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Generational - part 3

Author - TLR
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Rated R: Adult content
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of UPN and Paramount Pictures.
Summary: At last part, T'Pol's plans were put on hold for Trip's suggestion of another way, marriage. His proposal having been declared and witnessed by the entire crew of the Enterprise. now they must go about preparing for the big event and their life together afterwards. Enjoy

January 25th, 2006


The days following Trip's performance were filled with long shifts and even longer nights. The ship had come across an unusual asteroid belt and Archer gave the order for them to stay put and study the phenomena. This afforded Trip and his engineering crew a few extra days to finish repairs from the last alien attack and continue to reinforce structural integrity and integral systems.

T'Pol on the other hand, was busy classifying the different types of asteroids that were in the belt. She noted many unique mineral compounds and kept herself glued to her station on the bridge, not even leaving to take mid day meals with her betrothed. However, when each of their shifts ended, they would meet in her cabin and begin the nightly ritual of neuropressure and meditation.

T'Pol had instructed Trip how to assume a meditative state, and the two would share his subconscious trying to become more acquainted with each other. During these sessions, Trip would have the Vulcan show him the many places she had been in her lifetime. He was especially fascinated by the brilliant orange hues that filled the Vulcan daylight skies. Her memories were so vivid, and Trip could sense a hint of homesickness in her voice as she told him stories of her youth. Being the gentleman that he was, Trip took no extra liberties with the woman, allowing her to dictate fully the events of their time together. This, he knew would help to reinforce the trust they would need to have to bring this bond into existence.

T'Pol on the other hand, wondered why this male didn't request any further sexual relations of her. From what she'd read about Human's mating habits, their need for this activity was far more profound and although not deadly, the lack of this activity for them, especially the males was not healthy. She wondered how to bring about this activity, not because she wanted so for her self, but more to maintain her betrothed's good physical condition. She remembered what triggered their last round of intimacies, and decided to step up the neuropressure sessions in a way that would promote this activity more often. She also started to allow him more activity in the event, having only allowed him to massage her feet and hands in the past. Now she was instructing him in all types of postures, especially the ones that she knew felt good to him. Trip enjoyed these tasks, feeling the soft skin beneath his fingertips. Sensing the ecstasy his touch was bringing to her. He'd sit there on his legs and watch her eyes close, enjoying fully the postures he was performing. As they worked their way around to her front, Trip wondered how he'd perform them without having her bare before him.

Truth be told, it took a great deal of effort not to react sexually to the young female. His manhood, on many occasions did start to rise because of the smooth line of her skin. Those small outfits and the memory of their time together really did make it harder to keep it locked up these days. Especially after her demonstration of what she could make him do. T'Pol was right about being addictive, because ever since that little outburst on his part, his mind and body yearned to be back in control, taking her at his own whim and doing all the lustful things his nature as a healthy human male desired. He practiced hard not to give into those feelings figuring in doing so, he would totally scare the woman, who was of a species that didn't place that much importance on having sexual relations. He thought after they bonded, if what she told him was true, his natural desire for the act would trigger hers and they would be able to find a happy medium. It wasn't like he hadn't gone a long time before their night together. Although heavily sought out by most every alien female they came across, Trip never followed through. Oh he came close on Risa, but, hey, he and Malcolm knew how that turned out.

This day though, they were busy getting samples of the different asteroid minerals for T'Pol. Trip used the transporter to bring up small chunks of the different ores they found. It was assumed that since the asteroid pattern was that of the breakup of a planet, that all the different asteroids were from the same sphere, indicating that it must have had different climate zones, very different. That's what made it so unique. It was good, Trip thought to finally be working along side her again, since the only time they were together now was their sexually charged sessions. He had just finished bringing up a large chunk of ore from the 4th of 5 noted zones, when the transporter gave a flicker then a buzz and then a large bang. When the smoke cleared the chunk was present on the platform, but the transporter itself was totally fried. The walls reminded him of the melt down after trying to transport Trellium D. Although not indicated, Trip decided to order T'Pol from the area just the same. He didn't want to take the chance she could become affected by the ore. She left, but not without an argument that was witnessed by 4 crewmen, and 2 repair personnel. After leaving, Trip placed the chunk in an isolation carrier and had the crewmen deliver it to her for study. Now to getting the last sample was his only thought.

The fifth zone of the asteroid belt appeared to be very lightly covered, almost a sandy type consistency. Also around it was large clouds of the crystals, some so dense that sensors were being affected. With the transporter out of commission, Trip had to devise another way of collecting the sample. He discussed his idea with the Captain and Travis then went about setting up the maneuver, once they determined the plan was safe to put into action.

