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Season Four

"This season I wanted to make the Trip/T’Pol relationship deeper. Last year it seemed to be based a lot on massage therapy, and I felt their relationship deserved to be something richer and more permanent. By the final two episodes, you’ll see that a true understanding has developed between both characters.”

Manny Coto

visimag.com report on Coto interview in TV Zone

#1 Home
T'Pol invites Trip home to meet the mom. Hmm, isn't that a precursor to marriage in some cultures?

#1a Home
Trip seems rather pleased.

#2 Home
Trip admires the Vulcan view. 'You always were a snazzy dresser.'

#3 Home
T’Pol has taught her man well. Trip gives the Vulcan “hi” to mom.

Let’s see, Left hand, split the fingers into a Vee. T’Pol’s mom better be impressed.

#4 Home
T'Mom knows Trip and T'Pol are a couple:

T'Les: "I know you are romantically involved with my daughter."

and that the way they challenge each other is a good thing for both of them:

Trip: "I knew we had some kind of chemistry the first time we got into an argument. I never had fun arguing with anyone before. "

#5 Home
When T'Pol confronts her mother about her enforced retirement, T'Les counters by wondering about T'Pol's future with Trip: can a human and a Vulcan even have children? Why doesn't T'Pol just do her duty and marry Koss like she's supposed to?

T’Mom: “I’ll admit his ears are cute, and he did fix the food resequencer, but T’Pol, he’s still not a Vulcan!”
T’Pol: “Did you get a good look at his shoulders?”

#6 Home
Oh, dear. T’Pol agrees to wed another man to save mom’s job and restore her mother's place in Vulcan society. Trip is furious…and hurt.

“You brought me to Vulcan to watch you marry another man?!”

#6a Home
T’Mom: Hmmm. He does have nice shoulders. Maybe I was a bit hasty.

#7 Home
Mom realizes…too late…that Trip loves T’Pol and would be a good mate. Trip refuses to stop the wedding – he knows he would burden her if he tells her the truth about his feelings.

#8 Home
In a defiantly public kiss, T'Pol makes her true choice known as she says 'thank you' to Trip.

#9 Home
What had started so well with the invitation ends with heartache, regret, and the determination to do the right thing. What will happen over the year is what will bring them back together.


#10 Borderland
Trying to make the best of an awkward situation, Trip asks T'Pol about the honeymoon.

#11 Borderland
“What honeymoon?” T’Pol makes certain Trip knows she was meditating on Mt. Seleya--alone.

#12 Cold Station 12
Working together and making the tough choices--To blow up Archer or not to blow up Archer?--Trip and T'Pol are on the same page and have the same thoughts...

Trip: They've been captured.
T'Pol: It's the logical conclusion.
Trip: We have to make sure.
T'Pol: Agreed.


#13 Augments
...yet in private moments they deny their obvious connection. When T’Pol finds an excuse to get Trip talking to her, he goes into self-protective mode...

#14 Augments
….rationalizing that Romeo and Juliet had a better chance.

#14a Augments
The joyful challenge of arguing with each other has become a means of hurting each other. They have entered a dark valley, which will either make or break their relationship.

#15 Augments
Trip isn’t fooling anyone but himself and T'Pol. Dr. Soong sees right through him, observing, “Someone’s a little protective of Commander T’Pol."


#16 The Forge
T'Pol accepts the IDIC Koss brings from her mother, but cringes away from his attempt at an affectionate gesture.


T'Pol's influence is rubbing off on everyone: Trip gets the wry joke when Soval "thanks" him for noticing that he's good at hiding his appreciation for humans.

#18 Awakening
The Forge challenges everything T'Pol knows about herself, her family, and her culture. Yet, as T'Les dies, mother and daughter reconcile. T'Les lets us know that T’Pol has always struggled with her emotions, and lets T’Pol know that what she did, she did for her.


#19 Kir'Shara
Freed from Pa’Nar syndrome!

#20 Kir'Shara
Freed from Koss!


#21 Daedalus............................................................................................. #22 Daedalus
But not free from feeling inadequate as a Vulcan. The Kir’Shara has opened a whole new world for T’Pol. Perhaps, as T’Les hoped, the rediscovered words of Surak will help T’Pol find balance and peace. But her emotions are still too raw to accept Trip's offer of comfort—to give T’Pol what she gave him after Lizzie died. Rather than expose them, she shuts him out.

