to Columbia. We each started having visions and difficulty sleeping. When Trip was unaffected by the Orions, I could find no other explanation. I was immune to their pheromones and if Trip is mated to me, that would explain why he was immune also. I can think of no other logical explanation.”

She paused to allow Archer to absorb what he had just learned.

“Captain, I would appreciate it if we could kind of keep this low key for right now. T’Pol and I are just getting used to this. We would appreciate it if we could have some time to work this through. I would appreciate if we could keep them among us.”

“Well that is going to be nearly impossible. You know how you two are the center of so much gossip. I cannot imagine what’s going through the grapevine after the past two days. I will give you all of the time in the world, but you have to recognize that soon you are going to have to come clean with everyone. The rumor mill will be running like mad. It’s not like there is much else of interest going on.”

Trip rose out of his chair. “Captain, I don’t mean to be rude, but a lot has happened over the past day or so. T’Pol and I would like some time to talk. Would you mind if we called it a night? How about we make it up to you and join you tomorrow night? We can spend more time then.”

Archer could not imagine what the realization meant to these two. “Sure thing. Don’t worry too much about your shifts tomorrow morning. If you are a bit late, I won’t have a problem with that.”

“Thank you Captain. Good night.” T’Pol replied as she and Trip left.


“I am not sure what you mean T’Pol? We weren’t really doing the neuro-pressure correctly before? It felt really good for not doing it correctly.”

“I did not mean we applied the procedures incorrectly. I meant that neuro-pressure is meant to be performed in the nude.”

Trip gulped and turned red. “You mean we were supposed to be doing that naked?”

“Of course, you can see why I felt the need to compromise.”

He just nodded. T’Pol took that to mean he agreed to their attire, or lack thereof. She took off her pajamas and was about to step out of her panties.

“Ahh, T’Pol, I am not sure I will be able to do this. Can we compromise and just keep our shorts on?” He stared at her lovely breasts and knew he would have a difficult time concentrating as it was. If she saw his throbbing erection, he would probably die of embarrassment.

“Yes, I believe we can compromise for now. But at some point, we need to move onto the correct method.”

He was glad she had taught him Vulcan concentration exercises. It was taking all of his control to listen to what she said. His mind was drawn to his most favorite part of her anatomy.

“Okay, but give me some time.”

Neuro-pressure had been extremely challenging for Trip. It took all his control to not throw T’Pol down and make love to her. Little did he know, T’Pol was affected in the same way.

“T’Pol, I am not sure about this. The session did not seem to relax me like it did before.”

She rose to her knees and he noticed the damp spot on her panties. She came to him and sat in his lap. She leaned her forehead to his. “For mates, neuro-pressure is meant to relieve the stresses of the day so that sexual intimacy is heightened.” She rubbed her nipples across his chest. The both felt the electricity of that action.

“You mean it is like Vulcan foreplay?”

“Yes, I believe that analogy would be apt.”

He smiled and lifted her to the bed. He could not believe the intensity of their love making.

Afterwards, he lay on his back with her resting on top of him. “Wow T’Pol that was amazing. I think I could actually feel your pleasure.” He never experienced anything like that.

“Indeed. It seems that the bond allows us to share each other’s pleasure and orgasms.”

“You mean you didn’t know that would happen?”

“No. Sexual relations are not openly discussed in Vulcan society. And this is only the second time I have had sexual intercourse.”

“So I am your only…”


“So when you called me an experiment…”

“I said exploration, not experiment.”

“Okay, you meant you wanted to explore sexual intimacy.”

“Yes. I wanted to explain my actions to you, but I did not have the words. And I felt guilt at the reasons behind my decision.”

“I don’t understand.”

“My reasons were entirely selfish and shameful. I not only wanted to experience it but I also wanted to take you as mine. I wanted to make sure you would not mate with Amanda Cole.”

“So you were jealous?”

“Yes. I was afraid to lose you to a human female. I read that human males required sexual intimacy to give emotional intimacy and felt that if we were sexually intimate, I could keep you as mine.”

“Darling, I was always yours. Even if you did not want me, I was yours. It was you or no one.”

He saw a tear fall down her cheek and felt it land on his chest. He got an idea about something he would do for her. He sat her upright on the edge of the bed and got down on his knees.

“Trip, what are you doing?”

“Just trust me.” He spread her thighs a bit.

“I don’t under…” Her eyes went wide as his tongue found its target. She gasped.

“Now just trust me darling. You are going to like this. If my theory is correct, we both will.”

She ran her hands through his hair in an effort to steady herself. She was already starting to shake like a leaf at his attention.

“Yes… I… think… I… will…” She let out little gasps at his attention. Soon his theory was proven correct.

The End

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Nine of you have made comments

I am not sure I would have told the Captain that much but it really works in the story. I loved Trip and T'Pol being able to commune without speaking and how it was driving their friends Malcolm, Hoshi and Travis nuts in the mess hall. Very well done and thanks, Ali D :~)

NIce......Definitely a way of them intensifying their bond...... Sequel... Good job....T.

oohhhh what a fun little story!

Mmmmm... shared ecstacy! Now that's what I'm talking about!

I think you may have created an interesting bit of fanon. That neuropressure is supposed to be performed while unclothed. It's logical and hot at the same time.

I liked your story; you have good ideas and pace them well. But would it kill you to loosen up on the dialogue? Contractions really shouldn't be limited to two or three per story. Trip and the captain both use a lot of "don't" and "aren't". Always using the most formal language possible really doesn't make the dialogue very believable.

“Darling, I was always yours. Even if you did not want me, I was yours. It was you or no one.”
Confession - Trip kills the 'mind games' dead and FINALLY really lets T'Pol know how he feels about her.

He saw a tear fall down her cheek and felt it land on his chest....

Confirmation and Acceptance. T'Pol, hearing the no-holds barred confession from Trip finally accepts that her human feels the same way about here as she does about him. Throughout this long running saga of TnT one truth holds true, whether illogical or not. Vulcans do NOT have casual relationships. T'Pol had to be sure, especially give the human propensity for short term relationships. The revelation that Trip, perhaps not really understanding the Vulcan psyche on this matter yet nonetheless deciding that T'Pol would be his life mate or no one else, finally convinces her that her choice is sound.
All in all a great fic and one that defines, in not so many words, all the angst that has taken them so long to get to this point.

Kudos Kevin, for defining in 2 short sentences, the essence of TnT's on off off on romance.

ps. The cunniligus touch at the end was a nice touch and far from being gratutitous as T'Pol had alread confessed that this was only the second time that she had 'Explored'

Great Fic.
Interestin ideas on what happened after the final scen in Bound.

“See Trip, there is how it is done. T’Pol is at least creating a plausible lie,”

ROFL!!! Hilarious!