"Okay Travis,…. Keep us steady, I'm decompressing the bay now." Trip spoke into the intercom outside of cargo bay three. He did one last sweep of the area for bio-signs and pressed the button that opened the outer hatch. There was a loud sucking sound and within seconds, the cargo bay was totally depressurized. He went back to the comm. panel.

"All right Travis…. Move us into that cloud and let's grab us that chunk." Travis touched the controls, turning the ship in the direction of the thickest cloud of sand and began easing the vessel forward, making the open bay act like a scoop. Within minutes, they had cut through the cloud's densest part and picked up the fragment they were after, which was about 3 meters in diameter. Trip watched through the scanner array and saw the dust swirling round and round before the camera. The mass's entrance was indicated by a continuous beeping sound.

Trip hit the button to close the bay doors. He waited for them to fully shut then hit the re-pressurization button that began filling the room with breathable air at 4 parts per second. The atmosphere returned to the room and Phlox began his scanning of the area to detect any alien viruses or substances. There were none.

Trip and Phlox stood at the door with a few extra crewmen ready to collect their fragment, as it swished open. The corridor quickly filled with a sandy dust cloud, not near as dense as it had been, but dust all the same. When they entered, they found the room entirely covered in a two meter deep layer of sand. For Trip it was like going home again, there were really no discernable landmarks that reminded him of a cargo bay. He stood there and marveled at the sight, while Phlox and the crewmen examined and collected their sample.

"What a mess." Travis came down from the bridge to see if the plan they concocted had worked. He saw Trip standing in the midst of the sand staring all around him. He went up to the young engineer and stood taking in the cleanup job ahead.

"Man….it's a good thing we can just hit the doors and all of this will be sucked back out. If we had to clean this up by hand, it would take weeks." The boomer was impressed by the amount of sand the cloud had deposited into the small area. Trip, on the other hand didn't care about what this sand was doing to his deck plates. He was lost in a kind of daydream, realizing for the first time himself, how homesick he was for his Florida, his sister and their family interaction.

The sand, a creamy white color was more brilliant than that of Earth's. It almost looked like the sand he'd seen in his meditations with T'Pol. He had a strange idea come to his head and wondered if it would be plausible.

"Commander." Travis got Trip's attention.

"Hey Travis…. Nice driving…. We got what we needed and more." Trip bent down and collected a small sample of sand in a biohazard container for Phlox to analyze.

"I'll say…. Bet you can't wait to push all this out into space and get your nice clean cargo bay back." Travis showed him a big grin.

"Actually Travis… I'm kinda liking it this way. Think we'll keep it…" and with that, Trip went to supervising the removal of the rock. Travis returned to the bridge with a perplexed look on his face. After all had left, Trip locked up the bay and placed a security seal on the controls. His orders were that no one was to enter the bay until further orders.


"Trip…. This is a rather unusual request you are making…." Archer sat at his desk with his best friend standing by his side.

"Come on, Cap'n…. We are getting married… We need a place to honeymoon, and unless you are willing to leave us on some strange planet for a week, this is the closest thing we will get." Trip was so enthusiastic that it made Jon wonder what he was up to.

"But Cargo Bay three….. Isn't it all sandy now." Archer watched as Porthos came up and demanded a head scratch. He picked him up and began tending to the animal.

"Exactly Cap'n… It's like a desert in there. Get it… T'Pol is from a desert planet and I am from Florida, where they have beaches…. I can really do a lot to make it homey if you'd just allow me to keep the sand in there until after the wedding."

"Yeah but Trip… where would you sleep… bathe…" Archer didn't understand the fascination this sand held for him.

"Cap'n the cargo bay has bathroom and shower facilities. They are not as nice as the ones in the cabin, but they are still adequate. And we have ample camping gear. T'Pol wouldn't say anything, but she is really homesick and I think I can rig things to make them very pleasant for her." Trip came around to face him, leaning on the other side of the desk top.

"Also we are used to living alone. Now we are going to be living together in a small cabin. It would be easier to ease into after having a little space. It's only for three days Sir… Come on, what do you say?" Trip gave his friend his patented southern charm look.

"It's okay by me, but don't blame me if you find that T'Pol isn't as sentimental as you think she is. Your efforts may just be lost on her." The Captain was speaking from past experiences where the Vulcan had taken his considerate gestures and dismissed them as nothing special.

"Well Cap'n, you'd be surprised what our resident Vulcan thinks is special…. Thanks." And with that, the chief engineer was off and about his tasks. His first stop was sickbay to get the final report on the sand's composition.