#23 Daedalus
Small moments reveal how much feeling remains between the two. Here he gently takes her injured hand---but…

#24 Daedalus.....................................................................................................#25 Daedalus
...T’Pol brushes Trip off when he tries to get her interested in Movie Night again, saying she has “other priorities” now.

#26 Daedalus
T’Pol has The Talk with Trip, but she isn’t as heartless as she seems. She does try to tell Trip she is on a journey of self-discovery, and that she has to take the journey alone. He knows it, and tries to make it easy for her.

#27 Daedalus
Trip may feel that she doesn’t need him now, but T’Pol never takes her eyes off Trip as she slowly leaves Engineering.


#28 Observer Effect.............................................................................#29 Observer Effect
Trip doesn’t see it, but we do. When he nearly dies, T’Pol is deeply affected, and her voice catches when she asks the captain to let her know..."If Commander Tucker becomes conscious...."


#30 Babel One:
Waiting for their famously rude Tellarite visitors, Trip cracks that “at least they’re honest.” As much as he tries to accept that she was straight with him, he can’t help being hurt—and striking back occasionally.

#31 Babel One:
Trip bitterly tells Malcolm he never should have gotten involved with T’Pol.


#32 The Aenar
Despite their efforts at denial, it’s pretty clear that both T’Pol and Trip still care for each other: T’Pol lets slip that she’s been discussing Trip with Phlox...

#33 The Aenar
...Clinging to the moment, Trip tries to talk to her about near-death revelations, but T'Pol goes into Vulcan mode and shoots him down.

#34 The Aenar
Their miscommunication is creating too much of a barrier: they can't understand each other or hear each other. Trip is more concerned for T'Pol's safety than the success of the mission. T'Pol is focused on the task.

#35 The Aenar..................................................................................... #36 The Aenar
Trying to put their relationship on a less intimate level, Trip nods casually to T'Pol and walks past her in the corridor. Knowing Trip is concerned about her safety, T'Pol tries to broach crossing the personal line during work, but Trip shuts her down and denies his concern is more than for a valued colleague

#37 The Aenar
Trip has a heart-to-heart talk with Phlox about T’Pol. Distraught, he laments, “What the hell am I going to do?” --Realizing can't separate romance and vocation...

#38 The Aenar
...he decides to leave Enterprise.


#39 Affliction
T'Pol tries to get Trip to admit he is leaving the ship because of her. Now it's his turn! Trip shuts T'Pol out.

#40 Affliction........................................................................................#41 Affliction
Trip can't resist a zinger: 'This may come as a shock, but not everything in my life revolves around you.' T'Pol takes his words at face value and she is hurt.

#42 Affliction
Their lives may not revolve around each other but...the two do meet in the oddest places...

#43 Affliction...........................................................................................#44 Afflication
...and still they can’t stop bickering, even in their minds:

T’Pol: Please leave.
Trip: Exactly where am I supposed to go?
T’Pol: Away.
Trip: This is my daydream. You go away.

#45 Affliction
Just in case T’Pol didn’t understand what that joint waking dream-state meant, Hoshi lets her know that she let her romantic feelings for Trip slip through during their mind meld. Hoshi’s never had romantic thoughts about Trip, but there they were in her post-mind meld dream.

Uh. Oh.


#46 Divergence
The suspense! Will Trip and T'Pol ever see each other again?! Well, yes. The suspense is shortlived.

#47 Divergence......................................................................................#47a Divergence
Once Trip comes back to assist Enterprise, T’Pol finds reasons to ‘help’ him in Engineering and, working together, they save the engines.
Hmm, working well together again...are things looking up for our duo?

#48 Divergence.......................................................................................#49 Divergence
T'Pol is not very good at subterfuge. She not-so-subtly tries to find out if Trip has noticed anything unusual, but Trip’s not buying her ‘this is just professional concern about your welfare’ approach:
Trip: “I sleep just fine. How 'bout you?”

#50 Divergence.......................................................................................#51 Divergence
T’Pol tries to act unconcerned when she asks if Trip is supposed to leave with Erika Hernandez, his new captain, but Trip lets her know he’ll be staying on the ship—temporarily.


#52 Bound
T’Pol's on another fishing expedition.

T’Pol: Commander...have you been experiencing any unusual daydreams?

(dramatic pause)

Trip: Well, let me think. No. Nothing comes to mind.

