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Gateway-Part 12

Author - Quills
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By Quills



Rating: PG-13 angst, drama, romance, humor, action/adventure
Disclaimer: Paramount owns Startrek and I derive no financial gain from this story.

Summary: Captain Archer is relieved of command for a secret mission into the 24th Century to find and stop the Suliban renegade Silik. While he is gone, a Vulcan Starfleet Captain from the future is given temporary command of the Enterprise NX-01 with his own orders to investigate the 'Temporal Cold War'.

PART TWELVE (Chapter 33-34)

Chapter 33


Stacy Vetter ran to the fallen form of Doctor Morovitch. She lifted his still body and was shocked by the blood that drained onto her jumpsuit. She felt for a pulse but when none registered she looked up at the dark clad figures standing in the entranceway. It had not occurred to her that running to the elder doctor's side placed her in grave danger. The site of the intruders sent a chill up Stacy Veter's spine and in one moment she became frozen with fear.

One of the figures pointed a disrupter at the young technician. "Stand up."

Stacy hesitated for a moment as the shock threatened to overwhelm her. The lifeless body of Doctor Morovitch slumped to the floor as she rose and stood before the his murders.

As she stood up, Doctors O'Rourke and Moorhead came running down the corridor. They had seen what had transpired and had ran to the buildings small arms locker to retrieve two hand phasers. The two doctors took up positions at opposite recesses in the corridor.

"Stacy, get down!" yelled O'Rourke as he fired his weapon at one of the intruders. O'Rourke grew up on a settlement world where his parents were terraformers. It's a hard existence and it often calls for a person to defend themselves. O'Rourke was no slouch with a phaser and his beam hit the intruder he aimed at squarely in the chest dropping the intruder where he stood.

Stacy move frantically out of the line of fire as O'Rourke fired another volley of rapid phaser bursts joined by Doctor Moorhead's phaser fire. In the conflagration, Stacy dove to the ground, clasping her hands over her head.

"Give it up." yelled O'Rourke "There's a Federation Starship in orbit. Other members of our team are already contacting her."

None of the intruders responded to the threat. They had taken cover at the inner portion of the entranceway and did not seemed phased by the supposed starship's presence. As the intruders returned fire, one of them was holding what was clearly not a weapon. O'Rourke tried to make out what the device was but the intruders were better shots than he was and there were more of them. He kept having to duck behind the wall that afforded him only minor protection. He counted four, including the one he shot, but there might have been more. He knew that he and Moorhead couldn't hold them off much longer. They needed to retreat to the safety of the auditorium and await a security detail from the Kirk.

Signaling to Moorhead to maintain a suppression of fire he called out to Stacy.

"Stacy...run girl...we'll cover you."

Mooredhead and O'Rourke fired an intense barrage at the intruders position and while the intruders were taking cover; the young girl made a run for the doctors' location as a torrent of phaser fire crossed over her head. O'Rourke, trying not to hit Stacy, aimed away from the young girl, giving one of the intruders an opening to fire. A disrupter blast struck O'Rourke's exposed upper left quadrant and he was sent careening against the wall behind him.

Moorhead saw her stricken colleague slumped against the wall and returned fire as she shouted curses at the intruders. "You bastards!"

Stacy Veter had made it to Doctor O'Rourke's position and kneeling down she had discovered that O'Rourke was still alive, but just barely. She pulled him deeper into the access way to give them both cover from further disrupter blasts.

As Moorhead continued firing her phaser, she glanced at Stacy who was sobbing as she held O'Rourke in her arms. "Dammit Stacy, there's no time for that! Pick up that damn phaser and use it!"

The young girl saw the phaser lying next to O'Rourke's body. Placing the doctor's body gently against the wall, she picked up the phaser and joined her colleague in defense of their outpost. As the two women returned fire, Moorhead yelled to Stacy.

"The security detail should have been here by now. Something's wrong. I'll hold them off. You have to get to Doctor Carter and see what's wrong."

"I can't leave you." she cried back.

"I'll hold them off as long as I can." replied Moorhead "We don't have a choice Stacy. We can't let them take the compound. Now Go!"

Moorhead increased her phaser fire as she shouted the order to Veter. The young woman didn't want to abandon her friend, but she knew the doctor was right. They couldn't let the compound be taken. They had to contact the Kirk.