He entered sickbay just as the good doctor was making his morning feeding rounds. "Morning Doc." Trip's step was bouncier than usual having just got the okay for his honeymoon.

"Good Morning Commander" An equally exuberant Denobulan returned placing the last of his Delotion slugs droppings into the Parathylian bat's cage. It fluttered and rustled the cover it had over top of it. Trip stood a discreet distance away and waited for the male to approach him. "What can I do for you today?" His smile was wide, exaggerating the strangeness of his features.

"Well Doc, I was hoping to get your final results on that sand sample I gave you. Anything in it that you detected?" He asked holding his breath slightly.

"Nothing at all Commander, not even a Radiolytic Isotope. If I may ask, of what interest is this substance to you?" The doctor seemed fascinated by this Human's exuberant curiosity about the mineral.

"I'm making a bit of a surprise for T'Pol and I wanted to make sure it was safe." Trip's grin returned, he was bursting to tell his friends about his plan.

"A surprise Commander….. do you think she will take to a surprise well after just getting married?" The alien didn't mean to rain on his parade, but knowing T'Pol as he did, he wondered if the commander's efforts weren't ill advised.

"What do you mean Doc? Why wouldn't T'Pol enjoy a surprise?" Trip felt his heart drop into his left foot.

"She has been through a lot since we entered the Expanse. She has had to cope with a lot since coming aboard a mostly Human ship, not to mention the several times her logic has been questioned by the High Command for the actions of this crew. She is now about to be married, a nerve racking state for any Vulcan, do you really think a surprise is in her best interest?" His words rang with a lot of truth, but the commander felt he still had the best in mind for his betrothed.

"I know T'Pol's going through a rough time… Boy if anyone knows it I do…. But this surprise is a good one. She will love it…." Trip hoped what he was saying would be true. After the skepticism from the Captain and now the Denobulan, he wondered if his judgment was really that good. "We have to go from living apart to living together immediately. That's not how they do it on Vulcan. Even when they do move in together it's into a house, not into one room. I want to give T'Pol some space, you see…..and I want her to know that I really want her to be happy."

Phlox listened with great interest marveling at how important it was to be so dedicated to only one woman. Denobulans were known for their romantic ways, but the Human could keep up with the best of anyone of them if he wanted to take more than one wife. The rotund male leaned on the edge of a nearby bio-bed as the commander continued his story.

"I filled the cargo bay with sand and have built some forms to give the appearance of hills. I've rigged the lighting to give off a soft orange glow and at nighttime, I managed to reproduce their late evening sky, complete with two huge moons and many surrounding star clusters. I got Hoshi to dig into the database and pull up some natural Vulcan sounds, several types that were appropriate for both daytime and night. I think it will really make her feel at home. What do you think?" Trip was now desperate for the alien's approval.

"I think you have done an extraordinarily good job at learning what a Vulcan would want. I think she will be put most at ease by your gesture and this will make your bonding efforts much more effective." Phlox showed him an understanding smile.

"You know about this bonding thing?" Trip asked wondering where the Denobulan got his information from.

"Of course, it is a part of Vulcan medicine. When a pair bond is formed, it is important to include the mate in the treatment and recovery phases. They are so connected, that to leave them out would not be taking care of the whole patient. I was able to do a year on Vulcan through the interspecies medical exchange program. I studied many types of bonds, a fascinating way of communication and most effective too." The doc was getting lost in another of his long stories, when all the Human wanted was some answers.

"That's interesting Doc, but can I ask you some questions?" Trip sat down beside him on a nearby stool. The doctor nodded and became silent awaiting the commander's first question.

"T'Pol's a bit concerned that we won't be able to bond. I mean there hasn't been any record of a bond between any of the Human/Vulcan couples in the past. Do you think we are gonna have trouble?" Trip asked the question that sickened his heart.

"It won't be easy, but there is no reason you two can't form a very deep bond. And as for no record of it in the past, that is because interspecies couples on Vulcan or Earth for that matter don't fair well. I ran into a couple on Triangux 3 that had been happily married and bonded for over 23 years. Does that answer your question, commander?" Phlox seemed to feel the commander's relief.

"Yeah doc… that's a big load off. How did they do it? I mean did they use some special medication, some therapy?" Trip wanted to have all the facts.

"No…as I recall from my talk with the Human male Steven, it was simply patience, practice and time. He did indicate that it was very hard for his wife to allow him access to her mind though. His emotions were too overwhelming when taken in all at once, but by allowing them to enter one at a time into her subconscious, she was able to adjust her controls to better handle them. They were a most affectionate couple, as far as Vulcans go." Phlox tried to recall more of his conversation. He was noted for getting anyone to talk about anything if left to his own devices.