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!

Trip: Have you been having daydreams about me?

Like it wasn't obvious from your question!

T’Pol: It's not important.

Oh. Puh-leze!

#53 Bound
Heh, heh, heh, does Trip enjoy pulling her chain, keeping her off balance when she has always been in control? Hell…yeah! But she still won’t tell him what is going on.

Bound #54a
When Trip wonders why *he* is the only human male immune to the Orion women, T'Pol clues him in:

T’Pol: There's a long-held belief that when a Vulcan mates, there's a shared psychic bond.

Bound #54b
Trip: We didn't "mate."

(The word “mate” is a hot button for Trip. He sees it as a way of saying “sex” and thinks T’Pol is denying what they have together. However, to T’Pol, mating is the way Vulcans form intimate relationships.)

#54c Bound
T'Pol: Uh huh....

#55 Bound
However, once T'Pol explains about the bond, Trip comes clean about dreaming about T'Pol. They are finally straight with each other!

#56 Bound.........................................................................................#56a Bound
And this mating has the added bonus of a shared psychic bond, which makes Trip immune to the Orion women! Trip doesn’t know whether to be relieved…or really worried.

#57 Bound
After Trip and T’Pol save the ship and the crew, T’Pol gets teased about Trip’s influence on her – specifically, she picked up his sense of humor. Trip is amused and T’Pol a little peeved.

#58 Bound
Oh, our dueling duo is back in great form! They are so pleased they make a helluva team. T’Pol, being T’Pol, is still unwilling to say directly that she wants Trip to transfer back to Enterprise.
A confident Trip makes it a requirement, and in the end T’Pol complies. “Trip, I want you back.”

#59 Bound
And she adds her own brand of persuasion.

#60 Bound
Still, Trip makes her sweat a little, but he does savor the kiss.

#61 Bound
He’s back, Trip tells T’Pol...And they have a lot of work to do.

#62 Bound
At first, T’Pol isn’t quite certain what to make of Trip's response, but she ends with a confident smile, intrigued as ever by this human


#63 In a Mirror Darkly, Part 1
Meanwhile, in the Mirror Universe, Tucker and T’Pol are still drawn to each other in an equally complicated, but twisted, relationship...

#64 In a Mirror, Darkly - Part 1
...with their sexual attraction as the driving force.

#65 In a Mirror, Darkly - Part 1
T'Pol finds it easy to use Tucker's sexual attraction to mind meld with him-- getting him to sabatoge the ship without knowing it.

#66 In a Mirror Darkly, Part 1
After he spent a few rounds in the Agony Box, T’Pol taunts Tucker with what she has done, almost hoping for a violent reaction. Tucker nearly gives in her goading--but, however twisted, his feelings for T'Pol hold him back.

#67 In a Mirror Darkly, Part 2
Despite her perverse manipulations of the MU Tucker, T'Pol is still drawn to him. When he needs her, she flies to his side.

#68 In a Mirror, Darkly - Part 2
They could have been strong allies, as they were in the RU, but T'Pol's disgust for human treachery derailed that possibility. Our Trip and T'Pol, much as they misunderstand and miscommunicate, still trust and depend on each other, and that is the foundation that will help them succeed.


#69 Demons
A new twist in the Real Universe.

#70 Demons
Trip and T’Pol are shocked to discover they are parents.

#71 Demons
Stunned by the news, Trip is suspicious of T’Pol. She assures him that although she has never been pregnant, she knows the child is theirs.

#72 Demons
Trip has trouble processing both her assertions. Sometimes the "logic" of their bond completely escapes him.

#73 Demons
Lost in the mine while searching for Baby Tucker, Trip and T'Pol act out the Vulcan/human version of asking (or not) for directions like an old married couple.

#74 Demons
Old married couples may seem to be able to read each other's minds, but Trip and T'Pol are finding their bond to be disturbing--and a little invasive....

#75 Demons
...Through the bond T'Pol knows that Trip is still suspicious about her claim never to have been pregnant, but before he can reassure her...

#76 Demons
...They are caught by the evil Paxton, who wants to excise all the non-human species from Earth.


#77 Terra Prime
Trip and T'Pol meet their daughter. Poor baby girl. Paxton secretly used Trip and T'Pol's DNA, but deliberately mangled the sequencing, hoping to "prove" humans and Vulcans were incompatible.