Timing her departure to coincide with Moorheads next phaser barrage, Stacy readied herself to sprint for the opening to the auditorium. The opening was a good ten meters from her and she knew she would have only seconds to run before disruptor blasts rained down on her. She looked over at Moorhead and nodded. The Doctor started firing her phaser wildly to keep the intruders off balance as Stacy ran for the opening. Her sporadic firing struck parts of the overhang above the intruders location, shattering it into fragments that rained down on their position. A cloud of dust formed around the debris, blocking the location of the intruders. She began firing wildly at the entranceway anytime she saw movement. She couldn't be sure where the intruders were or if she was hitting any.

After a few moments she stopped firing. No return fire had come since she hit the overhang. It was possible they either retreated or were injured. Either way, she couldn't tell from her present vantage point. Glancing over at O'Rourke, she took a deep breath and dashed across the hallway to where he lay leaning against the wall. Glancing quickly at O'Rourke, she crouched down and leaned out to see if this vantage point afforded her a better view. The dust swirled around as the outside winds added sand to the already pulverized rubble. Moorehead scanned the opening looking for any sign of movement. Then she caught a flash as if from something metallic. She aimed her phaser in the direction of the flash and fired. The phaser burst cut through the dust cloud, lighting up the surrounding area. An instant later, twenty feet away from where Moorhead's phaser fire struck, a disrupter blast lanced out striking the the doctor on the exposed side of her head. The blast through the doctor to the ground where her body spasmed momentarily before becoming very quiet and very still.

A few moments later, a voice called out from the dust and sand. "It's clear sir, all remaining members of the science team are in the auxiliary communications room."

The dark garbed figures stepped out one by one until five of them were now in the entranceway.

One of the figures took several steps into the corridor. He surveyed the empty hall for a moment and then spoke "Have you obtained the coordinates?" he said clearly denoting his role as the groups leader.

"Not yet sir." replied one of the others almost nervously "I've been jamming their communications , it's making triangulating the intended reception point difficult."

The leader glanced over his shoulder. "I do not want to hear excuses... I WANT those coordinates." "Yes sir" replied the subordinate as he manipulated the palm scanner he was holding. the man adjusted the machines scanner as he tried to pick up the science teams transmission. He could already detect the impatience in his leaders voice. He feared what further impatience might prompt him to do.

The leader stood over the lifeless form of Doctor Moorehead. "Soon," he whispered, "soon I will have 'him' and all he holds dear. In one stroke I will cleanse him and his planet from existence. "

As the leader spoke in hushed tones, the subordinate man adjusted his device once again...this time registering a low beep.

The leader turned to face the man. "Well?"

"I have it sir." replied the man straightening himself in pride...or relief.

"Then transmit it and give the order." said the leader as he walked past the man and headed out of the building.

The subordinate man turned and called out to the leader. "And what of the remaining scientists?"

The leader came to an abrupt stop and paused for a moment. This sent a chill through the subordinate man. The leader turned slowly towards the men in the archway and gave his reply, "Kill them all."


Chapter 34

Captain's Starlog...supplemental:....Enterprise arrived at the Pentax facility roughly four hours ago. As expected, the facility managers were less than forth coming in response to our inquiries. They claimed they had no knowledge of any Coridan trader named Selesh; also as expected. The Pentax facility is notorious for no questions asked and looking the other way. Facility personnel are more than willing to lend 'assistance' to their disreputable clients...for a fee.

I suspected that this Selesh or whomever he was working for had 'deep pockets' to bribe Pentax officials into saying nothing to inquiring individuals, but at the same time keeping Selesh informed of any such inquiries. I instructed Ensign Sato to monitor any communications leaving the management facility. It didn't take long for an encrypted communication to be intercepted. To her credit, Ensign Sato decrypted the code. It was short and simple... "Selesh, a Vulcan has arrived asking questions about you. We have told him nothing ...he has insisted on pursuing his investigation...advise you to remain where you are."

That communication told us Selesh was still here and by tracking the signal across the Pentax data net Ensign Sato was able to determine the reception point to within one hundred meters. That placed the location in the seedier part of the facility. A renewed conversation with our Andorian prisoners gave us a further possible lead.