Trip's smile grew. "That explains a lot….." He thought back to the morning after their intimacies and realized T'Pol hadn't been as clinical as she would have him believe. He realized the doctor's last statement and his curiosity got the better of him. "You mean they displayed affection in public? I thought that public displays of affection were considered…"

"Bad manors… Yes they are. And no, they didn't do anything more than touch fingers before me. But you could tell they had a deep connection with one another and the look in their eyes as they gazed at each other, spoke volumes about their private life behind the walls of their home." Phlox watched as his student became riveted by the story he was telling.

"Commander, you do know that this will be an adjustment for both of you… I hope you are ready to make the concessions needed to make this bond work."

"I want it to work, Doc… Got any suggestions?" Trip was a very eager pupil.

"Get to know her people's heritage and have her learn yours. I suspect she has already been studying in preparation for your lives together. Find the allowances you can make and the ones you can't, then come to a compromise on the rest." Phlox was feeling a bit like the father of the groom given his son a pre wedding talk.

"We've been trying to do that… But I don't know that she is telling me all she'd like for me to change. I mean… would she want me to become a vegetarian like she is?" Trip wondered if that was a change he could really make.

"While it may be healthier for you, I don't think T'Pol expects you to give up that much. As long as you don't expect her to prepare your meals, she has watched you eat meat for the last three years." Phlox enjoyed this man's willingness to please.

"However things like public displays of affection and intimate talk about your lives with others isn't appropriate. Although I would think I am the exception, only for medical purposes."

"What about mating?" Trip eased into the subject, hoping the doctor was equally as informed about their upcoming big challenge.

"AH…. You're speaking of Pon Farr….. I don't know too much about that commander…. It is a topic that Vulcans don't like to talk about with anyone. But I assume you and T'Pol have broached the subject." Phlox looked curious about what the Human knew.

"Well doc, we might be needing your services with that, if what T'Pol thinks about it is true. Something about being a bit aggressive with…" Trip flushed a bit talking about the subject.

"I think that sedation would help you manage that problem commander, but I will schedule an appointment with T'Pol and you to discuss the situation a bit further after you've had time to form your bond. That right now should be your first and only concern. I would make it your priority then start planning for this difficult time in your lives." Phlox actually made the commander happy with his dismissal of the subject so lightly.

"Understood doc…. Thanks….." Trip slapped the older male on the arm lightly. He was rewarded with a gentle smile. He left sickbay and went to cargo bay three to finish the last minute preparations for the special surprise for his bride.


Later that evening, Trip and T'Pol were in the midst of their neuropressure sessions. He was running the pressure points along T'Pol's back, as she lay there fully enjoying the feelings his ministrations were creating. She opened her eyes and decided to broach the subject that had been plaguing her all day.

"I understand you have a quarantine hold on Cargo Bay 3. Is there a particular reason for your keeping it secured?" T'Pol asked evenly and watched for his expression to change. "I scanned the content and found it to be full of the sand from that asteroid we collected. Are we storing that material for any special reason?"

"What is your interest in cargo bay 3?" Trip seemed very defensive, slipping off the proper landmarks and sending a sharp twinge through the Vulcan's spinal column.

"OHHH…. To the right a bit." She corrected him. "Sorry" Trip quickly adjusted his finger position.

"I apologize if my inquiry has upset you." T'Pol returned after a moment of silence.

"It's just that I am working on a project in there and I would like to complete it before you are told about it." Trip tried to make his answer a simple as possible.

"Keeping secrets from your betrothed, is not a good way to make the trusting environment that would support a bond." T'Pol replied lightly to a less-than-pleased Trip.

"Look…. It's a surprise. I am making a surprise and it will be very disturbing to me if you research it and figure it out before I tell you. Please…. For me…. Just let it be and I promise I will tell you all about it when the time is right. Okay…" Trip pleaded with her trying to get his betrothed to understand.

"If that is what you wish, I will comply." Her voice fell short of hiding her concern.

"Believe me…. it's gonna be really special if you just let me get it done." Trip moved his fingers from the spots and started running long strips along the muscles of her back. The warmth and relaxation this caused seemed to sooth her less-than-satisfied thoughts. Their session went on that evening more quietly than usual, but as always, it started and ended with the same long embrace and sweet kisses that had become part of their relationship ritual.


"You ready for this?" Trip stood outside Cargo bay 3 with a very eager Hoshi Soto. She nodded and watched the engineer hit the buttons to the security lock mechanism. The door slid open to reveal a beautiful exotic sand covered landscape.

