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Author - Kevin | D | Genre - Humor | Main Story | Rating - PG
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by Kevin

Rating: PG (mild language)
Disclaimer: The characters mentioned within this text are the sole property of Paramount Studios, UPN, and Viacom. I intend no infringement.
Genre: Comedy
Summary: Trip has another away mission mishap. A very personal message is revealed. Thanks to Cincoflex for writing The Firebrand to inspire me.


“Shit. Stranded again. I can't believe my luck on away missions. T'Pol is going to be pissed at me for this one.” Trip muttered to himself while trying to gather up what little could be salvaged from the shuttle pod crash. “I can't believe I ripped my shirt like that. I need to be more careful. Dammit, dammit, dammit.”

Lt. Hall tried to stare at Trip's bare chest without being caught ogling the Commander. She always found him attractive but seeing him without his shirt on made her knees weak. She hoped that someday he would realize just how much happier he would be with a human woman instead of some cold Vulcan witch. Her for instance. I would never get pissed at him for losing his shirt on an away mission. In fact, if I were captain, it would be required.

He seemed to be into body art. Something she would never have guessed about him. He had some interesting calligraphy scarred into his skin as well as an oval scar on his right arm, just over his heart and another on his left shoulder. I wonder what other surprises the Commander might reveal with even less clothing? She purred to herself.

Trip wished the shuttle pod would just pick them up already. He was embarrassed about standing around on a hot sticky planet without his shirt. Honestly there were times he swore that he caught Lt. Hall staring him. It made him uncomfortable. Thank God she was a biologist and not a linguist. That would really be uncomfortable.

As the shuttle pod landed, Trip breathed a sigh of relief; this would soon be all over. When Hoshi exited the shuttle pod, he started to turn red from embarrassment. He was sure she could read enough of the archaic script to know what it meant. This would not be pleasant.

“Hey, Trip. It looks like you got stranded again.” She pointed a tri-corder at him and pretended to scan his vital signs. “Well at this time you don't seem to be injured.”

“Ha, ha Hoshi. Really funny. Now let's get out of here.”

“What's the rush? I want to enjoy the scenery.” She joked as she stared right at him. “Is the artwork...” She broke off as she realized what the scar said. She could only see nine characters, but she was certain there was a tenth letter. And she was certain what it was.

Trip glared right at her. His stare told her to drop it.

Lt. Hall observed the exchange. It hit her. The symbols meant something and Hoshi figured it out. Luckily Hoshi is an enormous gossip so I will find out. Eventually. But she wanted to know now. Maybe I can weasel it out of her on the ride back to the ship?

As they packed up the shuttle pod, Lt. Hall was able to get a closer look at the object of her lust. The ovals were bite marks. How strange. And how fascinating. She fantasized in her head about what it would be like to bite down hard on Trip. What would he taste like? Good, I am sure of it, was her only thought. Again she quietly purred to herself.

On the shuttle ride back, Hall and Hoshi were at the front while Trip searched around for a shirt. “Hoshi, why didn't you bring me a shirt like I asked?”

“Because I wanted to enjoy the sight of you before I had to turn you back over to T'Pol! She won't share!” Hoshi let out an exaggerated giggle as she looked at Lt. Hall.

“Enough! I am not your shirtless dancing engineer! Stop treating me like a piece of meat!” Trip chuckled a bit. He was sure Hoshi was doing this intentionally just to embarrass him.

Lt. Hall leaned over to Hoshi and whispered, “Do you understand what the calligraphy on Trip's chest says?”

“Ahh... yes... why do you ask?” Hoshi was unsure how much she should reveal.

“Because I have been curious about it, but I felt funny asking the Commander what it meant. I have never seen anything like that before. It is beautiful.”

“The writing is an archaic language. The exact meaning is complex. I think the best way I would describe it is as a warning.” That wasn't exactly the truth, but it wasn't exactly a lie either.

“Why would he...”

“Hey, what you two up here talking about? Trying to figure out how to take my pants too? T'Pol is not going to be happy about this. I guess the saving grace is that I didn't get attacked, taken hostage, or injured. The only thing injured is my dignity.” He laughed pretty hard as the two women shot knowing glances at each other.

Finally the shuttle pod docked and they were aboard Enterprise. T'Pol was there to meet them as Trip exited the craft. They just looked into each other's eyes and ignored Hoshi and Lt. Hall. T'Pol scowled a bit but that seemed to be her only reaction.

“Well what?”

“Well what does it say?”

Hoshi whispered quietly enough so that only T'Pol could hear her explanation to Lt. Hall. “Do you remember those t-shirts that said things like 'Property of StarFleet Academy' and 'Property of University of Notre Dame'?”

“Sure. Most people have at least one of those things.”

Basically, the calligraphy says “Property of T'Pol”.


At that moment, T'Pol took her eyes off Trip long enough stare down the two women. Her glare made it clear that Trip surely was “Property of T'Pol”.

“I see why you called it a warning...”

The End

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A whole mess of folks have made comments

That was just great !!!!!!
Very funny!!!!



Just like the rest of us, the female crew find him drool-worthy...

I read The Firebrand (several times)and this is a great take on it!

This was funny! Loved the shirt ripping, reminiscent of the TOS & Kirk.

Mmmmm, shirtless Trip story. Drool. I too wonder what other surprises the Commander might reveal with even less clothing.

LMAO!!! that was fantastic.


kevin Oh this was funny it's a great seqeueal to the Fire brand I hope you'll do more fanfic this is great.

Does Lt Hall now realize that she can't get within 200 feet of Trip without T'Pol glaring at her?

Very nice outtake on 'The Firebrand'.

He's just looking for an excuse to take his short off!! That's the real reason, and I applaud it. LOL.

He's just looking for an excuse to take his short off!! That's the real reason, and I applaud it. LOL.

He's just looking for an excuse to take his shirt off!! That's the real reason, and I applaud it. LOL.


Gret, great sequel!! :-))))

another oooops: I´ve lost an "a", sorry!

Ahaha I've not read firebrand yet, but I just noticed this at the front-page of the site so I decided to go ahead and read it.

It is too funny tho lol :P
Off to read firebrand now

Short humorous stories are great. Please do more of them.

I loved it! Very funny!

Fabulous! I love the whole firebrand concept...ah...d@m#! Yours is a great addition!

Great story -- Thanks!

This is excellent. I loved the idea of T'Pol marking her mate in 'The Firebrand' - it seems so... Vulcan - and this is a nice take on how that might manifest itself.