#78 Terra Prime
Paxton forces Trip to help him with the targeting system by threatening T’Pol and the baby!

#79 Terra Prime
T'Pol introduces herself to her daughter, saying they will need to talk with her father about a name.

#80 Terra Prime
The Enterprise crew defeats Paxton, and Trip, T'Pol and their baby return to the ship..."

#81 Terra Prime
...where Phlox tends to the gravely ill infant while Trip and T'Pol keep a vigil.

#82 Terra Prime
…The IDIC a prominent symbol of the precious diversity of their daughter.

#83 Terra Prime
They name her Elizabeth, after Trip’s sister who was killed by the Xindi.

#84 Terra Prime
Phlox gives them the bad news. He cannot cure Elizabeth because Paxton's doctors did the sequencing wrong.

#85 Terra Prime
Their baby dies.

#86 Terra Prime.............................................................................#87 Terra Prime
Both are heartbroken.

#88 Terra Prime
But, there is hope. Trip tells T'Pol: "There's something else. I spoke with Phlox. It turns out there was a flaw in the technique that Paxton's doctors used in the cloning process. Human DNA and Vulcan DNA...Phlox says there's no medical reason why they can't combine. So, if a Vulcan and a human ever decided to have a child...it'd probably be okay. That's sort of comforting."

#89 Broken Bow..................................................................................#90 Terra Prime
And the series comes full circle.
In “Broken Bow” T’Pol would not shake Trip’s proffered hand. Now, the two clasp hands, the IDIC between them. A glimmer of hope in the darkness. They have come a long way since that first meeting in Broken Bow. And during that journey they have become strong.


NOTE: Trip/T'Polers has chosen not to include pictures from "These Are the Voyages" because we do not consider it to be a true part of "Enterprise." It is, instead, a rather mediocre 'lost episode' from "Star Trek: The Next Generation." While it does have strong elements of Trip and T'Pol's relationship, we find those to be untrustworthy as they are from a holographic recreation of dubious historical validity even within the episode. As far as we are concerned, "Enterprise"-- and Trip and T'Pol's story-- ends with "Terra Prime."

Back to The Trip/T'Polers Shipper's Guides menu.

A whole mess of folks have made comments

A wonderful recap!

Very nice. I especially love the comment by Manny: "by the last two episodes"...

And those final two photos (89 & 90) pretty much say it all, don't they? It's little things like those shots that just make me angrier about The Abomination...

Nice guide to season four!! :) Thanks for completing this...and letting us have the nice memories!

Thank you for that wonderful season 4 recap - lovely job (and I'm so glad you didn't include 'that thing'). Oh, if only there was a season 5....*sigh*

amen to the comments regarding "that one" episode. Relieved that it wasn't included, and loved the way you wound it back full circle by mentioning that scene from Broken Bow.

That was oh so cute. Nice pics for season 4!

I wish there was a season 5. Nice recap of season 4,thanks!

I like how you tie the handclasp at the end of Terra Prime back to the refused handshake in Broken Bow. Nice connection.

TATV is a 'rather mediocre lost episode from TNG'.
Truer words were never spoken. DOWN WITH TATV!!

That was WONDERFUL! Thanks, you guys ... you made me get all sniffly again.

Thanks for not including the Abomination.

It's quite obvious that Trip and T'pol really ended up together in the RU. Trip and T'pol had to keep their relationship a secret after what happened to them in Terra Prime and when Enterprise was going to be decommisioned after six years, Trip and T'pol discovered they were pregnant and knew this was going to be a huge problem on Earth. Trip had to fake his death and found exile in a planet, which was new to space exploration, where his Warp expertise is gravely needed and T'pol (together with Dr. Phlox to monitor and study the pregnancy) just followed him soon after the Federation was signed. Yes, that's what happened, and I'm sticking to that story!

I love that series and the trip/t'pol story. They soooooo would have stayed together despite the ridiculous finale they tried to shove down our throats.

T/T forever!

So True , TRIP AND T'POL FOREVER !!!!!!!

Oh, I'm in tears all over again.

Thanks for a beautiful recap of the truest 'ship in the Trekverse. If only it didn't have the stinking cloud of TATV hanging over it. *Sniffle, sob*

But really, a wonderful job all around. Congrats.