"Oh my god." Soto murmured as she and Trip moved forward and the door closed behind them. "How in the world did you do this?" She stood there just inside the entrance and scanned the room from side to side.

"Guss, helped me with a lot of the design plans. Did you know that in college he was a drama major, but spent most of his time doing scenery design?" Trip surveyed his work and was most pleased.

"Really, how'd he get to be a tailor then?" Hoshi asked looking over at the very happy young man to her right.

"He got used to helping with the costumes as well. So he opened his own shop and when the opportunity came for him to go out into space, he just jumped at it." Trip's grin was permanently plastered across his face.

"So he made the molds for you?" the communication's officer eased her way carefully on the uneven sandy surface.

"No he just took my descriptions and ran them through a program he had on set design. I was able to form them out of tack board and silicone molding paste. After we had them in here, we used a ventilating fan on a portable power cell to blow the sand up and get it to stick to the damp surface. Neat huh." Trip was quite proud of his ingenuity.

"Yeah… but isn't it gonna be a lot to take apart?" Hoshi was noticing the different levels of hills that surrounded them.

"Nope, that's the beauty of this, it's totally logical. After removing our camping gear and dismantling that," Trip pointed to the make shift fountain in the far corner of the room, "we need only open the bay doors and let it decompress. The rest of this is disposable, and will disintegrate in the vacuum of space over time."

"Incredible….. This is beautiful. T'Pol is just gonna flip." Hoshi turned quickly and threw her arms around the young man. She kissed him lightly on the cheek, which was meant to be a playful show of support for her friend. But something in Trip didn't sit too well with this gesture. He didn't reject it so much as he wasn't as exuberant as she was by it. He stood there, accepting it for what it was and thanked her just the same. After showing her the full daytime affects, Trip flipped the switch and turned on the night time ones. The sound track Hoshi found for him was a 2 hour loop that played continuously giving the illusion of a normal night time sky. She was equally impressed by the change and told him so. This time though, she kept her hands to her self. (T'Pol has certainly got him hooked) The young Asian woman thought as she made a point of keeping her hands off the soon to be groom.


The day of the wedding was at hand. T'Pol remained in her cabin, dressing into the gown that Guss had made for her from material she'd brought on board during their last days on Earth. It was the tailor's habit to make the young woman's clothes because of their need to be so exactly fitted. She showed him pictures from the Vulcan database of what a traditional Vulcan wedding dress entailed and also gave him examples on what her suitor was to be wearing. The older Human worked at a frenzied pace, having only the better part of a week to hand make both items, that were so intricate and finely detailed.

Now she stood before the mirror in her bathroom adjusting the fine lace train that hung from the back of her waist. There was the sound of the door buzzer, and the Vulcan called for entrance from within the other room.

Hoshi Soto stepped in cautiously, looking from side to side for her superior officer. "T'Pol" she called a bit uneasy about the emptiness of the room. The Vulcan eased out of the bathroom and stood silently before the very young Ensign.

"You look beautiful…" Hoshi gushed coming closer to walk around her. She saw the intricate lace and embroidery and was so moved by the sight she started to cry.

"It will be acceptable to the commander?" she asked, the degree of nervousness showing heavily in her voice.

"He's just gonna love it, T'Pol…. Oh my god, Trip is gonna flip when he sees you in it." She made another round about the alien and put a hand out to touch the soft looking lace. It was velvet smooth, and had a satiny finish that made it stand out against the similarly colored underlining.

"Flip?" T'Pol began to ask and saw the young woman chuckle.

"He's going to be very appreciative of your appearance… It is quite a logical outfit for such an occasion." Hoshi tried to put her more at ease using the words that she thought the alien wanted to hear.

"There is no logic in this dress. It is merely traditional… Ancestral teachings show us…" Hoshi began to laugh realizing that this emotion free Vulcan had a serious case of wedding day jitters.

"Is all in readiness?" T'Pol took a deep breath and calmed her rising concerns.

"Yes…. Groom's in position….. The Captain is waiting and everyone who isn't working is filling the room." That part didn't sit too well with the alien. Secretly she'd hoped to do this with less of an audience, but by law, it must be witnessed and it was up to the male as to what friends he wanted there to join him. Trip just happened to be very well liked, so he invited them all. T'Pol knew it was more of a fascination on the Humans' part. That they wanted to see what a Vulcan wedding was like. It was just her hope that this difficult time in her life wouldn't have to be so public. She watched as Soto picked up her head dress from the bed. It was light and lay neatly into place. With just a single fastener, the Vulcan was ready to be escorted to the ceremony.