I was told Selesh did a lot of dealing through Cantrax, an 'upscale' watering hole for lowlifes. By coincidence, Cantrax falls in the section of the facility where Ensign Sato tracked the communication. I ordered Sato and Lt. Reed to accompany me on an away mission to the facility. To avoid attracting too much attention, the away team has used the ship's transporters to beam directly into the facility. For the past two hours, Mr. Reed has been making discreet inquiries for 'employment' among the patrons ...seeing if anyone drops the name Selesh. So far...we are playing the waiting game.

Jonathan Soma and Hoshi Sato sat across from one another in a private booth. It was enclosed by a heavy curtain that hung from the low ceiling; affording them the privacy to speak feely...something the crowded bar did not.

"Do you think Malcolm will be all right, sir?" asked the young Ensign, her voice tinged with concern.

Soma peered out the curtain. "Mr. Reed is more than capable of taking care of himself Hoshi."

"I know..." she started, pausing for a moment "but he's out there alone. Shouldn't we be with him?"

"Mr. Reed volunteered, Hoshi." Soma reminded the junior Ensign. "The Andorian commander said Selesh didn't like doing business with groups...and if he sees a Vulcan he'll go so deep we'll never find him. All Malcolm has to do is peek Selesh's curiosity. If he can lure him here under the pretense of speaking in private... we can have Enterprise transport the four of us back aboard ship."

"I know, sir." replied Hoshi. "I guess I'm just a little worried."

Soma turned to the young Ensign and smiled. "Sounds more like your a little sweet on our armory officer."

"I am not!" replied the Ensign defensively.

Soma raised his brow.

"Sir." she added blushing.

He smiled. "I'm just teasing Hoshi. Don't be so defensive."

"Sorry sir, I'll try...I'm just a little worried."

Soma turned back to Sato. "Well, you can stop worrying...here comes Malcolm now."

"Is Selesh with him?"

"No, he's alone." said Soma as he moved over to make room for Reed.

The curtain parted and Malcolm Reed entered the private booth. Taking a seat next to Captain Soma, he took a quick look behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed and then closed the heavy curtain.

"Report, Lieutenant."

"I made contact, Captain." Reed said in a low voice. "He said he might have a job he's looking to fill. He told me he would leave a message with the Tellurite bartender in the next day or two and I should check back."

Soma let out an air of disgust. "Dammit, we don't have time for this."

"Sorry Captain," replied Reed apologetically, "but I didn't want to press the matter. I was afraid I might scare him off."

Soma shook his head. "You made the right decision Malcolm, We just can't afford to play the waiting game."

Reed looked through the curtain opening and then back at Soma. "I could try again, Sir. Maybe follow him and see where he goes."

Soma shook his head. "No, I'm going to give it a try."

"But sir, that message Selesh was sent told him a Vulcan was looking for him. He's bound to think that means the High Command."

"I'm counting on it." said Soma. "I might get more cooperation out of Selesh if he thinks the High Command has caught up with him."

"At least let me come along to watch your back. I could keep a discrete distance."

Soma shook his head again. "No, I don't want the work you've done so far to be compromised. We may have to fall back on it. Ensign Sato can accompany me."

Reed looked at Sato and then back at the Captain. "Hoshi?"

"And what's wrong with me?" asked the Ensign angrily.

Soma raised a brow. "Careful Mister Reed, your moving into dangerous waters."

Reed looked back at Hoshi who had her arms folded across her chest. She was giving him a menacing stare.

Soma decided to save Reed before he said anything more to infuriate the young Ensign.

"Lieutenant, you remain behind." instructed Soma. "Hoshi and I will try to make contact."

"Yes, sir." replied Reed with a sigh. "He's sitting across from the main bar."

Soma and Sato exited their private booth and headed for the main bar area. Crossing the crowd of patrons they made their way down the winding staircase to the lower level. Stepping onto the floor they could see a large crowd forming along the long serving table. Soma could see a number of species ranging from Andorians to Tellurites with more exotic species even he hadn't seen before. In the farther corner was what appeared to be some kind of gambling tables with groups of men and almost clothed women.

"Malcolm said Selesh was sitting across from the bar." said Sato. "I don't see him."

