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Driving with the Brakes On, by ancasta

From ancasta:

I have a new vid. It's kind of angsty and set to Del Amitri's "Driving with the Brakes On." The links are:

Driving with the Brakes On (35 MB, but a much bigger window size)


Driving with the Brakes On (4.5 MB)

Please right click to save/download.

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A whole mess of folks have made comments

yeah! great vid *^_^*

fantastic video!!! I liked it very much

That was great!!

What a wonderful song. It captured the pain of their relationship perfectly. Well done!

itīs great,sad, amazing

great song, with your videos i've been discovering new songs that i just love. Absolutely adored the Human video. thanks

Phenomenal. As endearing as "You Must Love Me." THAT'S a complement!

WOW!!! That was beautiful... I'm so honored that someone compared it to mine (yours is just so--WOW!!) This one will definitely get replayed over and over again on my computer. Thank you for taking the time to make such a gorgeous vid!

What a fantastic video, you've made an excellent choice of pictures to match such a poignant song, thankyou.

This was wonderful. Thanks so much. Great quality - superb lyrics. The TATV scenes still crack me up - can't bear to watch that episode ever again...especially when T'Pol smells Trip's clothing *sob*. It's just so sad.