The halls from her cabin were blessedly empty, but after leaving the turbo lift, the over flow from the service lined the corridors on either side. T'Pol could feel her anxiety level rising as she passed through the parade of crewmen, all giving her knowing smiles and pleasant grins. Out of respect, no one reached out to touch the bride, as they would in a human ceremony. But their emotions bombarded her, more so than in any ship crisis. Waves and waves of happiness, and glee filled her heart, making her grow antsy and concerned she would be overwhelmed by all these emotions. She stopped outside the closed door to the observation deck, and awaited the familiar gong strokes that announced her arrival to the crowd within.

Trip stood there before the larger gong he'd made out of scrap metal and wood substitute. He checked with T'Pol and hammered out the proper shape in order to produce the appropriate sound. He felt stupid standing before 50 some crewmen banging on this thing. Human weddings had pleasant music, and all these people got for their time was a loud noise, being repeated over and over again. But he understood the significance of the act, and was only too willing to be apart of it.

After the last gong sounded, security crewmen on either side of the doors, stood at attention. The hatch slid open and in stepped Phlox, Hoshi and Malcolm. They were chosen by T'Pol to represent her family's interest in the proceedings. Phlox, since he'd been as close to a father figure as she'd had onboard, Hoshi, because she was the only female, the Vulcan felt a true friendship with and Malcolm, because there had to be a male figurehead that represented an officiate outside that of the priest who performed the ceremony. Since Malcolm was the next highest ranking officer, it seemed most logical to ask him. Actually when the young Vulcan approached him on the subject, the Brit was quite floored by the honor. And today he was playing his part with great zeal, straight and military like in his formal dress uniform and white gloves. He wore a ceremonial dagger at his side, in the absence of a Lirpa. This he was told was to be used on the groom if he failed to meet any challenger that she may pick at this last moment junction. Needless to say, Reed was particularly interested in that part, seeing as how he'd have to put his own best friend to death for getting cold feet.

The sound of jingling bells came out from behind where the Captain stood. They rang out announcing the entrance of the bride onto the scene. Trip watched with great interest as T'Pol entered through the door way. She stood there in a most beautiful light, and the young Human's breath caught in his throat at the site of her. Her face was radiant, a soft glow coming from her eyes. Her hair peeped out from beneath the single layer of transparent embroidered fabric that was draped over her like a child during their first communion service. The dress a matching shade of Fuchsia accented the slight olive tinge in her skin. It gave her a very feminine glow that took away much of the hardness associated with the alien. He was stunned at the beauty she could convey just by standing there. Trip's eyes were glued on her the whole way, as she walked through the divided crowd and toward the large shaped candle that stood lit between them.

Hoshi and party followed behind, before the part in the crowd filled in with the outside spectators. The group was surrounded on all sides, by a mass of interested Humans. Phlox stepped to the right of the Vulcan and Malcolm to the left. The Captain occupied the spot at a right angle to the couple, while Hoshi came up behind T'Pol. As the couple knelt, Hoshi grabbed the bottom of T'Pol's dress and train. She laid it flat on the floor behind her in a rounded pattern. She stepped back and stood beside the good doctor awaiting the ceremony's start.

Trip, whose robes were as elegant as any Vulcan diplomats, knelt in front of the flickering tri wick candle. The flames illuminated his face, dancing within his blue eyes. Those eyes noticed nothing other than the beautiful face of his betrothed. She stared into his eyes, catching them tightly and holding them in their intense gaze. She felt the flickering candle light pull at her soul, relaxing much of the anxiety she was feeling. But more than its warm familiarity, was the growing feeling of closeness she was experiencing at the sight of her beloved in such elegant wear. His frame filled the tanned leather garment, giving it a regal appearance.

The couple reached forward two fingers each, touching them to the far side of the candle light. Travis stepped up to the Captain's left, holding a large leather bound book. From this Archer began to read the Vulcan words he and Hoshi had spent hours this last week studying. About the room, the communications officer rigged up a number of universal translators. They lined the walls at regular intervals affording the spectators an opportunity to hear what the young couple was promising to.

"What yea are about to see comes down from the time of the beginning, without change. This is the Vulcan heart…. This is the Vulcan Soul. This is our way….." Archer pronounced the words so clearly and with such precision that it made Hoshi proud to have been such a crucial part of what was going on around her. She stood there, her eyes full of tears, watching with great yearning for such romance in her life.