Soma glanced around for a man fitting Selesh's description. "It's possible he's left the bar."

"Sir!" said Sato tapping Soma on his shoulder.

Soma turned in Hoshi's direction. Looking past her he saw what had gotten her so excited...Selesh. He was on the far side of the bar and appeared to be talking to another individual. Selesh's back was facing Soma and Sato so he hadn't seen them yet. Soma signaled Hoshi to follow him as he moved closer to Selesh's position. As the two officers moved towards Selesh, they took careful steps to keep his back to them. However, the individual Selesh was talking to was now in plain view for both of them to see. Soma stopped in his tracks when he saw the man's face,

Hoshi Sato stepped around her Captain to see what had caused him to stop. When she saw the man the Captain was starring at she let out a start. "Oh my god...I know him!"

Soma had already recognized the man. He was a Vulcan male of early age, maybe a few years older than T'Pol. He was conversing with the man that matched Selesh's description. Soma was certain the Vulcan wouldn't recognize him, but he feared the man would recognize Ensign Sato. Before he could motion her behind him, the young Vulcan they were both staring at, so intently, began to turn in their direction. Soma was uncertain what the Vulcan would do if he saw Hoshi. He wasn't going to take the chance.

Grabbing the Ensign, Soma pulled her to him. Before she could say anything, his lips crushed her own in a searing kiss. The young Ensign flailed her arms about for a brief moment as the shock of her commanding officer kissing her overpowered her. However, that passed rather quickly as she settled her arms on his shoulders and responded to the kiss by deepening it with her own lips.

The Vulcan glanced over at the two 'lovers' briefly. Soma's back was facing him so he could not see what species either of them were, but it apparently didn't matter as he returned his attention to Selesh.

"I assure you." said the Vulcan. "I have not been looking for you."

The Coridan's brow furrowed. "Well someone has...and I was told it was a Vulcan."

"Perhaps the High Command has discovered your 'business' dealings." suggested the Vulcan glibly.

Selesh glanced around momentarily before speaking. "If they have, it would be wise for BOTH of us to 'disappear'."

The Vulcan arched his brow. "A logical course of action, but remain close for the time being. If a representative from the High Command is searching for you, I may be able to find out what he knows."

"How would you do that?" asked Selesh

"I have my ways." answered the Vulcan with the hint of a malicious smile. "I will contact you through the usual methods if I find anything out."

Hoshi and Soma were still clenched in their embrace. The young Ensign's eyes were now closed and she was running her fingers through the Captain's hair. Soma was a bit more aware of his surroundings and maneuvered Hoshi so that her back faced the two man. He could see the two men were finishing up their conversation and Selesh was leaving the bar. His first thought was to follow Selesh, but the added arrival of the Vulcan changed matters.

Parting their embrace, Soma looked down at Hoshi as he placed his hand on the Ensign's shoulder. "You ok Hoshi?"

She looked up at him with a dazed and confused expression. "Huh? Oh...um...yes...yes sir."

"Sorry if I took you by surprise. He was turning towards us and I didn't want him to recognize you."

Hoshi shook her head meekly. "Oh...I...I understand."

"Good, because I don't want you to think I go around kissing my bridge officers everyday."

"Oh...uh…no sir."

Soma glanced over his shoulder at the Vulcan.

Hoshi, still a bit dazed by the kiss, shook her head and turned to look where Soma was facing. She knew the Vulcan they were staring at all too well. "Captain, that's.."

Turning back to Sato he held up his hand. "I know who he is Hoshi. Find Malcolm and wait at the rendezvous point."

"Sir, you can't...."


"But sir." she said cutting him off.

"That's an order Ensign." said Soma sternly. He placed his hands on the Ensign’s shoulders "I'll be all right Hoshi. I'm just going to talk to him."

"Yes, sir" she said shaking her head "Be careful Captain."

Soma smiled at her. "Careful Ensign, Mr. Reed might get jealous."

Hoshi blushed and was about to say something before Soma motioned her towards the staircase.

"Get moving Ensign."

"Aye sir." She snapped.