Great decision not to include TATV. It wasn't cannon; it was just a dream that Stupid, Fat Riker had after a night out with a dozen pizzas and a case of Lucky Lager.

Thank you for that lovely recap. And kudos for ignoring TATV, I know I have. Sigh, I miss the show!!!

I want Enterprise back! :-(

Wonderful recap! Congrats and Thanks! Nice way to conclude.

Did you mention TATV? What TATV? What does not exist, does not exist!

Excellent! Come back Enterprise!!!!

Glad you didn't conclude that episode which must not be named. It doesn't deserve to exist!

I'm such a sap. By the end of this I was on the verge of tears... again...

Once again, you guys did an excellent job with the guide. One my favorite parts was the, "Meanwhile, in the Mirror Unvierse". LOL!!! That was a great segue. :)

There were a couple of things that weren't included, that I would have liked to see.

There was their argument and ready room conversation in Storm Front where they discussed what they wanted to do when they got back home. Then there was T'Pol repeatedly asking if the captain had found Trip, in Storm Front Part II.

Then in The Forge, T'Pol cannot take her eyes off of Trip as she prepares to transport down to Vulcan.

The rest of it though. Great stuff. "Liar, Liar, pants on fire..." Too funny. :)

Most excellent! I like BabyEnterprise's synopsis.
I'm sticking to that story, too!

that was great! :D

well now i'm very sad again..
Enterprise is really gone..
love the screencaps it was really great!
love the last two pictures.

but enterprise will exist forever with our fanfiction and fan-art isn't not ;)

Look these damm Holodeck of the Galaxy-Classships make some mistakes before.
Look as Jordi wanna creat a Lea Brahms!!
Later as the real Lea Brahms come onbaord the Enterprise it was a fully different Person like the Lea on the Holodeck.
The Computer has only Hisotrical Data not the personal Logs of Trip and T`Pol and maybe the Computer thought tha Vulcans are cold as a Icecream and so he did us not show real Things.

PS.Rick Berman hisself said that he wrotes "These are the Voyages" down before he make the 3 Season so at this Time he never know whtas going on in the 4 Season between Trip&T´Pol

Greeting from Germany

Yeah , I saw the same article ! When He wrote TATV ( @the beginning of season 3)he didn't know how Trip and T'Pol were going to develop.
I really wish they would bring the show again. I mean guys , this really suck !!! This was such a great show. SAVE ENTERPRISE !!!!

what a wonderful team, so really!
Enterprise and Trip and T´Pol forever,
season 4 ist the best....

Perfect!! 'Nuff said.

In Italy season four is just finished... I mean, yesterday I saw Demons and Terra Prime, which most of the fans on the web consider the real Enterprise Finale.. I've waited for so long to watch these episodes.. they are so touching and powerful, a perfect end, if the show has to come to an end... I love T&T in these episodes, the only thing I didn't like was the fact that Trip lied to T'Pol about trusting her..
I don't know wheter to watch or not These are the voyages next week...

p.s. a question: I've read that Paramount wants to do another Star Trek film, does anyone know if the cast is the one of Enterprise or is it still Picard&Co?

T´Pol forever

I have been looking for a site like this for a long time :) its good to know there are people out there like me who are facinated with the chemestry between Trip and T'pol....great site....I wonder is we could ever get Connor or Jolene to send some comments about the site :)....cheers....


I think after ENT was cancelled I got burnt out... but I'm slowly coming back to it. It was wonderful to review Trip & T'Pol's ups and downs.

I think I'm ready to write again. Thank you.

Can't belive those idiots canceled the show.

"has chosen not to include pictures from "These Are the Voyages" because we do not consider it to be a true part of "Enterprise." It is, instead, a rather mediocre 'lost episode' from "Star Trek: The Next Generation." While it does have strong elements of Trip and T'Pol's relationship, we find those to be untrustworthy as they are from a holographic recreation of dubious historical validity even within the episode. As far as we are concerned, "Enterprise"-- and Trip and T'Pol's story-- ends with "Terra Prime.""

True yes how ture I can't watch the last ep, TATV at all!! No way I would breake the disc or the TV... Trip and T'pol can never be together!!! :( *crys*

But I do love the pics sooo much!!! xD


Brilliant recap of all 4 seasons..so funny in places and so achingly sad in others. Absolutely right to end with Terra Prime...it gives us all hope for Trip and T'Pol in the future.(At least in our 'very' active imaginations!)