"Karifar…" The word came through the translator as "time of choice". The sound of jingling bells rang out again from behind the Captain. They continued to ring for several long seconds. Trip understood this as the time when T'Pol had the right to choose the challenge instead of the marriage. If she remained silent, then the marriage would continue, if she spoke that dreaded word 'Kalifee', then he would have to do battle with whomever she chose to replace him. Although he was moderately sure there would be no challenge today, Trip worried a bit, that his beloved might be having just as big of cold feet as he had this morning. He remained totally still, gazing longingly into her eyes. When she did the same, the Human felt his last remaining worries melt away.

The bells ceased… and the air ran quiet a moment before the Captain began to speak. The translation of his words sounded to the crowd like a very ancient and reverent ceremony.

"Charles James Tucker, son of Charles Jr., son of Charles the first, of earth, do you accept the female T'Pol to be your chosen mate." Archer looked up from the book to catch the regal nod that was to be the Human's answer.

"In doing so, you assure that you will protect her with your life, against all that would seek to harm her." Again he waited for the nod.

"You will provide for her welfare and that of any offspring this union will produce and protect them with your life against all invaders to this union." Trip responded again as he was instructed to do.

"And mostly, you will not hinder your mind to her or her mind to yours. You will put forth all effort to bind this union in our way, as it has been done for millennia, so will it be done now." A final nod from Trip and he let out the breath he'd been holding since the choice was announced. Archer turned to face T'Pol, whose eyes still hadn't left her mates.

"T'Pol, daughter of Stepan, daughter of Stev of Vulcan, do you accept the male Charles James Tucker III to be your chosen mate?" T'Pol's nod was just as regal, leaving nothing to question about her answer.

"In doing so will you see to his welfare, keeping him in good physical condition, and seeing to his needs as they arise." Trip saw her nod. It suddenly dawned on him why she seemed to be wanting to care for him lately. This was her expected roll in the marriage, and she was just getting a head start.

"Will you provide for his growth and for any offspring this union will produce and protect them with your life against all invaders to this union." Her nod came with the same precision every time.

"And mostly, you will not hinder your mind to his or his mind to yours. You will put forth all effort to bind this union in our way, as it has been done for millennia, so will it be done now." With her final nod, the bells began to ring again. This time was meant for an authentic priest to mentally assess the emotions coming from the bride and groom to see if they were truly genuine in their commitment set forth moments ago. Since the Captain had no such empathic powers, he simply bowed his head as instructed and cued the rest of the crew to do the same. The spectators thought this was a moment for silent prayer, so no one questioned the odd placement of this lull. After the moment passed, the bells ended with a sharp hit on the gong, this time by the Captain himself.

"It is done…." He announced in his best Vulcan accent. Now came the cue for Trip to extinguish the candles and claim his bride. He leaned forward, blowing gently not to splash the puddles of melted wax. The flames went out, long streaks of smoke rising from the three amber wicks. He then rose, and made his way to T'Pol's side, never once loosing touch with her fingers. Instead of helping her up, he kept his fingers steady as she too rose to a standing position. This bothered the southern male, having always been the mannered one, but knew it was part of what he was to expect. Their outward life would be like this now, limiting their contact and keeping it behind the privacy of the cabin door.

Once on her feet, Hoshi readjusted her train once more. The room parted, the door opening and crewmen filing out to make a path for the couple. They left, as T'Pol came, with Malcolm, Phlox, Hoshi in tow. Now to the group however, Archer, and Travis brought up the rear. They exited the room, walking past the onlookers that lined the hallways. The crew offered their congratulations, Trip with his big smile and T'Pol shyly nodding her appreciation for their remarks. The party made their way to the mess hall, where a small reception had been planned.


At the reception, the crew made their way past the bride and groom, offering their well wishes and happy thoughts. The air for Trip was that of a relaxed party mood, but for T'Pol it was just one more of the uncomfortable fraternization exercises that the Captain had tried to get her to learn since her first year aboard. She'd learned a thing or two about handling the Humans now though and found her new husband to be quite an interference runner. When a crewman seemed as though they were getting too familiar with his bride, Trip would jump in and keep her from having to experience any unwanted emotional barrages. This didn't go unnoticed by the alien either, as she began feeling quite safe when ever he was around her. The party wound on for a few hours, then the newlyweds snuck off to their respective cabins. They changed quickly, Trip coming back to T'Pol's quarters when he was finished. He wore civilian clothes and carried a duffle that held both their items together.

As he reached the doorway, it swished open without any doorbell. (She must have been waiting for me.) he thought entering without a word. He dropped the duffle on the cushion and looked about the room. It was empty and Trip wondered how the door was activated. Before he could think on the matter too hard, T'Pol stepped out of the doorway that led to the bathroom. She was dressed in her satin pink robe, that same robe that got them together in the first place. Trip wondered why she was dressed like that, since their exit to their honeymoon was through crowded passageways.