Soma turned his attention to the Vulcan. He was now alone at the table reading what appeared to be a data pad of some kind. Soma considered his options. From what he knew of him, this Vulcan would give him what he wanted if he had something to offer him. Soma knew just what that something was and disgusted him. If he could find another option he would take it, but he knew where his responsibility laid. He just had to dangle the 'bait' the right way. Straightening himself, Soma walked up to the table the Vulcan was seated at and took up a seat on the other side.

The Vulcan looked up at Soma. "Make yourself at home." he said sarcastically.

"My name is Captain Soma. I would speak with you."

"What about?"

Soma glanced towards the bar entrance which Selesh had left through moments before. "I noticed you were talking to a mutual acquaintance of ours a few moments ago."

The Vulcan eyed Soma warily "What of it?"

"I represent... individuals who would be interested in speaking with Mr. Selesh."

The Vulcan's eyes narrowed "You’re with the High Command."

"I did not say that." replied Soma.

"You didn't have to." replied the Vulcan.

"If you know Selesh, we would be interested in any information you could supply us."

"I'm not an information broker Captain."

"I never suggested you were." replied Soma. "I am merely requesting your assistance in my investigation. Assistance that would be...appreciated."

"I'm afraid I can't help you." said the Vulcan turning back to his data pad.

Soma eyed the Vulcan for a moment. He was certain, the Vulcan was feigning disinterest and merely needed the right incentive to bring him around. Soma pushed his chair from the table and began to rise. "I will be continuing my investigation at the facility for at least another solar day. If you can think of anything that might be useful I would appreciate you contacting me. The Enterprise is in orbit..."

The Vulcan immediately became attentive as he looked up at Soma. "Did you say Enterprise?"

*Got him* Soma thought. "Yes, I'm her Captain."

"I once visited a ship named Enterprise. An Earth vessel under the command of a human named Archer."

"It's the same vessel."

The Vulcan's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Where is Captain Archer?"

"Temporarily reassigned. I am her Captain for the time being."

"Assigned by the High Command?"

"I'm afraid I can't discuss the matter."

"I understand." said the Vulcan with a nod.

"If you find out anything you believe would be of use I would appreciate you bringing it to myself ...or Sub Commander T'Pol."

Soma eyed the Vulcan cautiously. He could see the man's face betray his interest in that last bit of information and it sent a cold chill down Soma's spine.

The Vulcan raised a brow and smiled at Soma. "I will keep that in mind Captain."

Soma nodded to the Vulcan. Turning, he headed back across the main floor to the stairs leading to the upper patron area. As he climbed the stairs, he caught site of Lt. Reed at the top of the stairs.


"We found a back door, Lieutenant" explained Soma as he reached the top. "Let's head back to the Enterprise."

"Back door sir?" asked Reed in confusion, but Soma seemed preoccupied and either didn't hear the lieutenant or had just ignored him as he walked straight past Reed without another word.

Reed turned to Hoshi who had a concerned look on her face.

"Hoshi, what did the Captain mean?"

"We saw Selesh with a Vulcan Malcolm."

"A Vulcan." replied Reed in surprise.

"Not just any Vulcan...Tolaris"

"Tolari.s" said Reed trying to recall why the name was so familiar. Then it occurred to him. "He was one of those emotion embracing Vulcan's that visited Enterprise about a year ago."

Hoshi shook her head "He was also the one who...'violated'...T'Pol."

Reed looked at Hoshi in surprise "No....I had heard rumours, but…."

"It's true. I had to transcribe some of the ship's confidential log entries and Captain Archer mentions it in them. I never told anyone. I discovered it by accident and I thought if T'Pol wanted us to know she would have told us. The rumours were bad enough, but..."

Reed let out a deep exhale.

"Do you think Captain Soma knows?" asked Hoshi.

"I'm not sure, but he does seem a bit ...preoccupied." replied Reed "I've noticed he looks at the Sub Commander...oddly."

Hoshi looked past Reed to see if Soma had doubled back. "You don't think they..."

"I don't know what to think, but right now we should just leave it be. Neither of us are supposed to know about this so unless T'Pol is in danger, I think it's best we not say anything."

Shaking her head, Hoshi sighed "I guess you’re right."

"Come on, Let's catch up to the Captain before he starts wondering what were doing."


Continue to Part 13 (Chapters 35-36)

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