"Greetings my husband." She stated low dipping her head as she'd done during the ceremony. Trip didn't know what to expect.

"Greetings my wife" He came closer and put his arms about her waist. As they had discussed, this ritual of greeting would be most beneficial for the Human's bonding requirements. And having identified this and the kissing ritual equally important, T'Pol never failed to run through them at their meetings and their departures. Trip wasn't sure if she was merely going through the motions or was this robe thing a bit different. After several minutes of soft kisses and a very long embrace, he asked her what her attire was meant to represent.

"Hey darlin, you gonna wear that in the hallways?" Trip broached the question gently not to make her any more self conscious.

"I have been reading up on your honeymoon customs. It is written that your marriage ceremony isn't legal until the union is consummated." She stated this as her hand reached up and undid the tie of her robe. The garment began to open, as Trip's hands came up quickly to stop it.

"T'Pol this isn't necessary…. I mean, yes I want us to have intimate relations, but not because it says so in a book. I want it to be right for both of us…" Trip retied the silky fabric, feeling like either the biggest jerk in history for passing up a free offer of sex, or the most honorable of gentleman for having the patience to wait until the time was right for them both.

"You do not desire me?" She asked a bit shocked by his refusal.

"Of course I do…. But I want it to be special…. You'll see…it makes it all the better." He kissed her forehead again and pulled her into another warm hug. "Why don't you get dressed and we can go get started on our honeymoon."

"But what about the legality of our marriage…..?" T'Pol seemed concerned about the security of their union.

"T'Pol you are my wife and no one will ever change that. Now go get dressed so we can get going." His last comment was a bit more direct. T'Pol did as she was instructed, coming back into the room dressed in a civilian top and slacks that made Trip's eyes grow wide with pleasure.

They walked, fingers to fingers down the hall way to the lower levels of the ship. They arrived at the doors to cargo bay 3, and Trip set down the duffle against the wall of the bulkhead. He turned to T'Pol and told her to trust him, while he tapped in the code to the security lock. The latch popped off and he laid it on the floor beside the duffle.

Straightening he began "Okay… now close your eyes." He watched his wife give him a questioning look. "Come on T'Pol, just play along… I promise you're gonna love this." Trip gave her a big smile and waited for her to comply.

She closed her eyes and stood there waiting for him to spring it on her. "There is no one around, honey…. I promise…" The Vulcan questioned his statement, but realized what he was talking about when she felt his arms come beneath her and scoop her up. She was a bit disoriented as she was laid back against his chest. She heard the door swish open, and felt the warmer air blow across her face. A few steps forward and Trip eased her feet down onto the uneven surface. The Vulcan could feel her feet sinking into the shifting substance. Trip's presence seemed to fade slightly for a second, but after he'd retrieved the duffle and closed the bay doors, she could feel him just behind her again. Trip laid the items down and came up behind his wife. He wrapped his arms about her, leaning his head into her hair and whispering into her delicately pointed ear. "Okay, you can open your eyes now...."



Part 4

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Another great update - I'm really enjoying this story!! Can't wait to see how the honeymoon goes!!! :)

Ohhh! You're so EVIL to stop here! : )

I'M FIRST!!! or maybe not...anyway, FAN-TASTIC! Marriage ceremony was great, and I picutred the same purplish pink dress she wore at the funeral that (now) never took place with Koss! Only this one has a nearly transparent veil which I love!

OMGGG!!!!!!!!!! I just realized that the cargo bay/sand/vulcan vows/etc etc ALL CAME FROM E2!!

I had no idea, that's awesome!!

This is another great chapter, and I love how you did the honeymoon thing, though what a place to stop!

Great one, looking forward to read more.

Wow, this is fantastic, TLR!

Don't take this the wrong way, but I just read this in chronological order with all of HopefulRomatic's E2/Lorain returns universe... you two are great unintentional collaborators. :)

Wednesday's a long way off! How am I going to amuse myself until then?

Great story, enjoying it very much.

Great stuff. At first, I was getting the feeling that this marriage was just an arrangement to keep T'Pol from, like, killing herself or something. More of a business contract than a wedding, y'know? But now, I'm really feeling that their affection is coming through! Bravo, I can't wait for more! :)

yey this was great and exciting! really looking forward to part 4

I'm glad you like it. Turns out I don't have school until next Tuesday, so I will turn in part 4 today. It's a bit smutty, I mean it's their honeymoon and all, so if you are offended easily, I would skip that part. Hee Hee, and as usual, I got a bit more long winded than I planned, so it will end up being a 7 parter instead of a 5. Oh darn.......T.